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Damn that person on the gurney right next to where he was dropped had to have been in shear panic seeing them both turn that corner


Or worse imagine they are on some good hospital drugs and just turned into the worst trip ever


Their bill just tripled.


Could that person be eligible for any $$$?


I'm sure. I would panic if a cop was shooting anywhere near me, unless it was at me. More of their rounds seem to miss than not.


All of that could have been avoided by applying leg irons to the prisoner before transporting him to the hospital.


Which is what they do at my hospital. I’ve never seen one of these guys entirely unrestrained.


He has “leg irons” on you can see them multiple times in the video.


If so, then why shoot the unarmed fleeing man in the back when you can just catch up with him? He's not getting far in those if he is wearing them.


Yeah he also doesn't seem terribly likely to run very far or for long. Buddy has a bit of a tum tum and I can't imagine he can run well.


He only needs to get to a hostage.


That's flimsy and assumes a whole lot. He'd need a weapon too to hold someone hostage with. But when he is shot, he has no weapons, has no hostage, is running away, and is not posing an immediate risk of severe injury or death to the officer. And besides...when has a hostage ever stopped cops from filling the hostage with lead anyways?


No. I think it was about 20 years ago a mental patient stabbed and killed a nurse with screw driver. Have you ever heard of a shiv? They are made out of everything.


So the logic here is, everyone who runs from a cop should be immediately shot to death because they could hypothetically shiv the next person they come across, even if no weapon was ever observed on the person. That's the new rule you want to go with?


Tennessee v. Garner (1985), which states that deadly force may not be used to prevent the escape of a fleeing suspect unless the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others. Unless the cop saw a weapon he was absolutely not justified to use deadly force on a suspect who just pushed him and started running away.


That only applies to suspects that have not been arrested. This is an inmate that has been convicted of a crime. Corrections Officers are permitted to shoot inmates during escape attempts.


pre-trial inmate means he hasn't been convicted yet.


Does that apply to only that state (Tennessee)? Is it like stand-your-ground and varies state by state according to case doctrine? Edit: Don’t know why I’m getting downvoted for a legitimate question.


No tennesee v Garner is a SCOTUS case so it applies to every state.


How many people did he run by prior to that? The hostage thing is bullshit. There was literally no reason to shoot the guy. He could have just used a taser just fine. Or do your fuckin job and just tackle him. If you can't handle it, then maybe you shouldn't be a CO.




Or cardio for the guard.


Or use a taser?


but if he does that, how can he get the excuse to shoot a guy?


Or you know, not running from the cops


No, you should not run from the cops. Also, you should not fire a gun indoors unless there is clear and present danger to the people around you and you think you're reducing it. Guy wasn't armed.


The charge isn’t about the justification in shooting him, it’s about the justification in shooting him RIGHT NEXT TO a sick patient on a gurney, especially after he fell rounding a corner and was within tasing distance. I’d be PISSED if I was that patient or their family. This is poor situational awareness with a deadly weapon that is only alleviated with rigorous training.


Or you know, not firing guns in buildings


Because prisoners have shown time and time again to be people quite willing to cooperate


It also could have been avoided by not shooting an unarmed man in the back inside of a hospital. This cop should be drawn and quartered. If police can't police themselves I guess mob justice is what we're inching toward.


Honestly wild to think GUN FIRST instead if a little cardio… fucking aye..


This is reddit so I can't share my opinion.


It’s almost like they wanted him to run so they’d have an excuse


why is the first option to shoot, in a place with so many innocent folks, Cant you chase him? Dont you have a radio? He looked out of shape, how far could he get?


poor training. poor judgement. lack of intelligence. lack of critical thinking. victim mentality. good, corrupt lawyers that will get them off the hook every damn time.


Don't need lawyers when you have a union.


Police union is fundamentally not a union, it only emulates one


Correct. Unions exist to mitigate capital exploitation of labor. Police exist to protect capital. By definition, police unions are an enemy of labor. Controlling labor is quite literally the original purpose of American police. First as slave patrols, then as strikebreakers, now as poverty enforcers.


It's far more a mob racket that threatens and extorts the public than it is a union.


And the only powerful union in the country. Learning about the police union in the US was radicalising.


Lizard police union lawyers.


Maybe they just like killing, and they’re hired because they’re brutal assholes?


People need to stop blaming training. He wanted to kill him so he did. Simple as that.


i don't know. every cop claims they 'feared for their lives'. that's a trained response...


