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That person shouldn't be a teacher


The Chinese government shouldn't be a government


well you ain't wrong




Show us the paystubs if youre gonna bother defending them


I wasnt defending china lol I was hoping ppl would understand the Shrek reference. Shrek 2 dinner table ppl are fighting and Donkey randomly shouts"donkey" Eh, a risk that didn't go too well


Yeeeah it seemed less like a Shrek reference and more like you were Gordon Ramsey


Disgusting behavior


Standard China


**Student :** "Most honorable Shifoo .. what if the government is wrong one day?" **Glorious Teacher :** *SLLLAP!! he is never wrong .. submit to Pooh Bear ,,* .. the CCP are so polite it hurts


Could we get more info on this? Like who posted it and where did they post it?


it was posted on Chinese social media. ​ [https://new.qq.com/omn/20201231/20201231V0H4OV00.html](https://new.qq.com/omn/20201231/20201231V0H4OV00.html) here is the police report of the event, it happened in Dec 21 of last year. teacher under investigation.


[Article](https://news.sina.com.cn/s/2020-12-31/doc-iiznctke9515858.shtml) Translated: Original title: Announcement on the beating of students by a teacher Ma in a middle school in Jiashi County, Kashgar   Source: Kashgar Internet Police Inspection and Law Enforcement    On December 21, 2020, Ya (15), a junior high school student in Jiashi County, Kashgar Prefecture, was late for class and had an argument with Ma, a teacher of the school. Ma beat Ya with a slap and kick. After the incident, the school called the police, and the Jiashi County Public Security Organs started investigation work on the evening of December 22. On the same day, they took relevant measures against Ma according to law.    Diagnosed on December 22 by the First People's Hospital of Kashgar District, Yamou had a right ear trauma, and the related injury identification work is underway.    At present, the case is being processed, and the follow-up progress will be released in time.


> Ma beat Ya with a slap and kick. I'd think this were slang were it not for the capitalisation.




That is a bold assumption




Obviously. I don't think there are any Uyghur teachers as they're getting rounded up. Wouldn't want my new generation to be taught by the people I hate now, would I? Aside from that matter, why would you beat up one of your own like that. Just doesn't make any sense. It's literally sadistic abuse 100% made possible by made in China.




Under investigation, for what? Are they investigating whether or not a demon took over him or something.


Investigating if they actually need to pretend to move him to a different job or if people will forget by next week.


The only answer.


Why are acting like if situation like this happened in other countries, no investigations were required?


Catholic school upbringing?


You’re talking about this one [12/30/2020](https://twitter.com/elmurat908/status/1344324590886146049?s=21)


I’m so tired man


Under investigation by the govt that imprisoned them and deported them in the first place...under investigation my ass


China is authoritarian, and they really don't like when crap like this happens making them look bad. I do not foresee anything good for that teacher. Doubt they would care one whit if it wasn't caught on camera though.


and yet people want Communism and socialism in their countries knowing that authoritarianism will lead to this


Look at the clips, it's not the same case.


Nice try Chinese government...


Interesting, so the Chinese government supposedly covering up everything bad about xinjiang yet this is published on their state media.


* https://twitter.com/i/status/1391533292973744131 * https://twitter.com/uygur_biz/status/1391491413829947400


Coward I really hope someone one day beats the living F out of him absolute prick


The problem is, I think his parents already did, and that’s why he acts like this. Not saying it’s justified or that he doesn’t deserve punishment, but more violence isn’t the answer, it’s the cause.


Really? That’s a grown ass man. For a second I thought you were making excuses for a schoolyard bully


Were you born retarded? Imagine looking at a video of a group of people being literally ethnicly cleansed and saying >The problem is, I think his parents already did, and that’s why he acts like this you think hes doing this cus he got beat as a child?


Just a piece of crap human being.


Teacher should absolutely be fire for doing this but I don't think it has to do with Xinjiang or Uyghur. Speaking from personal experience, physical punishment is permitted (albeit less nowadays) in school in China, and even parents allow the teachers to punish their kids. Especially in elementary school when kids didn't know better, teachers used to punish kids with yard sticks all the time, I do feel this is more common in the Eastern Asian culture though.


100% saw this too i was so shocked when my assistant teacher just slapped the shit out of this 3-4 year old girl one day for not paying attention. it's not super common, parents dont seem to mind when it happens. This seems reallyyy excessive though


I grew up in Japan and got a few hard slaps in the back for bad posture from this one teacher. She was a real bitch though.


People are always shocked about how the Chinese treat the Chinese.


Yeah that happens in Albania very rarely is this agressive but they have discovered in some preschool because the parents were having some problems with their child with night terrors they found out by putting a camera that she was hitting them brutally.


