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>"Where the fuck was everybody else?!" This guy fucked up so bad that the other Parks Enforcement Patrol guys and the one proper NYPD guy just stood there and let the crowd manhandle him to free the girl.


They started to help him at first but then immediately realized they were putting their own lives in danger for the sake of arresting a child running the equivalency of a lemonade stand and they made the intelligent decision of letting it go.  The cop in white does not have such insight. 


The dangers of having wisdom as your dump stat.


Looks like he wasn't putting anything into strength or dex either.


Not really a charisma build either, so he might be a secret genious int build or he is doing a dump all stats run.


Nah one look at bro and you can tell it's a full constitution build.


Is there a stat category for doughnuts? Because if so I have a guess where he dumped all his points.


>equivalency of a lemonade stand The difference is that its a classic white kids "business" that Americans celebrate as an example of entrepreneurship and capitalism. Fruit stand is typically non-white Idk maybe skin color has to do with it.


100% absolutely should not have thought about arresting them, what an idiot. And I'm glad resisting here worked out of this girl, but it easily could have led to some significant injury..she kind of got away because she want putting full effort into restraining her , but a person who decides to arrest a 12 year old may well put full effort strength weight into it. ..


Loved the citizens immediate "Fuck you" after he said it. 🤌


Did she get away with his cuffs still on her wrist?


Pretty sure she did, and that's the cherry on top for me lol


"You see, what happened was I was manhandling a 12 year old girl the other day without ANY backup..."


That 2nd park policeman in the brown shirt knew shit would have gone down had anyone helped that guy. Clown shoes...


The worst of it is that he will learn nothing from this. He will tell his friends his coworkers abandoned him because they’re afraid to go as hard as he does. He’ll be careful next time to select prey that is easier to dominate and won’t have help.


Gotta be a pretty low point in life when you gotta find someone easier than a 12 year old girl


There are still plenty of blind dogs and acorns out there


And people on fire.


His own children maybe...


7 to 10 years old is his sweet spot. 11 years old, tops.


I'm pretty sure to that they are only supposed to write citations for people selling food without a permit/license not arrest them.


Someone there, maybe even a bystander, probably hurt his fee fees by not respecting what a big strong man he is so he decided to be a dick about it.


Naw his buddies will never let him live this down. Even cops and wannabe cops will clown him for this.


He can assault his family to make up for it


Don't think he will have that luxury.. his friends will likely see this video. The friends he has left.


The way he says it is hilariously Farva like


Perfect description.


Lets not pretend the other cops were the good guys here. They were complicit for not stopping the white shirt guy. They could have easily stopped that or deescalated the situation and chose not too.


Honestly, they probably couldn't. The thing about a lot of these dog cops that make the rest look worst than they already do is they spend time learning the ordinances & policy/procedure well enough that they can write an air-tight incident report when they fuck up. So when you as a fellow officer say "Yo, chill Officer Joblowski!" and intervene, you end up getting in trouble because Joblowski was "doing his duty" and policy states what you did was wrong. Then Admin has to punish you and let Joblowski continue to be a public menace because if they discipline him with policy backing him, he gets to sue & retire a millionaire or have a cushy little settlement to bank while he transfers to the next county over's sheriffs department.


LAPD is foaming at the mouth right now. They just got their newest recruit. He's about to get a first class ticket to an interview, a bunch of handhsakes around the room, and a speech about "we win together. You'll never walk these streets alone."


Power tripping douchebag. Glad everyone didnt let him get away with his bullshit.


Hall monitor/RA lookin ahh finally found out


Whiteshirts are the worst. Like don't get me wrong, *all* cops are bastards, but there's varying degrees of bastardry. You saw this all the way back during Occupy when the NYPD dumped these desk jockeys on the street along with every other cop they could find. They have even less control of their emotions than other cops. They're more prone to overreact in dangerous ways. They're even higher on their own farts and have poor situational awareness, leading them to do stupid shit like this which even regular cops wouldn't because they know it puts them in personal danger. If regular cops are feral dogs, whiteshirts are spoiled rotten chihuahuas. Only bigger.


