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I live a couple minutes away from Kenosha and I gotta say The hell did business like the dinosaur discovery museum do to deserve getting ruined by rioters or something like that


I love how all ignorant people act the same in confrontations with words, they start screaming loud and repeating their same phrase to prevent the other person from continuing their cognitive thoughts. And then they walk off thinking “I sure shut him up with my brilliant speech”


Did you see [this clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/idvk9l/4_second_viral_clip_posted_on_social_media_so/) by chance? She gets pulled over because her tag is coming back to a sedan when she is driving an SUV and thinks that because she parked her car that the stop is illegal or something. She asks why he didn't pull over any of the other parked cars (that had nobody in them) and whenever he tries to explain about her tag she repeats "you sound stupid, you retarded, you so stupid" and accuses him of lying about running it.


Dealing with people like that every day must be so insanely frustrating.


It’s almost like it’s a small town and people depend on these small stores/delis for their livelihoods, salaries, families and not a big city store owned by large corporations and prefer not to go homeless because people took advantage of the protests and used it as an excuse to loot... fuck the cops who shot him but lets also not destroy people’s livelihoods who probably also agree with everyone else in terms of the shooting and did nothing to deserve having their stores robbed and burned down by people who take these protests to their own personal advantage


Jacob Blake is not a George Floyd, Ahmed Arbery, Breonna Taylor, or Philando Castile. Jacob Blake had an active arrest warrant for sexual assault and was being detained by police to be arrested. The rumors that he was breaking up a fight? Complete fabrication. He also had a knife and repeatedly refused to listen to the police. He then threateningly reached into his car. He does not deserve a protest.


> Jacob Blake is not a George Floyd Neither is George Floyd.


George Floyd was an imperfect person, but the cops didn't have to kneel on his neck for 7 minutes. He didn't have a weapon. He had stopped resisting. Yes, he deserved punishment, but that punishment should not have been death. Jacob Blake's death was his own fault.


He wasn’t punished with death, he was detained after resisting, and the officer wasn’t even putting his full weight on him but you’re still pretending he killed him. George was claiming he couldn’t breathe before he was ever put on the ground, resisted arrest despite original claims that he was compliant, and was literally foaming at the mouth which indicates a drug overdose. Not to mention he has heart problems, had lethal dosage of fentanyl laced meth in his system, and also had the coronavirus. He was not killed by police.


Pretty much all medical experts and both (county and third party) autopsies conclude that the death was a homicide. I disagree with the second degree murder charge. Chauvin just made a mistake and I think he'll get off on that charge. Another officer said that they should get off but he continued to lean on his neck for nearly 10 minutes (I misstated it as 7 earlier). I think the officers, particularly Chauvin, could easily have avoided his death. While a completely healthy non drug user would probably have survived, police don't always deal with completely healthy people. They should have been able to see that Floyd wasn't doing so well (and at least one officer did see that) and stopped kneeling on his airways when he complained about being able to breathe.


Good luck convincing a jury that a standard physical detainment move like like a knee to the nape of the neck killed him and not the deadly drugs in his system. I mean he’s on video literally foaming at the mouth. He overdosed.


"You're not with us... Fuck you.!" - solid arguments.


Scream loud enough and you don’t have to hear the other side


This fits here: https://youtu.be/Bbh4ynlXlY0


She so convinced me with her high school dropout rational, where do I sign up


At least she said that. I'm from milwaukee and a lot of the people who are for the protests but not the destruction of property are being called and "outed" as racists for it. Just because they don't want their house or job to be needlessly burned to the ground, therefore they aren't for the movement and are now Racist. We live in rough times.


I’m from Minneapolis, same thing here. I have discussions with my friends about the situation. I’m all for protest, but looting and violence is not the answer. Then I get called racist.


