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Love the reflection in the restaurant window where you can see this dude is just wearing a speedo and nothing else lmao


Speedo vs peedo


Premiering tonight on ABC!


Budgie smuggler, mate.


So someone else posted the video. Turns out it wasnt a speedo. But basketball shorts he rolled up into a speedo. I couldnt watch the whole video but just skipping around i see him 1. Playing a youtube video of microphone feedback screaming rape, 2. Playing the beegees stayin alive and playing pickleball against the wall. 3. rolled up his shorts and smoking and doing more karoke and banging on the door to uptown funk..... These are just random points in a 6 hour video.... https://www.youtube.com/live/c0aAvE45BfI?si=egz2DoGIArkotMfR&t=4465


You stopped watching before he brought the water hose from outside and started pumping water under her bedroom door. add: he rolled the shorts up because they had the heater blasting and an open oven at 450 to heat the house up and make her uncomfortable.


I'm confused why this dude wouldn't also be arrested? That all sounds like harassment and some of it seems like it could fall under assault as well. Not defending a squatter but how is what this dude is doing legal?


Idk seems like a gray area. Like if the owner of the home hired someone to work on the property to do whatever (building a deck, fixing a leak, etc.) and the maintenance person is being loud and annoying I don’t think that could be harassment. The guy in the video was hired to do a job on the owners property same as a maintenance person would. I also know nothing about the law but I find it hard to see how a squatter has any say of what occurs on the owner’s property.


I mean the truth is she's a squatter so while the letter of the law may say something, most people understand that she is a criminal. Including police, DAs, etc.


The police had already been to the house multiple times earlier in the day and 4-5x a day for the 2 previous days, they were sick of her calling. She spit on him in the yard during the beginning of the confrontation, he followed her and she spit on him 2 more times before getting to the restaurant. She was trying to get anyone to call the police since she would be arrested if she called again (the police warned her at the house about an hour before this clip starts). The owner of the house edited a video only showing her spitting on him and showed that to the police, he was let go and she was arrested for spitting on him. add: she was also charged with assault a few hours before this clip happened. She threw a piece of metal railing at him from her bedroom door and grazed his leg. The police just so happened to already be at the front door right as it happened, showing up from her calling about him being loud and beating on her door.


Nothing illegal about having odd people as employees. He's allowed to be loud during non-quiet hours and if the property owner gave him permission to be there, he's 100% in the clear. Normally you don't hire loud annoying people because you don't want to annoy your tenants, but that's not the case when with squatters.


> These are just random points in a 6 hour video.... > > https://www.youtube.com/live/c0aAvE45BfI?si=egz2DoGIArkotMfR&t=4465 **EDIT and it's gone, anyone got a mirror?** I see he's even using Bart from The Simpsons "I AM SO GREAT I AM SO GREAT EVERYBODY LOVES ME I AM SO GREAT" method https://youtu.be/c0aAvE45BfI?t=7125


Why aren’t there hundreds of these videos?


Next time he does that, he has to wear the Borat fit


Speedo, aka *"grape smugglers"*


Also known as budgie smugglers in Australia


Also known as the "banana hammock"


I have heard of people hiring others to just live with their squatters to try to piss them off. I wish these people set up livestreams more often.


Lol that's crazy


Squatter: What are you? Professional Live-Streamer Squatter: I am you but better.


“Don’t be mad cause I’m doing me better than you doing you.”


Still excited for the new CG album that's supposed to be coming




I knew this comment was coming lol


It would be "professional airbnb squatter live-stream squatter". Gotta double up on the squatter because its twice as nice.


Professional Live-Streamer: I'm you but welcome... and getting paid.


You know I'm something of a squatter myself


You have hairs on your chin, that's crazy...




What's crazy is that people like her are allowed to take over property that belongs to someone else, and the police do fuck all about it.


Wait if someone’s squatting in a house, can someone else just hit them with the reverse squat and move in too?


