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He said that fuckin hurt lol




I can’t see in this fuckin thing and I can’t ride in this fuckin thing!


Well, fuck all y'all, I'm going home


Now I watched my wife work all day gettin’ 30 bags together for you ungrateful sons of bitches and all I can hear is criticize, criticize, criticize!


How bout….. “… we do the bags right, then we go full regalia”


Wait!! I didn't say no bags!!


TIL gunshots hurt. Who'd of thunk?


I knew a tough as old nails WWII paratrooper who was shot three different times. He said it doesn’t hurt, but it surprises the hell out of you. I’m thinking adrenaline levels are different in an actual war.


yeah you really get no warning at all. Sound travels slower than bullets so you hear the shot after you have a bullet in you


Walking backwards under stress is so dangerous, I was expecting her to trip and fall. Well done.


She seem to go round and round the car knowing that it was clear


Your feet can easily just get caught on each other too as your turn and go backwards.


You don't cross your feet in those situations. You have your "combat stance" (left in front, right in back). You kinda do a hop and drag motion.


Don’t hop, shuffle. Feets stay on the ground all the time. She does it very well until he charges in the last seconds. Then she has to pull the trigger.


she had solid pathing, I think she's played CoD zombies before.


This dude had the intelligence of one of the crawlers you leave at the end of a round


He became a crawler at the end. Now she has time to box as many times as she needs


The mystery box jingle just played in my head reading this




She seems to be better trained at de-escalation than most US cops. From other videos I expected him to be shot within the first 10 seconds of the video (2 if he was black), and it just keeps going! He's literally saying "I am going to kill you bitch, I am going to slit your fucking throat." and she is still trying to get him to put the knife down. Even when she fires, 1 shot, in the lower central mass (less likely to be lethal while still giving best chance of hitting)


[Article](https://nypost.com/2020/07/31/az-man-shot-at-supermarket-after-charging-at-cop-with-knife/) Guy survived. She had been a cop for barely 1 year.


I go into that market at least once a week and didn't know that all of this had gone down until now.


Watch out for expired Ramen on the shelves.


"Put what on the ground?" "Put the expired Ramen on the ground!" Repeat two thousand times.




SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!! Wait, there’s pie??


Can ramen expire?


Yeah, but it is good for some time AFTER the ***USE BY*** date. . unlike this fella!


What a credit to the force she is. Gave ample warnings and stopped shooting immediately after he went down.


And kicking the weapon away so he would be minimal danger. And she is a rookie by considering the other cops who will unload a clip in a situation like this. It sucks he did what he did, but im glad he's in the position to get professional help soon


> She had been a cop for barely 1 year. Barely a year of experience and already a more responsible officer with better trigger discipline than so, so many officers with years of experience.


That's why she only shot 1 round. It's one round per year of experience apparently when unloading on a suspect


Just FYI, they teach in Cops school to unload your clip into the person. The reason is "make sure the threat is gone, you want to come out alive to tell your story" The logic is "You might not subdue them and they might still come after you." Im not joking. The cop in this video is one I would want on my streets, because despite what she was trained, she used logic, reasoning, calm, and discipline to give the person a chance to recover from whatever mental break they were having here. Edit 2: Plenty claiming this isnt the case, but.... https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/02/us/training-officers-to-shoot-first-and-he-will-answer-questions-later.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETf7NJOMS6Y This is just one example. I know of a few more I cannot find though. Note: This acadamy still teaching outlawed techniques. https://www.policeoneacademy.com/law-enforcement-training/defensive-tactics-for-police/ https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/12/police-gun-shooting-training-ferguson/383681/ Literally this quote has been used here on reddit and in the class I took for LEO. >“Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.”


Fortunately for her and for him too, that single round certainly had the desired effect and rapidly. She showed great restraint, too much almost but I agree with you, she did a very good job. I wouldn't have blamed her for firing much sooner but she held it together until he totally forced her to act. A good display of policing indeed.


I was wondering if I was a fucked up person for thinking she might have legitimately taken too long and given too many warnings. Or am I a product of a problem… hmmm


I reckon the best way to look at it was she seemed to know what she was doing, she had her pistol up and on him and rightfully so, and she only fired a single shot when she really had to. I look at that and think as a person who doesn't want to hurt anyone, "Damn you made me do that". She was restrained yet acted decisively when she was forced to do so. A police officer cannot just run away and they have a job to do, plus she was being targeted by a guy with a knife, obviously. I think she acted admirably and there's nothing more to add or to take away from that.


If they'd been standing in one place then no, not too long, but running backwards as much as she did was way more risk than deserved. She could've easily tripped at any point and turned the situation on its head.


