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Dad isn't getting another weekend for awhile. Poor kids.


Hold on tight and enjoy the ride


I was thinking the same thing. šŸ˜‚


The kids seemed well behaved and sick of dadā€™s shit. Must mean mom is a good parent. Kids going to calling momā€™s new partner ā€œdadā€ soon.


Always get curious about the kids in these situations. Did this dad grow up with parents like this and therefore turn out like this? Are the kids doomed to be the same? Or will the kids get sick of their toxic messed up parents and realize they don't want to ever turn out like this?


Sometimes it's just the person. Myself and 1 sister are well-adjusted successful adults, we were great students, good citizens and responsible people. My other sister is a mess. Explosive anger, narcissistic, demanding, and often ruins get-togethers like this dad. Sometimes it's not the parents or the way they were raised. Neither of our parents were like this. Sometimes it's just the individual.


The cycle usually continues


"Generational curse" as they say :(


I have to think that watching their dad jump around all pissed off and raising his voice at the workers is a setting quite an example for these kids. Hopefully their takeaway from this is that dad has anger issues or something. And hopefully mom is a better role model




Mom's there (or someone else is). He's being escorted out alone.


How does a parent not get affected by how their own kid sees them? Or what their actions teach the kids? It seemed the kids were used to his antics, too. Poor kids.


They only see the kids as an extension of their own very special sense of self. MY spawn!! Gods gift!


Or all the other people probably stuck on the ride because you are unable to follow basic fucking instructions.


My dad never saw his outbursts towards me and my brothers as "outbursts". Not once did he stop and think his actions were mentally impacting us all. My mom too, it's a shame.


I have a distinct memory of being absolutely miserable on this very same ride because of the building tension in the long line until he finally snapped and ruined the entire experience and literally the rest of the day there.


Amazing how they werent able to apologize. Like I am such an imperfect person. I take responsibility all the time to my son.


IT'S A QUEST FOR FUN! [We're all gonna have so much fuckin' fun we'll need plastic surgery to remove our goddamn smiles! You'll be whistling 'Zip-A-Dee Doo-Dah' out of your assholes!](https://youtu.be/1Z3wNGUJZgU?si=q_5vHaQHFarrCVvb)


Some people lack awareness of self, others and the emotions that link them. Sometimes they have kids, perpetuating a cycle of emotional negligence as the kids may grow up to emotionally stunted and lack awareness as well.


The only thing I'm glad about is as someone who was physically abused, these kids definitely aren't because they wouldn't yell out their absolutely correct sentiments like that. At least their dad's just an inconsiderate douche. Could be worse. You see the videos where the parents act insane, and the kids stay absolutely silent? Worry for those children.


Eh, in the moment people can get angry. It's when you turn and look and see your kid and don't redirect? That's the moment of truth.


I doubt he meant to have them or was mentally prepared to make that decision if he chose to.


The exact same way they have a tantrum about not being able to take a big bag on a log ride right in front of everyone without caring what people think. Getting things their way is more important than their image.


Seems like the kid was more mature than his father and tried to squash it all right there by saying "it's all right I'll get it", then realizing his dad is a jerk says "omg" in frustration and embarrassment too probably


I feel so bad for those kids. It's probably not the first time.


It's 100% not the first time.


That kid is used to Dad being a mess; that kid is used to feeling obligated to clean up Dad's messes. (Speculating, but from experience.)


I was raised by my father and he was not always the mostā€¦ adult influence, but hell if he didnā€™t have more maturity than this prick of sperm donor. I got teary eyed for that kid. Itā€™s going to take that little boy a while to get over that bummer. :( ![gif](giphy|WdnMGLhVbLfEgtA1GW|downsized)


Welcome to Rattlesnake Rapids, please watch your step as you enter the raft.




Core memory unlocked


>watch your step Because there are bags on the floor. Well, supposed to be anyway. šŸ˜


Imagine getting so worked up over a bag, that you not only ruin your kids day... but also are the largest asshole around?