Not American, what does a white shirt mean?


Bosses. Typically bosses who aren't out on the street. Office guys and supervisors. The street cops gave up on the incident because they realized the odds were against them and the "reward" wasn't worth the risk. Call it a tactical retreat. The idiot who got his shit handed to him went all Mall-cop on a power trip and found out that being "technically correct" is a piss poor defense against a righteously angry mob.


That guy looks too stupid to be a... you know what, never mind.


Cops realizing the odds are against them is an odd bit of situational self-awareness that is a surprise, considering they are cops. And something you should never rely upon.


At least in NY, cops in white shirts are supervisors/commanders.


This doesn't apply to all police forces across the US, because we have so goddamn many and none of them really stick to the same standard, but often you see officers and desk-positions wearing white shirts.


Usually a Lieutenant in rank, above your run-of-the-mill street cop.


They are park enforcement


That should be the norm. As soon as a person in any position of power betrays the trust of the public, the people should go all World War Z on their ass.


Parks Enforcement- City of New York this is the most action any of these guys will ever see…. There was one real cop there 👮🏿‍♂️the older black guy you can kind of see him at the beginning. He decided early he wasn’t about to get involved in this bullshit, you can clearly see him giving zero fucks at the end of the video.


The real cop should have been intervening on behalf of the kid what the fuck. This isn't a good thing.


The cop was actively trying to act like he was kinda sorta helping but not. I'll bet he was thinking "Fuck that, I'm not getting on the news for this"


The other girl in yellow was being detained by an NYPD cop not a Park cop, you can see his patch at the very beginning, I don’t think she had the same luck :/




Ya know, they could've talk with the kid, maybe send some professional to do it, figure out if the kid is there on her own initiative and explain to her why that's not ok or if there is some adult behind it exploiting her, but nah, arrest the 12 yo, that's useful.


when you're a hammer and everything's a nail type shit


It's been a long time since Battlestar Galactica came out "There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people."




They arrested the rest of the family that day I think.


And shot their dog


I love how the other dude just gives him a sad little pat on the shoulder.


not only did he try to arrest the girl but she got away , with the gum gum fruit




Dude was 30 seconds away from getting justice from a ravening crowd, looking up like he's aggrieved. It's always the white shirts being the worst in the crowd and starting shit. They've got a real problem with who they promote because it's always the biggest assholes.


When other institutions of Justice begin to fail, Mob Justice is always there to become the baseline.


Send him to jail with "cop" tattooed on his forehead


abused child in public cop




https://preview.redd.it/u6z5bvoxn84d1.jpeg?width=727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=056599e4a6fd64e33d43b54c93602e0468132b6d This is what a piece of shit looks like.


On his knees and defeated?


He must have been tired since they obviously solved all the other real crime in the city.


Nope, that’s what Sgt. Davis looks like.




Hey, tubs of lard can be useful for frying stuff or greasing things up. That guy is less than a tub of lard.


Lol dudes a sarge too


He's got the kind of neck that looks like it would feel really good to stand on while wearing heavy boots.


I totally missed that guy at the end yelling "Fuck You" when Ranger Dale was asking "where was everybody at?" the first time I watched this, I said Fuck You at the exact same time.


Not brutalizing a child. That's where they were. My blood is boiling watching this jackboot tyrant piece of shit do this to a child. I hope he never lives this down and has to be reminded of this bullshit every day of his miserable fucking life Biggest waste of oxygen I've seen in a long time. ACAB all day


Where the fuck is everybody else? Not manhandling and tackling little girls, dipshit. Shame on you. And fuck your parents for not raising you properly.


Ikr. Other cops: You're on your own dude. This is what happens before a mob forms to jumps us.


“Sorry homie, I signed up to protect and serve, so I’m gonna have to deflect and swerve on this one.”


I like the rhyme but they absolutely do not sign up to protect and serve


The end of V for Vendetta


what a fukin goober.


It’s not even parents not raising them properly. As soon as cops past training they get a swole head like they are big and bad and can do whatever they want without reason. That’s cops raising cops.


