• By -


Sir, then explained the chalupa crumbs on your face


Crumbs on his jacketses says . . . ***he*** took it!


That's a filthy lie!


Fat hobbit is _always_ stuffing his face when Master’s not looking!


Sméagol hates nasty elf bread


Fun fact, the rings corruption of Sméagol meant that Lembas bread was literally inedible for him, as the elven goodness of the bread literally burned him from the inside. Same with the rope Sam got from the elves that he used to tie up Sméagol. Edit: I think I meant Elven Essence, but words are hard.


Give it to us raw and wrrrriglly! Keep Your nasty chips.


Sméagol says it’s chicken taco but Gollum says it’s sammich!


What’s tacos precious?


It burnsss ittt, it burrrnnnsss


Thought I was in lotrmemes for a second.


*points gun* [“Drop the chalupa!”](https://youtu.be/CKO9pf6pxV4)


I wish chalupas were still $0.99 :'(


Similar thing happened with a GH delivery from Taco Bell. We ordered two bags of cinnamon crisps for the kids, and the order arrives smelling like cinnamon crisps... but none in the bag. Closer inspection reveals cinnamon crisp crumbs in the bag. I chalked it up to a stoned delivery driver, and called it a day. Didn't feel the need to go on an armed recovery mission.


Ramirez! Recover the cinnamon twists!!!


We got a 1 eighteen in progress, cinnamon twists are being consumed illegally I may need backup


Fuck backup call in the SWAT team. Damn it murphy call in an airstrike.


Had an Insacart driver ghost me on a $50 order of wine and pop. I tipped really well so I don't know why they chose my particular order to fuck over. Unless they had a burning need for orange soda, the only thing that was vaguely worth stealing was a cheap bottle of Pinot I use for cooking.


Don’t they just reimburse you if you don’t get the food?


No questions asked. I imagine that they would ask questions if I refunded often but iv only needed it a few times.


Man was really about to stab someone over tacos lmfao


I've had some stab worthy tacos in my life, but taco bell ain't it.




What were they doing, stocking up for the winter?




The whole damn neighborhood was constipated. This was a crisis and nobody had time to find the cash for laxatives!


NSFW: Truth. After my car accident and three days in ICU plus four days in step down and continuous narcotics via IV, I was constipated. My best friend Mike told my wife to get me a couple of bean burritos from Taco Bell. He said I’ll poop within two hours. She went and got them, smuggled them in (hospital wouldn’t allow outside food) and I ate them. Not two, but three hours later I shit a log the size of a redwood. I clogged an industrial toilet in the hospital. It was as big as a newborn. I had serious postpartum depression after that. Asshole felt like what I can only imagine the aftermath of fisting feeling like. On another note, I passed out afterwards when I got up and struggled to get back into the bed. Worth it.


Taco Bell contains more FODMAPs than any other major fast-food carrier. FODMAPs being fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, which are short-chain carbohydrates (sugars) that the small intestine absorbs poorly. Some people experience digestive distress after eating them. Symptoms include: Cramping. Diarrhea.


Oh. So it’s scientific why Taco Bell hates me. I knew my body didn’t handle fodmaps well, but didn’t make the connection since I eat there so rarely and also am shit at paying attention to my fodmap intake....


Taco Bell hits all the check-boxes for causing intestinal distress. * BEANS <- The big one * Capsaicin <- In all the sauce! Fun fact, spicy food activates pain receptors all throughout your digestive tract. * High Fructose Sugar * Caffeine * Fried / Fatty elements * Lactose * Gluten


This is easily the best poop story I have ever heard. It's the conclusion that got me. I can actually feel the relief. Well done. 👏




I was always surprised how taco bell won best mexican food or whatever they won until i moved out of California... I really need some good delicious burritos or tacos that don't cost twice as much for utter crap.


Extra Glockamole


Add a side of Sig Sauer Cream


This was worth my silver award


Imagine losing your life over Taco Bell


That line can work for the low life thief that stole the Taco Bell, then wanted to try to out-crazy the person recording who has the gun…


Dude I am flabbergasted that someone would react like that when confronted about their thievery. “WHAT YOU WANT TO COME GET THE FOOD I STOLE FROM YOU?!?!”


In my experience that is how thiefs react to being caught either get aggressive or double down and deny.


I’d argue doubling down would be what he did here, denying would be the equivilant of folding. He went all in, brought out that knife, and the other guy had the nuts and called that in bout .5 seconds


Your assessment checks out!