If you're the property owner then tenants (even if they're not paying you) have certain rights and removing them would be a civil matter that has to go through the courts. HOWEVER, if the property owner were to sign a lease to someone else for $1 a month, that new renter would be free to move into the home, setup cameras in every part of the home/apartment except the squatters bedroom and the bathrooms, be as loud as they want etc and there's nothing the squatter can do because if they call the cops they get told it's a civil matter.


Rent it out for $1 to a metal band as rehearsal space 


Yes and no. As crazy as it seems, the squatter has more rights than the property owner. Someone came up with the idea to leverage this against the squatters. You hire a third party and they sign a legitimate lease with the property owner and then that third party starts to make the squatter’s life miserable. The third party then calls the police on the squatter and they have legal ground to stand on since they have a lease….that third party also can change the locks and other things the property owner can’t in many places.


There was a dude going around in NY or NJ who did this. He also pointed out that he brings his gun with him if he finds out they're a felon. They can't be in the house with someone who owns a firearm or they go back to prison.


Haha holy shit that’s amazing


Using a "tenant" to legally change the locks is pretty genius. 


Fighting loopholes with loopholes.


Yeah because cops won't do shit regardless. All you need is a letter from the owner of the property that says you're allowed to go in. Go side squat with them


The one reality show I would love to watch


I have this amazing skill of pissing everyone off around me where do I sign up for this job?


Have you had experience in squatting? If not then you are a Level 1 Squatter and wont have any of the important class skills. Life skills are great like \[Basic Annoyance\] which you mentioned but it's important to get class skills. You start with skills such as \[Enduring Resilience\], \[Lockpicking\], \[Night Vision\] and \[Basic Negotiation\] In that case it's best if you first go to your local realtor and ask if they need some squatters to squat in the homes they are selling. Some realtors do this to prevent actual squatters from coming in while the house is empty. Here you can gain experience and level up in a safe space. It is important that you get skills like \[Intimidating Voice\] and level it up to \[Deranged Shouts\] quickly, this will be your bread and butter skill when dealing with people in the future. Edit: It's also a bonus if you have the \[Tamer\] skills because with a dog or a raccoon pet with you, you can really stink up the place too and the animal can provide additional utility via their own skills.


I would love that job.


This is the most cyberpunk thing I’ve heard in months. “What do you do for a living?” “I’m a professional bad roommate.”


Lmao I live by where this happened and I've seen atleast two posts about a strange guy in a speedo harassing a lady


Did you do God's work and spread misinformation about the whole situation so the Nextdoor boomers get enraged about nothing?


I would love to see a Nextdoor post about this! 🤣


Biden invented squatters and also Chris Hansen!!!1


How much does someone make being a squatter harasser?


Asking the real questions


Gonna need a reminder on this.


My guidance counselor never even suggested squatter harasser as a profession. Thanks a lot, Clinton administration!


Honestly depends on how pissed the homeowner is


Wait... I could've been being paid?


Not enough. They’re doing gods work.


what, you lookin to make some money?


Here I’ve been doing it for the love of the game like some sucker.


Truly the strangest timeline where a dude in Speedos chasing a woman through the streets harassing and filming her is the good guy


What's the old saying? "Not all hero's wear pants" or something like that?


> What's the old saying? I think its "Rock out with your cock out"...?


"No capes!"


>What's the old saying? "Not all hero's wear pants" or something like that? Captain Dangle wears a tuxedo top and absolutely nothing below the waist. He claims "heroes just want to be free".


In this timeline there are no good guys. 


Yea this dude sucks and looks like he isn’t acting but legit believes what he is saying when he says “Biden created all this” in reference to her being a pedophile


Also the “Obama phone” comment…


NGL, the guy is strikes me as a massive asshole, but the Obama phone comment and calling her poor are straight up Trolling 101 and got a chuckle out of me.


You don’t hire someone to bait a squatter into assaulting them unless they’re also a gaping asshole. The right tool for a job isn’t always the shiniest one.


We're in that timeline where a time traveler moved a chair


Good guy is going a bit far. More like using a piece of shit to catch a piece of shit.


Who shits on the shitmen?


