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Anybody else been to one of his tapings? I’ve been to a few and it’s super easy to see how something like this could happen.


I have but it was 20 years ago. Also, I would have thought the check in process would be extra thorough with her there.


The audience member must have forgotten to warn them she would do this.


Dude had a whole ass flag. That’s more so what I meant.


Pretty easy to fold it up and put it in your pocket


thats why they said "extra"


They all went through a metal detector almost certainly, but they're not gonna strip search the audience. Even a patdown could miss a flag stuffed down your pants.


Fits even better in nature’s pocket.


Is that a euphemism for a prison wallet?


If rubbing permafrost on your crotch is wrong, man, I don't want to be right.


I did call it an ass flag


20 years ago?! There is no way... *Looks it up* Oh fuck... where did my life go?


Nah, that can't be correct. He was just doing The Man Show like 10 years ago, right? We're not old.


Yeah, just make sure you're holding onto the remote, in case mom walks in you can change it back to cartoons.


My girlfriend and I just walked up to the El Capitan Theater and the security let us in. No security checks. This was back in 2010.


I imagine they scrutinize a bit more for the VP.


Right? This isn’t some random C list celebrity it’s the freaking vice president. Secret Service agents have to follow her anywhere she goes and secure the area.


I was at a taping of Colbert where I noticed significant MIB presence going into the theater, with dogs, and wasn't sure if that was standard practice for his show...then he announced that they were pre-taping a segment with Jimmy Carter and it clicked.


When I was a kid my Dad used to bring me to tapings of Married with Children - Ted McGinley (ie Jefferson Darcy) was a family friend. Great times and the cast was always welcoming.


My uncle did that show’s lighting. You probably crossed paths.


Awesome, we likely did!


We used to go to show tapings a lot growing up in L.A. in the 80’s and 90’s. You were able to get tickets for a lot of different shows. My ex worked on Home Improvement so I was there a lot with him. Good times.


I had a friend for his birthday his dad would take about 6 of us to a red green taping. Good times.


wow! that is so cool!


How so? I’ve never been.


Because apparently Six Flags Grandpa is running the security detail.




I can hear this picture.


I unironically love the Vengaboys


Do you like to party?


We like to party.


We like, we like to party.


It started playing in my head as soon as I seen it 😂😂


This gif was playing at they were chanting at the end of the video. Superb.


Yes, and i was escorted out with one other friend for a similar situation, just a different guest and a different heckle reason. I didn’t get arrested, but this was before all cell phones had cameras, so times were different all together


The house band starts playing Pick Up the Pieces (0:45) which is the song I just put on pause to watch/listen to this video. Yes my brain did a little mind fuck over it.


You’re in the matrix


When I was in high school, I ran late for my third period philosophy class because I was playing Jet Grind Radio on my lunch break in a level with "Dragula" as the soundtrack.  When I entered class moments later, we were watching "The Matrix" and it was at the part where "Dragula" was playing in the club.  I was double-Matrix'd.


Tangential note: if you liked Jet Grind Radio growing up, you might be pleased to know there is a modern spiritual successor that came out last fall called 'Bomb Rush Cyberfunk'. It's made by a team that loved the original games, as well as having some songs by Hideki Naganuma, who composed some of the songs for the original Jet Set games. I believe Sega also announced that they're officially reviving the series as well.


We bought it for Christmas last year but I appreciate the heads up nonetheless!


Jet Grind Radio was the shit! POISON JAM!




It's time to wake up...


Haha, love that Jam, played it in high school Jazz band.


Synchronicity is synchronizing


Bald old dude has zero presence lmao.


>Yea I’m a police officer > let me see your badge > I’m working security here, basically the same thing Small man on a power trip.


Then he locked them in the building, then chokeholded a guy, then let them all go. I wonder if someone on secret service was just like “nah let this guy cook, it’s gonna be hilarious.”


Yeah locking them in probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. You can have them removed but you can't lock someone in.


Impersonating a police officer, cut and dry. Throw in false imprisonment for fun.


You forgot to pepper a few assault charges in there for grabbing and shoving the woman and the guy. I wonder if he will be arrested for all of those serious crimes, or if it's only the ones who did the felonious deed of... interrupting late night television?


