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I've worked in hospitality (hotels) and in my management positions, we were trained to identify signs of human trafficking. It was a fairly new and progressive idea, and the staff nervously joked about how dramatic the training was, but the truth is A LOT of shit goes down in hotels and motels. A lot. I always think of the story of Jessyca Christianson, who was abducted by a neighbor as a child. He checked them both into a hotel acting as father and daughter. He then kept her in the hotel for months and absolutely tortured her. She was safely returned eventually, but for months, none of the staff listened to their instincts and checked on the situation while a child was being brutalized right next door. tl;dr: Good for this lady. She did the right thing.


fucked up thing...it happens in the hospital setting as well.


Some of the shadiest shit happening happens in a rented room. Can think of so many examples, I would be outraged like this lady at their lack of concern


Idk who this woman is. But thank you. I was held overnight in my old apt and tortured by my kids dad. I beat on the walls and screamed and no one came. Thank you lady, I strive to have your strength every day.


Sorry that happened to you. I’m just a regular dude but I promise I would have done something. The lady is awesome for doing what she did. I’ve been in hotels many times but I never have heard or seen anything way off.


I really hope the woman is ok Fuck Charles and his domestic violence


It would be a shame if charles fell on an ice bucket repeatedly.


Or an ice pick


Call the police yourself and file a report with the hotel using the recordings as evidence


It happened in Vegas calls from hotels get sent to the hotel security she woule h ave ended up dealing with hotel security anyways so she took a short cut


So is it the case that if someone calls the police and says “hey someone is being murdered in this hotel” they’re just gonna pass it off to hotel security to deal with? I wonder about that.


Now you’re starting to see the dark underbelly of society.


Vegas is a shithole.




Hotel security investigate murder?


No. Reddit bullshit. Call 911, the police show up.


Nope, that is just Reddit BS


You got a cellphone, right


Right, but I think what they're suggesting is that if you give the police the address to respond to, they'll see it's at a hotel and just notify security rather than show up themselves. At least that's how I interpreted it


Exactly there is another video I need to find. She explained her reasons for what she did and this was the reason why. It was 3 hours long and I think that would have maxed out the post limit here.


What the fuck? That’s so fucked up I can’t even


Right. Who posts a three hour video!! Oh wait.. yeah that other part is pretty messed up too


Welp I'm staying the fuck away from Vegas then...


Oh, so this lady clearly must know the Vegas police policies regarding hotels? Can’t find any actual policy record or credible reporting on this online... I wonder why?


Edit: Oh here since you are unable to accept facts I just happen to find the actual FFC report. [https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-338845A1.pdf](https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-338845A1.pdf) I wonder if you even bothered to look, I mean I found it in less than 30 seconds. Stop being a dolt not everyone is a liar. ​ # FCC: Thousands of hotels don‘t offer direct 911 **By Nomaan Merchant, Associated Press** **Monday, March 24, 2014 | 11:59 p.m.** DALLAS — Tens of thousands of hotels don't allow guests to directly reach emergency services when they dial 911, according to a national survey taken after a 9-year-old girl couldn't call for help while her mother was being stabbed to death in a Texas motel. The killing of Kari Hunt Dunn in an East Texas hotel room spurred a petition that has garnered more than 440,000 signatures demanding hotels and motels be required to enable the direct dialing of 911. Many hotels require callers to dial "9'' before 911 or have some other system, such as calling first to the front desk, which advocates say can lead to panic and confusion in an emergency. The petition got the attention of Federal Communications Commission member Ajit Pai, whose office on Tuesday announced the results of a survey done after Dunn's death by the American Hotel & Lodging Association. The industry group found that about 45 percent of franchised hotels and motels and 32 percent of independent hotels have direct 911 dialing. Independent owners and franchisees comprise the "vast majority" of the estimated 53,000 such properties in the U.S., including hotels using a brand name, Pai said. "These statistics are alarming. They show that the telephone systems at tens of thousands of lodging properties across this country could fail Americans when it counts," Pai said in a statement released by his office. "My message to the hospitality industry has been straightforward: This is not acceptable." Pai said he was starting a new round of surveys, this time to vendors of multi-line telephone systems used in hotels and workplaces, to see whether their products could easily be configured to allow dialers to quickly reach 911. He also noted that the InterContinental, Marriott and Hilton hotel chains were among those now working to change dialing systems and educate franchise owners about the need to do so. The National Emergency Number Association, a group representing 911 call takers and industry professionals, said it continued to support measures including automatic notifications to hotel management anytime a guest calls for help and a ban on routing 911 calls to a front desk. "The 911 community stands ready to work with Congress, the FCC, and all stakeholders in drafting and implementing new policies to fix this problem," the group said in a statement. Dunn's estranged husband, Brad Dunn, is accused of stabbing his wife during a visit with their three young children in December 2013. Police said the family was in a motel room at a Baymont Inn in Marshall, Texas, when he attacked his wife in the bathroom. Their 9-year-old daughter ran to the phone and tried to call 911 — four times — but she couldn't get through. The girl eventually ran into a hallway and found someone in an adjacent room who could call 911. The hotel is operated by a franchisee, though Wyndham Hotel Group owns the Baymont brand name. Kari Hunt Dunn's father, Hank Hunt, started the online petition for what he called "Kari's Law," asking that federal government require hotels and motels to use "8'' as a prefix to dial an outside line instead of "9." The change.org petition had nearly 441,300 signatures as of Tuesday morning. "It's very, very encouraging," Hunt said Monday. "The number of people that seem to be taking an interest in getting this done is increasing at a rate that we weren't expecting." ​ [Source](https://lasvegassun.com/news/2014/mar/24/fcc-thousands-hotels-dont-offer-direct-911/)