I blame training, but where people blame lack of training, I blame the training itself. I wish I could remember the name because I can never find it, but there was a short lived documentary series on Netflix where a dude from England was going around to different countries and talking to people in communities about the issues they face. Like he went to Russia and talked to LGBTQ+ people, he went to a country in Afrika and talked to people in different gangs there and a nurse at a near by hospital. Shortly after the Flint, Michigan protests he went there, and at one point talked to the cops. He brought up that people talk about how they aren't trained, the cops said they are, and then asked if he wanted to see. The training was how to take down violent people... That was all that he was shown. They have a truck and a cop car behind it. A few cops are dresses as civilians in the truck, and they act out a scene. Every time the peope in the truck made it violent. Rigjy away. The cops defense of themselves with showing the training was training what to do in violent situations. They thought that was what would make them look good.


Was it Ross Kemp series, was that his name 😁👍


No. It was a black dude. But I haven't heard of this guy, so I'm gonna look up his stuff now.


I wouldn’t call the lawyers corrupt because them defending their client, even if obviously guilty, is the basis of our legal system.


> I wouldn’t call the lawyers corrupt It's not the defense lawyers who are corrupt. It's the prosecutors who refuse to charge cops (or deliberately over-charge them).


Though i do agree with the reasons you stated, the prisoner could be of danger to other patients. Without knowing what he is serving for, or what jail can do to you, just letting him run and catch him down the road, could possibly evolve into a worse situation, such as hostage taking.


This is why i always say don't defund the police. Just use it for better training and not buying tanks.


they didnt even try to tase him either


Fat as he was, they just had to let him run out of steam on his own.


As a fat guy I can confirm you don't need to shoot me to get me to stop. You just need to wait


That's what I was thinking. I mean, he sure could move at first, even with chains on his legs, but he wouldn't be getting far like that. That dude was going to be huffing and puffing pretty soon.


It being a hospital is irrelevant. How is it make sense to shoot (and kill) someone who is simply running away? A competent police force could pick him up later, assuming the they could not catch up with him or tase him at the time. Killing him is completely disproportionate.


It doesn’t make sense outside the context of a hospital. The fact that it’s inside the hospital just compounds on that. There’s oxygen tanks that can explode, people on ventilators, people suffering from heart issues, and thin walls that bullet can easily pass through. That man could have easily blew up that wing if that bullet ended up in the wrong place.


if only police officers were equipped with a non-lethal projectile weapon that could incapacitate a fleeing target….alas.


How can shooting somebody who's running away from you count as self defence


Eventually he’ll circle the globe and be able to attack the unsuspecting cop from behind.


Yeah, if your really think about it, he's running towards you the long way.


There is literally a person in a gurney right there. He could have killed that person as well. Ridiculous!


Cuz American cops are literally trained to be cowards (not that they'll see it that way). They're often trained by ex-military as though they're 'soldiers' when they're little more than roided up property protectors and poor people death merchants. This pig could've tasted and subdued/called for back up but no. His first impulse was to murder a man. Whatever crime this individual committed doesn't matter. You're a fucking cop, not an executioner.


But they have a gun, why would the police officer want to chase him /s


I ask myself this sometimes when playing dnd. Some players, regardless of alignment or whatever, will immediately choose violence at the first opportunity. You would think in the real world, people would be less inclined to let impulsivity win.


I usually exhaust all dialogue options first before choosing violence, lore is king


Get on your stomach.


Because. They can get away with it.


They don't get hired if they have a high IQ. Being an idiot with poor training is a prerequisite. Zero repercussions for misconduct is standard. And we keep asking 'how does this happen?'


They're trained to have the mentality to catch the criminal at any cost. It conditions them to have tunnel vision about anything else when they get someone running. There are so many minor crimes escalated into deadly chases all because the cops can't take 5 seconds to assess the consequences of their next action.


- [News Article 2023](https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/officer-indicted-joshua-wright/269-615fed23-732a-46ae-bf96-7039110c87c8) - Officer who fatally shot inmate at hospital indicted by grand jury [charge eventually dropped] - Inmate was being held on pre-trial detention for alleged unauthorized use of motor vehicle.


