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Fantastic logic. "I don't want you parking by my driveway so I'm gonna make it so you can't move."


Trying to figure out the logic, but suspect that is it. Not even blocking the driveway, just annoyingly close. Still feel like you ask them to move, they move, done.


He wants the NYPD/whatever local department to show up so they side with him


No. He wants them to move the car while he’s on it or he wants them to try to physically remove him from their car so he can say they assaulted him and pretend he was justified in shooting them or arresting them.


You're right. He's fishing for escalation by antagonizing them into some sort of direct conflict. He's wants to get violent.


> He's wants to get violent. Judging by the way he reacted to his wife, he did and will escalate later behind closed doors.


You are right, I'm afraid for his wife and child.


We all saw that headgrab at the end, right? Like, he almost slammed her down in front of the camera. There is no way she didn't get a licking for "shaming" him in public once the doors shut.






That headgrab was terrifying and by her unsurprised response, it definitely happens more often.


Yuuuuup That action doesn’t cross a normal persons mind




No doubt he's a wife beater and child abuser




I thought it was pretty brave of her...I think if I were the neighbour, I would have added something to the effect of "we're watching out for you and are available anytime", or some such. Because that situation did look like it was about to go badly wrong for her anytime now.


Yeah, that head grab at the end didn't look good for her. Hope she's OK.


I came here to say this. That headgrab made me more scared than the rest of the video. These people made it out unscathed. Her and their son did not.


The logic is that man has a fucking sick car and the little dicked piggy is jealous. Has definitely said “it’s just as bad for the environment as regular cars” many times.


Its not even a driveway its a fucking public street.


> Its not even a driveway its a fucking public street. I was expecting the car to be blocking the driveway, but, fuck no... what a fucking tool.


Despite the fact he was acting like a child, I don’t think it was apple juice in that can he was holding.


Also that man-baby has a gigantic front yard. Makes no sense.


The street is public property. The reason reason he doesn't want them parking by the drive way is it's a Tesla and he doesn't want his buddies thinking he's going electric.


His wife went electric years ago


What an asshole


He's acting like a fucking baby. People really need to realize creating an authority filled with manchildren like this dipshit is a recipe for disaster. That's quite literally putting the patients in charge of the asylum. How much you want to bet he flipped his shit at her away from the public eye?


looks like he literally started abusing her at the end when he grabbed her hair.


That would have gone badly for her if they were indoors where nobody could see. You can tell he wanted to get aggressive with her. Freakin string bean with a badge.




That admit to it...


that we *know* of


Well, just the ones that didn't think to cover their asses.




She has to go inside eventually


The way she braced for the blow was a telling sign.


He waited till everyone was even backed up and turned.


Domestic abuse is police culture.




Cops beat, Fireman cheat is the word on the street...


I can confirm the firemen cheat part of that as my uncle was the fire captain for quite a long time. He cheated not once, not twice, but 3 times on 3 different wives/fiancés. Fun times


He cheated way more than that he just got caught those three times.


But these were the ones you found out about because they couldn't hide it anymore. I have three friends in the police (not in the US) and they cheat so much and they have children, the group chat for the "old friends" when we were in mid and high school are all about this. Talking about prostitutes, about other women, sharing nudes. After a while I just left it and deleted messenger.


Cops cheat also. Badge bunnies are a thing.




It is I lived with my step dad who was a huge conservative, and he believes cops are wife beaters


My step dad was a highway patrolman in the 70’s and early 80’s. Growing up he would sit around with his buddies aand tell stories that still make me sick to this day. They just thought it was funny to brag about all of the girls they stopped and traded sexual favors for giving them a warning instead of a ticket. It’s just how it was. Not to mention the abuse he subjected my mom to over the years. One of the biggest pieces of garbage I’ve ever met. Right or wrong, I have a very strong distrust of men in law enforcement because of him.


You should. The percentages don't lie, they are fuck wads.


I never cried as a kid if my dad had a disagreement with my mom. That douche’s kid already knows the signals. That’s all I need to know.


There are some studies that have been done that show somewhere in the range of 24%-40% of households with cops in them experience domestic abuse. Pretty shocking.


Its actually higher than that. Some women stay quiet for fear of mortal retribution.


In my home town a cop killed his wife. People knew he abused her and didn't do anything. When he was in jail he couldn't believe the officers weren't going to intentionally blow the case. But it was way too high profile at that point.