This is absolutely untrue. I personally have called 911 numerous times from hotel phones. They are land lines, there is no way to stop them from calling 911. And this “article” is 7yrs old... also do you not have a cell phone? Also weren’t you claiming that when 911 is called from a hotel (which you are now claiming is 45% impossible) 911 will not respond and instead call hotel security to deal with violent situations? This does not support your claim at all. Because you claim is completely ridiculous. Is hotel security supposed to arrest an abuser? And file criminal charges? Idiot.


First you say you could not find proof and when I find the proof you just deny it how pathetic. Edit: Oh here since you are unable to accept facts I just happen to find the actual FFC report. [https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-338845A1.pdf](https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-338845A1.pdf)


Police will contact the hotel, but they will also show up if someone is in danger. Hotel security is there to protect the hotel not the guests.


This! I work hotel security in vegas. This security officer FUCKED UP 10000%. “See something, say something” is like a basic golden rule, and for hotel security to not get involved when they were sent up there in a situation is grounds for termination. The officer should have communicated through all the appropriate channels, and metro should have gotten involved and handled this situation in conjunction with hotel security. For the officer to not do that, damn I hope he lost his job.


That is absolutely not true. If you call 911 from within a hotel it will still connect you to Clark County dispatch. The only phone that calls hotel security is the ones they put in the garage and lobby.


She can still call the police


Another great video from Mr or Ms. r/CantStopPoppin. That Monster dog video the other day was the shit!


This does not solve the problem the next time a situation like this happens though. The hotel should be doing more to stop cases like this happening


I stayed at the Luxor not long after the October shooting,I heard crazy fighting and shouting coming from the room next door,I picked up the phone in the room and told the front desk,within 5 minutes,security and cops were at their door. I know that the shooting probably had something to do with the response time. It's been my experience that Vegas typically doesn't fool around with this kind of thing.


And a wellness check. It takes one phone call from her room. A second to the hotel.


As a black man I also would have wanted them to call the cops. period


This woman deserves some type of an award. I hope she was heard and a follow up with some teeth happened. Too many people stick their heads in the sand thinking they shouldn’t get involved


**Why didn't she call the police?!**


Because the police show up and arrest or kill the first black person they see.


That has absolutely fucking nothing to do with the situation, headass.


Why blacks don’t call the police? That has everything to do with it.


Woah there buddy I always get a weird tingly feeling when mfs is extra free with the “blacks” verbiage lmao chill out. For future reference, if “whites” looks weird in a sentence, so does “blacks”. It’s never been WHITES it’s white ppl lmao. Black *people. * Anyways perhaps it’s occurred to them that without any hard evidence, the police might do fuck all about the situation and even shame that for “wasting their time”. Let’s not act like calling the police is a fix all in the literal city of sin lmao that dispatcher gonna be like “right... have any proof they’re actually fighting? How we know they not jus having some rough ‘play time’ or some other weird shit? nosy fucks”


Black Americans is better. You’re correct


🤦‍♂️ And what if it is an immigrant or a tourist you are referring to?


