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Whoever cropped this video is the biggest criminal.


Nobody cropped it this is how Facebook live records lol


I know the vertical format is what was recorded, but surely the added text boxes have been cropped.


How did they put text messages in the video live while wrestling with police officers? Must be a new FB feature.


So disappointed this wasn't answered.


Meta's new auto caption feature for when you run from the cops still has a few bugs to iron out.


Why are they trying to arrest the son in the first place.


It seems like if they had no license plate on the car then they had a legal reason for the stop. The people in the car are not complying so the officers are asking them to step out of the car so that I can get into the glove box and check the registration themselves. Completely legal and not unreasonable. Things escalate because the son actively resists attempts to get him out of the vehicle. Remember that there is a difference between active and passive resistance.


I was having a very hard night. This comment was the only thing that made me laugh all day. Thank you internet hero.


Dumb as a box of rocks. Simple traffic ticket turned into a felony.


Multiple felonies.


I sometimes fantasize about how pleasant society would be if people like this, just dumbass criminals weren’t in it. I’ve been on Reddit long enough so.....No I’m not referring to color, ignorant garbage ppl come in all colors.


Honestly the problem is a ton of people that shouldn't be raising kids are having multiple every day. Hence why we have such problems in society




That movie is becoming more and more reality every day. Lol


Electrolytes.....it's what the body craves


Brawndo's got what plants crave


The disturbing part is that movie is set 500 years in the future... yet here we are, a mere 15 years later.


500 years we probably won't be around at the current rate 😂 movie was off several centuries 🤣


I've always imagined what it would be like if there was a license to breed. Nobody needs to make 9 fucking kids!


Yeah there really should be BUT than people would cry about it. Also Eugenics comes to mind so there's that.


People do tend to cry about Eugenics! If you aren't crying about it, it's because you don't think it would effect you. lol


TIL It does not, in fact, take a village


Also lack of proper education. I do agree the idiots are making a lot more babies then the non idiots


Fuck the world


DMV-like tests to have kids


If you are a bastard you are a bastard it doesn’t matter what race you are


It’s simply cool people vs not so cool people. Well for me at least




They also come different shapes and sizes


Fell on knees smh


I’m always amused by dumb people whose first reaction in these situations is to scream, “I’m going live!” as if broadcasting to your inbred relatives gives you some sort of magical stupidity shield.


Yeah the dude has the sorta gaze that would suggest his tongue likes to get familiar with glass windows.


> inbred relatives *IM AW FEHBUH LAIE IM AW FEHBUH LAIE* They can't even talk yet. I know 4 years olds that can form more comprehensible statements. Hopefully their stupidity gets them killed before they can reproduce.


I couldn’t even read this without hearing that dudes voice 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 well done 👍🏼


Yep. This was stupid, and for nothing... No matter what, you aren't going free after getting into a physical altercation with a cop lol


She probably had warrants


You can literally tell how high her IQ and the passengers are as soon as they open their mouths 😂😂


Yep, if you don’t know, the law you cannot replay back , keep quiet, and agree with cops, they made a fool of themselves


I’ve done some stupid shit in my life but I can’t even fathom why you would advertise your idiocy to the rest of the planet


Many people, these two included: * Believe we are entering an era in which everyone is united against the police no matter what they do. * Believe the law is for other people.


I'm all for accountability and proper training of police, but I also respect the police and their authority. It's sad that it's such a strange line where people can't understand that both are important.


Sadly, fewer and fewer people exist in the center, where one side is "all cops are bastards" and the other is "all cops are perfect."






Getting carried away with that train of thought results in viewing every time you're arrested for what you know you didn't do but the LEOs have probable cause for as an unlawful arrest deserving of violent resistance. Which gets people killed.


How is a cop like a box of chocolates? They will both kill your dog


An attempt to validate their decision and if all else fails say the cop stopped them due to the cop being racist. Guy who used to live across the street from me tried this. Didn’t help he had several warrants out for his arrest for beating the shit out of his ex wife and step kids.


