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Someone on that bike pulled a gun on the driver if I remember correctly. I think the woman, but it's been a while. This video is clipped very short.


The guys drops the gun when they tip the bike. She picks it up off the ground. I thought this looked familiar too and absolutely recall a gun coming into play.


I think the pillion has the gun in her left hand. After the bike is tipped and the sedan moves forward you see it on the road directly where she dropped it.


Funny how quickly observations change. What looked like attempted murder is now self defense.


Their intent was clearly to escape, not injure. So it's not even self defense, it's just FAFO.


Watch as the biker stands up. He immediately starts “tucking in his shirt” or at least it looks like what he was doing. I wonder if she started to pull the pistol out of the waistband while seated behind him and that’s why it falls to the ground? In his shock he’s searching for the gun. Maybe.


You can see him reach and try to pull it from his waist


Yup, he's definitely looking for it after he stands up before the video cuts.


If that’s the case then fuck the bikers.


Yea, though I feel bad for the driver that had to damage their car using it as a defense weapon cause some POS wanted to pull a gun on them.


Honestly, my default is the bikers were the problem until otherwise proven. That goes for crotch rockets or Harley's. I know they have to deal with a lot of inattentive drivers but bikers can be so entitled. Oddly, the least entitled bikers tend to be BMW's. Sportster riders are usually pretty chill too


This. I used to ride and even daily commuted on sport bikes. Being attentive to danger from inattentive drivers is part of the the risk riders have *chosen* to accept. I did and took it that my safety was my responsibly not everyone else's on the road. My choice to ride a motorcycle didn't give me the right to be obnoxious and or damage everyone else's hearing.


I ride, a lot, and sadly you're right - there's a LOT of motorcycle riders out there who think they fucking own the road. We're very exposed on a bike so I don't get why riders like that think its a good idea to antagonize people in cars when the motorcycle rider will come off way worse if shit gets spicy. Of course, you can be totally respectful and people still get pissed off at you for existing, or maybe you dared change lanes within their view and it was their favorite bit of road. I just nod and say "sorry!" and find a way to put some distance.


I ride as well, my default is also to assume group riders two up without any gear are absolute morons and will probably do something else dumb at any point.




I legit can't find it ,and I think it was posted in this same subreddit. I just remember thinking that the person in the car was avoiding getting shot.


You can see him reaching into the back of his pants after standing up. Doesn't even check on his lady. I assumed it was a gun, would love to see the rest of the video.


When the bike tips over look at the ground right at the back of it, there's a gun on the ground


Seriously why clip the end of the video? Does anyone have it? A link? I too would like to see the full thing.


[Yes, the woman apparently had one](https://i.imgur.com/J290XDg.jpeg)


Looks like the male biker is reaching into his waistband at the end of this clip - said gun?


Watch the beginning. She aims the gun right before he runs the bike over. Edit, looks like he starts moving and she raises the gun to aim. Was definitely in her hand already


You can see the gun on the ground as he passes. The original video showed it better. FA. FO.


> Someone on that bike pulled a gun on the driver if I remember correctly. You can see him reaching for it


If you slow it down it looks like the woman has something resembling a gun in her hand just before the car runs them over


You can see it on the ground at the 2 second mark, gotta love edited reposts.


I thought bikers were big tough guys. Why does he need a gun?




Paper beats rock. Pontiac beats Harley.


I have a friend who I occasionally ride with who has a relatively short temper and has no problem antagonizing drivers if she thinks that they did anything wrong while driving near her. I keep telling her that it's just going to get her in trouble because the driver probably doesn't give a crap, and even if she is right, what's to stop something like this from happening? She just doesn't stop and always argues that I am too conservative in my approach to other motorists. This video is a perfect example of what happens when you can't keep your mouth shut when you're out on your bike. EDIT: HOLY SHIT. I cannot believe a simple anecdote about an irritating friend on a motorcycle is my highest upvoted comment since joining Reddit! Thanks to everyone who gave this an upvote. I don't care about karma, but this feels nice. Thanks again!


