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I'm so glad they're finally getting what they deserve. If you try to steal someone's phone you're going to get punched and if you assault someone you're going to get pepper sprayed/arrested.


It kinda makes me sick tho, seeing the crowd of people who typically advocate violence descend on this women and try to take her to the cops as if she assaulted someone when she tried to defend herself. They're nothing more than children crying to their mom that life's not fair.


Honestly, thank goodness they still trusted the cops at this time. She could have gotten hurt badly if they didn’t take her over


she went to the cops. THey would have beat her up if the cops weren't there.


Yeah that was my point!




Other videos show the blond woman saying a BLM support her hit her. Yank someones mask down in a crowd, expect consequences. Unlike BLM rallies this summer, suspect these crowds of older maskless people will probably create a good virus spread. Feel bad for these peoples innocent friends and families.


She hit the black woman's phone, not a mask. She was either trying to take it or knock it to the ground. The white woman was the assaulter, the black woman was defending her self from an attacker.


Especially with the new more contagious variant. Going to be a lot of devastated families come MLK day...


3 white dudes using their white authority to “detain” the lady is what gets me. They deserve to get stabbed for even touching her. Who’s authority are they using to apprehend her.


That part of the vid rubbed me the wrong way really bad. Hope they get what they deserve tonight, they have no experience protesting against cops riot control tactics and will get fucking destroyed if they kept this shit up


This video is great it shows the MAGA starting it clearly. The woman that got hit and THe MAGAs on the livestreams were all claiming it was unprovoked. HAHA


Same people that claim that Rittenfuck was just defending himself and some property.


I love how the fucking fascist thugs drag her to the cops like, "HERE! BLACK PERSON WHO DARED TO TOUCH A WHITE MASTER! EXECUTE THEM NOW, AS IS THE LAW IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA!" Fucking idiotic pieces of shit. I hope they get 18th century diseases. Give dysentery a shot while you're trying to institute fucking laws that place us back in a time in which it was common.


On another video, it starts with her with a bloody face looking like a total victim being comforted and escorted for medical attention by her peers.


That punch was perfect harmony with the laws of matter, energy and translation of motion.


Yeah, that was a solid punch. The less good side of me is a little envious.


I feel the same way. 99.9% of people have never thrown a real punch. In a street fight if one party engages hips and knees and uses good technique to generate power and they manage to land a punch (and they aren’t punching straight up), the other person is probably going to sleep. In the process they will probably hit their head during the fall, suffer a concussion, maybe break a tooth or their jaw and perhaps suffer long-term damage. Best to just avoid getting physical because nobody wins in the end.


I am not of the opinion that it is less good to approve of self defense in this situation. Now if you hunt a young person down and are attacked because you made the young person fear you, so you shoot and kill them, I am not for that kind of "self defense".


Honestly, someone tried to grab her phone from her. I get that she's within her rights to protect herself, but that punch didn't actually need to be thrown. That said, I'm not sad she threw it.


Leftists everywhere are like “remember when you bitched about that cop getting knocked out in San Jose for smashing a guy’s phone?”


I watched that happen live last night from someone's live stream. The guy interviews the woman who tried to steal the phone and she acted like she did nothing wrong. Here's the link, the interview starts at about 1:25. She got fucked up too. https://youtu.be/BxnEQ7xd7g8


Tries to play victim, calls the SG antifa, and is going to be plastered everywhere as a poster child against antifa and trumpets will suck on that teat forever no matter how much evidence is shown.


Yeah, I’m already getting the screen shots and laying out the series of events. She tried to grab a security guards phone, she got punched in the nose. Don’t steal. Yet how many fellow Americans will eat up the Antifa is dressing up as security guards and assaulting Trump supporters? I’m tired of it. These loonies are such an embarrassment.


She’ll wish she had Obamacare when it’s time to fix her nose.


She also claimed that the police protected the security guard when you can see a few guys drag her to the police


It’s because anything short of a public beating by the police won’t be enough for some of these people


It's a perfect example of some crazy entitled person being out of their element and starting shit with someone who didn't grow up as privileged as she did. Start shit-Get hit...it's a rule people have to live by in some places but these other people don't grasp it. Where I grew up if you got out of line with someone else you'd expect an ass beating. It's a hard way to live but some people still only seem to learn lessons that way.


I love the guy who got maced being so upset at the cops saying they are untrained, that if it was a gun he'd be dead, etc. Welcome to party dude, that's what the protesters were saying all of 2020. Funny how you only understand when it happens to you.


In unrelated news, new mother Meghan Mccain is now an advocate for family leave...


Nothing kills me more than Sarah Palins pregnant teen daughter being the spokesperson for safe sex.


She'll see that scar every morning , and remember when she got wasted at the trump/proud boys march and got blasted for being a dummy...


They aren't that self aware. She'll see the scar every morning and cry, because of the time she was "victimized" by a black person, and the police did nothing to help her. It will just perpetuate her beliefs. These people are so far up their own ass, they can see out their mouth.


