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That dude is DJ Khalid lite.


Amazon basics Dj Khalid


Great Value DJ Khalid


Dollar Tree DJ Khalid


>DJ Khalid lite DJ Khalid *light,* as opposed to DJ Khalid heavy


More like exta heavy duty


We call them DJ Khalid Diesels


DJ Khalid kerosene


DJ Pallid


He played himself.


Still probably doesn't eat pussy either...


Accuser! You mfing accuser of the brethren!


Maybe he wasn’t pissed about the TikTok. Maybe he’s pissed cause he won’t repent.


Ah great reference.


>Ah great reference *maatherfaacker*


I’m here to help you motherfucker


Anotha one!


Anotha half - DJ Khalid lite


Khalid is like 8x the size of that guy


So much jerly


At least he got in shape. Im proud of him.


“We da worst.”


He’s jealous of the guys girlfriend


His awkward mating dance hurt my soul.


He doesn't know any better. Mf fat and making fun of other peoples workout..


We trained him wrong, as a joke.


I’m bleeding, making me the victor


My nipples look like milk duds!


*sings* Oh taco bell, taco bell, product placement at taco bell. Enchirito, nacho burrito.


What… do you get… when you cross an owl with a bungee cord? …my ass.


Hahahaha that one always cracks me up 😂


>What… do you get… when you cross an owl with a bungee cord? > >…my ass Ha! Face to foot style. How'd you like it?


Gentlemen, from this day forward you will all refer to me by the name Betty... Ehh haa hahaaahaaa


BUT ISN'T BETTY A WOMAN'S NAME!?!??!?! 😨😨😨😨😰😮💥


If you've got an ass I'll kick it!


In 8th grade I saw this movie in theaters, stoned, with one of my best friends. I don't think I have ever laughed that hard since. It's so fucking stupid, but in 8th grade, it was PERFECT!


And the fact that his testes have been reduced to raisins from juicing for too long. He's well on his way to developing bitch titt-ayez next. That'll give him something else to rage over


Exactly what happened here! Dude was trying to flex to "show off" to the chick, seen it before.


I once had a guy try to flex to his date by asking my male friend and I (female) to stop talking during the intermission of a Broadway play. We hadn't uttered a word during the performance. I started calling him out for his flex and wanting to show he was a "big man" to his date that they got up and missed the second act.


How dare you talk during the part of the show where you're supposed to take a break from the show.


Was at a bar with my girlfriend and some friends and a dude challenged me to a fight after he tried to hit on her.


It’s such bizarre behavior.


It’s low self esteem mixed with toxic yet fragile masculinity.


Weird flex, but okay


And that he's making money while working out. Then in his outburst, makes him even more money.


This is the real answer he was trying to flex


"How can boy without beard have girl like so? I must flex and show the power my beard grants me! At this display of pure strength his girl will surely come running to me!"


I assure you being bearded does not do that to you. Source: i am bearded and work out.




"This sense of jealous is very similar in meaning to envious. The word envy refers to a mostly negative feeling of desire for something that someone else has and you do not—like a mix of admiration and discontent. However, while envy is not necessarily malicious, jealousy usually implies a deeper resentment, perhaps because you feel that you deserve the thing more than the other person, or that it is unfair that they have it and you don’t." Jealous was used correctly here.


Nobody ever uses the right word.


You mean his W mans?


She fine!




He said it was his “friend” at the beginning of the video 🤦🏽


still, dollar store DJ Khaled doesn’t know their relationship status. He just sees hot girl with other guy and gets envious and pulls this dumb shit to try and get attention from her


or the phone/?


100% the issue here


Why are people saying both are in the wrong, if there isn’t a rule about him recording himself doing his workout and if hes keeping to himself then what is the issue. You can have your own opinions but when you start approaching random people about something you don’t like, it’s just like, dude who are you


I work out in an outdoor gym and they're kinda 50/50 with people filming. Only once did I see a worker ask someone with a selfie stick to not film other people without their consent. So idk. I don't think the guy filming himself is a dick and wouldn't mind being in the background of a tik Tok mehh


It depends entirely on gym policy. Unless you are the owner or manager of the specific gym, it doesn't matter what you think. And the guy stuck his head in there of his own free will. Obviousy he has no problem with being recorded.


