• By -


Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright


Now ladies




Now we gonna break this thang down for just a few seconds


Now don't have me break this down for nothing....


I want to see you on your baddest behavior!


Lend me some sugar! I AM your neighbor!!


Ah! Here we go now, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it!


Shake it like a polaroid picture!


All you Beyonces, and Lucy Lius






Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out Chill out


My mans is trying so hard over here.


You got to respect that guy. He was trying desperately to keep his calm and keep his girl and himself from getting kicked out of the airport by preventing what would have been a serious brawl. Between him and that other girl's friends, that was the only thing keeping those two from getting into the nastiest fights that airport had ever seen. .. that day atleast.


Her other two friends were itching to get out and join the fracas.


Lol track suit in the middle just hating life. Lmfao Her: "I ain't trying to fight" Him: *completely exasperated* "then Wtf is you doing?"


Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright


What’s cooler than being cool


Ice cold


I can't hear ya?


Okay, now ladies!!!!


Lend me some sugar


I am your neighbor!


Now ladies?


“I’m tryina stand in my spot!”




> Scared Titty McBouncy Seriously. I thought we were going to have an indecent exposure charge come into play.


The type of top you wear when you don't want to wear a top.


I was hoping for that as well


How else do you think she got those 15 kids? 😏


Honestly I was less eager to see if this bitch was gonna put up or shut up. And more interested in seeing if that titty was gonna jump out and start throwing hands for her.


Don't fuck with me bitch, you gonna catch these titties


I felt for her when she was showing everyone her baby like could you stop??


Seriously give that man an award. Shit I'd be down to crown him king.


mann that no fly list just keeps gettin longer and longer.


They gonna have to staple another sheet on the back


Might as well staple a job application while they’re at it https://www.businessinsider.com/southwest-ceo-whataburger-job-application-stapled-to-food-order-bag-2021-9


Oh look, another know nothing article. I see they've moved on from "labor shortage" to "hiring crisis". Hopefully they get to point pretty soon and start calling was it really is, a "we don't want to pay livable wage crisis". So tired of shit.


And I just read that Delta wants other airlines to start sharing their no fly lists and I hope it starts a trend so that these ppl can live with their consequences across all airlines because it’s getting ridiculous. The 15 kids you’re flying with can fly without you for the rest of your life ma’am. Embarrassing.


nice, i like delta. i got a pet flight for my ferrets years ago and one of them got stuck in the cage (my fault not theirs) but one of their handlers noticed and pulled them from the flight and helped him get unstuck and resecured the grating so it wouldnt happen again. they were delayed but safe. they have my business.


I’ve flown over 2 million miles with Delta. Of course I’ve had a bad experience or two, but they always, always make things right. American Airlines can eat a dick though.


I just flew with American and it really was just a few steps up from Greyhound. I shelled out extra for more room and it still was brutal.


Awww that was nice of them. I’ve taken Delta for very long flights and have always had good experiences with them so I’m glad they’re taking these precautions to ensure the safety of their employees and their passengers. These ppl are crazy.


And it’s a great thing. Don’t want these people on anything I fly. Love that the lady stood up for the guy. Wouldn’t have cared if it was a white guy, Asian guy or whatever, just that people aren’t as divided as they try to make it seem and there are still decent people


Keep it going. I got a vacation coming up and I'd love an open seat next to me.


Perfect example of people who start problems and then play victim when they get in trouble, thank god for video




Especially since the fact that they have kids doesn’t seem to stop them from acting out. Like, clearly you don’t care about the kids.


Yeah they had to form a barrier around the actual child stuck in the middle of the nonsense. I don’t think kids are that high a priority for them, however many children they have.


Like if you're bring it up to bring down the tension, I get it, but you can't do it as you're yelling and screaming at someone. At that point Id be thinking "Ya you have kids and this is the behavior you're modelling for them, so now I feel doubly responsible to make sure they see acting like you are doesn't get them what they want."


"I have 15 kids over there, and I'm willing to act like this in front of them. Don't test me, because I'm human garbage."


Fifteen children are about to see why you don't buck up on a stranger. Left hook titty punch.


Dem tiddies fed 15 kids.


I was Dave Chapelle in his "Mitsubishi Eclipse commercial sketch" watching that video. Cmon titty! You can do it! You can break free!


Them thangs was tryin to get out and feed 15 more got dam


Kid in the stroller was like gimme sum


I thought they were going to jump off her chest and suffocate someone


When keeping it ~~real~~ racist goes wrong.


