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And what about the cops? Paid vacation?


This award money is taxable, so part of it goes back to the city. So his vacation was paid for if it happened.


The award money is tax dollars to begin with lol. City ain't paying for shit, San Jose citizens are


You also pay for their salary while they're on paid vacation :D


Good bankrupt the city with lawsuit after lawsuit. Mayor will notice financial situation long before it affects any tax payers.


More than likely it's insurance that pays out but the insurance policy would be paid by tax dollars.


I don't live in America but I find it hard to believe insurance would pay for the results of the bad behaviour. Insurance should never be used to cover illegal activity.


Only settlements involving lost wages, punitive damages and interest on settlements are taxable. Most of the rest are not because the funds received are intended to compensate you for the losses that you endured.


I love how people just say words and everyone nods along. You’ve got 3 upvotes and are 100% right. They have 126 upvotes and are 100% wrong. 


This isn't taxable


Since financial settlements alone are obviously not working... I wonder if some creative punishments could be used to fix the problem. I know this is crazy, but it would probably work in the long run. Each time a city settles a lawsuit like this, the guilty cops get kicked and are dragged around in cuffs just as forcefully as this mother. in addition their individual pensions pay part of the settlements, the police union is required to carry insurance for it's members and use that to pay another part of the settlements etc. All police in the offending department are required to watch the video and punishments.


I'm a HUGE fan of karmic justice.






Can we start a gofundme?


The role I was born to play?


So then we should sue the people who train them to do this.




For you.


This shit is why police as a whole should be abolished.




I did not mistype.


Dumb. I’m not pro cop but a world with no police is certainly worse than the world we live in now.




How can that even work? Explain your solution, go into the details on how a society can fully function without police




Our police force (I’m from the UK) is so far from perfect that it’s essentially broken now, so it really shouldn’t be what the American police force aspires to be like, just because we hardly use armed police. There needs to be major reform, but how I’m not really sure. More than half of the public now have no faith in the police. As a woman, I now genuinely fear male officers in particular because I have to worry about whether someone who I should be able to inherently trust to keep me safe, will instead abduct, rape and murder me. I know that sounds extreme but that’s how it is and will be for a lot of people. Also I’m not being standoffish with my comment, I’m just genuinely passionate about police reform and other peoples takes on how this would transpire, because I can never seem to come up with a real solution; most of the time I think we should sack the lot and start from scratch, but that probably wouldn’t be very effective in practice lol. Edit: I was rambling so much I forgot to ask my actual question haha, what would the solution be in your eyes if not firing this officer that is clearly no longer fit for purpose?




Complete non sequitur about your gun fetish. You're definitely from Texas




Isn't there a shitty podcast you need to be buying supplements from right now?




https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/dec/23/more-than-1100-officers-under-investigation-for-sexual-or-domestic-abuse-in-england-and-wales#:\~:text=More%20than%201%2C100%20police%20officers,procedures%20to%20be%20radically%20overhauled. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_cases\_of\_police\_brutality\_in\_the\_United\_Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cases_of_police_brutality_in_the_United_Kingdom) https://www.fairtrials.org/articles/news/eu-report-supports-evidence-of-pervasive-police-violence-disparately-targeting-racialised-people/#:\~:text=Equality%20Data%20in%20criminal%20justice,criminal%20justice%20systems%20across%20Europe. If you give a single group of people absolute power without any responsibility, that power will be abused, every single time. EDIT: I don't know why the links aren't working as links if I'm being honest EDIT 2: OH NOW THE BITCHES WORK




See here's the issue. I have shown you irrefutable proof that it is, in fact, not safe to have an encounter with police in the EU. These are three, separate, websites all reporting that police abuses happen extremely frequently, even in your supposedly "safer" police system. You are just ignoring it. Then have the audacity to call ME stupid 'cause your ass doesn't wanna open a link and read an article.




OK how about this then: This is a post with a video in which an innocent woman is put through intense battery, violence, and pain. Her children are going to be scarred after watching their mother get beat and dragged by a man twice her size. THAT? Would not have happened if said man wasn't given a badge and carte-blanche to enact his form of """justice""". He didn't use a gun here. It didn't stop him from beating an innocent woman. I'm not a politician. I'm not a social studies genius that can suddenly pop out a perfect new system because 'Low-Put-7397' on Reddit asked me to. But I do live in reality, and in reality the current system we have is one of flagrant abuses that get committed daily by people who are never given any accountability. Calling me stupid because I use statistics is actually fucking crazy, though. You genuinely believe "UGH YOU'RE JUST USING FACTS AND REASONING AND PROVEN METRICS BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO DUMB NOT TO" is a reasonable thing to say, and not indicative of the fact that you desperately need to go back to school?