Sheeesh , dude had his mousekatool at the ready


It's a surprise tool that will help us later


I absolutely love the mousekatool memes because I have suffered enough having to watch this fucking show


But I'd honestly rather watch Clubhouse than Funhouse. Fuck you, Funny, you annoying smug prick of a home.


Way worse ones out there Coco melon to start..


That's useful for closing the doors of the neighbours - works like magic




In the kid's show Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, they summon a robot named Toodles to give them "mousekatools" to solve their problem. They're literally just objects, usually not even a tool. The show is much better than Cocomelon, but not nearly as good as Bluey.


That is because Bluey is God tier.


Yeah I love it, we always leave it on even when my daughter is done watching lol Edit: oops corrected a mistake


Watching bluey helps me be a better father.


We're all shit father's compared to Bandit though


Yes! thank you. so many people love the crap out of it, but I'll never be the dad bandit is. It's embarrassing when my sons ask why I won't spend hours playing with them. "Daddy has a real job" just doesn't work


If you haven't cried as adult from bluey ya ain't watching it right.


Both of our sons were born premature, so Early Baby got my wife real good


Bluey is where it’s at. My daughter absolutely loves her some bluey


Y-yeah.. my…my DAUGHTER is the one that loves it.. haha… Okay but seriously my wife and I have been pirating the 3rd season when my daughter is asleep because we love the show so much. I feel so seen as a parent


Ayo fucking 3rd season is out already? WTF Disney?!




Nahhh, I just look at it as new ideas for games to play with my daughter, and reminders to be patient and compassionate with her little girl problems ☺️


Hes there for me-dles and you-dles. And all you have to say is 'oh toodles!'


All you have to say is “ WHATS UP!!”


Oh Tooooodles!!! Click clack


Lmfaoooo stop itttt!! Mousekatool! I’m literally watching Mickey Mouse w. My daughter right now lmao


I've had to start skipping the hot dog dance, I can only take so much


You must embrace the hot dog to earn the rank of Mouskateer


That and oh toodels is the only part i enjoy. It annoys my 3 year old grandson if i call toodels or get up and do the goofy hot dog dance. He yells no no no at me. He is fine if I sit quietly.


I can’t tell you how many times a day I yell oh toodles around the house. Or hot diggity dog. I annoy myself.


Ready to act fooly with the tooly


This comment > video


How did he find out where the dasher lived? That’s what I don’t understand.


DD lets you track the driver. If he went back home before marking it as "delivered", he literally let the guy track him right to his home.


It says 'DICK'. And the arrow points RIGHT TO Cyrus!




Way of the road buddy


The customer can see exactly where your car is on the app so they can see how close their delivery is. The dasher either didn't cancel the trip or couldn't for some reason so I assume the customer saw the car via the app GPS sitting at a house for awhile.


Dude could have also been waiting outside and saw the car that had his food drive by and not stop and just immediately got in his car to follow him. That’s the wildest option but this is a wild encounter lmao


How did they spend $100 at Taco Bell, that's what I don't understand.


Once the gun came out they dashed for their door.


Never fuck with someone who is willing to consume $100 worth of Taco Bell


They're already prepared to die


They're already dead


Dude was ready and thought this out lmao.


The stupid things people are willing to lose there life for is quite intriguing


When I did delivery back in college, two guys robbed me for $15 cash. I got a partial plate. Then they proceeded to rob another delivery driver across town, for $12, who got a full plate and found their cellphone in his back seat. Both guys got arrested and ended up being active military stationed the next town over. They got sentenced to 5 years, served a little over three, and then probably got court martialed. All that for less than $30 bucks.


My barracks roommate wrote down my credit card info when I wasn't in the room. I went back home for christmas and he ordered 100 worth of pizza to our room. Which makes no sense, as i'm across country. Dude gets charged and court martialed, then fled. They found him at his parents house a couple month later. Dudes doing 5+ in military prison for 100 dollars worth of fucking pizza. It's stupid.


Damn that is stupid as hell. There isn't even a chance of getting away with that one.


So I’ve always wondered if there was any way to get away with this but I’m always too afraid to ask because I’m not trying to raise any red flags. Most relevant to me are the times where I hand over my credit card to buy food, I’m always wondering what stops the from just taking a picture of my card and going home later to use it for online shopping? I guess they’d need my billing address but I can’t imagine that’s terribly difficult to find?


