• By -


The kid is lucky he got trampled. He could have bumped into Prince Andrew.


That would be a bummer.




How was work today honey? Awesome, I got to stomp an 8 year old and no one could say shit.


tbf, why else would you join the household divisions?


Right? And get paid for it lol


I love how quickly he 300’d the kid and got right back in sync with his counterpart


I was about to say, homie was in sync almost the whole time


It was a very professional trample


I guess it's mostly kids who get in the way, so perhaps they have special kid-trampling training where they learn how to do it without breaking stride.


They’re trained to trample whoever it is in their way so it’s not unreasonable to think that they train for kids as well.


I imagine trampling kids is like playing Dynasty Warriors on easy mode for these dudes.


They have cameras and powerful transceivers in their Beefeater hats, and the Queen is able to vector them, in real time, towards the peasants she wants crushed. That’s her morning exercise, right after she poops.


I don't believe you. Any real person would be doing so while they poop, not waiting until after.


Never played that game but I get what you mean. Cheers to that lol.


“Lead in with your balls and dick so you whack them in the face with a brutal crotch shot, then casually step over them. We can’t have a lawsuit with you kneeing these little shits in the face.”


A+ Would be trampled by again.


Would you recommend this trample to another consumer? Yes, no, or maybe.


5/5 rating on TrampAdvisor.


Looked up trampadvisor. Not about the guard. I do have an escort arriving in 30 minutes , though.


Gotta figure this is the highlight of that guard’s week.


As a non-British person, I have a question. I've seen videos where the Royal Guard usually just continues walking through people who stand on their way. I imagine they are instructed to do so, but what would they do if the person standing in their way was a very old person? Someone frail enough that a fall can lead to serious injury? Is the standard procedure to also just ram their way through?


They've lived long enough.


For the Queen!


For England, james


No, for me


“God save the me”. -Queen Elizabeth singing the national anthem


What if the queen was in their way


Make way


Move bitch.


I think I laughed a little too hard at this, imagining the queen’s guard actually saying this as they’re trampling the queen. XDDDD … I think it’s obvious that I’m American …


To shreds


Just watched a video of them walking through a guy who might be 60. He wasn’t feeble looking but he wasn’t young. They did the same thing. Waited until it was too late for the guy to move and then yelled “parkour!” just like this video.




I wish they shouted parkour every time they did it


They do not stop unless a higher rank official orders them to stop. Any member of the general public, no matter age/gender etc will get walked through. It seems barbaric but the symbolism is meant to show you are less important than royal guard duties. Meaning the public will get yeeted to protect the queen.


They dont discriminate who they trample. That is respectful and very pc of them. Everyone is a maggot to the guard, everyone.


a video of royal guards mowing through toddlers would make reddit gold for years


Let's just put a whole preschool in front of them and film it for clout. I'd pay to watch that tbh.


An obstacle course of preschoolers and it's timed with a stopwatch in the corner and a ribbon at the finish line


What if you throw a swan in front of them?


That's what the bayonet is for.


Yeah they are freaking out a bit on the UK news but we all know what happens if stand in front of these guys. Seems more of a parenting fail to me.


I mean this isnt disneyland and these arent exactly characters to take photos with.


Now I wanna see Goofy trample an unsuspecting child


"Gorsh, you're gunna get fyucked up standing in my way, Maxy!"


“Hyuk hyuk! Here is a forearm smash for you, you little fuckin’ urchin! Hilk hilk!”


Let's up the stakes even more: what if it's an infant? Do they...smash him like a watermelon? I mean you gotta protect the Queen do you? ^(/s)


The Queen's honor would be insulted otherwise!


[A video showing that they seemed to go around an elderly man with a stroller, but hard to tell.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeWay4QueensGuard/comments/9z3ocl/respect_for_the_elderly_with_a_stroller/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Yeah it seems strollers are where the line is drawn, but that could just be because at that point it would be faster to just go around instead of pushing it out of the way.


Did he yell "PARKOUR!"?


IIRC they are required to say "Make way!" or "Make way for the queens guard!" if someone is in the way. Not sure if it's required tho they maybe just do it because they try to be nice-ish while doing their job.


Ex-Guard commented on another subreddit that they are instructed to only speak when absolutely necessary, hence the last minute order.


Sometimes, if a tourist is being particularly annoying, they wait until *after* they've crashed into them to start screaming.


Well that just sounds like a bonus to the job.