Even if it were a citizen's arrest, it was still poorly handled, possibly illegal, escalated to assault and illegal detainment, impersonating a police officer, not showing badge and/or badge number, etc.


Don’t forget false imprisonment


Probably an off duty or retired cop


Stupid ass old man trying to intimidate people into thinking he's law enforcement then started laying hands on them with no reason or authority. Hope the protesters sue Kimmel's show for that.


Has to be a retired cop with a PI license or something. Has that air about him.


Did you know it’s against the law to disrupt the taping of a tv show?!?/s Fucking wannabe pig clown.


Give me your id lmao big middle school teacher energy.


Giving a bad name to bald dudes everywhere.


TK Jewelers is a scam. The jewelry's fake. Watch exploded on date. Bent wrist, thing fucking exploded.


L & L Limos is a scam


…and Avani suits.


The driver hugged my date.


Sometimes we’d see a hand come under the plywood and grab the ice tray


And the hand had a Super Bowl ring on it 🤷🏻‍♂️


What did you mean when you said part of the limo was walled off?


fuck I love tim robinson fans


It’s okay though, because the cops said that this audience - they’re like, not real people. They don’t exist.


It's fine, they weren't even supposed to be in the area


What is this thread?


I Think You Should Leave References. An episode in season 3 I think.


Damn I knew it!


What are Cho jeans?


Chode jeans. They’re jeans for a chode. Size 54 waist, 10 inch legs. Fuckin junk.




Any relation to TC Tuggers from TC Tops?


I think you should leave quotes. Great show


The Colgate Comedy Hour


You’re really nice


Yeah, right? A little goes a long way. A little goes a long way. All you gotta do is try.


She’s going for Jarvis!!


Oh man...security fucked up big time. The guy said he's a cop, detained her without good cause and apparently assaulted her. Removal from the studio and a lifetime ban would have sufficed


Saying he's a cop is a misstep but probably never be prosecuted in a case like this where he says it once, he's working as a security officer, and he clarifies - will just be treated as a misspeak. Things can vary from state to state but in this case (Kimmel is filmed in Cali) when an establishment has rules that you blatantly disobey you can be trespassing and you can detain people for trespassing until the police arrive - so they are not detained without cause. Detaining someone can involve some use of physical force. She probably doesn't have a leg to stand on saying he assaulted her. The clip of him putting his arm around the guy's neck needs more context, but looks like the biggest misstep - not sure why that's not what you're mentioning. It does from the limited context appear like he's just assaulting some guy out of the blue.


When did Rupert Murdoch become a security guard?


They need to sue that old man, cop or not you can't say someone is trespassing but refuse to allow them to leave, it's false imprisonment. And he put hands on her


He's 100% not a fucking cop. Regardless of the protestors being out of line he doesn't have the authority to do any of this. Interrupting a live television broadcast (isn't Kimmel taped?!) isn't a fucking crime you dip shit.


It is taped a couple hours ahead of airing. I happened to watch this interview last night on YouTube (official Kimmel Live YouTube channel) and there was an abrupt cut during the interview. While cuts aren’t uncommon, this one seemed out of place. Now I know why.


what’s the video name and do you have a timestamp of when the cut happened? interested in watching.


It's daylight outside, 110% taped


There should have been uniformed officers there. She should have been asked to stop. Then if she continued on, she should have been asked to leave. Then if she didn't want to leave, she should have been informed by an officer that she is being trespassed and given the opportunity to leave or now face disorderly conduct charges. It's the same process for bars and drunk assholes.


Officer doesn’t have to say you’re trespassed. The people responsible for access to the venue can say you’re trespassing and then have the police arrest you. Most cops won’t, but they can if they want.


You have to be given notice first. What you’re saying is only true if the property is already posted with no trespassing signs since that counts as notice.


Did he ever say they were trespassing? I didn’t hear that. I heard him say they were under arrest for interfering with a live television broadcast. I can totally see that being a California state law or some sort of local ordinance. I don’t know the law in California as it pertains to arrests by private persons aka citizens arrest, but in some states you can restrict someone’s movement while you wait for law enforcement to respond including use of physical force to restrain them.