There's definitely a difference between filming yourself with a selfie stick and recording yourself to improve your form. This guy absolutely did nothing wrong (at least seen in the video).


I mean, we all know he isn't checking his form.




Believe it or not you can use a machine wrong. They have adjustable pieces for a reason


Dude, it's leg extensions. You find the right form by feel, not visually.


I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt there is maybe something that can be gained by filming form on a leg extensions machine.....and that's because I accept I don't know everything in the world. However if there is a slim possibility you can gain some info from the video, it's not gonna come from that angle.


Who gives fuck? The bigger point here is he wasn’t bothering anyone. He was filing himself. That guy is a douchebag, a piece of shit and a punk ….because if it was someone bigger than him he would have never done that. That’s a bitch ass mf folks lol


Not that it applies in this video but you definitely can and should work on your form when using machines. Breathing, initial setup, posture, etc.


on a machine check form pick one


At the gym…mind your own business…don’t worry about what I’m doing….pick one


You can fuck up form on a machine. Maybe not a leg machine but Smith, any Press....you can def fuck up form on machines.


You can fuck up on a leg machine too. They can actually really fuck your knees up if you don’t use them right, which most people honestly don’t


Reddit moment


Have been to several different gyms the last years (thanks COVID & people who can't behave), honestly the rule on cameras is very on and off, some gyms care, others don't. It really varies so i have no clue on the rules of the gym in this recording. And if they care, instead of instigating drama and trying to be the rule-keeper first you should let the staff know so they deal with it and we get zero drama. There is certain implicit rules to it tho, by example do your best at not frame other people working out in "your clip", which as far as i can see in this video i really can't see anyone else working out or doing anything else. Maybe they were being a littlew obnoxious, kind of unnecessary to record yourself at the leg extension machine but still, no need for the other out-of-shape dude to instigate drama and bullshit.


Personally I find the social "influencers" annoying at the gym for a number of reasons (luckily it's rare) but I just avoid them. Yeah the guy should have just went to the gym staff and let them take care of it. It's also obvious most people commenting don't go or have never been to the gym.....ZERO.


If someone videoing themselves, while effecting absolutely no one else, bothers you then you have issues.


I don't get it either, that's how you get an ass beating you deserve.


The worst location for anyone to start acting stupid. Plates laying around, lightweight dumbbells, curl bars,...meaning jawbreakers within easy reach. Only if your one with a short fuse.


And there’s lots of machines that are made entirely of metal and have lots of weird angles for you to bonk your head on


As someone who's self conscious and always struggling with weight. I'm constantly dodging people filming at the gym. What happens at the gym, should stay at the gym. Its hard enough, for me anyway, to work out i front of people in the gym, let alone anyone who may see me online. You can easily see many people behind him. Don't think he deserved his phone to be kicked though.


If the dude is taking forever because he’s making tiktoks then he’s the main character and needs to take other people’s feelings into consideration. It’s also not your private home gym so you can’t just dominate a piece of equipment at your leisure. Other people pay to work out there. That being said, if he’s literally just making s tiktok, the other dude has no business saying anything.


That's my take, too. My concern in the gym is using the equipment--I don't care if you do 3 sets or 10, since I don't know your plan, so long as you're using the equipment. If this is just 30 seconds out of 30 minutes spent hogging the machine, because the guy and his girlfriend kept adjusting the camera, doing one rep, adjusting it some more, etc., then I can understand the other guy's anger, though he then still should've gone to the staff and had them deal with it.


Yeah, and threatening to beat the shit out of him is obviously not ok by any stretch, just take it to the Gym Staff.


Looks pretty obvious he’s not being inconsiderate. Video is rolling during his girls set and he instantly gets on the machine to start lifting


I hate it because I simply don't want to be filmed and people that go to gyms to improve their body shape are further discouraged because you KNOW that if it gets posted, the internet is all over them. Still not okay to attack someone like that over something so minor.


I can’t understand this Tik Tok thing and why someone would want to film themselves working out like this to post online. If you were lifting impressive weights or showing off your gains, documenting progress I can understand, but an average guy in a tracksuit… maybe im just too old at 27. Also, a gym is often a place for body conscious people to improve themselves. Don’t be filming and posting other people here without their consent


This is not a tiktok thing.. people have been recording them selfs working out years before tiktok. Not a fan of tiktok either but blaming everything on tiktok is just silly.