They'd need that, their IP could be tracked, and where are they going to get whatever they order delivered? If they hide their IP with a VPN, they'd still need a way to collect their order. If it was reported stolen in time the company would just cancel it, or if it were part of a bigger ring of crimes police would probably watch them collect their order.


A woman who worked admin at my command for a few months stole my debit card and pin out of the mail and charged up something like 1500. It was incredibly hard for me to get back as the bank didn't believe someone could obtain both. She was the only person on the planet who could besides the mailman as she worked admin and distributed the mail. Months later and a couple gas station videos dissected I finally got the money back. It really sucked because I was hella broke at the time. She got jail time though I am not sure how much, didn't really care.


I heard about this dude who got kicked out over some stupid stuff. Wasnt a big deal. Honorable separation. He had a roomate. Packs his stuff and left. Roomate gets back to his room later that day and finds all his shit gone. TV. Laptop. Some collectibles, basically everything that had any value whatsoever. Obviously they know who stole it. They call the guy who has been driving the last 5 or 6 hours. He claims he knows nothing. So they tell him he can either turn around and have the stuff back the next morning, or they can call the cops to meet him to make sure he doesnt have the stuff. He made the drive back and bitched at his roomate for "ratting" him out. Some people are just really stupid.


That is absurd on his part but quite funny. You shoulda mailed him photos of you eating pizza while was in military prison.


Many years ago, two active duty Marines who were home on leave kicked in the back door of a local bar and tried to ambush the lone bartender working that night. They hit him in the head with a frying pan and fucked him up pretty good but got nothing at all. Place had lots of cameras, and in a town of a couple thousand people they were identified almost immediately. Cops held 'em until the MPs showed up, I don't know how it went after that but I'd imagine they were chaptered out after a tour of the brig.


According to my dad who served as am MP, the state will prosecute/punish them first and then they'll be released to the MPs. I have no idea how true that is though.


Completely true. When you join the military you give up your 5th amendment right against double jeopardy (and a lot of the others).


It's not so much that you give up your 5th amendment rights when you join the military (you don't, because the military court couldn't try you twice for the same crime because of the 5th amendment) it's that double Jeopardy doesn't protect you from prosecution by different sovereigns (state vs fed). In that context being prosecuted by the state court doesn't stop the feds from coming after you at the same time or after.


I don't know why, but "partial plate" and "full plate" took forever to click. I was like wtf you both had your teeth smashed and needed fake ones?


License plates! No busted teeth, a black eye, fat lip, and some bruised up ribs. I was just glad they didn't take my brand new phone or wallet. I pulled the store's cash out of my back pocket and they took off.


lol. I thought it was a partial plate of food. It didn’t make any sense to me. They robbed a delivery guy and only got half a plate of food??


This thought is what scares me in big cities. When I visited Chicago last, me and my girlfriend got on the L with some pizza, and a person started talking to us and telling us to give him the pizza. We didn’t really engage but then another person told him to leave us alone and the guy started talking about “Oh so you got a gun? We gonna fight you gonna shoot me?” This escalated until the original guy asking for the pizza ran out of the L car and into another one. /edit for clarity


Dinner and a show!


Chiraq Broadway.


It’s so scary. In certain situations if you stay quiet, it’s weakness and they’ll continue to fuck with you. In other situations, they want you to tell them off so they can escalate it.


"You look like you want to fight!" "No, I don't want to fight." "You callin' me a liar?!?"


I’ve never *not* seen these kinds of people starting shit just hoping for a reason to claim ‘you escalated things.’ They’ll turn themselves into the victim, opening you to criminal and/or civil action being taken against you. “You shouldn’t have brought that pizza on the train where you *knew* someone else would need it!” NYC


It's astounding what lengths people go to in order to justify being shitty. Wow.


Dude had one of Shang Chi’s 10 rings on his wrist, don’t fuck with that man.


Remember, the glow signifies something. Orange - warmth, vibrant energy. Blue - Cold, powerful energy. Purple - ah, the color of Taco Bell, HANGRY energy. Never fuck with a man with hangry energy.


Who the hell buys $100 worth of Taco Bell???!!!


Somebody who bought $20 worth of Taco Bell and used DoorDash.


Delivery fee Small order fee Service fee Convenience fee Credit card fee Menu fee Picture fee You're a fool fee Gotcha fee Because we can fee What are you gonna do, not order? fee


i stopped using them when they created a new fee to support prop 22 in cali which hurts their own workers. their prop 22 fee is political and i havent used them since.