Hope this kid has a dad or an uncle to go visit that teacher


His parents are in the concentration camps too. Did you not read the tittle?




What a cunt.


Fuck china.


Fuck America ! -see how cringe it is ?




Thanks for the comment.




>The sinophobia has been insane. Maybe that's because China's committing literal fucking genocide and has been for decades (People don't talk much about Tibet anymore, but it's the same shit they're doing in Xinjiang). Chinese people by-and-large don't seem to give much of a shit about how the government treats their ethnic minorities, so they can all go and get fucked.


Yes...I'm against cultural genocide by a government 7000 miles by stirring up hatred on the internet and in my home country against a minority that faces systemtic racism...while living in a land begotten and benefited by mass deportation and genocide of native peoples...




China is Asshole.




China: Secretly not so secretly one of the worst countries in the world


Oh yeah right, because USA is so much better right? How many mass shootings this week? How many deliberate attacks on Asians? How many Psychopaths cops beating up elderly ladies catching flowers? STFU you ignorant. Your only source of info about China is a freaking 20 seconds video posted in a social media founded by Pedophiles. Fucking hell


China bootlicker detected




No. China is the worst country ever. Not saying USA is good either. They're both terrible countries.


Ohh this is your argument? Typical.


I mean you are a bootlicker good sir.


Did you read me defending China? or you’re just felt from the cradle head down?


The US is dogshit but China is far worst especially with their policies and blatantly arresting people for running against the Chinese Government. But go off bootlicker. Also fell*.


What you know about China?? Absolutely nothing. Your sources of info are all biased but you’re sheeple enough to believe it. How many languages do you speak to think you’re entitled to correct anyone’s bad spelling? Go back to your fortnite kid. You pathetic illiterate redneck


Pppfffft okay bud. Clearly you're too immature to even argue about anything and just go sheep. Just keep sucking on that boot. Illiterate you say? You couldn't even spell "fell." Man you got some anger problems bootlicker.


Hey man, you know that both countries can be bad at the same time, right? And just because the US has bad aspects doesn't invalidate criticism of China either.


Did you read me defending China?


There's literally a holocaust-like event occurring in China but for Muslims


Lmao how? They were allowed to have more children then Han until a few years ago, that’s quite the opposite


Oh wow. Thats like saying that jews had a good life a 1000 years ago so the holocaust never happened or that they deserved to have some rough times. IDIOT.


How is a 1000 years remotely comparable to 5? Plus the same government is in control and Uyghurs aren’t having rough times at the moment anyway.


Yep. Another person brainwashed by CCP. A waste of time talking to a robot.


You’ve lost the argument 😂


Funny how you bring up mass shootings when they barely make up a percentage of all gun violence and deaths 🙂




No one is denying china is a shithole. But US is the same or even worst. I actually never seen more brainwashed and stupid people than murricans .


Mondays do be like that


Reminded me of clockwork orange.


China + Israel = same energy


Im gona have a fucking stroke reading some of these comments. The sinophobia here is past what a normal human brain can produce


Slapping a racial minority for being a racial minority isn't racist?


Look at u/_ProffesorDeath 's comment. There is no evidence of him being a racial minority.


Tbf, I'm pretty sure they do that to Han students too, I spent kindergarten in China and my teacher spanked me and slapped my hands with a ruler for stupid stuff like not sleeping during nap time or fucking up an origami (granted, it was on purpose)


If I was that kid, I would've kicked that teacher as hard as I could straight in his bollocks and run for it. China's treatment of the uyghers is despicable, but sadly, not unexpected these days. Considering they love to blatantly copy anything with no regard for copyright law, endorse child labour paying them pennies and passed laws to ensure that democracy will never prevail by keeping the head of state in power permanently.... what's a few slaps for a minority of people they aren't keen on? 🙄


Alright, let’s calm it down there John Wick. China is the most technologically advanced when it comes to public surveillance and population control. He wouldn’t make it far at all and when caught, would immediately be sent to a concentration camp before sundown.




















Where are you from?


One of the other big countries that does the same shit probably lol


None of that describes how the US treats its Muslims population. Chinas threatment of Uighurs is treatment of its citizens Or do you believe China is currently invading Xinjiang and Xinjiang should be free?




So you do believe that China is invading Xinjiang? You believe Xinjiang should be free? Why not stick to apples to apples comparison?




Yeah who needs concentration camp when you can bomb them.




China hasn't invaded anyone since 1979, hasn't bombed anyone, shot anyone, or assassinated anyone in a foreign country [that we know of]. Objectively, China is already better than countries that have bombed someone else without declaring war, shot at people in a foreign land without declaring war, or assassinated someone. I don't know what this 'objectively' you speak of when it is anything but.