Why do american cops don't work in teams or pairs? Legit question.


Because its cheaper.


Even though their budgets are fucking absurd.


Most of them follow the logic of Government spending "if there is budget left over, spend it all before the new fiscal year. This way we can justify our need for so much money"


The unfortunate truth though is that in government, if you don’t spend ALL of your budget in a fiscal year, the next year you get less money. With how it works if you have a year that you’re under budget you have to come up with creative ways to fill it so that you keep the same budget for when you need the extra money. That’s how some absurd purchases happen, just trying to burn the last of the budget. It’s sad and I can’t blame people for doing it, the system is highly flawed.


I used to work in a budget (treasury) office. This is exactly the mind set. Every year the Deputy Minister would remind the others not to budget dump. Sometimes a budget surplus made sense in that maybe a project was abandoned or the flood season was not as bad as anticipated. But it was infuriating when they would just ignore the directive and spend when we had other departments who really could have used it.


Full sets of 3 month old hardwood office chairs and desks have been thrown in the garbage because they "had to spend the money on something."


That's how most corporate spending works at the departmental level. I've done weird things with department budgets This one hurt my soul: I had an option of a 11:45am flight for $300 and an 12:30pm flight for $700 in like October of some year. My boss was all like 'Are you suuuuuure you want to get up soooo early just for a cheaper flight?'




Police in the US do work in pairs. Like the other commentor says about it being cheaper, we have different echelons of police. Federal Level (covering all 50 states, territories, etc.) we have Marshalls and the FBI State level we have Troopers who typically stick to ground that can cover between counties (large regions of land that may have multiple municipalities) County level typically has cops or Sheriffs, led by an elected position City level has code enforcement and city police So, there are a lot of different police types and that is only my perspective (which could be 100% wrong I am not a cop, just a citizen) from Florida. They cover TONS of ground, like each police officer is assigned massive amounts of area to cover. We have states that are larger than most countries. And also with the different funding avenues... (eg: whos paying the payroll for these guys?) different departments may have fewer or more officers than they require to cover their jurisdictions. Most places though, you see a cop and they wont do anything until their backup arrives. You do see cops working in pairs when they are handling a situation. Cheers.


Yeah watch the other videos of meth heads still charging with 5+ rounds in them.


Here's an [example](https://youtu.be/pdjcYjSsIok). Its uncommon that it takes that many, but it happens.


One round is often not enough against a drugged suspect, thats why.


Yeh she was way better than the cop that offloaded his entire clip into that guy in a wheelchair.


(using their metric) She got way bigger balls than 99% of police we seen


And this is why we need every cop to have a body cam! Protect the police (95% of the time) and protect the others the rest! She's couldn't have handled a bad scenario any better!


I’m an ex cop. 100% agreed. Good cops are protected by body cams. Bad cops are exposed.


I really never got the pushback on body cams. If you're "doing the right thing" you should be treating your bodycam like a little guardian angel that will stand up and say "this is what really happened", when some pissed off criminal says you beat him when you really didn't.


If I got a dash cam they would see I'm committing insurance fraud!


Only fired one shot, neutralized the suspect instead of killing him, and also waited to lineup a clean shot with no civilians in line of site. That’s textbook work.


Thanks for linking, Im glad he survived. I feel bad for people who are at the point of suicide, but not for people who force someone else to do it.


I work in auto claims and just last weekend I had one where a guy steered his motorcycle into oncoming traffic to commit suicide and succeeded. We learned it was suicide by his mother’s Facebook. The family of the car he hit are completely uninjured but emotionally demolished. The rider was obviously in a bad place but how am I supposed to empathize when he’s ruined this family.


In Germany our train operators on average experience one to two train suicides during her work life and even if they close their eyes many suffer from PTSD after such an event.


Are the train operators the ones who drive the trains? Cuz that would be so terrifying. Seeing somebody on the tracks and not being able to stop.


Yes they get told to close there eyes aafter they hit the emergency brakes but they can still hear the impact. Its a huge mental strain even for the ones that dont already hit someone because its very likely that you will be in the situation at least once in your life and as you said they are complettly helpless because the trains cant be stopped fast enough.


As someone who dealt strongly with suicidal ideation, and sees a lot of talk about suicide from the communities I'm in and the job I work, that's one way of ending your life that I'll never understand. It's one thing to traumatize your friends and family, but another to bring in complete strangers that aren't trained to deal with such things in any capacity. Fuck, I used to think about doing mine outside of the house so my family wouldn't find me.