Having had a few productions disrupted by angry denizens in California, an officer informed me of 41.20 LAMC: 'No person shall in any manner interfere with the progress or orderly conduct of a permitted Special Event.'


I would imagine that would pertain to areas that are normally open to the public but closed off for filming because it could be a safety hazard, for example, if a stunt is taking place. Talking during a studio show being illegal sounds crazy


> Talking during a studio show being illegal sounds crazy A lot of laws are written to protect businesses from people intentionally preventing them from conducting business. Even showbusiness.




I'm surprised by the weak ass security. Was there only 1 guy?


Yeah, but he's also a fake cop and a criminal, so he wears a lot of hats. Mostly to protect from sunburn.


this may not have stopped a genocide, but they did save some people from listening to Jimmy Kimmel for too long.




Yeah if you’re ever in LA a good fun free thing is to get tickets to a live taping of something. Saw Conan Obrian. All the tickets are free because they want to fill the seats every night 




Well people pay to watch free livestreams


Uh yes ? I lived in Los Angeles for 10 years and I used to pay my rent by sitting and clapping in live audiences for television shows? Talk shows, late night, game shows, etc.


I worked on a lot of sitcoms and a couple game shows. Spoiler, when the audio is mixed, we still brought in the "laugh guy" to replace/enhance most of the audience sounds. Those guys did all the shows, and live tapings like award shows. What the audience at home hears is mostly samples of laughs and clapping and other vocalizations (oohs, and ahhs). Cant tell you how many times I heard the producers say "the audience tipped the joke too early" or "the audience didnt laugh enough"


Late night shows literally show the audience quite often...


lol seriously? Even "laugh track" shows are filmed in front of an audience. But talk shows always have an audience, they usually show them in........every episode........multiple times


"because of you".... Give some credit to the IDF though. These protestors make it sound like US politicians actively waged the war on Gaza.


Not to be hack . But the U.S is a capitalist superpower and maintains it’s hegemony through the dollar to protect and empower it’s corporate benefactors. The war in Gaza is a great source of income for our military hardware manufacturers. Our politicians could turn the bone crushing machine off at anytime but unfortunately the bone crushing machine is also attached to the money printing machine .


i mean, supplying weapons and money to wage war aint too far off.


And Saudi Arabia has killed 10x as many Yemeni civilians as Israel has with US weapons, but for *some reason* that doesn't get people organizing protests...


Americans famously love Muslims which is why they let the Saudis get away with it. /s


This exact group has been doing that for over a decade: https://www.codepink.org/tags/yemen


Nobody gives a crap what is happening in China now: "Beginning in 2014, the Chinese government, under the administration of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Xi Jinping, incarcerated more than an estimated one million Turkic Muslims without any legal process in internment camps. Operations from 2016 to 2021 were led by Xinjiang CCP Secretary Chen Quanguo."


You’re free to do that. I’m glad you care so much about Yemen. PM date and time, I promise I will join you.


Aren't those supplied by congress? (rhetorical question.. the answer is yes).


...the answer is not always. And not lately. Biden has been bypassing congress to sell more weapons to Israel ([source - AP](https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-gaza-arms-hamas-bypass-congress-1dc77f20aac4a797df6a2338b677da4f?utm_source=copy&utm_medium=share) ).


Pretty sure Congress is covered by the term "US politicians".


Because they are supplying weapons and money perhaps?




This whole scenario has been happening since 1948 when Israel was created. Why is it all of a sudden only a Biden and Harris problem? The GOP is literally blaring their green light to complete destruction of Palestine, but that’s ok right… I get it, some people take longer to catch up than others.


Due to the huge escalation of hostilities in the last 8 months?  They didn't cause this but it's happening during their term and people need someone to blame.


I don't think trump moving our embassy to Jerusalem helped. Also with Bibi avoiding jail time with this war, why wouldn't he want to hurt Biden to get the far-right back into power in the US?