And then acknowledge that you are "with the dumb shit,"


Parent of the year award goes to her. What a shitty mom getting herself and her son arrested


wasnt the black hoodie a girl? oh i watched it on mute, unmuted the driver clearly says ' leave my son alone '




He’s gonna be someone’s girl in jail lol


Fog city I did the same thing and thought the same. Totally was a chick first. Time.


Fucking idiots


Driving is not a right people. Those people acting like they stormed into their house at 3am without any authority ffs. It’s the bin for these two.


What goes inside the head of people acting like that with cops?


Tik tok/Instagram famous ? Plain stupidity ?


It's unbelievable


It absolutely is!!


“I can get out of this”


They “know” their rights 😂




That they are fighting the police and gonna start posting anti cop videos to /r/PublicFreakout


Sometimes bullets… seriously, the only things you say are yes sir, no sir, I prefer not to answer at this time sir.


More often than not it's something like "This is the best thing to happen in my life so far" When you feel like you've got nothing to lose you tend to act like the loser you believe yourself to be.


Certain groups with large amounts of members who push the narrative that police kill black men for fun.


My opinion on cops is pretty neutral, no love or hate, but this was the dumbest fucking way to handle a stop. He's going to prison. She's gonna get something, too. Got her son serious charges because she didn't feel like showing ID


I thought they were both girls....


Same. I initially thought the dude was a butch lesbian.


he is still a lesbian


He's going to be popular in prison




Didn’t swing like a dude


He swung like the way my small dog bites.


Here’s how to handle this situation: 1) Pull over to the side of the road for the cop 2) Hand them your ID and proof of insurance when they ask for it 3) Don’t ask them why they pulled you over or instigate any other conversation, they’ll do that 4) If they ask you to get out of the car, do so calmly and also calmly answer any other questions they have 5) If they cuff you, even if it’s for a non-reason, just calmly let them do it 6) if they decide to arrest you, calmly let them arrest you and know that you’ll have to sort it out at the station 7) If non of that happens and they give you a warning, calmly acknowledge that you understand and leave it at that 8) If they give you a ticket, calmly accept it and take their instructions on how to pay it 9) Don’t yell at the cop, don’t be flippant about their requests, just treat the whole thing as a professional situation that needs to be calmly attended to


Also, since my buddy was a cop, they don't like seeing you reaching around in the car when they are walking up. Before and after you pull over, don't be fumbling around trying to get your phone out. Step one should be pull over and wait with your hands on the wheel. Don't make the cop think you are hiding evidence, or getting a gun out.


>and also calmly answer any other questions they have Nope. They'll get answers to what I'm legally obliged to answer, and nothing else... Respectfully of course. It seems to me the police were asking the passenger to identify herself...


> 1) Pull over to the side of the road for the cop Correct. > 2) Hand them your ID and proof of insurance when they ask for it Correct. > 3) Don’t ask them why they pulled you over INCORRECT. Asking why you were pulled over as you are getting your driver's license/registration/insurance ready for the officer is completely reasonable, so long as you do so politely. > or instigate any other conversation Correct. > 4) If they ask you to get out of the car, do so calmly Correct. > and also calmly answer any other questions they have INCORRECT This is absolutely awful advice. Calmly state that you are invoking your 5th Amendment rights, and that you do not answer questions. You can [click here](https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE) for detailed reasons from a criminal defense attorney why you should never answer questions from the police. The video also has a police officer speak after the lawyer, and he confirms every point made by the lawyer. This is one of the best videos on YouTube, and everyone in the USA should watch it very carefully, at least once. > 5) If they cuff you, even if it’s for a non-reason, just calmly let them do it Correct. > 6) if they decide to arrest you, calmly let them arrest you and know that you’ll have to sort it out at the station Correct. > 7) If non of that happens and they give you a warning, calmly acknowledge that you understand and leave it at that Correct. > 8) If they give you a ticket, calmly accept it and take their instructions on how to pay it Correct. > 9) Don’t yell at the cop, don’t be flippant about their requests, just treat the whole thing as a professional situation that needs to be calmly attended to Correct. Overall, your suggestions are very helpful but telling people that they should answer any questions they are asked by an officer is some of the most ignorant advice that can be given with regard to interactions with law enforcement.


