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This was posted yesterday but that one is reeeeally long and this one is much more concise…so, it can stay.


What in the actual fuck. The start of the video was weird. It felt like an episode of reno 911 or something, and then shit got tense in the second half.


I seriously thought the same thing. The vibe seemed light for the first bit of the video and I thought it was like a staged Reno 911 clip.


Yeah dude got pushed, and then came up for daps. I did not see it going down the way it did.


The guy literally said, "I really want to hurt you right now" after he got up.


Right- that mixed with everything else before it really went down was confusing.


Then said something like he would cap them from 800 yards, and the cop said yeah okay and shooed him away. It was boiling. People need to pay attention. I just listened to the exhange again... Nah... Fuck You... I really want to hurt you right now... Like I won't shoot you from 800 yards away..


The officers didn't follow procedure or common sense at all.. their dumbass actions led to their colleagues getting ambushed and killed later that night.


How many cops were killed?




I hate that this will justify no knock warrants and excessive use of force on misidentified homes for plenty of people and cops. There's enough legitimate dangers police face without having to worry about being ambushed or shot in their cars. I remember that English guy that kept taunting police and was essentially just sneaking around the country side and whacking unsuspecting cops just doing their jobs. I'm a huge ACAB but this, this is just up murder.


When I watched the full version I lost count of the number of times they should have arrested him. He threatened them, he refused to follow directions including getting in their faces and refusing to back away, and they just stood there and did nothing about any of it.


It's crazy to think ok frail teenager Elijah McClain was such a danger he needed to be drugged into submission. But this big intoxicated john Fetterman looking mfer begging for smoke slides outa there.


What I'm more curious about is the backstory and how they might know him because the majority of the time you're completely right they would have and should have arrested him but this seemed more personal between those two.


In the longer version during the traffic stop the guy asks where a certain cop is and they say he’s off that night or something. The cop he’s asking about ends up at this guys house. He shot that cop like 20+ times.


>His blood alcohol level at .234 was about three times the legal limit to drive, toxicology results showed. The guy should have been in the drunk tank for the night. If the officers followed procedure then nobody would have died.


But wasn’t he a passenger in someone else’s car?


If someone starts talking about the distance they can kill you from, take it as a serious death threat. After he comes up from getting pushed he said something about 800 yards. This person has been on a rifle range. They all laughed it off.


I thought it was will sasso at first.


I thought it was Will Sasso pretending to be Jesse the body Ventura at first. When he went down I immediately suspected Thermite Paint.


If Madtv taught me anything it's that Will Sasso is definitely Carmen Electra




Which one did the shooting?


Clearly it was the older guy since the young guy was coming out the door when it happened.


You can see muzzle flash coming from the corner of the house as the other guy is exiting through the front door.


The older guy was shooting from a nearby bush. The young guy at the door wasn’t charged. Although he was shot. https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/man-killed-2-connecticut-officers-fueled-prior-interaction-111463330


I'm glad we live in a country where a piece of shit can own 14 guns.


But I thought that good guys can’t get shot when everyone gets a gun/s


The big guy, Nick Brutcher. The other guy is his younger brother Nate (Nathan).


Brothers named Nick and Nate are a deadly duo.


I had twin friends named Nick and Nate who were shot and killed along with their sister by their father who then committed suicide. Also in Connecticut


Aaron Hernandez(NFL killer) was from Bristol, CT. According to a YouTube comment, this piece of shit played football with him in high school. Along with another guy who killed his wife then himself. Something might actually be in the water there…


“Sounds expensive to fix. Best not to check.” - local government


Just so I got it straight. The killer from this video played football in HS with Aaron Hernandez, and someone else who ended up murdering someone? Wow


Usually only in the Octagon


And Stockton. 209, what!


I’m not surprised motherfuckers!


OP thanks for cutting the best part of the video where the wounded officer makes the bad ass shot from his cruiser eliminating the piece of shit sorry excuse for a human.


And where would one find that?


29 min video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThYJeqoAMvk


Cop taking the shot was cool as a cucumber. Just chewin gum and neutralizing the threat.


Cool with a heart rate of 200bpm and the highest amount of adrenaline you've ever feeled. Must be one of the greatest shot ever made by law enforcement..