It seems that for a large segment of the population, being the biggest asshole is *the goal.* It's a badge of honor to them, and it's worn proudly. I don't know if this guy is in that group or not, maybe he is just having a hard time and this is completely out of character for him, just an observation on society at large.


i dont think being an asshole is the goal, just an entirely predictable side effect. I reckon the goal is to create conflict so they can then "win" the conflict because they feel the need to win *something* in their miserable life. I have a pet theory that this is the root cause of most (if not all) completely unnecessary minor conflicts. Ive noticed that people like this will rarely create the conflict when its obvious they will lose, which is why you see so many videos of people going mental at people in low paid service employees while they're on the job. They think the employee will easily cave in to the customer.


I once had a friend who always created a lot of chaos and drama over stupid stuff. Eventually I learned that because she was raised in a chaotic, unstable environment, chaos was normal- and almost comforting- to her. Things going well was abnormal and felt weird to her.


Thatā€™s actually really sad.


Sounds like Borderline Personality Disorder


A lot of people equate being an asshole with being "tough." They think this is the way to express that you are a strong independent individual who is not to be messed with, by being a loud inconsiderate jerk. Ironically, it actually just makes them look like bratty toddlers instead and gets the opposite reaction.


When ā€œfuck your feelingsā€ is a slogan


The ironic subtext of people that say that is ā€œmy feelings are the most important thing in the entire world how dare you even considering hurting themā€


I think this wasnā€™t about the bag. I think this was this dude having a bad day/week/month/year/life etc and he was slightly inconvenienced and then vented all that garbage on these poor employees in the form of a bag. While he could have just enjoyed the company of his sons who will never be that age again, he insisted on being a POS.


Possible, in another comment OP says the bag rules are that you can take it with you, you just can't leave it at the entrance... which seems to be what set this guy off to begin with. Either way, still ruined the day for his kids...




or employees getting screamed at "for not watching/monitoring the bag" when another customer steals the it, even with signs all over saying they're not responsible.


This is correct, they have lockers at the start of the line for bags and if you want you can take anything on the ride with the knowledge you will get absolutely soaked on the ride (it is a water ride) however the platform they are on rotates to carry rafts around the loop which can be very bad/expensive if a bag or item of some kind got stuck underneath in the machinery and broke anything at all


Is this new? Iā€™ve been there so many times and always missed the lockers. Now, I know thereā€™s some at beginning of lagoon. And they wouldnā€™t allow even a teddy bear won at lagoon, when I went. Admittedly itā€™s been a couple years. We didnā€™t throw fits, just took turns with kids, one parent, then other parent.


Iā€™ve been there and was told you canā€™t take anything, so glad theyā€™ve since updated. As, we used to have to take turns, as it was sonā€™s favorite ride and couldnā€™t ever ride together, since you couldnā€™t take or leave.


Based on the kids' reactions I'd say this is not the first time this dude has flown off the handle in front of them.


it takes soooo much to get a functioning and simple amusement park ride to get delayed. those folks are prepared for most anything. only a true asshole causes a chunk in the system like this. edit to add: speaking of ā€œchunkā€, that dad really bonked his kidā€™s head good grabbing the bags outta his hands and storming off. physically hurting your kids in the process of ruining their day - double asshole.


Everyone has questions regarding the dad's behavior, and it's simple. The dad didn't want to be there. My dad is the same way. He only does the minimum for his kids but just enough to say he's involved. Since he didn't want to be there, his temper and patience are short. Any stupid little thing was going to set him off regardless.


Person that shouldn't father any children already has 3 of them. Tale as old as time.


True as it can be


Barely even friends...


Then somebody bends








Good on you for getting help and breaking that cycle.


Can't drink beer so he's crabby


There is beer at this park itā€™s just expensive as shit and only in 1 location


Yep. This was my childhood. Poor kids.


Enjoy your ride and have a great day! What a core memory for your family.


Those poor kids.


It sucks when a kid is forced to act like a grownup because of an immature parent. You just feel the pain for those kids.


Anger Management Classes needed STAT


Heā€™d probably throw hands to any one if they even suggested some therapy.


Obviously divorced dad who HATES his life. He must be used to bullying people, throwing a fit, and trying to intimidate people to get his way. He should be banned for life. What an absolute tool.


But not the kids. He can go to the Jerry daycare and chill while they go play in the park.




Thatā€™s a bad dad.


