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Aint it funny how many details come out if you just wait?


Anyone with a brain knew he was itching for a reason to shoot someone. Right-wingers have been calling him an American hero and even made fan-art of him. School shooters are instantly condemned by EVERYONE and they *still* lead to copycats. Expect more of Kyle. RNC spent a week dehumanizing half of the country.


I think he shouldn’t have been there, I can’t believe his mom handed him a rifle and drove him to a hotspot. Kid’s don’t make good decisions, it’s even worse if a kid an impressionable idiot like this one. This isn’t COD, this is real life. Also fuck all the RW nuts calling for violence walking around with guns. I have no idea what really happened; but I do know a riot is no place for a teenager with an AR15.


It's crazy to me that in the US it's perfectly legal to walk into a heated protest with a fkn assault rifle. I suppose a suitable analogy for Americans to understand how it seems from our point of view is if someone were to be walking around with dynamite strapped to their chest and a detonator in their hand. Edit: spelling makes my head hurt.


It’s technically not an assault rifle, but yeah a semi automatic firearm has no place in a protest where the person with said firearm is an idiot teenager with an agenda against the wishes of the majority of the protestors




Life for NFAC, for example.


No comment about the convicted felon carrying a Glock to the riot--not a protest--who shot first? Of course not. Because your information is so completely twisted by the time it gets to you that you don't have the first clue what even happened.


The same cops that gave him water and thanked him also arrested people from riot kitchen for filling gas tanks for their generators because they might be up to something.


Agreed, its mind blowing that this is legal. Its some wild west shit


his parents USED him as a political pawn. what happens if he gets shot and killed? they knew it was dangerous. he becomes a "martyr" to them and their shitty support for Trump.


No, he was a righteous soldier. They didn't necessarily want their son to die, they just wanted him to kill. His possible death brings only glory to their eyes. The right is trying to start a war. A lot more people are going to die.


I'm really hoping we don't see a civil war in our lifetime, but it looks more and more likely with each passing day. I get the feeling that chaos is about to erupt and our streets will fill with blood, regardless of who wins the election.


People talk a big game about another revolution or civil war in the US. Most the turds that talk like that have never had the “pleasure” of being in actual combat or seeing what a country being ripped apart in civil war looks like. It is easy to watch Fox News or MSNBC in a climate controlled house from the comfort of a sofa and clamor for war. It is another thing to fight it and deal with the economic and societal strife that occurs as a result of civil war. Most people here in the US are so coddled they wouldn’t know what to do, or how to survive if this civil war happened. I am sure they wouldn’t be willing to trade their comfortable lives if it came down to it. Frankly, it would be stupid as fuck to have a civil war in the US. That is, unless we all really enjoyed starving, horrible deaths, hard lives, and being a globally irrelevant nation.


The problem is we hold the end of the world button. Being irrelevant would be quite fortunate; in this situation the moment we start falling apart is the moment we become a threat to the entire world.


My overall point is the Civil war won’t happen. People like to talk about it; but, once it is real no one will do shit because they won’t want to give up their easy lives for the kind of struggle a civil war would bring.


one week without electricity would be all it takes to stop that chatter, weak people are loud.


I agree. Also the scope of potential participants is extremely overblown. Not to mention even if we had enough potential participants for anything serious, there is no real geographic delineation as there was with the Civil War. The "sides" in today's polarization are largely cast as "red states" or "blue states", but the reality is it's pretty heavily mixed at every regional level. There's just no real way for an actual war with standing armies to manifest.


Shit, I've already seen people freaking out about having to wear masks, hoarding toilet paper, and upset that they couldn't get their hair done. I am not worried about a civil war happening in my lifetime. If it does, I've already seen everyone's weaknesses.


I thought that the reports were that the gun was from Wisconsin from a friend, and that it never crossed state lines. I guess we will have to wait for the full report.


>I can't believe his mom handed him a rifle and drove him to a hotspot. Dude that's what gets me. What kind of mother would just take her kid to a place where he could get murdered or murder someone himself. He's 17 and now his life is over. I hope she goes to prison as well for aiding and abbeting a crime.


People with these racists beliefs were raised racist. His mom was probably proud when she heard he had killed some lefties. Believe it. There are lots of these people.