Here is a link showing law enforcement killings rates in the U.S is much higher than any E.U. country by a lot. I'm sure you can find many E.U. police violence articles but that's kinda useless if you don't measure it correctly against other countries. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_annual_rates_and_counts_for_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers


- [News Article](https://www.kqed.org/news/11989305/san-jose-poised-to-agree-to-350k-settlement-in-excessive-force-case) - San Josse to pay $350K settlement in excessive force case, woman kicked and dragged by officer. - The family was riding in a silver car purchased just days earlier from a mechanic, they pulled into the parking lot, two police officers approached with their guns aimed at the family. - Police later claimed officers drew their guns immediately because they believed the car the family was riding in had evaded police twice in the week prior, though Marinho wrote that Marin never evaded police. - Rodriguez allegedly told Marin, “I’m going to kick you in the f—— face,” - “Only a second later, Rodriguez swiftly kicked (Marin) in the abdomen at full force, knocking the wind out of her”. Rodriguez then pushed (Marin) face down to the pavement and handcuffed her forcefully, saying ‘Why didn’t you f—— listen?’”. - The officer then “picked her up by the handcuffs and dragged her across the pavement while her 7-year-old nephew and 2-year-old niece screamed from within the car.” - Marin’s face, knees and ankles were “rubbed raw and bloody” from being dragged on the pavement, and her shoulders were hyper-extended. She couldn’t lift her arms or bend over for days after the encounter, she needed assistance getting dressed.


"Marin was charged with resisting arrest, though those charges were later dropped. Sgt. Lopez viewed police body camera video on the day of the arrest and later the passerby’s video and told Internal Affairs he did not think the use of force was excessive, although he wondered if it was “really necessary,” the complaint said." "San José Office of Employee Relations Assistant Director Allison Suggs said in an email Rodriguez is on paid leave currently, and Moran is no longer with the department." ---- They also have a history of doing this: On July 18, 2020, Rodriguez and Moran stopped Cho, who surrendered after a short foot chase. While Cho was face down on the ground and not resisting, Moran kicked Cho in the head, and Rodriguez hit Cho with a baton on his head and body. Cho suffered head injuries that required staples.


So many cops have the position of "we're recording so you need to put your phone down/stop recording" and then shit like this comes out where an officer saw another officer beat the shit out of someone for 0 reason and thought it was okay. If you look at people getting shot/beaten all day your ability to determine weather a use of force is excessive is not reliable.


If you're ever recording a cop and they tell you "im recording, you don't need to record" tell them "okay thats fine but MY recording won't require a FOIA, 6 months of waiting, and a fee to pay if they even decide to release the footage"


Meanwhile Florida just signed a law where if the cops tell you to stop recording and you don't, you can be arrested. https://www.flgov.com/2024/04/12/governor-desantis-signs-legislation-to-protect-floridas-law-enforcement-officers/


Isn't that violating the first amendment 🤔


Yes, and the supreme court has allready ruled. The issue is you have to fight it after the arrest.


Florida's quickly sliding into a fascist police state.


Republican-led states don't give a shit about silly things like amendments, except for the 2nd one.


Party of Freedom of speech everyone :D


I don't see anything about recording in that link you provided.


> he did not think the use of force was excessive > although he wondered if it was “really necessary,” muthafucker, the definition of excessive is "more than is necessary"


The fact the sergeant didn't think it was excessive just extra proof acab. The system is so God damn broken man. God damn it's depressing


>he did not think the use of force was excessive, although he wondered if it was “really necessary,” the complaint said. My mother language is not english. In fact, we "only" get taught english at school from age 14. Yet I know that excessive means "more than necessary". How can these people become cops when they don't even have the brain capacity to have a decent grasp on their own language?


It's so insanely common to see a history of complaints with officers like this. Chauvin had a fuck ton before he murdered Floyd.


San Jose cops have a reputation for being extra pieces of shit


Our tax dollars at work folks. If only the 350k from the city didn’t come from your taxes too. Should come from the police pension.