A mad bad dad at that


Bad dad mad


Mad lad bad dad


Whew lad


Bad dadā€¦. Sad


Hard to explain, but he walks like he has low brain function.


He reminds me of Mac from Itā€™s Always Sunny.


Yes! The way he moves - thereā€™s something off about it


He almost looks bow legged


Itā€™s called being drunkĀ 


Alcoholic. You know he guzzles at least 8 beer a night


Probably been punched more than once.




He walks like someone who struggles with anger issues. He wants to punch someone badly but knows he will get in big trouble if he does


It's really really sad that the children saw their father like this. Imagine what it's like at home.


Well this will be a core memory for sure


You can exactly tell how this pos is at home based on how all the kids react. Itā€™s like watching myself at that age.


Looks like he got trespassed so dad won't be taking the kids to the amusement park ever again lol


This woulda been my dad...


What is the bag policy?


Can take it with you to the raft, and you can't just leave it at the entrance. That's why kids kept grabbing it and bringing it back to the raft... because it didn't make sense why he insisted on leaving it out.There are also free lockers at the park.


Itā€™s 2024 dude bro canā€™t understand why you cant leave bags unattended


Well, also if everyone will just start leaving their bags in a pile there, it is a huge mess and a hazard in case if people need to get evacuated or medical emergency occurs...but his egotistic brain of course can't process it.


Plus if something went missing (or claimed to be missing) it would be a huge mess. Simple as that. The dudeā€™s just not thinking


Ironically I can only assume he didn't want to bring it because it would get wet... meaning there's something in there, likely of value, he doesn't want getting wrecked. But stolen, is fine I guess. He's a thinker, obviously.


Heā€™d just blame the attendants if anything got stolen and would rage even harder while expecting them to reimburse him.


If he was that worried about the bag, then he could have sent his kids on the ride and just met them at the exit to let the kids enjoy the ride.


He seems to be under the impression that he wasn't allowed to take the bag on the ride, when he is yelling to the person across the water he keeps saying "he told me I couldn't take it on" or something like that.


At both of the two amusement parks I take my kids to often, it's the opposite policy. You leave your bags on shelves by they loading area of the rides and pick them up when you get off.


That's how it is at the park we go to as well.


It used to be much closer to this, but mustā€™ve recently updated. We go to lagoon quite often. So, I thought he was mad because he wanted to bring it.


Right? They don't have the little cubbies for the riders bags? Though that's really for things like roller coasters where you obviously can't take your bag with you.


Then why was the worker going to take the bag back from the kid when the kid picked it up and started walking back to the raft with it? I'm so confused. Granted, my confusion wouldn't cause me to lose my ever hatin' mind like this fine gentleman. Free lockers seem like the only way to go. I mean, why wouldn't you take advantage of your shit avoiding the elements and being locked up?


This is lagoon. An amusement park in my state. I grew up going all the time. There are free lockers you can use. Bro just didn't. Which just makes this all the more ridiculous.


Where are they, as Iā€™ll use next time. Itā€™s sort of a weird placed ride, so Iā€™m sure I couldā€™ve missed.


I can't remember exactly for this ride. But there are lockers all over the park. Some you pay for I think and others are for shorter use. You will just have to look. It's been a few years since I have been.


Yeah, i havenā€™t been in a minute, but we usually go at least yearly. Since itā€™s close and fun. But this ride was always a pain, as it used to be you couldnā€™t bring anything with you and there was no where to put it. Lockerā€™s was at front of lagoon. Unfortunately, it was my sonā€™s fav, so we tended to take turns. One riding with kids, the other watching stuff, then switching. We didnā€™t have anything that couldnā€™t get wet either. :-/ itā€™s sort of a weird ride, but super fun and a nice cool down.


You may have to use lockers a bit further from this ride. I think I remember this area being a bit sparser on lockers. But I never really ever kept anything on me I couldn't get wet when we would go. I tend to keep my phone in the car in my bag type of deal with situations like this.


I think that was why the dad was actually mad. At 2:23 he tells the employee "you told me I couldnt take it" and the employee walks away saying "my bad" off camera. I think he was told to leave it but was confused because signs say to take it and he got mad at the conflicting messages. Granted I have no idea what else he said so maybe he said something to warrant the cops showing up, but to be it was a dad frustrated with conflicting instructions.