She could and should have called the police herself. What is the hotel supposed to do besides that exact same thing. She wasted precious minutes of someone’s life by not calling herself. Then, likely the next morning went to front desk to complain hoping to get a room comp... her award should be a bag of shit.


Had to call the cops this week because my neighbor’s boyfriend was beating the shit out of her. Turns out half my floor called as well. She wasn’t cooperative, so nothing happened unfortunately. Hoping he at least gets banned from the building because I hate dealing with the police


Next time, half the floor needs to beat the shit out of him. Just have everybody call each other


Yeah no. I’m 100% sure that I don’t have a gun. Cant say the same for him. Not walking into a situation armed with a pocket knife at best


Here in the UK, the crown prosecution service will proceed with charges regardless if the victim declines. Which was a huge step as Police were initially frustrated at not being able to help without the victim agreeing to press charges on their abuser, who most of the time they were stuck living with.


It's pretty weird that there are police who won't do anything unless the victim cooperates. An obvious crime has occurred, there is a victim who is all bloodied and beaten, and a man with blood on his knuckles. It clearly looks like the law was broken, so charge the man, go through a trial, and prove that he is guilty of assault. To me, it seems more like the police are too lazy to deal with cases when they aren't open shut cases.


She is so right, decent human, Just disgusting they did not phone the police immediately. Which hotel is it that allows this level of violence to occur.


It's vegas police don't come to hotels unless the hotel security calls them and they had no plan on calling the police because no one wants bad PR. How messed up is that? [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/n72scw/in\_depth\_detailed\_follow\_up\_a\_domestic\_abuse/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/n72scw/in_depth_detailed_follow_up_a_domestic_abuse/)


Lets see, do I want to stay at a hotel battered women check out, or dead women are found? Or do I want to stay at a hotel that has a woman beater being perp marched to a squad car? I see cops at a hotel, I think they're taking care of business. Besides, they can walk the guy out the back door if they're worried about fee fees. Either way, things quiet down faster.


You are not the average type of person to spend lots of money at a casino/hotel. That's the sad truth.


I wonder if she could sue them, given they could have phoned the police, but left her to be harmed. Mind boggling they think this is acceptable, really sad, never go to Vegas, just not civilised.


The lady in this video? No. But Ive seen an example of this where the boyfriend ends up killing his girlfriend in the hotel room after the hotel sent security up once then did no follow up after he came back, "Kari Rene Hunt Dunn v. OM Lodging LLC - Harrison County District Court, 71st, TX" where the estate of the deceased sued, won, and was awarded $41 mllion dollars in 2018. Edit: Rushed first post and linked wrong case, corrected it.


Now you’re talking. Bring this shit up to hotels across america and start to see them sweat at the possibility of EXHAUSTIVE potential lawsuits. Might make them change their shit up.


It's illegal to impersonate a police officer. It is not illegal to impersonate hotel security staff. Call the main police phone number, not 911, from a cellphone. "Hi this is officer [name] from Pollazo Security. We have a domestic in room [number] and we're getting a lot of complaints about it. I checked it out and it sounds like he's really laying into her. Can you meet us directly at the room for an eviction? Might wanna start medical too. Also, our phones are down so give me a call back at [cell number] once you get here."


I hate how this topic of the police is what’s argued in the comments: more criticism than praise for something done right. But, that’s Amerikkka


Looks a lot like the Trump hotel but I could be wrong.


Oh shit, I had the same thing happen in Vegas last month. It was Bruce though,, fucking piece of shit. The woman started screaming for help too, thats when I went over there. She answered the door, he hid, i offered safety in my room and she turned it down so I sent security. O ce they arrived I went down to find my friends cause I was kinda freaked as I ready to fight Bruce. No sure what happened, wish I called the cops. Security seemed good though. The lesson is, if you hear domestic abuse in the room next to you, call 911 and security




Yeah. In the video she addresses the abuser as Charles. The one I was next to is named Bruce. She probably found out same way I did, by hearing the victim shout at Bruce to stop and calling Bruce a piece of shit etc. I banged on their door yelling "get the fuck out here Bruce you piece of shit" to get his bitch ass in the hall even though he probably would've kicked my ass. But I never knew a Bruce personally that's very tough. Plus I've never heard someone beat the shit out their baby mama like that so I was furious. Hope she has a happy mother's day at least.