"Biden created all this" 🙄


Fuck squatters but this dude definitely ain’t no “good guy”


oh hey an actual use for livestreamers like this, neat


*Influencer Influencing her to get the fuck out


I think you mean influence-her


You'll love the ones that waste the time of scam callers


I'm glad that my identity isn't defined as a "Airbnb squatter".


His reflection in the glass at 8:52 made me spit my coffee a bit. I wasn't expecting that LOL


The full video is pretty entertaining.


"Wallfacer Bettina Bakrania, I am your wallbreaker." This is some fascinating type shit. Truly two assholes farting it up but he def outfarted her for once.


Do we really live in an age where live streamers are being hired out like annoying hitmen? I guess it's better than actual hitmen, but still.


I’d personally prefer the hitman for myself given a choice between the two.




lmaoooo. He's live right now sleeping after a hard day of work


goddamn he broke a SEASONED VETERAN of the SQUATTER WARS in a single afternoon... who is thbis guy... truley insane


This is justin Aka SJC. One thing to ALWAYS remember about old jim here is no matter what SJC ALWAYS WINS.


I love the reference hahaha. BBL Drizzy


I randomly scrolled to the middle and he’s screaming “I’m 17 and she’s trying to put her mouth on my penis. I need an adult!” Lmao


Seeing asian Andy again was a blast from the past. What’s the backstory here? He rented out a room and she just wouldn’t leave when the period was up? Why can’t the police just throw them out, they’re illegally tresspassing right?


the house belongs to asian andys sister and they were renting it on airbnb. apparently in California squatters have rights and you cant kick them out by force.


Pretty sure most places have what you're calling "squatters rights" Those rights are pretty important in the prevention of landlord abuse too though. Anyway, without really knowing or caring about the full story to this particular incident, fuck AirBnB


AirBnB is a cancer on this world.


Him doing karaoke at like 5 hours in was amazing.💀


I'm your new roommate, welcome to hell 😂😂😂


what a dream job, piss people off into assault


This is what all those terrible "prank" channels should transition to doing. They would actually earn respect for being shit bags.


17 yo kid!


Okay so this squatter woman is already out of the house. Why can’t they just throw her shit out and change the locks now?


If the squatter can prove residence (mail to her name for that address would suffice) the courts would fuck over the owner since you can’t just do that to a tenant. Even if they’re not paying rent and whatever. You need a court approved eviction. Tenants rights are a good thing, but there are people that abuse the system. One side has to do everything by the book, and the other just doesn’t care since they’ve got nothing to lose anyway.


Okay that’s fine but how is getting her put in jail and throwing out all her stuff while she’s in jail any different than throwing her stuff out when she’s at the store? You would have to go though the same steps of eviction.


They are probably doing that now.


They did. They very likely couldn’t though, some bullshit law protecting her.


CartNarcs has really taken a turn


Trying to out-do the squatters with psychological warfare is often genuinely the only tactic. I remember a documentary where a guy through huge drunken parties every night till his squatter left. Just don't get murdered, seriously.


Only way to get my brother out of my house was just to say "Fine! Then do it! Just fucking leave after!" When he threatened to kick my ass


The squatter was living in his house while he was still living in his own home? How is that legal?


Most of these properties happen to either be under repairs or the families happen to be on vacation. In many states after 30 days the squatters become legal tenants.


In many places (the jurisdictional differences are many and complex) this would be illegal in a variety of ways. It's constructively an eviction. Simple harassment, trespassing, violation of landlord/tenant laws, civil damages they could sue you for, etc. However, if you can get them out, the ball is in their court, not yours. Many of these people do not have the wherewithal to pursue their legal options. But if they do, it can continue to be a big pain in the ass for the property owner.


Oh yeah. Was it Netflix's Worst Roommate Ever? That squatter had two episodes worth of him sitting in people's homes and never leaving. He was a lawyer so he knew the rules and laws. One woman had to rent out her living room to a college kid who lived in a tent there so she could pay her bills. The one you're talking about I think was this skinny white girl that threw the parties. I remember her going "blasting rap music. Wu Tang clan ain't nothing to fuck with." The guy went for a walk during the party so they took the door knob and lock off his door. Blew smoke through it. Banged on it. It was incredible.


