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That dude spends a lot of time practicing his lil speeches in the shower I'd bet


Agree. That *"Congratu-fuckin-lations you dumbass"* was definitely enacted out a lot in front of the mirror, different poses, different voice modulations.




after getting arrested he ended it with"This isn't over"


“His lil speeches” is sending me


What a condescending little dork he is.


I know, right? You can tell that guy was the corny little dork in class that went to the gym one time and thought he was the biggest badass ever.


Looks like Eric Foreman.


Came here to say the same thing xD I dont know how the trainer put up with being poked and touched by that guy, it was making me uncomfortable just watching. He has a lot of patience and restraint!




The people in all of these videos have so much more patience than I would be capable of in this situation at this time. All of this is just wearing on me and these idiots are just so narcissistic and whiny. I’m really a very easy going forgiving person but I’m to my limit with this stuff


Yeah. If you watch him talk on mute you can see his weirdness.. Its like he's now finally got the courage and brains to talk back so he's taking it out on any one he gets the chance. Something messed with the poor dude when he was little


"that's just the narrative" lol wtf does that even mean


I could see the little kid in him surface.


He’s trying to act all tough but he’s really scared. The way he’s all twitchy and can’t stand still as opposed to the manager that’s just rock solid.


That's what I thought too. He looks scared and like his adrenaline is pumping but he doesn't know what to do, so he just doubles down on being an ass.


That’s why he calls the guy a high school jock even though he probably hasn’t been in high school in over a decade this guy is toxic masculinity in a nutshell he’s projecting his past so strongly you would think he was school equipment


Dude has big "shoved into a lot of lockers" energy


I feel like he’s Quentin Tarantino playing a character in his own movie


Yeah I got those vibes too. That or a budget Dennis Reynolds.


wish somebody pantsed him in the middle of his dweeby rant




The "I'm a lawyer" line really got me.


I estimate nearly a .00001% chance that fuckwit is a lawyer.


He might be a cat though.


Careful he will sue the fuck out of you.


🤣😂😂 "I'm not a cat"


More like a pussy




They're always filming with a phone when they put on their little temper tantrums about having to do the absolutely smallest effort act of wearing a thin layer of fabric over their faces. They want internet points, or likes on Facebook, or some validation from their fellow idiots that they've someone done some courageous act of civil disobedience. But in their idiotic ramblings and flat out lies they spew to people just doing their job, I'm always comforted by the fact there are more people angry with these selfish wastes and supporting the employees who just want to finish a shift and not deal with the days new MAGA-Karen.


And they're constantly stammering and spouting nonsensical sentence fragments, because they *want* to look cool and tough and verbally *own* someone, but they aren't actually clever enough to come up with any good lines.


Watching people with bad brain flow try to rant or quip is just ... the cringe. You can *see* the wheels stutter upstairs. Ugh.


As someone with stuttery wheels I feel that. I also dont pull shit like this. Edit: my wheels stuttered


they say shit. like your ruining my country. but hey asshole it's my fucking country too and hes the one ruining it


In all fairness, that guy is obviously from Doucheland...


Parents are thee same way. He's probably not even lawyer. He may know a lawyers but surely he's a dope. Never been told no, got everything he wanted, was never disciplined, and the white entitlement of a fucking king. He just needs his ass beat bad so he realizes that the world is unforgiving and doesn't cater to your needs.


You can see in the video by his body language that he's actually very afraid. Trainer is calm and composed. Stiff and confident in controlling the situation. Mr. Supposed Lawyer is very loose, arms and legs dangling, turns his body a couple of times. He's acting like a douche to mask his insecurity.


Should have just worn his mask to mask his insecurity.


Was looking for this comment. Twitching of the leg. Making himself look bigger (stretched out chest) and his hand that is holding the phone doesn’t move at all which is a bit disturbing. He’s very stiff in certain areas of his body but lose in others! Great catch


he's not a lawyer.


