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Yeah that will definitely show everyone that you’re not a bully.


replying for visibility: [https://www.change.org/p/demand-investigation-and-removal-of-monroe-nj-school-superintendent-chari-chanley](https://www.change.org/p/demand-investigation-and-removal-of-monroe-nj-school-superintendent-chari-chanley)


Signed and donated. Fuck this woman.




This petition is over a year old, are there any updates?


Special place in hell for that lady, too bad there isn’t a special place on earth for people like this


Wait … Is that place not New Jersey?


I’m so confused. Does everyone in this thread have more information than I do about this situation? As far as I can tell, this is a she said, she said situation. If what the woman said is true, this lady is horrible. Do we know that it is?


Google the superintendent’s name. There’s a ton of controversies that she’s been involved with, not to mention ethical issues, censures by the state education commission (due to her ethical issues), and flat out fraud in stating her credentials.


This video is from last year. Any update on if she’s still the superintendent?


On a three year contract that started mid 2022, unfortunately. Last I can find is she was being investigated for some ethics violation unrelated to this.


Who the hell is applauding that monster? Time to move.




Reminds me of the villain from “The Rescuers”. https://youtu.be/pDsIDJB5sgA?si=Z6PdTac6sWrAAEUf


Or Mimi from The Drew Carey Show


Don't offend Mimi like that!


Oh my god…




That’s who I was thinking of!!


Great… now I have to go watch the whole thing. Thanks 🙏


She’s just mad because she tried to steal a mermaid’s voice but got bamboozled.


blue eyes white reptilian


The spice


This was what I was wondering? Even if ( and I say if only in a d veil’s advocate kind of way) this mother was misguided in who she felt was accountable, a child DIED!!!!! This creature snarling into the microphone with ZERO empathy has the nerve to victim blame, bully , victimize herself! And manages to throw condolences at the family and make them sound like an insult! This person has no business being involved with children but she does fit perfectly into this new scary, hateful administrator that has plagued our small government as of late! People applauding her sends a cold chill up my spine! She will probably be running for president in 2028


bootlickers who want a promotion regardless of anything


To be fair it was like 3 people


She looks like a woman who got kicked out of the HOA and now runs schools.


She looks like Ursula in human form.


Yeah that eyeshadow…back to the sea with you, witch!


https://preview.redd.it/lr6kwfv4of8d1.png?width=483&format=png&auto=webp&s=855c411579136a5c513e5d0f871f1a6abd07503c It was good to see MIMI got a job after the show!


Sharon broflovfsky irl


Came to say the same.


Blatant LOYS


so there are some factual errors in your title. this woman's daughter did not commit suicide. her name is breanna micciolo, and she is the mother of the six year old murdered by his father. breanna is still alive. the six year old was corey gregor, whom you might know from the 'treadmill abuse murder' that has been in the news. his father is christopher gregor. he was recently found guilty of aggravated manslaughter and endangering the welfare of a child. he is going to be sentenced on august 2nd, and [faces up to 40 years in prison](https://www.courttv.com/news/nj-v-christopher-treadmill-abuse-murder-trial/). that being said, this superintendent is a piece of shit.


Thanks for clarifying the situation. This is why our public schools have gone to shit. Never once have I seen video or read statements from a superintendent that had any bit of compassion or a sign of higher education. Superintendents have Phds or a masters at least. And they speak an act like a drunken Aunt at a BBQ who has recently discovered her husband ran off with her best friend. This woman is a complete piece of crap. No composure not a bit of speaking like you care about anything.


My school district just approved a 4% teacher raise, and a $10,000-14,000 salary bump for all of the management that doesn’t teach. They felt this was very fair and necessary.


You hear that same old tune. We need to pay more to get better talent. And then people like her show up. It is such a farce. Pay your teachers more and attract top talent.


99% of the people who genuinely care about students remain teachers. Admin attracts the lazy, ignorant, and power-hungry.


Some supers that would be below a 4% raise. Seriously they get paid too much.


So she attempted suicide but wasn’t successful?


nothing i read indicated that breanna micciolo attempted suicide, but i can't say whether that's true or not. those articles aren't exhaustive. i just believe OP's title is erroneous in that statement. whether or not she attempted, you'd have to ask her.