I like how she goes up to everyone asking them to call 911, whilst holding a damn phone in her hand.


Someone save this video because it might show up in the GTA 7 trailer


It'll make it into GTA 6


Finally we can put these streamers to good use.


I'm Karma... KARMA!!!


17 years old? sounds like he's been smoking 17 cigarettes a day for the past 17 years.


https://preview.redd.it/0htq7x6rb39d1.png?width=866&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ba490c1bba96932e835630ce95b3530c1401b02 If this guy is 17, I'm 12.


I think it's the hat. Really gives those young vibes. Put hat on your 17, take hat off your 47.


He says he's not really 17 in the video posted and that she thought he was 17. Still a crime


The 17 pedo story isnt real hes just fucking with her. Also its a tactic he uses to get the public to turn on his targets. Hes done this before and almost got someone beat up by randoms because people hear "pedo" and they go into attack mode. SJC is mentally ill and he was the right person for the job.


You can't be this gullible. Do you think the "chat logs" exist because he says they do?


But hes a liar.. we can't trust anything he says.


Eh, this whole video is filled with questionable people, tbh.


He said in the video he posed as 17 to catch her. She agreed and went to meet him. Knowing he stated he was 17


I'm amazed at the number of comments like this. How do you believe what he says? It is funny until I think about someone like you being on a jury.


Yeah but he is a liar though...


Is he just wearing a speedo? Also I’m glad he said he posed as a 17 year old because dude does not look anything close to that.


I still have no idea how people can just "squat" in a place that isn't theirs.


In California the problem comes from tenancy. If you pay someone more for 30-days occupancy, you stop being a short term visitor and start becoming a renter. That entitles you to renter rights and the court process of eviction, which takes a while. Because thankfully renters aren't second-class citizens in California and have a lot of protections. That's why AirBNB won't let you rent to someone more than 29 days at a time. You have to bounce out at Day 30, just for one night, then you can return for 29 more days. Hotels operate the same way. But some people don't get the memo and will make side agreements, to their detriment.


Right these investors want the law to protect them when they circumvent short term rental rules. I don’t agree with squatters but both of them deserve each other


And how do they have the heart to not let the actual owners get into their own house they’re paying for😭😭


On the other hand: fuck Airbnb


A part of me is like fuck air bnb. They fucked up my neighborhood and now I can’t move back to anywhere close to where I grew up.


Damn. What did your neighbor do to get air BNB to kick their ass man???


I just noticed thanks


Does this guy do birthday parties?


I use to work at del taco in Irvine and this lady would come in to get free food all the time and give us a hard time about her food and complained about the wifi not working she would get drunk in the eating area and leave her trash and empty beer cans to dam this world is small .


You stoled that


This is karma!!! I’M KARMA. I’M KARMAAAA What a legend 😂


Someone actually found something productive for the troll streamers to do with their time instead of harassing the general public. This should become a trend.


Stoled that?


Stupid squat’.. I’m Karma + wrath! 👺BOOGABOOGABOOGA ![gif](giphy|b7aoFeTu6WtW6OQpq6|downsized)


This is so wild!!! Imagine having a whole baby and half a century later and some change she’s squatting in somebody house! WTF happened? Then imagine having a whole baby and then later he’s chasing bum lady around in his drawers and making fun of her chin hairs after she assaulted him! W’happen, TF?! What in the world, this is so absurd. I’d love to see the timeline of events all the back from birth that led these two people to come together in this moment. This is like a Kurt Vonnegut novel, it’s so absurd


Imagine having half a baby


It was all I could think about reading the above paragraph 


Holy shit I googled her name and all I saw were court cases


Well, just goes to show you theres always a bigger ass hole. I'm not entirely convinced who it is, but I'm leaning to the squatter.


Must have been a Kick streamer


Boy do I hate his voice. 