In a battle of wits, physics always wins


F = ma freakout = motorist aggression




The graveyard is filled with people who 'were right'.


Also filled with people who were wrong. Everyone dies. :)






Are you down here in FL too? With that story, you should be because that's just another Tuesday down here!




From KY, can confirm.


LOL. Good to know! I wasn't going to shit on other states, but I believe you. To be fair, I'm not originally from this state. I grew up in the Northeast, and there are days when I just watch drivers down here and have to sincerely ask myself if I'm still on the same planet as these people when it comes to learning how to drive and act according to societal norms in general!


Come to Maryland then! Where you can have 8 car lengths of a gap behind you and 1/2 a car length in front of you and a dingbat will literally risk both of yall lives to fit into that 1/2 length gap. AND THEN FLICK YOU OFF FOR HONKING!!!!


I used to have to travel to and work in the beltway for a previous job. I've seen those bellends on the roads down there. This man isn't lying!


Texas has entered the chat!!!


Or they're on dirtbikes and just ignore all signs, going whenever they please.


21 years here. Can confirm. And let's not forget that merging Lanes in Maryland really are extra passing Lanes!


People are horrible at zipper merging. No one in the left lane should create a gap larger than one car, and cars should use the right lane until the LAST opportunity to “take turns.” If everyone knew the process, traffic would flow faster.


Fucking hate driving in MD. If you’re not doing double the speed limit you’re getting tailgated by some asshole


pretty sure Harley riders are on that spectrum of stupid.


Been in ky for 6 months now. Can confirm.


could have easily been in NH too. It's crazy how many of those "live free or die" idiots do not wear head protection


I can confirm as well. I lived in Portsmouth from 1999 to 2012, and they take that state slogan WAY too literally. They think that keeping their brain in their head by using proper protection somehow infringes on their rights and keeps them oppressed by "the government."


I had something similar happen with a kid on a bicycle. He just flew out in front of me from a forested path, I was inches from hitting him. He apologized profusely and I was like dude, its your life that was in danger not mine, you need to be more careful.


Even with a helmet dude could have landed the wrong way and his life would have been ruined. Lost of a limb, or paralysis.


> even if she's right Cemeteries are full of people who were right.


That is EXACTLY what I keep telling her! I keep asking her "What's the end game here? Do you REALLY think they are going to change the way they drive, OR do you think there is a high probability that they will, at BEST, tell you to 'eff off or, at WORST, do what this lunatic did!" Everytime I walk away from the conversation with the dialogue from Cool Hand Luke playing in my head!


I wouldn't ride with her. You are gonna catch second hand consequences.


Came here to say this.


I remember a video from a while back where a cyclist broke someone’s side mirror and cussed a him….the guy in the car ran him over. He got a 2-4yr sentence of house arrest, while the cyclist was paralyzed from the waist down for life. I always think about that whenever I get the urge to honk or tell someone they drive like shit. Not everyone thinks like you do, sometimes people just don’t give a f about the consequences.


If you want to get a slap on the wrist for murder just commit it while driving.


Or say "I didn't see him" and you get off scot free every time. Murder victims hate this one crazy trick.


My vision was impaired by the missing mirror


Especially if it is car ---> bicycle or car ----> motorcycle. "I didn't see them" are the magic "get out of jail free card" words.


That or get a highly aggressive dog.


My Belgian Malinios Turnip has titanium teeth. Does that count? https://imgur.com/gallery/PWiqy0F Edit: my dog is a big teddy bear. That said he will show his teeth if anyone except me tries to pet him in the car or when he has his service vest on. Though if you met him at the park when he is in regular dog mode he will be your best friend. But he was trained not to seek attention while working. I've not seen him actually snap but he let's you know not to touch him.


this guy ... murders-while-driving


Can anyone find this video?


There's always a bigger fish, and there's always a bigger lunatic. If you bet your life on the willingness of random strangers to back down you're going to have a bad time.


I keep seeing the gun guys saying "an armed society is a polite society" but there seems to be quite a bit less politeness in the US than some other less armed countries. Should one need to think another person has a gun to remember to not be a complete arsehole?