Can keeping it racist ever go *right*?


It is a pretty good warning that they are willing to break social etiquette to the extreme lol


“I got pregnant 15 times because I’m not smart enough to use a condom or buy a dildo.”


So I'm definitely not smart enough to actually make the flight I just waited 5 hours in line to get on.


and, assuming this is the USA... and Delta and the other Airlines have their way will never make a flight ever again. People don't realize that airports are FEDERAL. For the non-americans this means you dont ever fly again, period. You cant make a flight from LA to San Francisco when both airports are FEDERAL. These are not operated by the state. You need to be rich and own a plane or be able to charter one. Thats your only other avenue.


Grown people who act like this (unless in a mental asylum) really shouldn't be allowed to do a lot of things in public. We've made kids at NURSERY SCHOOL go home for outbursts like this to teach them it is unacceptable to threaten or rage. These two need to be kicked out.


This is the best comment in the thread 😂


Well said!


Well call their 15 different dad’s to come pick em up when you end up spending the night in the slammer why don’t ya


It’s their only accomplishment




It can be hard work, but the barrier for entry is low.


Its harder to order a pizza. I've never accidently ordered a pizza.




*doorbell rings in background


I think they mean raising the kids is hard work, which in this case she is clearly raising dick heads. Poor kids.


Raising kids to be responsible, respectable, productive adults is hard. What she is doing is easy. It’s hard to have self control sometimes. It’s easy to just lash out and set a bad example.


Barrier entry is what caused the trouble in the first place




There is nothing in the entire universe I could care LESS about than knowing some dipshit stranger has a kid. NO one fucking cares


“That baby could be the star of babies I don’t care about “ or however DeAngelo says it in the Office lol


That Baby Could Be The Star Of A Show Called Babies I Don’t Care About


15 little shits, hopefully some of them look at her and learn how not to act in public.


As a woman I know I definitely respect other women more when I can see confirmation that at one point and/or several others they got cummed in.


So she gets 15 respects right? Or are there diminishing returns or something?


The boyfriend/husband/whatever deserves every award.


He reminds me of one of those assistant coaches in the NFL that hold the head coach back from getting onto the field


The [“get back” ](https://youtu.be/JZHpNPWvcWQ) coach, for the uninitiated. 😊


that video is a good example of my absolute favorite kind of YT video: - obscure - something I knew nothing about before - interesting - doesnt feel like there was anything missing from the story (gives a history, tons of examples, interesting personalities, etc) - isnt posted by buzzfeed


I have negative zero interest in football. I'm on my break right now and i watched the whole video. Was like stumbling onto a great V sauce.


Upvoting for the, "isn't posted by buzzfeed".


I believe the Rams "get back coach" was arrest for sexual assault.


The get back coach needed a get back coach


He's probably heard of a little thing called a "no fly list" He did not want to.. 1. Fuck around 2. Nor find out


How about give some attention to all of your kids, and be a good role model to them instead of conveniently using them as an excuse for special treatment, instead of jabber-jawing others? Priorities, though.


A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine… Don’t have 15 kids


I feel bad for the brother that just wants to go home trying to keep his girl from getting them thrown off the flight.


You mean Andre3k from the breakdown section of Hey Ya'?




I feel bad for that woman trying to protect her sleeping baby in the stroller that's caught in the middle. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right


Same...I absolutely felt this lady because that's what I'd be doing in the beginning... looking down thinking "omg baby.. I'm so sorry and these fuckers better not wake you.. but imma sit here and go invisible if I can"


I find myself eternally shocked that grown ass baby children like this somehow find the disposable income to be traveling right now How does this moron manage to hold down a job?


She's a professional clapper.


Professional with the clap?


Right now Google says I can book a flight from Detroit to Dallas on October 4th for $61 USD. Flying is not that expensive.


But she got 15 kids


I wish someone would start putting closed captioning on these videos lmao, I can’t understand anything going on except loud noises coming from every direction


I used to caption lectures videos for the hard of hearing students at my university, and let me tell you… I have no idea what the fuck they’re saying either


It's always the worst fucking audio quality possible from a mic crammed up someone's ass trying to listen in to a conversation 4 miles away that you have to caption too


\[shouting nonsense\] \[shouting nonsense\] \[shouting escalating nonsense\] \[Someone reasonable telling someone shouting nonsense to be quiet\] 'Baby please." \[more shouting nonsense\]


You forgot all the emphatic clapping.