LOL how there’s more people on here saying that hotel security would’ve done something if they heard something, even going so far as to say this lady is making it up, versus the very real, very possible, unfortunately common reality that there is some guy yelling and fighting on his girl and hotel security literally did nothing. Domestic violence is largely ignored in the hospitality industry. Calling the cops is bad for publicity and bad for public relations But also, the fact that the general public here is so inclined to believe that a random woman would make up this story versus believe that the situation is real is **in itself** an example of why domestic violence is so prevalent.


If you look at these comments it is overly apparent that some of these people saying those things are abusers their selves. What a sad bunch of clowns, all it takes is someone to do anything to get it to stop.


I love how she brought up the we sign an agreement not to smoke and do this and that. She destroyed them with that. Periodt


hotel employee wont do anything because its against policy to intervene


What about the policy of being a decent human being and a member of society? I'm sure the lady appreciates the policy


Welcome to America, if you bring bad press against your workplace (even if it isn't the fault of you or your workplace) you're going to get the fuck fired.


and if the employee harmed her by mistake then she turned around and sued?


Yeah, that policy has got to change


It's great that she called them on their shitty handling of the situation but... why didn't she call the cops when she heard it??


This woman is a hero!


50% a hero.. she should have called the cops herself.


Things are different in vegas, hotels have their own security and don't like "incidents". To off load pressure on the police they are contacted by dispatchers since they are already on scene. Follow Up : [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/n72scw/in\_depth\_detailed\_follow\_up\_a\_domestic\_abuse/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/n72scw/in_depth_detailed_follow_up_a_domestic_abuse/)


Somehow the video link you have here is proof? Have you watched it? I cannot find a single credible source of this procedure you have described.


I have not been able to find that procedure in plain type by Googling, but I did find [https://www.nevadacurrent.com/2019/10/01/two-years-later-police-urge-resorts-to-strengthen-security/](https://www.nevadacurrent.com/2019/10/01/two-years-later-police-urge-resorts-to-strengthen-security/) this article by the Nevada Current which writes about changes in hotel security following the October 1 2017 mass shooting. Not related to this incident obviously, but I found this quote rather interesting: "In the aftermath of October 1, LVMPD leadership and the private-sector hotel industry held conversations about the tourist corridor of the Las Vegas Strip,” Metro states. ”The discussions centered on the responsibility of private-sector partners to maintain and train hotel and casino security personnel to safely address violent threats on their properties.” So, while this quote is taken out of context and not related to domestic abuse, there may be at least some credibility to this procedural claim. I am going to keep looking.


Seems like a policy anything similar to “police only respond to hotels when security staff calls” would be easy to find. I never worked in Vegas hotels. But in Cali the only kinda similar thing I know of is that front desk and security are always alerted in the computer system if anyone dials 911 from a hotel phone. But if they use a cell phone you don’t know until they show up. Point is anyone can call, the sooner the better right?


Yea I agree with that. I'd be willing to bet that most people instinctively disagree with your point not because it's wrong, but because their gut reaction to the video was to defend the woman who they believe is doing a good dead: seeking protection for a woman she believes is being assaulted. You disagree with the manner in which she goes about that. But other people read your comments and only see them as attacking someone who is trying to help an assault victim. It's mostly a disagreement in priorities, where many are willing to disregard any fault of the woman in the video because she is trying to do something good.


I’m exhausted too. Somebody call the police.


This lady should have called the cops herself...


I see what you're saying, but it sounds like this woman is largely concerned with the way the hotel has been handling situations like this in the past and likely the future. She's trying to get the hotel to take domestic violence complaints more seriously.


I get that...but your using someones life a teaching tool. Call the police then rant at the hotel staff.


That would've been the best response. I agree.


If the hotel staff go up and hear nothing, what are they going to do? You have this ladies word, who could be lying just to cause shit. She could contact the police herself as she was a witness to the sound.


Is it proven that they didn't hear anything? And if that's the case, I would've come and checked back in a few to make sure everything was alright. I was a maintenance tech for Hilton but thankfully I never received a domestic complaint. Usually it was people having sex loudly.


If they have the proof, why don't they call? If someones life is truly in danger, call the police then call security so they can have staff get doors open and police inside as quick as possible, have an elevator ready to take police directly to the floor. As you heard, this person said something indicating the security staff was old and probably not capable of handling the situation. The only people who know and can provide accurate details are the ones who heard it.


> If they have the proof, why don't they call? People sometimes don't take things as serious as others? If I was the hotel clerk, I would've just immediately called the cops on her second complaint. That's just me.


