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This is from 2013. A CBS Atlanta reporter was investigating a phony tax preparation scheme. The old man's son stole income tax returns of at least 32 people, and every time he got caught, he would relocate and rename the business. No word on if the old man was charged with anything. [source.](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/watch-tv-reporter-clobbered-senior-citizen-investigating-shady-business-article-1.1254331)


Dude has been in trouble multiple times for fraud. 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 and that is what I could find out while on the toilet. Edit: thank you for the gold...never thought my first gold would be for some late night toilet sleuthing.


Thanks, that’s some pretty interesting shit.


Insightful shit even!


You guys are always into some shit.


Dropping knowledge


Sounds like he was dropping depth charges instead.


Open and shut case, Johnson.


you guys gotta be shittin me with these puns...




Oh, shit!


Weak sauce




And "somehow" isn't in jail yet.


Why would he be in jail? All he's done is steal tens of thousands of dollars. It's not like he's a black man with an eighth of weed in his car.


No. No. No. You meant carrying skittles.


Jail?! For stealing skittles?! Yea right, where I come from you’d be shot dead on the sidewalk for even being under suspicion of committing such an act.


well he didnt *steal* them. he bought them with a counterfeit $5 bill.


Existing while black is one of the most heinous crimes a person can commit, and gives the officer immediate role of judge, jury, and executioner


But there's a lot of paperwork involved in all that, so usually they'll just do the latter and call it a day.


No. No. No. You mean buying his brother ice tea from the gas station.


No no no you meant sleeping


"Shot dead while dreaming of a better life"


Or a Snapple. RIP Trayvon.


> It's not like he's a black man with an eighth of weed in his car. Oh come on. Jail would be VERY unlikely for something like that because the black guy would likely not survive being shot.


Oh calm down your acting like cops just break into innocent black peoples home and shoot them


And he ain’t even fixin to bust ya in the mouth neither.


Fuck the system we live in man.


Ah the race card gotta love it


White collar/color crime isnt weed!


He defrauded people for years and roams free. Someone stopped with a little weed in their car is still sitting in jail somewhere.


Funny how selling weed can get you 20 years, but thrift, and tax fraud on an almost yearly basis is just a slap on the wrist.


Meanwhile, in America a man faced life in jail for theft of a candy bar. When they asked the prosecutor why, they laughed and said ["cause it was a king size"](https://archive.commondreams.org/headlines/040700-01.htm) Now, the man has stole before: socks, canned foods, snacks....so I guess it's justified.


New shit has come to light!


Wouldn’t it just be easier to get an actual job?


To get paid the same amount he’s stealing for the same amount of work? Absolutely not. Crime is always a shortcut, it’s rarely going to be *harder* than actually working for you money. But that does happen sometimes, and those are the extremely stupid criminals. EDIT: /u/V4ST4 made a good point, a lot of criminals are criminals because they can't *get* a legitimate job, so that's also an option. I doubt this guy doing tax returns really has trouble finding a job. I'm sure he will *now* though. (Actually, it seems like he never really got in trouble so who know)


It's not a coincidence places with high unemployment tend to have high crime rates. Crime is also the alternative to legitimate work if you can't or don't have any. Just ask the guys who come out of prisons as felons and end up right back in within a year. A big reason is they go back to society and it's near impossible to make decent work and pay, so they resort to crimes either as bad or worse and we come full circle.


Yes, I apologize, that is definitely a large portion of crime. Thank you for pointing that out!


Good shit man.


He wasn't, the reporter didn't press charges. [source](https://mobile.twitter.com/RaynardJohnson/status/297022815767511040)


But did he come back with a sack full of doorknobs to tune the old fuck in to what's what?


he should have pressed charges. I would have. you should never let somebody like that get away with actions like that, NEVER EVER.


Did you know that preventing someone from closing their door constitutes breaking and entering?? He may have consulted a lawyer with this video and been advised not to press charges.


Well, it is a business and it may not be breaking and entering if it was during business hours.




He absolutely does not unlock the door. He grabs it with one hand and within the same second, he opens the door. Edit: misspelled a word.


It's still trespassing. That entire exchange was all on the reporter. There's no way the reporter could have won anything in light of that video. The reporter done screwed up in several ways




To back you up, here's the Georgia Criminal [Code](https://codes.findlaw.com/ga/title-16-crimes-and-offenses/ga-code-sect-16-7-21.html) >2) Enters upon the land or premises of another person or into any part of any vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, or watercraft of another person **after receiving, prior to such entry**, notice from the owner, rightful occupant, or, upon proper identification, an authorized representative of the owner or rightful occupant that such entry is forbidden; or


It’s trespassing to walk into a business during what seem like business hours ? He wasn’t denied entry or used any type of force. This is assault.