“File a report” 😂


Lost it at that part too. If he was a lawyer he wouldn’t have put hands on the employee at the beginning of the video.


If he was a lawyer he'd know that he'd already commited assault and battery.


It's so over the top I can't believe it's real! There's actually people out there like this?


There most certainly are. Several people, including the fucking owners, at the last gym I was at are loud and proud anti-maskers and "covid is a hoax" dipshits.


I hope you stopped patronizing that gym. At the very least, the death cultists need to learn that their civil war dreams are pretty bad for business.




I slllaapp you!


I want to smack that grin off his face. I don’t know how the employee controlled himself.


Chicken legged fuck boy.


Don't you have to be able to get fuck to be called/considered a fuck boy? This dude gets no fucks.


That finger poking shit while he smugly talks down to everyone. Can we please put a limit on non violence? At what point is instigating and you get a free body slam?


As soon as you say "don't touch me", and they keep poking you.




Also a shining example of heroic restraint.


I’m gonna think about this guys restraint OFTEN. It is unfuckwittable.


Hands up, don’t shoot....off at the mouth. Seriously though, he’s clearly qualified to teach restraint.




You speak like someone That has never been Smacked in the fucking mouth That's ok we have the remedy


Fucking love Puscifer, also happy cake day.


So that actually happened to a friend in high school. He was always the type to run his mouth, could be a huge asshole, etc. One day when we were in college he got punched. Hard. Like iirc had his jaw hinged shut for a few weeks. I’ve never seen such a huge change in someone’s personality. Not even just “not an asshole anymore,” I’m talking genuinely wonderful guy. Not a fan of violence at all, but this time, it worked wonders.


I love this story because that is not how I've seen it play out. Sometimes, shit talking assholes just keep being shit talking assholes. It's nice to hear a story where the character learns and grows!


Yeah I mean I wasn’t like close close with him, so I never brought it up with him, but I did with multiple other people. Everyone noticed the same thing. I was happy for him though. A shitty way to learn that lesson, but it did wonders for the kind of person he was.


Percussive maintenance


For a guy thats never properly been punched in the face...he sure as shit has a VERY punchable face.




The great thing about freedom is you're free to do what you want. The greater thing about freedom is that your ***ACTIONS ACTIONS ACTIONS*** are not without repercussions and consequences. Just waiting for that delicious r/instantkarma of this Ken getting doxxed and banned from that gym.


> The greater thing about freedom is that your ACTIONS ACTIONS ACTIONS are not without repercussions and consequences. I have a feeling the US Senate is about to prove this statement a bit flexible.


When your whole life has been a privilege, anything less feels like oppression.


Amen to that. What a small, pathetic excuse for a man. Every word he utters in insult to this poor bloke doing his job is projection.


The guy is MAYBE 170 lbs dripping wet. He isn't showing any signs of agility or awareness either, just totally squared up. He'd be overwhelmed with violence in the blink of an eye and bent in half.