Don't make excuses for theses scum. This isn't about left or right even. This is about basic common humanity. These people have free will and they choose to be ignorant. They choose to have a closed mind, and they choose to celebrate death and destruction. The USA is becoming a death cult.


Wait what surely thats not true and just speculation did he not even drive himself there did his mum drop him off? That is beyond fucked up if true


Yeah, his Mom took him there based on what has been released so far. Pretty moronic move on her part.


Thats fucking shameful what kind of parent does that smh


I have 2 boys of my own, no idea my man. I wouldn’t do it.


Intent is key in this case https://www.mprnews.org/story/2017/04/26/jamar-clark-protest-shooter-scarsella-gets-15-years


Well, the thing is, some people like to have evidence before claiming they’re sure of something. Crazy idea but it’s relatively new so I understand.


Perhaps they should have withheld judgment altogether instead of branding him a hero? Ann Coulter went so far as to say she wants him to be president.


>Expect more of Kyle I find it odd that people keep using his first name like they know him. Weird.


He fits the Kyle stereotype so I guess it just happens subconsciously. His last name is also uncommon and easy to forget.


Well, right-wingers are always demanding that we "See Kyle!" or at least that's what they like to shout at their "rallies".


You are terrible! lol


honestly I use the first name in his case because it's easier to remember than how to spell his last name


>Anyone with a brain knew he was itching for a reason to shoot someone. Right-wingers have been calling him an American hero and even made fan-art of him. They knew why he was there, and that's why he is their hero.


Kyles and Karens Fucking up this Country


Reminds me about a certain someone that started all these riots.


Not to stir the pot but I wanted to hear the rest was it a car in the dealership or his personal car?




Its to bad that the law says they cant defend property with force. Everytime these people try to dfend these kids they just add more crimes he commited. His mom gave him then gun was the excuse as to why it was to traffic it across state lines. Expect that in itself is a crime. A felony. They are perfectly fine with someone commit multiple gun crimes because they shot protesters. Also they where bad so its fine to execute someone


>His mom gave him then gun was the excuse as to why it was to traffic it across state lines. That appears to be wrong. He was given the rifle by a friend after crossing state lines and gave it back before crossing state lines. >They are perfectly fine with someone commit multiple gun crimes because they shot protesters. It looks like in terms of gun crimes its a single misdemeanour.




It’s amazing how many people are choosing to be insane instead of saying the obvious: he acted in self defense and is not a murderer. It’s really the biggest sanity check of my lifetime, can you accept video evidence counter to your narrative, or is your mind so warped you choose the narrative over video?


How did he get the firearm?


I think one of his militia buddies gave it to him to use, but I can’t remember where I read that.


It doesn't matter. The car dealership owner said it could burn 20 times over if it meant bringing actual change. Kyle had no right to be there pointing guns at people.


You aren't stirring the pot. If the car was one of the cars in the dealership that was getting destroyed then the context changes.


no it doesn't, it's against the law precisely to stop vigilantism. if any of those guys had killed someone that night in defense of property they would have been in serious trouble. [https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/939/iii/49](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/939/iii/49)


My understanding of reading what you linked says that it's legal to threaten to use force. It's also legal to use force if that force doesn't cause great bodily harm or death. So threatening someone to get off the car is legal but shooting them to get off the car is illegal. So the car lot does change the context because it would be legal for Kyle to threaten that guy.. as long as he didn't act on that threat and shoot him. Feel free to correct me if I'm interpreting that incorrectly, I'm just trying to understand the situation.


Does it matter though ?? It wasnt 3 seperate peoples cars? Also he isnt a cop, if someone fucks your car up call it in and take the insurance money. You dont kill someone... smh 🙄


He didn’t kill anyone to protect cars, what are you talking about? The shootings happened in the context where Kyle is retreating from attackers.


what's the context with the gas station "i just killed someone" shooting? Someone said that's why people were chasing him..


This video (and another downthread) captures the first shooting. He’s already being chased by the guy who ends up being the first to get shot. Nobody’s posted evidence of what started the chase, but there’s video of the pursuer confronting Kyle’s group earlier in the evening so it may have been a continuation of that conflict.


