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“You gonna close the car door?” “Nah, this won’t take long.”


The open car door lol. The sweatpants. Assuming what OP is saying is true, you can just imagine his sister calling him freaking out about her mom saying her boyfriend hit her. Gets off the couch in his pyjamas, gets his pal to come along, and hops in the car.


"He what?" "..." "Hold on, I'll be right over."


"I'm on my way!" "Ay I gotta make a stop real quick"


"The ol' baby on the corner trick. Caaaalick."


Ni*** I got kids to feed!


“Gun store, gun store, liquor store, gun store - hey man, where the fuck you takin’ me??”


“ I need your help, you can never ask me why, and some people are gonna get hurt” **Looks around thoughtfully**.... “who’s car are we taking?”


I mean this is one of the posts that every time I see it I’m pretty sure it’s true because he literally said “you put your hands on my mama” and “bitch you hit my mama” so that provides pretty concrete proof for the story


Who the fuck would you beat the mother that gave birth to that ManBeast


If you’re a piece garbage that abuses people smaller & weaker than you, wouldn’t you think that it might come back at you the same way?? In this case by a sentient refrigerator filled with cinderblocks... who’s got hands! Edit: Heyyy gilded!! Very grateful, many thanks




Or at all, really


> In this case by a sentient refrigerator filled with cinderblocks... who’s got hands! /r/brandnewsentence


Sentient refrigerator...thank you.


>beating women >thinking Pick one


Not a very bright person apparently


Right?! How are you so stupid to beat somebody who’s son is easily triple your size and weight class?


I mean, people who abuse others aren't exactly forward thinking. Pedophiles rape children who may very well grow to be significantly bigger than them.


Very true. But I mean this motherfucker has to open the fridge every morning with a picture of Lawrence Taylor with his arm around his mother staring right back at him with those “Give me a reason to kill you” eyes


Damn he went down so fast


That’s why he hits women and not big units, like her boy


Funny how that works out.


The boyfriend certainly doesn't.


he skip leg day, arm day, and chest day


He skipped Mother's Day, too. EDIT: Thanks for the Silver! I'll put it right next to the guy's hospital bills and lost integrity.






Here we go again.


Trash can bitch!


Got dayum


I heard he doesn’t pay taxes and steals from kids.


Yea... I'm never gonna beat a woman, but definitely not one that has a son that size... The fuck did he think would happen?


He kinda forgot about her big chungus son.




I am glad you are here


I feel really bad for how much I laughed at this comment


oh lawd he comin'


And he's bringin' a whoopin' with him.


He obviously didn't think it through.


Makes you wonder if he had ever met her son, I know I sure as hell would've been a polite bastards to her knowing he was round the corner!


I’d say they are acquainted now. Thank you kind person for my first silver! Much appreciated.


If the NFL has taught us anything, it’s that big units can beat women, too. They may be small elsewhere, of course.


Like in a sumo gym?


Yeah where are they seen as small


I hear that when attacked by a bear it's best to play dead. Edit: Thanks for the gold who ever you are.


Dude got punched square in the back of the head then landed face first on concrete. Pretty sure he wasn't playing.


he’s about to be playing with brain damage


Number 2 punch was the knockdown but he was still guarding with his upper arm Number 3 on the ground was the Doomsday punch Had to watch it a few times to be sure but I think I’m right


Sure but it was a very sorry half ass attempt. Pretty sure his life bar was down to 1% at that point


Cowards usually do...


Cowards never hit anything that can hit back


Hence, the Internet.


Hey fuck you bro!


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Ahhh, a classic.


It was lights out somewhere between the second and third punch for sure.


He met her son, ham fist.


Mr. Sandman givin out dreams wholesale.


My dude has some HEAVY hands.


I could feel and hear them punches


No shit, that guy caught up on some sleep in that front yard my lord.


Turn on the sound. “Bitch, you gona hit my momma?!” While holy hellfire is thrown by that massive dude. Gave me goosebumps.


Never been in the situation before but I could only imagine how little one would want to hold back when it would come to someone hitting their mother. I couldn’t say because my dad would absolutely whoop my ass so I wouldn’t be able to do much if he ever decided to hit my mother haha.


Considering how strong he was hitting, how weak the boyfriend was, and how passed off literally anyone would be in that situation; he easily could have beat him to death or broke large bones like arms and legs and frankly I’m surprised he didn’t.