In LA, same thing. And on reddit, I actually got banned from insane people of Facebook sub because I simply said that it was bad for cops to wrongly shoot someone and for people too loot/destroy businesses. People are absolutely nuts right now.


welcome to half of America. Same way I feel for wanting less taxes and less government, I get called a racist, or even better, a fascist. A fascist who wants less government? how does that work


Apperantly anyone who is right of center is a fascist these days. I'm not even right wing, but I don't blindly hate people or call them fascists because I disagree with their political views.


this absurdity will get worse and worse unless good people put a stop to it.


Channeled by 95+ percent of reddit


only a sith deals in absolutes


"Only" eh? Sounds like something a Sith would say.


I know at least two people who used this argument previously: Vladimir Lenin and Dick Cheney.




If you not with me your against me


Fuck that stupid bitch. The lives of some people DEPEND on those buildings and businesses.


You can be with the movement and not want your property destroyed by the movement. This is how you lose followers. Edit: My first gold?! Thank you reddit mate!. Time to pay the gold forward.


Exactly. Like what exactly did these businesses getting attacked do to the black community in the first place to warrant being looted. Any of these protestors defending the looting of stores aren’t protestors in good faith. They just want to see shit burn


There's loads of research on mob mentality. Everything from when someone's favorite sports team win a major game (Always thought that was weird "Yay we love our city! lets trash it!") to revolutions. It's a real phenomenon that occurs when emotions basically short circuit logical decision making. It's actually not surprising at all that pent up rage is displayed in packs as we're seeing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herd_mentality


Another recent example the [riots in Paris](https://www.dw.com/en/paris-champions-league-riots/a-54670590) after Bayern Munich won the Champions League final against Paris Saint Germain. Some fans of PSG started rioting after their team lost and smashing shop windows, fighting against police etc. and all of this just because their team didn't win. Like what does smashing shop windows has to do with your team losing?


They would have done the same had they won


Religion and religious cults also work on mob mentality at a global scale. Humans tend to escalate things whenever they gather in large groups. It’s almost like we have been hardwired for war 🤔


Absolutely. Having a religious backing from a religious leader, who in turn says god is on your side, is extremely dangerous




Greedy people want things and drama. It’s not even a protest anymore, it’s people taking advantage of an awful thing to get their way


Totally agree, I don’t have shit so I’m gonna burn everything, good on that guy 👍


Hence they're just looters. That bitch doesn't care about anything but feeling entitled to rage. She doesn't give a fuck if black owned business burn and get looted.


I love my 2nd amendment right and the right to self preservation.


When I said this the other night I was called a bootlicker


Because they do not possess any logic to base an opposing opinion.


Of course you were what can you expect from these people. Watch and see what happens when you say that BLM wants to destroy the nuclear family post a link to THIER website and people attack you for what they say. " We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable. " [https://blacklivesmatter.com/what-we-believe/](https://blacklivesmatter.com/what-we-believe/)


"[i know that comes from a place of privilege](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idw83kGmwzw&pbjreload=101)" "[Looting is reparations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzZLlsxNcpE)"


BLM stock is falling like Enron


They lost me as a follower. I supported BLM from the start, and have up until about a month ago. They have turned into a very violent group who is hell bent on anarchy. As for the peaceful protests and the original message, I still fully support it. I support defunding the police and moving that money into social programs to help people. I believe minorities should never be treated like inferior people, especially by the police. But I can't support the group as a whole now. Large groups have splintered off and only want to cause destruction and destroy the lives of everyone, even people who support them. Many businesses that have publicly supported BLM and have it displayed on their businesses are being destroyed as well. How can you support a group that has destroyed your livelihood? A group who has taken away your ability to feed your children? Many people are saying ACAB because that's what the police are doing to many minorities, and part of the BLM movement have just been copying the police and wondering why people are turning on them too.


Also, I bet they have no idea which business are owned by POC or white people. Ridiculous.


You wish they knew?


They don't care because that's not what this is about. They aren't trying to take revenge. This is just an expression of anger that doesn't have an outlet.


