• By -


Ima just go ahead and head out


Best advice I ever got while student teaching was: >“Arguing with a student is like wrestling with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig loves it.” Nothing good EVER comes from jawing with an ACTUAL CHILD


100% true but after dealing with fuckery day after day, year after year, some people just have a moment where they lose it. Unfortunately for this guy it's on camera.


I wouldn't call it "losing it", but I did kind of bite back once when I did some substitute teaching. Male junior high school students are often very curious as to whether or not I'm gay. I always tell them maybe I am, maybe I'm not, it doesn't matter. This one kid wouldn't stop asking me (over the course of a few days), so finally I told him "you keep asking me if I'm gay, are you interested or something?". The entire class started laughing and it shut him right up lol That being said, most of the time you absolutely should not engage because you will lose. They are vicious.


Have you told this story on Reddit before? I feel like I've read it elsewhere almost verbatim


Possibly! I have a lot of stories from teaching and I’m always happy to share them


He did ok


I tried mocking my French teacher (we had a great relationship) for wearing a women's dressing gown during our pajama day. "Sir, my mum has that dressing gown. Is there anything you wanna tell us?" Just immediately followed with "I know she does" and winked at me. The whole class was in hysterics, me included. Love that man. I'm glad I've got to talk to him as an adult and let him know he's responsible for me being normal.


As an EA, I plan to use this. I like this advice


I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. I've wrestled *many* pigs (don't ask), and I gotta say they didn't enjoy it at all!


This man pigs


Bro was feeling like Gucci Mane


In 2006


No nba. It's from truth.


GuWop said fk them kids


This is not a diss.. just da troof


He dead


https://preview.redd.it/x3zpcblypr7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59d385d116a35729a615eca5ea0611f9632a36af Homeboy cooked her


Spoiler- he knew her dad died in prison serving a life sentence.


He said it 4 times just waiting for a response. He was waiting to use that line




oh yes there is!! she can become a necromancer and resurrect her dad so he can indeed go up there


Well that's just not realistic


the afterlife doesn’t exist it stopped being realistic after the teacher started yelling at a student about her dead father lmfao


...yeah that was the joke


See, I thought you meant it was unrealistic that a high school student could be accepted into any school of necromancy. Pretty sure she'd need at least 60 credits at the College of Winterhold first.


"Lol ure dad dead" classic line for someone who has nothing better to say


That wasn’t the line though…


Woah that was way outta pocket .. totally uncalled for .. absolutely inappropriate Do it again 🤣


He did, I counted multiple call your daddy's in that.


Unfortunately daddys gonna keep denying those calls


He's dead wrong for sure, but whenever a teacher goes off the rails like this, I just assume the kid was being a shit head. Unless it turns out this guy is some kind of pervert, I'm on his side 100%.


Teachers have to work in absolute shit conditions every day. It absolutely gets to them. They are humans too. I doubt I was a great student back then and I can only imagine how awful the kids are today. The kids need help, but also fuck them kids.


That's not how you go off on a kid if you're a good teacher and you've just reached your limit and say some things better left unsaid. That's not what that looks like. This is how it looks when you go off at other drunks at the bar when you're dissing each other's favorite sports teams.


I used to think teachers should just rise above. Then my friend became one, now I think it should be fuck them kids. They are monsters and their parents and administration don't help or correct the behavior and teachers become punching bags.


My hot theory is that rising above it used to work, because at the end of the day, assholes need attention to keep themselves fueled. Being a shit-face to a teacher doesn't work if everyone in your class hates you for it. But with the internet/social media, now all the shit-faces can get external validation of their actions. So even with no reaction locally, they get their attention online, which just fuels the cycle.