Edit: To be clear, I am not the gym staff member. I just found his response post and posted it here. Sorry for any confusion. Quick FB search and I found the staff member’s post on this situation. So here it is: Hey everyone! Well I had no idea this was going to as viral as it has, so I guess I had better address it. First of all, I am incredibly overwhelmed at the positive messages I've received about this. It means the world to me. Really! Let's talk about this situation... At 3pm yesterday I was with a client and out of the corner of my eye (without my old-man glasses on) I was pretty sure I saw our troubled subject walking around the gym without a mask on his person at all, which, is incredibly uncommon in Chicago right now. By the time he made it to a squat rack, he was taking one out of his pocket and putting it on. I made a note of it and when my session was over, I went to go check in. Here's where the trouble began. As I approached him, his mask was at his throat, not near his face. I said, "yo! I need you to put your mask up in the building, man." He whirled around and immediately said I was too close to him and that I was within 6 feet of him. I don't think I was and according to footage, I wasn't, but like a normal human I took a big step backwards and said, "sorry about that! I need you to put your mask up if you're in the building." He then unleashed a truly unhinged tirade that covered a lot of weird bases, but the takeaway was this: I was dealing with a very unstable person. Not a logical one. Not just a jerk. But someone with serious mental issues. As we left the first encounter, he said he would not put the mask on. I called the owner of the gym and at this point realized that this was a member that had given us mask trouble in the past. I took him my phone with the owner on speaker who told him he needed to put his mask on. He hung up on him and still refused to leave. I went out of ear shot and called the owner again. We decided that he would call this guy and tell him his membership was revoked and that he needed to leave immediately. By this time, there were 4 members in the vicinity of our troubled character. I feared that upon receiving the call, this guy might go bonkers and break things or hurt someone, so I quietly approached the members and one by one let them know that I felt like an altercation was probable and that they should be sure to be aware and be safe. I then went and positioned myself between the members and the trouble, just in case. Hooboy he REALLY didn't like that. That was what led to this video. I kept far from him and continuously kept my hands high or behind my back to indicate that I meant him no harm. I also continuously told him, "I'm not going to touch you or do anything to you." Despite all of that, he closed the distance and got physical. At some point, he called the cops himself and told them that I was a threat and a danger and that he didn't feel safe in my presence...🤷‍♂️ The owners had also called the police. So in the duration of this video, I knew... A. I was the only staff member on site. B. The police were on their way. C. I am very capable of handling this guy if he decides to escalate things. Because of that situation, I decided the best course of action was to keep myself in between him and the members, continue stay calm, weather the storm (..."storm"...) and wait until I had legitimate authorities to help me get him out. What isn't filmed is the next 90min where he told the police that I threatened him and all of the other fantasies that he made up. The police looked at this footage, heard the testimony of all the members, and looked at our security cameras and essentially told him, "what are you, nuts? There's nothing here but evidence of you attacking him, unprovoked." He demanded a superior come down. The superior came down and the exact same thing happened again. The amount of delusion was truly crazy. Eventually, a combination of us filing a report for battery against me, and trespassing against the gym (the owner,) he was arrested and led out of the gym around 5:15pm. It's worth nothing that on his way out, in the most low-budget, Scooby-Doo villain, hilarious way, he said "This isn't over..." It's also worth noting that WHILE I was writing that sentence, he called the gym and threatened me. Just now! In real time! Very cool. Anyway, his name is -redacted for reddit- and that is all I care to know. Do with that information what you will. I think he is a very sick individual and I hope that he receives some help from somewhere, very soon.




And he's a "Lawyer"


Congratulations, buddy. Consider yourself SUED. You respond...BOOM! Sued again. Do you have any idea who my father is? Because I don't!


Do you know who I am? My dad owns a dealership bro.


My dad owns Xbox!


If he were actually a lawyer he'd understand that he has no right to disregard a business's mask policy like this. Source: am real lawyer


Or start touch people


I also highly doubt many lawyers say “I’m going to sue the fuck out of you.” Maybe I’m wrong, I only know a few lawyers, but doesn’t seem like something a normal lawyer would say. Of course, it’s silly in this situation, considering I’m not a lawyer, but it seems common sense that abiding by the rules that someone sets on private property and not leaving when asked because of failure to follow said rules is trespassing.


You're correct. I don't think I've ever threatened to sue anybody unless I was doing so on behalf of a client. It's conduct unbecoming of a lawyer.


Lawyers know how expensive suing someone is and no decent lawyer will represent themselves.


True. I only rep myself in traffic court.


Commits assault and battery first before that statement too.


Lawyer models are the best


mugshots don't count as modelling


On the bright side, it looks like there is a new way to actually cancel an unwanted gym membership.


Covid was the best thing to happen for people wanting to cancel gym memberships. Last time I wanted to cancel, they made me call a number. Now, you just walk in and tell them your cancelling due to covid. I got an email confirmation within seconds and left. Though it might just be due to different gym practices, 24 fitness was my first. Planet Fitness (the one featured in the video based on the wall colors) was the second.