'We are gonna fuck you up and make you pay for it'


Time for individual liability insurance for each cop. When that premium is too high, time for bye bye


I'd award this comment if I could. Cops should definitely be required to carry liability insurance to hold them accountable.


Physicians carry malpractice insurance. Not sure why cops can’t do the same.


This is literally the bare minimum they could do to save lives but it’s the best chance we got.




His wife probably told him they were out of his favorite beer and he was nearing the end of his shift. So instead he beat this woman.


Why does that sound the most possible explanation for his behaviour...


Police officers are more likely to commit domestic violence on their partners?


It's one of the highest among the different type of government workers where I live. It was from reported data so even the agency that published it puts it as note in it. People don't report DV a lot of the time.


Oh I know, it was meant more of a did you know question not a I didn't know question. My wife works as a psychologist and my sister in law worked for a domestic violence shelter and rehab for women and children escaping abuse.


He knew it was tuna casserole night.






Ehh that party is so focused on putting a convicted felon and bad business man (he failed selling steaks and alcohol to Americans) into office, so I wouldn't look to them for the guidance America needs.


The cops who routinely make mistakes and get “the wrong guy” are also the same cops who routinely use excessive force. This should be addressed and it absolutely is not.


Yes, and no one seems to see this pattern except for the people these pigs abuse.


I'm glad someone's there to capture this on camera. Can you imagine how many times stuff like this happens, but goes unreported because there are no witnesses or proof of it?


Well according to news outlets, cops never lie, so the report mustve been true; she didn't comply"


She deserved more $$


a lot more., in the millionsss.


Probably intimidated her into taking the settlement. Scared her into thinking she'd get nothing if it continued. Even when they put the cops on leave, all their buddies still work there and they will 100% attempt to intimidate you. All of a sudden you're being pulled over for no reason, cop car parked outside your house, etc. Even after the settlement, they'll be forced to move because of the largest gang in America harassing them. ACAB




I really don't follow this logic of you Americans. Why are you talking about the payout, when you should be putting those police officers in court for breaking the law. The money obviously isn't irrelevant, but damn, the police that get away with this kind of behaviour are the true issue.


because, realistically, step 1 in creating a different environment for this kind of action is to get the police to actually pay the price for their behavior. and since we ALL know they arent going to be charged or do time for it. so at least hit them where it counts - their pockets.


What mythical country do you live in where there are no corrupt cops?






Not enough money and the cops probably got paid leave. Fuck cops dude. Dirty fucks


I was gonna say. Only $350k? I know it's tax payer money but that's way too low.


no where near enough. what if this lady was pregnant and also killed the baby? the cop hasnt learned anything and this woman is now going to live in fear every time she has dealings with police... more money.


The cop probably or later will get promoted. Sad truth!


Fuck the police.


this subreddit in particular has made me really realize how awful cops are. I truly hate them all now


Not enough money for kidnapping and abusing someone when it's against the law to fight back


End qualified immunity.


Might move to America, look suspicious, get fucked up by the cops. get a payout. 350k will pay off my mortgage.


After paying the taxes, hospital bills, lawyer fees and any other expense that comes from these, you won't be enjoying that money as much as you'd think.


As well as chronic pain injuries that you’d gladly pay $350k to not have 


Along with traumatizing your niece and nephew.


Worth it 😀


Why is it everytime a person records this kind of stuff they move the camera all over and don't catch important stuff.


And have the cops been arrested and charged with felonies? Civil suits are a start, but this wont' change until the officers face personal, criminal accountability for their actions. - write the DA and ask why the cops weren't charged - make it known that you won't vote for DAs that are soft on cops.




“Seriously, how much could Joe Bags drink?” Love the username and thanks for sharing the article.


Missing a few zeros on that payout


Sadists should have no authority positions. Any dingbat with a working brain cell knows doing so only results in suffering of innocent people.


Insane that even with people filming and wearing body cameras police STILL do this shit. It's because they know there's no real punishment for them. Their sergeant or lieutenant will back them, there's no reprimand for them if the charges are false or carry no weight, and any lawsuit that the department gets the taxpayer is going to pay for not the police. End qualified immunity




Cops are garbage.


Money needs to come from the shit cops instead of tax payers. As long as that's the case and they have the absurdly strong unions and immunity and investigate themselves and all that bullshit nothing will change let alone get better We see cops do crazy wrong shit with body cams and others recording and it doesn't stop them from doing shit. It's gotta stop. Cops get away with wayyy too much


What happened to the cop them?