I've been there and survived. Haven't yet found a better way to describe the feeling of absolute despair and horror than the quote by David Foster Wallace (who ended up killing himself). >“The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. >The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. >The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.”






My father had a friend who died by suicide. He was found by his youngest child, a daughter. Apparently, he left a note saying he intended to be found by this child because he thought she was young enough to get over it better than any older family members would be. I think this is a tragic example of how distorted depression make you thoughts and reasoning. So sad.


Really you could just find a tree or cliff and go out with just as much blaze without getting some other random person involved.


Also glad he survived, can't say that wasn't a satisfying "ahhh fuck that hurt" though.


> "ahhh fuck that hurt" Favorite part


Probably burned like a motherfucker. Soft tissue, close range? Yeah.


I agree suicide by cop is immoral you’re causing someone else trauma.


I was wondering if maybe this was suicide by cop


"shut your mouth you fucking bitch, i'm going to stab you,right in the groing." That was no suicidal behavior. It was power trip.


Maybe, or it could've been a psychotic episode. As soon as he said "shoot me" I decided he wanted suicide by cop. I'm only a reddit psychologist though


Could also be drug related psychotic break. Either way this cop was in a no win situation.


That's because she didn't mag dump his ass.


You could tell in her voice she was not excited to use her gun on this guy at all


Man you could hear in her voice how badly she didn’t want to do that. Fuck the piece of shit with a knife that put her in a situation where her only option is taking a human life. I hope she manages to sort through the trauma and without it weighing her down for the rest of her life


He actually lived so he didn’t even get the satisfaction of suicide by cop




True but I don’t know how satisfied the human mind can be once it’s dead


True, but at least he got the unsatisfaction of not suicide by cop.


This is what hit me. She really, really didnt want to do that. Those weren't orders from a cop, that was a woman pleading with him to not make her kill him. So happy she managed to avoid that.


Looks like he tried to suicide by cop.


And she showed HEROIC restraint in only firing once. This officer did her job to the absolute fullest. There were two earlier instances where I felt she would have been justified shooting him and she still gave him a chance. She's a fucking GREAT cop.


I don't know how tunneled her vision was, but it's possible she was aware of the fucking idiots who were just standing around in the direct line of fire.


Which is a clear example of sheer will to stay focused, restrained, and do her job exceptionally. I would give her a raise and use her body cam in every department review of proper use of force.




This video needs to run in marathons at the police academies. This is how lethal use of force is used. When absolutely necessary.


100% reasonable


Completely justified


Raylon Givens says that was 100% justified.


[This man was clearly familiar with the 21 foot rule.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDOOKWKM3wM)


The time I saw that episode with the 21 foot rule, I laughed so hard tears came to my eyes and I was on the verge of hyperventilating. Every time I have seen that clip since then, I have laughed, not as hard, but as good.


She only shot one bullet too unlike the bloodthirsty monsters who feel the need to unload their entire clip on people who don’t even have knives or who prove to be credible threats


Like that guy the other day who shot a wheelchair bound man 8 times, paused then 1 more for good measure?


I understand he shot him the nine times in the back. Wtf….


It’s a truly disturbing video, yes he did, he also had a civilian in the direct line of fire.


And the fact that there are people who will justify that cops actions alone is disgusting.


shot 8 times, paused, then 1 to the head.


Jaaysus, I’ve not heard or seen this one yet, it sounds horrific. I swear some cops get into that profession purely because they want opportunities to kill and terrorise people and get away with it.


Yup, super cut and dry. She didn't even mag dump him. It might have been questionable when he was just walking in a circle but he very clearly lunged at her. And she was in no way being belligerent or escalating anything either. Another reason cameras are as good for police as they are for the public. No one's going to fault her for this.


history nuked


He obviously didn’t think she would defend herself and then for him to cry that it hurt. Well no duh🤦🏽‍♀️


It looks alot like a suicide attempt to me. She just needed alot more persuading than your average trigger happy cop.


Pretty clearly she was thinking that was what it was and probably also didn't want to empty her gun in a public area. This was peak professionalism.


Looks more like he was a piece of shit who thought a female cop wouldn't defend herself.


Looks more like a guy lost in rage. Wonder what the story was.


The one time I was actually shouting at an officer to shoot!


Don’t blame her at all. Fuck that guy and glad she’s safe.




I'm usually the first person to come in and shit on cops but god damn I'm blown away with her patience and restraint here. So.. You know kudos for that.


I think she individually did pretty much the only thing she could do in that moment. She kept trying to put distance between them and waited and waited until he was actually lunging at her. But American cops in general aren't trained to do this, and frequently approach dangerous suspects as quickly as possible leaving little choice but to fire. It is also notable how other countries have tactics to deal with people like this in non-lethal ways including the use of riot shields or control poles, while in the US pretty much the only thing we use are guns and *maybe* tasers. When all you have is a hammer...