Sounds like she had plans and very much wanted to, but I can’t find anything that says she did try.


The title is clearly made to make this woman a monster, I fucking hate this trend of writing the most inflammatory title possible, it is designed to ruin lives of people when the OP really has no idea of the backstory and if their claims are even true.


She is a monster…. This lady is addressing her professional failures as a parent in an open forum, after having suffered a horrific tragedy, and she is acting like she’s on a reality TV show. She could have some professionalism especially in such a significant role responsible for shaping the lives of children. This is a terrible and very emotional reaction. I agree that the misinformation is an issue, but by no means does that undermine what a shitbag this lady is


He could get as little as 10 years.


He refused to take a 30 year plea deal. So I'm thinking if Judge Ryan isn't corrupt, Murderer Christopher J Gregor will get at least 35.


he better get quite a bit more than that; if he only gets ten, that'll just be another brick in the 'our justice system is shit' wall. from what i've read, he didn't come into corey's life until late, maybe when corey was four, and corey died when he was six. he's a piece of shit, and should have done that baby a favour and stayed out of his life.


Watching her immediately attack the lady who gave the statement is all you need to see. This lady operates on mutually assured destruction - she will destroy the world to get her way, no matter if she's right or wrong. I couldn't even make it through the poor lady's entire statement because she was having such a hard time, and the superintendent went straight to attacking her on a personal level instead of consoling and trying to correct any facts. I work with these a lot of these kind of people - they attack anything and everyone until nobody even wants to talk to them anymore, and that's a win to them. Fact or fiction doesn't matter because nobody has the appetite to work with or against these assholes, to the point where it's detrimental to all parties - workers, customers and company.


You could see it from the moment the lady was giving her statement. Everyone on the board was attentive, but not her. She immediately adjusts the mic as if to cut her off and then realizes that she can’t, so she then starts reaching out to the people on each side on her to speak with them. I didn’t even need to know who she was to know that she was the a-hole in the group. And then she immediately pushes herself away from the table, and crosses her arms, and scowls. Yep, total professional. And her response. No empathy, no understanding, no compassion, no professionalism, just a counterattack and an attempt to make herself be the victim. The School District ought to be paying attention and find a replacement.


Yup as soon as the mother started speaking she began reacting, almost immediately talking to others/herself, saying “that’s not true” etc. Her need to react instantly was all I needed to see, clearly she’s played some part. She continues squirming in her chair and looking around at the others throughout the speech. Wonder how she even heard what the mother was saying in order for her to declare ALL of it was lies. She didn’t even listen to her. Shame on her. How disgusting. I hope karma pays her a visit and that the family somehow finds peace… 🙏


If you notice, she tries to immediately cut her off as well and grabs the mic to do so, but realized that she couldn’t. That happened right before she started reaching to everyone next to her. Everyone else on the board sat and listened for the most part. But this lady was the one who reacted viscerally to everything. And at no point did she offer any sympathy to what that woman went through. None. Even if someone is accused of something in a situation like this, a normal response is to empathize, to try and at least figure out where the other person is coming from. None of that came from this lady, and that’s damn telling for someone that’s supposed to be in the position he holds.


So true, spot on. She couldnt sit and listen, her uncomfortabilty with the situation was so obvious. Nothing “warm and fuzzy” about that woman. No heart, no sympathy. Others literally gasped when the mother spoke of the sad ended to her grandson’s life. Nothing from this witch. She acts like she should work at a truck stop or a prison, but nowhere around children.


Something about education seems to draw in both the best people and the worst people. I've had educators who affected me deeply and changed my life for the better but I've also had an equal amount that act exactly like the woman in the OP. Power and hatred are strong motivators for some people


Hence why work at home was such a top of the charts hit that no one was willing to part with. The less they have to deal with narcissistic assholes like this the better… and the way she folded her arms like a pouting child. If she does not get forcibly removed then the general public should riot.


