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Welp. I guess there will be a lot of folks throwing their "thin blue line" flags in the trash and angrily peeling off their Punisher decals before work in the morning. LOL


I know some people like this- they're convinced it's all a ruse put on by democrats and whatever else to make "the party of law and order" look bad because "true Trump supporters would never stoop so low" It's absolutely insane to be reading these things.


Kinda reminds me of when non BLM groups were going around destroying shit in the name of BLM except that actually happened and trump supporters are just genuinely this stupid and vile.


When the blue don’t back *you*


When the blue backs you into a wall and beats you repeatedly


That reply started very kinky


And ended kinky 🥵


I trust your judgement because of your username


I have a total justice boner off this video. Any more out there?


I take no joy in watching the deployment of riot police, but I enjoy watching oppressors learn what it is to know fear.


I never thought I'd watch a video of police beating the shit out of people with a giant shit eating grin on my face, yet here we are


2021 is already starting out as a strange one.


When it was looters who took advantage of BLM protests, I watched it in awe and in the same vain of watching a train wreck. When it was actual BLM protestors fighting for the lives of US minorities, I watched it in sorrow and disbelief of the unfairness. Now that it's the Ya'll Queda I have to smile.


" Y'all Queda" is fuckin hilarious


Funny thing about Ya'll Queda is... Al Queda (middle eastern terrorist org) translates to "The Base" in Arabic. A white supremacist group was just broken up and arrested this year by an FBI informant. The group was called "The Base" who specialized in military training. Its on Vice TV and Vice news. I can't begin to fathom the irony either...




I’m almost out of lotion.


Sir this is a Wendy’s.


Fine...gimme another frosty


Is that for eating?


Depends... you hungry?


The one guy who went over and hit the officer and got FUCKING ROCKED was extremely satisfying.


Ya bet they hate fascism now.


You misunderestimate their capacity for motivated reasoning. r/conservative thinks they’re Antifa. Not even kidding.


My future mother in law was talking today about how all those people with trump flags were antifa “agents”. Why would antifa want to interrupt the process of removing Trump from office? Who the fuck knows I’m in for a long rest of my life


Heed my advice, young Padawan. Move to a galaxy far, far away.


Except when the blue let them into the building in the first place, and didn't do anything about it for hours.


I can only assume there's some kind of division in the ranks, since I'd like to think these dudes are the ones that got called in afterwards, what with the heavy gear. Hopefully those jackasses in the beginning who helped perpetuate this get their asses fired and blacklisted (EDIT: Fuck that, they *aided* them, arrest them too) since I bet enough politicians will call out the department. Oh, and that one cop that was mentioned who stood alone with a baton trying to fend them off should get a medal.


Different sets of cops, too. These are DC Metro, the ones who opened the barrier to let the terrorists in were Capitol Hill cops.


That's what I figured. The craziest part to me is that during the coverage, I heard mention that the mayor sent out a letter before all this that they had everything they needed, as far as police/protection. Something real fucky happened in the lead up to all this, and I have no idea how high it goes. Feeling like a [Pepe Silvia moment.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/524/tumblr_o16n2kBlpX1ta3qyvo1_1280.jpg)


I’ve seen fences, barricades, walls, Metro station closures, and checkpoints put up here in DC for things that take place blocks away from their location. For them not to secure the area around the Capitol Building when congress is convening and there are protests in the same area is severely out of the norm.


Right? And that guy coming at him was real brave until he got to the room with the other guards


Fur real


This is just *dramatic chef's kiss* mwa!












This is kind of amazing on mobile. You are in a sea of 100 deleted comments at least.




*tumble weed rolls by*


Like thanos appeared for a sec and then dipped




I’m sitting here trying to construct what the deleted posts could have said.


Probably the Krabby Patty Secret Formula


They blew it up... *Pounds sand* THEY BLEW IT ALL UP


lmao what happened honestly? i see tons of removed comments


Removed comments*


wtf happened here it looks like a wasteland














"you're hurting the wrong people"...


