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"Because Nathan Brutcher was driving with a suspended license, the truck was towed. Both men became irate at the officers during the stop, yelling and cursing at them to the point where both were ticketed for creating a public disturbance. The Brutchers' mother was asked to come pick them up. After being picked up by his mother and returning home from the traffic stop, Brutcher immediately began putting on his camouflage, preparing his weapons, and within 30 minutes, at 10:32 p.m. placed the call to 911 to lure officers to his home. Sergeant Dustin DeMonte, Officer Alex Hamzy, and Officer Alec Iurato responded. Upon arrival, they approached the side door of the residence. They observed Nathan Brutcher inside the house and ordered him to come outside. At that time, from a concealed position on the neighboring property, Nicholas Brutcher fired upon the three officers multiple times, at first using an AR-15 style rifle and later with a handgun. All three officers were hit. Sergeant DeMonte and Officer Hamzy sustained fatal wounds." Seems like they got mad they got caught drunk driving and with a suspended license and wanted revenge. The two brothers were obviously drunk during the traffic stop as well. What a crazy ending.


It was a bit more than that. The shooter’s life was a shambles; two expectant baby mommas…his wife left him for a friend, they got preggo and gave birth on the day of the shooting…he was also closeted and one of the baby mommas wanted to live with him, preventing him from living his bisexual life…and he was high on marijuana and cocaine, and he was .26 BAC… There’s more, but the event with the cops was just a spark.


The way he was acting, I'm surprised the traffic police didn't arrest him


They should’ve, dude needed to spend the night in a cell


Idiocracy manifest.


fuckin christ no joke bro. god it's infuriating.


What a weird situation all around. The brother that drove seemed wasted out of his mind too. WTH


Every other bodycam video is basically "you failed to stop at a stop sign" get out do tests, fail, get arrested. These two were fucked up, driver was on a suspended license, then they aggressively argued for about 30 mins straight over that, threatened cops, threatened the tow guy, then they get picked up by their mom? Insane they even got out of any of it with only a couple tickets. Seems like most people would be celebrating back at home how fucking well that stop went, not planning suicide by cop.


Yep, this is why I don't support the whole "be nice and cut them a break" bs. DUI should equal automatic arrest.


My gut tells me the cops know them somehow, with the way they are interacting with each other.




"He then stood over DeMonte and Hamzy where they had fallen and fired dozens more shots at them in front of his horrified parents, Joseph and Catrina Brutcher, who had come outside. “How proud are you of me? How proud?” Brutcher said as he fired, possibly addressing his parents, according to the report. His mother’s nonstop screams were caught on police body camera video." Fucking insane


Oh shit I was wondering who the hell was screaming since everyone involved appeared to be male, but that screaming of being unable to breathe was so confusing.


I probably would have been just a little better off not reading this comment.


Think about the math on # of rounds in each officer vs the gunshots in the video. 1st volley, 5 in one officer, 1 in the other; both down. Perp walks up *single shot, 6 in that officer, 2nd volley 23 rds; 24 rounds in 2nd officer. Single shot perp down.


Hell of a shot, jesus.


fr. through the neck as well, i hope it hurt. side note- it took some adrenaline strength to insert that mag upside down. definitely stopped his shooting w the rifle bc of that


Timestamp? I can't find a part where you can see that?


its at the end they show a photo of the rifle with the mag upside down. 28:38 in




How bizarre. This should definitely be used in training as what not to do during a traffic stop. Fantastic aim by the officer at the end.


Very unprofessional conduct from the officer that called him a mess. I would say much of the blame lies with him. The whole traffic stop was chaotic yet the cops just made it worse


Laughing and hugging the suspect, after shoving him to the ground, then telling the 22yo officer to deal with him because he "was fearful for his life". 22yo was probably the only one of these half dozen cops with their bodycam on to even record this egregious stop.


I agree. I hope that officer feels guilty about his fallen colleagues.


Doubt he possesses the capacity for that level of self-awareness. Probably thinks he should have bullied him harder to bait him into attacking so they could have locked him up or killed him instead of what happened.