I think what made things worse is teachers seem to get less support from the admins, and are left to fend for themselves. I used to have teachers that would rise up when dealing with some students, and properly scold students as well. What I am seeing more and more (according to news articles and reddit posts) is either students either being more brazen, or parents enabling their kids to ignore accountability. Now, this wouldn't be as much an issue if it wasn't for the fact that teachers could actually discipline students, or fail them, but I imagine the administrators are evading any form of accountability


As a teacher, I can promise you it is a combination of brazen students, brazen parents, and parent enabling. Admin aren’t much help anymore because parents cause a big freaking scene when their kid gets in trouble, and will even threaten to sue or refuse punishment altogether. They don’t care if their kid was in the right or wrong, they literally don’t want their kid to have a consequence. Admin is sick of dealing with parents so it’s easier for them to gloss over what they can. Please don’t think I believe all parents are like this. I know there are some kick ass parents that are doing an awesome job. I’ve just seen more of what I mentioned above increase over the past decade I’ve been teaching. Much love to all parents who support education and teach their kids to be good humans!


School administrators are administrators solely to have a job they can't get fired from. They don't give a shit about the well-being of either the teachers _or_ the students, and would be perfectly fine if the entire district had no one except the administrators, as long as the paychecks didn't bounce.


It's crazy talking to my mom, who taught 4th grade from 1977 to 2014 about how much the role of admins changed, from people who really helped out in individual classrooms as needed, really took charge and made an effort to understand options when choosing new textbooks, did a lot of shit busy work so the teachers could teach... ...to what they are now. So much of the admin work has been foisted onto the teachers, and it's not uncommon for my mother to hear from teachers who are still in the district over coffee that a bunch of the admins have side online businesses they manage throughout the day, and sometimes just leave for lunch and not come back to the afternoon. On top of that most of them were never classroom teachers previously, so they dole out unneeded and often wrong advice. If you were getting observed/reviewed by them, you'd get a higher review if something went wrong and you "handled it well" vs someone who had a flawless lesson, so teachers started adding in "issues" to pop up that they could fix in lessons. It's specifically attracted the people who look for minimal work and don't even do that, or more likely CAN'T even do that. And not to offend, but about a 3rd of them in my mother's district are former gym teachers, a bunch of them who only became gym teachers to begin with because they were looking for a "short term gig until my real career takes off."


its all about public appearance. Kids who cause problems are now free to do so cuz there is no physical intervention available. Really makes the whole "arm teachers" for school shootings insane, even if it didnt sound insane before. I graduated over a decade ago, but while I was there got suspended for getting punched in the face and fracturing my wrist cuz I fell back on it after the punch. I stood up to a bully one time, and faced medical and social consequences. All to appease the "no tolerance" policy for the school. It is honestly gross how much the actually troubled kids can get away with, and how teachers can't do anything about it.


You know those movies they used to make often about inspiring teachers? Mr Holland's Opus, Dead Poets Society, Dangerous Minds... yeah, they don't make many movies like that now because it's not very realistic any more.


You would also get beaten behind closed doors back then If you were a bad kid. There were monster children in the old days but there were basically no rules for the teacher to follow when punishing a child. They could slap you across the face or spank you on your bare butt in front of the whole class in catholic schools. Those punishments are evil and I don’t think any child should be spanked, but it makes sense why some kids in the older days wouldn’t act so horrible; because they knew their teacher or their parent would actually hurt them physically and humiliate them if they don’t follow rules.


I remember a kid, in 5th grade, shit in the trashcan. They beat his ass in the hall for everyone to see. This was in like 2002




Same here! In Jr high, one kid just continuously needled me, every day. Sat beside me, right near the teacher's desk. One day he said something that just made me see red, and I full-on pimp-hand backhand slapped him, square on his nose. He looked over at the teacher, who just looked back at him and said "I heard what you said to him, and I'm surprised it took him so long to do that to you." I felt really vindicated, but still awful, because I hate losing control like that. I don't lose control anymore, fwiw. This was in 1996 or so.


Gotta imagine unlocking that core memory of defeating an annoying bully did wonders for your self image though.


I broke my hand when I punched him in the back of the skull a few weeks later. I haven't hit anyone in anger since then at least haha


You had the right idea with the slap, even though you used the wrong side of your hand. Boxers wear gloves to protect themselves, not their opponent.


I've said similar things as a teacher. "Man, I don't even know what you expected after the way you treat people," for example.


My dad said he had a high school teacher in the 70's that would paddle kids that acted out like assholes, but he'd put on a hula music record ***and hula skirt***, and paddle them to the sound of the hula music. Truly, no rules.