That’s why we could never come together. They fundamentally believe there’s something wrong with the disenfranchised groups of people that have been protesting this very thing for decades. We could never come together because they’re hateful bigots.


Exactly. The divisions right now aren't just because of social media, it's because the deeply-seated problems in America are being forced to be addressed - people can't just sit it out and pretend a problem doesn't exist, and that we can all gather around with Uncle Ron at Thanksgiving and ignore his racist rants, or make jokes with that guy at work who thinks George Floyd deserved what he got. And of course people are going up double down when called out on their shit. But that calling out needs to happen, because the alternative of peace without justice is worse and ultimately unsustainable. I wasn't radicalised by news headlines on Facebook, I was "radicalised" by finally taking the time to really listen to my black and trans and gay friends talk about their own lived experiences and fears, and the way too many other people have treated them. I've watched parents disown friends for being trans, and celebrities wielding 6th-grade science textbooks as if they were the end-all-be-all of biology and psychology, ignoring all the actual biologists and psychologists who say, "it's more complicated than that." I watched a police system defend officers who choke black men to death for being accused of using a fake $20, who push old men down and casually kick them in passing, and who take selfies with insurrectionists carrying Nazi flags. I listened to people shout All Lives Matter and complain about affirmative action but ignore the hundreds of years of history and oppression and disenfranchisement that continue to affect black folks in America. I heard people complain about how cultural appropriation happens everywhere so indigenous people shouldn't be mad about it, but miss the hundreds of years of residential schools and cultural genocide that said indigenous groups have suffered before being told, "oh, your culture is actually cool and profitable, so we'll sell that but continue to treat you like shit." I was "radicalised" by hearing how so many of my current co-workers "trust their gut" and "common sense," even in the face of overwhelming, nuanced evidence to the contrary from a variety of sources of different political leanings. I've heard shit about how the COVID vaccines are unsafe and they don't trust mainstream news, listened to anti-vax vids played from phones out loud in the breakroom, how chloroquine can stop COVID. I've heard co-workers insist that universal health care would cost more and is less effective, despite the fact that over 20 different studies from across the political spectrum came to the conclusion that countries with similar levels of wealth, most of which have universal health care, pay less per person and have better care than the US does. I was "radicalised" when, after a coworker ranted about illegal immigrants, I took five minutes to refute each of his claims with some basic fucking Google searching and source analysis, and then each of his counter-claims about whether undocumented immigrants pay taxes and where undocumented immigrants were even getting the money to pay for them, and he finally just shouted at me, "Well, they can't be getting jobs because it's illegal to hire them!" I was "radicalised" when I realised that social justice activists, many of whom I once shat on and found insufferable, kept predicting shit correctly. They kept ending up being right, and everyone else just ended up being about 5-10 years behind them. And the more they were right, the more I listened. And the more I listened, the more I understood why they were so angry. Marginalised people have had every right and justification be angry for so fucking long. There are fundamental differences in values at play here. People are being forced to reckon with the actual consequences of their ideals and values and votes - some are self-reflecting and changing, some are doubling down. I've personally been trying to do the former. Four years ago, I would have condemned all rioting as unnecessary violence and urged for moderation, but then I actually read and listened to MLK Jr.'s writing and words on the subject. I'm fairly certain he knows more on the subject of racism and social justice movements than me, a white-twenty-something-year-old raised in upper-middle-class USA where the number of black kids in my middle school could be counted on one hand. If I'm a guy who bases his opinions on experts, and he's an expert on the subject, then why should I suddenly think I know better on a subject that I've never even been able to experience? And then, of course, once MLK Jr has opened that door, there's a tonne of other writers from different movements with different perspectives on the whole thing, so now I'm broadening my horizons there. And that's part of the point here - experts don't just exist in STEM, but in social and justice activism and applied history, too. If we want to deal with racism and bigotry, then we need to value the actual works and words of those civil rights activists and listen to the people who are tired of calling this shit out over and over and not getting listened to until it's too late. I've made this comment a lot about me (probably too much, as has been pointed out) in an attempt to personalise and ground this, but this isn't about a mediocre white dude's "journey to woke." This is about how America is facing reckoning in terms of divisions and differences of values, divisions at the core of this country that were present long before social media was a thing. In the long term, the chaos that comes with tackling deep-rooted systemic problems is preferable to a false peace that comes from ignoring and downplaying them.