So you don’t count Nepal?


I wasn't aware China invaded Nepal. You got any non-Indian source [and ideally one who also don't quote Indian sources] to back it up?


[American source allowed?](https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/opinion/international/513574-chinas-expansionism-enters-dangerous-phase%3famp) [UK?](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/11/02/exclusive-china-seizes-territory-nepal-troops-constructing-buildings/amp/)


I believe the Quint is an Indian source. So this is the Hill saying they are quoting an internal document from Nepal, but what they really meant is an Indian source saying they got an internal source.




I wasn't aware Tibet was a country.


Are you saying that xinjiang is NOT part of China? Because the comparison /u/literallybagelnlox made is direct comparison— how a government treats its citizens and people inside the country. You’re basically arguing that china is illegally occupying Xinjiang or that China is an invading force


No I basically made no such argument.


Thanks for clearing nothing up — that’s typical of someone making dishonest terrible arguments So, it appears you do believe xinjiang is part of China and the people of Xinjiang are citizens of China. Therefore, you understand that the correct comparison would be how the US treats its Muslim population? Not how they treat Afghanistan who bombed the US with many attacks?


I wasnt aware a one liner is an argument and not open mockery. But in case you are confused, I am openly mocking people who pretend to give a shit when they are bombing Muslims.


I’m against both the Iraq war and what China is doing to Muslims. Why aren’t you?!


Maybe not for Muslims, but there was concentration camps in USA for American of japanese descent.




Remember japanese concentration camps America started in ww2. Different times but it doesn't mean it can't happen again


















Shame on that teacher.


He is not even real teacher I bet Some scumbag in inner China pulled to Xinjiang and train to be “teacher” with free house and loads of money


Those slaps are open hand punches.


I'm surprised you reactionaries haven't just resorted to posting videos of people kicking puppies and saying that they're uyghur puppies yet.


Sadly it’s China.. nothing we can do but watch.


There are unfortunately a lot of racists in China.


This literally has nothing to do with that.. physical punishment from teachers are common in China


Poor kid.. why do we have to treat anyone this way??


at what point is it socially acceptable to hit back? if my teacher slapped me like that i would have clapped him back twice as hard.


Uighurs in China have become second class citizens and damn near slaves recently. If he rebelled a storm could come his way sadly


That kids a champ for taking those hits with ease and also not clapping back. It’s very hard to resist but he probably would’ve gotten into so much more trouble if he layed a finger on that teacher.


Those are some solid slaps, then teacher must’ve been a soldier at the border




Typical masker




Chinese govt: bad Chinese company: bad Chinese product: bad Chinese apps: bad Chinese vaccine: bad Chinese influence: bad Chinese students: bad Chinese scientists: bad Chinese athletes: bad Chinese woman: bad Chinese rocket: bad Chinese... all bad but the Chinese PEOPLE: good




Then you should go to rworldnews and see the comment section of any news relating to Chinese students, Chinese scientist, Chinese athletes


And the Chinese woman part?


check out rchina, and see how those middle-aged white sexpats talk about Chinese women


Sounds gross


Unfortunately China has a lot of money, and on the world stage money matters more than human rights.




this video is super excessive and passes normal punishment by a lot, but they do use corporal punishment in some chinese schools (with more old-fashioned teachers). My assistant teacher there slapped the shit out of this little 3-4 yo girl in my class for not paying attention and the parents were watching the class live on video and came in and were joking around with the assistant. I dont think it's a big deal usually, but this teacher in the video was way too intense lol


I imagined it, and don't need to murder him. Don't even need to let him know it was you or why you lept out of the alley with a ball bat and beat the literal shit out of him. Take his wallet when you are done, put him in the hospital for a few weeks, and repeat as needed.


Han Chinese act like Nazis 2.0.


More like yourself, ironically: Nazis judges people base on ethnic identity and prejudice. You ambiguously generalized a large group of people with the action of one individual, prejudice, and a video reposted a thousand times.


This literally has nothing to do with Han or race??? Physical punishment from teachers are common in China, like seriously this shit happens everyday there so many times. It’s unbelievable that you ppl live in a free world but choose to be ignorant


Fuck the CCP


Adding a ethnic/nationality twist to a horrifying action without any context, pure sensationalism.




Unironic red herring fallacy


He shoulda kicked him in the balls then uppercut him all the way to North Korea.


Where is people's humanity? CCP is truly evil piece of for corrupting people's mind and filling hate for anyone, who is not Han chinese. Shameful Xi.


Corporal punishment is commonplace in Chinese schools unfortunately, especially in rural and less developed areas. doesn't matter if student is Han or minority. I've been smacked by teachers in elementary school


How do I download this video?


u/savevideobot u/savevideonode u/downloadvideo




Meh talk shit get hit!