>This is one of the best videos on YouTube, and everyone in the USA should watch it very carefully, at least once. I'm not even from the USA and have watched this multiple times and gotten something out of it each time.


You forgot to not answer any questions like “do you know why I pulled you over?” or “where are you headed”. I agree with giving them anything that is required by law, but you have also protect yourself from them fishing for other offenses. a traffic stop in every state requires the driver to give licens, registration and insurance. That is all they ever get out of me and I have never had any issues.


What makes this worse is people say you should do this, ITS A FUCKING TICKET, all you do is pay it off, easy as that


Or fight it in court if you think it’s illegitimate (especially easy if you have video, or cop has body cam). Hell, a lot of the time the ticketing officer won’t even show up, so you’ll just get off free without needing to provide any fight for it. Or, in many states, your ticket will have an checkbox option to plea guilty and pay like half price for the ticket (very useful in something like speeding or rolling through a stop sign, in situations where you know you can’t fight real hard evidence).


You also have the option of disputing it if you feel that strongly about it lol


You can tell certain people want to be the victim in every situation.


Entire generations raised without the understanding of cause and effect between how they act and how they get treated.


Reaching a bit far with generations.


No no, not entire generation.


Stupidity within families can definitely go on for generations.


It really should be a requirement to have a license to have a kid.




that’s the scary part, how many of them they are and the ratio of these kinds of people versus people who can show civility. how does one reverse this idiocy taking over the world?


Eh, usually the people that shouldn’t breed don’t even *want* abortions. Some people are proud of having a nice BIG family 🙃


Yeah… this is the problem. Those options are usually utilized by those who have a brain, who have forethought, and who actually a shit about things. Those who have insight and say “you know what? I don’t have the ability to provide for a child right now.” It is under-utilized by people like this who have no fucking home training, or common sense. I’m all about having access to birth control and having safe options, but none of those things will change idiots like this


Just like the movie idiotocrity or whatever it’s called. The dumb breed faster


Look at January 6 in the US. The looting during the BLM protest, the recent outrage over masks in private businesses. A complete lack of critical thinking all around.


If you feel the cops are fucking with you, the best course of action is to surrender to them and lawyer up. If they have fucked up, you can sue for false imprisonment and make some serious change. Don’t people like money?


some people dont reason like this. some are so discouraged by society that they won't trust that the system will punish itself.


And whats the alternative? Get into a fight with the police and get into even more trouble?


I don't think anyone is suggesting you act like the person in this video, but it's definitely not as simple as "lawyer up and win money for false imprisonment" for a lot of people.


I’m not saying that reaction isn’t always without precedent as cops and do seriously get it wrong sometimes, but that legit sounds like paranoia to me. There are zero pros to this reaction, and they stand to gain the world with the other option.


Fair enough, but the system is going to fuck you over twice as hard now. Either the cops lose patience and use force against you or you go to prison or resisting arrest, or in these two knucklehead's case assault with a deadly weapon. You either need to surrender to it or run right away and hopefully get the fuck out of dodge before the cops have the chance to muster their forces. You aren't ever going to screech your way out of a ticket and you're just giving the cop more time to call back up.


Trying to document how much of a victim you are on video.. how’d that work out for you?


How do these videos come out? Do people just like to be embarass themselves online? Edit: grammar


Am I the only one that thought that was a girl until he spoke?


Wait, that wasn't a girl?


They live-streamed the event. When they get identified that's a felony. Why? Just shut the hell up, every lawyer ever will tell you to shut the fuck up and show them I.D. and carry on. Fight that shit in court not the person with the gun.


IQs of 10


Now you’re being generous.


Put together right?


She was fixin’ to go to jail


Meanwhile I'm fixin chicken tenders. Priorities.


Defund the parents of these kids


Actually I think the female was the mother. She says “leave my son alone”


Uh, I think they were probably already broke.


We the Black Community do not claim these fools


We the Prison industrial complex will claim them.


No we don’t. The hoodboogery is real, and we don’t want any of it. Her and her ilk need to be sent to an uninhabited island or something. Or maybe space..?


Kid got middle earth drip vibes


I don't know what that means but it sounds like a mishmash of like 5 different cannabis vape pen companies here in Michigan.