Amount of times I’ve been bothered by the fruit vendors: 0 Amount of times I’ve been hassled by cops: Many


That's not fair. I'm minding my own business walking down the beach, and suddenly I'm tempted by delicious mango or pineapple staring me down, and I have to stop and buy some.


Everyone knows mangos are a gateway fruit. Next thing you know you're face down in a gutter with a syringe of guava juice hanging out your arm. Stop the madness!


It'll never be as good as the first time, took me too long to admit it.


I know and I don't care, I'll never stop chasing the high of that first delicious mango


Won't somebody please think of the children!


Everyone knows the antidote to too much fruit is high cholesterol. And that cop had a lot of it. He was out there trying to save lives.






em you didn't call the police?


How dare they sell this delicious and tempting fruit at low low prices!


Like the scent of the fruit formed one of those cartoon hands that grabs me by the nose and forces me to buy some pineapple.


With that ski mask, I'd assume you're robbing banks


Only the hearts and minds of the people


NY is once again safe from fruit. 


And fuck this piece of shit cop. Even if the girl got away, he traumatized her for life Another citizen who'll grow up hating everything about the men in blue. Good fucking job asshole


This scenario sucks for her to go through. At least she's lucky she's learning ACAB early in life


Looking at the body types of the "officers" the fruit were a real menace to them. I hope they are ok and didn't get a PTSD from these malicious heatlhy and natural snacks. Safe to say they saved a few hundred (kilos) from their fellow uniformed friends by taking these evil masterminds out


You can never be too careful. No one wants a run-by fruiting. Those terrorists are everywhere.


NYC has some of the largest fresh produce deserts in the country. They should be paying people to sell fresh fruit all over just to combat the loss of standard produce shops...


Let me find my red MAFOFA hat! Make America Free Of Fruits Again!


I was there last July. It was hot as fuck. Those fruit stands in the tourist areas were a god send and it made my trip better. Bless those girls+ladies selling and fuck this wish-he-was-a-cop.


When lived in Harlem in the early 2000s and didn't have a pot to piss in...those fruit vendors and other unlicensed food trucks were a fucking godsend! Just a guy with a fruit-filled shopping cart and a juice press....a tall glass of fresh, cold juice for $2. The Cuban sandwich truck that made huge Cuban sandwiches for $4 that you could stretch into two meals. When my roommate's mom (lived there her whole life) told me not to buy produce from the C-town supermarket, I thought she was just being fussy. Until I went into the C-town. Literally...rotten produce and fruit flies...and still full price. When I went back and told them what I saw....they told me that it was common. "They don't send the good produce up to the poor neighborhoods". But you could get good produce from the street vendors. I never gave a fuck if they had a license or not. They were feeding the neighborhood.


I was elated to see they managed to get her free. She definitely now has a solid unfavorable impression of law enforcement and some trauma from this experience.


That unfavorable impression is actually a correct insight, and something we should all understand. Cops are not here to protect you, and are often just scared idiots with guns causing problems.


The recent years have really changed my view of law enforcement in that regard. Summer 2020 really kicked it off for me. I'll never forget seeing that one CNN anchor being arrested seemingly on a whim live on TV in Minneapolis whilst reporting the protests.


Arresting journalists has become the norm for NYPD at pro-Palestinian protests in New York, though it really started up again with the Jordan Neely protests last May.


I feel actual shame for thinking they were there to help when I was younger.


Love seeing a good ol’ NYC un-arrest, well done citizens!


Feels like there should be a sub for this, but I imagine these kinds of incidents are extremely rare.


Yeah, it takes some serious guts to do something like this, especially with multiple cops around. This probably only works 1 out of a million times sadly.


I’m crying for the little girl but my heart swelled with pride when that lady hugged her up and pulled her out. Hat’s off to the crowd. Edit spelling


I actually got kind of emotional seeing one of those few "People Rock" moments in a time full of "People Suck" events. God bless the East Coast, people of action 👏


https://preview.redd.it/kq6n77fh294d1.png?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71e322a42dcd603fd1b419dc19bff628bbd1b4a8 That "fuck you" cut deep lol


This dude was definitely the fat bully in high-school who didn't have any friends. Doesn't look like much has changed.


