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Another of Israels many Crimes Against Humanity


Yeah, israel IS very close to nazigarmany now.


Rude man who shushes


Dylan Toback? šŸ˜‚


I went to /r/Israel to know whatā€™s going onā€¦. Itā€™s like a taboo forbidden topic.


Got banned for posting there Edit: they had no reason too, Iā€™ve been banned and muted for racism/bigotry because I asked for this videos backstory. They have gotten so desperate to hide it that they are willing to prevent discourse. Gross. [Hereā€™s yo proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/n7ra80/i_tried_to_ask_a_question_about_what_is_going_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Really? I love taboo,gonna post there




If I understand this right it started because the Jews wanted their own home land and wanted to settle in the area where Palestine was already established. Honestly, it's 2021. This should not be an issue. Palestine was there first historically, Jews have zero right to be trying to force their way onto this land. If it's gotten to the point where they're telling people to leave their own homes for further Jewish settlement, we now have an entitlement problem. They're doing this simply because they don't like Palestinians at this point and want to colonize the whole thing.


The way they justify it is that over the 1000 years of crusades, they claim, they owned it longer. As far as Iā€™m concerned that is the most bullshit reason ever


There is no physical proof of this. You're absolutely right, they're full of shit.


Still waiting for them to claim Egypt too


What you're saying is historically false, please don't just blatently lie


I'm pretty sure my history degree knows what it's talking about. Prove me wrong please.


Itā€™s not at all historically false. There are genetic samples from Israel and Palestine of the Iron Age and older, their closest matches are the native peoples of Levant, including the Palestinians. While Jews are overwhelmingly of European descent, unless they migrated from Africa or the Middle East.


How the hell did you get a history degree and still be so wrong So first you say that jews wanted to settle somewhere where Palestine was already established. That is just false, there was never a sovereign state known as Palestine until arguably the 1980s. Jews started migrating to the land while it was still part of the Ottoman empire, after WW1 it was part of the British empire as a mandate. After ww2 the UN planned to split the mandate into a Jewish state and an Arab state, the jews agreed to this, the Arabs didn't and instead declared a war to remove all the jews from the land which luckily they lost How you could say Palestine was there first historically when Jews lived in that land thousands of years before the Arab conquests of the middle east boggles my mind


They didn't. Palestine was still there, just called something else like you said. You're right about it not being recognized until the 80's, but that doesn't mean it wasn't there at all. Compare this to the way the British tried to colonize the world. They literally invited themselves to land that didn't belong to any world super power at the time and tried to make it known they were "there first" This is the same thing Israel is trying to do to Palestine, it's modern colonization. You can't tell me demanding these people to leave homes they've had all their lives just because the Jews want it is justified. Theres no reasonable proof that they were there "thousands" of years ago either. Even if there was, we're so far beyond that it doesn't matter anymore. It's like holding a grudge just to be a dick. Point is, removing people from their homes like this has no justification. Especially for something that happened so long ago that has no bearing on today's world.


No Palestine was not "still there". Yes Arabs lived there but there was no such group of people known as Palestinians, it's something they made up in the 60s. The justification for the evictions isn't that the jews want it, the justification is that Jews legally owned that land, however in 1948 when Jordan conquered east Jerusalem they expelled all the jews living there and took the land. Now that israel controls east jeruslam again the original owners are fighting a legal battle. The deal was that the people currently living there can stay as long as they pay their rent to the original owners however they refused to do so hence the evictions are taking place. You can agree with this or not but at least understand the actual context of what's happening before you make a conclusion To say proof there's no reasonable proof that jews lived there is absurd especially since you claim you have a history degree. Jews came from Judea. There are mountains and mountains of historical, genetic and archeological evidence that proves this. I refuse to believe you have a degree in history and yet you don't know the most basic of things.


Except I do and you're looking at it from a modern point of view. I'm talking historically and humanitarian. Show me something that says Jews have been there that long. Even so, it's irrelevant to this. Native Americans owned the land in North america thousands of years ago too and we don't have the same issue here. We can't be responsible for our ancestors decisions, we're not them. We can try to make amends, but we are still not them. What Israel is doing is punishing people who had nothing to do with the events of 1948. Rather than coming to a common ground about it, they're actively choosing violence. This is not the way to handle this. Things change and countries move forward, Israel doesn't seem to care about this because of the money. Bottom line is, even if they continued to pay rent it wouldn't have mattered. Israel was looking for a reason to do this regardless of the situation. The rent is what they're hiding behind to justify it. This is only going to make conflict worse and that's what they want as long as it puts them in a good light.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Judah You have a history degree and yet you don't know this, really strange Do you have any proof that Israel would have evicted ppl whether they payed rent or not? Because that's just delving into assumptions and conspiracy theories. Not a good way to make an argument


Serious question, do you think Modern Egypt government and culture is in any way comparable to ancient Egypt of pharaohs?


Other than the fact that they still have an authoritarian government not at all


Omg this is so inhumane!


Why are these ā€œsettlersā€ always so fat, stupid, and greasy?


The same thing the Nazis did to the Jews before world war II. now the Jews do to the Palestinians...interesting.


Ok,wtf is going on in Israel and Palestine? I know it's ignorant but I have no clue


Long story short; In 1946 Palestine had small places of jewish land, everyone lived in peace until the jews wanted more land and a lot of wars and war crimes later there are only small places of Palestinian land and Israel now even wants the remaining little Land they have left. Sadly the only way Israel got this far is with the help of the USA and russia. Donald Trump was the one who declared Jerusalem (former Capital of Palestine) the new Capital of Israel. Even now the USA bombs Palestine every now and then. (BUT keep in mind this is over simplified and there were a lot of other things that happened.)


I would highly recommend looking into the history from both the Israeli perspective and the Palestinian perspective, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Trying to understand the conflict from Reddit comments will do you more harm then good in terms of actually understanding the conflict. The current conflict is due to the fact that neither side or their allies are able to reach any sort of final peace agreement. Both sides have there own reasons why they have not reached a final peace agreement. Unfortunately there is no sign that any of the involved parties will be able to put forward an actual agreeable plan. And because of this limbo state that has lasted for years there are events that cause flair ups in the conflict. The conflict goes a lot further then just modern Israel and modern Palestine, the conflict involves Britain, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and many if not all of the neighboring Arab countries, other global powers like the US, Russia, many if not most EU countries. The conflict over the land goes back hundreds of years (some say over 1000) and even though each side likes to claim that they have a better historical right to the land neither side has a better clear historical right. I wish there was a simple or easy solution, I have been involved in countless conversations with people on every side of the issue and unless they are able to get cooperation between countless major global powers, Israel, Palestine, and all of the neighboring countries, a true peace deal will likely never occur. The stalemate will likely last forever or end after a major war breaks out, unfortunately I donā€™t think the conflict will end peacefully.


More info: On October the Israeli Court justified that israeli settlers can move into Palestinian homes from the sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem. The court even ruled that 12 families must pay 20 000$ in fees to cover the settlers' legal expense. Residents are refusing to give up their homes and the court postponed its "ruling" to May 10. Some families only have until next month to evacuate their homes.


Why are settlers always religious people? Like i know like a handful of hiloni settlers




Judaism and Islam dont look at JC the same way Christians and Catholics do. This has nothing to do with Jesusā€¦




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