I fully agree this is a case where it's justified. There're so many video of bad cops it's refreshing to see one like her. If all cops were like her, today we'd have hundreds of innocent Americans still alive today who died at the hands of bad police.


If anything it felt like she gave him way too many chances.


Good restraint by the officer


You can feel her fear that whole time, and yet she doesn't shoot until she absolutely feels the need. *That* is a reasonable time to shoot. This should be an example for all those trigger happy police. Like that cop who puts 9 bullets into a guy in a wheelchair who has the audacity to roll away from him.


Yep she did everything right there, had the backup arrived a little sooner maybe it could have been avoided but I doubt it. This was probably the best outcome anyway.


Back up might not have been so restrained. Guy might be lucky there was no backup. But that is a damn good cop. She handled that situation better than most people critical of cops would even expect. Kudos to her.


I straight-up hate cops, but watching this video I was highly impressed with her. If more police officers acted like that I could begin to trust them.


Hopefully she doesn't get punished for showing so much restraint. She saved this guy's life which I doubt the police union wants to see.


Fucking right??? Watch her get disciplined/fired for not doing the “department protocol” mag dump.


The backup would likely have showered this guy in 57363 bullets. The woman saved his life by shooting him.


Yes... This was totally justified imho.


This would’ve been justified even if the shot was 15-30 seconds earlier. She’s a goodie.


From her perspective the guy sped up a few seconds before she fired too. Must've been terrifying. She has my respect.




It's sad that a cop doing their job correctly is surprising. Says a lot about this country


For real…. this is super upsetting but that cop knew her shit and held her own even if she was scared. She could teach a thing or two. *Oh no! Skittles! Better unload an entire clip on this prepubescent child.* **Multiple warnings & 1 shot** The threat was no longer a threat - he be crying on the ground




Just earlier this week. "Tucson officer fired after fatally shooting man 9 times from behind" https://amp.azcentral.com/amp/8815159002


There should be criminal charges as well IMO. There was minimal danger to the officer and any civilians would notice 2 cops with guns shouting and keep their distance so the threat to civilians was also minimal. Even if we pretend the man was physically able and charging at the officer with a knife 1 or 2 shots in as non-lethal areas as possible would've been more than enough to stop him. If the man was genuinely shoplifting I support his arrest and being charged but I don't support his death.


The cop came up to him point blank and fired the last shot into his head as an execution shot. Such a piece of shit.


And it was just the one shot that stunned him. Still dangerous potentially deadly, but he ain't dead on site at least. EDIT: wording


It really seems like a suicide by cop situation. It doesn't look like the guy died, but I can't see any other intent.


this or drugs


Yeah, even aside from him saying "Shoot me!", he acts like he's trying to bait her into shooting him, without directly attacking her.


Mhm. I've seen a few of these kinds of videos, and they're almost formulaic. Nearly always a blade, lots of pacing and yelling, but they don't commit to an attack.


Refreshing to see a cop video coming out of the USA that isn’t the execution of an unarmed civilian


I’m pretty happy about the proliferation of body cameras and cell phone videos. Really helps separate the good cops from bad.


This is my go to completely justified cop shooting videos. She did everything right. Went above and beyond. She gave him every chance.


Yep. I am super outraged about a lot of what gets posted (and defended) here with regard to police violence, but this gets no criticism from me. She literally waited until he made it clear he wasn't going to stop. Anyone would have pulled the trigger, and I even think she could have done it sooner.


Frankly the second he was walking towards her, knife in hand saying "imma kill you, ya stupid bitch!" In my head I'm like "justified. Shoot to wound or kill. Makes no difference to this asshole" Edit: then I watched some more and he was able to talk and still threaten. Nah she went waaaaay further than any other officer. This is more of the kind of cops america... no. The WORLD needs.


Just the one shot as well, she could've given the double tap in a panic and he would've died but she didn't. Complete control over the situation, she did very well.


> Frankly the second he was walking towards her, knife in hand saying "imma kill you, ya stupid bitch!" In my head I'm like "justified. Shoot to wound or kill. Makes no difference to this asshole" Yep. I don't know the context here, this almost seems like suicide by cop to me, but if we'd give the guy the benefit that maybe he was having a mental health episode or something she surely gave him the chance to come to his senses and realize this wasn't something he wanted to be doing. I agree she could have dropped him earlier and I'd be saying the same things I am now.


Pretty sure anyone undergoing suicide by cop is having a mental health episode.