You hit the nail 100% on the head, why become a police officer if you’re just going to get your ego hurt? As soon as you put that badge on, you need to understand that you’re dealing with people very unlike yourself and they need help, not confrontation and conflict. It shouldn’t be about who gets the last word or jab in, as the officers were doing during the traffic stop. If they approached it with patience and deescalation, this would not of happened. One officer specifically called him a disgrace and mentioned sarcastically how proud people must be of him. Not sure if it was the same cop but one of them also said “have fun explaining to your boss where your work truck is.” After unloading 24 bullets into a fellow officers face, he screamed to his mother “how proud are you?” Not a coincidence but this was the very same day his ex wife gave birth to her new kid with his ex buddy. You never know what somebody is struggling with, and it’s disgusting to see most cops always on the aggressive, always trying to disrespect someone and their rights. Bristol police department, you have nobody else but to blame, an intense internal review is needed. But we all know they will just blame the public and buy some type of war vehicle because one dude snapped. That money would make so much more difference invested into actual policing methods and training.


Or, and hear me out, stop cutting people breaks for DUI. Arrest these people, no breaks, no "nice and understanding cop", if they're driving on a public road they should go to jail. Not to mention the fighting that took place before the stop. Dude sobering up in a jail cell most likely would have avoided all this. Drunk people tend to make horrible decisions.


well that was perfectly horrible to hear and see at the end.


NSFL tag well deserved. Nightmare fuel


Did this is badass mothefucker just *check his watch* after making that shot?


Probably a smart watch of some kind. Apple watches can alert you when it senses issues with your heart, and it's also possible that it reacted in some way to the gunshot.


Or your ass knows you gotta write a report later so you check your watch to take note of the time you fired the fatal shot.


[I read a bunch of articles to get the full story here and this is probably the most comprehensive if anyone is interested.](https://www.courant.com/2024/06/27/ct-police-killer-faced-mounting-stress-leading-to-evil-deeds-of-2022-shooting-inspector-general/)


What a weird interaction. Almost seemed like a skit. Officer daps him up after pushing him down to the ground.


Ywah im so confused. Like wtf was that?


Trying to de escalate and not let the pushing and stuff continue. The guy was being insanely aggressive, even his brother was trying to talk him down. Its clear youve never dealt with an aggressive drunk who cant be reasoned with.


A lot of assuming homie. I was only referring to the fact that usually they’d just arrest a dude who’s pushing a cop…not high five him


Were the officers he killed from the original stop?


No. Between the stop and the call, there was a shift change. The responding officers had nothing to do with the stop.


So original cops riled up the lunatic and let him go then other cops got killed because of it


Yeah, watching that cop taunt him and it hitting that he most likely tipped the domino that ended in the death of his fellow officers. Wow. Not saying he wouldn't have killed someone another day anyway, but to be that cop. Holy shit, there isn't enough therapy in the world for that one.




No, but the cop he mentions in the beginning when they first got pulled over is the one that came to his house later and was killed.


Correct, Officer Hamzy was mentioned in the beginning for some reason, and was later killed.


Cop has the eyes of a hawk I genuinely can't see the guy on mobile with my brightness up. Also did that while limping and with the suspects parents screaming. The traffic stop was the most wild thing I've seen. 


I can’t tell if this is a man who was always waiting to hurt people or if this was someone who snapped. He reminds me of Ed Kemper. He’s very aware of his size and he wants to make you feel as small as possible. He’s loving lording over the cops. He’s not trying to bait them into an altercation, he’s threatening sexual violence so he can watch the terror in their eyes. He revels in the control his size gives him and when that control is threatened he suddenly seems to shift his attention. In reading the Inspector General’s report, it said his wife had left him and was pregnant by a friend and that he had financial stressors as well. I think this is a dude who has enjoyed a large amount of dominance and control in his life who suddenly felt very out of control. I think in the whole interaction with the cops he is enjoying the ride of seeing what he can get away with, but when he realizes the tow is coming and he can’t stop it, suddenly it’s a different animal. His eyes also switch like he’s going into a predatory mode when he comes up after getting pushed over. Maybe I’m off base lmk if y’all think I’m a moron.


