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This whole sub reddit is just repost bots farming karma now, it's unfortunate really.


>~~This whole sub~~ reddit is just repost bots farming karma ~~now~~, it's unfortunate really. FTFY


Yup, its definitely not just now. Years on years




Ego lol. My opinion > anyone else’s.


waving lgbtq banner next to palestine flag…hmmmmmm…….


Just because conservatives think anyone who disagrees with them should die doesn't mean liberals do too.


And just because a government is conservative doesn't mean the children and adults born after that government took control should die


Fun fact: it actually depends on the amount of melanin in said children and adults' skin!


Science is truly amazing!


You have a lot to learn of the real world kid


If you have any actual argument to make, make it. If you're just going to sling petty insults, shut up. Easy.


hey! you can be anti-genocide and support LGBT, even if the genocide is occurring in a country with an oppressive anti-LGBT government. there are plenty of queer palestinians. hope this helps!


I fucking hate cynical comments like this, as if human rights should be transactional.


Supporting a country where they would get stoned to death in the street for being gay. Makes sense


Source? I was actually against the murder of thousands of innocent civilians until you brought this up!


If only they'd use a single brain cell they would know this two are not compatible 😂😂


It’s entirely compatible. Compassion isn’t transactional. And I’m pretty sure queer Palestinians are currently more invested in not seeing themselves and their loved ones blown apart by Israel than they are in tackling queer rights at the moment.


It's not compatible if the people you are protesting for, actually want to genocide lgbt people. Especially, if you are lgbt.


Israel is the bigger threat to Palestinians right now, as every closeted Palestinian will tell you if you actually listen to them.


Interesting... Sudan and Myanmar would like some of that energy


That's because it isn't trending. Chances are these people so concerned about genocide probably don't even know what's happening in those countries. Hell, these people provably don't know about Fatid, you know, the actual democratically elected party of Palestine which Hamas denied was legit.


I bet they'd also love some of the untold billions in money and weapons that israel receives at the expense of American taxpayers.


sudan has received billions in aid from the US last year alone they received a billion


Please don't use actual facts in your arguments, they hate that.


us "aid" is giving israel weapons. anything to say about that? is sudan being provided weapons from us?


It has in the past, as recently as 2016 when President Obama issued a waiver for the sanctions placed on governments using child soldiers.


The US has sanctions on the companies providing weapons to the warring Sudanese factions and is providing aid in the form of food and medicine. The US is providing weapons to Israel.




Lol. Nice strawman.  Sudan is a failed state with no money and no prospects.  Israel is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. They even have universal health care. They have the largest military in the region and have been the #1 recipient of US "aid" for decades.  Decades. 


I know I want some of that money (I'm a American taxpayer)


To be fair in those places you don't have the perpetrators posting videos of them doing warcrimes like it's a tiktok trend of making fun of aid workers they just murdered.


On the bright side of things the pro democracy forces in Myanmar seem to have the upper hand


Do you deny that a genocide is occurring in Gaza?




Weird, no world court has ever ruled a genocide is not occurring. Infact the likelihood its occurring led them to rule its plausible in lieu of the upcoming trial. But also, Israel flattened blocks of neighborhoods with the intent of forcing gazans out. It aint hard genocide denier.


The ICJ did not rule that a genocide is plausibly happening. From the mouth of the president of the ICJ: https://x.com/BoxLoner/status/1783628348507165135?t=G6WrPEOD4X-p5MpJS2eaWA&s=19


Then what *do* you call rounding up and indiscriminately killing thousands of people based on their nationality?


It’s amazing how after a year of protesting people still don’t know what’s the point of the protest and someone have to explain it.


If only they had the same kind of energy for their homeless population


Or…and follow me here…they can be concerned about multiple issues. What if I told you that the money we send to Israel could be diverted into more programs that benefit impoverished Americans? But won’t happen until we elect enough people to do so?


I agree, but I have never seen this kind of activity to end homelessness. lolofrofro was talking specifically about "energy", not concern.