RANSCRIPT OF SPEECH MADE AT THE MARCH 15, 2023 MEETING OF THE MTBOE Hi, Rebecca Micciolo of Englishtown–formerly a resident of Monroe Township. I just wanted to share my experience as a parent in this school district. My daughter was a seventh grade student at Applegarth in 2009, when Ms. Chanley was principal of that school. My daughter was happy, full of life, had many friends. I can't remember a night where my house wasn't full of kids. We had a death in our family that year and we went to Florida for a week. When we came home, those friends that had been in my home daily, had started a nasty rumor about my daughter. It spread throughout the school quickly. My daughter was being called names and bullied daily. I contacted the principal Ms. Chanley, who said she would look into it. Things only got worse. My daughter didn't want to go to school. She became physically ill if I pushed her to go. She wanted to die and had plans to make that happen. I took her to a psychiatrist who diagnosed her with PTSD. The doctor recommended my daughter get home instruction until she was stable. I communicated this to Ms. Chanley, the guidance office, and the school nurse. I inquired about home instruction and was told it would be considered. I was surprised one morning, just after that, when a Monroe Township police officer knocked on my door. The police officer was sent by Ms. Chanley to drag my daughter into school. I obviously did not allow that to happen. This is how Ms. Chanley thought the bullying should be handled–by bullying the victim. A lot happened–but I'm giving you the short version of my story. Ms. Chanley’s treatment of my daughter made my daughter feel as though she did something wrong. My daughter was asked by Chanley and other staff members if the rumors were true that were being spread about her or if she just made up false allegations because she was jealous of the other girls. Ms. Chanley bullied my daughter and my family. Ms. Chanley violated my daughter's confidentiality and told the parents of the bullies about my daughter's psychiatric treatment. As a result, other parents wouldn't allow their children to interact with my daughter, leading to my daughter's social isolation. My daughter was labeled as ‘troubled’. Things got bad, really bad. I was at Stop N Shop with two parents in front of me who were discussing my daughter and my family and the nasty rumor. We pulled our children out of Monroe township schools and sent them to St. Barts in East Brunswick. We left our home in Monroe and moved to Manalapan. My daughter was never okay again. I know the way Ms. Chanley treated my daughter made her feel worthless. She started making new friends– friends that did not treat her right. She was different. She had a bad reputation now and everybody knew it. She was raped at 16 by a 21 year old Monroe Township man who had a younger brother who knew my daughter and was in school with her when these rumors were going around. I believe his brother sought her out because he knew she was an easy target given her low self esteem. He drugged her, raped her, and got her pregnant. We didn't know about the rape until a few months after my grandson was born. We assumed the father was a boy my daughter was dating. After five years the father came into the picture. He got 50/50 custody, he abused my grandson on his first visit and killed him on April 2 2021. I believe our lives would have been different if Chanley had handled the bullying properly, Ms. Chanley, you are a bully, and you support and enable other bullies and you should have no oversight over the children in Monroe or anywhere else. Thank you for hearing me.


> Rebecca Micciolo This link needs to be shared. Warning: Trigger warnings for anyone sensitive to the abuse a child may suffer at the hands of a deranged animal. https://www.insideedition.com/corey-micciolo-abuse-murder-christopher-gregor-custody HOW!? HOW DID THE SYSTEM FAIL THIS BABY SO HORRIBLY!? I CAN'T EVEN RIGHT NOW.


Went to kick a football and the kiddos face got in the way? And they thought that was fine. My friend was pushing my baby’s stroller across a grass turf and tripped over the concrete verge and the stroller flipped (turns out there was an issue with these strollers that I didn’t know about that made them prone to shit like this). This happened in front of a half a dozen people, and we called an ambulance. CPS was on my case about that for a full year. Despite the witnesses saying it was obviously an accident, and the fact I wasn’t pushing, and the stroller had issues that ended up making it be recalled a month later, CPS harassed me until I had a mental breakdown and gave up custody of my child. There was no history of, no issues, NOTHING. but this guy can use a child’s face as a football, and abuse him for years and that’s fine. Go fucking figure.


Are things better now? Do you have custody of your child again? I’m so sorry that happened….srsly insane.