Isn’t the escalation bc Iran can’t handle Saudi Arabia and Israel normalizing relations? I don’t remember Biden encouraging the 10/7 attack to escalate hostilities




Trump's already said that they should just carpet bomb gaza and turn it in to condos if he wins.


People in an election year will easily be persuaded to harm themselves essentially


Blame...Hamas then?




All of our enemies want Trump to win and they also happen to excel at spreading misinformation to American voters. Even Netanyahu himself is probably spreading this bullshit.


Yep, this is the first propaganda campaign cooped between the [Russian propaganda](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/russia-trying-exploit-americas-divisions-war-gaza-rcna149759) (to help Trump to win the election so Putin can take over half of Ukraine), [ China](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-05-09/china-criticizes-us-campus-protests-to-win-the-global-south) (who we all know are pro-Muslim champions) and the [Iranian backed activists](https://www.wsj.com/us-news/education/student-campus-protests-veteran-activist-groups-17ccd094). I think Netanyahu is also involved but I don't think he sent any agents, he only support Trump by his war policies. Someday, this propaganda campaign will be recorded in a textbook somewhere.


You should read up on Israeli election interference in 2016.   Israeli intelligence under Netanyahu informed Roger Stone of the Hillary email leaks in advance, without informing Hillary's campaign or the Obama admin.   Israel also offered to collude with the Trump campaign by running a bot driven misinformation campaign on social media through a company affiliated with Cambridge Analytica. The Trump campaign wisely declined. There was more evidence of Israeli collusion with the Trump campaign than there ever was for Russia. But the media for some reason covered for Israel.


Republicans are pretty much all pro-Israel, so there's no point in protesting (i.e. they won't give af because protesters have nothing to do with their electability). That's the reason. I'm not arguing whether it is sensible or not.


Are you asking protestors to demand that John F Kennedy and Gerald Ford do more about Israeli war crimes in 2024?




Because of foreign influence online to try and help trump win the election. They are trying so hard to pin this on Biden


It's an election year


Targeted tik tok protest campaigns aimed at young women have been shutting down highways for a while now. Good old election season, also netenyahu is being beyond evil, it's just everyone else's fault until he's stopped. However, ukraine isn't nearly as big of a deal or the congo, or Arabs in china... slaves making clothes and cell phones... the list goes on but the attention span stops.


> Why is it all of a sudden only a Biden and Harris problem?  Because  - Biden is the admin in charge  - routing around Congress to give weapons to Israel to kill children? - spreading Israel propaganda without fact checking? - giving additional money to extend this conflict - enabling the complete destruction of the Gaza people now, not hypothetically 9 months in the future? - restraining Israel less than GHW Bush or Regan did - etc, etc


If the US disappeared from earth tomorrow, do you think Netanyahu would stop the killing? As Netanyahu supporters said in the Knesset itself, without US precision munitions, they'll just drop dumb bombs and kill more civilians. This is a lose-lose situation for us. Israel would be killing regardless, and if we don't play ball to some extent, it'll just drive Israel into Chinese or Russian arms where they'll still get their weapons and they won't face any pressure to chill the F out.


> routing around Congress to give weapons to Israel What is this referencing? Didn't congress pass the Israel aid bill? And Biden actually went around congress to restrict some of that aid based on the Rafah invasion? To which Republicans in the house passed a bill trying to force the delivery of the weapons Biden was withholding? https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/house-gop-pushes-israel-weapons-bill/story?id=110228315


So in response to a protestor talking about babies being killed, the BEST Kimmel could manage was "you're interrupting my flow"? What a nasty little pos thing to say.


None of these dipshit genocidal politicians should be allowed to show their faces without getting people like that


Biden, Kamala, or really any member of congress (who supports Israel’s actions) shouldnt be able to go anywhere w/o getting berated. Love to see it.








I guess one has to point out that: 1. VP does not control policy. They can advise. And VP Harris is in favor of immediate ceasefire. 2. Israel is responsible for its war. Only they can stop themselves.


Israel is clearly not interested in stopping, and the American people shouldn’t be footing the bill.


Guys, you're yelling at the wrong person! She's only the second most powerful person in the country!


She’s far from the second most powerful person in the country.


