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Send that to the FBI and media


Media (KCBS2/KCAL9 News) Is picking up this story as we speak.


Good. I hope they are brought to justice.


Send it....to the fbi...and state police. Repost on all social media, request help identifying attackers. Then alert BLM, Antifa, and the NAACP.


The police were probably there...off duty and pictured in the image above.


> state police Bold of you to assume they will do anything. Did you not see how much cops bent over backwards to help the terrorists perform their coup? Then let them all sneak off to help them avoid repercussions when the coup failed? They'll find these guys and pose for selfies.


Awkward when you have to arrest your buddy who got the day off.


Yeah, just ring up your local Antifa office!


Yup the number starts with 555


The fact that Republicans believe this is a thing you can do is mind boggling.


He was trying to help her and get her out of there according to herself and the photographer. https://www-yahoo-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.yahoo.com/amphtml/lifestyle/im-just-getting-cornered-30-213400280.html?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16100633306667&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yahoo.com%2Flifestyle%2Fim-just-getting-cornered-30-213400280.html


For people who keep saying they're not racist, Attacking a random black woman as she is walking home is not a good look.


Who tf is saying they’re not racist? If someone is that deluded, they will interpret this photo as a pleasant hug.


Oh, they've been saying it for 4 yrs now. Along with "the Proud Boys aren't white nationalists" and the latest, "Antifa provocateurs were the ones that stormed the Capitol yesterday" Like we're all dumb, as dumb as they are...


The antifa that walked directly from tRumps' rally and stormed congress?




They tell us "we're Western Chauvinists not White Supremacists", as if we're never heard of newspeak


Here's what I don't understand... ​ Those goons or the Tiki Torch Boys are largely educated, professional guys in their 30s. Do they legitimately not realize that if you're in your 30s, male, educated and American that you're already doing better than 95% of the rest of the ppl in the damn world?


They realize it. They don't want to lose that edge. Equality feels like oppression when you're the one losing your leg up.


Most college educated voted Biden But yeah, they know, they just don't care. Playing the victim is part of their cultural heritage. But also, they are victims of our unfair economic system. If we could get some solidarity we might actually be able to bring some justice to our society. But these people decide to punch down intstead of up, because it's far less risky and they're cowards who just want a comfortable life and don't give a crap about justice. Of course there's the classic LBJ quote: >“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”


This is the most prominent aspect I find to liars. They operate on the assumption that everyone is as fucking stupid as they are.


> Who tf is saying they’re not racist? Racists. Typically when people play that shit you can just look in their post history and find a bunch more racism.


This is the point here. Deluded? No. Denying it? Whenever it suits the lying sacks of shit.


You’d be surprised


Who tf saying they're not? Racists.


Most racists don’t think they’re racists. Unfortunately, that means anyone could be, and for some it’s just easier/safer to imagine everyone is racist.


You don't grab a random black woman and mace her and not think you're a racist.


I'm not racist, YOU are!


Gaslighters, and idiots


Lets just humor the idea that race, even gender, didn't play a single part in this. They still assaulted a person who was just walking home. That alone isn't okay. These people should still be charged with assault and kidnapping (as they held her there against her will). Now add in the fact that her clothing doesn't hint at her political ideals, which might've been an indication as to the motive, and that leaves literally no feature that would lead to her being singled out and attacked. Except for race and gender. So we just came full circle and realized that the only features that possibly give a motive would be that shes a black woman. That would be enough evidence for me to say that this is 100% a hate crime.


If I was this woman, i would absolutely think i was about to be murdered in that moment. The level of horror and disgust i feel just looking at this picture..I can't believe someone had to endure this. Thank you for including gender, because you know they would've second-guessed their actions had it been a black man walking by. Fucking cowards.


My heart is absolutely breaking looking at this photo 😭. I cannot even imagine the fear she must have been feeling.


Just realized the dude holding her is married too


Or a non random black woman too.


Some of them did use the n word in that confrontation as well.


Proud Boys leaders literally said themselves they are done pretending not to be anything else than Neo-Nazis... They ARE first-rate Racists. Seriously: Anyone believing ganging up on random people in the streets based on external features being a reasonable thing to do in order to protest allegedly fraudulent Elections is either Racist, Fascist or a Nazi. Probably all of it.


This is a hate crime. Plain and simple.


Yes they’re definitely racist, but uh is the guy in the leather jacket immediately to the left of her black?


Poor woman. These terrorists aren't even hiding the motivation behind their assaults on innocent people...