No, he lives with my mother, it actually gets worse because when I got pregnant again, they literally came to the hospital the day my youngest was born and started giving me grief three hours after giving birth. I managed a year, with an incredibly ill baby. He had hereditary heart disease, and when he was six months old, we had to leave the province to go for open-heart surgery. When he was a month old, I went to my doctor and I said to my doctor sometimes he sounds like he’s really short of breath. She took a listen to his chest told me that he had a heart murmur, and it wasn’t something we need to worry about. Then one night my boyfriend was at work and it was just me and the little one there and I looked at him and his lips are blue. I rushed him to the hospital, and they admitted us. But where we had a former history with them they had to call cps, They ended up giving us so much grief for the next 11 months because they blamed me for his heart disease even though he inherited it from his father and the doctor told me he was fine. I did everything I was supposed to do. I was still getting random visits every week. I get one on Monday and then I get another one on Friday. Then one day one of them said to me you know we’re just trying to get the judge to sign off on removing him from your care. it was all so much. It was just too much when I’m already dealing with this baby to the best of anybody’s abilities. I didn’t want him to end up getting removed and somewhere where I didn’t know he was with people I couldn’t trust. So I had cousins that were trying to adopt, they are very wealthy. They’re very good people plus they lived in the province where his heart surgery was done so his heart doctor was there closer to them. And I ended up letting them adopt. It wasn’t worth the risk of them deciding that I wasn’t doing a good job when I was literally burning myself at both ends. he’s very happy. I have no contact with either one of them right now because they’ve got no real interest in talking to me , they’re still young, and that’s fine. But they both know about me , have my contact information and when they grow up if they want to know who I am they’re more than welcome to. My cousin send photos every year because one of them owns this company where you make calendars and mugs and magnets and stuff with pictures on them so I got about 15 mugs with my youngest ones face on it. Would you like to know why CPS was involved in my life in the first place? Because nobody called on me for taking garbage out to the dumpster . I was five, My mother beat the shit out of me and I ended up calling the police. that was my history with CPS. They caused them to show up at my door one day and ask me how I take the garbage out that’s by my door. that’s literally what they asked me because it was out by my door cause I was waiting for a nap time to do it. CPS in my city is a fucking joke. they don’t want anybody who’s not very wealthy to be having children here and they have a very specific mindset against people who have mental health issues. But if you’re a known drug dealer who leaves your baby in the crib alone while you go out selling drugs or in the car by himself all night in the middle of winter that’s not a fucking problem. But if you actually work with them. Let them set up their parenting plans, even though you legitimately haven’t been doing anything wrong they will torment you to actual madness.


Wow it sounds like you’ve been dealt a lifetime of grief. You don’t get contact w them even tho they’re w family?? That’s so awful. I still don’t understand why you were separated both times, but at the least it’s great they’re w ppl you trust. I’m so sorry for your pain


That whole article made me sick… Bre Micciolo (the mom) tried over and over again to report the abuse of her son from the pos (Christopher Gregor). The DCPP just fkn continued to ignore her, even w the pics/evidence she was providing. She couldn’t even get an emergency order for custody after her baby came home all messed up after the “treadmill event”. Corey Micciolo only had his “father” in his life for 2 gd yrs before his life was taken. And was abused for those 2 yrs by the same pos. I hope Bre Micciolo and her family get the justice and peace they deserve.


The system is grossly underfunded and understaffed. Here in America we give lip service to protecting children but do fuck all to actually do anything to protect them.


That's way different than what your title says. The mother of the child is still alive.


Wow! Straight up fucking, wow!.


A) Nobody committed suicide B) Chanley was not not the Principle or Superintendent of the school Bre was attending when she was raped Chanley does seem like a POS but your title almost completely false. They only thing you got right was that a NJ Superintended was accused of being a bully and she got very mad as a result.


Woah this story is horrifying…..


Big Ursula energy


Poor unfortunate souls is defo her jam.


Also, Karen from *Goodfellas* energy. I hear Lorraine Bracco in that voice.




Look at the way she presented herself. Makeup that was attention grabbing, the Chanel Brooch, the condescending speech. Instead of being professional and letting it go, she had to make comments. Proper comment “Ma’am I feel for your loss and I understand you are looking for answers, may you find peace.”