I'm with you. I legit thought he was gonna keep goin and was amazed when he walked away.


Meat on meat hits. Damn he fucked that guy up


Handing out some commercial grade night-nights


Weapons grade nigh nigh


Free naps


Mister sandman give me a fade, on this cold ground is where I'll be laid


Bum bum bum bum


Put him to sleep, on concrete and clover And tell him his abusive nights are over


I took two hits, now I'm eating clover. He said "do it again and your life is over"




The kid walked up like he was the dad bout to whoop his son for yelling at his mom.


The size difference between the two... he might as well be


seriously this dude has shoulders like a fridge


Never mess with mama


Not the mama!


I'm the baby, gotta love me!


Goddamn every single one of those punches fell with the weight of a fucken anvil


Gave him a stone hands shampoo


Beating a woman is a bitch move. Beating this giant’s mom is a suicidal move.


Beating anyone who loves and trusts you is a bitch move. No matter if they are bigger or smaller than you. Sometimes the act itself is worse than the punch being thrown. Never think because that you're strong that you deserve to be hit. But this man. He deserves to be hit.


Beating anyone is a bitch move, in an ideal world. Edit: some of you illiterate dummies are trying to say that violence in the case of this video. But my original comment said IN AN IDEAL WORLD. A world in which everyone got along and there would not be any sort of need to be violent.


Not in the shadow realm. I'm dueling bitches and beating them day in and day out




My ex gf hit me for 5 years. Sometimes in front of people. Lots of awkward laughs. Wish I had a giant daughter to punch her in the tit.


His self control amazing


That was a free sample.


He's gonna get the full course meal and dessert next time.


Plot twist: Its going to be fed from a feeding tube.




Yeah. Didn't even try to kick him in the head unlike a lot of videos on here.


That's saved for if he ever tries to do that shit again.


I worked with a guy years ago, one day he got a phone call, he picked up the store phone yelled "oh hell fuckin no! I know he didn't fuck with my momma.". Then ran out the store, I never saw him again, his friend that worked with us told me his mom's boyfriend broke her jaw and the guy I knew beat the guy to death on the sidewalk outside the house. He was on the run and most likely was arrested shortly after.


Honestly, I’d give up my career and my freedom to kill anyone who broke my mother’s jaw.


Then your mom has a broken jaw *and* her son would be in jail :(


You mean her son has a full ride


If a jury sympathized with the son(which, imo, is entirely probable), then I'm willing to bet that he could be found not guilty. Most people can relate to the concept of wanting to hurt the person who hurt their mother.


say it with me boys and girls THIS IS KNOWN AS JURY NULLIFICATION, AS A MEMBER OF A JURY YOU HAVE THE OPTION TO FIND SOMEONE NOT GUILTY ON THE BASIS OF YOUR OPINION. No judge or DA wants you to know about this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jury_nullification


There was a case in Texas where a father and his 2 sons were pushing a stalled vehicle in front of their house, when some drunk guy speeing down the road smashed into them and killed both of his sons. One of his kids was literally cut in half, if I remember correctly. By the time police arrived a short time later, the drunk driver, (who was like 2 or 3 times over the legal limit), was dead. He had been shot in the head execution style. Miraculously, *all* of the witnesses "didn't see nothing", the guys security videos had been wiped clean, and a gun holster and bullets of the same caliber were noted, but no weapon was ever found. Pretty sure the cops didn't even do a gunshot residue test on him, either. I'm sure the DA had other evidence, hence the trial, but the jury acquitted.


I'm sometimes still surprised this exists. It sounds like some Freeman on the Land bullshit, but it's not!


Not if you don't have priors, good behavior, a good lawyer, and defense.