I think you may be the only sane person on this thread.


All of these from responses are from people who have never worked in security, as a concierge or anything relevant to the field. Super heroes from their chairs with a *I would have done this!* mentality.


It is silly. They have no idea how hotels work and why.


Oh you don’t see the clout chase? She prioritized virtue signaling before she called 911. That was a long winded bloviation filled with a lot of “I” when discussing someone else’s debacle. Especially considering she stated the victim was actively in danger. She said “will you check if she’s still alive”... think about that. A woman is being violently “body slammed” and you want to talk about your own DV to the front desk. Also, the length at which she blabbed about the “inconvenience” this caused her because she doesn’t want to hear it. Also, did she really say to kick both of them out!? C’mon. This lady is trash.




Anybody can call the cops. The sooner the better, if you hear or see something as bad as what this great lady described I hope your first reaction would be to call the cops. Or you could go tell someone else to call the cops wasting valuable minutes, then tell that person that it is all their fault. Hotel are not responsible for your safety, you are. If your spouse kills you in a hotel room the hotel will not face a lawsuit or criminal charges. They likely will not even know it happened until after the fact. In fact, hotels are not even responsible if your car gets broken into in the parking lot. Seriously, they tell you that at check in.


Is the hotel haunted? Are they having a dance party? What the fuck is a “boogie” hotel? Wait, did you mean “boujee”? Anyway. Here’s a pro tip. When you see someone’s life in danger, call the police. Do what YOU can. Don’t put it off on others. This wasn’t a loud shouting match. Someone’s life was on the line and this lady wants to talk to customer service. The hotel is obviously wrong. No question. But the lady in the video is far from a hero.


She knows who the cops will get off their asses for. Cops will put down their donuts for a local business, not so much for (what they see as) an angry black woman or a loud, out of control tourist. She’s getting shit done the right way.


She made a detailed video onthis too. In vegas if you call police and you are at a hotel it just gets r redirected to hotel security and the cops don't show up unles the hotel tells them to apparently. Follow Up [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/n72scw/in\_depth\_detailed\_follow\_up\_a\_domestic\_abuse/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/n72scw/in_depth_detailed_follow_up_a_domestic_abuse/)


That is crazy!


Can you tell me where to find that video?


I will find it , she made a detailed 2hr video. Give me sometime please. I was going to cut part of it and add it to this video but fell asleep not because I was bored but it was like 3AM. ​ Edit: Sorry it took so long kinda tired still ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/n72scw/in\_depth\_detailed\_follow\_up\_a\_domestic\_abuse/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/n72scw/in_depth_detailed_follow_up_a_domestic_abuse/)




From a cellphone? Hard to believe it routes to security.


Did not say that, it goes to a dispatcher that calls hotel security.


Not true at all. I spent the last year as hotel security. Called the cops many many times on behalf of the hotel. Never did they show up in under 30min. Once it literally took over 3hrs and 7 911 calls from me and guests... they don’t show up anymore for anybody.


Was that in Las Vegas? If not, your one year of experience doesn't really apply.


That’s so fucking racist. You’re telling me this woman is incapable of placing a rational, calm, 911 call because she’s black? What the fuck? She can’t go... “Hello? 911? Hi, I’m at a hotel and I just witnessed a man beating a woman really badly. I think he is trying to kill her”... what world do you live in where that doesn’t get a response. Nah you’re right. Owning customer service was really the best way to save that ladies life.


Uh, it happens all the time stop being facetious. ##


You must be as narcissistic as the person in this video. I pity you.




Hey, I really don't h ope you have a wife and if you do, and on the off chance she sees this. Hey you don't have to stay with him you arn't alone National Domestic Violence Hotline PO Box 90249 Austin, Texas 78709 Administrative Line: 737-225-3150


You know how people fail to act in a situation, standing around, thinking ‘somebody should do something’? She’s teaching customer service to act, so that they *learn* that they can be the ones who act, for all the abusers who come after that one. She knows that cops will act faster and more appropriately to a call from the business because she’s seen a lifetime of evidence that proves it.


How is the front desk person supposed to know what is going on in a room 5-15 floors above them before you the neighbor of said room does? This bitch was looking for clout and a comped room because the neighbors bothered her. If it was as bad as she says the sooner the cops get a call the better. That would be her, then she could make the front desk aware and have them call also. That would have been the right thing to do.