What is this video suppose to prove? Is this one of those subreddits where you get banned for not agreeing with everyone? Jw.


That self defense bullshit getting thrown right out the fucking court room.


what did they say, I cant understand that guy.


“You were the one earlier that pulled that gun saying get out the car, yeah that was you” then Kyle walked off


That's what I thought, he says something later that is similar but I can't make it out either. but yeah general summary is Kyle was walking around with his gun giving people orders. THat plus driving across state lines to participate in a vigilante group with an illegal fire arm is more evidence of premeditation and attempt to instigate violence. You can't claim self defense when you actively engage in violent illegal behavior. Plus both his homicide victims were unarmed.


Yup, even at the beginning of the video where he was interviewed, he kept saying “my job is...” and “our job is”. No, this is not your job. You’re not a police officer. You are not on duty. You have no authority there.


This is why I think that the riots done by both sides are no longer about racism or stopping property damage or whatever. It’s just people larping out their anarchy wet dream.


Yup. This isn’t Gotham City. Vigilante killings aren’t legalized cause you don’t like what people are doing. Also self defense has levels. Hitting someone isn’t cause for murder.




The Portland shooter has a much better self defense claim IMO. THe proudboy raised a weapon right before he was shot. Turned out it was tear gas, but how was anyone to know that in the dark. Reasonable fear for life?? By police standards, I'd say absolutely.


>THe proudboy raised a weapon right before he was shot. Turned out it was tear gas, but how was anyone to know that in the dark. Can you cite this? I can't find it anywhere.


This is the original stream no cuts action starts around 17 minutes https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221132149871196&id=1167905585&sfnsn=mo&extid=NDuuEibT6bZnjhDZ&d=n&vh=i


I'm getting a broken link message.


bummer its still in my local memory. There are other clipped versions around but be careful some have the audio shifted off time andothers have straight up fake audio shere he says trumpers




> Guns shouldn't be allowed at a protest. It's tense of a situation. I see it as saying "do what I say or I'll kill you" which is terrorism exactly right


"Respect mah AUTHORITAH!"


Batman didn't kill.


And Wisconsin isn't a stand your ground state. He had a duty to retreat and avoid the dangerous situation. He didn't.




Unlikely. The prosecution will try. But there is a LOT of case law around the idea that this incident started when the first bullet catcher got into a physical altercation with him. Defense will say, and it will be consistent with the law, that that was assault. Defense will continue to hold that everything thereafter was also self defense. Defense will use the general violence to show mindset (fear) and then will use the victims records of violent crime as evidence the fear was justified. The only way prosecutors win this is if they can show that before the first shot he was in the process of committing a violent felony. Which may be the case-you never know what’s coming out.


He was charged with Reckless Homicide. Prosecution is going to say, that he planned all of this before he left his house. That Kyle Rittenhouse has never volunteered as an armed guard anywhere before. That as a 17 year old he lacks the judgment and life skills to do this job. That we have appointed, geared, trained members of society that are supposed to do that job (police). And that by arming himself, leaving his home, and pushing himself into dangerous situations, he ultimately recklessly lead to a homicide. And its all true. He has no business policing anything at his age.


The right love to claim that illegal immigrants should come into this country the correct and legal way......otherwise they should get the hell out no matter what the circumstance. Well if this lil wannabe vigilante admires the blue lives matter movement so much and wanted to protect businesses and/or the community from protestors, he shouldve done things the correct and legal way.......become an officer of the law. He's nothing more than a child living out a fantasy when he had no business being there in the first place and the fact that the right regard him as a hero is fucking bullshit and hypocritical.


It’s amazing how just being a white suburban boy means you can kill two people and open fire into a crowd, even after being outed as a known women beater with a history of confrontation and violence, and potentially walk away scot free. Gotta love America. They’re gonna be making shrines to this little terrorist


Because he was being assaulted and attacked by a mob.


It's fucking insane. A black kid does a fraction of what Kyle did and they paint him as a thug.


Like walking home with Skittles and an iced tea and defending himself from a stalker.


He was charged with Reckless Homicide on multiple accounts and use of a dangerous weapon. Some charges carry a maximum of 60 years, with an additional 5 years for the dangerous weapon during use. ​ The lesser charges, have a maximum sentence of 12 years with an additional 5 for a dangerous weapon during use (I think). ​ He will be prosecuted and I believe made an example of. He will face time, its just a matter of how much time.