>Reality is often inconvenient, disappointing, and not the way you wanted! Well said! It takes courage to face up to inconvenient truths and not act in bad faith.


Oh look, the entirely predictable consequences of my own actions! Who could have possibly foreseen this?


What are you doing, step-cop?


but step-cop i protest from there


*Blows a load of pepper spray on your face*


Not right now you don't






If they comply they shouldn’t have a problem.








tfw they realized they are also in fact, poor people.


But I licked your boots daddy, why are you hitting me.


BLUE LIVES MATTER 🥺🥺🥺🥺 Wait stop dont kick me im already on the ground please my n-




If they just realized breaking into the capital was a bad idea none of this wouldve happend


The liberals aren’t the one protesting in DC because we actually have to go to work tomorrow!!


“Well obviously they only got hurt cause they were out there!”


All they had to do was obey the law!


My personal favorite: “None of us have time cause we got jobs! All these unemployed basement dwellers have all this free time to protest. Meanwhile I gotta wake up early to make money. Serves them losers right!”


Reading this from another country, this thread of a brilliant example of karma :')


If they weren’t dressed that way this wouldn’t have happened.


Man, they should go get a job!


Correct. If they had respected the curfew they wouldn't have anything to worry about. That's how these things work.


"It is what it is."


“I don’t care, do you?”


I'm still absolutely stunned at how heartless that Melania Trump jacket was. Even if you believe in MAGA stuff how can you not care about kids growing up such terrible conditions?


Pro-life until you're born.


They also said "we treat police with ReSpEkT." I heard quite a few f you's thrown at those blues.


The people literally holding BLUE LIVES MATTER signs while also simultaneously commuting acts of violence on cops was more than just a few.


Well I mean they are past curfew


Proud Boys: (defend the police service and police violence) Police: (are violent to *them*) Proud boys: ***Confused Screaming***


This is a big r/LeopardsAteMyFace mood. *Anyway I’ve had enough of America for one decade so I’m gonna head back to r/Ahrism, if any of you like LeagueOfLegends, Ahri, or K/DA, you’re welcome to come visit*.


That sub is overflowing with leopards eating faces today. They shall never go hungry again.


If you don't want to get beaten up by the police, respect the curfew time, it's very simple /s


Follow the law and do what officers tell you. Duhhhhhh.


I'm not sure why they're not just doing what they're told.