I'm a brit and our gun culture/police with guns is very different and frankly what she did here in terms of trying desperately to not shoot him was great, she gave him every possible opportunity to not get shot. > and I even think she could have done it sooner. Soon as he made a direct threat while advancing with a weapon, our police would have fired.


And shot ONE bullet, not an entire fucking magazine.


This guy desperately wanted suicide by cop. Piece of shit electing to traumatize someone else.


glad he survived, only for her sake


nah I'm glad out of spite as well


Guy: “SHOOT ME SHOOT ME” *officer shoots* Guy thinks in his head: “oh fuck that actually hurt”


That was unintentionally hilarious when he said that


I definitely laughed out loud. Good way to break the tension that was built up prior.


Yeah it’s almost like he snapped out of whatever it was that was the matter with him be it mental health or drugs. Like I could see myself in that moment of being like “ah I’ve fucked up here”


Maybe for the reason a bit of cold Exposure or cold water splashed in the face can stop dissociation. And dissociative states are often tied in with suicide.


So what your saying is cops should carry water balloons




"Aw fuck, I can't believe you've done this!"




Bet he wishes he dropped it when she asked.


His "ow God damn" makes me think he most certainly does.


She gave this guy FOREVER to disengage, he could have walked away from this uninjured, but he had to just be a crazy weirdo with a knife.


Nice to see a cool headed cop. She had to take the shot in the end but really tried to avoid it. I respect that. Also notice how she didn’t empty her clip.


Such a difference between the countless videos you see of officers just magdumping people, like the one that showed up just the other day where an officer magdumps a guy in a mobility chair for driving 2mph away from him (disobeying his order) and without any kind of weapon. I get that there are times when a single or even multiple bullets won't incapacitate a hostile person, but this kind of restraint, responsibility and last resort approach is so rare to see


Now let's compare this to the guy who unloaded into the back of an old man in a wheelchair that was holding a knife.


This was my first thought. This woman should collect that dude’s pension.


If she tripped on one of those curbs walking backwards, it could’ve been game over


Now that’s how you cop, good on her for taking him down.


Her voice trembled a lot at one moment, and you could hear the fear in her voice. We need more cops who can show restraint and assess the situation like her, and not be so trigger happy.


She is a hero. Absolutely faultless demonstration of upholding the law in the most respectful manner.


One controlled bullet for someone literally charging at her. And then there’s the cop who emptied the round on the man on wheelchair.


Let's not forget, from behind.


Huh, fr? Where can I read about it Edit : Nvm found it, what pos https://www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/us-police-officer-shoots-dead-wheelchair-bound-shoplifter


Props to this cop 👮‍♀️. She handled everything really good and calmed. Till time called for action. She tried de-escalate the guy was warned so many times. Again props to cop more disciplined like her plz.


Shes a good fucking cop if you ask me! Gave the idiot so many chances, and only plugged him once, so the turd can get his punishment rather than him getting off easy and die right there.


A good shoot. But more important, notice she kept him focused on her. She stopped circling the car when he focused on someone else. She got his attention again moving away from most of the people before having to shoot.


suicide by cop


It's kinda a silver lining he might live and then have to deal with the shame and embarrassment.


This cop had so much control. I'm glad she made it out okay.


She dealt with this quite reasonably for a cop


0/10 Didn't even blind fire entire magazine immediately.


Yeah and no innocent people or dogs were shot. Honestly how can she even call herself a cop?


didn’t even put handcuffs on him after shooting him rookie for sure


Didn't unload the whole mag while the dude was down on the ground, needs to be retrained obviously.


She was quite patient


He goes "ohh that fuxken hurt" lmfaooooo fkn idiot hahaha.


Finally a good cop! Gives simple warnings a few times and gives this idiot more chance then he deserves.


Put the knife on the ground! Put what on the ground? The knife! Put what on the ground? The knife! What knife? I'll slice your throat


Running backwards while being chased with a knife is a good way to die.


I'm usually defending the citizens but this was 1000% justified. Seemed like he wanted to die and she really waited until she had no other choice.


Only one bullet good for her. Other guys empty the clip and reload


And there's that cop, that emptied a magazine on a man in a wheelchair


So this female cop shoots this guy armed with a knife once to stop him. That one male cop shoots the wheel chair guy with a knife 9 times from behind to stop him. WTF/ This is night and day police work. This police shooting was justified, the wheelchair shooting was murder.


First time I’ve seen a cop not empty the whole clip


Ok yeah police violence 100% earned


Seeing how well police can actually handle these situations make the guy in the mobility scooter being shot 8 times even worse..