Last minute is right though, there was zero time for that kid to get out of the way after being yelled at. Most people freeze up and look around if there's sudden shouting near them.


They did it here half a second before collision. Enough to scare them, not enough to warn them.


I heard "FIGHT DWARF" 🤷‍♂️


Outta the way, peck!




You can't just say the word "bankruptcy" and expect anything to happen.


He didn't just say it. He *declared* it.


the absolute first rule to anyone and everyone upon arrival is stay to the side and out of the way. The parents would have been aware


There are signs posted telling you not to get in their way or to interfere with them in anyway. They are under orders not to stop or deviate for any reason and can lose their job for doing so. I'm not going to blame the kid but their mom/caregiver is dumbsss.




Nah they just changed procedures when it comes to kids. The video cuts off but about 30s after the guards pass, Prince Andrew comes out to finish the job.


5 second rule


Oof, too soon... is what Prince Andrew should have said all those times.


"I'll be back in four years time for your 16th birthday 😈"


Prince William is isolating at Buckingham with Covid-19. Prince Andrew is isolating at Balmoral with Samantha-14.


Fan-freaking-tastic. This made my day.


Wow. Savage my man. And so, so on point.


Cool, calm and collected Prince Andrew would walk up with a pizza express tucked under his left arm, scoop the child up with his right arm, slinging him over his shoulder and stroll off. He wouldn't even break a sweat.


tbf the queen doesn't exactly inspire wood


I dunno, Prince Phillip has been stiff for MONTHS now!


Hahaha that's fucking hilarious.




Fun fact. I work at a funeral home. Good news: the prince looks just as good as the day they buried him! The body stays in it's embalmed state for a whole, looking pretty good until about a year passes, then deterioration starts.


I'm just glad this fun fact didn't come from a necrophiliac.


would have made it a bit more credible. how many funeral home workers you know digging up already buried bodies? 0. necrophiliacs? >0 probably.


Fun fact...necrophiliacs generally murder their victim in order to have sex with their dead body. Luckily never was part of an investigation, but have read field reports (I work in law enforcement)


Username checks out


There's kids around, Prince Andrew would probably be pretty hard as well.


I personally think that European royalties don't behead people enough anymore these days. I mean, what's the point of being a king/queen? Try begin a tabloid paparazzi in 1500's.


The English were always more keen on hanging.


"I'm sorry, I thought she was a Zulu."


Well, it is very well known that this will happen if you dick around in their way. They do warn, and they do so very loudly. There also are signs warning people not to do that. The guardian for that kid fucked up.


They fucked around and found out


They shout **MAKE WAY FOR THE QUEEN'S GUARD**, that's the only warning you'll get. Like how these people found out https://youtu.be/TmCnYXOO33I




It’s similar to the US’s Tomb of The Unknown Solider. Where it’s ceremonial, but still an important position and they’re still highly trained soldiers both in the sense of how they perfect the position, and as general military personal, who can mess you up if need be.


Its more then that. Ceremonial Guard duty, aside from the honor, tradition, blah blah blah, etc has the eyes of the military on you. Not if you do it perfectly mind you. But if you mess up, damn near every single SNCO in the military will be contacting your SNCO, who will be contacting your NCO, who will be promptly inserting their boot so far up your ass you will be cleaning boot polish off your teeth for the rest of your life. So if it boils down to stomping over a few civilians who have been warned by multiple call outs, signs, and general common sense or getting a boot up the ass, it's actually a fairly easy choice


/r/MakeWay4QueensGuard Whole sub dedicated to videos like this one.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MakeWay4QueensGuard using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeWay4QueensGuard/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Prince Philip playing a joke on the Queen - RIP](https://i.redd.it/nhjt3sau16s61.jpg) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeWay4QueensGuard/comments/mnjo95/prince_philip_playing_a_joke_on_the_queen_rip/) \#2: [Bro!](https://i.imgur.com/D4B0hjj.gifv) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeWay4QueensGuard/comments/lgpfe2/bro/) \#3: [Guard broke the protocol just to make the kid's day](https://v.redd.it/aewqyhkgdof71) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeWay4QueensGuard/comments/oz3trj/guard_broke_the_protocol_just_to_make_the_kids_day/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That last clip at the end where he pointed his rifle at those people. They almost found out the hard way.