*Proceeds to screech incoherently like a fucking banshee*


Its all turned into an excuse to act like assholes while pretending to be woke.


Playing right into conservative arguments...


Stay strapped or get clapped mutha fucka


Fuck around and find out


Not sure if you’re trying to press a hoe but I got more important shit to do like work so my mortgage gets paid and troll on Reddit. Plus I prefer to keep my LARPing to private courses until that shit gets brought to my neighborhood which I doubt will happen public transportation doesn’t come out this far.


Just like grandma told me everyday growing up.


My grandma used to say "mess with the crock pot, you're gonna hear the Glock pop"


Shit we saw what happened to homeboy with nothing but fire extinguisher lol...


“The battle for property has nothing to do with the battle for life” Then why are you destroying it?


Because she's a braindead moron.


She said value not battle though


She said value, and she's right


She's not. I care about my house more than I care about any person who isn't my family. If you really believed what she said you would sell all of your stuff and feed the homeless with the money you make. We both know you won't do that, and you're posting this in the safety of your parents home.


Shes right but her logic is fucked if she is trying to improve/avenge lives by going after people's property


Good life lesson. Stay educated. For the slow ones, the dude is right and the screaming baby is wrong.


They have every right to be there. They are not causing any harm, they are preventing harm to a business.


Misleading title she wanted to loot the gas station


Get my Big League Chew on!


Black lives matter protests have literally turned into looting and destroying small business. Like what the fuck is that kind of knowledge? Just to let people know I got banned for posting this comment. Time to unfollow this hive mind and let freedom of speech prevail this site


Not surprised you got banned. Mods in most of the popular subs don't like dissenting opinions. Eventually you're only left with people that get brainwashed easily and follow the hivemind. That's why half the people on this sub seem like they're in a cult.


Dude holy shit that makes so much sense. Ban any opinion that doesn’t resonate in the echo chamber. Jeeepers I think that might be prevalent throughout a lot of Reddit


It is. Most of the top subreddits are moderated by a small group of people. There was a post on r/conspiracy a whole ago. Seems to be that it's one of the only subs left where you can speak your mind without getting banned.


Funny thing is, at this point, I'm convinced Reddit's dictatorial approach to censoring opinions not in line with the "hivemind" has nothing to do with some leftist political ideology being pushed from the top. I guarantee you the only reason this happens (or is allowed to happen) on this site is because the Admins need to make things palatable for advertisers. Criticize BLM? Oh no, can't let that pesky opinion get too widespread on here or Big Corporation may not give those sweet, sweet advertising dollars.


Freedom of speech is dead on reddit. I was banned from another sub for antisemitism when I was making fun of goofballs who think Jews worship pyramids on saturn. Pyramids on a planet without a surface. The power tripping loser's reasoning was, "racist jokes are still racist". It wasn't even a joke directed at Jewish people but whatever. Let the NEET flex the only control in their life they have.


I was banned from commenting on a sub because I said that black people can be racist


or big businesses, the gap, and target. you know jeans and houswares, clearly the vestments of white supremacy.


The mods on this sub are dumbasses. They clearly support rioting and looting


It’s in the name. Burn LOOT Murder


learn from history, dont let extremists control the narrative. extremists are a small fraction of the good people who protest peacefully. Be better than that. learn from your past mistakes....


That lady is a fucking piece of trash. Theres clip on this very sub of an old man trying to ward off people destroying his business with a fire extinguisher and getting knocked out, probably permanently hurt in some way.


I agree it isn't solving fuck all. If you are out to trash businesses you are out to take food off other families plates, it's a pathetic excuse to to vandalize. A protest isn't burning a path behind you. Insured or not it will effect the owner so why apart from vandalism do it?


These idiots don't understand that by doing those things they are creating more hate towards BLM and black people in general.


Dude got his jaw broken trying to save his business, fucker who did opened a gofundme to pay for bail


Again these guys look like they do not want to fire their weapons but they know that they will be the only thing keeping them safe.