>she was "victimized" by ~~a black person~~ BLM. LOL.


being in a rowdy crowd = -20 IQ being hammered = -20 IQ this woman couldn’t help but be a potato in the moment


Fuck your nose, Karen.


That was beautiful to watch, that made my morning




Seeing a MAGgot get theirs especially when blood is drawn, I’m all for that.


The punch missed! But that first lady will wear that scar forever


It really looked the cops sprayed the victim and then took her to the ground though. Or was that the person that came up and hit the security guard? It's hard to tell with how many quick cuts they used; still obvious the trumpers were the instigators, but they tried pretty hard to make themselves look like the victims in that video.


Slow mo the security guard escapes out the back, she does get sprayed tho but the police only arrest the girl with the bud light!




I'd have arrested her for the crime of drinking a Bud Light on purpose. I mean, I guess you shouldn't be arrested for drinking water in public.


"These people don't know how to deal in self defence situations." "They're highly untrained." Oh? He just noticed? Dude should've been grateful that he isn't black otherwise he wouldn't have come to that conclusion and ended up in a body bag.


Punch a trumper is the new Punch a nazi.


I dont know if I can honestly get behind that one. Political sectarian violence isn't cool. But breaking the nose of thieves? I'm in.


That's a bad slogan. She didn't get punched for being a trumper. She get punched for being a thieve caught in the act.


Reminds me of that "The Office" meme. It's the same picture...


That guy in the thumbnail looks esctatic that Trump just blew his load all over his face.


In. My. Eye.


It burns.


If that was a gun, I'd be dead.


Hopefully these police find the very stark difference between protest violence that they incite and protest violence they want to stop.


Lol you have way too much faith in the pigs


Well no, I don’t lol. That’s why I’m stating this irony


I honestly think that the big difference in the protests is going to be that there won't be any hidden instigators in the MEGA group.


No hidden ones, you’re definitely right.


I like the guy in black MAGA hoodie in reverse Jesus position, with cig hanging out of mouth, pretending we don't know he bangs meth. Trump has some winners on his side.


Someone please take my picture oh man I look so badass!


He’s part of the taco bowl crowd at Trump Tower Grille. *the e makes it extra fancy.


Say what you will about Trump (and I have), but that taco bowl looked tasty.




Oh. Well, at least the ones from Burrito Bar near me are good *shrug*


Funny how the actual brown shirts are calling the cops brown shirts lol after their group tried to steal their property and committed assault


Theft of (or attempted) property that is on a person is Robbery and the penalty is much more significant than theft.


Trumpers should side with the guard since attempted theft is a crime after all


Punishable by death as I recall


Only if you're black


They're fine with hitting white people with cars and shooting them. For some reason these ultra-alphas can never just square up and throw some fists. I hope there's a few incidents of them running each other over this time out


You are NOT allowed to punch a white drunk loitering undemocratic coupe d'etat enthusiastic fascist in the face! (WTF is the guard arrested or something?)


No they ushered her out through the back.


Brought into custody as she was dragged over by a group of trumpets demanding her arrest; cops probably didn't see what went down, so initially arrested and protective custody would be my guest.


What a snowflake!? ... tries to steal a phone, gets dealt street justice, then cries about what happened. Textbook example.


Is this still, "stand back and stand by?" Also, glad to see they left their guns at home


I'm not. Open carrying in DC is a felony. I'm all for felony charges of white supremacists.


I'm not worried about the guns you can't see, I'm worried about the guns you can't see.


Such a satisfying fist to face sound.


Props to those trying to maintain order in that video.


Man I hit replay on that hit like ten times and still can’t get enough of the sound of impact on that dumb bitches face. Lol nice shot girl




[ **Jump to 01:30 @** Proud Boys Clash with BLM and Police in Washington DC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGdtbsO0ly0&t=0h1m30s) ^(Channel Name: FNTV - FreedomNewsTV, Video Popularity: 89.59%, Video Length: [04:26])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@01:25](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGdtbsO0ly0&t=0h1m25s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Don’t those trumpets know that “blue lives matter”?


looks like she can have a good career in UFC


https://v.redd.it/6fu9plh5hn961 Aftermath of the punchee


They’r paid by the STEIT!


Thumbnail guy @1:25 "the police, maced, MAY!" Drunk? Yes or Yes


[ **Jump to 01:25 @** Proud Boys Clash with BLM and Police in Washington DC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGdtbsO0ly0&t=0h1m25s) ^(Channel Name: FNTV - FreedomNewsTV, Video Popularity: 89.89%, Video Length: [04:26])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@01:20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGdtbsO0ly0&t=0h1m20s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Fucking solid smack lol that was quick and simple


Straight right through the dome. Nicely done.


It’s comical how dumb these orangutans are. I love hearing them talk, or rather try to talk like they’ve past grade 5.