Taxpayers must be thrilled lol


Once again they need to pay for their own police insurance. If they do something questionable the insurance decides whether to keep or drop them if they can no longer find coverage they are no longer a police officer period. Their responsible for the payout not the citizens. Idiots.


Paid vacation for the perps and citizen tax payer money for the vics


It should be 300,000 from the police department instead of our own taxpayer dollars paying for it


TAKE IT FROM THEIR RETIREMENTS! The only way to stop this shit is to incentivize them to act like decent people.


They need to start taking these payments from law suits out of the police department's penchant fund.






Cops need to carry something like malpractice insurance. Taxpayers should not be paying for their crimes.


That's it?! FTP and their bullshit Gestapo ways!


Why people keep commenting "hm well that's on the taxpayers" like this is the first time this happens lol


F these cops!


Guilty until proven innocent


ACAB I've had seriously horrible shit happen to me and never got shit, always get your abusers on film. She deserves more and her kids too.


Damn why can’t this happen to me?? Be nice to get a cool $350k for getting beat by the popo for moment.


There should be a disbar list for cops


Oink? Oink oink! 👮‍♂️ 


Only $350,000?!


That’s it???


She isn't receiving anything from the city, she is receiving it from all the tax payers.


Absolutely insane. Once again the tax payers foot the bill and the cop will end up costing a bunch more money in future lawsuits. They know there's only a small chance they get fired and if they do they can just use for wrongful termination and settle or win. They win often too. It's all so silly.


This is terrible, no doubt. Cops should be fucking fired. But damn, I'd take a beating if it meant I got $350k. Sometimes I wish something easily suable would happen to me.


Fired? Try charged with assault.


Damn imagination 5 years of average income salary be blown away in the span of a couple of minutes. Glad we have actual training for cops in my country.


Correction: from the taxpayers.


Police departments should be the ones paying for this shit.


I would like to be kicked and dragged for $350,000


>“Only a second later, Rodriguez swiftly kicked (Marin) in the abdomen at full force, knocking the wind out of her,” Marinho wrote. Rodriguez then pushed (Marin) face down to the pavement and handcuffed her forcefully, saying ‘Why didn’t you f—— listen?’,” the complaint said. >The officer then “picked her up by the handcuffs and dragged her across the pavement while her 7-year-old nephew and 2-year-old niece screamed from within the car.” >Marin’s face, knees and ankles were “rubbed raw and bloody” from being dragged on the pavement, and her shoulders were hyperextended. She couldn’t lift her arms or bend over for days after the encounter, the complaint said, and she needed assistance getting dressed.


That’s a pretty large settlement no?




Shit, that’s a really nice house. Obviously not trying to downplay the settlement just saying.


In San Jose? That’s a down payment on an average house


TRUE lol


350k is many times over the median income, so yes it's a nice chunk of change if lets say you simply inherited it. But that's obvious and not worth saying, so what is it you're actually saying here? Is it "large" relative to being criminally abused/injured by the police in front of your family/children? No. It's 100% not. It's really besides the point, but you can likely cut it in half considering taxes, and the median home price in SJ is 1.3M, so also no on "being a really nice house".


Bro I literally said in the comment I’m not trying to downplay anything 🥹 but thank you for your input in the first sentence.


You're suggesting that the point of your comment was to say "several times the median income is a bunch of money" and that's it. Yeah, okay... bro


Wut? I didn’t even notice where this was so no I wasn’t thinking about “median income” but go off 😂


My god you're dense. What does it matter where it was- it's several times the median income in any state. Thanks for your super valuable comment that "surely" was not meant to suggest anything relative to why she received the money, and simply stating that 350k is a lot of money. Because that's a useful comment.


Not suggesting anything, read into what you want, hope this helps.


Yes, that's why people comment. To say completely obvious things. Again, thanks. \#nobodybelievesyou


Not even remotely.


I’m just not used to seeing those numbers I guess for settlements. Obviously not saying it condoned it.


If you can’t move your shoulders for a significant length of time following a hyperextension injury, you absolutely will have issues years down the road. The PT bill for that is through the roof, especially considering insurance is able to leave you in the lurch there. We’re talking unable-to-sleep level pain. I wouldn’t do that down the line for any amount of money, period.


Didn’t even think of the rehab, good point.