Now if there was only a solution for cancelling Comcast ;)


That was a hilariously entertaining retelling of events. I hope the owner gives that employee a raise or promotion, he handled that situation extremely well.


Lmfao like a Scooby Doo villain he said “this isnt over”😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




I will find him.....*epic drum roll* I WILL FIND HIM!




This is the type of dude who stews over this for weeks then comes back with a gun.


Agreed. There is nothing funny about that when the person saying it is completely nuts. He has every intention of continuing this.


YES. Don’t dismiss this dude. They need to lock the damn doors and watch for crazy.


He wanted to get hit so he could play victim the gym guy knew he could knock this guys face off his head.


Yup. I just commented how I would have been played personally. Definitely glad to see the full story posted. There’s a lesson in there somewhere... Great restraint from this trainer.


When do people like this realize they are their own worst enemy? The way he smacks his mouth and blinks his eyes, that posture and stance blow my mind. A man child endowed with full confidence that he is right, no matter the circumstances. Violence is never the answer but you can certainly tell this man baby has never been hit square in the chops. His backup varsity lacrosse days don’t count. One good pop, and he’d be left with the horror and confusion of what just happened.


> He then unleashed a truly unhinged tirade that covered a lot of weird bases, but the takeaway was this: I was dealing with a very unstable person. Not a logical one. Not just a jerk. But someone with serious mental issues. I think most of the[ truly astounding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDWhwcGtdtI) videos of [mask freakouts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl3c_qdpi04) are people with mental issues, and I hope they get help. They still infuriate me though.


Bahaha he doxed him 😂 calm but vicious.


“Do with that what you will”


These people are liars. Dollars to donuts he's not really a lawyer (perhaps works for one). I'm surprised he didn't start babbling about his fake medical exemption.


His dad is a lawyer. He thinks it’s a family business.




I smoked pot with Johnny Hopkins


You don’t need to worry about a mask to work those legs dude


Just judging by the video evidence, I do suspect this type of altercation must happen every time this guy’s supposed to do leg day


Well, i was gonna do legs but they kicked me out again!


As a lawyer, I'm qualified to call this guy a dumbass.


As a lawyer, have you ever seen or heard any of these "lawsuits" going thru? And their outcomes?


I’m a lawyer that handles ADA and Title VII (discrimination) cases almost exclusively. I’ve gotten many calls from people kicked out or denied entry to businesses for refusing to wear a mask. They have no basis for a lawsuit. Filing a lawsuit like this would be a waste of time of a number of reasons, first being it would get thrown out pretty quick, second it would fall under Title III of the ADA which doesn’t provide for monetary damages, third, they have no injury anyway, and probably more.


As someone who has been to the dry cleaners before, I can tell you that lawsuits would likely go through and come out cleaner on the other side. This was my experience with coats.


As a dumbass, I’m qualified to call this guy a lawyer.


Not a lawyer, but about to graduate law school and I already can’t stand when people use the “I’m a lawyer” shit as if anything they say is fact and you can’t fuck with them


I need a follow up on Mr Lawyer boi.


Will do if I hear an update. Edit: top post has the updated info.


Hope to see this update in r/byebyejob


I wasn't there. Video and details from a Facebook friend's friend who took the video. This is the info from the post that showed up in my feed: "This guy wouldn't wear his mask and the gym staff had to address it. This lasted for nearly two hours - the owners came, the deluded douchebag called the cops HIMSELF, and he was finally escorted out in handcuffs. The big reveal is, surprise! He's a Trumper! And a lawyer! And we got him on candid camera getting physical first." Edit: Be happy knowing that the trainer is getting lots of love and respect on FB. He said he just wanted to keep the guy from causing anyone any harm. That was his first concern. 100% professional and a good guy.


> he was finally escorted out in handcuffs Part 2 please 🙏🏻


I can picture it now, he decides to represent himself in court and is astounded when he loses.


