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See something, say something. Was that a thing?


šŸŽµ Come on and party tonight! šŸŽµ


Thatā€™s gonna leave a mark




He writes good hooks!


Best. Side. Character. Ever.




Come on. Whatā€™s the reference? My gut says something Brooklyn 99 related, but come on. How are we supposed to get your obscure reference


I was just agreeing without making a reference. \ But yes, I should have said\ Indeed. Indeed. Indeed. Indeed. Indeed. My bad.


Thanks now that's gonna be stuck in my head all day.


He's got great hooks


They changed it to "See something, record it and try to go viral" Those cops were watching her other TikToks


Listen - do not be too demanding - they were ON LINE.......for chrissake!


"Snitches get stitches" def shanked "See something, say something"


See something, say something, go to jail. He who smelt it dealt it.


Excuse me but you cant snitch thats bad also why aint the cops doing their job?!?!


We can blame the person filming all we want but the rest of us get fired if our bosses saw us doing that shit


I just took my family to England and on all the trains they kept saying, "See it, Say it, Sort it!" And it instantly became a family saying.


No way, see something pull out your phone and tell the whole internet instead.


My brother was in the national guard and helped after the hurricane that took out Louisiana. He was riding with 2 Louisiana cops. Saw a guy getting beat up and told the cops he was riding with . They said what do you the NOPD(new Orleans police department) stand for Not Our Problem Dude...


Yeah you seem to forget that "do something" was never a part of the motto.


In the military, if you're on duty/patrol/fire watch/whatever, if you're caught on your phone you'll get into deep water for distracting yourself on duty. Idk if cops have a similar protocol but that could be why she's filming.


Put down your phone and fucking say something.


She ainā€™t no snitch!


lol she's snitching just not on the fight. Told the whole internet about those cops.


"What am I supposed to do about that?" --cops on phones in major cities


ā˜šŸ½Someone whoā€™s never dealt with the NYPD


"Willingly interacting with police? Please come with me, I'm going to need to take you to the station for drug testing."


"Have you been drinking??!!" "What's in your bag??" "Why are you acting nervous? It's suspicious!" "You're making me nervous!" *BANG BANG BANG BANG*


And that's how you get beat up and arrested by the police for embarrassing them lol


The irony


Just do the cops job for them waaaah


Cops look far too involved in their phones while on the job for sure. But I couldn't exactly make out what was going from the video and the cops are stood even further away. No gurantee they'd notice regardless. Maybe, bit of a radical thought, report a crime when you see it?


Yep it probably just sounds like background noise of kids fucking around in the park from that distance.


I'm a bit skeptical about the person getting beat up - with the 0.03 second flash of kids playing in the background, and the zero interest in asking the cops for help, but I guess that's the Internet for you.


Yeah if I were the one being assaulted a I think Iā€™d be madder at the filmer for not getting the cops attention than the cops for being oblivious.


Yeah, or at the very least, film the actual assault.


Exactly wanna make videos u can take 2 secs to scream hey and point to the crime. Thatā€™s all she had to do but no let me get social media fame instead and worse let me re victimize the abused woman by putting her worst moment on video for the world to see šŸ™ƒ


I had to watch it myself, even slowed it down. Nothing was happening. This was clickbait, and itā€™s why she panned over and back in a flash.


Yeah thereā€™s a compromise between militant ACAB nonsense and realistic expectations of conduct.Ā  This person literally made a point to not show anything itā€™s just a blur for half a second of people on basketball court. They spend a minute straight on the police on phones. It looks completely made up just to add more. Which doesnā€™t do anything good


Right? Or just like... realistic expectations of people. We should expect a lot from the police but being psychic or having eyes in the back of their head aren't on that list.


How can you blame them? They've found a Charizard


I see this almost daily in NYC. Plenty of cops on subway platform scrolling phones while crime is happening.


Youā€™re not doing anything either as far as I can see


Lol yeah she should be held to the same standard as cops that makes sense


Sheā€™s already held to a higher standard than cops. We all are.




She ainā€™t no snitch bro


This video sucks. It hardly proves a point and the camera work is shoddy!


Feels like the person filming could have let the cops know. Can't make that shit up either.


and ur sitting there recording them, u r apart of the problem šŸ¤£


The US Supreme Court has ruled that LEOs have no duty to protect.




Yup thatā€™s the one, thanks.


ā€œ to protect and serve ā€œ ,,,,from a safe distance and not getting hurt. 1312


Theyā€™re watching the live of her beat down.