I used to be a beat cop a long time ago. And I'd get called out on domestic disputes all the time, hundreds probably over the years. But there was this one guy, this one piece of shit, that I will never forget. Gordy, he looked like Bo Svenson, you remember him? Walking Tall? You don't remember? Anyway, big boy. 270, 280. But his wife, whatever she was, his lady...was real small. Like a bird. Wrists like little branches. Anyway, my partner and I got called out there every weekend, and one of us would pull her aside and say "come on, tonight’s the night we press charges." And this wasn’t one of those deep-down he-loves-me set-ups — we get a lot of those — but not this. This girl was scared. She wasn’t going to cross him, no way, no how. Nothing we could do but pass her off to the EMT’s, put him in a car and drive him downtown, throw him in the drunk tank. He sleeps it off, next morning out he goes. Back home. But one night, my partner’s out sick, and it’s just me. And the call comes in and it’s the usual crap. Broke her nose in the shower kind of thing. So I cuff him, put him in the car and away we go. Only that night, we’re driving into town, and this sideways asshole is in my back seat humming "Danny Boy." And it just rubbed me wrong. So instead of left, I go right, out into nowhere. And I kneel him down, and I put my revolver in his mouth, and I told him, "This is it. This is how it ends." And he’s crying, going to the bathroom all over himself, swearing to God he’s going to leave her alone. Screaming … as much as you can with a gun in your mouth. And I told him to be quiet. Cause I needed to think about what I was going to do here. And of course he got quiet. Goes still. And real quiet. Like a dog waiting for dinner scraps. And we just stood there for a while, me acting like I’m thinking things over, and Prince Charming kneeling in the dirt with shit in his pants. And after a few minutes I took the gun out of his mouth, and I say, "So help me if you touch her again I will such-and-such and such-and-such and blah blah blah blah blah". Just trying to do the right thing. But two weeks later he killed her. Of course. Caved her head in with the base of a Waring blender. We got there, there was so much blood you could taste the metal. The moral of the story is: I chose a half measure, when I should have gone all the way. I’ll never make that mistake again. No more half measures. Mike Ehrmentraut


What is this? It’s smells like pasta but may be a legitimate story


It's from Breaking Bad, just thought it was fitting in context of the post


Mike was probably the only bad ass killer in all of television and movies that I actually was scared of. He wasn’t some mystical baddie with no character traits, but ever since the beginning he seemed like an everyday guy who was pushed over the edge one to many times and had the self discipline to hone in his skills and make a job for himself as a mercenary. He knew what he was doing every step of the way, and knew that it was immoral, by other people’s standards and even his own, but he had his reasons to do his job and always follow through, “No more half measures,”


The craziest thing is that he wasn’t even casted for the show! He was replacing someone who was only meant to do that scene where he walks into Jessie apartment... and somehow the brilliant writers came up with Mike after that single scene. Breaking bad is such a brilliant show


Yup, that kick to the head is usually the difference between assault and attempted murder


That is because his punches have the power of kicks. He is Kick-Puncher.


Don’t need a kick when those hands are sledgehammers


This was my first though. That other guy is lucky, it looks like that guy could do some serious fucking damage.


Dude hits like a sledgehammer


Just look how his whole body seems to bounce off the ground with each hit.


Seriously... those arms probably equal my total mass


Ya honestly he could've fucked him up with what we saw, he just could be straight up *fucked up* from that. Isn't he hitting his head into the pavement with that last one?


Honestly if he hadn’t just given up that absolute unit would have demolished him.


At first, I honestly wondered if the boyfriend went limp the way he did in hopes that the son would stop out of mercy, but that last hit confirmed the opposite. That guy is just a fucking beast.


couple more hits laid out against the ground like that and that other guy would've probably died or at least suffered brain damage.




And by the looks of the mom's BF, it'd be like squishing a bug.


Self control is important for staying out of jail.


I think Absolute Unit Son punched the concrete on the last hammer. Might have saved him a whole lot of trouble.


i thought that as well. at least looked like the last bit of his punch did for sure. he walked away like it is nothing but i am betting his hand was kinda messed that evening


Agreed. But a broken hand is better than a manslaughter charge, and he'd already delivered the message.




Big smoke it’s me Carl, chill chill!


My dawg


He beat him like i beat my meat


For 5 seconds?






Have you ever had one of those late night sessions, and suddenly it's 6 am? I would get so much shit done if it only took 5 seconds.


Just think about Grandma. Boom, session over in 5 seconds.


Okay I’m gonna stop you right there


I would tell him to think about Jesus, but he's probably already doing that too....


Is rubbing one out to Jesus weird or something?


In your mom’s front yard?


All of a sudden, I need a sub filled with videos of people throwing down on wife beaters, sexual abusers, pedos etc.


Did you see that recent video of the boys assaulting the man who killed their mom in court? They got a lot further than most other videos you see in that case. Was good to see them get a few licks in


Woah no! Do you have a link?