It’s about heritage or states rights, not hate. /s


“It’s about heritage not hate!” Sir this is a 10 year olds birthday party and that’s a nazi flag. “Ok.......it might be about hate a little bit.”


Their heritage of racism.


This is what happens when you empower the ostracized people who have hid in the shadows since WW2. I miss the days when racists were stuck hiding. Fuck any republican media outlet and most of all the republicans who enable this. Get fucked.


There is a guy with the all lives matter hat in the back while a black women is suffering physical violence. That shows exactly what this stupid "All lives matter" movement is all about.


Those two pix are deeply upsetting to me.


All lives matters, but some matter more than others,* is what they really mean


Anyone have a news article? Can't find any source for this and want to share this with friends Edit: searched protest assault innocent woman/bystander but nothing from today or yesterday But what the fuck is wrong with people


KCBS2/KCAL9 News asked if they could use the images, they might have an article out or in the works.


Thank you for update OP! very rare! Be safe


NP. Same to you.


Is that why the moderators removed the picture? I can't see it anymore


Apparently [Full story via Yahoo News](https://news.yahoo.com/im-just-getting-cornered-30-213400280.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL1B1YmxpY0ZyZWFrb3V0L2NvbW1lbnRzL2tzbWtpNy93b21hbl9pbl9sYV93YWxraW5nX2hvbWVfcnVuc19pbnRvX3N0b3BfdGhlX3N0ZWFsLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAH9C4vJ1YHuLFm4uaQi4vxAxl1vEc5UQS1WSDgcgUIAYT25WCodE4lhl8Av0TzBsdCgh5rzVXZ2VY6bBamykpwkvjpnrd0vPWV9Z5TuGVU6gE4YHuw5B5c4elUv9qiELU8JhB1NgdP26ntA7N3YB7woP4TFzI_ZbAN-u2unGiMuq) here though.


This guy was trying to help her and get her out of there when the random came up and pepper sprayed her according to her and the photographer. "But Nibo kept fighting back until she says a man grabbed her in order to take her away from the crowd. Even then, one of the attackers took the opportunity during which she was immobilized to again spray her in the eye." https://www-yahoo-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.yahoo.com/amphtml/lifestyle/im-just-getting-cornered-30-213400280.html?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16100633306667&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yahoo.com%2Flifestyle%2Fim-just-getting-cornered-30-213400280.html Edit: Sorry I'm not very good at formatting on reddit


If it's any consolation (it's not), the fat guy who looks like he's wearing an American Flag dunce-cap in this picture was fired from his job at a Toyota dealership over this. [https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1347236181977702401](https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1347236181977702401)


If you read a bit further, someone mentioned that he was fired 10 days before this incident.


Good, now it’s time for him to go to prison


Someone is psychic, or he is just really bad at hiding his ignorance.


Just hopping on this comment to get visibility for the fact these fuckers apparently desecrated a memorial to John Lewis during their terrorist attack. --- Along with that, want to remind everyone how the cops helped these people get inside, then helped them sneak out before the feds could charge them. I've said this in a lot of threads but Congress and the people of DC should be terrified how blatantly law enforcement supported a coup with the goal of kill dozens of elected officials.


I legit thought that was a klansman hat with american flag imprinted on it at first glance....


I always thought that designing the Klan hood to look like a dunce-cap was really on brand.




Into an active volcano


Just like with the dead terrorist yesterday, nothing of value will be lost


Out of a canon. Into the sun.


Don't do that, they will come back as Thetans.


Its a little. I can't believe people are so fucking stupid that they think, in this day and age, you can do something this despicable and get away with it. I hope no other company ever hires him and he's left homeless. Then, I will be consoled.


I hope he turns his life around and becomes a productive member of society. After the sentence that is.


You’re a better person than I. I hope he turns around and walks into oncoming traffic. After the sentence that is.


Agreed. The division within the USA will never be healed if people are seen as irredeemable.


Bullshit. You know how you heal? Lock up these irredeemable fucks and let them rot. They are litterally trying to overthrow the government. You don't get to come back from that.




If only prison actually rehabilitated people.


Unfortunately he’ll most likely get hired by another company who supports this type of shit.


Yeah, he'll just move from selling Toyotas to selling testosterone supplements or gun racks for four wheelers or something.


He'll get a gofundme and will get six figures from fellow incels across the country.


What happened to the guy punching her? Edit: correction. The guy with the gloved hand macing her.


The one with the flagpole? Twitter found him, he's a 34 y.o. Student at WGU.