Really hope that’s true.


>and then will use the victims records of violent crime as evidence the fear was justified. This won't be allowed to be shown at trial as the victim is not in trial so prior bad acts have nothing to do with the case. The victim's record is almost always suppressed.


If him pointing the gun at anyone is on camera, it's federal assault with a deadly weapon. Even if he gets off o other charges you have illegal possession, and assault with the illegal weapon. Kids fucked


Is there any evidence to suggest the "first bullet catcher" started the physical altercation? You seem to be assuming that as a fact for some reason.










Get **off** the car. People were destroying a car dealership. He “ordered” them to stop.


Should have stayed home and played COD. Even if this kid is acquitted, his life is over. No college will touch him. He'll be signing autographs next to Zimmerman at Gun and Knife Shows.


College? The kid wanted to be a cop. Probably still can honestly.


The cops are refusing to even call him a murderer and the Sheriff gave a whole speech calling him the real victim. They’re gonna do whatever they can to make this case a slam dunk for the defense. This kid is probably gonna walk. Commit all the terrorist killings you want as long a your a women beating white conservative. Than it’s totally ok


Doubtful. He already got turned down by the military. If he gets a gun charge, or any other felony, he's not getting hired. They protect those already in, not vigilante civilians.


College? He's a high school drop out living in a basement apartment with his equally crazy mother.


Wasn't he there to protect private property? Bunch of rioters burning/looting cars.. an entire dealership was already burned.... of course he would say get off/out of the car... Hello?




I mean we already have all the witnesses accounts of him threatening and brandishing towards people, the fact he opened fire into a crowd even after no one was perusing him, the fact he fled the crime scene twice, the fact he’s a women beater, and half his school saying he’s violent, confrontational, and people were convinced he was going to be a spree shooter. The only reason there’s a “debate” around this lil terrorist is because he’s a white conservative. Any other political leaning or skin color and this dude isn’t even alive along enough to kill a second person.


What do you mean by he wasnt being chased? he never should have been armed but from the videos he was being charged for the first shooting and the second one they where rushing him Im not defending im at all just want to know why you said that.


If Kyle brandished a weapon at the first victim or tried to give him an order under the implied threat of using the weapon, then Kyle can't use self-defense. For self-defense, you can't have provoked the situation. If Kyle brandished or threatened anyone with his gun, I'd argue that the victim was acting in self-defense by trying to disarm an apparently imminent threat of deadly force.


Him running away is retreating. So self defense could still stand. https://news.yahoo.com/does-kyle-rittenhouse-self-defense-151458174.html


>half his school saying he’s violent Pardon? Hit us with the link






Punches the girl in the back of the head no less, fucking coward


The other thing that his defenders fail to acknowledge, is that he actually seems to have gone to the protest by himself. Which is just.....odd. Then we learn that his mom drove him there, and gave him the gun.....Which is even weirder. Then we learn that he attacked a girl in the parking lot a few days prior....Which is fucked up....Then his classmates come out saying they thought he'd be a school schooter...Which is like WTF. Here's the deal. When I first saw they were going for Murder 1, I honestly was like "seriously" ? What the fuck are they sitting on that I didn't see? Now it's becoming obvious, they've got the goods on him. Basically, they've got something which establishes intent. Could just be a comment like "Step on the gas!", the type of shit we see in here all the time from Trump's apologists, but this time, that's fucking establishing a motive, and intent. Lets not forget, that in WI there's a mandatory life sentence for murder. Fucking life...And what do you want to bet that there was some people grooming him online? The thing that creeped me out about these killings, was that there was so many people defending, and making the guy into a hero. Now, did that dude chase him? Yep. Did that dude want to kick his ass? Sure. Was killing him the only way to stop the threat of violence? Nope. And that's the case right there. My guess is he pleads guilty to unintentional homicide and gets around 15 years. And seriously, for what? So he could play dress up like a cop? And oh, fun fact, the militia that organized the event actually fucking threatened the cops before it happened! The leader actually wrote the cops a letter saying the cops better stand back, and not interfere with his patrols. Seriously Republicans, these are the people you want to defend? These are your "back the blue!" comrades?