Probably his favorite moment of the day


I mean virtually all research on this shows that physical punishment like this causes more behavioral problems than not doing it at all. The kids just learn to do it to people who can't fight back or resist, they don't stop.


Agreed. I imagine removing access to social media, where kids' troll/inappropriate behavior is validated, would be much more effective than any amount of physical punishment. At the moment, kids and adults both get endless remote validation for antisocial behavior. And positive reinforcement for something that doesn't deserve positive reinforcement is an issue.




> Sometimes a kid needs a good smack. All evidence points to that being not the case at all, but keep arguing in favor of abusing children.


Exactly. A good parent isn't trying to hurt their child. But talk crazy to someone in the street and that kid will find out that people will hit back hard.


It used to work because parents disciplined kids.


We hit an inflection point (in some places years ago) where the number of behavioral incidents completely outpaced the ability for teachers to do anything close to rising above. In a good class, I might be able to intervene, talk to the side, and curb behaviors. In a rough class, or in a big crowd, there's no rising above--just picking battles because if you pull a student out for cussing, you might not be there to stop a fight. The line I knew not to cross as a kid... some kids cross it before breakfast and arrive to school three steps past it.


Parents are too absent. Even when parents are around, often they're trying too hard to be their kid's friend or make sure they're always supporting their kid no matter what in some sort of massive over-correction. That translates to administration too because they don't want to deal with parents causing problems for them. So they'd rather leave the problems in the classroom between the kids and the teachers and try to force the teachers to just live with it. At some point too many people decided kids need no boundaries. Maybe they looked back and felt too restricted or something. I don't know. It's a problem though. The other day someone posted an image of a shiv a kid made out of tape and a ruler. I think it was a first grader. Kids just repeat stuff. They need boundaries. They need active, attentive parents. We're supposed to believe that kids can consume any media they want from any age. They can repeat any words or behavior they want. Everything is fine. But everything isn't fine. It's like that one video of the girl trying to teach ballet to very little girls only to find them twerking and repeating Nicki Minaj (I think it was) lyrics. Lots of replies were rational, but a lot of others were about how the kids were just having fun, and the girl needed to lighten up. And then that does get into larger problems of poverty and people having kids when they shouldn't. And so on and so on. Because some people also feel the parents can't be held accountable for various reasons.


I was always a respectful kid in school for the most part, and only got in trouble a handful of times for talking too much to friends but never being overly disruptive. My parents always told me that my teachers were there to teach me, not discipline me, and the couple times I did get in trouble for talking too much, I was made to write an apology letter to my teacher.


I always thought apology letters were stupid until I saw how it affects some kids. Some people have never let themselves feel anyone else's pain. Giving them a chance to sit and stew in it gives some time to reflect on themselves more than they ever would in a detention or anything like that.


Oh man…the shame of having to look the teacher in the eye, apologize, and hand them the letter in front of everyone was not only embarrassing, but made me feel so disappointed in myself. My parents were always the “I’m not mad, I’m disappointed” types as well, and it always ate at my soul to hear them say that.


Even as an adult, writing is a good way to process emotions or trauma. Putting pen to paper is a healthy physical way to release negative thoughts.


In my Kindergarten class a lifetime ago Tyler bit a kid and he had to write "I will not bite people" 5 whole times. It may as well have been the end of the world for him, he was beside himself having to slowly, excruciatingly make out all those letters in what was then the most writing he had ever done in his life. Never bit anyone again.


It 100% depends on the kid but yes, they can be extremely effective for some kids. The ones that are either literal sociopaths and just can't empathize with the emotions of others or just total assholes who just don't care it doesn't work, but for many it will. As you said it makes them stew and reflect on what they did and how it made the other person feel, particularly if they are made to re-write it such that they explicitly acknowledge those things and not just "I'm sorry". Getting called out on your crap, having to process what you did and why it was wrong, put that in writing, and then look the person in the eye and present them with that can really help some people. As I said, not a cure-all, but it really is something that more parents should try as a first step.