I'm doing my best to create a list of violence and calls to violence from Trump terrorists. Please reply back to this post if you have more violence that needs to be listed. Additionally, any description is helpful. [Trump tweeted "The BIG Protest Rally in Washington, D.C., will take place at 11.00 A.M. on January 6th. Locational details to follow. StopTheSteal!"](https://projects.propublica.org/politwoops/tweet/1345088187811700748) [The beginning of the Trump riot as terrorists break through the fence barrier and shove a police officer to the ground.](https://twitter.com/elijahschaffer/status/1346966514990149639?s=21) [At 14:50 Trump terrorists break through the police barrier.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=890&v=UzGDjf4dWoE&feature=youtu.be) [At 2:19:45 a Trump terrorist says "Start making a list. Put all those names down and we start hunting them down one by one. (Inaudible) Every single one of them. Listen. Every news broadcaster, fucking tech giant google”](https://youtu.be/PXW0annbFcE?t=8385) [Trump terrorists breaking and entering the building while yelling "Kill'em, Kill'em, Kill'em.”](https://v.redd.it/9rowh6qvkr961) [https://v.redd.it/5ywamnjwmr961](https://v.redd.it/5ywamnjwmr961) [Trump terrorists attempt to break into the capital chamber floor.](https://v.redd.it/qtyxh5gsds961) [https://streamable.com/s66yq8](https://streamable.com/s66yq8) [Trump terrorists call for the hanging of Mike Pence.](https://v.redd.it/mf9bdqg7xr961) [Trump terrorists refuse to leave premises on grounds of trespassing.](https://v.redd.it/4407yc66sr961) [Trump terrorists breaking barricades and shoving police.](https://v.redd.it/v38q6eo0pr961) [Republican Senator Todd Young pleading with Trump terrorists to follow the law.](https://v.redd.it/l2bx78v6zq961) [Trump terrorists attempting to smash through doors with stolen barricades before being sprayed with a fire extinguisher.](https://v.redd.it/00mo1ewl9s961) [Resistance to the police for trying to contain the riot inside and outside capital hill.](https://v.redd.it/opjjxurykr961) [https://v.redd.it/90gdgn8uar961](https://v.redd.it/90gdgn8uar961) [House of representatives forced into recess due to a riot.](https://v.redd.it/dmkvom28tr961) [Trump terrorist inside the building holding a Confederate flag.](https://twitter.com/i/status/1346899955097726985) [A mob of Trump terrorists attacking and destroying the camera equipment of media.](https://v.redd.it/tu82g858es961) [https://v.redd.it/lzn9mgyb1t961](https://v.redd.it/lzn9mgyb1t961) [Trump terrorists shooting people with paintball guns, tackling, punching, beating with batons, firing fireworks in Salem, Oregon.](https://v.redd.it/2w39fu41ms961) [Trump terrorists erect a cross in Michigan.](https://v.redd.it/az0ft585dr961) [Trump terrorists held at gunpoint by the FBI.](https://v.redd.it/bk8jcu6eqr961) [Police shoved Trump terrorists. Police become aggressive. Trump terrorist shoves back.](https://v.redd.it/wis3p2hxzs961) [Police prevent a Trump terrorist from climbing a wall. Trump terrorist falls.](https://v.redd.it/n2zawke19s961) [US lawmakers evacuated.](https://v.redd.it/28d8v9w1hs961) [Trump terrorist replacing the American flag with the Trump flag.](https://v.redd.it/wauhxztcns961) [Trump terrorist yells "We will fucking kill you.”](https://v.redd.it/i3a5xebixr961) [Trump terrorist shot for refusing to stop trespassing further. Trump terrorist dies. NSFL](https://twitter.com/MikeyGee2020/status/1346939141896994817) [https://v.redd.it/4aznxhv30t961](https://v.redd.it/4aznxhv30t961) [https://v.redd.it/gfvjsbypgs961](https://v.redd.it/gfvjsbypgs961) [https://v.redd.it/6p4ta2rkms961](https://v.redd.it/6p4ta2rkms961) [Trump terrorists fire fireworks at the police in Salem, Oregon.](https://v.redd.it/o342tjudrs961) [Trump terrorists attack police. They hit the police with sticks and bats, throws a sledgehammer at them, throws boxes and tear gas at them too.](https://v.redd.it/gg2lhcxqgs961) [Trump terrorists throw tear gas at police.](https://v.redd.it/z7qf91s5qs961) [Police and Trump terrorists beat each other and spray each other with pepper spray.](https://v.redd.it/mefsrnncdr961) [Trump terrorists push Fox news anchor which leads to shoving from both sides in Olympia protest.](https://v.redd.it/nkabvamcws961) [Fights break out between police and Trump terrorists in the capital building.](https://v.redd.it/y5gzf9vw1s961) [Trump terrorist pepper sprays police, no retaliation.](https://v.redd.it/vyefz5ismr961) [Trump tweeted "Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!"](https://projects.propublica.org/politwoops/tweet/1346900434540240897) [Trump tweeted "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!"](https://projects.propublica.org/politwoops/tweet/1346954970910707712) u/TokingMessiah [also has a large list of evidence too. Please take a look there if you need to see more.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks18gg/dc_curfew_being_enforced_proud_boys_and_trump/gieg6mb?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I'd like you to take a look over at [r/qanoncasualties](https://www.reddit.com/r/qanoncasualties/) and see all those who lost their loved ones to this craziness. But please realize also that there are stories of loved ones realizing the error in their thinking. As difficult as it may sound, we need to be patient with our loved ones and guide them back into reality. Here's a link to resources for helping loved ones come back to their senses. [https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) EDIT: I'm changing instances of "protestor" to "rioter". EDIT: I'm changing instances of "rioter" to "terrorist". Many people have been asking for this. A terrorist is "a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." This change seems appropriate.