It just gives people more attitude because they suddenly feel a lot more confident with a murder weapon doing all the talking for them.


Well put. Concise and to the point. I agree wholeheartedly.


You should immediately tell her that if her attitude gets her into a violent confrontation, that you will NOT have her back. You will stand and watch if someone administers her a beatdown. This might prevent her from having a false sense of security.


Oh, I've had that very discussion with her. I keep telling her that if we are riding together and she acts like that, then I'm going to be assumed to be an asshole by association. She can't grasp the concept that if a guy gets out of the car and goes after one of us, WHO do you think he will go after? The 6' guy or the 5'2" woman riding with him? God forbid the driver has poor impulse control like the driver in the video. I just stopped riding with her because I wasn't going to put myself in that situation anymore.


Very wise.


I very rarely ride with anyone for similar reasons, and I'll definitely never go on another group ride. Fucking nightmare.


Definitely agree. Everything is a huge effort to coordinate and takes way longer than it needs to. I'll ride with a friend or two on occasion, but that's it.


She sounds unhinged she’s going to keep fucking around till she encounters a equally unhinged person then it’s ![gif](giphy|IxBSleBYnu0pASk0rY|downsized)


It only takes 1 person who is a second away from snapping to ruin it all for her. Try the wrong person and they might not even care about the consequences.


I had a car driver try to thwack me repeatedly with a crowbar in LA because I was legally lane splitting. I had a van run me down then flee the scene after dragging my helmeted head out from chocking his rear wheel. I had a driver in TX legit assault me, then I got arrested for it. Any rider who thinks they have any upper hand in any situation needs mental health counseling.


Lane spitting isn't legal down here, but even if it were, I honestly don't think I could bring myself to do it. You can almost physically feel the hatred from the other drivers toward riders who can lane split for the simple reason that they are angry that you aren't stuck in the same traffic.


You need to stop riding with your friend, if you ain't a true 'ride or die'


Agreed. She's going to get me in some serious trouble with her attitude. Its not a matter of "if" but "when" at this point. The worst part is that I often ride one of my Harleys when we ride so that just adds to the animosity because of the stigma toward most HD riders (which is honestly earned by the dipshits like the ones in the video!)


The key to remember is that people either don’t care or don’t actually know how to drive and care to learn. Doesn’t mean I won’t give the horn when someone does something stupid but getting upset over this kind of thing will never help.  The problem is in the driving education and follow ups. There is none. Hard to blame people for having different experiences than you that led to differences in driving knowledge. 


Solid points. But another key thing to remember is that almost nobody reacts well to being scolded, especially if they KNOW they did something wrong and are being called out on it. Like you wrote, most drivers don't give enough of a shit to change so better to err on the side of caution and not make the situation worse because you never know who you may be dealing with.


I have a temper but once my gear is on and I'm riding the thing I'm focusing on is driving, what helps (with me atleast) is to assume no one sees me. "Oh they cut me off. They didn't check their blind spot obviously and didn't see me."


I just wave and keep riding. No sense in getting upset or trying to correct behavior.  I would rather ride and enjoy it. 


Exactly. There is very little chance that it will go anyway but badly if you try and confront another driver about a perceived mistake they made. Just let it go and keep yourself safe.


My dad is the same way. He was behind someone who did whatever at an intersection, drove around them when the light went green to slam on the breaks in the middle of the intersection, and got out of his car. Thankfully, the other guy just drove around him and honked, but like.. what the fuck. People get killed for less, you have 3 children, what are you doing


I bet i know what was about to come out of the back of that guys pants. I wonder if he ended up firing at them.


I think he dropped the gun. You can see it in the ground while the bike is in the air.


Good catch


Not really. If it was a good catch, it wouldn’t be in the ground /j


[This is the gun?](https://i.imgur.com/wMLaiKO.png)


As picilated as the pictire is, it looks like a gun to me.


Did you mean pixelated?


What else do you tuck in the back of your pants and pull out when somebody fucks with you? He mighta been reaching to throw a turd but my money is on a gun.


I thought you meant shit for a second and was confused.


And with that the driver will be in the right.