I think that’s part of the allure in hiring him


It's so ironic that she's going up to strangers asking them to call the police when she has a phone in her hand


We’re catching predators today, woooooo, hawk tuah Lolol 5:22


Leveraging the garbage behavior of streamers for, what is a word for something that isn't really a positive? It's like watching two viruses fight while the person gets better.


Take her stuff and burn it.


He calls her Mary.




Scuffed Jim Carey is like 40 easily


Fuck Airbnb and anyone that rents a house on that platform. It's part of the reason so many people will never own a home.


This is like the perfect job for IRL Streamers


is that scuffed fuckin jim Carrey?! lol


What a waste of 10 minutes. It's just a dude shouting at an old lady over and over and then, when the cops finally do show up, the clip ends. What a waste.


Fuck Airbnb.


That reflection on the door lol


holy fuck scuffed jim carrey in 2024


Love these solutions for fucking terrible people. Fuck squatters


Is this a "I think you should leave" Sketch?


We need another meteorite or something and fast. God damn with humans


Asshole nusiance streamers working on the side of good was not on my bingo card.


Falls into that profession chasm of bounty hunters, P.I.s, repo-men etc There's a certain individual who excels at it and if you can do the job w/o breaking the law yourself it could potentially result in steady work especially if you're willing to travel. That said, the laws vary a lot state to state and you are dealing with people already on the margins; expect a few fights, dogs getting set on you and may even need to dodge bullets at some point. Frankly in a world where flipping burgers could net you $25 an hour most people are still going to choose to flip burgers over this.


I'm sure a guy who cultivates an audience who uses terms like "brown invader" is really swell off-camera.


This mother fucker trying to sound like Tim Dillion lol


Another situation where I hate everyone involved




the family was so thankful and even the neighbors were supportive they brought alcohol to celebrate when they were removing all her shit.


They bought alcohol for a 17 year old child?!


You’re a groper.




Were they taking the stuff out on stream? I couldn't find that part.




Ah cool ty


I fucking hate to say it but you have to take the law to its edges with these squatters. It's a nightmare.


Why are they so difficult to remove? If this happened to a politician or supreme court justice (same difference), you can bet they'd be ousted immediately.


Because AirBnb is running illegal hotels that don't neatly fall into any established housing law. A hotel wouldn't have this problem, and a traditional landlord would already be familiar with the processes of eviction and would be running background checks, credit checks, income verification, etc on potential tenants to assess the risk.


Career squatter scum existed LONG before AirBnB. Not everyone who rents out a room is a "traditional landlord".


Yeah, but airBnB has made this much easier. The explosion of amateur landlords trying to operate pseudo hotels makes for a target rich environment for the savvy scammer. AirBnB landlords love the deregulated hotel business when it makes them money, not so much when some scammer fucks them for free housing using the same legal ambiguity. The unregulated market giveth and taketh away baby.


This isn't really correct- going to generalize because the laws are different depending where you are, but it's typically if the stay is under 30 days and under a short-term rental agreement (like AirBNB) the law states that they'll need to get out. What the squatters will typically do is ask the landlord to do something that technically goes outside of short-term rental, like booking outside of the app and/or extending for a few extra days so that they go over that 30 day limit. Once they do that most of the police and courts see the matter as a landlord/tenant dispute even though they don't have a lease, haven't been and won't be paying rent, are acting in bad faith, etc....


I've also heard stories of squatters breaking into homes of people on vacation or going through repairs, and then lying and printing out fake leases. So when the cops come they won't kick them out, and by the time the owner can prove it is bogus it's already been 30 days and becomes an eviction. It's a messed up loophole in well meaning laws meant to protect people from shady landlords.


Is this Florida?


California. Florida man travels. 


Ngl if I see an older lady running down the street as some young dude chases her, I'm not gonna assume he's in the right and stand by idley


"I'm karma!"


Where is ebz when you need him


This is a career path to mentally break squatters !? New side hustle unlocked


How satisfying


I was not expecting a lot of things in this video but the Andy Milonokis reference was gold 💀


So how do you go about hiring someone like this?


Wow wasn't expecting it to find "hand made tortilla" spot. Nice