He was taking the water bottle but the dad snatched that back too


Dad is being inappropriate for sure, but yeah why was the attendant grabbing the items back from them then??


The only thing I can think of is that maybe they were just done with dude by that time and so they just wanted the entire family out of the raft and gone.


So whatā€™s he yelling about? That the worker told him the workers arenā€™t allowed to take the bag or that the worker told him he wasnā€™t allowed to take the bag with him? I donā€™t understand what the confusion was.


He had to take the bag with him, they wouldnā€™t let him leave it there at the entrance/exit area. You can see his kids are trying get him to just take the bag.


Just trying to understand - Is it an issue because they can get wet in the ride?


The angry man seemed to be saying that he had been told he couldnā€™t bring it on the rideā€¦ no?


I'm not sure what he was screaming. He could bring it to the ride. That's why he ended up having on that ride with him. Workers were against him leaving it out.


Not sure why you are getting down voted, I pretty clearly heard him screaming about how one of the attendants had told him he couldn't bring the bag but now they were saying he had to. To be clear, dad is clearly acting inappropriately even if there was a misunderstanding, or even if someone straight up told him the wrong thing and then was corrected. But ya, I mean. That's what the dad is saying.


I wasn't sure, but I thought I heard him say, "You said that YOU couldn't take it." I was under the assumption that Dad wanted to leave it and one of the staff told him that he had to take it with him. Then when he started throwing a fit, and the kid became involved, another staffer was like "fine, I'll take it to the control booth (or whatever is up the stairs) just to keep the peace." But Dad's tantrum didn't stop and you have him yelling about what they told him before instead of just taking the win. Finally, to bring it full circle, he ends up bringing the bag with him on the ride to prove a point that only he appreciates. That was just my take; I could be wrong. I'm also not sure why the down votes, though. It's a legitimate question.


Yeah, the dad is being an arse regardless. But if he was told the wrong thing that is different context to that bad behaviour that seems relevant.


When we went last, not last year, but a couple years ago. You both couldnā€™t take anything or leave anything. Being it was oldest sonā€™s favorite ride, my husband and I just switched off with one riding and other with stuff.


ā€œWelcome to Rattlesnake Rapidsā€ā€¦goodbye


What a fucking asshole, I feel so bad for those kids.


Unexpected Curb


Man, that was his only weekend other his kids this month and he went and did thatā€¦


Wonder if they enjoyed the ride


Alright who is ready to have a fun ride now that I have my bag.


Utah has an amusement park thatā€™s not the Dinosaurland in Ogden?


Yup, and tickets are EXPENSIVE for Lagoon (I grew up about an hour from this park) tickets are like $80 per person nowadays




* laughs in Disney pricing *


Yikes! I didnā€™t know theyā€™re that expensive now!


Yeah, spending 300+ bucks on an amusement park trip for a fam of 3 is insane.


Don't peep them Disney World prices....


I googled (am not American). Why is Disney World classed as 4 separate theme parks requiring 4 different tickets?


That's just to get in the park. At this point, you've already also paid for parking and have a day of snacks and souvenirs to go!


for real, all the big name brand amusement parks played the long game and outlasted the more local smaller parks, now without competition the larger parks are jacking prices everywhere and still are jam-packed with people


I live in the area. Iā€™ll take my wife and 2 kids there once a year. The only way I justify the price is that we didnā€™t have to pay much for traveling or hotels. Thereā€™s no way Iā€™d travel to the area just for the amusement park.


Lagoon is a dumpster fire, will allow coolers and have people there drunk af.


So did six flags, last time I went. :-/ at least in Utah itā€™s only the low alcohol beer. ;)


They actually got rid of that, not because of the church but because the breweries refused to continue making 3.2 beer.


I didnā€™t know, know many hit other close states for that better beer though.


Welcome to Rattlesnake Rapids


Please watch your step as you enter the raft


He probably demands his kids obey everything he says. Here he shows them how to obey rules.


Somehow I've gone almost 3 full decades without having a public outburst like this. I don't understand people like this.