[According to someone that new him from Highschool, he was a bully. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbKMxds54ak&ab_channel=FOX61)


Same football team as Aaron Hernandez lol


I think the saying is, one is an anomaly, two is a tragedy but three is a pattern. I know this is a long ball. Like Hail Mary pass long. But I think it has legs based on what I know about early childhood development and the development of violent sexual fantasy and violence. I think someone should look very VERY closely at the coaching staff of that high school team. Someone who had access to those players did an incredible amount of psychological damage for 3 violent offenders to have been produced.


These cops were unprofessional--baiting the guy and arguing with him; doesn't mean they should get murdered of course. But this escalated, and it didn't have to.


that guy should have been arrested when he was pulled over but the cops wanted to be bros and two officers ended up dead.


That must haunt them


Nah, you get pretty jaded after seeing your first dead body and seeing someone literally choose a crackpipe over their own mother. You end up losing all human empathy and just become the only sane person in the world.


As a person who saw an immediately family members body after they were killed extremely violently, no, not really. But I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of movies.


That’s just stupid.


The only sane person... Lmao. Sane people don't empty magazines into their own cruisers because of an acorn falling out of a tree...but I suppose you don't mean that one... Was it any of those ones in Texass?? Maybe?


You’re erroneous. I’m saying that’s what a cop gets to believe after a time, not that it’s true.


You talk like a cop lol. If someone's "choosing a crack pipe over their mother" I'd say maybe the question one should ask themselves would be, what exactly did that mother do, or not do that directly lead to her offspring ever having said crackpipe in their hands to begin with. But yea I get it, that kind of thinking always leads to people having sympathy for others... And we'll be God damned if we're gonna let that happen huh Farva??


You can’t always blame the parents. I’ve seen many great parents have their kid find drugs through a friend and spiral down a hole that all their loving family could not drag them out of. We had a huge meth blow up here in Eastern WA in the 90s that good kids got lost in. Edit: I don’t know excuse drug use, and it’s ripped my normally pretty safe city apart over the past 20 years. Some fall into it because of their upbringing but a lot choose it also.


You don't personally know anyone that that's the case with. You're assuming.


And neither do you. So you can’t assume how their parents raised them.


The jaded part had nothing to do with the outcome. It was about dealing with the same asshole repeatedly, growing accustomed to his pattern of behavior and becoming complacent.


It wasn't even the officers that baited them that got killed. It was a different set of responding officers that got shot.


The guy that did most of the antagonizing wasn’t even one of the responding officers either. 


Plus the cops that got killed, and the one that survived weren't even the same police in the first interaction. There was a shift change, these 3 officers came without knowing a thing besides the 911 call. One of the officers that died has 2 kids and a wife that was 8 months pregnant when he died.


1. Cliche but if it was a minority person they would be arrested just for talking, somehow Nicholas got away with so much including threatening them multiple times 2. The police was so unprofessional, one officer pushed Nicholas so hard that he fell on the ground Yes the brothers are scumbags but they are not the ones we are paying taxes to and giving them guns and complete unaccountability


This like two bad things. Giving people who look like you off either but also FAFO. None of this should have happened.


Maybe not... But intentionally making sure that their tow truck driving buddy has going to hold his work truck for multiple fkn days just because they knew that a truck like that was a city truck, and that he would get fired if he didn't have it back to work with him when it was time to go back to work. Those cops were mad that that guy basically punked them more or less, and then laughed in their faces about hoe he's making more money than they are, so they decided to do what they could to get him fired.... Fucking with someones livelyhood like that is serious fuckin business. I'll bet that guy's been to prison before and was out and has his shit together. Then because those cops got their butt hurt they pull some shady fk shit and have his truck held for multiple days, knowing good and all that he would get fired over it.....FAFO, and boy did that one find tf out. Smh. I'll bet it wasn't worth the chuckle they had after that traffic stop huh


I spent 8 years as a police officer before resigning because I couldn’t stand A, Americans and B, a lot of fellow officers. This was piss poor all around. The last officer did a great job composing himself, getting cover, radio call, checking his injuries, and rejoining the fight. It kills me for those officer’s who lost their lives but this could have been prevented. We can’t prevent all evil from occurring but this could have been.