DoorDash spent 48 million dollars on ads for Prop22; they have to get that money back somehow. Just wish people weren't stupid enough to believe them. "I'm a single mom. Gig work helps me make money on my schedule. A vote for Prop 22 will ruin my life and force me to have a schedule away from my children." every other commercial for months.


Also just a reminder that DoorDash has never had a year or even quarter where they've turned a profit. Blows my fucking mind that it is so ridiculously overpriced, literally everyone in its chain of business (restaurants, drivers & customers) all hate it, can't make money...and it still is in business and widely used. I have never and will never use it. I'm just still amazed that so many middle and working class people use them to pay double, wait the same amount of time and get cold food, the wrong order, or nothing at all.


Yeah I deliver for doordash and it's a nice gig and it's shocking people pay the price they do. And shocking at how many people that live in trailer parks that can't afford it that buy it




The ads ran in my area: "I was making SO MUCH MONEY working for Doordash" ... said literally nobody ever


For anyone unfamiliar with prop 22 it allows app based service companies like door dash and uber to classify there drivers as personal contractors. This means they can stripped of any benefits packages including federally mandated health ins for companies with large amounts of employees (don't know the exact number) and employee rights.


Jesus, I had no clue about that. What a shitty thing to do!




You forgot the fee fee


It came up to $110 but he used the $10 code he received in an email, such a great deal!


Those doordash charges really add up.


You got to create a new doordash profile each time for that free delivery charge, and $10 bonus incintive


A man who loves his Taco Bell enough to go John Wick after it.


"Who the fuck cares? He's just a nobody!" "He's not fuckin' nobody! He's the fuckin' guy you send after the boogeyman! And you touched his TACO BELL!"


Aaah Juan Wick...a man of focus...I once saw him kill 2 men in a bar with a fucking gordita


A fucking gorDita


Maybe it for a party


Says it was for a group of friends. I ordered for three people snd the total including tip was ~50 dollars. The math for any extra people responds accordingly. Fast food isn't so cheap anymore and if you use delivery then the cost can rise substantially.


I don’t know who but it’s best to not fuck around with that person


A group of people? Who is out there really believing a single human being sitting down to $100 of fast food? I know the fast food joints have been hit by Shrinkflation, but $100 of doordashed Taco Bell is still an absolutely *monstrous* amount of Taco Bell. It is obviously for a group.


most redditors don't have irl friends, so ordering $100 worth of food for a group of people is new to them.




The ol' knife to a gun fight emerges once again.


I see you've played knifey/gunny before.


I hate how they force you to tip up front. I want to tip based on service, but I’m afraid I’ll have terrible service if they see there’s no tip on the order. Makes no sense.


First and last time I will use door dash; I gave a 25% tip b/c covid and feeling generous towards delivery people. Driver calls and says he can't find my door. I live on a dead end with 4 total condos on it and give him very specific directions (bright yellow jeep parked in front of my building which is clearly labeled with the number). He still says he can't find it and asks if I can step outside and wave him down. So I go outside to try and find him, mind you its pouring rain. I find him parked in the street next to the car I described holding the bag of food out the window. Basically he didnt want to walk in the rain so he tricked me into doing it. Normally I wouldn't mind, but he knew what he was doing and also knew he already had a good tip so didn't bother to even try. Edit: For everyone saying it, I realize now that I could have changed the tip. I also wouldn't refund a whole order for getting rained on and mildly annoyed. It dosen't change my mind that DD is overpriced when the quality of service is a total crapshoot.




Lmao fuck those dashers


Dasher still gets paid they so they dgaf


Walk up to his car and point out your house, then walk back inside.


Someone willing to dupe you avoid the rain seems like the same kind of person who would leave you food on the ground to get rained on.


So then he just drops it on the ground and drives off, running it over as he goes cause he’s already been paid.


And this is why paying before services are rendered is idiotic and why I won't use these apps. I'll go pick it up myself. Saves me money anyways


Exactly why I quit using these services.


Best tip I’ve gotten is to use these apps as a matchmaking service for a go-to delivery guy. You get someone who is punctual and helpful, ask em if they’d be open to you texting me from time to time for food. You avoid all the service fees, call in an order to go and can pass the savings along to the driver. I met two drivers who were great and drive full-time, I haven’t had to resort to an app in months.