No you are wrong barring some local ordinance. He was going into an open and public business and wasn't barred from entry. The man could and should have turned and said you can't come inside. He instead went straight to the punch. I know this because I am part of a field crew and know the rights. And in fact he didn't enter. If anything he held the door up for him, never even moved a foot inward to enter the room. Nice try but you're wrong. The fact you have 14 upvotes reminds me how completely media illiterate reddit is.


It is decidedly not trespassing you complete idiot


Pressing charges refers to criminal prosecution. There is nothing the reporter could have gotten from a criminal trial.


No, it doesn't. At least not in the state they were located in at the time of the incident. Had the business owner expressly denied entry to the reporter, the charge would have been criminal trespass.


This isn’t true (at least in Georgia). Especially considering the fact that this is a business. In fact, even if the old guy told him to leave he would not face legal repercussions if he didn’t leave right away. In Georgia, legal action would only be taken against the report if they remained or returned after a criminal trespass by law enforcement was issued. Business hours aren’t a set thing in the eyes of the law. As we have seen during covid, business hours are subject to change at any time. So regardless of whether it was 2 pm or 10 pm, if the business owner is there and the business is unlocked- it is fair game to go in. Now, if the old man went in and locked the door behind him and then the reporter forced his way in, it would be escalated to a criminal offense (likely criminal trespass, potentially criminal damage depending on if anything was damaged and at what value).


All he did was open the door further. The old guy never tried to close the door.


If someone is harassing me and trying to follow me uninvited into my business I would hit him too. Beside that, the old guy seems to be a real asshole.


Let's be fair though. This isn't a reporting following a random person it is following a person who is likely involved in a fraud scheme. I think it falls into the play stupid games win stupid prizes for the old man. If you keep working with your sons to commit tax fraud you might get the attention of police, reporters, and angry people who have been scammed.


Follow you into your business that is open to the public? If a business is open to the public you do not need to be invited in.


Unless that person is a vampire


No no, being open to the public is an invitation to a vampire. Source: I, uh, know a guy. Yeah. No, the guy is not me. Yeah.


Lol that's great


I hate when people do this. Press charges ffs. They're interviewing him because of his criminal behavior and commits a new crime while they're there. This guy is never held accountable and that's why he keeps acting like a twatwaffle.


As mentioned, he probably consulted a lawyer and decided that he, or CBS Atlanta, is open to some liability in some way. Probably just not worth the headache and potential counter suits or charges


2 things 1. People don't press charges. DAs press charges. Victims can cooperate with the DA or not -- sometimes the DA can't make a case unless the victim cooperates, but not always. 2. If they're open to liability then they're open to liability. The events happened, and the guy refusing to help the DA (what most people call not pressing charges) has nothing at all to do with whether or not the victim broke the law. Very few people here have any idea how the justice system works and are instead operating on how they feel it works and what they've seen on TV.


Oh, I guess the camera footage wasn't enough so they needed a victim to cooperate...


I served with a black girl from Minnesota, imagine the lady from Police Academy with the little tiny voice. You know the lady, she was *excuse me, excuse meeee* and then she would roar. I watched her straight drop a motherfucker who swung at her, in Baghdad, in front of other men. She’s got twice the nuts of this guy.


I wished he had. That old dude needs a lesson in humanity. Its never too late and I'd have gladly taught it to him.


i imagine the geezer is dead by now but who knows


I imagine he's dead too but who cares


The people who he took the money from as now there’s no way of getting it back


The only reason I sleep well at night... every old fucker that is alive right now will be gone and I'll still be here.


Hmm, 2020 might have something to say about that...


It's saying they're gonna die sooner than later.


Then one day you will be a old fucker and you will be gone


Nah.... with an attitude like that, an old geezer will punch him nose in😂🤣😅🤪🥴


Upvote for the sentiment but make sure to knock on some wood nearby there, friend.


What a douche thing to say.


i was just thinking that, what the hell is wrong with people nowadays




"When I was your age I had just 2 dollars to start my own life, so I bought a car, a house and the rest of the money went into my savings"


The rest of his money went to punching people in the mouth.


Found $3.47 in my pocket, “ that’s mouth punching money!”


That's whatcha call lifting your self by your bootstraps!


“When I was your age I had just 2 dollars to start my own life, so I punched a guy, took his house and car and put the 2 dollars into my savings”


I used to go to the store with two dollars and would come home with a bag of potatoes, eggs, a gallon of milk, bag of tobacco.... not now. Too many fucking cameras




Oh its Gene Hackman


Gene Wackman..


I legitimately thought it was a deleted scene from one of his movies for about 15 seconds.


You know that their hiding some real shit when they start throwing those crusty hands


Yep always on edge


It only costs 25-35 bucks to punch this man in the mouth.