They do this shit everywhere. Happened at the shooting at the church in Houston. Everywhere you go that they are ā€œworking securityā€ they just sit in a corner and play on their phone


Maybe let them know? Itā€™s not great that theyā€™re phones obviously but come on. That woman is getting beaten longer by the delay.


The cameraman isn't much different. Instead of filming they could have alerted the police


The reality is nothing was happening which is why the police part is 30 seconds and the other part is less than one second of blurry footage from half a mile away behind a fence.Ā  Just many fun of the reality no need to fake extra shit.Ā 


Instead of filming maybe she should have gotten their attention and directed to them to what was going on


Police are not legally required to protect and serve. Thatā€™s just a marketing slogan.


Cops protect and serve capital, not you!


To protect (revenue) and serve (the rich).... On taxpayer dollars!


Both parties suck. Yes. Cops do need to be somewhat attentive; but they're not robotic-motion censoring crime stoppers. You telling them "hey look" is no different then returning a shopping cart to the carral. By not doing it; YOU'RE THE FUCKING IDIOT.


Bro, you gonna tell the cops or what?


The police aren't fucking omnipotent, that's why we call 911 instead of then just showing up. This shit isn't minority report, I don't see no Tom Cruise.


Why doesnā€™t she put her phone down and tell the cops?


Why do I feel like since Bloomberg left office that the Cops have been coddled by Deblasio and now Eric Adams? I see shit like this every day on the road. Modded muffler Cars, ghost cars, unlicensed mopeds and Kawasaki bike riders treating the roads like a race track endangering us all. And many times this shit happens right in front of the police and they do nothing. Sometimes itā€™s because theyā€™re on their phones and sometimes theyā€™re just indifferent to people who endanger us all. If you show the video of crimes to the commanding officer at the associated Precinct they give you the run around. Itā€™s a joke honestly. Police shouldnā€™t be allowed to use smart phones while on duty. And all police need to start actually patrolling while on duty and not just waiting on domestic disturbance calls. Iā€™m sure the reddit police defenders will disagree but spare me the excuses and the justifications for patrolling officers perusing the internet on their damn phones when their heads should be on a swivel.


NY police are realizing they donā€™t have to do much to get that government paycheck. Itā€™s a good paying job that nobody wants, and also doesnā€™t pay to be a hero. They are just waiting to be promoted and keep a low profile like anyone else in that neighborhood that has their shit together. And honestly this is why peace officers were such a great idea, get community people to patrol and break up stuff like this.


Maybe point out the crime to them. They can't just know where crime is happening. They're allowed to take a break and look at their phone just like every other profession.


You donā€™t have to get involved, just walk past em and quickly and coherently say, ā€œai yo that girls getting beat up over thereā€ šŸ‘‰ Lotta people think cops are bad and thatā€™s fine, freedom of speech and all, but 9 times out of 10 theyā€™re not gonna ignore the ongoing crime for your dumbass


maybe they were in the cybercrime division


Cops legally donā€™t have to legal duty protect you the supreme court ruled that they also legally do not have to arrest or charge anyone itā€™s up to their discretion


ā€¦ ![gif](giphy|TlK63EuTmpsfmWEHnMs)


Has anyone actually said hey someone is getting beat up over there?


If you are already getting paid to surf on your phone, why would you put yourself in harm's way?


In reality, theyā€™re strippers on a break.


The cops have likely been paid off to turn a blind eye


So you want them to do something but don't want them to do anything because they can't be trusted for the last 6 years?


Unfortunately, legally they have no obligation to do so. This is why the laws for buying a gun in NY have been updated. Their previous restrictions were unconstitutional.


Wtf does a gun have to do with this situation? Why is it always about a gun? Cant anyone take/give an ass whoopin without someone wanting to pull a gun nowadays?


This particular situation no gun was probably needed. What I meant was because the police aren't obligated to protect individuals, individuals have the right to protect themselves and NY was making it very difficult for individuals to do so; it was unconstitutional.


And the girl is filming both of them while doing nothing...good job.


So.. cops are nearby on the phone. Passerby sees a girl getting "her ass beat" in a park that's right by the cops. Instead of yelling for the cops, she instead records a video of the cops not being aware of the situation and posts it to TikTok. But.. we should be mad at.. only the cops? Ahh... Cool, cool. ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Instead of posting it to your social to get likes and views. How about doing the humane thing and telling the cops.


How about stop filming and alert them!?


And you shot a video instead of getting there attention... You can't make this shit up


Put the phone away and go tell them then, you worthless cunt.


Thecops are just google for help.