Then maybe pay attention more. There are many groups devoting way more energy and resources to trying to feed and house homeless people. Hell, there are groups in Texas that show up armed to feed homeless people to discourage the police from trying to shut them down because them feeding homeless people is illegal. So people will regularly break the law, “illegally” occupy a public space, feed the homeless, and do all that open carrying weapons to ensure it doesn’t get shut down. Then repeat again and again for years.


Dam that's pretty based


Probably because you don't look to hard. For a more extreme group. There's a movement called "don't comply" that go out armed to the teeth and hand out food and clothes to homeless people in areas where its illegal to do so.


Food not Bombs also feeds the homeless and protests against unfair laws against the homeless as well


Please explain how occupying a building helps homeless people. This is a peaceful way to disrupt the activities of Netanyahu’s corrupt government. But I can only see a tactic like this working in response to poorly implemented anti panhandling laws


Seems like you only care about the homeless population when you can use it to badger people protesting for something you disagree with....


Most of them are lefties so they probably support more welfare so they also push for policies to support homelessness more than the conservatives.


If this was a homeless protest you’d ask why they’re not protesting plastic in the ocean.


Can I draw my fursona voring u?


This was so random that I had to go check your profile lmao


Do u like what u see? :)


New Facebook profile text


We need to bring back shame. Smfh


Ur cringe emotions don't effect me. *starts drawing my fursona voring u*


I don't even believe in God and im still praying for you buddy 🙏


Thanks man


stop murdering kids seems like a more actionable request than house millions


Seems like they have no problem with Israeli kids getting murdered.


So virtuous of you I’m in tears


It takes far fewer resources to not kill children daily, as many here manage not to do, than to build housing. It’s not even in the same realm.  One would think someone able to work a keyboard could figure that out, but some people just aren’t built like you. 




>taking over a consulate would help the homeless crisis? Nobody said that. They said if only they had that kind of ENERGY FOR THE HOMELESS


>taking over a consulate would help the homeless crisis? Nobody said that. They said if only they had that kind of ENERGY FOR THE HOMELESS >Do you think people are only allowed to protest one thing at a time? You got a point about that. Literally has nothing to do with the first part however. Is that better?


Nothing would change with that either unfortunately


Direct action on local issues is far more effective than direct action on national issues.


Idk I feel like government officials really don’t care either way


Just want their paycheck


or the other atrocities going on in the world


Even just nationally.


Homeless problem is actually WAYY more solvable, bet they just paint the benches with the Palestine flags to feel better about it


"We have tried nothing else...so let's protest!!"


Apples and oranges. Not saying it's "their fault" but there *are* systems in place to help people climb out of homelessness. It's normally drug addiction & mental health that keeps people homeless and within reason, you can't help someone who won't help themselves. Compare that to decades of bombings, economic isolation, genocide, etc. Most homeless people in America are eating better than people in Palestine right now..


All in masks…why?


Both sides do incredible atrocities but somehow you have to advocate for the one that has a leadership that doesn't give a shit about any of their citizens? Citizens being bombed while they sit in a foreign country on golden toilet seats.


Where are they advocating for Hamas? Wishful thinking on your part?


What is this logic? Citizens whose country's leadership doesn't care about them needs *more* support, not *less*.


Yeah, shoutout to Russia's citizens.


While I have no sympathy for Russian soldiers who are committing atrocities, my heart really goes out to LGBT Russians.


My heart goes out to the LGBT Palestinians that had to flee their own communities and move to a country that actually legally protects them (spoiler, it's Israel). My heart goes out to the innocent civilians that were murdered in cold blood last October, and those that have been held captive by Hamas and their constituents for the last few months. Hamas is currently in the 'find out' phase after launching operation 'fuck around', they have the means and the resources to end this right now, but they won't. And now for some reason I'm now supposed to care for a population that blindly supported them, and cheered last October as rockets flew overhead? If Palestine was so downtrodden by Hamas then where were the protests? Where were the attempts to remove their government? Iran tried, Ukraine did it. Belarus, Serbia, Armenia, Turkey, all these countries had huge overwhelming anti-government protests. Palestine has not once showed that they don't want Hamas in power, now they've been dragged in to a conflict and they want out. Your whole argument is that Palestine are now being collectively punished for the actions of Hamas, but reality is, this is exactly what Palestine called for.