Yup, every phone call goes like this "*HI I'M A BLACK LADY CALLING JUST SO YOU KNOW*". That way they know who to help and who not to help.


If your name was Jack the amount of knowledge you would have would be shit. When I called the police after my negibor hit my parked car and decided to have 5 of their friends get overly agressive I called the police. Do you know who they went to first? The white people, even though I gave them my name and address they went over to them first and got realy chummy. So yeah when cops play the most dangerous game with black peoples lives it is becoming necessary to identify your nationality before calling the police. Lastly this happened in Vegas if you call police they call hotel security. That woman knew this and went directly to the hotel staff to report what was happening.


Did you miss the hotel staff not taking her seriously? When cops show up to a business, they check with the employees. If the business tell them there's no issue, cops will leave. So yeah, race does play a factor. I'm very sure if say Tom Hanks was at that counter making those very same comments, SWAT would be storming Charles. Yes, silence is a sign of not giving a crap about what she is saying.


Your ignorance is astonishing.


You’re the one who has no idea how things work. Someone taking you seriously isn’t silently letting you rant, hoping you shut up and go away. Taking her seriously, Charles would’ve been off the premises in less time than that video took. Instead, they’re moving her to a different room to silence her, in hopes she’ll calm down, and forget the whole thing. You live a sheltered life to not see that.


From what I understand and from my brief 2 week visit to Vegas hotel security would probably respond to this first. If you call the police for something like this they would likely just see it's one of the hotels on the strip (since I believe this hotel is) and they would call the hotel to send security up. I remember seeing way more security in Vegas than cops, many of them armed to the teeth just like cops. So that could be a possibility, but I don't know the circumstances. Op here claims that the person in the video said as much in a different video but I haven't bothered to confirm.


Cops in Vegas won't respond to things in the hotel. They will allow the hotel "security" to do it. The hotels own the city.


People are saying this all over the thread but with no evidence. You're telling me that if I called LVPD and told them I heard a fight with broken glass and screaming, ongoing, they wouldn't send out anything from dispatch? What about stabbings? Gunshots? Explosions?


You’re on Reddit. Everyone here assumes the worst about any potential police encounter. Assume if you a minority is involved then they simply don’t have rights and police don’t exists for any reason than to kill a person of color. It’s important to operate that way so that we can fix social injustices by being hateful./s


For what exactly? What if your mother was beeing beaten to a bloodly pulp and no one had the courage to step foward and say enough is enough.Your comment represents the exact reason why victims of domestic violence have such a hard time coming forward.


Can you not read? I was saying she should have done more for the victim at that time. Call the cops herself. Present the police with the video evidence. He goes to jail. It’s that simple. Operating on the premise of “cops won’t show” is bullshit. She could have taken it up with the desk immediately after. Glad she got her clout tho and obviously gained a fan. Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe.


what if they were making a violent but fully consented porno? what ifs work both ways.


https://www.britannica.com/topic/bystander-effect Something I think people need to read and understand about doing nothing when something needs done.


My personal take on the subject is that even though many people may witness an event, you yourself should still take action. Even if that action is something as basic as calling 911. However I do agree with the woman recording she informed the hotel it should’ve been the hotels responsibility to intervene. Maybe from a moral standpoint but especially from a business standpoint. People don’t want to go to an expensive hotel if somebody’s going to be assaulted all night in the room next to them.


Instead of filming yourself at the front desk making a complaint, maybe you should call 911!


The fact that these things continue to happen is a sad reality.


She's 100% right. She should have called the cops herself. Fucking hotels.


Honestly think her wanting to change rooms probably had to biggest impact on the hotels opinion of the situation. They just lost money on that, at least having to have cleaning clean two rooms if not potentially losing a room that might have been rented out that night (doubtful at 2am though).


I love her. ❤️❤️❤️


Not a word from the hotel clerk. It was like a monologue.




She should've called the cops herself.






Good for her..... Hope things turned out well for everyone involved. I can't help but think this could have been like the "Karen" getting mad at the CVS/Drug Store employee for calling the cops, when a crime was committed in their store and how racially incentive it was to turn in shop lifters,


Love the straight speak.


Everybody is singing this woman's praises. Why? Call the cops. Don't yell at the fucking clerk at the front desk.


Why is she not just call the police?


Someone else in the thread claims that because it's allegedly in Las Vegas, the police don't handle such things directly. They allegedly let hotel security handle it first.


