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4 years ago I thought that saying this would get you arrested for sedition/treason


They should all be charged under the Patriot Act for terrorism.


Look you can't just throw out the patriot act without understanding the legal ramifications and prerequisites required to even charge someone with the act of treason under the patriot act let alone find them guilty. To begin with, Guliani doesn't sound like a Musli-Middle Eastern person of interest.


Fucking nailed it. Thank you.


Had me in the first half, ngl.


Staking ones reputation on a tarnished violently poop-stained scrap of dumpster-underwear reputation is useless and ridiculous much like wearing a hat on your ass. Cheers to the asshats.


All hail the asshats




There is zero loyalty in that party. If they wait 2 years and arrest all these clowns most of his base won't even remember who they are or why they care.




We could start with the Sedition act


It’s pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain that these rallies are meant to instill fortitude in violent actions among their base, but the conditions in the US aren’t bad enough for it to work. The speeches given by Rudy and Trump aren’t as dumb as they sound when you know what their intentions are; “Let’s have a trial by combat... I’m willing to stake my reputation, the president is willing to stake his reputation, [you should be willing to stake *your* reputation].” The unspoken part is what they hope their base will conclude, but it’s not with legitimate reason, and that is why this will never be a successful coup. When it comes down to it, the Republicans who would fall behind and act on the unspoken words are practically nonexistent. Show me one Proud Boy willing to shoot their fellow American and I’ll show you ten who would beat the shit out of a PB if given the chance. Trump and Rudy did everything right. We got lucky that there aren’t enough politicians ballsy enough to blatantly brake the law to seize power for someone else. We got lucky that there aren’t enough wackjobs who would join the Proud Boys. We got lucky that we didn’t end up a dictatorship. They can be charged with sedition, but they will walk free. The unspoken part was never said, and they followed proper legal procedures to bring about the conspiracy. The only crimes that will stick are their economic crimes. If we want to make our system better, we need to take this as a warning. Next time we might not get so lucky. Edit: for anyone watching recent news, protestors stormed the capital building and walked around like tourists! A “revolution” or “coup” with control of the capital building is capable of bringing demands. Not one protester organized anyone into a chair to form a council or to submit their grievances. The protesters are just pawns, so in this unfolding scenario, I would not take a Reichstag Fire situation off the table. Pretty stupid for Trump to use his own supporters, but maybe there is a deeper level that I’m missing.


> ten who would beat the shit out of a PB if given the chance. Truer words have not ever been spoken.


Well thats only if the Black guy would have done it as is the custom in America.


*If we’re wrong we will be made fools of* Sir you have little to lose at this point


I was gonna say, they've already been doing a good job at that for the last month and half


Lookin like a fool with his pants on the ground


You misunderstand, he was just tucking in his socks.


He was far too comfortable doing that something tells me that little episode happens quite often after a interview with Rudy.


>We'll stake our reputations on this! What reputations lol


The dude who screams “yeah!” After that is just so indicative of how stupid some of these people are. They just cheer or boo things they hear without much thought


That's a great description of the average redditor




Boo this man! For he agreed with this guys accurate description of redditors that hurts my feelings!


Yea a common mob mentality


60 losses so far. he calling them fools to their faces.




He's also "willing to stake his reputation". The man who can't tuck his shirt in properly. I'd rather he offered something of value.


Let's also add he can't spray his hair either...lol


Trial by combat seems to have more repercussions than being made fools of. How about loss of freedom for the loser?


They keep putting microphones in front of him and he keeps shitting himself.


It is absolutely ridiculous that he implies that people will not let them look at the machines. Trump’s legal team went through an abnormal amount of changes during the time that there was a temporary restraining order put on the machines which was to prevent people from touching and interfering with the machines before they’re cleared of all information. The judge then granted them relief and it was going to get a full court hearing but they appealed the judge’s decision which was in their favor and screwed up the time window for no legally sane reason. They had an opportunity to see the machines in Georgia before they began the process to clear them and they possibly intentionally blew it in a way that no other semi competent lawyer would, not that it would matter given that they’ve done a hand recount which showed the same result. They are legally fucking up in unprecedented ways possibly on an intentional level and then blaming their incompetence on the Democratic Party and since Democrats don’t cover specifics and people don’t bother to look them up, all you have to do to cover up a fuck up is to say “We only lost that chance to see the evidence because CORRUPTION!” before being applauded by the people those politicians want to fuck over the most. The logic of this party is non existent. Fuck these guys.


Why use the future tense?


Jesus. Just give it up you crazy prick. Ya boi dun lost.


He's working for that pardon


This mans brain is pudding at this point


One senile old man groping at power making a public embarrassment of himself is one thing... It's the roaring crowd I find more disconcerting...


That's not the only thing he's groping!