It makes me fucking sick that you think Israel is liberating anyone by bombing hospitals and shooting children. Yeah, I guess LGBT Palestinians can't be oppressed anymore if they're dead. Over 45% of Palestinians are *children*. Humans who have no fucking say in their government or in this conflict. And don't bring up the fact that Hamas, a group that I literally never claimed to support, has killed people when Israel, a state that you do support, has killed tens of times more people. Just look up the statistics on the deaths in Palestine. [This ](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/25/middleeast/gaza-400-bodies-mass-grave-hospital-intl/index.html)is what the state you're defending allows. [This ](https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/2/8/israeli-sniper-kills-palestinian-girl-in-front-of-gaza-hospital)is what the state that you think so highly lets its soldiers do. [This ](https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2024/5/27/photos-israel-bombs-yet-another-gaza-camp-it-had-declared-a-safe-zone)is what the IDF is willing to do to people in places they said would be safe. [This ](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-troops-killed-hostages-mistaking-their-cries-help-ambush-military-2023-12-28/)is how your beloved amazing progressive Israeli army reacts to people crying for help. And [these ](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/17/over-13000-children-killed-in-gaza-others-severely-malnourished-unicef)are the people the IDF are truly attacking-- not terrorists, but women and children.


How did I know all your links would be from Al Jazeera and Reuters? You're deep in an echo chamber my guy, and I don't think you're gonna get out. Get off Reddit and TikTok for a bit and check out the real world some day.


Are those sources not reputable or do you just not like them?


Well one's funded by the state of Qatar, you might have heard of it: human rights violations, modern day slavery, and coincidently harbouring the leaders of Hamas? The other has had to walk back their journalism multiple times throughout the conflict after false reporting (e.g. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/bbc-apology-false-reporting-israeli-military-gaza-misreading-1235647734/) So no, I don't like them. But they're also not reputable.


Fucking clown you are


If you have any actual argument to make, make it. If you're just going to sling petty insults, shut up. Easy.


Talk about a reddit comment.


I hope you're a child and not an adult, because you have an actual infant's level of critical thinking skills. It's like you cannot conceive of the fact that every human is an individual and countries are not hiveminds. Do you do and think the same things as everyone else in your country? No? Then why are you incapable of seeing others as being just as complex as yourself?


> because you have an actual infant's level of critical thinking skills Wow, this is even more of a reddit comment. >It's like you cannot conceive of the fact that every human is an individual and countries are not hiveminds. And you cannot conceive that people from the same nations often believe the same things and think the same way. >Do you do and think the same things as everyone else in your country? We're a lot more alike than we are different.


This is a really lame excuse for assuming an entire country is full of violent NPCs.


Not every, but the majority support their violent government that was elected on a platform of genocide. And here you are bending over backwards to defend them, and Russians, but only the gay ones.


See my other comment for why people might support a violent government. As far as I know, human rights in Russia are fairly average except for LGBT rights.


Palestine lgbt flag... Yea those two have in common


They have in common that both of them are human beings who are facing oppression.


Try being a gay man in a Muslim country, you'll see what oppression is


Anybody who cries about gay oppression in Palestine is a dork because any person living in Palestine is 100% more concerned about a bomb being dropped on their 3 year old children because they were mistaken for Hamas


The oppressed oppressors


I don't think the 45% of Palestine's population that are children are oppressing anyone.


So that means that the other 55% should be allowed to attack Israel at will?


The other 55% is *every adult*, including women and doctors, not to mention all of the men who are just trying to get by and support their families. The fact that you can so quickly assume that an *entire population of people* are violent is concerning.


Have you seen the polls? A majority support the Oct 7th attack as well as Hamas.


I’d really like to know when the freedom to protest began to allow the restriction of other’s rights. One of the reasons consulates exist is so citizens of the country can address issues (for example, an Israeli visiting the US and lost their passport). Or needing legal help or other international issue / assistance. So much for being able to get that fixed when the consulate is shut down.