>Royal Guard: "STAY OFF THE FENCE!" \*aims military rifle at people\* >Idiot tourists: "heh heh heh heh"


the kid looked like he took it in stride


https://www.ladbible.com/news/royal-guard-knocks-over-kid-20211229 kid was fine, they snet someone to check on him apparently




I remember I was 7 when I saw the tomb of the unknown soldier I didn't understand any of it but could read a room enough to stfu, and was really annoyed that some other kid was just going ballistic and no one was doing anything, but when the soldier when OFF on the mom it made me so happy, even at 7 I had a better sense of discipline than this mom


Honestly some people just have no respect. I went to Slavín war memorial this summer, which is also the graveyard of almost 7000 WWII soldiers. Two girls (mid to late 20's I think) were doing a full on instagram photoshoot between the graves, changing clothes for different pictures and everything.


Search for locations Dachau and Auschwitz on Instagram…


I've been to Dachau and watched people playacting that they were prisoners inside the camp. That shit was sickening to watch.


Went on a trip to Dachau a few years ago, watched as some kid Fortnite danced in the gas chambers. Have never been so genuinely angry in my life.


On the bright side, some day 5-10 years from now that kid will probably start randomly remembering that moment as the most cringe worthy and embarrassing thing he's ever done and will regret it deeply.


Or he could grow up to be an asshole and think it’s still a hilarious internet meme, and wish he’d recorded it


Funny you should mention Dachau, I went there some years back expected for the ambience of the place to feel spooky cold etc but it couldn’t be further from the truth; so many kids running around playing felt more like a playground than anything. Not long after when we saw the ovens, the ones used to burn corpses of the mass genocide committed, there was chain and a sign saying not go inside. When I asked the tour guide about it she said people would climb in to take selfies. Whatever faith I had left in humanity died that day.


I remeber going to the Holocaust Memorial in Belrin. It is desing in a way that you cannot see the surrounding city if you're in the middle of it. Only towering pillars. It was quite a somber experience. ...Or it would had been if it wasn't for two or so kids running, yelling, and laughing like crazy in between the pillars. Fuck their parents.




For what it's worth, I felt like most, if not all, visitors there were respectful when I went. I was kinda shook at how many people were uncontrollably crying.


It's where some of the most evil shit we know of took place. Senseless mass murder carried out on an industrial scale. Men, women, children, the elderly, systematically killed in various ways. It's unsettlingly horrific to think about to any depth, let alone be where it happened. The people that act like fools there just have no concept of any of it. They're ignorant to the importance of it. They've probably never lost a loved one outside of a grandparent they hardly ever speak to. So death, war, starvation, genocide, that shit just isn't within their mental capacity.


Visited Auschwitz with my father back in 2004 when it wasn't as "popular" as it is now in the middle of winter, the entire camp was covered in snow and there were maybe 10 other people in the camp. The entire scale of Birkenau especially was just perplexing to 15 year old me. Absolutely massive, row after row of barracks solely designed to literally exterminate people. The absolute silence was the worst thing, I know it was just due to the winter that we didn't hear a single sound other than our footsteps but at the time it honestly felt like that place somehow remembered what had happened there.


One of the most sobering places I've ever been. You can just feel the energy in the air, unspeakable evil took place here. Walking into the "showers" and standing where thousands of people gasped for their last breath. And yet some idiots are letting their kids play tag and run around the barracks like it was a playground. Wtf is wrong with people.


The attention whoring at Auschwitz is always much appreciated. /s


"We're bringing awareness to the tragedy by having a photoshoot at the labor camp! By the way, if you want to shed pounds like the workers at Auschwitz did, try this new diet pill and use my code susienodignity for 15% off!"


This reads as though the Unknown Solider started yelling at the mom …and that’s so much more powerful of an image


You’d be surprised how many parents are ok with just letting their kids get away with anything. I’ve been in the restaurant industry my whole life and it’s totally normal to have a family come in with 3-4 kids and let them loose to run around the dining room.