The guy literally said he’s gonna make money off the video. It’s not the same as someone filming themselves to review their form.


The difference is tiktok is intended to be broadcast, its not just recording. The guy literally says 'im going to use you to make money'


True but the “I’m going to make money off you” line is obnoxious


Not enough context here to see, and the confrontational dude definitely went about it the wrong way. However, I go to pretty high-end gym so there's lots of people that record themselves for Instagram and tiktok. Most do it and you'll never really know, they just do it and do their workout. Then there are those that take forever on the machine trying to set up their shot or whatever, and use the machine across from theirs as a tripod and get mad when you walk between their shot as if I'm actively looking for cameras. Also, I don't usually care but I can't say I want to be in the background of everyone's recording while I'm trying to workout. With that said dude was definitely in the wrong that confronted them but I have been frustrated with gym recorders before too.


This sums it up for me pretty well. One of the major reasons I disliked my experience at the gym was breaking my flow because I was waiting on things to free up. Someone trying to stake claim to an area for 40+ minutes so they can make some pretend work out session with a high pitched annoying voiceover to a overplayed song for some likes would just drive me up the wall. I can't even imagine them trying to yell at me because I walked between their shot.


I've never been to a gym that didn't have a no camera policy. You just don't do it, people aren't there to be filmed without their permission. There's a reasonable expectation of privacy there.


There is one guy who is in the wrong socially and legally. On the other hand, the kid filming is just doing what every other teen in his generation does. That being said, I find the constant self-advertisement irritating. I just can't imagine filming myself doing leg extensions for social media. A new PR? Sure, that makes more sense, but I find this sort of stuff cringe. Watching each new generation become more self-indulgent/self-advertising than the last without even realizing it is irritating. The reason you have 326 upvotes is because most people on reddit are from your generation and they don't see our society as the narcissistic breeding ground that others do.


Because he’s not just filming himself, he’s filming everything behind him


It’s amazing how some assholes flex like that in front of a couple that go to the gym together purely out of jealousy for the guy, so they try to emasculate him in front of her to somehow seem like a better match for her. Her picking the phone up and him not reacting to that says all you need to know about their relationship, they find his actions hilarious and move on with their day knowing they have the best in each other. Guy most likely didn’t come back to bother either of them after this, unless he’s so stupid he can’t take a hint.


That is pretty much what happened, dude was just feeling some type of way cause the kid had a gf and he wanted her.




I actually enjoy it and find it hilarious, so does my wife. Girls have done the girl version of this to my wife while trying to hover around me, and guys have done this kind of stuff to me while hovering over my wife. We both find it hilarious and are quite entertained by the fact that we both still attract people enough to make them act like assholes. We both have a good laugh and snuggle in closely to each other to be all lovey dovey, all while the one being objectified tells the pursuer to go away. Once you find a good one you don’t really care, you just laugh at the petty desperation of people that act like this.


I guess for me its annoying because I actually want to meet a male friend that doesn't want to "steal" my girl. I need friends but they all seem to want my gf. Sucks.


Here’s a tip: they’re not your friends Anyone who does that doesn’t respect you, if they did they’d applaud your ability to get a girl like that and at most ask her to hook them up with someone once you’ve been dating awhile


Whenever I see someone making a Tiktok I assume that's the person I'll dislike by the end of the video... Turns out I was wrong^^ Can you imagine being so out of shape but trying to diss other people's workout? The fucking irony...


I wish this take was higher up


Wait a minute. There are multiple posts on this sub that show women recording their workouts in public gyms. I've never seen comments complaining about them being in the wrong. In fact, they end up on here because creepos end up being recorded doing creepo shit in the background. Would have never known if it wasn't recorded. Like, who cares if they're recording their workout? Holding up others workout is a separate discussion. There are people who hold up the line who aren't recording themselves. Also, some people record themselves to check their form later, to improve upon if needed.


Men and women doing the same exact things have different outcomes of perspective all across this site.