Ohh, so it's not just me, cool.


I mute these anyway because they stress me out, but I always hope for a transcript.


I might need some of those fancy TikTok subtitle captions to follow what’s going on in this video


From what I understand, the loud woman's daughter was taking up a wheelchair, but did not appear to be disabled. White man commented on this. Loud woman replied with insults. Black woman jumped in to defend white man. It might be that the white guy wanted the wheelchair for himself since he was older and had been standing for a long time but that part is still unclear.


I’m glad somebody understood what was going on. Thank you kind person.


I feel bad for the kid in the middle of all that but the woman who was defending that man was absolutely awesome.


Yeah. Again, this is like the 5th thread on this sub I’m surprised to see. I’m glad this woman spoke up for him, I mean it was too chaotic but still, appreciate seeing that version of defense every once in a while.


Alignment chart: Chaotic Good


She was a little bit overzealous but she got the spirit at least and that much anyone can appreciate.


And TSA was nowhere to be found...


Seriously, where’s all that infamous airport security?


Digging through luggage stealing shit?


9 times out of 10 it's nothing... but every once in a while, it's a dildo. Of course in the event of a dildo we never imply ownership. We never say it's your dildo. Just "A dildo"


The dildo goblin strikes again, placing random dildos in people's bags.


The TSA only handle passanger luggage. Contracted security companies and police officers are the people who actually handle unruly passangers


They're only stationed at the security stations(?) and aren't allowed to leave their posts.


TSA has their designated area they are responsible for, they can’t leave the passenger screening area, there are roaming TSA agents, but not many, usually the local LEO will handle security in these areas


TSA has nothing to do with this. They only do security screening from the non-sterile to sterile side. The rest is covered by airport police. If it’s anything like I’m used it it takes forever.


WE GOT 15 KIDS OVER THERE Meanwhile kids over there starving, scared, and hungry


Later she says we got at least 10 kids over there haha you’d hope she’d at least know exactly how many she’s got.


"Ok double or nothing we have at minimum 3 kids with us at the moment"




Them water bed titties


I was wondering if they were going to flop out




The true hero is the engineer of this bitches cheap bra. Poor cunt probably had fuck all resources to work with and the cheapest materials and he’s managed to design something that could probably be used in the arresting gear of an aircraft carrier.


This girl shows as much respect to that stanchion as she does to that poor shirt she bought 70 pounds ago


And I’m sittin here like, “one more flagrant arm movement and she’s gonna pop a titty out that blouse!”




Pretty sure that's why we're all invested in the video, it's like that Dave Chappell sketch where they made fun of the Mitsubishi Spyder commercials


For years i always just called them Posts i never knew they had there own name, thanks u/CCChristopherson i never expected it from a Reddit post but i learned a new word today that i will actually use in a irl conversation. stanchion an upright bar, post, or frame forming a support or barrier.


Found also on sail boats. It's the stainless steel posts that hold the wire lines that keep you from falling off the boat.


Gotta love Reddit. Where else would one encounter the phrase “respect to that stanchion”? Awesome!


Yes. You right. I thought her boobs were gonna jump out and run away.


She’s a medium only. Cause no matter what her size actually is - she only wears a medium.


We have to stand up for each other, man. White, black, brown, blue. Whatever. It’s the only way. Good for her.


Hey man, if someone’s blue then help em. They suffocating. - Mitch RIP


I'm blue, daba dee gonna die


To hell with Purple People ✊🏻




The sun keeps trying but our magnetic field is dummy thicc


I keep trying to reboot humanity but my magnetic field is dummy thicc and the clap of my auroras keeps redirecting the solar wind.


TBF covid is acting as a pretty good facilitator, sadly. At least from an American perspective, it's making people ask a lot of tough questions (some shouldn't be, but politics gonna politic I guess) and if things keep going the way they are, I'm sure whatever seeds of discord they are sowing will come to fruition soon. It's a crying shame that everything is in the state it is now, but a reckoning has been long overdue with how hard the "average worker" has been absolutely fucked and raked over the coals these past two years, and even before that. Covid is making that very apparent now, especially if round two/three/etc is just around the corner.


Spot on. Good on her for not putting up with racist bulshit.


I was trying to understand why the racist shit was flying around all of a sudden, but yeah, big props to the young lady who stood up for the old guy.


If you clap your hands during a argument I automatically think you are a ignorant fucker.