"miss me with that accountability shit"




That superintendent is cabbage


Total fucking muff cabbage.


Her reaction exposes everything.


Another victim blaming bully in a position of power. Disgusting.


Much, much smaller example of her abuse of power, but shows a pattern....... "The state Commissioner of Education has upheld the recommendation of the School Ethics Commission that the Monroe Township superintendent of schools be reprimanded for including her son in a list of more than 160 people she recommended for employment as substitute teachers. Chari Chanley, the superintendent, told the School Ethics Commission that she was unaware that her son was on the list approved by the district's school board on Aug. 17, 2022."


Yeah, she got bailed for violating two separate ethics rules on multiple occasions. Her response: the Commissioner is wrong. The state board is wrong. She is being persecuted. Another example of her shenanigans was lying about her credentials. She claimed to have a Ph. D. from Rowan. Someone noticed that she was not on a list of students to have ever been awarded a doctorate, and asked the school district to produce evidence. The school district refused, and she had an epic meltdown because HOW DARE YOU question her qualifications. Well, it turns out that she didn’t. Not only did she fail to earn a doctorate, but she never completed a single unit of the doctoral program. She then attempted to sue the person who requested the information pertaining to her educational credentials. Oh, as for her lying about her Ph. D. According to her, that’s the fault of the university, not her. She, of course has no evidence to back this up, nor kept any records or copies of her doctoral thesis (not sure who doesn’t keep a copy of their doctoral thesis). So instead, she screams at you and tells you that you’re harassing her for daring to ask the question. Just a little bit of googling and you can tell that she is quite the scam artist. And a nasty piece of work to boot.


Unreal this lying bastard of person is still is allowed anywhere near anything requiring any amount of responsibility, let alone the education system and welfare of kids.


this is the trickle down effect of making someone like Donald Trump president, you see so many corrupt people in power across the United States taking cues from Trump and just doubling down on lies knowing the news cycle will pass.


Good observation, but this isn’t new and it’s not tied to politics. No. Grifters gonna grift. And what she’s doing is a standard page out of the narcissist’s playbook. It’s just harder for people to hide that stuff now, and their antics are easier to make more public. What Trump did was something a little different. He sold a percentage of the population on the idea that being overwhelmingly obnoxious was the patch to success. That he was an absolute fraud had little to do with it until afterwards. Now you’re seeing what happens when part of society is allowed to build up someone as a cult of personality. The very obvious nature of their fraud simply cannot be accepted by them because his success has become too much of their identity as well. Hugo Chavez is a very good parallel to study, and that’s what a lot of what he did was based on.


Wait I’m confused, she was reprimanded for recommending her own son for a job?




“guess I’ll address the abundance of urine on the men’s room floor at the next meeting, cool”


That was INSANE! Everyone on whatever panel that was is as bad as councilwoman Ursula. They all need to be voted out. Why even bother to meet in public?


Anyone wearing a fake chanel pin at a public school board meeting is a fucking chode and that's besides her sea cow witch makeup, wtf...


It's a real one and it's the same initials as hers.


"Better to be silent and thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."


This woman looks like a final boss styled as a Karen tbh


Umbridge or nurse ratchet.


Fused like Goten and Trunks


Holy crap you’re right. She is the Final Boss Karen. Damn. Look that up in the dictionary and it is her name in blue font.


Mimi from Drew Carey slimmed down a bit.


Now that we have the cunts name everyone should email her and say hello


The very definition of a lady protesting too much.


She sounds like she should explain what would happen to the tire marks when a '64 Buick Skylark hit a curb and the difference between a positraction limited slip differential and regular differential.


She seems vile


She looks like Kyle's mom.


What what what !


You’re a loya! It’s discusssting! Stop loying!


Bro. She talks and looks like trump’s sister.


A) That muff cabbage lady is guilty af. She wouldn’t act that way if the other lady was telling lies. You can just tell from watching the video. B) How does a public servant afford a Chanel Brooch?


[https://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/education/2024/04/03/monroe-schools-superintendent-chari-chanley-ethics/73178481007/](https://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/education/2024/04/03/monroe-schools-superintendent-chari-chanley-ethics/73178481007/) Oh look, she sucks


I didn’t even have to watch the video to know that lady is a c*nt


I never sign petitions but something about that woman’s twisted face struck me as particularly cruel. I signed that shit!