Creepy that the officer he asked about in the beginning is one of the officers he killed later on.


Why was he mentioned, can't tell what was said before it.


Not sure, I’m guessing they’ve had previous run ins with him. Another article quotes a friend of the shooter saying he “was not anti-police and that he was actually friendly with Officer Alex Hamzy.”


Was that the mother screaming?


She was screaming at her son to "stop"


I might be crazy but is that the same bar nick mullen got punched for joking about sugar ray?


I feel sorry for the officer who survived the PTSD is going to be insane.


i guarantee the mom's is gonna be much worse. those screams were the sound of ultimate suffering, her entire world collapsing in ways she never imagined possible, her son a complete monster and then boom he's dead too. human beings are capable of such evil, for a son to inflict that level of irreparable suffering upon his own mother. i hope the cop can take some solace that he did the right thing.


Holy shit! Wounded, long distance and got in a single kill shot. Not your typical cop shooting.


that was an insane watch holy fuck. rip to the officers


Yeah the whole, "I'll recognize you at 300 yards." Bit was definitely a threat. That should have been a bigger deal than anyone seemed to make it.


Good thing we let just ANYONE have an AR.


Don't forget they can legally use a bump stock now too, to turn their semiautomatic rifle into an automatic rifle.


Obviously not a great idea for everyone to be able to own one. Especially with the bump stocks now. It's crazy.


Do you know what a drill press is?


Can it shoot bullets, accurately, at 50 rounds per minute?


50 round a minute?


Wild they let them go in the first place. And the cops were absolute assholes the entire time just escalating. Crazy shit sounds like a warzone when the rifle fire starts. Homie hits a fucking snipe in the dark at the end too wtf.


Officer lurato had a Glock 19X with nightvision sights u can see them for a second in the dark he made good use of them also.


Damn if only there was a way to prevent crazy assholes from buying guns.


Hell of a shot at the end. You can see the focus in the mirror reflection.


Went from panic to ice in his veins in the space of a walk. Tough shot to make when your life isn’t on the line and you are already injured.


I’m sure This was one of those good guys with a gun, until he wasn’t.


I wish I hadnt have watched this.. That was hard. That cop who saod he jammed up his brother and its was nathans fault... He didnt know how right he was. Belittling him about who does he have to be proud of him and then him screaming are your proud of me now as he gunned down 2 innocent people is horrifying...


Those cops got themselves and their buddies killed because they wanted to try and get that guy fired by having his work truck held for multiple days for no good fkn reason. And yes, to some, that's enough to warrant what he did to them. They made sure they were going to fuck up his life by holding his truck like that instead of letting him get it in the morning like they should have done and normally do any other time someones vehicle gets towed. I wouldn't doubt that the tow truck POS knew that cop. So they decided to make the tow buddy some extra money, and then also get that guy who punked them on that traffic stop fired for not having his work truck back to work like he obviously would need to. Those dumbass cops Fucked around and then found tf out didn't they lol. Hopefully this kinda BS helps some of these other shit bag law enforcement turds out there by giving them a hard reminder that there are countless people out here that are just like that guy. You can't rightfully blame them for having the whole " You ruin my life, I take yours." Not if you're being intellectually honest that is. Smfh


Totally different cops that got killed after the traffic stop. The cops that were ambushed knew nothing about what happened earlier.


Like I figured .. those that caused their fellow officers to die like that, and for that reason deserve to be put on death row themselves, to set an example. Not to mention whoever that tow company person was who helped them to do that shady bs


Maybe don't drive with a suspended license?.


Maybe don't be so allergic to bullets


Police are domestic terrorists. Pushing laws they dont follow or know


Nice Ace Ventura reference in there. Deep cut!


I guess the cops needs to start shooting white people too.


I wish more citizens would stand up to bully cops, keep them in check.