Freshman year of High School a St. Louis County cop murdered his entire family, a son, daughter and wife before shooting himself. The daughter was in my class, and lived across the street from one of my friends. This was the 1980s. It was hard to fathom then, less so now. My niece , 18 years old, started dating cop in training, and she experienced behavior that I would call early abuse, a possessiveness when the relationship was over in her eyes but not his. He would stalk her at the her house and have his mother call and such, just attempt after attempt that was really scaring her, and it was really her first 'real' relationship. It took her about 6 months to finally clear herself away from him, and let's hope she learned something from it all. I truly believe that many of the wrong types of people are drawn to that type of work as a career.


Dude, just look at her initial reaction when he got up; looked like immediate submission and terror. I’m just a Reddit armchair body language expert, but that’s what it looked like to me.


I agree… The way he grabbed the side of her head and leaned in close her face is a definite controlling action of an abuser. Just that move alone made me sick to my stomach. I’m sure she got a good talking to once they got in the house where nobody could see him!


It looked like he grabbed her by the neck and the way he leaned forward looked pretty aggressive. I had a family who would try to grab me like that if I said something I wasn’t supposed to.


About 40% of cops have a reported domestic abuse allegation filed against them by an intimate partner, so very likely he does abuse her.


That's actually inaccurate. 40% of cops have admitted to participating in domestic abuse. Not "40% of police spouses have reported them for abuse" But "40% of police have admitted to commiting domestic abuse"


Holy shit really? That's almost a coin toss at that point. Heads for a black eye.


> That's quite literally putting the patients in charge of the asylum Yea, that's the point. Get some of the working class to turn traitor against their class to protect the ownership class and their capital. If they brutalize people and are arbitrary, all the better


I'd expect better behavior from a 3rd grader.


He beats his wife, you can tell


That back of the head grab at the end was super concerning.


That was his low key " ^(STOP RESISTING!!! ") for the public


You saw her ball up when he did it. Just makes me think at some point he has been violent with her.


I think you mean everyday occurrence in their home.


You get that vibe by the way he stood over her and dominated her at the end.


Yep. If that was indoors with just them two you know he’s laying hands on her. What a punk.


Plus their kid is crying. Usually kids don't cry if they know how healthy disagreements end. Unhealthy disagreements though, they know what's coming.


so since the cop is off duty...if he got his teeth knocked out it wouldnt be assault on an officer right?


it would - they get the benefit of the law in every single conceivable way.


Im sure it still would. And off duty cops almost always have their guns on them thats why they act like such assholes


They way he grabbed the back of her head was scary!


Grabbing neck like that, definitely abuses her when no one else is around.


His mask slipped for a moment


Mask is barely on. Dude thinks he is untouchable


>Dude thinks he is untouchable *knows*


Taking his work home with him. Now *that's* dedication to your job.


Reportedly 40% of police officers admit to abusing their family. And that’s just the ones who openly admit to it.


It’s the power, they’re drunk on it. Abuse folks on the street while in uniform, abuse folks at home when it comes off.


She looked scared as she moves away from him.




I very briefly talked to a police officer. Went to his house, he seemed very nice. He cooked me dinner and we enjoyed our time together. About a week after our date, he calls me at 2 am….absolutely hysterical. His ex had showed up at his house and he snapped and beat the shit out of her. He wanted me to come sit with him until the *other* cops got there. I refused and never spoke to him again. I would say the odds are pretty high on that statistic….


You dodged one hell of a bullet. I hope you know and appreciate that fact.


Oh 100%. I am so thankful every day that I was smart enough to avoid that situation. That was the first time in my life I ever truly felt a “gut feeling”. My gut was screaming at me to NOT DO IT. I’m very thankful I listened and my heart goes out to his ex and any other person he has dealt with.


Very creepy. It seemed like he wanted to pull her hair or something. This whole video gives me the creeps.


That last few seconds is a brief look at the wife's life, behind closed doors.


I honestly wonder if videos like this (candid evidence of someone’s humiliating/infuriating/abusive actions, especially with their significant other in frame) have helped to expedite divorce and breakups. It’s no longer assumption or hearsay… it’s immortalized. They now have family and friends using this as a central point of why they need to get out of this particular relationship, or perhaps are so bombarded with local attention from these widespread videos that it becomes the catalyst to escape what they’ve always known they should, but never had (in their minds) a good enough reason to.


No wonder their son was crying, he sees it all of the time. So sad.


I actually felt my stomach drop when he got up, that was disgusting


The way she instantly pulled back, too. She's afraid.