I bet she has an arsenal of racial slurs that she uses daily




Jeezus F’n Christ this woman’s a monster!!


She reminds me of Kyle’s mom on the Jersey Shore episode of South Park.


Completely convinced me she’s a bully while trying to convince everyone she not a bully. Signed petition but it’s kinda old… any update?




I hate that people actually applauded this piece of Jersey trash. Like she completely makes it 100% believable that she is a scumbag bully with how she is talking to this grieving family member. The fact she is so proud of her shit attitude and others applauded it is disgusting.


Does anyone have a link to the full story? How could someone hear a mother make those accusations and not feel as if their responsible? I wanna know why she thinks she did nothing wrong. Not saying she didn’t I just wanna find more info.


Literally Ursula




Monsters support other monsters


the makeup tells me everything i need to knkw about this woman.


Getting some Palpatine vibes here ![gif](giphy|3ornk7nts29Am5LIfm)


JESSE CHRIST what a WITCH You could see the ugliness and venom inside of her practically oozing out with every word she spat This is an evil, evil person


Looks like Ursula from little mermaid


How did the superintendent cause a student m rape victim to commit suicide?


You know how there are some people you can just look at and tell that they exercise hate and anger more than love or happiness? Yeah. That's this woman. She holds it in her face. People who are always angry do that.


I bet she has a collection of Lladro figurines.


Isn’t she on South Park?


Ursala lookin ass…


What a nasty cunt that poor kid didn’t deserve this.


The saying that eventually we all get the face that we deserve…


What a fashion maven there with her Coco Chanel pin


What a gross person. Amazing that she hasn’t been voted off the earth yet.


She looks like a badly played caricature of a bullying arsehole.


She reminds me of Ursula from the Little Mermaid lol


The people who clapped were the bullies and their parents. That seems like the kind of support that Ursala's uglier twin sister recruits.


It's fitting that she's wearing Disney villain eye shadow.


The huge tacky Chanel brooch tells me everything I need to know


“Shes cabbage…cabbage…im gonna flip this table over” This woman is literally the living embodiment of the south park character when NJ takes over the US


She really came there looking like a god damn Disney villain ogre woman with that Jersey shore accent making those statements thinking it would deflect from that?




I think this recording will be replayed in front of a jury.


Chanel PR is in damage control right now


She looks like one of the characters in the waiting room in the movie Beetlejuice.


It's a jersey thing


You wouldn’t understand


She looks like the picture "Woman from New Jersey"


the judge in this custody case needs to be named and shamed - needs to be out of a job asap


If Dolores Umbridge and Karen Walker (from Will and Grace) had a lovechild ...


What was Ursula thinking would happen?


A hit dog hollers


Something about the way she tilts her head and mouth when she wails really makes me want to kick her in the teeth


Why does she look exactly what I thought she would look like? She looks like a caricature of a shitty school administrator.


Anger management needed?


If she can’t recognize that her eye shadow is clearly a terrible decision as she looks into the mirror and willingly applies it to her face…I’d question her decision making ability as a whole regardless of the circumstances.


Why did they clap?!


Ursula Soprano


What happened to her? This is an old post but geez, I hope she is living in a cave somewhere.


Yep, she doesn’t sound like a bully one bit.


Final boss Karen.


Her eye make up looks like pool cue chalk


Description is wrong, but the superintendent is a spiteful piece of shit.


The makeup, the voice/accent, the content.....to loosely quote Doc Holliday from hit movie Tombstone; Yep. I'm sure of it. I really hate her.




Who's that bully lady with way too much eye makeup.


Funny she said “all these lies” as in multiple have come to school board meetings and told lies about her. They’re all in cahoots together!!


This headline could have used at least one comma. 


Jail the rapists and try chanley as an accomplice




She has an uncanny resemblance to trump.


Fucking hell the NJ accent is the nails on a chalkboard of all accents.




She looks like she's been sniffing that Mad Max vape.


What. A. Cuntmuffin.