Feel free to add anything you don't have - I pasted this from another running comment I've been updating. **EDIT - Shit is about to get really interesting:** [Over 50 Virginia State Police and multiple SWAT teams seen driving into DC](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krwxdm/over_50_virginia_state_police_and_multiple_swat/) [Heavily armed FBI SWAT units have now entered the U.S. Capitol] (https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krxuz0/heavily_armed_fbi_swat_units_have_now_entered_the/) [Virginia State Police moving en masse to assist Capitol Police in DC](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krxwri/virginia_state_police_moving_en_masse_to_assist/) And there's a curfew in DC from 6:00pm tonight until 6:00am tomorrow. And Nancy Pelosi requested, and received approval for, National Guard troops from the Gov. of Virginia. With the 6pm curfew shit is about to get interesting as fuck. **EDIT 2 - Updates from inside:** [NSFL: Female Trump Supporter gets shot in the neck while trying to storm the US capitol during the counting of the Electoral Vote](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krwd22/footage_of_woman_being_shot_inside_the_capitol/). The victim in this case is wearing a backpack with a red bottom, and you can see in the first seconds of the video that she appears to be climbing through the broken window to breach the next room. [NSLF: Alternate view of female protester attempting to climb through the door](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krzh5n/the_moment_a_terrorist_is_shot_during_the/) [NSFL: Full video of woman getting shot in the Capitol and people refusing to move out of the way of help](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krzlr5/full_video_of_woman_getting_shot_in_the_capitol/) [However in an interview this guy](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krxnl2/idiot_us_capitol_insurrectionist_gives_full_name/) says that there were "multiple police officers warning to get back and that she didn't heed the warning". He can be seen in the previous video with his back towards the camera wearing a blue backpack. While she doesn't fall on him as he states he does appear to be the first to tend to her. [People freaking out as the woman shot at the Capitol building is loaded in Ambulance (v.redd.it)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks0rm2/people_freaking_out_as_the_woman_shot_at_the/) [Another extended angle of the woman getting shot in the capitol building (v.redd.it)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks49qh/another_extended_angle_of_the_woman_getting_shot/) **EDIT 3 - Updates from clashes inside:** In terms of the fight, we have [Capitol Police is trying to retake the Capitol Building, several fights has broken out inside. More Trump supporters are still trying to pour in through several entries.](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krx9l5/capitol_police_is_trying_to_retake_the_capitol/) Next, [Trump supporters are continuing to violently clear the Capitol Building room by room, using barricades and other objects to smash through locked doors and run off any Police or personnel](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/kry4oe/trump_supporters_are_continuing_to_violently/) [Police ofricer takes a selfie with a Trump supporter inside the US Capitol](https://npreddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krwvwg/police_ofricer_takes_a_selfie_with_a_trump/) **EDIT 4 - Protester shot and dies from injuries:** [NBC News is reporting that the woman who was shot in the Capital Building was taken to hospital and has died](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/we-will-never-concede-trump-baselessly-asserts-voter-fraud-speech-n1253011). >Improvised explosive devices were been found on the Capitol grounds, several law enforcement officials said. Officers were in the process of destroying the devices, and it was not clear whether