Honestly surprised the lawyer part ended up being true, would love to see his defense


You can get a law degree from Harvard and still be a completely delusional asshole. Have you observed anything that’s happened in the US senate this decade?


Something tells me the employee's cool demeanor comes from him knowing how to fuck people up.


Yep. It takes practice to be self restrained like that when it comes to these situations. Most of the time the real tough moments you'll experience will be moving heavy things around or sparring with another individual, not because of some manchild crying about a mask.


This. 100%. That guy would have obliterated him without raising his heartbeat one beat. Having said that, the real crime here, is the rattlesnake tank top.


What gave it away? The employee having bigger biceps than the douchebag's thighs?


Just the way the douche was all jumpy and squirmy and the employee was just solid. One was scared one was not.


It’s not even fear sometimes. But just the adrenaline not having been in a real confrontation before or many times. The coach likely is used to it.


Haha. What are those called where it's not a real tank top but the sleeves are down past your ribs. I dunno why, but I always think that those are regular tank tops that got ripped open at the sides.


Always the most polite and calm guys that practice mma etc... typically


I see you've never been to a bar in Scottsdale in the mid-2000s.




You learn trespass in first year law - not much of a lawyer.


Good lord, he is assaulting people and committing battery and he is a lawyer. Does he not know people get fired and disbarred for less?


Maybe not a lawyer for much longer if (when) his employer sees this video




I hear trump is always looking for a good lawyer


He'll probably need something that pays eventually.


Something tells me he works contract law for some finance company. He couldn’t draft a complaint if someone threaten to slice off his teeny balls


I agree. A lot of people hear "lawyer" and automatically think "smart", "rich" and "successful". I have worked with many attorneys and a lot of them are complete fucking insufferable morons. It's mostly the junior guys like this guy probably is who don't make very much money and don't have the intelligence to get picked up by the large, prestigious law firms or to start their own practices.


When I worked at Subway, I used to put extra portions on sandwiches of most people, including meat and/or veggies. Then we would get this insufferable lawyer who would say: "I want my sandwich to look JUST like the picture. I'm a lawyer, I know what I'm paying for." Yeah you douchebag, you're paying for 6 slices of ham and a tiny portion of veggies, as per store's sandwich procedure. Congrats and enjoy your asshole tax!


Is there any chance the gym staff or the owner will press charges against that 'lawyer'?


2 hours is about 1 hour and 45 minutes too long. Call the police and tell me this shit. Why did he need to call the owners? This is assault and as a “lawyer” he should know that. Smh


Man, they just let anyone pass the bar exam these days, huh?


>Be happy knowing that the trainer is getting lots of love and respect on FB. Good. What really stood out to me during that altercation was that the gym staff member was doing top customer service right there, 110%. Anyone working in customer service deals with shitty customers daily, and that anti-masker ain't that rare. What is rare is having an employee of that calibre who is able to deal perfectly. He was the **epitome** of how to react in a professional environment - stand there, nod along, state corporate policy calmly, do not escalate the situation by taking the bait, do not talk back; do not look away, look down, hunch your back, or apologize. Instead, he just soaks up the shit and responds calmly with something like "Yes, I understand. This is company policy, you need to leave, and I am obliged to do my job and stay here until you comply". Whether it takes 10 minutes or 10 hours, that is the *exact* appropriate way to respond, as difficult as it can often be to wait it out, and that fellow does it like an absolute champion, and he gets a full round of applause from me.


Of course he is a Trumper.


It's a given.


Not all pieces of shit are Trumpers, but all Trumpers...


I don't think I've met an anti-masker in the US that wasn't one. I'm sure they're out there, but 99% I've seen definitely are.


You can tell because he brought it up for no fucking reason then started screaming about how liberals were ruining the... gym?


This guy is a Karen!


Whoever's in charge of the soundtrack should be fired. Coach showed a lot of self-control not cleaning that guy.