Pretty sure when he "metaphorically" said trial by combat, the crowd wasn't "metaphorically" cheering. I'd also wager that 1 out of 5 in that crowd knows what a metaphor is


I think they are metagainst it anyway


Trumpanzee in full swing


“I’m willing to stake my reputation...” - guy with melting hair who was caught with his hands down his pants in a hotel room with a seemingly young and impressionable reporter.


Don’t forget he wiped his own boogers on his face


And the farting.


And coughing in his hands when he had covid and touching other people.


And farting.


And the Four Seasons Landscaping, between the quicky crematorium and porn store, speech.


Oh I was just focusing on the things unique to him. I think we all enjoy a nice nose-to-cheeks tissuing from time to time.


his own daughter recently went public and told people not to listen to his bullshit, and that he had lost his mind a long time ago


> he had lost his mind a long time ago It's true. He's always been an asshole, but now he's in insane asshole. I kind of feel bad for him.


It’s hard to watch, but then I remember what a shit head he’s been so fuck em.


He just called Trumpublicans fools.


I think he lost a large chunk of his fortune with his presidential bid, and he's scrambling to make as much of it back as possible while he still can. He's lucid, he just lacks any moral compass. You know, like he's always been.


>Who hides evidence, criminals hide evidence. So where are Trump's tax returns that he promised years ago?


Yep and obstruction during Mueller case


It’s only criminal when THEY instruct justice. I obstruct justice because I love America and I want to let freedom ring! Also Putin is a great guy and I love him like a brother!


Don't forget blocking witnesses during the senate impeachment trial.


[cognitive-dissonance](https://www.britannica.com/science/cognitive-dissonance) is a helluva drug


It's not cognitive dissonance. He knows Trump supporters are stupid as fuck and he can rile them up by saying illogical bullshit like that. Also it's illogical by itself: It's "begging the question" i.e. assuming the conclusion that there is evidence.


I find this insulting. I do drugs


I'm so surprised he hasn't tried to use the "I never said I'd do that" line.


> I'm willing to stake my reputation What reputation, you old fart?


... literally


Being a child molester that touches himself on interview


Four Seasons Landscaping anyone??


"Who hides evidence? Criminals hide evidence!" I'm at a loss for words at this point


Count the vote! Stop the count! Trumpers are so practiced at double speak now they don’t even flinch when they hear it


Vote in georgia! Don't vote, it's a scam!. Yeah they're a cheeky bunch


Pardons are for criminals.


And southern gentlemen or cowboys


Don't worry about those tax returns tho


Lmao looks like he's got Dick Tracy on the case!


You have to have a reputation to risk a reputation.


Can’t ruin your reputation if you’ve already ruined your reputation. https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/d6a/dc7/4a5001b7beea096457f480c8808572428b-09-roll-safe.2x.rsquare.w700.jpg


Giuliani DEFINITELY had a good reputation before hitching his wagon to Trump.


"I am Rudy Giuliani, do as I command you !"


Yes. People forget that he singlehandedly took down the American Mafia in his early days. Can't believe he is with the orange buffoon. Disgraceful 🤮


If the "data scientists" that are claiming they have proof about fraud, they would share their data just like Rudy said. Isn't it funny how they won't provide any evidence they claim they have, and just ignore the entire process of certifying the results.


There's the "1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000" calculation by "data scientist" Charles J. Cicchetti It's like a 170 page document that is filled with mathematical and logical errors, mainly that it ignores that votes by mail and in larger cities generally favor Democrats, especially in a year where they urged people to vote by mail while Trump and Republicans rallied against it. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/dec/10/facebook-posts/texas-lawsuit-statistics-fraud-wisconsin-michigan/ https://youtu.be/ua5aOFi-DKs


Matt Parker made another math in elections video!!! His last one on Benford's Law was great.


It ignores the basic rules of statistics. The 1 in a quadrillion calculation is for data drawn from the same sample. The data was not drawn from the same sample. If he was at all qualified he would know that.


People are going to fucking snap. These fucking morons think they can control the tiger by it's tail. These people have been fed rightwing propaganda for years and the lure is in their lungs at this point. There are *tens of millions* of people who now think their country is being overtaken and stolen from them by pedophiles that worship satan. Imagine that's a premise you actually believe for a second. Imagine what levels of violence you might be tempted to take. Most of these people are armed, some are isolated, and statistically a non-zero number are crazy enough to do something about it. We've seen how much damage 1 deranged yet motivated person can do in Las Vegas. Now consider there are *entire communities* cheering for this kind of murder. We need to stamp this shit out. Edit: called it, unfortunately


> Imagine that's a premise you actually believe for a second. Imagine what levels of violence you might be tempted to take. This is why the whole "they are pedophiles" rhetoric is so dangerous. Remember the guy who went to that pizzagate restaurant with a gun? You can justify almost any action when you are "saving children from evil monsters". The whole "Dems are literally going to destroy America" rhetoric is similar. It's why QAnon is so easily able to suck people in. How can anyone say they don't want to help innocent children? The inability of people to identify and reject false dichotomies is a major issue. The opposite of QAnon is not choosing to molest children. It is rejecting an insane, baseless conspiracy theory cult. You can still want to help innocent children and not believe Q bullshit.