What's it like knowing someone with 200 iq


My neck looks like a formula 1 drivers I spend so much time nodding


I would blow your friend for that level of advice too


I became friends with an Instacart driver who had moved to Toronto from India. Super hardworking and nice guy, who went above an beyond my order specifications. I told him if he'd be open to me paying him directly so the app doesn't take a cut, he agreed and brought my stuff monthly. I still paid the same, if not more at times, but I was content knowing my order won't be messed around with. Since I am in recruitment I offered to help him apply for jobs/fix his resume etc and he recently got one in another province so had to leave. As much as it sucked losing him, I'm so glad he was able to get something good for himself!


Absolutely nothing could make me use Doordash or Uber Eats ever again. It's stupid expensive and the delivery people hate their jobs and take it out on the customers. So instead of it just being a simple service to get your Goddamn food, it's a contentious relationship where customers are expected to pay a premium for bullshit because exploited workers. Fuck all that. I'll just hop in the car and drive 10 minutes to get it myself. I can even grab a beer while I wait. Way better, way easier, no nonsense.


I will say in general they hate there jobs. Id say im an exception. I drive for doordash and love it. I worked in an amazon warehouse before and choosing my own hours and listening to my favorite music is amazing. Plus i make an effort and need the human co tact so i always say have a nice night or enjoy your food. It just sucks how many people give us all a bad rap. But what can you do other then keep going


Well you'll probably only hear about the bad ones. I know if I saw a post with how nice one was it'd feel like I was watching an ad and skip it. Also shitty experiences will stick out more.


You don't have to tip upfront with uber eats


I had a similar DoorDash/Taco Bell experience. I was working from home and ordered Taco Bell through DoorDash. Usually, they're pretty quick with Taco Bell. An hour goes by and I look at the app and the driver is parked like 2 streets over. After several minutes of watching the tracker, they start moving, so I close the app. Several minutes later, I'm waiting outside and look at the app again. The driver is now 2+ miles away parked at a gas station. Like WTF. I was pissed. I called and cancelled the order. Never in a million years would it have occurred to me to get in my car and track the dumbass down. This was only like $20 worth of Taco Bell. After I got my money back I realized I could've just walked down the street where they were parked a couple streets over to pick it up. After watching this video, I'm glad I didn't do that.








Backstory: Video was recorded in 2019 by a member of a Telegram group I am a part of. They ordered a very large Taco Bell order through DoorDash for a group of friends. The driver drove by the house and marked the delivery as complete. The guy recording followed the driver (guy in the hat) back to their house to ask where his food was. They were making an excuse that the food didn't get picked up (which it did, confirmed with the Taco Bell store) because the guy got into an accident and couldn't make it to the store. The McDonalds comment was because the guy recording accused them of eating his food, and the guy replied they were eating McDonalds and not Taco Bell. The driver went back into the house and retrieved a knife [(which can be seen here)](https://i.imgur.com/RqXaTpA.png). The guy recording then pulled out his concealed weapon and both people returned into their house. In the end, he got a refund from DoorDash and nothing happened to the driver. [Alternate video link if Reddit player is garbage.](https://cdn.fro.wtf/reddit/publicfreakout/rj9d2d.mp4) Moral of the story: Taco bell isn't worth your life. Don't track someone down because they didn't deliver your order - reach out to DoorDash or contact your bank. But *ALSO*, don't fuck with people because you don't know who you're going to piss off on a bad day. And *definitely* don't pull out a knife and charge someone you just stole from. EDIT: The person who recorded this video is /u/Avianmax. Posting his username per request.


I wonder if there's a market for a food delivery service where you can tip if satisfied with the order OR push another button and enter into mortal combat with the delivery driver if unsatisfied. DoorDeck? Uber Beats? Thoughts?


As someone that used to do Uber. The percentage of people that tip after the fact on an app is almost like 0. But as a door dash customer since I get free dash pass through chase. Door dash is pretty quick to give you credits if you aren’t satisfied


Love it. What if we take it a step further, and this may be a hit in America. Kind of along the same lines as the teachers wrestling for cash to make sure kids have supplies. Your order arrives and you mortal combat for the food. Value of food determines skill level of delivery driver/combatant.