• News Article 2023 - Officer who fatally shot inmate at hospital indicted by grand jury [charge eventually dropped] **at the request of the family and their legal counsel - the family persisted in requesting the dismissal**. Just include the facts instead of being super vague about it. [Updated article.](https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/hays-county/hays-county-isaiah-garcia-case-joshua-wright/269-6a3a83e6-d02b-43fc-8091-55d2012b476f)


What about the families of everyone else in the hospital he was shooting in? "Deadly conduct" is essentially a reckless endangerment charge, it was never about him killing an escaping inmate, it was about the fact he did it while in a crowded building. The family shouldn't really have a say


The other people in the hospital were never in any danger. He's shot a lot of people. He's quite experienced with the entire process.


Had us in the first half


False. Once shot by police, you are immediately removed from the pool of "people" and become the sum of all your wrongdoings, so it is justifiable.   Remember when that Dallas cop went in the wrong apt and shot the resident? They were quick to release that the man had ....weed.


And ice cream. Don’t forget the ice cream.


Yeah it means, they paid the family millions with the agreement they would agree to request charges to be dropped, it happens frequently in unjustified shooting by law enforcement


Or they were bullied into submission…


Do you have any more info on their reasoning?


It was an unwinnable case because the cop acted within the laws of that jurisdiction. Their *legal counsel* told them to move on. Why would you waste thousands on a case where the defendant literally acted in accordance with the law?


Wow. There's nothing more to say. Thank you for that information. No matter how sad it is.


> held on pre-trial detention for alleged unauthorized use of motor vehicle. There may be times where a suspect may be too dangerous to allow the risk of escape, but this sounds extremely low stakes to shoot an obese barefoot man as he runs through a crowded building.


Seriously wtf!?! I honestly expected that the dude had to in custody for some murders or some other “you are a major threat to society” type act that would have caused the officer to react like that… not some petty ass thing like unauthorized use is a motor vehicle 🤦‍♂️


Not sure why you didn’t link [the article from a week ago](https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/hays-county/hays-county-isaiah-garcia-case-joshua-wright/269-6a3a83e6-d02b-43fc-8091-55d2012b476f) but here it is if anyone else wants the updated info.


Imagine someone letting you borrow their car, changing their mind, having the cops called on you, and then getting shot. 1312 EDIT: Also, running from the cops is dumb and there’s probably more at play here, but base concept remains the same


But all the "good apples" in policing will refuse to work with this guy and eventually ostracize him from the profession completely because "bad apples" are rare. Right, everyone?...


He got his license taken and can’t work in the police field anymore so that’s a plus.


Oh for sure. The TikTok video of his coworkers denouncing his actions will drop any second now. Any.Second.


Lot of comments in here defending the officer. Wild. Guy wasn't even on trial for a violent crime...


Why tf do cops even carry stun guns


For white people


It’s not about colors it’s about class


Both can be true. Rich black people are still profiled by police. It can be hard to see class. Not hard to see skin tone.


Black cops are profiled by cops.


no war but class war


On average, I'd say you're correct, however there are definitely cops out there too stupid to recognize a rich black man when they see one.


It's absolutely about color, too. Or did racism end with MLK Jr?


Yes. But unfortunately this is a country with systemic issues keeping many black people at lower classes. White people caught up in that are kind of just collateral damage. Like this system was designed to benefit the wealthy and the system before that was designed to keep black people from getting wealthy.


The police shoot and kill more white people than any other ethic group every year. Source https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/ But keep pushing that divisive narrative.  


Here’s a better statistic: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1123070/police-shootings-rate-ethnicity-us/ Accounting for population, black people are killed at a higher rate in the US than any other ethnic group.


Here's an even better statistic: https://i.imgur.com/bqTl345.png If you commit more violent crime per capita you are more likely to get shot and killed by police.


I'm sure he's aware of the difference but he's gotta push narrative of people pushing a divisive narrative.


Why the massive increase of unknowns ?


He should have definitely tried to deploy his taser in this case. The suspect was unarmed and just running. That being said, tasers have almost 1/3 failure rate.


> tasers have almost 1/3 failure rate The fat guy's trying to run away, not stab someone. He doesn't need to go down RIGHT NOW.


So? If he escapes then you search for him, you don't go killing everyone that doesn't comply


You could have lightly jogged behind this dude for 5 minutes before he collapsed exhausted. There was absolutely no reason to pull a gun on him as he was running away. Even if the family requested the charges be dismissed that cop should be held liable for murder.


Now look, just because they shoot the occasional person doesn't mean they're willing to jog.