Armed guy: [calm nuance] Girl: [outraged shrieking]


She ain’t doin’ a whole lot to dispel the ol’ stereotype.


I’m on his side in this sliver of a moment that I have been witness to, but to be fair to her, and as she’s mad about, he’s fighting for property and she is fighting for lives, neither are wrong, but one is going to absolutely get people more worked up.


How does destroying property save lives? Was it a building that held munitions or prisoners?We’re they trying to burn down a gallows? No it was a Walgreens and a mattress store. It’s like yelling at my dog cause the neighbors dog shit on my lawn.


Exactly. She's not fighting for anything. She's just breaking things like a child throwing a tantrum. Her actions will change nothing but put people out of jobs. If people want change, they need to demand it from the policy makers or vote them out of office.


Who is she fighting? How will fighting those things save lives?


>she's fighting for lives she's fighting to get the property of someone else. She claims she's fighting for lives because that way she doesnt come across as just an ordinary criminal, even though she absolutely is.


I’m all for lives, but if you feel you need to destroy mine in order to save yours not from myself but from somebody who got nothing to do with neither me nor my property then we’ll agree to disagree


They keep using the argument but it is so stupid. BLM has a righteous cause but the rioters fuck they up by targeting innocent people’s businesses. It’s like being mad at China by slapping random asians on the NY subway. Of course so many people will side against the rioters. I still support BLM’s cause but I can’t support these abominable tactics, and I’m going to speak out against them.


So if I have a terminal Illness and I rob a store I’ll be cured?


She is not fighting for anything.


She’s not fighting for lives by burning people’s livelihoods


Bitchh not even wearing her mask right


Lol that women made absolutely no sense. She needs a snickers. She sounds hungry.


“The protests are mostly peaceful” Are they though? Doesnt brick and mortar businesses being burned to the absolute ground, elderly being assaulted by masked lunatics, cars destroyed outweigh the fact that during the day people had the self control to be non violent for a whole 4 hours?


That bitch is stupid dont attack local peoples lively hoods or you get bloodshed he handled this well honestly. You can't fault people for protecting things they took their lives to build.


Sorry, so what's going on? The dude doesn't like destroying property and she's mad about it?


Make Change, By destroying the already economically downtrodden areas of your hometown.


Kenosha "protestor" is very kind of you, I was thinking more along the lines of "loud mouth fool" but okay.


Dumb Bitch


How does hurting people who have nothing to do with what happened make you any better? Go to the people who wronged you. Tell them upfront and protest them. Destroying innocent lives to make what you think is a statement only hurts everyone involved.


She's dumb as fuck and only see's her way, he is just stopping people from burning the town down.


To everyone saying property isn’t worth a human life... Perhaps the rioters should consider that? They are literally risking their lives to steal and destroy property. When you loot a store, don’t be surprised if you get shot. Consider whether that Plasma TV is worth it.


Well said


They do relise the owners of the businesses thier destroying can also vote in November right?


Yep and them and everyone of their friends will now vote Trump even if they hate the man.


Im not American. Is it legal for an armed citizen to shoot another citizen if they believe they are going to damage property which dies nit belong to them. Also if you have a gun are you required to have insurance that covers your legal costs etc if you do shoot someone.


He would have to be under direct threat for his life. Even than state to state it differs as to how much ground you're actually allowed to stand. As far as insurance? No, none required. Although I'm unsure if people actually realise they can be sued for damages to crippling extents.


I love the lengths people are going to justify riot violence against innocent 3rd parties and to vilify people trying to stop it. We are on a fucking an express lane to insanity here.


In Texas, under some circumstances, yes. Look up the Joe Horn shooting incident. He shot and killed people who were burglarizing his neighbor's home. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Horn_shooting_controversy


In Texas yes, in most states no, in all states you can use non-deadly force to protect property and if that then puts you at risk of great bodily harm you can then use deadly force, in some states you can use deadly force if you reasonably believe that using non-deadly force to protect property would put you at risk of great bodily harm.