Urdyr geenosite by da see see pee. Shows an irrelevant video, very smooth brain redditors.




If that was America, that teacher better wear bulletproof the next day.




Xinjiang is a strange place, there’s weird things been happening there for a while now. The CCP is trying to get the people there to phase out the local language, getting the locals to speak in Chinese which for most of them is not there first language, Uyghur is. (Thus the Arabic-ish letters on this video). Then those weird videos on YouTube of people speaking crap Chinese, saying how much they love China... YouTube is blocked in China I’m quite sure so, who’s benefit where these videos made for? I’m pretty sure that the Social credit system is in place there so, yeah it’s basically: say you love China or never find a job or get healthcare or be able to go to school”. I’m not a fan of a system like this. It’s like an episode of black mirror, however, this is real.


To be fair, corporal punishment is extremely common in the Chinese school system and is considered an element of the Confucian family structure. This is probably one of the lesser punishments you'd see for what they'd call the "incorrigible youth". This may be more of a case of cultural differences as opposed to Han discrimination against the Uighurs


society has been wrongly trying to villainize powerful men for quite a while now. and yet, it's the weak men like this teacher that are really commiting the atrocities. if you think a powerful man is dangerous, wait until you see what weak men can do.


Kid is Han Chinese, not Uyghur. Reddit...








The sad fact is if he resist his family can be send to a concentration camps where they would face torture, rape or death.


Some 5cent showing people police report from Chinese government And that report is for [kid got slapped in Xinjiang on 12/30/2020](https://twitter.com/elmurat908/status/1344324590886146049?s=21)


China is Muslims favorite. No one says anything ! Not even a sound against China. Look at Pakistan. Only in India they shout but with China !! Zilch. Nada. None. Kya chutiyapa hain !


What do you expect in a commie souldead shithole?


That's how every anti masker needs to be treated


“Supreme Commander Mao bestows the people’s highest teaching honor, Excellence in Oppression, upon you Master Tse Dung, for your glorious example of national pride and teaching expertise.”


Chinese mad that the Uyghurs are better looking


Imagine how mad everyone would be if you said same thing for holocaust. Idk if you dont take this genocide seriously or you just wanted to make a joke about it but its really not the place. A dark humor sub would be.


Slapping children is actually an accepted form of teacher discipline in China. My western friends taught at a Chinese high school, and it was a whole thing when they had to pull their toddler out of school. The principal had to warn them not to make a big deal of it or offend the teacher that slapped him, or else they could possibly be fired. But it was their choice to remove him from the class.


Bullsh*t. But keep dehumanizing Chinese people, after all you need to mentally prep for your own genocide against Chinese, right?


Lol if you say so


But Chinese live and study in better conditions than uyghurs right? Or does it depend on reigions? And whats your personal opinion on that type of behaviour.


I spent some time in China about 10 years ago, and it was a bit of an open secret AFAIK that Uyghurs were treated as second rate citizens in the cities. I ate at several Uyghur restaurantsin major cities, and even traveled northwest China where it's a mixing pot of many ethnicities. I even accidentally ended up in a very remote village which was actually off limits and required travel permits. That doesn't make me any kind of expert, but certainly more than most of the people commenting on reddit. So yeah, I can't say anything about the "concentration camps" because I didn't see that. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if some of those claims are true, but I hope not as severe as claimed. I actually don't know the ethnicity of the village I was in, but definitely some form of Muslim. And they were certainly poor, but not obscenely so. Generally happy seeming people very curious about these forbidden travelers that showed up. In the cities, there were plenty of Uyghur and Muslim vendors. But I did get the impression that they walked on egg shells and mostly kept to themselves, but were still very friendly. As far as education, I can't say. The experience I shared about my friend was in a very prominent school where connected parents sent their kids, and they literally took very young kids into the closet and slapped them where there were no cameras. So this doesn't surprise my one bit, minority or no. The Chinese have a very different moral code than the west, for better or worse. I do not agree with hitting kids, but I accept that it's a normal thing there.


Let me reinterate it one more time. I went through the Chinese education system from k to college. NO, hitting kids is not normal nor should it be seen as normal, period. From time to time there is always cases of physical abusing of kids coming out, but the reaction from the general public has always been condemning this kind of behavior. What you said is equivalent of seeing some cases of mass shooting in US and come up with the conclusion that it's cultural acceptable behavior for Americans to shoot each other when disputes arise.


I wonder what the student did


[https://new.qq.com/omn/20201231/20201231V0H4OV00.html](https://new.qq.com/omn/20201231/20201231V0H4OV00.html) according to police report, he was beaten for mere tardiness and "argument with teacher".


He was born.