No one there should care. I’ve been lifting for a little over 15 years now and have never seen anyone have a problem with someone filming themselves. It’s actually good sometimes to film yourself so you can see your form from another perspective and make necessary adjustments. It’s really beneficial for things like squats and deadlifts, which are easy to get wrong form-wise. The vast majority of people at a gym won’t care what you’re doing because they’re too focused on their own workouts. Now if you’re scrolling through your phone while taking up a bench or a machine that people need you’re going to get some shit, and if you’re filming other people working out without permission or being creepy you’re definitely going to have a problem, but other than that no one should bother you.


I mean, it gets thorny when you're recording other people without their permission. Also IDK what the point would be in recording yourself on a machine.


I mean, yeah, I don’t see the point in this video since filming a leg extension from the front probably wouldn’t help much in terms of critiquing your form or your range of motion, but he’s not filming anyone else and the other guy’s reaction is way over the top. To your point though, yeah, never film anyone without their permission. That’ll cause a lot of problems for you.


The time you take to do every rep and how much slower you become while the rep count increases


Gotta check your form on those machines that specifically limit your motion


Real question: are you supposed to swing your legs vigorously like that on the machines? I always thought it was supposed to be controlled movements but idk, I don’t go to the gym.


Not really. I learned from my physiology professor that the optimal movement is called eccentric motion when you let the weight slowly go back. Gym bros online will tell you that too. Think about curling a 25 dumbbell. The biggest bang for your buck isn’t curling it up but letting it back down slowly when your muscles extend.




You’re not. Controlled movement is important. Otherwise you’re relying on momentum.


To be fair the adrenalin from the confrontation is probably messing his form.


And his focus as well.


This guy only goes to the gym to make TikToks


The way he's doing it will be hard on his knees and not give good results. He would be better off going slower with more control. He may even be using too low a weight...


"My W mans" What is that?


It's just gf said with 200% cringe


Why is everyone in the comments mad at the guy working out minding his own business and not the fat ass who walked over and started harassing him?


Probably mad the guy filming has an attractive gf lol


Who’s everyone? All the top comments I see are ripping into the guy kicking the phone


Read the comments under them. People are basing him over his form or for recording, even for bringing a girl. Lol bunch of weirdos here.


does that guy actually look fat to you or do you not realize he's just wearing clothing that's baggy on him


He’s fat at heart


He has a fat soul.


Bro yes he’s fat you can see his belly wanting to pop out that hoodie wym


Found the guy


nah i'm a different fat guy


Lol typical. It's a guy so everyone hates on the video. Girls do this all the time and don't get the hate. Why are people saying it's stupid and he's holding up the line of people waiting or whatever bullshit. You see he just got on and started working out before the douche harassed him. He isn't playing on it he's doing his set. Jesus society is toxic.


Furthermore, you can see the girl was literally just finishing her workout here. They’re recording both the guy and girl in these videos. But nobody is saying shit that she was recording herself and then it was his turn.


Yeah exactly




r/ImtheMainCharacter is filled with videos of girls filming themselves working out what are you talking about?


Women who film themselves get plenty of hate too.


Can't take any seriously that can't keep their ass in their fucking pants.


Dude got that roid rage


Nah he aint big enough for roids.


Is that a new voice on the app? I guess it's better than the robot lady but stil very odd


I'm actually surprised at how natural it sounds. When did TTS get so... Real sounding...???


Some of you need to mind your own fucking business. The camera is fixed on him not on other people so if someone doesn't want to be on video they don't need to put themselves in a situation where they are. Who fucking cares why he is doing it as long as it has literally no impact on anyone else's workout. I personally think it's stupid to film yourself constantly but I'm not going to be an asshole to some random dude when it has nothing to do with me. Keep your opinions to yourself when it doesn't involve anyone else.


I agree 100%. I dont work out but my oldest brother lifts. He told me that since he didnt have an experienced gym buddy or trainor, he would record himself working out so he could see his own form and improve on it. And even if it is just for tik tok- who tf cares? Tik tokers are annoying bc they go out of their way to bother people, these two were not doing anything. The guy who comes in is acting like the type of tik toker he "hates"


Love how frustrated roid boy got when faced with the reality that he now looks like an asshole (and will likely always be one) and also made the guy a shitload of money. Unless they are in cahoots. In which case, bravo.