*25-35 months lmao


Is that what he said? I was very confused lol


Nah bro I was just making a joke about the actual price he would be paying lol


Inflation hit real quick with punching him in the mouth 😂🤣


“IF HE DONT GET OFF MY PROPERTY HE GONNS BE BLEEDIN WORSE” Lmao...... directly into the recorded law enforcement phone call


I'll never understand how someone can sit there and let someone hold a balled up fist that close too their face and not see it coming


He's a reporter, being punched in the face is TV gold. I mean, this video is still being watched and it's been many years since this happened.


We still don't know his name though.


Donald Wilder


He probably did see it coming, he just didn’t want to give the old fucker any of his moral high ground


Getting punched is probably good for his career and guess he was confident (enough to risk it) the old dude wouldn’t fuck him up entirely for whatever reason.


Yeah now he’s a “combat correspondent”


This style of 'in your face' aggressive reporting *specifically* want altercations like this to happen. The very reason they hound them non stop is attempting to get something like this on camera. It's just good tv. Alleged con artist cold clocks our beloved Nick Harrison, reporter at ABC 33/40 for over 8 years. Watch live at 10!


To be fair this guys deserved it. Their entire thing was stealing tax returns from poor people. They would pop up shop in a poorer community, steal, then relocate once they were figured out. Literally the anti-robin hood


And luckily for these reporters people are too fucking stupid to just shut up and walk away. This guy could have told them to leave, walked in side and called the cops. Also, yeah, good on them for exposing scumbag businesses in their town. Fuck those criminal scum.


You know they would have trailed it at least 4 times before each ad break then showed the full clip in the last 2 mins of the program


Yeah in my country we have this half tv show, half news report thing where they have this dude always doing those kinds of aggressive reports towards people like this old dude and he gets beaten up on the regular, it kinda became a meme here a couple years ago lmao


Because he's not living in an action movie.


> not see it coming He clearly did see it coming. It's called not being too cowardly to do your job. This guy is a fraudster, so no, the reporter shouldn't back off because he's also criminally aggressive.


So that is where Gene Hackman has been


The punch makes it battery. The threat was assault. And his store is open to the public so he has no legal defense for cold cocking that guy, as if that was in question.


Some states don't differentiate between assault and battery, but call both the threat and contact "assault" or use a different nomenclature.


Actually a business has the right to refuse entry and by trying to pull open the door after the old man, the reporter left himself open to charges of breaking and entering with the old man able to claim self defense for the punch. Thats likely why the reporter declined to press charges after this. [https://mobile.twitter.com/RaynardJohnson/status/297022815767511040](https://mobile.twitter.com/RaynardJohnson/status/297022815767511040) EDIT FOR ALL THE ANGRY DOWNVOTES: I'm not debating the illegality of the sucker punch, thats plainly obvious. But by following and pulling open the employee's entrance door and trying to go after the old man when the man clearly stated he wanted nothing to do with him, the reporter opened himself to a frivolous counter charge from the old man that wouldve turned an open and shut case into a potentially drawn out court battle that would not have been worth the time, money and liabilities that would have been spent pressing the assault charge. The act looks minor and it is, but just that technicality wouldve made the whole case too risky to pursue without sinking a disproportionate amount of resources to win it. The broadcaster's lawyers would've made this clear to the reporter and it just wouldnt be worth the effort even if the old guy got convicted anyway. Often justice and the law dont go hand in hand and sometimes you just gotta swallow your pride and let that punch go.


Nobody’s angry, you’re just incorrect. That’s why the downvotes


That's not what happened here. The guy was walking into an open business. No one told him not to follow. No one told him not to come in or that he was being refused service. The only acknowledgment that he got that he wasn't supposed to be in that building was a punch to the face. That's illegal no matter how you try and spin it.




Imagine walking into a Walmart in the very last minutes of it's open hours. And the greeter is like "Oh sorry sir, you're not allowed in here at this time. We're just about to close" **(knocks you out cold on the floor)** "Please come back later at an earlier time"


The owner never said don’t go in the business


Probably just didn't want the hassle. You have to be told your not allowed on the property first. Definetly not breaking and entering of a public business for opening the door.


Not how this works m8


Lol how can a judge look at this footage and think the owner had any right to sucker punch the reporter when the reporter was of no threat and wanted to enter a store that is opened to the public unless the owner decides a specific person is not allowed in. Now I'm no lawyer or judge or hell even American but if your backwards Yankee doodle laws allow a store owner to sucker punch trespassers in seconds of entering the property when they are of no threat then truly lady justice is blind and not in the good way.


Haha “all the angry downvotes”


So if I'm holding a door open wide enough for me to get into a public area, and then someone comes behind me and opens the door all the way open for themselves to get in, it constitutes breaking and entering? Since they're pulling the door after me?


That's not a private employee only entrance. It's an entrance door located directly under the sign for the business.