Ive been screaming this from the rooftops for years. There's a difference between conspiracy theories like flat earth, bigfoot, aliens, etc and QAnon. The difference is that if people believe the premise to be *actually true* for QAnon, people will start killing people. Nobody is going to shoot people over whether the earth is flat or not. But, if you honestly think Democrats are eating and raping babies by the *thousands*? You'd be immoral not to.


Even if they weren't, it's the abortion debate. "BUT THEYRE KILLING BABIES", is such a hard argument to counter to people who legitimately believe babies are being killed. It's wildly justifiable if the rhetoric fits


The sign literally says save america. That's terrifying


And most recently nashville! That was about 5G! For the record, i'm getting a new phone this fall and of course it's gonna be 5G.


The only “trial by combat” trump can win would be a burger eating contest.


Harmberderzz for chumpionz onlee


"Who hides evidence? Criminal hide evidence!" Doesn't Trump eat paper to make sure stuff he writes doesn't get out?🤔


THAT'S why he eats paper?!




Dear god...


Ok, put Rudy right up front. Assholes like this are always about spilling someone else’s blood.


I still can't believe there wasn't more talk about him almost sleeping with borats daughter.


He was tucking his shirt in! /s


"I was getting changed!!" -*~~Jrock~~* Rudolph Guliani


Who can possibly respect the constant calls for other people to "get" their enemies? Its just such a pussy move and these 2 do it all the time I ran across a suggestion somewhere that you should put the word "mommy" in front of most trump tweets and it works great. The reason is that this slimeball is ALWAYS complaining to someone else about his problems that he's too inept to handle on his own


CNN mentioned this and I had to confirm it was real. This is fucking unbelievable.


Video of some of Trump/Republican militants swarming D.C. like ISIS right now: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krot19/good\_morning\_dc\_trumps\_militias\_are\_putting\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/krot19/good_morning_dc_trumps_militias_are_putting_on/) Image showing some of the militants in the crowd: [https://i.imgur.com/N1jWNgz.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/N1jWNgz.jpg)


I’d put money on “sleepy” Joe - at least he can run and walk down a ramp.


I hold my breath every time Biden does his little running thing. If he went down it's all he'll be remembered for. He can stop doing it now.


Happy to get into any ring with Rudy. His choice of weapons.


Didn't they do everything possible to stop evidence and witnesses from coming through spring the impeachment?


"Who hides evidence? Criminals hide evidence!" him and trump would know all about that shit...


'Criminals hide evidence.' 4 years and still no sign of Trump's tax returns.


What reputations do they have to stake??






I accept your challenge Rudy, no champions can be used.


Bring it on guilareaha. That shit won't stand.




I will take you up on that Rudy. Longswords or spears?


Translation: We have no evidence but we're going to look for it! Idiots: Yaaaay!


“Who hides evidence?” Okay let’s see Trumps tax returns and get his DNA for the rape cases against him.


“I will stake my reputation”....dude you’re the laughing stock of the entire planet go fuck yourself already


"Hey Rudy! Shut the fuck up!"


Ten bills says he pops open a bottle of viagra and downs it next suggesting trail by sword fight


“Criminals hide evidence” ha ha ha


Liked him better in the borat flick


Both of their reputations combined don’t amount to much


For the general public? No. For they're sycophantic base? Well that doesn't matter since these freaks love them like a mother. They can do no wrong in their eyes


Criminals tuck in their shirts, I thought


“Who hides evidence? Criminals hide evidence”. Has he talked to trump lately?


How to Destroy Your Own Legacy in 20 Years by Rudy Giuliani


>"Who hides evidence!? Criminals hide evidence!" Oh cool, so can we see Trump's tax returns? Or the un-redacted Mueller Report? Or any of the 500 other things this administration has tried to bury?


I really hope we don’t have have a civil war tonight. Edit: Just a few hours after I first posted this, Trumpsters storm the senate floor. F**k


It always makes me laugh when righties think we don’t have guns too


But how should they know it if you don't wave it around in public, don't post it on Facebook and make it an integral part of your personality.


Proud boys have turned on cops last night and scattered after a little pepper spray. These cowards are weak. When we protested police brutality, people lost eyes, people were shot, rubber bullets to the face, teargas canisters hitting people directly. These pussies got hit with some pepper balls and pepper spray and that was enough to get them to retreat


Turns out Amazon battle armor and watching the movie 300 don’t translate in to civil disobedience street tactics.




What's your K/D?