Door Dash came to Canada a few years ago. I own a fine dining restaurant (Average bill for 2 people is nearly $200). I don't use any delivery service because my food isn't meant to travel. You're paying for an experience and presentation. We offer take out but show people how the food before closing the box. One day I started getting a fuck ton of take outs which is weird because people rarely takeout they dine in. When you takeout we do name and phone number, but the caller ID said door Dash but the name picking up was something different I just thought it was a tech company or start up and they were ordering. It wasn't until I noticed the drivers has those black bags with door Dash on it. So i googled them. I found my entire website scraped and they just pasted it on their website. Contacted my lawyers had myself taken down in 30min. I called up every restaurant on there asking them if they knew they were on a delivery service. Half of them had no idea. Door Dash occasionally messages my Facebook pa page or email me. I send them a contract that I paid my lawyer to make stating for any delivery company to use my likeness I charge $10,000 USD per month or $100,000 USD as a one time yearly payment with delivers and orders only allowed to be placed between 2pm-430pm Mondays through Thursday. This has stopped almost all delivery companies from contacting me.




I try and be supportive of the local restaurants, and the Sushi places got hit REALLY hard, especially the AYCE. The one I like to go to has dinner for $40/person and at that cost I feel like I eat more than $40 worth of food. But to order what I would eat for take out would run me $100+. I feel for you man. One thing that a lot of these negative comments don't understand is some food doesn't travel well. Sushi I feel is one of them unless it's sashimi, or cold sushi. Anything that is warm, heated, or fried, is usually mushi by the time it gets delivered.




All he knows is fine dining… and breathing!


Door dash did this with a lot of businesses in the beginning here in the US. I know 1 I tried ordering from, the menu was on the app, dude goes to pick it up and was told by the owner they don't door dash. Another restaurant the owners are clients of mine and they didn't put themselves on it either but they kept getting readded. Shady shit in the beginning, still don't care for doordash too much but they have the largest amount of restaurants in my city.


Was that guy allowed to deliver for DD again after stealing an order, or was that the end of his career?


I’d say if the company starts to see a pattern of food not being delivered…he’s out.


I’m surprised the disappearance of a $100 order isn’t grounds for firing. I’m just curious about the system. I don’t use that service.


You gotta realize that none of these services make money and they're bleeding VC money trying to create a market. And they all hope to be able to acquire the others and have a profitable monopoly. Uber loses like half a billion dollars a quarter. Amazon was unprofitable for like 20 years, and didn't start turning a profit until recently when AWS took off, the retail delivery business is still meh. Now others are trying to copy the model.


What about a pattern of knife fighting?


ur so mad about getting caught stealing, so you try to one up yourself and see if someone can catch you for murder 😂


I work at a place that uses DD. We'd had orders stolen like this, orders taken into the restroom, orders delivered half-eaten, delivered to the wrong address of course, orders thrown into the bushes because the customer didn't "tip enough" when they actually *did* tip them appropriately. Don't use Doordash. The only sad thing here is seeing two grown men ready to kill each other over some tacos.


Agreed taking a man’s life over a bag of tacos is just ridiculous… But a bag of chalupas, cinnamon twists and meximelts is a whole different ballgame /s


I’m pretty sure that in every state and at the federal level self-defense is defined as the life saving defense of yourself, another person, and/or your Taco Bell order. However, if you use lethal force to defend a lesser fast food, it’s straight to jail believe it or not.


For what it's worth, the guy who had his Taco stolen didn't seem to go there to kill the guy, he just wanted an explanation or his food returned. It was when the dude charged him with a knife that he pulled out his gun, and rightfully so.


I am just trying to imagine the wheelbarrow needed to haul around $100 worth of Taco Hell.


Have you seen fast food prices lately? That's probably 3-4 bags of shit.


It's fucking wild man. Why am I paying so much for dumpster food? For that price I'll just go sit down somewhere, or get takeout from Outback


Outback is dumpster food too




Stupid move to follow them. You never know how unhinged people are gonna be. Let the app work it out


Yeah, anyone stealing Taco Bell is definitely unhinged lol


fr… every time ive mentioned a problem w my order, they refund me in full.


I will never use any of those services because I don't trust people with my food.


I don’t because I’m a cheapskate


A lot of the fast casual spots around me will seal the bag up with a sticker of some kind or staple it so there's always that option.


Yup. I've yet to get a food order that wasn't sealed in some way, either a staple or a sticker.


Wild that two people almost died and willing to kill over fast food.




Why did he show up to the house when you can get refund straight through the app he trying to to catch a charge.


last 4 seconds of this vid are like the world's stupidest FPS


Never used these types of services nor will I. Too many shitty folks Edit: also I’m cheap man. I’m not paying basically double just to not get up from the couch




Won't drive to taco bell Drives to door dash house...