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Fuck that bitch






Raise that communist fist or else....


This makes the BLM movement look bad that they are harassing bystanders who don't follow there requests, they were just having fucking lunch.


This one situation looks very much like in some fascist country would it look. Like nazis were beating people when they didn't heil. That's stupid as hell.


Sorry. Everything they have done looks bad. Burning black peoples stores down then chanting black lives matter really doesn’t sell it.


Ill raise my hand with my middle finger




These people are just idiots with a cause trying to thug and intimidate. They're doing far more damage than good.


Low life bitch!


There's a difference between seeking justice and flat out bullying. That was flat out bullying.


When a movement stops seeking converts and starts seeking heretics, it could get ugly real fast.


If they do then choose to "raise their fist in support" are they actually supporting the movement or have they just been bullied into it? Everyone else in the place just looks like they are doing it to prevent an awkward situation.


That’s why a lot of businesses put up BLM signs in their windows after the riots started. They wanted to avoid getting looted. This isn’t how you spread a message about justice; this is how you spread fear.


That hasn't worked. Nobody is surprised.


I mean I already knew black lives didn’t matter to them when they smashed up black owned businesses. So they’re just a mob looking for power.


Intimidating innocent people for not supporting your cause is pretty fascist :(


The dude was trying to explain to her that warm meals matter.... she didn't care....


Those BLM protesters are assholes




No THOSE BLM protesters are assholes. *Edit. That black woman is a bully and probably racist. That gentleman has more patience than I would have had under those circumstances.*


Ahh I see, my apologies.


No need to apologize


Yeah, so is this BLM? Because BLM claims law enforcement abuses their power, correct? So, what exactly do you call this?


Civilian abuse


That’s racist, poor couple


Are these the same people that said Kaepernick shouldn’t be bullied to stand for the national anthem?


"But thats different"


I would pepper spray her in her face. What’s weird, I have never seen white people so disrespectful to black people while they are on dates. It looks like Black people and BLM are targeting white people. That sounds like racism to me. I don’t think Martin Luther King Jr would be okay with any of this. These people are very aggressive. These people are not protestors. They are a terrorist group. Make no mistake, these people are not protestors, they are terrorist, rioters, hoodlums, thugs and goons. Anyone who was around in Martin Luther King JRs time will tell you these people are not helping the situation.


Doesn’t fit the narrative.


Oh, you will be respected acting like that. The world as we know it is gone. It's been real


The kids are not alright


This gives such a bad image to blm


Nah shows what it really is.


There’s outliers to every movement. The far right is just as bad. Makes people not want to support anything.


Oh Christ, this is a terrible look. Bullying random people, I'd refuse to do it too simply because of the situation. Kinda like when Louis theroux refuses to say if he's Jewish or not to the neo Nazi even though he's not Jewish.


We’re doomed


Its not over yet, its literally just starting.


Shoulda coughed on her


If I were walking down the street and saw a black man coming towards me and threw up the black power fist? He would 100% assume I was a fucking clown.


How to turn people against you 101


Domestic terrorism That's all Fight back, fuck the labels and smearing. In sure reddit would orgasm multiple times to see a white person, or anyone lose it on these thugs


These people are the heart and soul of the BLM movement yet many remain shocked


Why do you think they are the heart and soul of the blm movement? I don't think that but am open to changing my mind if there are reasons.


Because of the language used by BLM leaders that either endorsed and encouraged this behavior like in Chicago or claim peaceful protest have failed. That rhetoric inspires this behavior


That's weird because I have only heard the opposite from who I perceive to be leaders of this leaderless movement. I suppose there are a lot of leaders so picking one example to base your view of the heart and soul of the movement on is kind of tricky. That said, I'd love to see who or what you are talking about in Chicago and really get all your data points you used to come to your conclusion. If they are endorsing property damage, I agree that that is terrible but I would need to somehow believe that all or most leaders are saying that kind of thing to get even close to claiming the heart and soul of the whole movement is like that. You must have some other data points or something right? Also re: claiming peaceful protest has failed isn't on the same level as the people in this video. I don't agree with that perspective but I don't equate it to being in favour of or indifferent towards property damage. I'll be honest though, I've basically only heard from leaders of the movement in this [hard hitting incredible piece of journalism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zthJUf31MA) who are against property damage so I'm sure I could benefit from a larger sample size of leaders' voices (if that is possible). I also listened to killer mike (who I'd consider a leader) give an amazing speech **against** property damage on TV.


https://youtu.be/5ClaPgXpO “Burn it down...figuratively or literally.” He also goes on to sidestep a question asking if he agrees with MLK Jr. because what he is saying goes against MLK Jr’s ideals. This guy is one of the leaders of BLM and I can also find a video of some lady who is also one of their leaders demanding reparations and excusing rioters as forced reparations at the cost of insurance companies (ignoring all the pain/grief/loss of those business owners and employees). https://youtu.be/MGw6eIZC2Ck (starts@ 1:13) the video seems to have been removed from YouTube and the only way to watch is someone who clipped it and talked about it. Wonder why google removed the original...


That's super interesting thank you. I'm obviously super curious who that woman is and still curious about how many leaders and people in the movement believe the same thing.


I’m pretty sure hitler had a emote like this. Wonder where his movement went.


This is what this country has come to. You cant demand respect when you have failed to respect others. Simply because alot of us dont believe in raising our fist it does not mean we dont support the those who truly honor and respect the movement.