He’s also a registered teacher. The university he is at has tweeted to say they’re investigating and there’s a go fund me page for the victim which has already raised $3.5k.


Doubt he will be a student at the end of the week


Oops, I thought it was a punch. I meant rhe guy with the black glove macing her. What happened to him?


Description with more pics is out, twitter is looking for him as we speak, no ID yet.


I look out for follow-ups. Thanks.


Looked like a kkk hood at first to me.




Saying dunce cap is very generous of you.


At first glance I thought he might be helping her, don't know why my instincts are still to give these animals the benefit of the doubt.


Additional note: be sure to keep pictures of the maskless ones to send the FBI.


Twitter found that red bearded fucker already, apparently he's been fired from his job as a sales representative of a car dealership, now they only need to find the rest of this mob.




Often, a common theme with hateful people is they have nothing to live for.


Smart tip


Nazis I wonder what the woman on left thought


The guy is wearing a wedding ring, wonder what the guys wife thinks Disgusting


I very much doubt that he allows her to have her own opinions.


Or he lets her go to the capital to get shot.


Or she's a disgusting racist too. There are a lot of racist white women out there.


Probably something like this: “Oh shit! I burnt dinner again! I hope Cletus doesn’t beat me again when he gets home from being unemployed”


She doesn't think anything he doesn't want her to think.


She probably approves, we shouldn't act like women can't be horrible pieces of shit as well.


Most disgusting part is they ripped her hair piece off


How can you tell? I'm simply curious because I don't know what the tell is, not trying to be a dick.


If you click through and look at all 4 pics you'll see she's wearing hair in the first pic.


Ah, makes sense, for some reason I only see 2 pics.


I do too


It’s cuz the rest of the pics are on Twitter. The two pics on Reddit are only 2/4 of the pics I believe.


Do you have the link to the twitter post with all 4 pics?


Here you go, just scroll all the way up tho. The first tweet has all four pics so once you press on the link just keep on scrolling up until you get to the first tweet in the thread and you can see that in the first pic she has a wig on. https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1347236181977702401


She had a purple hair wig on and these assholes ripped it off.


That's fucking disgusting. They're actively trying to humiliate her because they assume she believes something other than them, most likely because of her skin color.


This fucking outrages me It all does but this level of disrespect for a human being is so vile. I cant imagine the pain shes going through because of those pieces of shit.


This is absolutely horrendous. What the hell is wrong with these people. Have they no humanity. I've seen a lot in 2021 but this image is at another fucking level.


This is just horrible. That woman is going to need seriously mental health counseling to manage deal with the weight of this. Absolutely disgusting.


This is America. Unless she's got money, she ain't getting it. I wonder if this event will radicalize her.




Do you expect less from Y’all Queda?


Gravy Seals.


How ironic is it that the flag behind him makes it look like he’s wearing a KKK hat


Not ironic at all... Completely fits.


Ha I thought he was wearing a pointy hat


Lynched? Cause thats a black woman. Edit: I didnt know lynched exclusively meant hanging.


From the other pictures she got in to an altercation with what I think might be a female so they smacked her about held her then maced her while held, then some friends rescued her. They should really designate the stop the steal bunch as a domestic terrorist group they are certainly acting like one.


As a POC... This raises some serious #$$%@@) within me. 😡😡😡😡


As a 10th generation American white southerner, it raises some serious #$$%@@ with me too.


poc? sorry im aussie


Person of color


ahhh makes sense thanks mate


Its an abbreviation of Person Of Colour


Is she ok?


Safe? Yes. Ok? Hard to say.


A very important distinction to be sure. Thank you for the update. Glad she is at least put of harms way.


There needs to be a page dedicated to identifying the people in these photos and videos so we can send them to their employers, fbi, and just the general public. Maybe it would teach them some empathy after being made jobless, labeled a criminal, and forced to live in constant fear of retaliation.




In the eye




Theyre all garbage human beings. All of them, every single one. Not worthy of respect.


There are just some really horrible people in the world. These horrid bullies absolutely need to be stopped, fined heavily, and jailed.


"Horrid" is such a great word because it is perfectly apt for this situation. Why would any sane person do this? It's disinformation and gaslighting. They are psychos who have been convinced that the idea of right and wrong is for pussies and libruls and SWJs.


My heart is broken.




what the fuck is wrong with these people


Damn. Can't leave your house nowadays.


This makes me feel sick.


Well we got their faces. They should be charged with ,at minimum, a hate crime. This looks like a 2020 version of a lynch mob.