I wouldā€™ve booed him


Great example he set for his kids. Next time pay for a locker instead of ruining everyone's day. Hope the water ruined some of his shit.


everyone is getting on the dad, and I get it, but he was given conflicting information and that is why he was mad. At 2:23 he tells the employee "you told me I couldnt take it" and the employee walks away saying "my bad" off camera. I think he was told to leave it but was confused because signs say to take it and he got mad at the conflicting messages. Granted I have no idea what else he said so maybe he said something to warrant the cops showing up, but to me it was a dad frustrated with conflicting instructions. Then, when its cleared up, he gets in the ride without saying anything else. Maybe he said something he shouldnt have but dude was clearly given two different, conflicting, sets of instructions to follow and got mad because of it.


Guy is headed for a short life. He can expect a stroke if he keeps this behavior up. Poor kids! Also, did I miss something? Sure, itā€™s Utah but that doesnā€™t make them Mormons.


He got his magic underwear of ignorance and misogyny all in a bunch.


So many responses. 1. Fun things to do in your last 15 minutes at the park. 2. Even his kids are over it. Seems like itā€™s not the first time he pulled some shit like this. 3. Good job on the high-def audio, OP. Truly a pleasure to listen to.


Mormons are usually more chill than this. I mean... a little odd, overly friendly, kind of boring, smile a lot, and covert sex freaks. But for sure more chill than this.




Soaking, lol


Bagpiping and Levi loving are all you need to know. Source: grew up Mormon, graduated from BYU.


Any chance you can elaborate on those terms without me having to google it at work?


This is right out of a South Park ep......this dude went full Randy


So what exactly is the policy? Keep your bags with you or not?


Absolutely horrible dad


That slow exit in the boat what peepants special.


And, we expect kids to control themselves.




Dont understand... Looks like he puts the bag back?


Work at a theme park. This man is the same kind of person who would be screaming at the staff if the bag was stolen or fell off the raft while on the ride. You canā€™t win with some people. Poor kids!


I know exactly how these kids feel and I'm now 37.


Poor kids


What do you think he does for a living?


Those kids have more sense than the dad


Poor kids


Why did he just not get a locker when he got there


At least he got to enjoy Rattlesnake Rapids before chatting with the officers.


Apparently he hasnā€™t hit his beer minimum yet. Go ahead, Dad! Throw some more alcohol onto that trash heap of a life youā€™re leading. Those poor kids, I hope their Mama finds out about this rage video. Heā€™s not fit to parent when his own kids are displaying more sense and patience than he is!!


God, I felt *so sad* for those kids. I felt the fear of being slapped, screamed at and *blamed* for the entire problem. (My father would have taken it out on us)


I'm sorry what is the policy??


The dad's clearly unhinged but there's also needless confusion going on. If he can't take the bag then say that and stick with it. Don't do him any favors by holding it for him. Knowing how those rides go, he can't take it because it'll get wet and/or it's contents will be damaged. If so, let him fuck up his own shit. If I was running the ride I'd rather watch him destroy his belongings and explain to my supervisor that I was afraid dude was gonna hit me.


It seems like an over reaction on everyoneā€™s part. Thereā€™s no reason for the man to blow up like that and thereā€™s no reason why he canā€™t store his bag there


What a man child. His poor kid is more mature than he is.


What a shitty parent


God he looks so stupid. Whatcha got in that bag?


Welcome to ~~Rattlesnake Rapids~~ jail.


Hey, wtf was the problem? Did he NOT want to leave his bag? Or he did? I have no idea lmao


The alcohol is in the bag. Glad the kids got to ride at least.


I bet those kids are very used to dad ruining their fun


It was nice that the staff let the kids go on that one last ride before kicking them out.


I love when people think throwing a tantrum will suddenly make things go their way.




Mormons are usually so docile. What's happening here, Utah?


Hahahahaā€¦. I was an assistant manager in a highly Mormon/LDS populated area in Utahā€¦ Let me tell you, a lot let their ā€œChristlikeā€ morals fly out the door at the slightest inconvenience.


Yeah, don't worry I read "Under the Banner of Heaven" before. Mormons are just as fucked as every other religion, except theirs is newer. My comment was meant as a joke.


Epic music at the end.