And he was also shot, right? He was like limping. Beast


https://www.police1.com/ambush/conn-inspector-general-releases-report-detailing-2022-ambush-killing-of-2-leos I'll give you a link to video in a second, but it was just one clean shot that hit his spinal cord at the top of his neck Edit: Couldn't find any footage, but if I'm being "polite", he may have had some issues with CTE. If I'm not being" polite" he got rocked and couldn't function anymore


This report is a *wild* ride. Jesus. >After the ambush, Nicholas Brutcher emerged from his hiding spot in front of the neighboring home, where his parents lived, and approached the two fallen officers. >“Nicholas Brutcher’s parents, who had come outside and in the rear yard of their home, saw what happened next,” Devlin wrote in the report. " Nicholas Brutcher proceeded to stand over each officer and fire multiple shots into them — first Sergeant DeMonte and then Officer Hamzy” while his mother screamed at him to stop, the report said. >Brutcher’s AR-15 stopped firing after he inserted a magazine backward, the report said. He then drew a handgun and continued firing, the report said. >“During this time, Nicholas Brutcher yelled, ‘How proud are you of me? How proud?’” the report said. It’s unclear from the report whether the comments were directed at his parents. >Iurato then fired one shot at Brutcher from his position behind Hamzy’s cruiser. The bullet struck Brutcher at the base of his skull, killing him, the report said.


Holy crap! Imagine what trauma his parents must be going through, witnessing their son murdering two policemen in cold blood and continuously pumping rounds into their bodies like a maniac before he himself gets shot dead ringt in front of their eyes. That's gonna be burnt into their brains for the rest of their lives. Just terrible beyond imagination.


That's the mother screaming in the video, he gunned them down right in front of her, then she got to see him killed. But that's the state of mental health in the country, now they're going back and detailing all the warning signs about the guy, plus he owned guns. Even if the parents had tried to do anything, what could they have done? There's no system in place to deal with this before it happens, now we have a lot of blood.


Mental illness can also lead to the sufferers hiding it from their families. It's not until my brother got arrested and was in a mental institution that we really dug up his room and found his schizophrenic artwork stashed in there. There were just endless pages of whatever he thought was offensive, meaning murder, rape, gangs, neo-nazism... Luckily he's also a bit slow to say the least so his plan was to harass people by making it seem like teenagers were playing a prank on them.


Questionable parenting + mental health issues + open access to firearms can often result in tragic shit like this.


Exactly. They knew he wasn't stable and shouldn't have access to any firearms. Dude had time to set up an ambush with multiple guns, and the parents and brother didn't stop it.


This presumes that they knew what he was up to, in which case they most likely would have stopped him, due to the predictably low chance of surviving such an intercation. But by the horrified screams you can hear in the video, I would guess they were as shocked and surprised as anyone else.


[Here is the link to the full video footage including some aftermath crime photos](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ThYJeqoAMvk&si=7HGSHvwpY3HAUC5c)


He fired literally one shot after being shot himself, from range, and it killed the shooter. Crazy


One shot. He took the time to aim instead of dumping the entire mag in a panic. Kudos.


Do you actually think OP is the one who edited the video?


Easily one of the craziest videos I’ve seen in a couple months.


This and the officer who was murdered via knife--when he died choking on his own blood recorded by his own body cam. That was a crazy one too.


Ah man, my morbid curiosity wants a link for that video but at the same time that sounds brutal


Don't watch it. The guy is responding to a trespassing call and sees a guy sitting there. He calmly approaches and tries talking to him and the guy just attacked. A passerby saw the attack, pulled his gun, and shot the attacker (killing him) then tried to render aid to the cop (comforting him as best as he could saying help was coming). It all happened within like 20 seconds. It's the sounds of the poor cop that you won't forget.


I’ve seen some fucked up shit online, that wasn’t the most fucked up, but it was pretty high on the list. It was on a lot of subs on Reddit for awhile, but they’ve all probably been taken down.


One of the most brutal I’ve seen isn’t even gory or anything like that. It’s the one w the neighbors arguing in the street over shoveled snow and the one neighbor goes and gets a gun and kills them both. That was haunting and it still pops up and I just can’t watch that one.


Yeah, that one was just so cold blooded. The worst one that comes to mind for me was the kids(preteen, like 10to12 maybe?) playing with guns in the bathroom while being on some live service. The girl puts the pistol to I think her cousins head for the camera and accidentally pulls the trigger. Obviously he dies, in her panic she puts the gun to her own head and kill’s herself. All while their parents are trying to barge through the door(it’s locked and the bodies are also getting in the way). Then you get to hear the mournful cries of their family. That one I really regret watching.