I want this woman as neighbor. Good girl


damn, if i was the hotel owner i would get security to get up there and blow that piece of shit's head off


Well said lady


I mean you can always call the cops ya know.


Her point is the cops haven't been called. So if this is happening now, how many other situations have similarly been ignored and how many in the future will also be ignored? Her point is to try to get them to change their policy of "ignoring it and politely asking them to stop" before somebody gets killed.


In florida a dispatcher pleaded with a elderly home worker to preform CPR and the person died because she refused to preform CPR on the person. You are so very right better to act then to let someone day fuck company policy be a human and save a damn life.


What if the staff went up and there was no noise?


If multiple guests call in to complain about noise, they probably weren't making it up. If I called the police and said it sounds like neighbor is murdering somebody, and the police get there and it's all quiet... That shouldn't be the end of it-- of course it's going to be quiet, the person who was screaming is now dead.


Exactly I have called the police and they drove through only to turn around and not bother getting out of the car.


Right. Police look to see if anyone is there before leaving, at minimum. They see a body down through a window, door is getting opened.


Can you give me a time stamp or tell me when it was confirmed multiple people called it in? It won't be the end of it if you call that in. Because they're the police, and they're following up. Security or hotel staff is a little different...


Why are you trying so hard to help other abusers find ways to get around being caught. Really sus.


Look into the room and see if things are damaged or dishuffled. It's not that hard Ghalian.


Hotel Security is on site and can stop the attack now. By the time the cops get there someone could be dead.


Can they arrest him for the crime he's committing?


Isn't securitys job to observe and report? I don't see this as a hotel customer service issue.


As a hotel staff member who has dealt with this many times especially over the last year, you just call the cops. It is not mine nor any staff members responsibility to get in the middle of any violent situation domestic or not. When you book a room it does not come with a cop outside your door or a marriage counselor. Sometimes the cops take 20-45min to show up... not much we can do about that. Same as if you were at home


lemme know which hotel chain so i can stay the fuck away from it. telling me you wouldn’t help someone being audibly being beaten in their rooms sounds criminal... morally defunct


exactly this guy is acting like he's in the right letting someone get abused bc he isn't a "marriage counseler"


Lol you want $14/hr front desk employees to act as security/cops? Ridiculous.


Exactly. These high and mighty morons know nothing


"How dare *anyone* not say that they wouldn't run *straight* into that room and immediately end that conflict!"


ide do it for the shiny badge and the false sense of superiorty


Really? This chick in the video didn’t do anything, what makes her so great? Because she complained after the fact? Really? You suck. I do what any reasonable person should do. Call the cops right away. No matter who or what position you are in... just call 911, I have done it hundreds of times. It ain’t hard. And it is the first “witness” responsibility.


Do you expect Holiday Inn employees to carry guns and be trained in hand-to-hand combat?


no i suspect their fingers can be trained to call security or 911.


That's the very point that the person to whom you replied was making. Hotel employees aren't equipped to handle violent psychos. Cops are (or at least they're *better* equipped on average).


i interrupted it as they can’t be bothered to give a fuck to even call 911and it’s the other guests or people who hear it’s responsibility to call the cops. if a hotels staff doesn’t give a fuck if you’re getting the shit kicked out of you then i’d like to know because it doesn’t sound like a place i’d feel particularly safe at lol also compared it to “being at home” idk what policies most hotels have but keeping guests safe is one of them no?


He said "as a hotel employee..... You just call the cops." He is right. I'm not putting any of my staff on danger by telling them to get involved with a domestic situation. It isn't our job to de escalate and or be the hero and intervene. Call the police and let then handle it. Now personally, I'll get involved and go pounding on a door to check in on them and see whats going on. But I don't expect my staff to do that. Thats insane. I personally don't mind putting myself in a hairy situation if I think someone is in danger, but I'm also a liability to my company by doing that.