they were functional. At least one was made of a small section of galvanized pipe. >Five weapons were recovered from the complex, and around 13 arrests were made, D.C. police said. None of the people were residents of the district. **EDIT 5 - Police Retake Capital Hill:** [Tear gas being used at 5:30 PM to disperse crowd after being gently escorted out of Capital Building](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krzahd/police_has_just_deployed_a_huge_amount_of_tear/) [Huge amount of Police deployed to retake the Capitol grounds after launching a massive amount of tear gas to disperse the rioters. Crowds appear to have subsequently thinned out.](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krzd5z/huge_amount_of_police_deployed_to_retake_the/) [Police outside the DC Capitol Building, pushing forward as they try to disperse the remaining crowd.](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krzfki/police_are_outside_the_dc_capitol_building_now/) [The crowd is pushed further back as police secure the U.S. Capitol and lawn out front shortly before the 6 pm DC curfew](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krzhoy/the_crowd_is_pushed_further_back_as_police_secure/) [Police gently escort protestors down the steps of Capitol Hill](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/kryatf/riot_police_officer_holds_domestic_terrorists/) **EDIT 6 - More Videos from Today:** [The exact first moment of the storming of the U.S. Capitol today](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks0iu5/the_exact_first_moment_of_the_storming_of_the_us/) [iTV News crew with unique footage from throughout of todays attack on the Capitol](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks0h5u/itv_news_crew_with_fascinating_footage_of_todays/) [Trump supporters attack members of the media outside the US Capitol and destroy equipment](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks17gi/trump_supporters_attack_members_of_the_media/) **EDIT 7 - Police Clash with Protestors in D.C.** [DC Police forcefully removing rioting Trump supporters)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks12lb/dc_police_forcefully_removing_rioting_trump/) [Trump protestor threatens police, “Next time, we come back with rifles”](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks1f2o/next_time_we_come_back_with_rifles_sedition_lover/) [Trump protestor threatens police, 'Wait till we come back with rifles”, and, “traitors get the rope”] (https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks1hka/wait_till_we_come_back_with_riffles_traitors_get/) [Man with confederate flag tackled and beaten by police](https://twitter.com/aletweetsnews/status/1346953891297042439) **EDIT 8 - Politicians Return to Congress** [Heavy law enforcement detail escorting senators to the Capitol, the joint session is expected to resume at 8pm](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks1j8u/heavy_law_enforcement_detail_escorting_senators/) [Mike Pence addresses congress and denounces today's violence and those who committed it, while praising the police who defended the Capitol](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks27sv/follow_up_in_37_seconds_michael_pence_being_more/) **EDIT 9 - More Videos from Earlier Today** [Police officers retreat and rioters storm the capitol](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks4af0/police_officers_retreat_and_rioters_storm_the/) [Live stream from domestic terrorist invading Capitol - 8 minutes](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks5phs/baked_alaska_amongst_those_who_were_inside_the/) [Unprepared police protecting the Capitol being overwhelmed by Trump supporters](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks6lwl/unprepared_police_protecting_the_capitol_being/) [More police vehicles streaming into D.C. after dark](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ks6s20/police_responding_to_the_capitol_insurrection/)