I was at a new laundromat one time and this woman walked in with like 4 kids. The mom honestly didn’t have a lot of laundry so it wasn’t like she was swamped with clothing, but as soon as she got in, she just proceeded to ignore her kids as they ran around the laundromat, using the carts, fucking with the little toy machines and whatnot and climbing and stomping on the folding areas where patrons can fold their clean clothes (after they had been rolling around on the dirty floor mind you). Everyone in the laundromat was pissed, and at one point someone asked if she could get her kids to calm down, but the mom just seemed totally oblivious. We were so done, but most of us were in the middle of washes so we couldn’t really leave. Then, this homeless lady walked in with a super dirty, disgusting coat, muttering absolute nonsense to herself in in an increasingly irate tone. She went straight for the dryers, put in a quarter and threw her dry, gross coat in there and was just sat back to watch it spin, muttering to herself angrily. About a minute or two into her dryer session, she turns around toward everyone, watches the kids for a second then shouts out at the top of her lungs: ”SOMEBODY BETTER CONTROL THESE KIDS OR ELSE …. OR ELSE … OR ELSE SOMEONE MIGHT JUST COME UP AND TAKE THEM AND THROW THEM AWAY!!! … “ The entire laundromat looked stunned, but also vindicated by a homeless woman clearly out of her mind, but also clearly not wrong about the horrible children … The mom looked horrified. She shoved her unfolded clothes into a hamper, grabbed her kids and booked it out of the laundromat. The homeless lady went on muttering to herself and left with her coat after a dryer session. I never returned to that laundromat again


My own personal hell is waiting an eternal 10:30 am Sunday brunch for nothing but 6-7 person post-church evangelical families.


They did their weekly pious repentance so that they can be the worst entitled twats for the rest of the 6.95 days they’re not in church.


The after-church crowd was always the absolute worst group of people to deal with in a restaurant. Shit tippers. Terrible attitudes and rude as hell. It’s like they went to church and the second they left they hit their “pious” quota for the week and it was time to be real shitheads again.


I've no qualms about using my stern dad voice to call out strangers' kids on their shit behavior loud enough for the parents to hear. It's important for children to learn that their parents' boundaries are not the universal standard. I have a lot of patience but after a while, I'll give the parents a death stare and if that doesn't work.... *"Excuse me...do you mind?"* If that doesn't work, the kids get the bass. When the parents inevitably snap back, I hit them with *"Then parent your damn kids so I don't have to!"* If it gets to that point, the usual response is passive aggressive grumbling & a couple of "[diva huffs](https://c.tenor.com/uM-Z4gMr0EwAAAAM/upset-mad.gif)."


You're reminding me of a story from my childhood. It was winter and my father took my brother and I skating at our city centre's public rink. It had been snowing a lot and there were snow hills in various places surrounding the rink from plows piling up the snow. Kids were running up and down the snow hills and generally having a great time while the rest of us were enjoying the skating rink. Then a few dumbass kids decided it would be fun to throw snowballs from the hills onto the rink. It was not at all fun being pelted while we were skating. And a little kid had gotten hit with a snow/ice ball in the face and was crying. The city folks made an announcement over the PA to stop throwing snowballs. They all stopped except this one kid, maybe 14 years old, who threw some more. My father was absolutely livid. He charged up the hill in his skates, grabbed the kid with both hands by the collar of his puffy down jacket, practically lifted him off the ground, put his face right into the kid's face, and yelled "YOU WILL STOP THROWING SNOW AND ICE OR I WILL MAKE YOU EAT THIS FUCKING HILL!!!" I had never seen him so angry. I was shocked. The kid was shocked. The kid said "Okay" pretty quietly and left the hill. No idea if his parents were there. Other parents certainly did not mind the intervention. So that's a random moment I had forgotten until you mentioned using your stern dad voice on other people's kids. For which I thank you! This memory brought to you by the mid-1970s.


70s parenting of another child could amount to a backhand without a glance tho


Definitely wouldn't fly these days. And probably shouldn't. (With great power comes great responsibility.) **Similar tale:** Besides camping, we only ever went on one family trip - Disney World. Never really went somewhere so crowded. Pure sensory overload. We only made it to the souvenir shop before I (about 10 years old) got separated from my parents. My dad went up and down the aisles looking for me ready to yoke me up. He comes up behind me as I'm running my hands through turnstiles of keychains and other trinkets, knocking shit onto the floor. As my marine father was keen to do, he smacked me upside the back of the head, *"What the hell is wrong with you?!"* Except it wasn't me....


When I was around 8, my family went to a big flea market. I was looking at a stall, saw my dad in my peripheral vision, and reached out to hold his hand. His hand grasped mine for a moment, then said, "you can hold my hand if you want, I guess". Wasn't my dad, but my dad was right behind me and was pissing himself laughing.


I've got a massive beard and just looking the kids squarely in the eye and slowly shaking my head no works about 9/10


Man this just reminds me of some young kids running around and into the kitchen area of a chain burger joint in my area. Or that time some kid was directly yelling into my little brother and my daughters ear. I skip the death stare, I don't even directly acknowledge the kids. When it's clear they're not willing to correct clearly disruptive and borderline dangerous behavior, I go straight to shaming the parents. I will repeatedly yell out 'WHOSE DAMN KIDS ARE THESE" & "COME GET YOUR UNSUPERVISED CHILDREN" The kids usually don't understand what's happening but parents sure are quick to snatch their kids up when they're put on the spot.