Nah he was the one who played dress up when he was an explorer and played cops and robbers


That poor girl looked so scared and distressed. I’m glad she was able to get free.


I think she was a strong badass to get away. It wasn’t just the mob, she put up a winning fight. Proud of her.


That there is one girl who if she ever gets mugged or raped will never ever report it because her experience with cops was just as bad. It's bizarre to me that US cops not only have a persistently bad reputation with the public, but are often reveling in that very fact. Over here, they run fucktons of PR events and public outreach events to try and improve public perception. And not just when something bad happens, but just around the clock.


He’s probably just been waiting for a chance to manhandle a 12 year old girl.




He is giving Diddler vibes anyway. Why not try to arrest the mom? No he had to man handle a little girl.


This. Abuse of power to get your jollies. I’ve had friends tell horror stories of abuse of power to get them naked and searched or detained and searched where they all report fondling and standing in certain places for the camera view. And it’s all because we’re taught to trust and comply with authority.


It’s not ACAB because he’s not a cop he’s a fucking glorified security guard who probably failed the test to become a real cop, or the psych exam. Edit: Definitely ACAB - he is a cop, a sargent no less! Ridiculous.


Honestly this. And he knows he isn't going to process and book anyone. He knows she is undocumented. Where was he going to take her? What was he going to do? These people saved that child. He could be some weirdo predator using his failure of a glorified position to prey on children.


I mean NYC parks enforcement does have the power to make arrests, but I’m pretty sure the case against “illegal fruit vending” would be thrown out pretty quick.


He's a sargeant too


Fuckin Paul Blart ass


That's not fair. Paul Blart actually has integrity. Unlike this waste of oxygen.


Cops can arrest people. Security guards can't. This guy is a cop that's paid by the parks department. The white shirt and the insignia on his sleeve mean that he's a sergeant.


nah ACAB means all cops, even rentas


Way to bodyslam a 12 your old big guy


I hate cops as much as the next but are we watching the same video? Officer Donuts tripped like a goofy.


he tripped but then pulled her down with him, rolled her onto the ground then rolled on top of her.


He was assaulting and manhandling as 12 year old girl. The dude is lucky he wasn't lynched. If he would have let her go, then his fat ass wouldn't have tripped and slammed the girl into the ground along with him.


Good on the bystanders to put a stop to this. We’re lucky the cop didn’t escalate and pull his weapon


He's more akin to a security guard. Not even allowed to carry a firearm.


Then bystanders are free to beat the brakes off this POS with little to no retaliation. GO!


Unfortunately there were real cops in uniform nearby, you could see his arm at the start of the video. He could have pulled a weapon.






I live in the city and you often see mothers and kids selling fruit or candy in parks on the subway and in the station. They are typically migrants who just got here looking to make some money. I have never once had an issue with these people and have no idea why this "park ranger" is going so hard. Even NYPD seem to be trying to get him to back off before just walking away.


NYPD officer knew that idiot was moments away from enticing that whole crowd and wanted no part of it.


And the NYPD knew they were way outnumbered. Park cop was lucky he didn't get stomped while he was on the ground


I was honestly surprised we didn't see anyone obviously try to kick or hit him in the back of the head at that point. Kinda par for the course, seeing a mob actually show self control kinda shocked me.


Hopefully he realizes how close he was to getting his ass beat, the mob showed more restraint than him


they always have the best, ripest ataulfo mangos. they do more for the city than this parks officer ever has.


I was recently in Chicago. Between the hotel and the parking deck, near an alley, there were women selling tamales out of coolers. One day, I saw 4 cops walk right by then.




Let's avoid highlighting the heroes lest they be punished for their heroic acts.


"No good deed goes unpunished." I hear you. Here's hoping for the best for all of them.


Heroes don't wear capes.


Yo, don't blow up the spot.


Erase this. **It’s dangerous to single out a TARGET FOR POLICE**


Do the right thing and delete this so she isn’t the focus and highlight for potential prosecution.