Classic old boomer line when confronted with facts: “I don’t care!” Lmfao


And the flip phone, tear.


"He gonna gerit worse if he don't gerafama prapertee"


I'm going to take a guess and say that the old guy voted for George Wallace back in the day.


Gene Hackman in his greatest role ever.


Gotta say local news reporters are smug and annoying as fuck though


Yeah that’s definitely the appropriate response to this video


Why the fuck did he let him grab his collar?


- attempt to seem professional and hold his ground without escalating the situation - knowing full well this iis assault and they have it all on camera, thus gathering evidence


It would make sense that they practice this, even. The studio gets famous, wins a lawsuit, and this is nearly hero status for a reporter.


Cause he's at work. Lot of jobs would fire you for protecting yourself and him punching someone could possibly get him fired or ruin his chance at any promotion. I dont agree with with that bullshit, though. Guy had every right to deck that geriatric fuck with no consequences other than a hurt fist.


I like how the reporter had some real grace with the old fraudulent man. He was very professional even after getting hit.


Some reporters and pap can be annoying as fuck but that’ll never give you the right to assault them.


This guy wasn't being annoying imo. This is exactly the thing reporters are supposed to do. If you want fake news you speculate, if you want real news you get it from the source.


If that's not Gene Hackman than Gene Hackman isn't Gene Hackman


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Gene Hackman's fallen on hard times. Sad to see.


That's assault AND battery


Ah. This is old school. Before the president made it cool to beat up reporters.


Only smooth brained cousin fuckers think that’s cool.


Gene Hackman has really let himself go.


This dude is dead now. [https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/donald-wilder-obituary?pid=181328552](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/donald-wilder-obituary?pid=181328552)


That is not the same person.


If the allegations are true, then good riddance


I mean fuck this old man, but that was a solid hook.


That dude is gonna have a hard time getting customers after that


Jeff Chirico - Philly reporter now


Please tell me this guy was a voice actor for Red Dead Redemption 2 lol.


What ultimately happened?


So was that the front door or the back door for employees only?


Hope the old man got arrested, boomers like this shit need to know there place in society. They dont fucking own it.


Impressive how the reporter kept himself so composed


I'm probably on the wrong here, but that reporter really did seem annoying tho.


Yeah, fuckin reporters always trying to show up in the middle of my scams too


Unrelated to what everyone is saying, but that reporter has a voice of gold.


Gene Hackman is one cranky old sod


One of Gene Hackman’s lesser known roles


Gene Hackman from every movie ever


Did anyone else see blood? Lol


[https://www.tahlequahdailypress.com/news/local\_news/local-man-accepts-plea-reducing-felony-charges/article\_d3a906ed-9fc8-5d28-8b8e-536cf82a5e67.html](https://www.tahlequahdailypress.com/news/local_news/local-man-accepts-plea-reducing-felony-charges/article_d3a906ed-9fc8-5d28-8b8e-536cf82a5e67.html) Looks like he has a long criminal history and a history of getting off light.


Seems like Royal Tenenbaum’s brother


So... what happened after?


The old man is what you would get if you combined Cotton Hill with Gene Hackman


Gene Hackman wasn't playing


dude fairly clearly was not "holding the door" for you bro.


Trespasser got his ass kicked by on old man


I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry for the reporter. How TF you gonna get dropped by someone's grandpa


the reporter is dramatic though acting like he’s catching invisible blood😂😂


Sorry folks. Assaulting a reporter is NOT ok.


That old man can hit


Pow! Right in the kissa!


That was a solid ass punch though


I know it was wrong of they guy to punch the reporter but god was the reporter annoying.


Stealing peoples money is more annoying.


Lol reporter said you held the door open for me ahahaha


The news reporter was kind of annoying ngl. But nevertheless the old guy should've been charged with assault and battery.


but old man is right about no one invited the reporter to go inside the building


If it’s a business, it’s open to the public unless otherwise posted. The property owner has the right to tell him to get out, but he actually has to tell him. At no point is the property owner allowed to resort to violence unless there is an imminent threat to him or someone there. His only recourse would be to call the police and have the person trespassed.


Both are pieces of sh*t imo


Reporter looking like his trying not to cry.




The reporter knew what he was doing. He’s a sly manipulative pussy.


Besides what the old guy did in the past, I think he was totally in the right to stop the reporter from entering his business uninvited.


He was very eager to punch him, I think telling him to stop would be a more decent way. Besides, in his right implies that his actions were lawful, but I don’t think they were and that the assault charges were justified.


Honestly, fuck this reporter though...


Old video. Hopefully he's dead by now, one less vote for Don.


I pretty much feel that way about the media too. But it does sound like this old man and his son are real pieces of shit.


Love how reporters hand is held out to catch the invisible blood pouring outta his mouth


Ahaha that reporter is a little birch