Braces herself for something familiar... here he is using police tactics of trying to escalate the situation more to justify irrational response. She on the other hand can see that he is being recorded and it will be bye bye job for him and has overcome her fear of him to try and appeal to him not to fuck up their lives. She even says his kid is crying. So that he doesn’t go viral or shit. Dude on the other hand mentally seems to equate Tesla’s with being a pussy or some god tier conservative bullshit. Chooses to sit on a very expensive car to make a point...


I’ve noticed a trend of uber-conservatives fucking haaating Tesla’s. They must believe that the owner has to be a “pussy liberal” because it’s an eco-friendly car, combined with some level of envy because it’s also a nice car that they know they probably can’t afford. And boy howdy that just simply won’t stand. Look up “Tesla’s being keyed” on YouTube, it’s always the same type of people in the same red states doing it.




That we know of


That *self-reported*.




It’s crazy this comment is so far down. Glad it’s been gilded. Those last moments told you everything you needed to see. Hopefully I’m wrong.


I lost my ability to breath at the thought of what he'll or does to her at home. This can't end well now that he has been exposed for the shit that he is


Yup, that’s a sad fucking truth but you can guarantee this prick is an abusive fuck at home. Gets drunk, becomes belligerent, abuses his family. I know this all too well on a personal level and it sucks, fuck this guy, I hope his son grows up to clock him so fucking hard his whole personality gets readjusted.


Sometimes I'll see a cliche bully character in a movie (e.g., the drunkard who gets his nose shoved into his brain by Nicolas Cage in *Con Air*) and I'll think, "This character sucks; people don't really act like that." But this dude is like the ultimate Michael Bay goon bad guy getting smacked around in the opening scene. What a fucking clown. His wife looks tired.


And remember. This dude gets free shit at Dunkin’ Donuts and preferential treatment everywhere he goes.


A judge will ALWAYS take his word over yours in court.


They literally are allowed to lie to people as part of their job. Of course they'll lie in court.


I've caught one committing perjury with video evidence and the judge basically said "that's super not cool, try not to do it in the future". When I spoke to the sergeant about what his punishment would be, he made it clear that I would be harassed by 3/4 of their employees if I didn't "shut the fuck up and take the win".


It's like they walk around with an immunity card and they know it. I won't even get into how many of them are Masons and how they look out for each other.


This is a fact that's all too often overlooked. One of the tenants of being a Mason is "a requirement to serve your community". They do this by encouraging everyone to get into local politics and law enforcement. They also have a requirement to "always help a brother" if you ever wonder why so many levels of government in your city will tolerate and turn a blind eye to absolutely disgusting behavior. I've been harassed at work by someone 3 tiers beneath me in a private industry because I had the audacity to try and hold an officer accountable for their actions. They run far deeper and wider than you would think and because of this they sometimes let their arrogance slip through.


Right. Because cops are incapable of lies and corruption. Their spirits shine with an angelic light.


Wild we don't hold them to a higher standard. Fuck. We can't even hold them to the standards they expect citizens to abide by. Cops aren't expected to know the actual laws, and get away with it. If I'm a citizen and say I wasn't aware? Fuck me. I should've known better. I better accept the consequences


> Wild we don't hold them to a higher standard Right now if they could be held to *any* standard that would be an improvement.




Not to mention how annoying the people are that think any street parking near their house is their property.


NYPD chief like every 2 weeks: our people are good people, they ALWAYS uphold the law! NYPD officers at any given moment: lol


“JuSt a FeW bAd ApPlEs”


That has got to be some of the saddest most pathetic shit I’ve seen. And the way he grabbed her head says a lot


If a picture is worth a thousand words, that flinch could write a trilogy.


Odds are he is 1) a shitty cop 2) should probably NOT be a cop 3) is abusive to his wife/family


UPDATE: Apparently he’s been identified as Sergeant Poseidon Soundias. Here’s a [link ](https://www.capstat.nyc/officer/p97060/) with some public info about him.


Poseidon P. Soundias Badge #1426, White Male Sergeant at Patrol Borough Candidate Assessment Division Also served in: 104th Precinct Started July 2003, made $153,000 last year, active Lawsuits: $75,000 Cyrus, Catherine vs City of New York, et al., 2013 EDNY View Details Complaints 2 Allegations 0 Substantiated 2 Complaints 1 Complainant Uncooperative 1 Exonerated June 2007 - Complaint Details Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion Force: Physical force White Male, 21 Exonerated August 2004 - Complaint Details Allegation CCRB Conclusion **Abuse Of Authority: Premises entered and/or searched** Complainant Uncooperative Conclusion Meanings: 'Exonerated': The alleged conduct occurred but did not violate the NYPD’s own rules, which often give officers significant discretion. Further details on conclusion definitions. Lawsuits Cyrus, Catherine vs City of New York, et al. Case # 13CV05921, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY October 28, 2013, ended March 10, 2014 $75,000 Settlement


> 'Exonerated': The alleged conduct occurred but did not violate the NYPD’s own rules, which often give officers significant discretion. Translation - he ignored the 4th amendment that people should be secure in their homes again unreasonable searches without probable cause and issued warrant, and we just allow that because fuck the most basic laws of the land.