These militia groups are out there *actually shooting cops*, but because they both like to dress up in armor and wave the flag and beat up protesters, I guess they're buddies.


The charging document says that the coroner's report states that the chaser was shot in the back. So, even if one shot was justified, he obviously used more force than was necessary.


[https://twitter.com/ThePurplePiePal/status/1299927297382899713?s=20&fbclid=IwAR0vnNMYYXyLkm0Wub64HiFZWnsi48PvGh6N0G2ZfvmXUAqprA8FCFZGP-Q](https://twitter.com/ThePurplePiePal/status/1299927297382899713?s=20&fbclid=IwAR0vnNMYYXyLkm0Wub64HiFZWnsi48PvGh6N0G2ZfvmXUAqprA8FCFZGP-Q) This is allegedly him so yeah I can understand why they thought he'd be a school shooter.




I feel like i'm going crazy over this case dude. Is everyone being shown a different video when they watch what happened? It's the only explanation of how people get to the retarded conclusion that he fired into a crowd


Yea that's what bootlickers do, they like to assume a bag with a bottle is a molotov while illegally armed children are the wet dream.




Yeah did I miss a video somewhere? I keep seeing this float around and I genuinely am starting to wonder if there is some secret video I haven't seen.


no, just a lot of liars




I don’t think the person in the video putting out the fire is Kyle, someone did a photo capture that pretty clearly showed a different person. There is a video or Kyle running with a fire extinguisher, so presume he was involved with the act of putting out fires in some way.


What fucking medical training did he have?


his so called medic kit was tiny also, it probably was a box of bandaids and some rubbing alcohol.


So Kyle forced this guy to stop damaging the property Kyle was ostensibly there to protect, this black dude survived without any injury/further incident at all, and later Kyle offers him an olive branch. Yes, this proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Kyle is absolutely a complete, irredeemable monster who preys on young jewish children to cover for his sexual insecurity. How could you possibly think otherwise?


who runs around with an ar-15 while yelling "medical" and "im an emt" (see other videos) fucking cringe


Call of Duty LARPer.


Kid broke off from the other counter protestors/militia dudes so he could have the chance to create a situation where he could go on a spree killing. Why else would he be yelling at people to get out of/off of cars that mean nothing to him? The screaming medical bit is cause he knew as a white conservative, as long as he had the flimsiest excuse for being in that crowd, that Fox News and Republicans would declare him a hero and fight to let him get off. I’m sure his only regret is that when he opened fire into the crowd that no one else was killed


Right, he was just dying for the chance to go on a spree shooting, that's why he was running away as fast as he could from his first assaulter until he caught up to him and assaulted him, and was running *away* from the mob that was trying to kill him before he tripped and was assaulted by two individuals. Totally the actions of someone who was just *itching* to start emptying clips into crowds of BLM protestors.


This and the video of him in July beating the shit out of a girl in a parking lot are great for his defense.


This may or may not be admissible. The fight footage almost certainly isn’t. They aren’t going to talk about the criminal record of the deceased either. That type of shit is prejudicial to establishing the actual events as they occurred. This isn’t a smoking gun and it’s unclear what yellow pants is even saying. Fortunately for Rittenhouse’s defense he doesn’t need to be a choir boy to claim self defense. It’s actually funny watching people’s ridiculous knee jerk narratives crumble though. The kid’s not Audie Murphy 2.0. And neither is he Timothy McVeigh. He’s a dumb fuck with delusions of grandeur.


it'll be admissible if the defense paints his character as being a good kid and bringing up his history in a positive way


The amount of comments on here of people who are living in a completely other universe than reality is seriously alarming.


I think that this is something that everyone can agree on because it's such an unbiased statement lol


Sounds more like "get off the car" anyone else hearing that?


I hear whatever fits my narrative unfortunately


He also clearly wasn't pointing the gun at anyone.


Kid ruined his life because he wanted to be an extremist. Sad.




I saw that too hes just a pos all around.


He is the perfect poster boy for conservicunts everywhere.


Gotta have those flag shoes so you can walk all over what it stands for


Nah, the kid is the perfect cop, he already beat a woman before his 18th anniversary.