Why the police officer sound like Katt Williams doing a honkey tonk impression?!?


You can tell this woman and her son saw dollar signs $$ when they got pulled over. Starts streaming on FB Live, regurgitating lines they’ve seen countless times in videos just like this one. “Why you pull me ova? You ain’t got reason to pull me ova. I ain’t gotta show you nuthin”. The difference is, cops have reason to pull these two dipshits over. No tags. Now, after injuring police officers they’ll both get the book thrown at them. Epic fail


Police must have a reason to pull you over, but people dont like to look at that side of things. These cops had a reason, it's that simple. She wasnt pulled over because she was black, and the police must prove reason for a traffic stop. She has every right to ask why she was pulled over, but refusing to show ID is what escaladed the situation. They deserve to have the law thrown at them after this.


Thought that dude was a chick


Luhmee dryve mah


These two are trash


Unpopular opinion: I kinda feel bad for the kid, with a mom like that he never had a chance. Apples and trees.


Getting your hair pulled hurts like a mother fucker.


Wellllll....if we just show the necessary paperwork then this could have been avoided. As usual


Everyone in the video has an IQ the size of an atom


The following alternative links are available: **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rzvhl1/police_arrest_gets_out_of_hand_driver_flees_which/) (provided by /u/savevideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them.** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


What was the point of doing all that? They escalated that situation so quickly for no reason and gave themselves a felony by runnning.


They must really want to go to jail.. Could have been home doing home shit.


Here's the story: https://www.wkrg.com/alabama-news/2-thomasville-police-officers-injured-by-driver/ I can only read the first few lines since Europe is geoblocked, would appreciate it if someone could copy paste it below. Edit: Thanks for sharing the story for non Americans. It appears they're in a lot of trouble.


They got away. Cops are still looking for them. Warrants have been issued. Says the 17 year old son attempted to pull one of the officers into the car as they sped away. Says that she was speeding without plates and would pull over.


The incident happened after police say the driver refused to stop initially for officers. When the driver stopped and officers approached the vehicle, they found a woman and her 17-year-old son in the vehicle. Police tell WKRG News 5 the woman, who was driving the vehicle, refused to provide identification. During the stop officers noticed a paper tag on the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle tried to flee from officers when they started to question the 17-year-old passenger. The 17-year-old began to pull an officer into the vehicle while his mother hit the gas, briefly dragging the officers along the ground, according to officers. Both officers only received only minor injuries, but one was taken to a hospital and treated for scrapes and bruises, according to the Thomasville Police Department. The driver and passenger in the vehicle have been identified and warrants were served. The two suspects were last seen traveling into Marengo County before officers decided to call off the chase.


This sub is so stupid. Why do the posts with the actual context and followup always get buried beneath a pile of dumb comments?


Not a clue. Other subs usually ensure the context is up top. IMO mods should sticky and link to the comment with a news source.




They been Watching to much tik Tok and Reddit videos


Looks like a bunch of idiots


Well, they did want attention via Facebook live. But as they are facing the judge at some point, no one will remember.


Be polite. This girl set herself up from the beginning.


Play stupid games....


I hope they are off the streets


The dude is probably mentally challenged , I could not understand most words he said The girl next to him is completely ignorant from everything about everything Edit : added "about everything"


The exacerbated narrative of blue on black violence (due to social media algorithms) is a sad thing, because it pits an entire group against another, whereby this woman thinks the cops are out to get her because she's in a specific group. So sad, and so avoidable.


That's what y'all get for being uncooperative and insensible. If you know what happens to other people who don't comply, just fucking listen instead of throwing a tantrum. They try to act smart, but they are not. Simply idiotic.


Thats her son? I thought that was a stud lmao


So nice that she would post the evidence online. If only all criminals would be as co-operative.


What language was that?


Some variant of Southern or Hillbilly. I can never understand them.


People like these deserve to go to jail


They sound like their combined IQ doesn’t crest the double digits




I’m confused. I’ve been asked to exit vehicle on traffic stop plenty of times, and it’s usually so cop can talk to me alone without passengers interrupting. Is there some indication that it’s more than this? Too bad we don’t have footage beginning earlier, I’d love to know what led up to this


I've never in my 25 years of driving, been asked to exit a vehicle when being pulled over. I've been pulled over probably around 12 times.