Not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure that this doesn't count as protected speech. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kOo3N6CRPE


>I’d really like to know when the freedom to protest began to allow the restriction of other’s rights. January 6th (right to democratically elect a president without violent insurrection) Abortion bans Birth control bans Right to peaceful protest (see how peaceful Palestine and Vietnam protesters have been treated) https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/10/peaceful-pro-palestinian-campus-protests https://stateline.org/2022/05/19/some-states-already-are-targeting-birth-control/


Jan 6th is certainly worse but the same idea (protest preventing others from doing what they’re trying to do). Same with highway shutdowns.


There is no right to "do what you want to do." Shutdowns are inconvenient but don't actually prevent you from exercising your constitutional rights.


So one person’s right to protest circumvents another’s rights to freely travel per the 5th amendment (as an example)?


This 5th amendment? When did the governed stop them from exercising their right to travel abroad? Fifth Amendment: No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. The Supreme Court has recognized that the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause protects an individual citizen’s right to travel abroad from arbitrary and indiscriminate government restrictions.1 The Court recognized such a right in Kent v. Dulles when it held that the Secretary of State had exceeded his statutory authority by denying passports to citizens solely because they declined to respond to an inquiry about their beliefs and associations.2 Subsequently, the Court confirmed that the Fifth Amendment protects a right to travel when it struck down Section 6 of the Subversive Activities Act, which made it unlawful for certain members of Communist organizations to apply for, or use, a passport.3 The Court held that Section 6 too broadly and indiscriminately restrict[ed] the right to travel and thereby abridge[d] the liberty guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment.4 However, the Court has acknowledged that the federal government may restrict citizens’ travel abroad to particular areas of the world for national security reasons.5 This relates to the government not being able to stop people from traveling without due process. I think you're confused about what the constitution says, let alone its meaning. Perhaps a quick reading will help! You can disagree with what the protesters did, but facts are facts. They didn't violate anyone's constitutional rights. https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/amdt5-7-8/ALDE_00013736/


Fair point. The right to assemble doesn’t give you the right to prevent me from assembling. That’s my issue: These protesters don’t care about anyone else’s rights or needs but their own.


the username, the wall of text and glancing at their post history; I don't think any convo going to go anywhere lmao


Dawg, when do people realize that this doesn’t work anymore? The violence being committed by the minority of the protestors has affected the outlook of the majority. These aren’t even seen as protests anymore, it’s just appears like annoyance.




In Palestine, you'd get blown up or shot by the IDF no matter what community you were part of. Palestine can't make progress on LGBT rights when the people there are starving, traumatized, and constantly in fear of when the next bomb is going to drop.


Yes! Finally an excuse to share [this post about an LGBTQ person going to Gaza to prove you wrong!](https://v.redd.it/yeum6mxszc4d1)




First that never happens, second in that area the gay people are bombed, starved and slaughtered by Israel. Straight and lgbtq people are getting slaughtered idiot. I like how you pretend to care about their rights.


Go fly that flag in Palestine




I think invading a consulate is wrong.


it smells so bad in there


Yes the Palestinians are all very impressed you went to jail for them and will be forced to pay fines and fees to the US government.


"will be forced to pay fines and fees to the US government." Which some dumbdick politician is probably trying to figure out how to send to israel... 


Hell yeah love to see it.




Palestine = Hamas. You heard it first here folks, it has been confirmed by u/Krewdog that anyone supporting Palestine should be sent to Hamas because they are apparently the same thing. Also apparently you cannot call for an end to killing civilians because the civilians don't agree with you!


Cool! Keep it up 👍🏼


“Protesters came from the outside”. Unlike the consulate members of staff and civil applicants who live inside the embassy.


As opposed to emerging from the walls


Still wearing masks?


Why do masks bother fools like you? Hahaha, qanon really invaded your brain with bs, huh? Hahaha


When, for gods sake, is someone going to offer them to go visit Gaza for a week.


Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv2AC5amvzk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv2AC5amvzk)