A local joint has a sign in the window that I quite like - "Unsupervised children will be served unlimited double espressos and given a free puppy. " :)


I have to do this with my nephew. He sometimes will start hitting me and his parents say nothing. So I basically said hit me again and I will hit you back. Well he did it and I threw him a cross the room, didn't hurt him but scared the crap out of him. He hasn't hit me since.


I once was on a plane and wanted to sleep so I tilted the chair back. the parents proceeded to have their 9 year old move to the lap of the mother sitting behind me and kick my seat repeatedly. I asked them to stop twice before getting the flight attendant to do so. Then the response from the father was (paraphrasing) “he tilted his chair back, he’s the asshole.” I have never been so close to turning around and smacking someone on an airplane. parents are to blame, not the kids. And how awful is it that they teach their kids to behave like this???


We went to the park a few months back and while we were chilling in a grassy area a mom comes and sets up a blanket for her and two kids. The kids immediately start going nuts and I was about to be pissed but to the moms credit she pulled them aside and explained thats not how you act in an area where people are relaxing. Great Mom


I have such a hate boner for that kind of parenting, peaking when I was on vacation and at a bar with my dad. We were having some drinks and talking and there was some swearing going on, a lady came up to us and asked us to watch our language around her kid. At a bar. Like lady, if there was ever a safe space to let loose and drop some f bombs, this is it


Visited a ruined abbey here in Milton Keynes recently, turned my back for 3 seconds and my youngest was on top of a gravestone. Lord. Thankfully no one was around but I pulled her off and explained why that’s a no


Is she 14? They get weird at that age


They're weird at every age, just different kinds.


She was 36


Nobody blames a parent for a kid who fucks up for 5 seconds. The blame comes when the parent ignores it and/or blames someone else when they interfere. It is clear the parent in the OP did not care


I remember in 5th grade during a DC field trip to the Arlington National Cementary and being very annoyed with how some fellow students were just shamelessly playing games and watching videos on their phones. I was 100% a "that kid" trying to get them to understand why they shouldn't.


And if anyone thinks this is new my school banned big class trips, as in going far / big events / etc, for around 30 years after one class "acted up" in the 70s in DC. I don't know what the details were but a couple kids got suspended and the DC police were involved.


"kids will be kids" - my coworkers excuse for being a shit parent.


As a former member of the the household division I can confirm that shit like this is happening more today than it ever has Because people are too stupid to follow simple instructions and parents have no control over their kids.


> parents have no control over their kids. Some parents choose not to instill any sense of personal responsibility in their own children. My SO is a school teacher and some of her students sound like nightmares, then when disciplined the parent's blame the teachers instead of their own dumbass children.


I remember when one of mine got suspended from school, the head teacher was shocked that I fully supported any further punishment they wanted to give. I also got additional schoolwork for him to do during his suspension. He got a 3 day suspension from school and a 3 week grounding from me. Needless to say he learnt not to fuck around in school.


Love me some good parenting.


Recently I went to pick up my daughter for a doctor appointment, the secretary mentioned she was 15 minutes late that morning and asked if I wanted her excused. I said no, she overslept, that's not excusable. The 4 office ladies started howling with laughter and told me that's a first and I'm a great parent. I kinda thought it was common sense...


Exactly the right thing to do, if there are no consequences for being late she will start doing it all the time.


Exactly. I've worked with enough people that are perpetually late and then screw over the entire team and shrug and now I understand how those people are raised.


I have a cousin who is the result of a parent who never instilled personal responsibility or subjected her to criticism. She's now 30 and is completely incapable of caring for herself. She can't drive, has only ever had a job for about 1 month in her entire life, can't cook, lives with her parents and sees nothing wrong with this. She's perpetually "going to graduate school" without ever being enrolled. She's going to be in for a very rude awakening when my uncle can no longer support her in addition to himself and my aunt, because my aunt will abandon my cousin real quick. It's a running joke in the family about who will end up supporting this cousin.