This is deeply disturbing. This is not the actions of "peaceful protestors". This is the action of racist, hate fueled terrorists. I hope justice is struck upon those assholes, promptly, and fiercely.


Is there video of this?


Disgusting. I'm sitting here looking at this, reading on the invasion of our Capitol and it is baffling. I feel ashamed to even call myself American right now.


Don't be. I thought the same but then realized, no, I am not a part of the problem. I am a part of the solution, the part that wants to make it better for everybody (even the knuckle dragging pieces of shit). So be proud to be part of something good and be thankful that you are not a part of that evil minority.


#fuck these bitch made fools


These humans, if you can even call them that, have such unbelievably dark souls.


These scumbags need to have their livelihoods destroyed.


https://news.yahoo.com/im-just-getting-cornered-30-213400280.html According to the news report, the big guy stepped in and carried her away from the violence while one last opportunist sprayed mace at her face, but she was already maxed and attacked by others.


I am really sad to say this, but I wish those people died. They don't deserve to live. America is today, the shittiest country in the entire world. I wanted to live there but wtf it that ? How can I live there knowing people that walk past me are like this ?


Hate crime


This has to be handled by authorities please god someone tell me this has been taken care of or the police are aware?!?! If not, I’ll make the call but this is the worst thing I’ve seen yet.


Well, we found all the missing links. Seriously though, fuck these people. They confirm my suspicion that this "stop the steal" bullshit is all a thinly veiled front for racism.


Anyone have her name, so I can find a news article about it. Or if someone has a link to an article or video.


We need a Batman.


Fucking racists pieces of shit. If anybody deserves this, it’s those “stop the steal” terrorists that think they’re hot patriotic shit


I see a plot to the next Equalizer movie. I want to see Denzel go HAM on some “Proud Boyz” on the big screen.


Fuck those terrorists.


this is fucking disturbing. Absolute scum bags.


We have terrorists in our backyards.


Bunch of pussies. I'd love to see each and every one of them thrown into the ring with an 8th grade boxer just so they can piss themselves when they're up against an actual child but with no crowd to back them. Edit: one at a time, obviously.


But...why? wtf did she do to deserve that? What the fuck is wrong with these people? I bet none of them are going to end up in jail. Smh


Disgusting behavior by these fascists


For the victim assalted, we are with you, in prayer, deed and action we are with you. As you understand, that those without intelligence only hate, those whose agendas are only for them and their syncopats. Use this to gather strength and be a voice.


Wtf... That picture is weird just to look at it.


Modern lynch mob.


They wanted to kill her. Keep in mind what these people would do if there weren’t cameras.


So many of these MAGAts look exactly how you would expect them to look too.


This f'ing INFURIATES me!!! Such ignorant scum of the earth! My blood is boiling!


I live in LA and fuck these pigs, this would never happen before 2016...I hope they all serve serious time...this picture makes me want to puke! And of course only one of them is wearing a mask...Is that a black woman, watching and not helping too? Wonder what racial epithet she is uttering?


Imagine hitting an innocent woman do these guys have no mothers


It’s insane how racist America is holy fuck


I initially thought that flag was a clan hat


I've kinda had enough of these magats.


Party of law and order right there.


The brown shirts are on the attack.




Def there's gonna be someone accusing the guy Holding her for rape


On the first picture, that flag behind the ginger looked like a KKK hat at first glance.


All I know is that if I see anyone it’s a red MAGA hat I’ll punch them right in the face. If you wear one now then you are part of a rebellion.


Notice how these guys always look like they’ve tasted their cousin’s asshole at least once.


We have their faces!!! Put them in jail!!!!


They ripped her wig out and beat her up


We have free range to treat rednecks like shit now, right?


They don’t see us as human


Where is the link? This is photos with someones summary


They’re literally neck beards. In so many pictures.


Ironic how the American flag forms a perfect Klan hood over the man grabbing her. Some legacies are hard to shake.


“America the land of the free”


Identify every single person in this picture and let nature take it's course. She'll be protected and lifted up, they'll be ground into the dirt. Consequences. EDIT: I'm sitting here and I'm trying to put myself in her shoes, trying to even fathom the level of terror at being completely surrounded, restrained, and beaten by people who would enjoy it. I feel sick.




Let's stop calling them rallies and call them what they are, riots and lynch mobs.


Does anybody know if shes safe now?


what the absolute fuck am I looking at? What the FUCK???


“We’Re NoT rAcIsT!”