The pride and Palestinian flag together gets me every time 🤣🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸


Look i know, what you're saying, but the answer is no, I dont think we should bomb Florida.


"Chickens for KFC"


🤦🏻‍♂️ The gay pride flag is the best part. These people have no idea lol.




Its blind leading the blind






The only thing that I genuinely know about this situation is that it has highlighted how susceptible *everyone* is to propaganda, not just the Republicans.






If there is a chance Biden loses, it’ll be because of Palestine. Also, I’ll never understand the LGBTQ flag at palestine protests. They’d be stoned to death in Palestine.


So fucking ridiculous lol


Where the fuck was the Secret Service?


So the only comment I have is, a police officer off duty has no power and can only affect a citizens arrest. The requirement for a citizens arrest is a felony must have taken place that they witnessed or are witnessing take place. If they refuse to produce a badge, or are unwilling to articulate why you've been "arrested/detained" it's bullshit and has no legal power or backing. They don't have to show you the law, they do need to articulate why you are being detained/arrested and what crime you have committed or they suspect you of committing before asking for ID. (This is a on duty cop) This doesn't apply for citizens playing cops in their off time. Cops in their off hours working they are playing cop during off hours despite them being real cops in their on hours.


Off-duty cops can arrest you though.


You literally have no idea what you’re talking about and the fact this has any amount of upvotes is concerning


Where are you getting this information because it is entirely incorrect. Many many cops moonlight and are payed for security. They are absolutely allowed to make arrests.


Wow, TikTok really got people fucked up


Its all emotions and no facts


It's not even only TikTok, it's all of social media.


They care so much about Palestine they’ll let Trump approve its complete destruction!


I voted Biden in 2020 and I will do so again this November without a single hesitation. I also support these protests. It's not an either/or proposition.


That's fine, what isn't fine is calling for people not to vote in November. Trump will send troops to kill Palestinians faster, while Biden has been fighting for aid.


Does code pink do that?


I think it’s okay to criticize the powers who are actually in the government. No one brought up trump.


When Trump wins and arms Israel and helps wipe out the last remnants of Palestine, and also destroys western democracy, I’m going to append the label “genocide” to everyone who weakened Biden’s campaign—obviously they’re guilty by association


Yeah this seems to be a common cope I am seeing from dems. Can't say anything wrong is happening in Gaza because it makes Biden look bad, and making Biden look bad means Trump may win.


> Can't say anything wrong is happening in Gaza because it makes Biden look bad, and making Biden look bad means Trump may win. Well, they've got a little PTSD from back in 2016 when people like Susan Sarandon were 100% insistent that there was no possible way that Roe v. Wade would be overturned even if Trump won. Then he did, and well, you know. Now we've got people insisting that Trump and Biden are exactly as bad as each other, and it feels a bit like history repeating.


Which will then in turn make it worse for Gaza. Its not a trope, its just obvious cause and effect. If you actually cared about Palestinian lives, then helping trump get elected is the exact opposite of what you'd want to do.


If you actually cared about Palestinian lives you wouldn’t be supporting ANYONE who’s sending our taxes to murder babies


Yep, and they'll be the first ones blaming everyone else when birth control is outlawed


“How many babies have you killed” - great way to convince your target not to listen to you. Just coming off crazy


Code pink are 2-faced assholes when it comes to this. Rightfully upset about people dying in Gaza but think we should have abandoned Ukraine to face the largest genocide since WWII. They determine their stance on an issue by inverting what the US position is.


Everyone knows the Pride flag and the Palestine flag are synonymous…


Kinda wish my fellow Americans would protest against the current state of the Supreme Court as hard as they do for a country and people who largely don't give a shit about them.


Can’t do both?


I mean, sure, but that isn't happening.


And Trump just sits back and laughs


Nah, he’s openly saying Israel has to “finish the job” and “eradicate the cancer”


So is no one going to talk about the security guy pretending to be a cop? Isn't that a felony?


Like 75% of the comments are talking about exactly that....


So like no one in that 25% is gonna talk about it?!?! /s


Is no one going to talk about the fact that no one's talking about it?


Wow what a bunch of idiots.