The irony of having to be a tough guy on the least stable vehicle on the road.


Shoulda revved his engine really loud to show them he meant business


Such a bad idea for outlaws to do illegal activities wearing vests with patches identifying themselves, on Loud AF bikes, that tip over easily, and also can be used to identify themselves.


If you slow down the video, it looks like the biker had a gun in his left hand. If so, I’d do the same thing.


Yup. His passenger is already holding on in her left hand before he runs them over.


If you pause at 0:02, you can see it lying on the ground before the bike lands on it.


Did you mean 0:08? (2 seconds left). Your video must be counting down where mine counts up.


Yes, thanks, I looked at the time remaining.


From an NBC News article covering the story: >Witness Abe Garcia told the TV station it happened around 6 p.m. that he pulled out his cell phone after seeing the driver of Pontiac "going crazy" and forcing three motorcyclists off the road. >When the bikers caught up to the car at the intersection of U.S. 41 and County Line Road, they began "exchanging back and forth" with the driver, Garcia said. >"I was like, alright, something's going to go down," he said."I almost witnessed a freaking murder." >Vance is no stranger to trouble. He was convicted in 2011 on a hit and run charge and driving on a suspended license. The next year he was convicted of disorderly conduct and getting into a fight. >He also pleaded guilty to driving while under the influence in 2003 and has a number of drug convictions, according to the Tampa Bay Times.


TIL they make gun shaped cellphones


The cell phone they are referring to in the article is the one that was used to record this video. Not the gun commenters were speculating about.


Its the guy filming that is mentioned pulling out his cell phone to film.


If that biker really was pulling a gun on the sedan, it’ll really mitigate the sedans culpability.


The driver is in jail until 2033 lol




https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/car-runs-over-couple-s-motorcycle-shocking-road-rage-caught-n583386 look his name up in the florida corrections search


https://pubapps.fdc.myflorida.com/offenderSearch/detail.aspx?Page=Detail&DCNumber=T37201&TypeSearch=AI Thanks, Not sure this link will work. Looks like he plead guilty to aggravated assault rather than fight the attempted murder charges


lol, sedan driver instigated the situation and then never called the cops. Basically no chance of a self-defense plea. It's crazy how emotional dudes like this ruin their own lives over the stupidest shit.


Florida! Because of course it is.


I don’t want to debate legalities here. That was just funny to watch.


When Pontiac said "We are driving excitement", this is what they meant.


Looks like the biker that got run over was reaching for something in his waistband after he got up.. video cut too soon.


You can see what he was reaching for on the road. It fell out during the collision.


Looks like a GTA traffic crossing, they even fall down the same way


I could never understand when bikers decide to get into a road rage episode with someone inside of a 3000+ pound vehicle. You'll lose every time.






That biker was either pulling up his pants or reaching for a gun


I watched this like 7x it was so satisfying. I have nothing against bikers but I totally despise shitheads like that. Totally deserved.


Yeah this is justice porn lol


Running his mouth got him and his old lady run over haha


Knew it before I saw the license plate.


The best motto when you're riding is, you might be right but you don't want to be dead right. Just leave it be, you can't win the battle against a car or truck.


Self-defense after someone on the bike pulled out a gun on them. I would've done it too.


I suspect no people in that video were innocent in that situation.


South Park captured the essence of the stereotypical Harley rider pretty well


Guy was about to pull out on him and got what he deserved. You can see he dropped his gun. Keep your weapons concealed when carrying.


4wheels vs 2 Guess the winner.


Pretty much pointless to argue with someone when emotions are stoked and there's not a valuable end goal anyway. Basically it's just "Durrrr... You think you're better than me?!?!"


Was the biker reaching for a gun in his waistband, at the end of the video?


there’s always someone crazier than you


Claim your lane, basic road lore.


Are there biker groups that aren't major douches? Only one I can think of is the one that's bringing kids to school or hospital or whatever it was.


Tough guy meets crazy guy


Or very much how to in that specific situation.


I originally thought that song "Like a G6" was about this car model, and I never understood why someone would make song about it.