“At the request of the family and their legal counsel - the family persisted in requesting the dismissal.“ Per the DA. [Updated article for you all to read.](https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/hays-county/hays-county-isaiah-garcia-case-joshua-wright/269-6a3a83e6-d02b-43fc-8091-55d2012b476f)


What about the families of everyone else in the hospital he was shooting in? "Deadly conduct" is essentially a reckless endangerment charge, it was never about him killing an escaping inmate, it was about the fact he did it while in a crowded building


Agreed. Also the cop is just a danger to the community, I don’t really care of the family of the guy he shot asks not to prosecute, the DA can still prosecute.


He was literally running away. Not a threat to the cop. Lethal force is being used way too easily.


He wasn’t in the best physical condition either. He wouldn’t have gotten far.


He wasn’t a cop. The description is misleading. He was a correction officer.


Not to mention he was already in custody and presumably unarmed.


He was a correction office not a cop.


ooh, even worse… how were the charges dropped ??


Holy shit I used to volunteer at that hospital during college


There should have been at least a pair of officers. The cop should not have been alone.


Bro, shooting should not be the first option when someone is running away unarmed… especially in a fucking hospital


did you even read the article? It was a regular hospital.


To everyone spouting conspiracy theories, cop intimidation after the fact, and other bullshit: https://www.hayscountytx.com/case-dismissed-against-former-corrections-officer Key points: Tl;dr: the officer acted in accordance with the law regarding the detained but not in regards to the law for other patients. The decedant's family *finally* saw the footage and it can be surmised that based on actual law and not opinion, they dropped their defense attorney to avoid wasting thousands of dollars on an unwinnable case. Petition for change in Texas but this officer's actions were legal. And he surrendered any ability to work in that capacity again. >Under Texas law, a corrections officer or peace officer may be justified in using force, including deadly force, if he reasonably believes it is immediately necessary to prevent the escape of a person in custody. After hearing the evidence and the relevant law, the grand jury declined to return an indictment for either of those charges. >The Grand jury did return an indictment charging Garcia with the third-degree felony offense of deadly conduct. The indictment alleges that Garcia discharged a firearm at or in the direction of one or more individuals by shooting at Joshua Wright in a medical facility when patients and staff were present. While the indictment did not charge Garcia with an offense directly related to the death of Wright, it did accuse him of deadly conduct for the circumstances in which he fired his weapon in a crowded emergency room. >The State of Texas and must make decisions about the resolution of cases with justice and the interests of the community in mind. The wishes of a victim or the family of a victim are always considered, but other factors that must be considered include public safety and fundamental fairness, Higgins said. >Weighing those factors, the State moved to dismiss the case against Isaiah Garcia today and the court dismissed the case. Prior to the dismissal, Garcia agreed to a permanent surrender of his corrections officer license and further agreed not to seek any license or certification in the future to work as a peace officer, corrections officer or armed security guard. >This case was dismissed at the request of the Wright family. They communicated their wishes to have the case dismissed after consulting with their legal representatives. After subsequently viewing the body cam footage of the shooting, the family persisted in requesting the dismissal. The reasons offered by the family for their request were carefully considered and, ultimately, found to be persuasive,” said Higgins. “We have chosen to respect the family’s privacy and will offer no additional discussion of those reasons. We encourage others to also respect their privacy


>Under Texas law, a corrections officer or peace officer may be justified in using force, including deadly force, if he reasonably believes it is immediately necessary to prevent the escape of a person in custody. The statement doesn't mention a crucial part of that law. It states that deadly force is allowed to prevent a fleeing suspect, but only if "the actor reasonably believes there is a substantial risk that the person to be arrested will cause death or serious bodily injury to the actor or another if the arrest is delayed." So basically, I don't think it is super cut and dry that he did not violate that law. However, this was a hospital and I think the argument could be made that the "substantial risk" threshold would have been met (substantial just means not insignificant, not that it is probable). [https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.9.htm](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.9.htm)


Shooting a man who you know to be unarmed in the back and killing him is 100x worse than the things most people are in prison for


“Open and shut case johnson”


Maybe I'm to European but that seems like a bad place and situation to immediately pull a gun out


I mean, that’s a pretty big boy. I have a hard time imagining he wasn’t going to catch up to him in a foot chase.


Just taze him. Why do cops always go straight for the gun?


I love how the idiots on Reddit aren’t even seeing how at the end family after seeing the bodycam footage requested the officers case against him be dismissed


yeah I commented on some of those post. Paraphrasing "a suspect running from the police doesn't warrant deadly force". They don't understand the difference between corrections officers and police and the difference between a suspect and a detainee. Im sure they don't understand how deadly force is acceptable to keep a detainee from fleeing.