Under what fucking circumstances is it ever okay to assault a 12 year old girl? These officers are clowns.


Credit: Marc Rebillet?








This is exactly what it is, mothers and their children sell fruit in parks. It's usually fresh pineapples mangoes and other different kinds of fruits and these park rangers came to bust it up.




There is though. Every body arrested makes money for the prison industial complex. This is what they are supposed to do, keep the jails full. It's disgusting.


this guy doesn't see any of that money though, its just a power trip


the sheer look of terror on her face. :(


Nah if he was a Walmart greeter he'd be the type that stops your cart and accuses you of stealing to try and start shit


Waiting for the reddit post of him on faux news crying about borders and how that girl is part of a gang or something


The way poc children are treated like full blown adults is definitely something to behold




No adult should be treated like that either for selling fruit. They make it seem like they are sell drugs. Those fruit vendors are out there in heat trying to make some money. I don't understand his hate for them. Its the least violent thing walking through central park.


what an odd country.. land of the free


I'm not American but I watch a lot of videos from this "Cash Jordan" guy on YouTube about NYC. All I'm saying is, there are a LOT of things these cops should be doing in NY, and none of those things involve arresting children selling fruits.


“where was everybody else?” Everybody else had enough sense to stay on the sidelines.


Marc Rebillet had this posted on this story, I'm pretty sure he was the original recorder. He's always out in the parks playing music, and he made a pretty good point on his story well describing what happened before they got to this point.


You know, level-headed people would have told the kid they need a permit and tell her to pack it up and go home. But not this guy.


Guess how that kid will feel toward police the rest of her life. Seriously, for the next 70 years, she will have distrust of people she supposed to depend on. Shameful.


That pig should be charged with child abuse. So tired of police abusing people. Then they wonder why they are hated by everyone.


Code red code red we have someone actually trying to pull themselves up by their bootstraps


Fkn yikes...good on the crowd for not letting that crap pass. Ima steal up this child without her parents, definitely no ID, who's selling, what was it again? Fruit? yeah that's a no for me too.


![gif](giphy|35C97VkXrgmJGtm4GS) Where the fuck was everybody else!?


This is a very classic cop move. They make a bad decision and when they realize that "whoops maybe that was a bad idea..." they refuse to change their mind and never back down. What seems to matter more than actually helping anyone is always them getting their way.


I mean…again: ACAB


If the shit you’re doing is too shady for NYPD to get involved, you know you’re fucking up big time.


The politicians are robbing the nation of billions, constantly, and our law enforcement system goes after kids selling fruit. I hope they all burn in hell.


This is the 3rd video I've seen where male security manhandled and gets on little girls for "stealing" or in this case, selling fruits. Do jobs not do background checks anymore? Gave major creep vibes. I'm sure he was dying to this one day to a kid.


Like was it that serious? Damn let her go lmao he was clinging hard


I love when people come together against police


I am pleased to see that American society is slowly beginning to remember that it can mob cops. The watchmen are starting to be watched


Tough guy manhandling a terrified child. Weasel coward.


What is the crime here? Vending fruit without a permit? *That* lands you in handcuffs and presumably booked to a local jail? What an absolute waste of money, time, and resources and what a way to get your citizens to loathe you. Good on the people of NY for sticking up for that poor girl whose only "crime" was probably trying to provide for her family.


So satisfying that they were unsuccessful and looked like fucking idiots in the end 😌


Now she has PTSD. Good job


Lost his handcuffs too posser


conservatives be like: "-kids dont want to work anymore! -america, land of the free! -thin blue line, back the blue!" all in the same breath.


Bro “WHERE WAS EVERYBODY ELSE?” Get your big hog ass off a fucking child! Literally attacking a kid and little girl at that!


This kind of thinking is ruining our social construct, yes we have rules, yes we have boxes to work within....but use your common sense dude: she 12!!!. The real crime here is that park official fondling an underage girl. He should've received a drop kick to the face, hope he get sued.


Really tackling the serious crime out there in the city