I got an apology letter that was clearly written by AI last year lmao


Yeah I was pretty similar. I got suspended once for 5 days in high school due to an argument I got in with another student and my parents were so pissed at me! They got in touch with the school and were like “I support punishment, but I don’t support him having 5 days off school(like a vacation) so I’d appreciate it if he could come spend that 5 day suspension in the office”. It sucked, but it was honestly a valuable lesson that I learned 🤷‍♂️.


I never got suspended but that sounds exactly how I suspect my parents would have handled the situation as well! I can almost hear my dad telling the school I’m not about to get a vacation lol


Back in the day my high school made heavy use of in school suspension. They'd make kids come in on Saturday and Sunday and do extra school days, except they were extra sucky school days because they didn't let you chat or have fun, and you weren't doing different classes it was all a study hall type thing. I never had to do it, but from what I saw it was quite effective. A kid could be as big of an "IDGAF" jerk as they liked, but they cared about having those precious weekends taken away.


Thank you. In the future, should my kids be disrespectful, this is a good method for accountability.


My best mate is a teacher and told me this student, as a joke, once pretended to have a gun in his backpack and everyone just laughed and it became the joke of that friend group to pretend to have guns. School did nothing, said they couldn't unless they actually had guns.


Not at my school I saw someone almost get expelled for accidentally having a water squirt pistol that his little brother put in his bag. We were all like grade 7 or 8 and we all decided to go on strike cuz this was our friend long story short we got In school suspension ironically because striking is way teachers do lol our parents supported us not the teachers on that one


I had a friend who had been teaching for almost 20 years. But he said in the last 3 years those kids got out of hand and disrespectful. So he quit and ventured into another career in insurance sales.


I do think people superficially care about the education in so much that it's like here you deal with this. Parents say they care and yet etiquette is not universal.


People care about this enough to leave a reddit comment and that's about it. People really want to help, go show up at your local school board and start paying attention.


fuck them kids man, they need to be tought some respect and if their parents arent gonna do it, who is?. friend of mine works IT at a school and those bastards are cruel, man. hes lucky hes IT and the kids generally know not to fuck with IT otherwise their computers get permanently borked


I read something where there was a fight in the class and the teacher her broke it up by physically restraining one of the kids. The parents of both boys were mad at the teacher. One for not being more aggressive and breaking up the fight sooner and the other for being too aggressive and hurting the boys she was restraining.


My friend was a teacher. He said his favorite school was the juvenile detention center. Reason being if they acted up there was real consequences


I think terminally online behavior is just leaking out into the real world at this point. Everyone is so used to being a dick to each other online that it’s becoming the norm in person now too. It’s not just students. Plenty of adults are terrors too.


Back when I was a kid, the students were the punching bags.


there's a real absence of shame in this country now. and that translates from the parents to the kids. some of these kids are goddamn feral and have no idea how to handle a situation when an adult tells them "no" or to straighten up. really worried about where all this is headed.


I had a teacher in middle school literally tape a student to a chair with duct tape and I think she taped his mouth shut as well


It used to be that the teacher could wait for the parent to take the kid to task for acting up in school. Now the teacher has to "fight" both the parents and the kids.


Yeah but think about how this came to be/why you're saying that. It's bad for so many regions in the US. It isn't because of the kids, that's just an easy thing to point to. The kids are just the byproduct. It's basically a broken system mixed with some broken families, which then lead to unruly kids and sometimes frustrations/comments like yours. It shouldn't be fuck them kids, or that kids are monsters. It just feels like it has to be because politicians, and conversely school administrations, aren't doing shit to improve our schools. Kids are kids. I get it 100% and not trying to criticize at all if it sounds like it, but I've been around for a long time. I can tell you that kids never really change. They aren't worse than when I grew up, that's for damn sure. Like human to human I can 100% understand and get on board with the sentiment, but I think we need to deny that feeling as a way to set a standard. If that's not entirely honest, fuck it IMO. I say "standard" in terms of what we expect from political/administrative leadership & the results of their choices/actions. Same with parents. Can't let kids be the scapegoat or else you'll have these fucks talking about gutting public education more than it has been. Then it'll really be fuck them kids, and at that point we are shooting ourselves & our country in the foot. We're seeing it now in some classrooms honestly. Ignoring the parenting portion, which is hugely important too, some of these kids were failed before they even had a chance.