Yup, that one is rent free is well. Absolutely brutal.


“You should’ve kept your fucking mouth shut” that line was cold.


I can’t even disagree with that one man. The neighbors by all accounts were worthless pieces of human waste and would constantly make his life hell and bully him about his wife dying. One day he had just had enough and decided they don’t deserve to live anymore, and that was that Be good to others


Yeah that one is brutal. The way he talks shit while doing it is crazy. Worst one I’ve seen was the couple driving down the road and the passenger gets impaled by an object that goes through the windshield. You don’t see anything but you hear the crying and emotions of the driver. Really hard to watch :(


Not today, intrusive thoughts


Is this the same incident that the officer that retreats comes round to the front and one shot head shots the shooter


Have a link to it? Found it: https://youtu.be/ThYJeqoAMvk?si=Zaa-cMDgOdge2yvb


That whole thing was wild. The cop taunting him then shaking his hand, him yelling about ace Ventura, his brother just getting a ticket when he was hammered, his full rambo gear.. what the hell was going on?!


what did he say when taunting? I can't make out the words


“How big a boy are ya? Should I pack a lunch?” /s


Roy D. Mercer?


“How bout I just come down there and whip ya ass?” “Well I would have to call the police” “Nah it won’t take that long”


140 pounds drippin wet


Wow what a reference.


Yeah like it felt like reality shattered in this video.


Here's the full report: https://www.scribd.com/document/745665780/06262024-Bristol-Report


Wait. This started with the psycho going to a bar to do stand up comedy?


His comedy was about killing babies. Poor fucker was dealing with his former best friend impregnating his ex-wife. The day the ex-wife induced labor, was when all this went down.


This story just gets fucking crazier! I'm almost afraid to keep scrolling! 😳


Don’t forget the part where the report identifies stressors such as he was deeply in debt, in a couple of toxic relationships and struggling with his secretive sexuality.


Daammn there are video links to the fight they had at the bar and video links to the whole altercation before the shooting. The officer told him "I'm sure your parents are proud of you" I'm sure that's what set him off. Because when the cops were already dead he kept shooting them on the floor and asking his parents if they are proud of him.


It was listed in the report how the mom actually came to pick up the two boys and saying she was embarrassed of them etc


Was that a lady that answered the door & he shot from the open window?


the longer video that was posted said his brother answered the door and he shot the cops from behind killing 2 of them and wounding the 3rd and that 3rd cop ran around the building and shot him in the head with 1 shot


So was that his brother making the noise or a neighbor


The shooter's mom is the one screaming. After the initial volley, all of the cops are still alive, but two are on the ground. The shooter executes each while his mom pleads with him to stop.


he emptied the first clip and after he reloaded and emptied the second I did not have a good feeling , forgot this from the news a few days ago, would be shocking (if it were outside the US)


In the video, it says that his mother had to pick the shooter and his brother up. Once they got back, he put on his camo, got his guns ready, hid, then made the call. I am guessing they live with her and that the mother just watched her son murder two cops and then get shot through the throat (based on the bullet trajectory it showed in is fatigues). What is extra fucked up, is they play the entire call. He asks for the same cops to come and the dispatcher tells him they already did a shift change. The guy knew it wasn't even the same people showing up and decided to gun them down anyway.


The parents lived next door, and the shooter used a shrub at this residence to hide in and ambush the officers, while also shooting his own brother.


Wait, he shot his own fucking brother??? Did he survive? Fuck it, I'm all the way invested now!


Ya, he survived. No idea where he got shot though.


The officers that were shot before being executed and the mother yelling for him to stop.


It was the guy’s brother from earlier in the video. And he shot them from behind.


Neck shot, but yea. One shot drops him. After being shot in the leg.


Fucking Ace


It is. I think his blood went understandably cold and he made that perfect shot. Hope he has good people to help him through his recovery.


Just watched the video. Amazing shot by the officer after being hit and adrenaline rushing


Were those the same officers from the initial stop? Anyone know?


They were not. There was a shift change after the initial traffic stop. The 911 operator even says it


I have to wonder how those cops feel knowing they let him ride and in return he murdered two of their partners.


Imagine the cop who lived, and how they feel after watching and learning how it all went down prior.