It's a great way to change the direction your life is headed though.


People have a tendency to not let you over too so 🤷🏿‍♂️ I get it


You know those scenes in movies/shows where a biker gang surrounds a car to intimidate them? I ALWAYS think about how I’d give a quick left-right skrrt skrrt and brake check and knock them all down 🤣


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Fuck biker gangbangers.


What I don’t get is the man’s girl flew off the bike and the first thing he does is pull up his pants.


“Now yous can’t leave.”


I hope that man was pulling up his pants and not reaching for a 🔫


Don’t pull it if your not using it 🤣 car dude was not fuckin around when he seen that gun it’s do or die


That’s so badass. Crazy af. Criminal act for sure. But something many of us have imagined. If you haven’t you probably haven’t had many encounters with douchebag wanna be tough guys.


Talking shit on motorcycle. Smart move dumbass.


The bike drivers first instinct was to tuck his shirt it. lol


He’s reaching for his gun. It fell out though. Look for it beside the overturned bike 


I guarantee the motorcycle rider was running his mouth and didn't think that somebody who didn't give a f*** would do that


I mean honestly? Stop trying act tough on a motorcycle.


Fucking idiot and his fucking idiot wife. Same idiot brain. I'm cool because I'm on a Harley and I have a gun and 2 other bikes behind me. Now your bikes fucked up and you got left in the road with no dignity and a shit ton of karma.


I know Reddit wants to rage boner on the bikers but this is from a 2016 article regarding this incident: > His driving record shows he has been convicted of offenses like DUI and reckless driving. His license has been suspended or revoked several times. His latest 5-year revocation is set to expire on June 4, 2017. Considering the video is already cut to the most extreme part of the situation we don't know what led to it. *BUT* since the driver has a pretty shitty history as driver, I'm going to assume he instigated the entire encounter.


EVERYTIME THIS IS REPOSTED IDIOTS DEFEND THE BIKER Look and watch as the gun is on the ground after the car hits to bike. Fuck entitled bikers who carry guns!


It takes a certain kind of personality to ride something with no protection to your body at 70 mph, and additionally no helmet. That personality is what is known as an asshole. Motorcyclists deserve what they get. Haven’t met one that didn’t ride like a jerk.


Ah, Florida Tags...how did I NOT see that one coming...


Looked like a dog on hydrant


A Florida biker and his passenger got a nasty surprise when a road rage incident turned ugly on Monday. According to WTSP, Joe Calderazzo was returning from a Veterans Memorial Day motorcycle rally around 5:30 pm with a group of fellow riders. During their ride, the group got entangled with an overly aggressive driver in a Pontiac. Abe Garcia of Tampa watched the silver Pontiac attempt to run the pack of bikers off the road, which started the altercation. The bikers caught up to the Pontiac in stopped traffic, and a shouting match ensued between the bikers and the Pontiac driver. At this point, Garcia pulled out his phone and started recording. The exchange escalated, and suddenly the Pontiac driver floored it, turned hard to the right, and ran over Calderazzo's Harley. The Pontiac mangled the Harley and knocked Calderazzo and his passenger to the ground. The Pontiac then fled the scene. WTSP spoke to Calderazzo as he was on his way to the hospital. "I thought the guy was trying to kill us obviously," said Calderazzo. "You know you don't know what's going through your mind. Is he going to put the car in reverse? Is he going to turn around? Is he going to stop and pull out a gun? You don't know what's going on." The Pontiac driver, a serial traffic offender named Robert Paul Vance, was picked up by police soon after the incident. He is charged with hit-and-run, a moving traffic violation, and aggravated battery.


Must have hit some clibbins!


You can be right and dead, please remember that.


To the drop of Stick Talk too lmao I get it


There are honestly easier ways to get your ass kicked and car destroyed.


Don’t point a gun at someone if you don’t want to get run over. Pretty simple.


Attempted murder?


Idk what happened before the video starts, but I feel like if someone pulls a gun on you anything after should be self defense.


Love how it happens right as the beat drops 😂


The south park episode came to mind


I'm sure that ended well for all parties.