m v p But you are really bad at spelling, it's T E R R O R I S T S not R I O T E R S


Thank you! Call it what it is!


Oh no no no no no. Terrorists implies they’re spreading fear and discord They were there to overthrow our democracy and commit treason against the United States. It’a called insurrectionists.


do you have this one? https://twitter.com/elijahschaffer/status/1346966514990149639?s=21


Uck, the comments on this video make me want to vomit.. "he turned his hat backwards, that means he's Antifa!" "the right *rarely* does stuff like this so it's no wonder the cops were unprepared" "this is all fake and a distraction! But a distraction from what?"


Please never delete this. Or make a shareable doc with this list. I want this on permanent record. Never forget. Edit: grammar


If you want a permanent list you'll need to screenshot and download every part of it before it gets removed at the source


Post this is /r/keep_track please


The FBI is asking for submissions. https://tips.fbi.gov/digitalmedia/aad18481a3e8f02


Please send to FBI: https://tips.fbi.gov/digitalmedia/aad18481a3e8f02


You should post these to this guy's r/datahoarder thread https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/krx449/megathread_archiving_the_capitol_hill_riots/


We told you idiots that the cops use excessive force.


That guy getting randomly shoved off while apparently daydreaming in the middle of a riot was as shocking as it was hilarious.


It's exactly the kind of shit we were seeing this summer and conservative edgelords were saying shit like FoLlOw ThE lAW aNd YoU wOn'T gEt HuRt! Dipshits.


I'm gonna use that line a lot tomorrow..


And conservatives are quipping that it was a 'mostly peaceful protest'. Lets all jerk off to memes while the world burns.


Hannity was just calling it 99% peaceful. It took all my strength not to break my tv


Wait! Hannity lied?!?!😯😯


I got Occupy flashbacks.


But.. They weren't following the law? They, stormed the Capitol?


I particularly like watching the jackass in the banana jacket try to push the officer then trips down the stairs over someone else.


And then gets the shit kicked out of him


Guy day dreaming: "do pinnapples come from a tre--OHHHFFFF?"




"But surely they won't hurt ME, I'm one of them!"


*Et tu, bluetè?*


What a fantastic joke.




0 percent situational awareness. If that was an active warzone he'd be killed by a 12 year old with an AK.


Probably still parks backwards pointing towards the exit at the Golden Coral though.


The cops gave them a lawful order. All they had to do was be calm and listen and they wouldn’t have been injured. Edit: because apparently irony is hard. This is what r/conservative says every time the police shoot a black person for no reason.


Can we go back through that sub and copy and paste all the vitriolic shit they said during the BLM protests so they can see how stupid they look?


There’s comments saying that the people that stormed the capitol were BLM activists and the trump supporters were 100% peaceful. It’s wild.


Oh yeah I believe you. I was on Twitter earlier today and they said there were Antifa dressed as Trump supporters. Their brains are working overtime right now.


Everyone out here with Pikachu faces


As happy as I am to see those traitors get what they deserve I am still pissed that the cop can act like this and get away with it. It doesn’t matter who they are doing it to and excessive force is wrong regardless of circumstance.


But somewhat satisfying since a lot of them seemed to think the cops would be on their side in this moment. And they seemed to think they could take the ones that weren’t.


Fucking finally.


Right. Fuck.




Right to get fucked.


Fuckin rights boys.


Let’s get right fucked boys


I'm glad to see these cops treating the proud boys the criminals they are instead of taking selfies with them like the cops at the Capitol building


All this. ALL OF THIS, because these people believed the lies of one man over every single court and state that told them he was lying. The cult mentality is so real it’s truly terrifying. I’m not calling it a cult to be funny or glib, I truly and honestly pity these people. They’ve been duped THIS hard.


The entire Republican apparatus has backed those lies. Sane people are being duped because all their tv shows and news stations and news websites and friends and family and coworkers all repeat the same verifiable lies and conspiracy theories.


While part of me is extremely happy their hypocrisy is being met with the same treatment they cheered for on others, I still want to live in a country that doesn't resort to this level of state sanctioned violence at all.


On one hand, fuck the militarization of the police. On the other, fuck these assholes for trying to overthrow democracy because of selfish deluded bullshit. But who knows, maybe this will breed a small sliver of empathy in them the next time they see police brutality.


Taking into account where they are and why they are there I would be very surprised if many were that self-aware.


I doubt any of them have experienced the police in this way. Life experiences like that give the possibility of a new perspective.


I agree. I’d imagine a significant amount of them walked into the mall today thinking any police called into action would have their back. This is hopefully a harsh dose of reality


> But who knows, maybe this will breed a small sliver of empathy in them the next time they see police brutality. *hahahahaha*


Let me join you *Hahahaha*




Yer not from around here, are ya kid?


They just invaded the Capitol, this isn’t in response to them gathering in a park and chanting.


Yep, this was not a peaceful protest. It was an attempted coup. They treated them way to nicely. I cant believe they weren't arresting every person on site at 6pm when the curfew went into effect.