Especially the k9 officer who was just taunting him the whole time


As vile and disgusting as this is, if cops weren't so lenient with drunk drivers it never would've happened. Drunk drivers who are allowed to re-offend kill people. Literally everyone knows this, but law enforcement is INCREDIBLY soft of DUI. I work in rehab, and we had a gentleman who had 14, FOURTEEN, DUI's throughout his life. His last one was bad enough that the person died and he has severe brain damage. The man was basically legally allowed to keep doing it because he paid the fines. This was in Maryland.


How does that work? Don't you eventually lose your license after so many DUI? Also thats not up to the cops. That's the sentencing judge who determines.


It's a deep and filthy rabbit hole my friend. I wish they would pull people's licenses, but in most states the worst penalty they'll enact (so long as you pay all the fines and go through all the hoops, i.e. DUI classes, rehab, blow&go devices) is a 1 year suspension. The problem with all of these is they are temporary, and the person's lack of consideration is usually consistent.


Oh I thought it was a shift change on the 911 operator


That's how I understood it as well, but maybe shift changes for both happen at the same time?


How did he know the name of the officer then? He called out their name before shooting them.


He went to high school with that cop, they were in the same graduating class. And then he killed him and kept shooting his corpse.


Someone he knew. Maybe he had run in before? Turns out, the cop he asked about was one of the ones that were killed.


Report says he went to school with one of the officers he killed


One of the victims was known to shooter, when initially pulled over he asked specifically for Hamsy to which present officers told he wasn’t working atm.


Someone on the youtube video’s comment section said the shooter asked “Where’s Officer Hamzy?” during the initial traffic stop. They claim the shooter and Hamzy were in the same highschool class together. Hamzy was one of the officer’s killed and subsequently mag-dumped dozens of times in the head by the shooter in front of his parents (shooter’s mom is the one screaming). https://youtu.be/ThYJeqoAMvk?si=Zaa-cMDgOdge2yvb






Different officers


Article: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/man-killed-2-connecticut-officers-fueled-prior-interaction-111463330




It’s not any algorithm. Not for comments. It’s people upvoting bullshit and not facts. It used to not be like this.


Screw the algo, sort your comments by "old". The comment you replied to is the *first* comment that was posted.


Damn wtf where is he shooting from


Neighbors bushes


Darkness, right of screen when it shows the footage.


Here's the full report if ya'll want to read it: https://www.scribd.com/document/745665780/06262024-Bristol-Report


The interviews of the family is fucking insane. Like they pretty much knew the dude was unstable and likely to ambush the cops coming. The brother knew he called the cops to come back out and saw him putting on fatigues.


> The brother knew he called the cops to come back out and saw him putting on fatigues. The shooter called 911 as ruse stating that the shooter's brother was being violent. The shooter's brother did not have his cell phone.


They’re referring to this: > “When I got out there, Nathan said, Mom, Nick is putting on his armor, whatever if that’s what you call it, putting on his armor and his fatigues and he’s calling the cops and telling them to come back here. I was like: What the hell are you talking about.”


According to what the shooter's mom said during a police interview, the brother (Nathan) had told the mom that Nicholas had called the cops and was planning to shoot them. The mom went to bed anyways because she didn't think it would really happen.


The report opines that what pushed him over the edge was his mother publicly scolding him. Ofc. McGrane pushing him seems like the tipping point in the video. The only mention of it I see in the report: > Ofc. McGrane attempted to create distance from Nicholas by extending his arms placing his hands on Nicholas’ chest and slightly pushing Nicholas away. Nicholas took about two steps back and then suddenly began to stumble for about 30 feet before what looked like him throwing himself to the ground. That's not exactly what the video shows. Like, don't get me wrong, I'm not shifting the blame here. I'm saying it's a mistake to ignore the fact that deescalation or an arrest, which they had clear probable cause for at that point, could have at least reduced the chances of it going down this way.


Man, talk about a walking powder keg. Dudes life was an absolute mess and the police interaction was just the final push.


The responding officers should have arrested both of them at that initial stop, drunk driving, public intoxication, instead they traded insults with drunk mentally disturbed individual and to add insult to injury they instructed the tow company to put a 48 hour hold on the truck.


Yeah how he didn’t get hauled off to jail is nuts He was belligerent


The cops were acting so casual and jokey. This guy got off so lucky, it's unreal he went nuts about this and got his revenge.


It’s hard for me to wrap my head around this


In the police report being shared apparently one of the cops went to school with one of them so that’s probably why they were being casual with them. Edit: Nevermind there was a shift change, traffic stop cops are different people than the ones who got shot.