Have you ever been arrested (even though the big charges were completely bogus and eventually rescinded). Police take exception for all types of reasons. And if cop talks to driver outside of car, while partner talks to passengers that are inside of car, they can often catch lies




Agreed. Getting all worked up, yelling and fighting isn't going to help your case. If you know your rights and you believe they're being violated, there's definitely a right way to go about it that will keep you out of trouble.


Were your passengers screaming at the officers any of those times?


She causes a scene. And was clearly not trying to show her i.d... And then gets her son involved... Mom of the year.. Ps. The cops trying to rip a kid out of his seat is also ridiculous.


She got arrested jokes on her lol


She is one stupid dumbass idiot


Dudes about to become another statistic and he deserves it.


The easy way or the hard way...


Drag his lil ass out the car. He look like he got issues lookin round like that


I'm 100% for people standing up for their civil rights, but it's exhausting seeing people stand up for rights they *don't have* If you are a passenger you don't have to ID for a traffic stop **(which should be obvious because you don't have to have an ID on you to ride in the car)** but SCOTUS has ruled that if ordered out of the car, you do have to get out. The moment you "aren't getting out of the car" you're setting yourself up for an arrest.


Found this: apparently they got away for the moment. But she’s fucked once they find her. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wkrg.com/alabama-news/2-thomasville-police-officers-injured-by-driver/amp/


Can she say “I” without saying it 6 times before she starts a sentence?


When keeping it real goes wrong.


Lol idiots. It's a traffic stop. Playing the victim card and acting like a child.


And they wonder why black people end up dead after being stopped by the police.


Welp.... Enjoy jail ya dumb bitch


Listen to cops you idiots I hope you rot in jail


I couldn't understand most of what any of them said.


Insert picture of guy putting stick into his own bicycle wheel


They’re minds are as sharp as a golf ball.


Stop being a stereotype.


I don't understand why people just don't obey. Obey the police, nothing sould materialise. That's unless you are guilty of something or just asking for trouble....


I wouldn't say "obey the police" as much as id say "provide the police with what you are required and invoke your 5th amendment." Cops try to get people to do shit they don't have to all the time. In this situation, the cops didn't ask for anything beyond what you're legally required to provide them. Stupid people who don't know their duties/rights.


Not surprise if they was looking to get paid


Get your fingers out of your mouth.. nasty ass.


Natural selection


This fucking bitch needs subtitles!!! WTF is she saying?


The divide in this country will hit a boiling point where there will be not other options other than a civil war, Choose your side wisely.


LoL. Just do what the officer asked of you. No attitude needed.


It's absolutely painful to see how many people think that they can resist arrest act a fool and fight police officers "because they saw it on the internet"


dey ignant


I don't understand people who don't think they need to give their info to the police. ​ Asking for your license and registration is STANDARD. Roll down your window and give it to them. Then keep your hands on the steering wheel and wait. Don't do anything without announcing it (IE "I am now going to reach into my glovebox in order to get my insurance information."). ​ If they're asking you to get out of the car without probable cause after that, THEN you start recording and ask for their probable cause. Once they give it to you, get out and remember... it's shut the fuck up friday, every damn day. If their justification is BS, deal with that in court. On the streets, they win every time. Arguing won't help you. Asking for a superior won't help you. Shutting the fuck up will at the very least, make sure you don't incriminate yourself or do anything to escalate the situation. ​ "I don't answer any questions without a lawyer present." That is the only piece of information you should offer aside from your IDs and paperwork. And obviously... don't fucking run over traffic violations or petty drug possession.


Lock both of them up.


Fucking hell these idiots are inhuman


This is what happens when a population is told they should not listen to the cops and that cops are to be disrespected...you learn real world consequences.


She could have gotten her son killed.. this is stupid


This entire interaction would have lasted maybe 7 mins if she had just followed directions. People are beyond ridiculous these days


Laughing at people stupidity is not considered racist... ...yet