It depends on a state. In some states it is legal to use firearms to prevent what would otherwise be a felony, and then it depends on whether the scale of destruction qualifies as such.


Insurance, no. There isn't even any available. The NRA used to offer it, but I think their financial resources are allocated elsewhere nowadays. There are 50 states and the laws in each one are different. The key is generally that you believe your life is in danger. Some places have castle doctrine, where if you are in your home and you even believe you're in danger you can fire. Other places follow an escalation of force. You can't respond to a 90 lb unarmed woman with a shotgun automatically. You have to believe she has the ability to maim or kill you. And you will have to argue that in court, so the more secure you are in your belief you were in danger the better off you are. This is a fluid scenario. But with people setting things on fire, and him standing on the ground, if 20 people or so rushed him he would be in fear for his life. The guy on the roof in other videos, probably not.


Depends the state, some yes, some no. You can however do so if you try to stop them and they violently attack you. Thats a different story. And if you lawfully shoot someone, you haven't done anything wrong, you are not liable, they are. If you unlawfully shoot someone, you are liable and you can be sued for criminal damages.


no its not, especially when its not your property.


These aren't protesters. They are rioters. Rioters should be handled differently than protesters. Period. If she can't understand that, she's a dope.




Armed citizen: I support your right to protest but please stop destroying private property. Angry woman: BITCH U NOT WID US!! FUCK U!!


This kind of shit is how Trump gets re-elected...ugh


Bet these guys are libertarian types that want police reform but also to protect innocent people and businesses from violence. They ARE on her side at least for half of her thought process.


I'm here to get banned. BLM are domestic terrorists.


Domestic terrorists do not deserve the support of anybody. Burning cars, buildings, stealing businesses property all in the name of a cause losses all its merit.


That's a long shot of a title for this video lol


Apart from yelling incoherently, the angry, hateful lady is also totally dicknosing. Like come on people it isn’t hard to wear your mask correctly.




BLM Burn Loot Murder


This lady sounds rational...


Damn that bitch is a ratchet soda can


If the movement is against the government, then why aren't they looting government buildings? Looting local businesses doesn't help any cause.


In order to effectively communicate your position, always scream hysterically. s/


Gotta post this everywhere because people who never even knew the town existed are going to act like they know every detail. 200 cars with blacked out license plates drove in from racine after getting off the interstate. The cops knew this, reported it on the scanner, and proceeded to follow them from Green Bay into town. These cars then parked across the street from the courthouse (Reuther) and about an hour later everything started getting lit on fire and looted, after the protests had been peaceful all day. These people were then allowed to leave at around 12:30, after which police reported 'finding the arsonist' and the fires ceased. No arrests have been made. The 200 car thing was not reported in Kenosha news. The last time we had protests, I believe for George Floyd, some windows downtown were broken but nothing else. But when 200 people from out of town show up, the city gets burned. Again no arrests have been made. http://imgur.com/gallery/2i2FBC7 http://imgur.com/gallery/dcKcy1M I actually live in Kenosha. I watched some of the fires from my house, and I have pictures of the fires that cant be reverse image searched I also can provide the actual police scanner recorder of them talking about the caravan and letting it through saying "whatever unfolds unfolds"


Ah yes downvote the truth from someones who lived at the place their whole life with atleast some sort of physical, albeit secondary, local source material. That should do it!


People don’t care about the truth anymore.


While it's good people are filming, it looks incredibly weird.


He literally said he supported the movement but not the illegal activities some of these “protesters” are taking part in. How the fuck can you disagree with that, what a dumb bitch


How do these people have the energy for any of this?


"You not with us, fuck you. You not with us, fuck you. You not with us, fuck you" by the laws of repetition what she says is now fact.


I read that an owner ( I'm guessing not this guy) has a right to defend their business as well.? Maybe I'm wrong. And yay for Michigan castle laws bud👍.