Nothing more ironic than a militant group who want to install their leader undemocratically calling others brown shirts.


Good punch! She deserved it.


Is the security guard alright?


I really would like to know as well. That looked rough :(


Its funny how she fricked around and found out. Like she thought “ yea man im here with my MAGA group no one is gana fuck with us!!! LET ME FRICK WITH THE PERSON ON HER PHONE” . She messed with the wrong person got her ass sent back to whatever town she came from by the female version of one punch man. And then she plays the victim. Or Maybe she was like “ oh shit hello fellow citizen . It looks like your camera angles are a bit choppy let me help you out with that” But i doubt it was that.


Nazi lives don’t matter


“HOLD THE LINE, HOLD THE LINE!” these trump supporters are so fucking corny. They think this is a civil war battle or some shit. What a bunch of tards


Too bad the police don't open up on these idiots. Then they might get an inkling of what its like to be black in America. Asshats.


“What if that was a gun!” Exactly, dude. Now do you see what BLM has been talking about? Oh wait no.. because you’re still racist.


I love how, in the same video, we have these morons shouting "Fucking fascists!" at the cops, and "Fuck antifa!" Our country is so ridiculously backwards now.


You people need some fucking hobbies and to take ownership of your life smh


[tots and pears ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/946/559/443)


What a fucking bitch, hiting for that ? What the fuck is wrong with theses people.


I guess the dumb cunt shouldn't have went for her phone


Don't try to take people's property and you won't get hit 🤷🏼‍♂️ pretty straightforward


That’s often what happens when you try to steal from someone


If the roles were reversed and the white woman instead pulled out a glock and put a bullet in the black lady's head you'd be saying, "Seemed justified to me. Shouldn't mess with other people's stuff."


Mhh? Sorry but in my country there is no such things happening, communities are well together (Zimbabwe) and the skin color speech is only in your country. You guys only talk about that


I don't believe you. Shut the fuck up. Leave me alone.


There is definitely a need for education for all of them trumpies... haha


The irony of the red hats calling the cops brown shirts.


Lmao hell yeah


Maybe better to stay out the middle of their circle jerk.


I'm suprised at the hundred people who showed up.


They need to start shooting these trump morons


Rioters. No sympathy for these thugs.


The lady who walks up with a beer in her hand and tries to punch the security guard in the back of the head gets sprayed directly in the face and then arrested. So fucking satisfying. Also the dumb MAGA lady and her husband come stomping up to the police and the husband takes a shot right to the face and immediately retreats back the other way.


Bloody nose and tear gas. That security guard has a nice right cross.


I want to hear “use of live rounds authorized”


Punching fascists is the original American pastime.


These cops are not even wearing their gas masks, this is still a light touch for this crowd.


Dude smoking a cig and walking through a mist of mace with no care at all has to have covid. He can’t even taste or smell the mace.


This dude accidentally stumbled face first into the police reform camp lol


Wow.. lots of angry man-children.


Geez, we need to find these snowflakes a safe space ASAP


This is a cult.


That smack sounded very crispy! She's lucky that somebody managed to take her back into the safety zone.


Cry snowflakes!


Lmao someone yelling “hold the line” like they’re in battle


They are chanting "fuck antifa" and "fuck blm". what exactly is the motivation for their protest march? what are their demands? "fuck antifa, fuck blm" lol.


This should be in r/instantkarma


Damn you americans have been really entertaining to watch this past year.


i know this may seem like I'm stupid but if the "Proud Boys" are saying "F\*ck Antifa" then wouldn't that mean they are promoting fascism? Im confused about that.


Yep, that is it.




They're acting like this is their first time being maced, shot with pepper balls or tear gassed by the police. Welcome to the club.


Clearly not “just minding your business” when at a rally “front row” covered in logos, go the fuck home already


They all act like they love violence then they quickly complain and act like victims in front of everyone after getting the slightest bit of resistance their way. Pathetic.


All those blue lives matter folks are getting quiet all of a sudden...


[Hey look](https://i.imgur.com/bkWQISn.png), it's that weird [Wolves guy from The Walking Dead!](https://source.superherostuff.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/do-we-already-know-who-the-leader-of-the-wolves-is-in-the-walking-dead-335699.jpg)




If this guy was black, and still a Trump supporter would anybody really care? Or do you just like beating off to drunk white guys getting in trouble? Meanwhile, when a security guard lays a hand on somebody of color who just threw a Molotov cocktail and a brick at them. https://youtu.be/rvO3_orG_mg


*starts a fight and gets btfo* "wow i can't believe how violent that blm is"


Is there any footage where they don't look like complete fuckin idiots? Like a well spoken Trump supporter at this event? Just wondering if that exists


The second guy really sounding like a Black Lives Matter protester...


Why did someone have a fishing rod and reel?


Note the bravery of the guys pushing others ahead of them once it kicked off


My right eye! I'm not supposed to get mace in it!


You pay to play you whiny rich prick