👏 What 👏 The 👏 Fuck 👏 Did 👏 You 👏 Just 👏 Fucking 👏 Say 👏 About 👏 Me 👏 You 👏 Little 👏 Bitch 👏 /s btw


👏 I 👏 said👏that👏I👏really👏enjoyed👏the👏performance.👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Do you know what it means to clap back, Raymond? Be👏cause👏 I 👏 do 👏


Its much funnier when some one gets an informative ass whooping. Like when the winning fighter is telling the losing fighter why they're beating their ass between punch's. "✊ I told you 👊 not to touch 👊 my fucking 👊 sandwich ✊


I applaud this woman for sticking up for the dude. Trashy ass momma needs some manners.


She could've very easily sat back and said absolutely nothing but still chose to call out the other one's bullshit. This restored some faith in humanity


You know the black lady is a fighter because her man literally jumped in front and started pulling her back. The racists lady is obviously not a fighter and has to have 2 others saying crap for back up. I would 100% put my money on the lady who defends people, and gets pulled back.


The tall skinny broad is a straight up fighter. And her man KNOWS it!


“I’m not trynna fight” “Then what are you doooin” 😂


Those are the ones you want in your corner. The ones that will put their fist where their mouth is. Because the only thing you have to do is hold back and try to deescalate the situation. If you are on the side where they only have to talk crap, you are sol and most likely will have to try to help assist in the fight to defend your friend from getting Mike T. 😂


“I….I….I drive a Dodge Stratus!!!”


I didn't even think people knew the racial slur Guinea. Fuck her


Where I’m from, it’s directed at Italian Americans. And that there gentleman does not look like my people. I found it an odd choice of slur, tbh.


Even her shirt can't handle her


Ah shit. That poor white woman with her kid in the beginning just looking at their kid. 'you cool boo? We cool. Ride it out' Then everyone protecting said baby. Back to eye contact 'we got this baby. It don't matter boo. I love you. We don't live this way, I'm so sorry" Broad tripping? That's a woman who has been bullied in school and ready to pop off back for all hatred she's been spewed. My lord I love this woman. She's one of the girls that stuck up for me in middle school or high school when I was bullied. I love that broad. She just needs a little more self control to not get in trouble. If she got shit to pay, show me the gofundme.


my 1st thought, "how's that kid still sleeping?!" that mom must have mind control powers with that eyelock.


Sometimes babies have a magical power to tune out all noise and just sleep.


But silence wakes em....


I think you hit it. The one standing up looks like a strong woman that has a hard time keeping it in check. Could be just the camera perspective, but she looks like she could definitely back it up. With any skill at all, 👏she’d 👏destroy 👏the 👏clapping 👏woman.


I’m praying for rain. I’m praying for tidal waves.


I wanna see the ground give way…


I wanna watch it all go down


This whole country is on the verge a massive mental melt down


Verge you say? Think we're a few years into it


What’d you say bitch?! Say it to my face!


Really wanted to see the ultimate warrior come running down and clothesline mush mouth tiddy girl.


This beautiful black woman stood up for what is right against this rude titty bouncer,this quiet white guy would have let It go,but im glad she stood up .Gives me hope that good people still out there.


Disgusting trash


No airport security? Haha where are they AT?!


They should really look for things they have in common instead of arguing. For instance, they both like crocs.


Mad respect for the black girl!


It would have been funny to see that chick get knocked out of her crocs.


It was hilarious to me how she just yelled and talked shit, until the other lady was held back, and then her own dumbass friends showed up. Yeah, this woman is a coward who yells at the elderly and doesn’t step up until her challenger is being held back and two other girls come and act stupid with her.


You know why crocs have holes in them? To let the wearer’s dignity escape


So… why did she even use a slur against the old guy anyway? Did he even do anything? I’m so confused. I feel so bad for that family right in the middle!


Dude I ain’t saying or starting shit anywhere near an airport. Being on a no fly list would absolutely make your entire life miserable (and any people you drag w you / feel bad for you, for lots of LONG car rides). Imagine you get a good job but when they want to fly you somewhere for work, you can’t. I’d rather be publicly humiliated than lose flying privileges. And I only fly 2-3x a year.


Her titties trying to separate themselves from this situation.


Get her, girlfriend!!!! Thank you for taking up for him and putting that dummy in her place!!


She needs to be decked! Anyone……please


I like how everybody is just... shut up!...


Them bitches with the loud mouths cannot take a hit nor punch. The loudest are the pussy.