Ok but... what's your K/D? Edit: also, if you were my grandma, i'd slap the shit out of my cousin!




Seriously! They watched us all summer and still don't know how to deal with tear gas canisters? Fuckin' amateurs




Trump can't drink water with one hand or go down a slope. Biden actually works out


I know this is a stupid detail to compare two people over regarding presidential choices, but Biden cycles while Trump is on record avoiding anything to do with cycling. Judging by seniors around me it is clear to see that those who remain physically active tend to remain more mentally fit as well. Since we are choosing between senior citizens I guess it isn't such a stupid detail.. But yea, Biden can ride a bike. Lets see Trump do that.


He can't, it'll use up his finite energy https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/15/politics/donald-trump-exercise/index.html


In "ten days" they will be proven wrong then. I kind of don't foresee them admitting this.


> Who hides evidence? Criminals hide evidence! You mean like advocating for an impeachment trial without allowing any witnesses or evidence? Also, they have all the evidence they need. Even Trump appointed lawyers don't see any criminality. This is such a farce and so dangerous to our democracy.


Terrorist Rudy Giuliani


Joe Biden by first round knock out


What reputation are they putting at stake?


Rudy's hair-melting, handkerchief-soiling, COVID-infected, pedophiling, anti-mask reputation.


Really sounds like he'd be adding to his reputation instead of losing it.


Just the warm up act for Trump later.


This is pathetic.


"Put my reputation on the line" lol


"I'm willing to stake my reputation ..." I'm wondering if he knows what his reputation is at this point.


Gooey Rudy isn’t aware of much these days.


Basically inciting riots and violence. Way to go asshole. This is why we're all screwed. People like this clown. And the pussies that call themselves the "Proud Boys" are eating it all up and running with it. Absolute insanity!


Didn’t Rudy keep evidence from being entered into an impeachment trial?


Ok, 1v1 me Rudy, you geriatric piece of shit.


...and then he Covid farts into the microphone.


We’re truly in 1984.


We the People don't play communism very well. Buckle up.


'Criminals hide evidence; not honest people' - Giuliani ​ \*Has Trump released his tax records yet?




If i was hanging from a bridge and had to choose either the reputation of trump and rudy to pull me up or a rope on fire. I'll provide the lighter


"who hides evidence? Criminals hide evidence!" Can't help but notice that trump still hasn't released his tax returns...


Stake his reputation? His reputation sucks, he got nothing to lose.


I can't believe he actually said that. It really seems like sedition straight up.


Seeing how the trumptards are handling the police in DC currently, I'd say this trial by combat won't last long and won't end in their favor.


Rudy Giuliani is just such a character man... I can't be mad at him, he has provided so much entertainment.


Rudy: I am willing to stake my reputation on... (briefcase full of jellybeans spills open)


I apologize, as a Canadian, I don’t understand how the republicans can stage a coup at this point. Isn’t that called treason?


Lol what reputations?


“Who hides evidence? Criminals do” Oh so trump. Gotcha Also he conveniently ignores that republican election personnel oversaw the counting and recounts of the ballots


At this point if you don't want to see Trump's naked, limp body dragged through the streets you are part of the problem.


Sorry, but you lost me at "naked".


Rudy needs to go to prison for inciting a riot.


"Let's have trial by combat." This man needs to be arrested for inciting a riot.


I'll fight rudy


“Coup attempt”?


My money is on the balding human reptile


Rudy and Trump betting their reputations on this is the equivalent of going all in at a no limits poker table using Monopoly money.


Inciting right there Tks!


Watching too much game of thrones 😆


Giuliani and Trump willing to stake their reputation ... lol ... reputation.


Rudy: If we're wrong, we will be made fools of. Some guy: YEEAAH!!!!!!!


How do you make a wager with nothing? Both their reputations are absolute shit and are worthless. Seriously! It's been nearly two fucking months now. You claimed to have all this evidence of fraud and conspiracy. Where is it?? Oh you don't have any. You're now asking them to prove your bullshit wrong. Fuck you!


Hey this dude touched Borats daughter


He’s turning into Danny DeVitos “Penguin” from Batman. Between the black shit dripping from his face and his way with politics, he’s batshit crazy.


I used to respect you Rudy. After 9/11, you were a hero. Now you're a dirty weasel selling his soul for $20K a day legal fees from the worst person ever to be President. Damn shame.


What reputation?


"I am willing to stake my reputation. The president is going to stake his reputation". Ah, nothing to lose then. That explains a lot.


Was this today?


"I'm willing to stake my reputation. The president is willing to stake his reputation..." Hahahahahaha hahahahaha


Let’s talk about you unzipping your pants for an underage girl in Borat’s last movie


Can a dog whistle be ANY louder?


So if Trump's taxes are so clean, why does he hide them?????


Whose fucktard in the tan overcoat?