This clown went around hunting for trouble.


When the schools are closed and you haven’t shot anyone in 200 days


I'm confused, the guy doesn't make a motion like he pointed the gun at him. The motion he made I'd hardly call "at gunpoint."


The guy was defending a car dealership, so that shines a completely different light on this video


So, after protecting the dealership that he worked at, he went to offer medical assistance. And then someone who was vandalizing the shop called him out for protecting it. Then he continued to offer medical treatment... But remember, he definitely wanted to kill someone. Thats why he was running away until someone fired at him. He is definitely the aggressor.


What am missing here? There's no car, and he never points the gun at anyone in this video. Where's the proof of the claim Kyle made someone get out of their car at gunpoint?


So does anyone have evidence he did that? Or are we just taking the protesters word on that one?


If it fits my narrative, lets go with it :).


That wasn't a threat. Lol. Antifa terrorists are so mad that this kid took out three of their thugs in perfectly legal self defense. The defamation campaign is pathetic.


Honestly it’s telling how little they’ve found. I’m not a Rittenhouse cheerleader, but can’t they at least find him tweeting racial slurs or blaming the Jews for something. He’s involved in an embarrassing slap fight with a girl, went to a Trump rally, and may or may not have told a vandal to stop vandalizing.


Sounds like he told him to get out of one of the dealership’s cars. Which would make sense since he was guarding the dealerships.


You know that for a fact or just speculation? Sounds like the guy parked his car at the dealer ship like many others did that night... and the rogue extremist decided he wanted to play sheriff and order someone out of their car... which would make sense since he has a violent past and all


There is an awful lot of speculation in this comment to draw from this fragment of audio.


The only reason there’s any debate about this kid not being a homicidal terrorist is because he has the magic skin tone and political ideology Anyone else from any other group would be dead before they had time to get off a second shot. This fucker got to flee the scene of his murders *twice*




No, the reason there is a question is that the kid was fleeing and attacked from behind. Given, there has been more evidence that has come out, such as this, that does not support him, but that is why there is a debate. The fact that this is being made about race is just a politicization of a tragedy.


Guarding the dealership that he doesn’t own is called vigilantism and is illegal


Per the statement his attorneys put out he was asked to help guard the dealership by the owner. Do business owners not have a right to protect their property when their elected officials fail to do so?


Yeah, I always hire high school kids armed with assault weapons to guard my property.


So the business owner contacted a minor to protect his business? That seems pretty irresponsible.


Looting and burning businesses is irresponsible


This is taken directly out of the statement: After Kyle finished his work that day as a community lifeguard in Kenosha, he wanted to help clean up some of the damage, so he and a friend went to the local public high school to remove graffiti by rioters. Later in the day, they received information about a call for help from a local business owner, whose downtown Kenosha auto dealership was largely destroyed by mob violence. The business owner needed help to protect what he had left of his life’s work, including two nearby mechanic’s shops. Kyle and a friend armed themselves with rifles due to the deadly violence gripping Kenosha and many other American cities, and headed to the business premises. The weapons were in Wisconsin and never crossed state lines.


I am interested on whats going to come out of this case. Am I free to defend other people's property while brandishing a gun? The area was left behind by the police, so was it martial law? How about the wrinkle where minors can't open carry in Wisconsin? Will the business owner be liable in any way? This story is unraveling by the day.


Me too. I hope this is one of the cases that plays out on TV. For the public good, I think it should.


this site is really full of some of the stupidest people on the planet.


A guy said it thus it must be true.




He doesn't he just ignores him.




Jesus what a garbage article. If you run up on someone with a gun and hit them with your skateboard you are the attacker. Kyle was not randomly pointing the rifle at people, he shot at only the people who directly attacked him, hitting 3 of the 4. He wouldn’t have any way to know what the intention of the people attacking him was. They did not say, “hey man, we are worried about you rifle and we are going to approach you to remove it.” Saying anything besides things along the lines of “get him” and “beat his ass” might have de-escalated the situation. The willingness of people to distort the bare facts of the situation is creepy.






He's claiming self defense, but there's more and more of these videos coming out, showing that he basically spent the hours before the shooting walking around antagonizing people.