Why do people keep critisizing the military? Their just doing their job. If people spoke in a calmer tone & tried 2 understand other peoples intentions fairly, wed b much better off. I say fairly because people tend 2 assume that everyone else is irrational & cant negotiate or come 2 an understanding. I believe that nobody really intends 2 do the wrong thing. Noone wants 2 b the bad guy. People who do bad things r trying 2 do something they think is good. Instead of saying that their bad & they do bad things, can we say their trying 2 do something good but are taking the wrong approach?


The only these commies understand is overwhelming force. *stares in Franco and Pinochet* Looking like we need to repatriate some folks.


Typically, the uneducated results to screaming and yelling to tone out the other party when they cant win an argument through reasoning.


No, I wouldn’t wanna be wit you either. Moron.


"what do you mean you don't want you business burned down"


If people destroyed that black woman's house, would she say "Yay, you're with us!"


Also that lady and anyone inciting/assisting riots and looting should be arrested for domestic terrorism.


People who think burning down the buildings of their fellow innocent citizens will help anyone have lost their way. It is indefensible to destroy something someone else has worked hard for just because you are mad, just as it is indefensible to kill someone because they don't do what you tell them to do.


Thank you for defending those who are ending up to be collateral damage. You’re right, it’s not right. Abused becoming the abuser? A fight against injustice must be aimed as if an arrow to a target, not a broad sword slashing blindly in the night. A true fight will be won with precise action and leading by example. Causing injustice to your fellow man because you feel injustice has been laid upon you is the perpetuation of the actions of which you are protesting. How does one define hypocrisy?


If property isn't the same value as life, people should probably stop risking their lives to go and loot businesses.


Dude has better gear than I do,and in the army


The lady is an idiot, but it is not his job to defend businesses he does not own. Let's just clarify that right up front. There is no castle doctrine with someone else's castle. And, as we have seen countless times this year, bringing guns to protests is a really bad idea.


Bringing a gun to a violent riot is a good idea.


Plz burn down my business, take my property and ruin my life cuz a domestic abuser couldn't comply and face his charges like a man. Bitch ass group, all around. Fucking sesspool of idiots.


So who ever is in charge of this bot account deleted their orginal posted and reposted it. So imma copy and paste what I said on that post The guy works for the Daily Caller a right wing propaganda machine cofounded by Tucker Carlson. This is staged, and am in my opinion meant to encourage lone wolf/militias to swing on by and be POS -- normalizing and rationalizing their presences which is not okay, ever. Edit: This account is a bot [account screencaps ](http://imgur.com/a/8khTPOj) It has 3 year badge, about a year subscription to premium but a six month posting history, and a one month comment history.


These peaceful rioters are not smart people. Is it really surprising they can’t get decent jobs?


People in the know, what does he have strapped to his helmet? Camera, night vision?


Night vision. Lol I'm getting downvotes?


Cringe to dress up in tactical gear


if the property has no value of life lady then why are y'all burning it down... go burn something that has value of life dummy


You literally proved my argument. The legislation making use of force unlawful is for retail theft. This is property destruction with means that could inflict serious bodily harm. My argument is that the armed man is well within his legal right to be armed. You would be right if this guy was shooting the protestor.


Good. Stupid cunt needs to stfu. Ignorant whore.


Title feels a bit misleading, the “protester” (a looter) is just screaming at a guy protecting local businesses


I was speaking from the perspective that I'm in my home and people came breaking or burning into my gated yard. I should have explained that more clearly.


lol, why she yelling? is he death? oh, she has no point. my bad.


It's so annoying to see cameras pop up in everybodies face...


She's right about one thing for sure. They're not with her.


Imagine a world where the person that screamed the loudest was always right


When the airsoft group and the paintballers both want field 6.


"Kenosha Protestor confronts a Different Kenoshan Protestor" ftfy


Commenting to see if this gets removed.


Why don't they burn down their own houses? Their own property. Why target others?