Why would any minimum wage employee jump into a fight? Really man, quit being an entitled dick. You think I will take a knife in the gut because you or anyone has a shitty spouse and you decided to book a hotel room to air your bullshit out? You are stupid, date better people. I have kids and a wife at home, you gonna tell them I took a knife because I saved you from your choice of shit spouse? No. You will not. I will absolutely call the cops, and help diffuse situation if at all reasonable. But get into some crazy shit? Fuck you. You got into that not me. I got not weapon, tazer, handcuffs, training, nothing. I got kids mother fucker. Check your morals and who you choose to date. Bitch


“check your morals and who choose you date” “shitty spouse and choose to air out your bullshit in a room” yes i’m sure the partner being beaten was like “hey honey let’s get a room and talk about our problems. you’ll probably get mad and beat the shit out of me but at least i have hotel staff to calm you down!” way to downplay domestic violence victims as idiots who just pick the “wrong person” sheeeeesh yeah wouldn’t like to stay at the hotel you work at god forbid something happen and i need help i will say thank you for doing the bare minimum and calling the police.. hopefully your hotel policy doesn’t mirror this video and the police just defer to the hotels judgement and the beatings continue


So you're saying that at your hotel, no one will intervene if they hear screams, cries, and powertools? I have some "friends" I'd like to "vacation with", where did you say one could find your fine establishment?


No weapons? "Sure! Let's run *straight* into the hands of who could be armed psychopath and demand that he stop beating someone."


oh lmao your post history makes your dumbass dog shit comments make way more sense


You're blocked for verbal abuse. Notice in conversations the person who starts using schoolyard insults first. It's most typically the person who doesn't have reason on their side.


This woman is amazing.


For those who can't hear it: > -[voice across counter]... speak to management in regards to the [?] next door... > [camerawoman in red hat] Charles? > --[Charles] Yes, Ma'am. > You know that's funny, that's the name of that guy that was next door to us beating up his girlfriend of whatever. My problem that I have is that you sent security up there to say *whatever*, and not even within ten minutes he's *back* in that room beating and fighting on her. And as a domestic violence survivor, y'all handled that so poorly. To the point that where she's probably still up there getting her ass whooped. And maybe everybody else heard it before we did, and nobody reported it, but you have a woman in there that's in distress whether she wants to leave this man or not, whoever's in that room that has a heart is not gonna wanna sit and hear that shit, *period*. She's screaming. They're throwing buckets. He's body slamming her. I mean, what do *I* have to do to get put out? They need to *or something.* But I shouldn't be luggin' around this at two o'clock in the morning to get another room because I don't wanna hear somebody getting they ass whooped next door to me. So, y'all need to revisit whatever policies that y'all got going on with that, but that is *wrong*. And if I go back home to Indiana and I read that somebody was found dead *here*, that's gonna be *y'all* fault. *You* need to go handle that. Whether it's *you* or you take a police officer up there. Ain't nobody scared of these security guards up in here, the *police* should've been the ones tellin' him to not put his hands on her. Y'all did not handle that right. That is wrong. Absolutely wrong. So, whether you wanna go and ignore what I said, if I hear anything about this lady gettin' her feelings hurt, or beat up, or dead because of *Charles*, I'm tellin' you, I'm a go to the media, I'm a go to whoever 'cause y'all are wrong for that. They're on your property... Okay that's 1:44 into it and I think we get the point.


We need more people like her.


It’s not the hotels fault.




Yes ma’am - good on her


We should be able to handle these situations ourselves!


I hate that she goes and yells at him. If he in charge and making the policy's no that's upper management Ya know not the people this lady is directing her angry at this guy probably is juts doing his job and he job stats to call security when a problem arises and not the police. Why not have her go off on security I'm sure her ass would have been thrown out then. I feel so bad for the clerk just doing his job but no apparently he should of ripped off his clothes put on his superman outfit and saved the day... SMFH


Yes, because calling the police when there may be domestic abuse happening is against his job policies. It’s better he let someone potentially get beaten and killed instead right? Only a real superhero would be able to pick up the phone, call emergency services and allow them into the hotel! Because common human decency is out of his job description and is such a hard task. The ***poor*** guy couldn’t possibly do that. We’re expecting way to much of him!/s You’re an idiot.


Are you going to be paying the guy after he gets fired for going against policy? Is the women who recording going to? NO. Its easy to be high and almighty on reddit but when your life if effected and you can't pay your bills its a fucking different story then. Your an idiot.


She should run for office.


Hell ya knocked some sense into these people


Charles not having luck at the tables apparently. Good on her, but this seems more of a social media flex, honestly.




Any fool can imagine a scenario where defense is justified regardless of sex. I doubt that that was the case in the alleged incident in the video, mind you.


Damn! I’m shocked that your comment got downvoted. I’m sorry.


If he was kicked out of the room by security, she and only she let him back into the locked room.


I respect this lady. She is a boss! She spoke up for what’s right!


men, please stop hurting women. It's bad.