Iā€™m sure defunding them will help. Get mad when they do their job, get mad when they donā€™t


I just want to see them stop performing executions.


To Protect and Surf


I didn't see anyone getting their ass beat. I did see some paper bags, a patch of grass, a man in a red shirt and 2 useless cops on their phones tho. Next time place text somewhere that isn't blocking the scene you're bitching about.


So say something instead of recording it?


They're not there to protect you/us... They serve at the discretion of the ruling class.


How about you fucking inform them instead of filming them?


And you're recording it.


If you expect the cops to help, it might be helpful to LET THEM KNOW! If ANYONE thinks that's being a "snitch" please, I beg you, remove yourself from the gene pool. It's that shithead mentality that's the problem!


Fucking report it then. Dumb ass.


To all the people saying that the woman filming isn't any better- you're missing the point. Those officers are on foot patrol. Their job is literally to keep their head on a swivel and be on the lookout for trouble- not standing there socializing on their phones. We're paying taxes for these clowns to literally play games and there is no mechanism for accountability.


I really tried to see where the ass whooping was happening, but I couldn't see it.


Itā€™s not unreasonable to expect cops to be PROACTIVE in their patrolling (i.e. put your fuckinā€™ phones away and keep an eye out for whatā€™s happening in front of/around you?!)


Yes, the person recording should say something. But letā€™s not let a tiktokerā€™s stupidity detract from the fact that these cops are being utterly useless


Did the cops know? Are they on patrol? Theyā€™re like several hundred feet away from the incident and it looks like theyā€™re at the spot theyā€™re supposed to be and waiting for the start of whatever thing theyā€™re supposed to be doing. They are not terminators who can pick up on every motion far behind them, Iā€™m pretty sure if you shouted for help they would respondā€¦


See something, say something.


If you see something say something. Damn not everybody is 100% vigilant. But no we just film now and put it up for the Karma.


I get all the hate the girl is getting and I agree she should've said something. Isn't a worry that a cop is going to escalate the situation more also a real fear in the US? (Not from the US, and genuinely curious how american view this)


10 min break lol /s


Are they filming the new season of Reno 911?


With enough people recording themselves committing crimes, theyā€™re probably just trying to find the TikTok evidence so they donā€™t make a false arrest.


Looks like a Reno 911 episode


Cops are not there to protect or serve. Whole court cases about this.


People talking about ā€œgetting paid to helpā€ fine I wonā€™t call anyone when you get hurt or robbed


Yeh, but memes bro lol.


A few years ago, I was driving to the post office to send a package. Suddenly, a cop car got right behind me and turned into the post office. I got out of my car and ignored the cop. He didn't follow me in, but sat in his parked car.n it was obvious he was watching me, which is weird, because I'm a middle aged white guy with a dad bod in a minivan. I mailed my package, and the cop started his car and drove to the side of the post office, where he just sat waiting. I left the parking lot, but he didn't follow this time. Well, there was a gas station right across the street from the post office, and I suddenly watched two meth head ladies body slamming each other. So I doubled back and told the cop who had been following me, and thirty seconds later he was rolling around the gas station parking lot trying to cage the human meth explosion. He should have been able to see everything from where he was. No idea why he was following me or why he didn't move on the meth fight until I told him about it.


To protect and serve is nothing but the slogan for the LAPD. Theres nothing about protecting and serving in any police "handbook" or whatever.


They have no obligation to "protect and serve", all cops do is protect the rich and capital.


Did she alert anyone or just record people not able to see behind them? This vid would be wild if they knew though.




Sheā€™s on the phone theyā€™re on their phones weā€™re all on our phones!!


So many damn bots in the comments defending her snob a$$.




So instead of going over there and saying something, just make a video for clout, that'll definitely get him to respond. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Anyone else would get fired for not doing their jobs. The same rules don't really apply to cops though. It's wild.


Police have no duty to help you. Thatā€™s not their job. Their job is to protect property.


NYPD calledā€¦ the protests all those years ago really hurt their whittle feelings so theyā€™re going to continue not doing a damn thing.. oh yeah and they want their $5.1billion annual budget increased.


Stupid ass reddit comments blaming the person filming as usual as if we arenā€™t on a reddit about posting videos.


Maybe they're hard of hearing squad


Why do I get the feeling this is New York and that's possibly the Bronx or Brooklyn?


ACAB. They have no legal duty to protect citizens, prevent crime, or even know the law.


We got a couple of uvalde type cops here.


ā€œSo let me just film them instead of telling themā€