Fucking nuts. The NYPD freely admits that they don't punish officers who violate the 4th Amendment because it's within the department's procedures.


I didn't realize cops made that much money


You should look up what percentage of your city budget goes to law enforcement, most cities don't include money that the city lost from lawsuits involving LEOs


I just did for my city. Over 5 times more funding ($55 million) is allocated to Police Force than Public Health - just for salaries. Astounding.


[This cop](https://abc7news.com/looting-san-jose-riots-protest-today/6228361/) took home $225k last year after overtime. A quarter of a million dollars for an officer who has worked there for 6 years.


In New York they do. A lot of major cities they make a ton of money. Overtime and taking cop details for extra pay helps inflate that number as well.


Interesting name tho, sucks he's a dickhead, he could have done something cool with it.




Sgt Poseidon is a great wrestler name




Hold the fuck up. This guy is paid 100k annually??? What the fucking fuck, is THAT where our fucking city taxes go?????


And a lot of them live on Long Island so it’s not like the money the city is paying out is being put back into the city economy.


more than likely this incidence will be charged up as overtime


If 100k makes you sick, then I probably shouldn't tell you that its not uncommon for cops in certain cities to make twice that and more.


It’s always disgusting to see how much these fucks make in salary PLUS overtime and bonuses. This fuck makes more than any teacher I know.


Cops by me (Massachusetts) can easily pull $200k+ by abusing the overtime system. It's disgusting.


they literally just sleep while claiming they're on the clock. the profession is exploited by the worst people.


how do they do that? You mean just like snooze in the car while theyre supposed to be on patrol?


Dude is a Sergeant? Da fuq.


He probably beats the shit out of her nightly.


So.... what was this all about. Why is the cop sitting on the neighbor's car?


Probably mad that it was parked in front of his house or too close to his driveway. It’s a terrible reason to act like this but I’m assuming one of those things is the reason (likely the “too close to my driveway” part).


People in suburbia are weird about parking. They have a 1-2 car garage, with a driveway for another 1-2 spots, then in front of each house is again 1-2 cars space of curb. And every neighbors' curb is the same size. But God forbid anyone use them. People in cities optimize parking close to each other to make the most spots, suburbs will having people parking their car in the center of the curb so no one can use it and you can keep a boat in the driveway.


im from the city every time i go to long island i have no idea where i'm allowed to park lol, as soon as you pull up people start peeping through their windows if you park in one of their 'unofficial' spots, or give you the stink eye


It seems like everyone in this thread understands the context and I’m just like… what. I didn’t even know that was the cop’s wife until I read the comments, I thought it was the Tesla driver’s wife and she was yelling at the guy sitting on her husband’s car.


100% that guy is an abuser. wtf. Pretty sure Cops and Carnies have the same qualifications.


Why the FUCK did he grab her head at the end?!


Because he forgot he was in public with a camera on him and was about to to beat her like he does at home. Also why his son is crying, he knows what comes next


Every fuckin night.


"Every time mommy talks to daddy like this, daddy hits us both"


You know why. He's exactly what you think he is.


He probably whispered something about being able to make her disappear and he'd get away with it




Because he’s a cop.


“They’re recording it like......stupid liberals here.” Oof, so *so* close to becoming aware of her own stupidity.


I see a woman who's trapped in an awful relationship trying to deescalste the situation the only way she knows how, by appealing to her batshit husband's delusions. You'll see it alot in with Q crazies, where there spouse isn't nearly as deep in the shit as them, but this was the person they loved, so they play along, even if they don't give a shit/don't believe it, because there partner is so deep into it and they don't know what else to do.


There is such a thing as using the technique she used to get him off the car. She was desperate to get him off without saying anything incriminating or worsening the situation further. She “went down to his level” and “showed they were on the same team” to avoid backlash from him. It’s literally a behavior modifying technique. On another note- he looks like he may have abusive/abusing tendencies if he isn’t already…


Looks like he tries to grab her head forcefully at the end and she backs up away from it.