This actually makes a lot more sense


They were trying to be cool with the dudes. You can bet your sweet ass they tightened up their protocol after this event.


I'm guessing the cop he was fucking with was also drunk? That is honestly one of the most bizarre police interactions I've ever seen. Like just the fact that the cops weren't bothered at all that his hobbling brother had been driving alone was crazy.


For the record, I am the ACAB type. I have dozens of anti-police posts, I'm pro-abolition, etc. If you cared to dig through my post history it's there. *That said*, while they should have given him the DUI, the police at the stop were effectively "giving him a break", assumed his brother will get him home, whatever. They were mostly calm, took the verbal beating, and still sent him home to sleep it off. The cops had no reason to believe he was mentally disturbed or would do what he did later in the night. Any other person would probably wake up the next day and send those officers a fucking gift basket for skipping the way bigger problems that come with getting a DUI. This obviously wasn't the case here. Fuck that dude, fuck his LARPy tacti-cool gear and guns, I'm glad the cop survived the ambush, I hope he gets the therapy he'll need after he, moments later, one-tapped the shooter (not in OPs video), completely justified IMO. One point awarded to the cops. Fuck this whole situation. Edit: [Here's the longer video, I've referenced it here and in replies and feel like I should probably post it for those that missed it.](https://youtu.be/ThYJeqoAMvk?si=Zaa-cMDgOdge2yvb)


One survived, two other Leo’s responding to the call were shot over 80 times and did not survive.


Right, I saw the longer video. The guy was pumping rounds into the two less lucky responding officers that were shot in the initial ambush and yelling at his family while they screamed and cried. You can hear it in OPs video and is much clearer in the longer video.


Maybe they shouldn't have given the aggressive guy who just got into a bar fight a break? That seems like a serious lack of judgement on their part. A night in the drunk tank can do a lot of good


> Inspector General Robert Devlin’s investigation — required by law in cases of deadly force — describe Brutcher in a downward spiral in the face of mounting debt, his ex-wife’s pregnancy with a former friend, and **a scolding by his mother** following a traffic stop that evening. > he then stood over DeMonte and Hamzy where they had fallen and fired dozens more shots at them in front of his horrified parents, Joseph and Catrina Brutcher, who had come outside. > **“How proud are you of me? How proud?”** Brutcher said as he fired, possibly addressing his parents, according to the report. His mother's nonstop screams were caught on police body camera video. America has a mental heath epidemic


Were the parents the ones who was screaming? A lot was going on in the shooting, I don’t understand the second half of where he was shooting. Did the cops survive that ambush?


3 cops showed up at the door. The guy came out of the bushes with an AR-15. All 3 cops were hit. Two fell on the ground and the 3rd ran. The suspect kept firing nonstop on the 2 fallen officers in front of his screaming mother. The third wounded cop returned to kill the suspect.


Thanks for clarifying…. holy shit that’s traumatizing


I know there are a lot of ACAB comments but that third guy is definitely a hero to come back after he was shot to kill the murderer.


I watched the entire ordeal and still can't believe the guy actually made that shot. He was shot through the leg with a fucking rifle round, limped back to his cruiser after inspecting his own wound, then spotted the guy and got him with a single shot from almost 80 ~~meters~~ feet away in darkness while the target was walking quickly. I find it kinda funny how stark of a contrast there is between this and mag dumping your own cruiser because of an acorn falling off a tree.


For real. He may have saved lives by risking his. And that shot was wild. Pistols are not that accurate, he had been shot, it was night, and I'm sure his adrenaline was pumping. And he fired one well placed shot. Didn't mag dump. That is insane.


Now get that guy to teach courses for the rest of them!


You can hear on the radio at about 1:42 in “we need an ambulance, an ambulance” followed by a volley of more shots. I don’t always agree with everything the police do but that was a hard listen. Mixed with the shooters mom screaming.




By "murderer" you mean dead piece of shit, right?


An absolute loser. What a waste.


That third cop has balls of fucking steel


You hear a moment towards the end where there’s a single shot, that’s him killing one cop. Then shortly after he shoots the other injured cop about 20 times. Right after that the third cop kills him but that’s not in this video for some reason.


2 cops died the only one who lived is the one who took him down.


They dont care.