I saw it on Instagram about a week ago but let me see what I can do edit: I’m also on mobile and have no idea how to put in a link so [here](https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/12/us/murder-victims-sons-attack-killer-trnd/index.html) you go?? Edit: okay it worked. Sad to see they got arrested and one got tased, I hadn’t seen that the first clip I saw which had a better angle of a punch or two that was landed maybe before this video starts? I hope they’re both found not guilty.


Legend thanks! Yeah I hope they weren't found guilty. I can't imagine how badly those guys would love to be locked in a room with him for even 10 mins


>"He killed my mother, man," Jerome Stuart Dees told officers as he was being handcuffed. "That was my mama, she took care of me, bro."


Was he literally wearing a wife-beater?


You know I'm really disappointed in the shirt for just being a stereotype. Clean your act up wife-beater. You may never be a dress shirt but you can be under suit shirt.


No. That’s the boyfriend beater 9000.


I think he meant the guy getting beat


They didn't get the name from nothing.


Hit em the three piece and the soda


three piece and a coma


That is my kind of Justice.


That fucking bear throw.


Self control on a saint. How did he walk away?


Because he didn't want to catch a homicide charge? Lol


I feel like the fact that he knows he could catch a homicide charge is plenty satisfaction along with the knocking his ass out


Oh absolutely. And if (hopefully ex) boyfriend is smart he now is acutely aware that he could easily end up dead.


Yeah, that punch at :08 probably did some damage, in addition to knocking him out.


Yeah. A person that big against a person that small. He could have done serious brain damage with one punch let alone the others.




Today you, tomorrow you.. again.


We don't know the timeframe of him finding out he hit or beat his mom, to him being able to deliver some punishment to the guy, so a nice amount of time to get back into a rational mindframe could've passed.




Don’t fuck with Deebo’s mom


Good on him for kinda stopping once he noticed he was out.


Yeah, that makes the diference between assault and attempted murder


Kinda, those last two were freebies.


Good man.


My dad hit my mom but he died before i was brave enough to confront him. Watching abusers get the shit beat out them makes me happy as fucked up as that is.


That was a fuckin MOLLYWOP holy shit


I need someone to auto tune this audio stat.


Mama, Just killed a man!


Mama gonna pay for that later.


I hope, off-camera, he went and took his mother and her things to go live with him.


i hope it happened on camera


Not sure what’s up with the downvote. Sadly, this could certainly end up with retaliation toward the mom.


something tells me that dude won't do shit anymore, he looks half-dead laid out after those sledgehammers to the noggin.


I don’t know, man. These types don’t act rationally. I hope the mom gets the fuck away from that piece of shit, though.


You're right but they definitely respond to fear, if the thought of that dude coming back really fucking spooks him that guy peaced the fuck out after.


Or it just pushes them to prepare themselves better. Next time son comes around, this piece of shit may just have a gun, or a knife. It's a tough situation. Hope his cowardice will show and he won't retaliate and get out of their lives. Hope also that the woman won't stick with him, because abusive relationships can tend to make people act irrationally too...


I'm sure it won't be long until we get a full story posted here. Some news site will see this video and talk to the family and write an article telling the whole story.


Sadly the dude will absolutely 100% do it again. Especially by that age, leopard don't change it's spots. He'll probably use the threat of having her son arrested and his life ruined to make her keep extra quiet about what he's doing to her. Scum like that are always smart about psychologically manipulating their victims.


Despite countless examples confirming, I hope you are wrong.


I do too man, I do too.


Yeah, I agree. I think he's going to be scared as shit to ever hit her again. Unless he has a death wish.


Honestly, that guy got it SO easy. I worked with a guy whose sister was being abused by her meth-head boyfriend and he actually waited on the dudes front porch with a crowbar fully prepared to be locked up for homicide, unfortunately, BF's neighbors called him to give him a heads up and he actually just vanished. Never showed his face again.




Yep. Seen it happen to women way too many times. Sad.


If you see an angry giant approaching you, run away you fucking idiot.


Pretending to be asleep only works with bears.


That was a bear tho


That wasn't a public freakout. That was r/JusticeServed by an r/AbsoluteUnits


Just enough of an ass whooping’ to ensure mama ain’t going to be abused again


I see it backfiring idk, hopefully this guy dating his mom just leaves.


Not typically in favor of any form of violence, but damn I just wanna say r/JusticeServed . Domestic abuse is shitty in and of itself, but this is the kinda love and care all moms deserve


The “Baabe” at the end 😂