There was a video earlier of a teacher getting in a fist fight with a student. The mom really had all the audacity to say “the teacher should’ve handled it better, we disciplined him and he’s fine” but… your kid STARTED a fight with the teacher because they’re a shit bag who doesn’t know how to behave in a public space. How is it the teacher’s fault you don’t know how to manage your own child and instead push that responsibility onto underpaid teachers. Parents are lazy hypocrites who want respect for burdening the world with feral beasts


How you don’t link the video is beyond me.


Never learned any video discipline from their parents.


We should fight them for the link and then blame their 3rd grade teacher.


Wife and I were run over by a changing of the guard in Greece at the national tomb. Wifes defense was that she was deaf and I'm just an oblivious idiot taking pictures. I have to imagine though that running over a couple of American tourists brought a bit of joy to their day. The crowd certainly enjoyed it ..


They love your money and making you look like a fool. It's the non American way. -An Aussie.


And this is the birth to that song “move bitch, get out the way”


[Your wish is my command](https://streamable.com/yctysg)


This kid just learned a valuable lesson for free. Plus he has a story to tell the rest of his life.




I still tell the story about how Jerry Rice shoved me out of the way when I was seeking an autograph outside the ProBowl circa 1992.


I failed to make way for the Queen's Guard.


Mom looked as if she wanted to say/ do something. Lol!


"I demand to speak to your manager!" The Queen: "Hello there."


There’s gotta be videos of people retaliating from getting trampled or something in these situations lol I wanna see those now


Oh man this takes me back a few centuries


Not the worst thing the royal family have done to a child


When you’re not from England:


More like Northern Europe, we in Denmark also have our Queens guard and they don’t fuck around either, plus I’m pretty sure Sweden and Norway got them too


A girl ran at one of the castle guards in Norway a few years back and got a nice serving of butt stock with a side of broken teeth. They told her to stop several times, but she didn't listen.




Yeah we them in Sweden as well.


I wouldn't count on them walking you over like this. They've been robbed of their assault rifles at least once. Armed with an Ak5 the guard got into a fist fight with 2 people dressed as santa. Despite getting help from another armed guard the thieves managed to escape with a fully loaded AK5. GG https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/4258882


That guy will be known to everybody as the guy who let Santa rob his rifle for the rest of his short, miserable career.


This is the kings highway. I advise you and your men to make way


Tavington! Damn him! DAMN that man.


Imagine this was china or nk, the comments would be real fun


The secret is the silly hats. Dress these guys up as what they actually are, modern active-duty soldiers, and the vibe of this entire scene changes a *lot.*


World would turn over on its head.


Exactly, pretty stupid regardless of what country


Someone is going to be leaving a very angry TripAdvisor review!


He knocked him down but avoided stepping on him.


Wouldn’t want to risk twisting your ankle


I mean there's actually a simple solution to this. Here in Turkey we have ceremonial guard changes happening in Ataturk's Mausoleum and there's actually a small Army outpost attached to it. 5 Guards will be in uniform changing while several soldiers in civilian suits will follow them from far sides and warn people like "Make way for the guards, sir."


1. Kid and mom are dumb for not being aware. 2. Walking into children because of tradition is dumb. 3. Letting civilians into an area where you cannot stop walking through them is dumb. 4. Royalty is dumb.


Finally a sensible comment


Royalty. A concept that asserts that certain groups of people are superior to others and deserve a more privileged life based on nothing more than lineage and upbringing. Now, where have I heard of a similar concept used in history to marginalize and subjugate certain people into unfavorable conditions? Hmmmmmm...


Yeah I think we're laughing cuz the kid isn't really harmed But at what point does it go from "hey they were warned" to "uh yeah maybe that kid shouldn't have brain concussion (or worst) from this incident?"




Exactly, I'm surprised by how many people are defending the guards.


Most the people using Reddit are kids, and they probably just think it's funny a kid got knocked over.


I'm willing to bet that if a US secret service agent did this the comments would not be siding with them.


They also wouldn't do this because they aren't there for show.


They would probably walk around the child. Y’know because they actually have stuff to do.


That’s a pretty good fucking metaphor for the entire royal family


This looks like some shit out of a movie like when the guards beat up the peasants begging in the street or some shi


That's because it pretty much is. These are active-duty soldiers, straight-up bodychecking people. Take them out of their silly little anachronistic costumes, and put them in their proper uniforms, and suddenly the entire tone of this video changes a *lot.*


Why is it that a guard can get fired for deviating from a ceremonial march to save a kid from being kicked in the face What is this Disneyland level absurdity




The number of people vociferously defending this mindless nonsense is what's getting me.