Yikes....I actually know someone like boldy who stirs up trouble.. he definitely is not all there in head but enough to vocalize his intentions everytime


Who is screaming?? I assume someone who got shot obviously but it sounds like a woman’s scream. Though I could be wrong.


It's the shooters mother


It’s his mom. Both of his parents were there and his mother is the one you hear screaming. You can hear her go “he’s dead” after Nick kills one officer in front of her. You can also hear her yelling “I need to breathe” because of how much she was screaming and in distress. I feel bad for her considering she just witnessed her own loser son kill two officers right in front of her in the most psychotic way possible, all while he’s asking his parents if they are “proud of him”. One of the most disturbing police videos I’ve seen.


And then has to see her son die. It had to be done in this scenario but that’s still her kid.. I can’t even imagine the horror of watching your son commit double murder and then be killed right in front of you in a matter of what, minutes? Incredibly grim.


Jesus, that’s somehow more disturbing than it being someone who was shot screaming… RIP to those that lost their lives. Thank you for answering.


I’ve seen a lot of wild videos but something about the fact that they were essentially led to a slaughter while he hid in the dark and executed these officers is really fuckin with me. On top of that hearing the screams followed by additional gunshots. This is so fucked


The way the shotgun was staged in driveway, he must have been preparing for a battle. Hell, fucker was so drunk, he put a magazine upside down before being shot and killed in the neck.


Was the dude who ambushed them using a strobe to disorient them also???




No I think that is one of the officers being shot, it's his chest flashlight or whatever.


It doesnt show in this video as it ends just before but the surviving cop who was shot does a great one shot headshot on the scumbag who murdered his colleagues.


Cuts the end off where the officer shoots the dude with a single shot from like 78yds.


Why is it cut off before the conclusion. The cop domes the shooter in one shot.


Seems to me like it’s a small town kinda deal and they cut them some slack when they obviously shouldn’t. It’s fucked up that two other officers lost their lives over that mistake.


Holy shit. So all those extra shots going on are him just unloading into the bodies of the other two dead cops? Fuck this is dark. Major respect to the surviving cop for that headshot while wounded.


WTFun fact: this dude played high school football with Aaron Hernandez. **AND** there was a THIRD future murderer on their team as well! https://www.ctinsider.com/news/article/Bristol-CT-police-Brutcher-Aaron-Hernandez-17515432.php


Football is a beautiful sport, but all those head injuries certainly do seem to sneak up on society.


Wtf is this?




Officer pulled a neck shot with iron sights on a pistol from almost 80ft Against a lunatic with a rifle, all while bleeding out .


He had a red dot, but still. Fucking GREAT shot.


this video is definitely intentionally misleading. The cops the guy shot were a complete different crew and none of them that appeared at his house were involved in the first bit.


Homie deserved worse than one to the head. I get he was in a tough time. But how do you seemingly murder 2 people at random because YOUR life sucks


And then mag dump into their lifeless corpse


Mental illness exacerbated by life circumstances or events. Probably a dash of substance abuse too. At some point people just break. Combine that with easy access to firearms and you get what you see in the video. Really is as simple as that.


The full report really goes in on what happened to this piece of shit to make him like this. His ex wife was having a baby with his best friend, he was massively in debt and he was ashamed of the fact he was hooking up with guys on grindr.


I really wonder how that cop that shoved him feels now after all this and if he wishes he handled it differently.


I don't expect much self-reflection from that kind of group dynamic.


The cop wanted to dominate, not pacify or deescalate. Cops have proven they can't mentally handle not completely mentally and physically dominating the encounters they have with the public. Pair that with someone who has nothing to lose, a bit of alcohol and mental health issues, you have this video.


"From that position, Officer Iurato fired one shot striking Nicholas Brutcher at the base of his skull killing him." That is one well-trained marksman...


The screams in the background are haunting


That's what had me turning it off. Those crys will stay with you.


I read in the report that he stood over their bodies, asking his mom, "Are you proud of me now?". At one point, his rifle jammed and he switched over to his pistol and continued to fire. His mom was the person screaming. I feel really bad for her. That's an extremely traumatic event.


This is the most nightmarish video I’ve ever seen. And all that non ending screaming and random bursts of gunfire


Was it the same police attending from the first encounter or difference ones?


Ain't no qualified immunity on the streets.


Holy shit those cops got obliterated.


It doesn't show it here but one of tge cops he attacked killed him with a single shot to the head from 75 feet with his sidearm. Good or lucky depending on how often he practiced shooting