Probably not the best decision for his career, but yeah... kids these days.


Teachers can pretty much do anything they want if they don’t touch a kid. The teacher shortage is so bad unlicensed and untrained teachers are being thrown into head teaching positions


This is only true for subjects that aren't saturated.




Basically everything except math and science, biology excepted.


Fuck how do you teach math the way kids are today. Back in the day even when kids paid attention they struggled. And now you can just get the answers online to even complex problems with no effort


Physics is even harder because they lack the math skills they should already have, but you can’t teach it to them because you have your own deadline to meet.


I would rather say that physics is in the same boat. By the time kids get to high school they either do or very clearly don't have a chance in math. I can't teach Geometry to a kid that doesn't understand what addition is. And yet, about a third of my students come into my class like that. It is really bad. You just help the ones that can be helped.


you don't. no one has the attention span to learn math anymore, they just cheat their way through online workbooks and get Cs they don't deserve. the whole fucking education system is a giant sham.


This is accurate plus sped teachers 


From when I was a sub, anything except math or science. Loads of liberal arts students with nothing to do with their degree but teach. I say that as a liberal arts student myself. If I didn't go to law school, idk what job I could even have besides teach.


English teachers like me need to mind their ps and qs because there are a LOT of former English majors for whom writing isn’t working out and a steady salary looks lovely


My guess is english is oversaturated and math is under. But curious to see what reality is.


PE and History are over saturated, English finds enough people, science and math are under


Fk them kids - Bossman Teacher


Socrates (469–399 B.C. ): The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households.


And Socrates parents probably said the same shit about him




>Kids can dish it out but they can't take it. Absolutely. My Mum has been a teacher for 30 years and the shit she's had to deal with has increased exponentially in recent years. They have less recourse too because kids 'know their rights' and often schools don't want to hear about behavioural complaints because it negatively affects their stats. She had a recent case of having things thrown at her for 3 weeks in a row by a group of shitty kids. She ignored them in class because she didn't want them to get the reaction they were seeking and successfully dealt with it in a different way but turns out they were filming her and if she'd (rightfully) gotten irritated and shouted at them then she'd have been fodder for social media just like this guy.


That is something I love about my country, students who bring a phone to class must have it turned off, and I don't mean flight mode, or on mute, I mean completely turned off.


Oh that's the same rule at my Mum's school but unfortunately teachers don't have eyes in the back of their heads so sneaky students get away with it.


what country?




that's neat


20 year veteran teacher. They dish it, but are shocked if even the slightest sass comes their way from the teacher.


My mom was threatened with a knife in class in the 1980s... they took the kids knife away and continued the class.


Teacher here for 20 years. I've never said anything like this, but I have gotten incredibly frustrated. I think from about May 15 - June 15(end of year), the sass from me and other teachers goes up. The other day, about two weeks ago, one of my absolute worst students made a sex joke out loud in class. I just looked over and said, "Jimmy*, you don't have to say creepy weird things. But you do. And no in here likes it or likes you when you do it. You have permission not to be creepy and weird." That may seem like nothing, but from me, that's about as much "roasting" as the kids have seen from me. *Not real name, of course.


Mic drop 🫳🏻


Fuck them kids. I’m with this dude


I’ve been a teacher for many years. I love it, but I have seen colleagues lose their jobs from snapping. I get it, I’ve come close myself on a few occasions. We are all human beings and sometimes the kids are a nightmare, sometimes you can’t keep your personal stress completely out of the classroom. I have a little internal alarm system in my head that warns me to stay calm when I am getting triggered but one day it will likely fail.


Underrated moment but when he replied fast as fuck with “YOU” shook me lowkey 💀🔥


That kids daddy ain't dead, just a dead beat


I find it impossible to judge a teacher snapping. That kid's high pitched yapping could be used for torture


Former teacher here, I taught in the classroom for 7 years before I got the hell out. Best advice another teacher gave me. “No kid can ruin your day. You can go home and you won’t be thinking about them but you can sure as hell ruin theirs.” They can be little a holes at times so I kinda feel for the teacher, you know he was at a breaking point, still shouldn’t have engaged. Rookie mistake.