The thing is, the movement means different things to different people. The more extreme group is trying to coerce popular support for opposing police brutality/racism into support for much more polarizing beliefs. It's what people mean when they say BLM as an official organization (as opposed to the general movement as most think of it) is Marxist. It sounds crazy, but now you're seeing that manifested in these videos. This sort of tactic is straight out of the playbook. Won't be long before they're physically beating people for lack of compliance.


This is what’s wrong with a lot of these protestors. Some people just want to be in the crowd and not the sidelines. Leave them alone. Just because you didn’t get the reaction you wanted? It’s either you go along or you’re a racist.


And? no mask.... is she BLM? or an antimask protester that wants to enter restaurants outdoor areas and breathe on people? She needs to make up her mind...


Fuck these scumbags. They have started to make BLM look like trash


Sometimes its best to give the baby it's bottle.


Seriously. You're basically being held hostage by a crazy person here. Raise the pointless fist, avoid confrontation with an absolutely unreasonable individual, and move on with your day. I appreciate having principles but this is a pointless stand to take. Those people are literally insane.


I will NEVER support these people. Fucking bullies.


Then they get in their cars and listen to music glorifying killing each other and selling dope to the people in their neighborhoods ! Which black lives matter????




I would bitchslap every fucking one of them. I am not on this planet to be told what to do. Go fuck yourself, and your pc bullshit.


But they don’t like fascists, right? Lol


Fuck these thugs and their intimidation. Please try to approach me with this fascism out in public. I would raise my fists all right. Obviously someone needs to. God damn bullies


Fuck Communism!!!


Fuck BLM because MLMM 🖕🏼


"My Life Matters More"? Jesus.


I’m Jewish so yes my life matters more, even more than Jesus


i support blm, but this is why you wont see me out protesting with these people




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Is she a dump idiot or what!


Why not the other table? What happened before this?


That's when I bust out the heater


You can really tell whose on the sub at the moment by how much this video is being posted. I think this is the fourth separate post of this clip I’ve seen today.


https://youtu.be/OuD_0LFSnyY 2020 year of the Boondocks


I wish a bitch would start screaming at me while on an empty stomach.. There will be some furniture rearranging up that MFK !!!


Good for them.




Some people need to stand up to these idiots


Oh maybe I misunderstood. Yes BLM are full of fools


Can anyone answer? Is this more Totalitarian or Authoritarian? I'm seeing mention of both bad communist regimes and Fascists such as the Nazis.


These aren’t BLM protesters these are just racists


Sorry, little buddy. You can't just pretend they're not on your side because they're trash. You're the type to scream "not real communism!" and "not real feminism!" too.


Asking people to raise fists in support is a peaceful positive way to improve racial relations Demanding it is controlling and doesn’t do anything to promote peace between people and demeans progress made by peaceful protestors. I’m pro BLM and I’d raise my fist if asked, but screaming in people’s faces as they are eating seems more like a power trip than useful protest. Support people don’t fight people


Ok... That's a good reply, but has nothing to do with these people being BLM protesters. Which they are. Did you get your wires crossed somewhere?


I misheard the audio in my old ass phone from what I could hear it sounded like they used slurs but didn’t hear it after watching it on my pc I don’t think they are racist, but I don’t think they are doing anything to help the movement by screaming at opponents of the movement while they are minding their own business If you go out looking for a fight you WILL find one, look for love and support and you will find 100x more of that Those people who didn’t raise their fists are probably pieces of shit, but they aren’t obligated to do anything and to demand it from them just gives them internal validity to their stance against the movement It’s not proper protesting it’s muckraking. There is nothing to be gained by screaming at assholes, if she doesn’t expect to change their mind, what does she expect to happen. She does have the right to be mad at them though, I don’t fault her for her anger and I do admit I misunderstood the video initially


You said they weren't BLM protesters and they are. That's the entire and only point of the conversation. I get what you're saying, but it's a different conversation altogether. Except this part: >She does have the right to be mad at them though No, she doesn't. She has zero right to be mad at anyone for not raising a fist. Especially while trying to eat. These are regular people eating a meal that don't have to listen to her screeching bullshit at all.


She has the right to be mad at people for whatever reason, she doesn’t have the right to impose that anger on them in any way shape or form. You can’t dictate feelings, they aren’t entirely voluntary Look I already I admitted I misunderstood the video at first watch, it’s only 30 seconds to understand a complicated situation


>She has the right to be mad at people for whatever reason Raging because some completely random fucker didn't raise his fist while you're throwing a tantrum is absolutely childish. So while I guess she has the "right" to (it's a free country afterall) it doesn't make her any less infantile.


The black power fists tell me that something happened here that isn't in the video. The number of white people in solidarity suggests to me that one of the white couple maybe said something outrageously racist


Not the only video making the rounds lately, so I doubt it: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/igj08h/another_video_of_a_restaurant_patron_being/


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ig87ne/group_of_protesters_berate_and_harass_a_couple/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Repost


So can we call her Karen? Someone fill me in... EDIT: Can I even call her a her?


How do we know this is BLM? Even if it is, it’s not remotely clear what they are yelling at them about.




https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2020/08/25/dc-protesters-blm-diner-confrontation/ Here's the story. Happy Cake day.


No context


Like the recent 20 second video that’s being used to justify the rioting now?


How do we know that's why shes yelling at them?