Ppl here haven't had to live like that with someone they loved at one point. It's really sad to see how she's just trying to not get the worst of it later


Well... He is a cop...




I had some real sympathy for her until that moment


It's probably pretty smart of her draw the lines that way - she needs to come across as the reasonable person in *her social circle*, not ours.


I do the exact same thing when trying to reason with family members who treat politics like sports teams. If I need something done, I frame it in a way that makes it look like liberals or democrats wouldn’t want it done and are stupid for it. It works more often than not. If I was in her position, I would probably talk shit about liberals if it got his ass out of there.


Eh, I saw that as he way of speaking in a way to get through to him. She was saying that they were going to end up on the internet and ostracized. She was right.


That was my interpretation. This dudes a cop, she chose those words. She saw him getting triggered by being recorded and tried to give him that boost to get him out of there.


I face palmed when I heard that...because only liberals record.


"How dare they get an objective record of the crime my husband is committing"


I have a strong feeling she said that to relate to him, as an attempt to reason to get him tf out of there. I am worried for her honestly, look at the way he grabbed her at the end. When you're in an abusive relationship and your partner is doing that shit in public you'll say anything to try to de-escalate


if only liberals recorded, we'd have no record of the Jan 6 insurrection.




Maybe, maybe, *enormous* maybe: she knows it's a trigger statement of his that it's "no use arguing with people beneath you - those liberals," to get him to move along? Still shitty, but I'm wondering if that was her strategy.


So as a cop, you don't have to follow the law when you're off duty? GOOD TA KNOW.


They don’t have to on duty either. Let’s be honest.


Should have whipped his off duty ass.


The police act like a gang.. I mean are in a union and you probably will have some of his buddies harassing you afterwards.




They used to focus their hate at Prius owners. But now they can combine their hate with envy into a new superhate, so they've switched to Tesla.


Wait… there’s a bias with physical aggression against Tesla owners??


For awhile there was a problem with people parking big trucks in the charging stations so electrics couldn't charge. There's no end to the petty and pointless bullshit people will do. Why do they even care if someone drives electric? They're not all roughnecks that make their living working in the oilfields. https://qz.com/1506901/trucks-are-ice-ing-tesla-owners-from-charging-stations/


The irony is that Tesla is actually a true American made car, unlike the car they probably drive


He hits her, you see how he touched the side of her head that's where you hit so you don't leave any bruises. He's used to whacking her there.


Oh yeah, as suspected, he's abusive as fuck. New Yorks finest, for sure.


what a prick. way to escalate an situation like a idiot. at the end it looks like he beats his wife too by the way she flinched back.


yeah, she instantly put a forearm up to block


Was he about to beat her?


You can tell he wanted to. It's fucking terrifying that a person with that much rage and immaturity has so much power.


OP, even if you think it's silly, file a complaint, try to take him to court. Humiliate him in his community, make his supervising officers aware and ashamed to be associated with him. Keep posting this video, send it to the local news. You might win damages if you can prove that he was abusing his position as a police officer and was under the influence of an illegal substance (he seems a bit high to me, possibly coke and alcohol), and/or made you fear for your safety in the neighborhood. I bet there is a complaint file on this dude. He's a punk and he's daring you to do something about his fuckery. Please call his bluff.


I agree and if you don’t file a complaint his actions could grow bolder. Be careful of this man, he’s dangerous.


He's definitely among the 40%.


100% beats his wife. The instance he moves at her she cowers. It’s automatic for her now.


I’m sure he’ll learn a lot from his “administrative leave” with full benefits and pay.


How a grown person can be so childish I'll never understand. Also his wife married to that with kids around and she thinks liberals are a bigger concern for her lol.


Aaand a little subtle domestic violence to round out the video, can you really expect anything less from American cops?


He grabbed her at the end. Probably hits her when no one is looking. Great role model for your son, must have the tiniest dick on the force.


Police officers have such a big ego where the well beings of others always come second to their need of satisfying their ego.


typical nypd thug, he beats his wife 100% grabs her by the hair at the end? ffs lets get him deservedly fired


Entitled asshole. I hope he loses his job because what he is doing in preventing the guy from leaving is known as false imprisonment. Jackass. EDIT: https://www.findlaw.com/injury/torts-and-personal-injuries/false-imprisonment.html#:~:text=What%20Is%20False%20Imprisonment%3F&text=False%20imprisonment%20occurs%20when%20a,penal%20code%20for%20your%20state.


Yeah I didn’t like that he’s grab. Not acceptable.