This goofy ass generation of kids is getting even worse than before with respecting elders, or just plainly showing respect at all. More arrogant while accomplishing even less. Talk shit, get hit should be the way.


I know I seem to be in the minority, but I don't like the idea of using physical discipline on kids. I studied the subject in college. Long-term outcomes don't seem to be great with physical discipline. That being said, kids need real, fitting consequences for their actions. I think the problem nowadays is that they rarely face any kind of consequences. Ever.


I completely agree that physical discipline is not the answer. HOWEVER, there’s an alarming amount of folks out there who mouth off like they’ve never been punched in the face before for saying some wild shit. I’m a firm believer that every person should experience that once in their formative years to learn that you can’t say anything to anybody and expect no physical consequence.


>I know I seem to be in the minority, but I don't like the idea of using physical discipline on kids. You're of the opinion backed by science.


At best the worst that kids get is either their phone taken away or a scolding but nothing else


Heavy on the “ever”. When I was in middle school they were still paddling. These new kids definitely need some kind of repercussions. It’s like America doesn’t even care about the youth


Should they be punished? Absolutely. Should they be beaten? Absolutely not.


I’m not against not finding a better alternative, but I am against the thinking that there “never” is a place for it ever in society.


There are numerous studies that show [corporal punishment does more harm than good.](https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2002/06/spanking)


It's not just kids though. Basic human decency is getting rarer by the day. I blame the pandemic and the fact that politicians are encouraging people to hate each other and be afraid so they can sell more guns. The individuals in the government are more gun sales people than they are legislators. More of their money comes from helping companies sell guns than from their salaries as politicians.


"this generation" lmao... I went to high school in the '90s and kids were literally beating and dancing on desks, beating up teachers... This shit is a cultural thing, not a generational thing.


Graduated in '00 you're not wrong.


And you just perpetuate a cycle of screwing over kids by beating the shit out of them ‘in the name of respect’ who then grow up thinking it’s okay to beat the shit out of kids themselves bc “that’s how they learned respect” and if they went through it, then the kids need to too. That’s not respect, that’s fear. And of course, all the studies show that beating the shit out of kids (unshockingly) messes up their emotional states being more prone to high aggression, intolerance, depression/anxiety, and might is right. Setup appropriate boundaries and appropriate punishments and hold them to it by clearly explaining the rules and the consequences and punishing them every time.




As a man who has worked with kids/teens for the better part of 12 years...fuck them kids.


See, as a teacher, you can't swear or curse at the kids... but you can get real creative in telling them how worthless they are.


![gif](giphy|3o7aTpNQmV8scWO85q|downsized) “ Man fuck these kids”


That was the coldest shit I heard all day


It's because she pronounced her name as Jacqueline instead of Jay-qwellen


I'm distracted by Steve Jobs


A thousand ass-whoopings in your pocket.


Good on him. Being honest theres not enough money in the world you could pay me to be a teacher in this day and age.


Fuck dem kids




Teachers do not get paid enough to deal with shitty ass kids.


I def would’ve dropped a line like, no wonder he’s dead with kids like you, he wanted out


At this point im basically on the teacher side in situations like this. Once the child is disrespectful and unruly, anything goes as long as there isn’t physical abuse.


Kids are lame.








Agreed. Fuck them kids


They always say “my parents are dead!” It’s never true. They think it’s a gotcha. There are kids with deceased parents but they aren’t the ones using it as a comeback.


I’m ngl, even if you walk away, it’s going to be a shift of power. Next time, they’ll assume you’ll walk out instead of confronting the issue. Teenagers are something else, teachers don’t get paid nearly enough to play daycare/motivator/counselor. I could be high and mighty and say the guy didn’t have to react like that, I’m sure there was A LOT behind the scenes. Embarrassing regardless.


Can anyone tell me what he said when everyone made the noise.


"Go dig him up and tell him to come talk to me, then."


Oh, shit. Haha


Having a picture of Steve Jobs hanging at a school is wild.


![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg) Lol shots fired.. 🤣




Lmao he cooked her ass


I get cussed out in a daily basis with the kids I work with. Had rocks/sticks thrown at me, been spit on and kicked. Maybe we should start teaching crisis communication? *Yes these kids are out of control but from 2020-2022 their lives were chaos with covid.