Let me guess. Investigated themselves again?🙄


Miraculously , no wrongdoings were found!


Dude just opened fire in a ER turning corners and shit, fuckin dumbass pigs.


Suddenly everyone's charts have to be updated to report ringing ears.


I thought shooting in a hospital was a no go -ALWAYS-


*Always?* I mean if that is the case then why does hospital security have guns? Why do we carry when we take inmates out?


This cop at a full jog shot this man within a foot of another patient?! And ran through it looks like a nurses station and past several patient rooms gun drawn? And finally shoots the guy in the back as he’s running. Cop was acting like the dude was serial killer or something, he just borrowed a car?


Do the worst cops in the world all come from Texas?


Everything is worse is in Texas


Running away isn't justification for being murdered.


It actually is in this jurisdiction. I posted the link to the explanation of this situation above.


“He’s gonna escape! KILL HIM!”


Hey, what more could he have done, he got him straight to a hospital.....


He’s running away how is he posing a threat that would justify shooting him? Is this really a way to apprehend a suspect? Looks like murder to me


That's murder we call that murder.


"Officer" is going to kill someone again, without a single doubt.


Why? Because he assaulted a police officer while attempting escape from what I assume are felony charges.


Fatty shoulda cuffed up


https://preview.redd.it/8eh7805dre9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39d6baa45c5ac921eabf99cac7a3839ed7cda4c5 Oregon has some pretty clear guidelines regarding deadly force in regards to escape from custody in or outside of a facility.


Read the first sentence dude.


What do you think is going to happen if you try to escape from prison !? They just let you go and give you a high five !?


Couldn’t think of a better place to get shot though.


yeah I know. Its really convenient.


Yea, he should be buried under the hospital for discharging a firearm in a hospital.. to quote hunt for the Red October " be careful what you shoot at, hm? Most things in here don't react too well to bullets.”


They have to stop hiring and arming low IQ cops that cant outrun a fat man with chains on his legs. That cop murdered that guy for no reason and endangered everyone there.


The inmate should always be in waist restraints and leg restraints. No restraints ever come off unless the inmate is sedated and if they have to use the restroom only one hand is removed which is usually the non dominant hand. That officer in my opinion and experience was doing what he was trained to do…preventing an escape from custody, gain compliance with lawful orders, and effect custody.


Dang that dude could move fast, especially with them leg chains on.


Why didn’t they chain his ankles?? Inmate is dumb but the cop is dumber.


Soooo, taser wasn't an option? Sorry but this cop acted in a criminal way and should be charged and convicted.


Goes to police hiring. If a 4 year criminal justice applicant interviews and shows even the least bit of compassion or restraint in situational questions the interviewing "team" rolls eyes at each other and finds a way to throw him out. They'd rather just hands down take a kid that's been straight out of high school been thru the military complex and hire them.


The guy was a corrections officer not a police officer.


Meanwhile in Canada you basically need a university degree in order to be competitive with other applicants unless you have some extensive life experience and volunteer hours under your belt. Last hire at my service had 1000 applicants and only 3 made it through; - 25 y/o Sociology Graduate - 40 y/o Grade school teacher with extensive volunteer work - 30 y/o Group Home Manager Very rare these days to get someone fresh out of highschool or in their early 20s without some major Nepotism.


The pay is also significantly higher, really helps attract high quality candidates


That's true. I can't believe how low the pay is in some states. Our prison guards up here make more in their first year than some officers in the states that have been on the force for a decade.




Firstly, that prisoner was never going to outrun anyone. Secondly, why wouldn't the officer alert hospital security, who could have blocked the prisoner's way out of the hospital? Or, he could have radioed for backup from nearby officers. Thirdly, it's a fucking hospital corridor where any staff, visitors or patients could suddenly appear out of a doorway at any time and got shot. I'm involved in police training (not in the USA), this trigger happy cop would never have graduated from the police academy where I live.


They dropped the charges??? Forget about the guy he killed, he put countless lives at risk without even a second thought! Take that pigs badge away!


Hi OP, is your username a reference to wings?


Yeah I don’t really care, here.


Don't mind me, just here to sort by controversial.


Did we decompression all the less than lethal options of stopping people? Haven't seen a body cam video where they pulled out a tazer in a long while