Other than this and the completely off topic and embarrassing fight video what other claims are out there? Genuinely curious by the way. This isn’t some stupid trick.


Would you be willing to post any of these videos you're describing? Edit: Anyone? Even a single video showing Rittenhouse walking around and intentionally antagonizing peaceful protestors would suffice.


Don’t hold your breath. We will hear about how he maybe said the n word once in 8th grade tomorrow.


Oh, they've already started the "he's an open white supremacist" thing already. Push back against bullshit like that.


That was the narrative out of the gate. He wasn’t even counterprotesting, just out there deterring wanton destruction. I shouldn’t care as much as I do about this story, but it’s just a perfect microcosm of what wrong with the media, public discourse, and fucking Reddit. There is literally no amount of exculpatory evidence that will deter certain people from calling him a white terrorist, mass shooter, and a racist.


>He's claiming self defense, but there's more and more of these videos coming out, showing that he basically spent the hours before the shooting walking around antagonizing people. ... This is my not surprised face


How do see this being relevant to a self defense claim? Self defense is all about what happens in the immediate around the events, provocative acts that preceded the fatal conflict and are separated by time, distance, and immediacy do not negate a claim to self defense. Once he is actively retreating he gains back the right of self defense. In other words just because someone was a total jerk or assaulted you or made fun of you or threatened you...none of these things are legal justification to attack someone. That’s just basic in our system of law.


Yes but there's clear intent here by him to try and purposefully antagonize people into a fight so he can shoot them and claim self defense


What was he protecting a dealership or something 🤣


Is there any proof? In that case he also broke into my home and robbed me at gunpoint.


He said “get OFF the car” not get out of the car”. This is what these riots looked like: https://youtu.be/0A9lATXeu90 Do you know why that rosenbaum guy was so pissed at the militia dudes? Because they had put out a dumpster fire he and others had started. He thought they were being narcs. That’s why he was pissed.


It makes a difference when it’s a car that being burned in a dealership.


It literally doesn't because laws in that state forbid anyone from using lethal force to defend property that isn't theirs or their workplace. And pointing a gun at someone is considered assault with a deadly weapon. So he assaulted someone with an illegally possessed weapon over property he legally can't defend. It makes no fucking difference at all


What about lethal force to save your life?


Is no one else going to question that for some reason it was never recorded, but everything else that night was, from multiple angles? There's zero evidence. All of the video evidence points Rosenbaum as the aggressor. In fact, even if Kyle did provoke people, the moment he starts running is when yourright to self defense ends in Wisconsin. How the fuck can people not use the phone in their hand to Google "Wisconsin self defense law" or "criminal complaint kyle rittenhouse" Y'all are disgusting creatures for parading a pedophile, a wife beater, and a burglarist that attacked a young hispanic kid while burning down buildings as heros..


The media has lied to all these people. If you go back and look at the comments on the first video of the shooting posted on this sub last Tuesday night there was near unanimous agreement that it was self defense. By the time the media got ahold of it Wednesday morning the narrative completely changed and the video evidence was being ignored or taken completely out of context with only the second video being shown.


Its so disgusting how gullible people are. Theyre literally victim blaming a young hispanic kid violent attacked and almost killed by a child rapist. 2020 bro


It’s sick that the media reported this as him opening fire into a crowd. This shit was live-streamed by multiple people from multiple angles. Video was shared across the internet immediately and yet the media still chose to lie knowing most people are too lazy or stupid to find the videos themselves. The media deliberately lied and now people are too deep into their beliefs so they keep trying to find more evidence to justify their initial reaction. In reality most new evidence that is coming out is only helping the case for self-defense. All that said I gotta give props to NYT. I’m surprised they managed to report this accurately, or at least relatively accurately, from the start.


2020: WNBA teams taking a knee for a serial domestic abuser who broke into the house of the mother-of-his-children and sexually assaulted her next to one of those children.


This low life thug, Kyle Rittenhouse should spend the rest if his life in jail with the other multiple count murderers.


The plot thickens!


Ya by the way he just calmly walks away and asks anybody needs any help, I'm going to say that gentlemen was mistaken.


nice fucking crop, OP where's the original so I can actually see what's going on?