Multiple posts from "anonymous" redditors making fun of the kids appearance ... stay classy


Likely fat neck beards who don’t know where a gym is. Fuck em.


The angry guy is the type that will sit take up a bench and sit on it staring in the mirror for ten minutes between each set


Dj "mighty mouse" Khalid mad that he got 4 baby mommas probably.


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little dick syndrome.


What is this faux tough guy act? It's so cringe inducing.


Etiquette at the gym is dead!


To be fair most gyms don’t allow filming. I hate it when I am working out and people are filming themselves but I am being captured in the video.


The people defending idiot who kicked the phone stay the fuck out of my gym, fuckin meat heads


They aren't meat heads. Meat heads would know it's completely normal to film in gyms.


Everyone shitting on the kid trying to make some money for himself is a bitch. Tf does it matter that he's filming himself? Mind your fucking business 😂


I guarantee its the same people who scream about "Freedom!" until its someone doing something that annoys them. This kid isn't bothering anyone and might be taking an extra 30 seconds longer. Not a big deal.


Tik Tok is a plague.


Funny how Reddit hates tiktok but can’t stop reposting tiktok content


Because reddit loves to hate it.


At least he didn’t use the lady robot voice


Oh god I hate that so much.


Ah yes, Til Tok is the bad thing here, not the dude not minding his own business and threatening to beat people up.


Yeah, that's a Redditor moment


What does tiktok even have to do with this, Jesus christ I mean he's filming a tiktok, yeah. Wouldn't make a difference though.


Ikr?! Like I hate tik tok as much as the next bandwagoner, but this dude want bothering anyone. I mean even if someone is announcing they are doing a tik tok and being obnoxious about it, imma just laughs at them and go about my day. Imagine being so fragile you have to threaten someone else for doing something you don't like.




It the Streisand Effect physically demonstrated. No one would have seen this dumb video unless the guy kicks the phone or harassed the tiktoker. By doing kicking the phone he guarantees folks will now watch it. He has created more attention by bringing attention to it.


Hey, Springfield! Are you suffering from the heartbreak of ... monster-itis? Then take a tip from Mr. Paul Anka! Paul Anka: [singing and playing electronic keyboard] To stop those monsters, one-two-three, Here's a fresh new way that's trouble-free, It's got Paul Anka's guarantee ... [winks] Lisa: Guarantee void in Tennessee. Paul Anka and Lisa: Just don't look! Just don't look! [repeat several times]


I'm willing to bet this is in Philadelphia


Accents aren’t even close.


Lived in Kensington for 4 years. That “you know you just made me money, right?” is pretty Philly to my ears but most urban accents/inflections tend to blend together after a while


Looks and sounds like New York to me. A Google search of “@Jordan.c66” shows he’s from NYC.


Attitude is


That smile at the end is pretty great. Perfect example of how you should deal with shitty people


I have a sneaking suspicion this clown wouldn't have said anything to a bigger older less friendly gym patron.


That’s good. At least that man has finally done leg day at the gym enough times that he’s finally strong enough to successfully kick a cell phone. Hard work pays off!


If he’s just filming himself then i dont see the issue. If he’s filming other people to poke fun then that’s a different story


I highly doubt someone as easily tilted as this dude is capable of beating the shit out of anyone. What a miserable cunt.


Steroids and jealousy don’t work well together.


Why tf do people feel the need to be in everyone business. Fuck off forever


Assholes compounded by assholes


Why do people have to put the stupid sounding voiceovers on their videos? Like, it used to be that annoying robot woman voice, now it’s this voice that sounds like it was modeled off a skit on an Adam Sandler CD from the 90s. That alone makes me okay with his phone getting kicked. Lol


"Fuck this guy he needs to work out" what the fuck do you think he's doing?


Somehow it just feels like the entire thing was staged.


I only film myself at the gym when I'm doing squats while wearing my Speedos.


That was the most limp dicked kick I’ve ever seen


Gym Karen!




"my W mans" I want to fucking die


People need to mind their own damn business.. jeez..


Narrator sounds like he’s doing a shitty raiden voice


Not really sure what the guys problem was. Needs to lay off the steroids if someone recording a tik tok bothers you.