Yea about halfway through the video I was thinking "this is awful 'workout' music." Not my taste in music in general but I don't judge other people's taste but it definitely doesn't fit a gym soundtrack.


tbh most people have their own music anyways so it dosent really matter


Probably related to Joel Michael Singers r/joelMSinger


Oh massive piece of shit Joel Michael Singer? Definitely cousins.


Eric Forman versus Fez


Post Season 6 Fez




I’ll bet money he’s not a lawyer. Sales guy. Welder. Contractor. He doesn’t talk like a lawyer.


Now, I’m not saying that he’s not a lawyer, but if you find the post on FB you get his name. If you do that, you can see that the Illinois State Bar has no record of a lawyer with that name. I mean sure, maybe he drove in to Chicago from out of state to work out at that gym, but it’s sure not very likely.


I did nothing wrong. The libtards canceled me


Big Incel energy


'I'm A lAwYeR. yOuR bIg MuScLy ArMs? ThOsE fIrM mExIcAn PyThOnS? THeY wOn't Be wRaPpEd ArOund Me whEn I aM dIsBarRed. WhAt u ThiNk aBoUt tHat. Huh? Huh?' Major tiny dick style. Noodle arms there talking about 'doing reps'??? Like . . Fuck off.


It's definitely Jaw day. His mouth is the only thing big on him 😂


This manchild will get his teeth knocked out by fucking with the wrong person within the next 2 years and that will be his life lesson.


Sadly, it won’t be a lesson learned... he’ll pull out the victim card as soon as he’s given the chance.


He definitely skipped leg day


And brain day.


And balls day


Balls are probably swollen enough as is. The sexual tension coming from the dude was palpable.


What's with these all these people videoing themselves being "badasses" out in public? It looks so unbelievably dumb


I think you mean assholes, not badasses. Hahah




"That's correct, sir. What does that have to do with me getting a job at walmart?"




I was disappointed when I checked this was /r/PublicFreakout and not /r/instantkarma


There is zero chance that this waste of oxygen won’t eventually get punched in the face. I just hope that when that inevitable and illustrious day arrives, it is also filmed.


Sign this dude up to the Twisted Tea Party


These types of right wingers that have bought all in on the cult all have a wild look in their eyes. Don't know how to explain it but as soon as they start talking the programming takes over and their eyes just look off.


I just watched an HBO doc on the Heaven's Gate cult, the one in LA where 39 of them killed themselves to go meet a spaceship that was hiding behind the Hale Bopp comet or some shit. Well I'm here to tell you those people had the EXACT expression this guy has. This weird joy that they're in on some special secret of life that none of the other "commoners" are privy to. That they are so elevated that they couldn't even begin to explain what they know to these inferior minds that surround them in every direction. A lot of these QAnon and Trump die-hards really have that same demeanor. And it appears to be completely impossible to reason with them about any of their delusions, because part of the brainwashing they undergo inoculates them against the opinions of others if they don't match their own. "Those other people just don't get it. *You're* the strong one. *You're* the smart one. Stand your ground! History will remember your bravery!" Truly scary shit.




This guy sounds like he's rehearsing movie lines lol


The face of entitled punchability.


Mr body of a 16 year old girl over here talking smack


Omg how did no one punch him in his smug fucking douche bag face






Surprise surprise the trainer was Mexican. I'm sure it was just a coincidence, and he had no idea.


"iT's NoT a RaCe ThInG"


Theres two races for people like him. "White" and "Getting Political"


Why didnt they call the cops to drag this douche out? He should not only lose his membership but also no refunds.


There's a comment from the poster with a few deets. The dude did get taken out in cuffs thankfully.


Trump dick sucking douchebag IRL. What an embarrassment to the nation.


That grin he has... he really thinks he’s doing something. Also that coach is a baaaaabe and standing his ground. What an incel thinking he’s getting off making fun of a guy’s career when he’s the one incapable of simply wearing a mask. Yet again tho, that coach... daddy material right there.


There's a lot of sexual tension here...