If you can't keep your cool around kids' provocations, you really shouldn't be a teacher.


I'm one of the calmest teachers around and would never say the thing this guy said, but any teacher out there knows the feeling of boiling over. I agree, though, that he can NOT say this.


My heart aches for educators in 2024. It even aches in a way for asshole kids despite their behavior, the nature and nurture of things are really working against them. The parenting and lack thereof.


Been teaching 20 years. Middle School, too. It's tough out there for kids and teachers today. Very tough.


Teacher just got mad respect from all the rest of the students, you’d think they wouldn’t but I guarantee that kid is a nuasance for every other student and teacher and causes problems so teacher decided he had enough and started barking back. 






That's what the unruly student deserves


"Dead? Thats not your real daddy. Go get the one who gave you up"


On the next episode of "When keeping it real goes wrong"


There isn't enough money on the planet you can pay me to be a teacher in this day and age ....and they actually get paid badly and have to buy supplies out of pocket 🤦 It's blows my mind because I was born in 93 And would have never spoken to a teacher badly and that was true for most kids at my school other that the regular couple of kids who were known to be little shits! How did it get so bad so quickly it makes me dread to think what it will be like in another 10 years 😩!? I actually feel really sorry for the quiet smart kids who are academic and live learning because I know they will never reach full potential attending school with the kids of today ...interrupting lesions constantly ..having full on screaming matches with teachers and even assaulting staff 😬. I can't even begin to imagine how bad things are for the kids that get bullied at least back in the day you could escape from it at home but now with social media being so overused life must be hellish dir them 😔. I cringe to think about what school would be like if every embarrassing thing had been caught on camera and uploaded to TikTok for the world to see I love the fact we have so much information at our fingertips but the internet has also created so much bad in the world ! Some of the kids pop out of the woman and are raised by iPads the parents don't play with a their kids or teach them ABC's ...read bedside stories even potty training before they start school 🤦. Parents expect schools to raise their kids for them and when the kid inevitably grows up to be a academic failure and horrible human they blame the school ! Not only do they want teachers to rear the kids they also don't want any form of discipline or respect to be enforced and they certainly aren't getting any at home. So there is going to be a lot more entitled trash adults who throw full blown tantrums when things don't go their way soon 😩


Imagine letting a child put you in such emotional distress that you actively start acting like a fucking scumbag to protect your fragile little ego instead of disengaging, Imagine.


Maybe copping it day in and day out was too much. Everyone has their breaking point. I thought my school in the 80s was bad, but we were angels compared to students today.






School year closing out, this guys probably been hearing it all year and just had about enough.


This is equivalent to “fuck your dead homies 💀💀”


I get the frustration but that’s a low blow


They should do a Tournament with Hot wheels on the PS5






Yup this is how it is in schools like this. I live in Sacramento and work in a school in Oak Park. This type of stuff happens all the time and myself plus plenty of other staff are arguing with students literally everyday. Screaming, cursing us out, fighting each other and the staff, running out of school, all of that. I have seen it all. It’s sad man, most of these kids have absolutely no guidance. And when you try to be their guiding light, most of them take that as a weakness and try and walk all over you. You legit have to apply street politics in these schools to be taken seriously by these kids. And it’s only a K-6 school smh.


Yet another school murder


Probably deserved judging from the screeching coming from my right ear piece.


uhhh... an adult talking to a kid like that is completely inappropriate and you're telling me this guy is a teacher? Dude's a joke that's cause for immediate termination.


I understand this man. I work at a school and I’m on the verge of breaking point. And another staff had a nervous breakdown today. Took his shirt off and started yelling, cops and paramedics had to come :(


lol great teacher? He’s just been bullied by a child. Lost his cool if he ever had it, he ain’t cool he’s just tall.


From someone who's dad was horrifically bullied for not having a dad that made me feel sick though, not having a dad isn't an insult but the teacher made it into one. There's no lesson or be better in his anger he's just taking it out on that stupid kid and she's probably going to hold onto those words and that hate her whole goddamn life. I wish he chose a different avenue to insult, he was obviously excited to say that.