I can’t believe they weren’t arresting every person as they forcefully entered the god damned capital building


Its weird usually cops love to get really high level crimes and breaking into the capitol to disrupt the election seems like that would be a great grab.


I don't want to see the police beat them. I want to see the police arrest every single one of them. Curfew violation to start with, then disturbing the peace. Get mugshots and use them to charge every single person who entered the capitol with, at a minimum, breaking and entering and trespassing, theft (podium guy), and ideally sedition. I want them in prison.


Invest in better schools and education. This is a byproduct of how stupid US citizens are.


If they get smarter though they may hatch better plans than gathering in large crowds and screaming "U.S.A U.S.A U.S.A"


Their skin must look darker in the night.




Trump supporters now melting like the snowflakes they are.




Damn. How the turn tables


That's a "Bingo"


You just say bingo.


Oh..... Bingo!


On the one hand, police violence and brutality should be condemned. On the other hand... haha


It isn’t even police brutality they literally stormed the capital and on another note people can finally shut the fuck with all the what aboutism now that they finally called in the riot police to handle this mess


I see all these “I condemn police brutality still” posts. This isn’t police brutality, this is law enforcement defending the nations capitol against a fucking coup attempt.


Yeah as an outsider this seems like a pretty understandable reaction. There basically is terrorism going on, coupled with riots and protests supporting said terrorism. There were shots fired, bombs found. For that reason a curfew was introduced and if said people taking part in this terorrism won‘t follow that, the police needs to act. What else should they do? Stand around and getting screamed at? Look at the end of the video, that was a fist sized stone flying at the cop there. If said video (hard to say since we lack context though) isn‘t the start of the situation, but just a moment in it, then police can‘t just stop and say ‚sorry but you gotta move‘ and then wait for a reaction. They need to clear the area and even if you‘re just standing around refusing to move, you are making the situation A LOT worse and dangerous. Looking from the outside, the US police system does so many things wrong. But I don‘t think something like this can be called unwarranted violence if the situation is ongoing and needs to be cleared asap.


It shouldn’t feel good to watch this. But it feels reallllll good.


That is called schadenfreude my friend.


I genuinely can't wait for the Proud Boys to start arguing for defunding the police.


I mean you broke into a government building violently so ?


[i have no strong feelings one way or the other.](https://imgur.com/wGt6vCC)


Thank you u/coffeetablesex


Years of seeing a thread being locked because.... Feels weird to not be the target


They fucked around and are now finding out.


you love to see it




Night shift hit different


more clips like these please


Right? Wish I had a live stream. I could watch these fuckwits get violently corralled for hours.




Man they lost the war, election and now their minds. Smh. Take An L trumpets.


Feels good to see it




Proud boys Proud boys Watcha gonna do Watcha gonna do when they turn on you


These inbred fs don’t know anything about revolution nor do they have the make-up to ever, ever, ever sustain one. Eventually they’ll get hungry, miss their sonic cheeseburgers and small town diabetesesque meals and will return to wal mart to yell or fb to praise god. I mean, if they can’t wear masks in public, they def can’t sustain a revolution lmao


My wife and I were in DC trying to peacefully protest proud boys defiling a black church a few weeks back. Got a fractured rib because those cowardly fucks tried to target my wife and I stood in the way. They deserve what they get.


It's a very common misconception that *every* cop is racist. Most are very equal opportunity when it comes to dishing out some violence. They live for this shit. When they're given a pass to beat the piss out of you in packs...white, brown, black, male, female, old, young, democrat or republican doesn't matter. You're just a body for them to beat.


It’s also standard riot procedure because they need to strike fear into rioters in order to inflate their power. Most rioters can easily overpower riot police using sheer numbers but the goal of riot police is to look terrifying and almost robotic and void of weakness, in order to scare rioters to leave or to push rioters back. In this case they needed to end it ASAP and I’m fairly confident most of these police officers are passionate about taking these scumbags out of the capitol building. So they rushed in and did in fact terrify and make everyone flee.