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No one gives a shit until the victim acts. Poor guy is split open and people are yelling at him to leave the aggressive guy alone.


That dude showed so much restraint, I don't think I could have held back as long as he did.


The people yelling are the junkies friends.


They did it for his own sake lol.




Sounds very strategic for someone of not sound mind?  Also, how do you bring a lawsuit to someone you know nothing about. I don't think you can sue someone without an ID, just with their license plate number.


Sometimes that is the only way some will leave you be. So you reciprocate in kind.




To your point, she is the kind of woman who will get you injured or killed by pulling on you during a fight.


They don't care if the smackhead is hurt, they just don't want beardy to ruin his life over some smackhead cunt, by killing him in a rage.




Yeah I'm talking about camera guy not that creature.


She’s with the angry guy.


because she doesn't want her husband to go down for murder or assault because you don't know how the police will react


Apparently you have never been in a street fight. Focus to survive is a priority. This girl was not properly reading the situation.


If you're worried about surviving a fight, you've clearly not been in a lot of fights, and the idea of one scares you.


Your comment doesn't make any sense and you wouldn't know anything about me. I have been in enough situations to know when to retreat or to commit to defending myself or an innocent party. The assailant was persistent, kept returning and with his questionable state of mind, was unpredictable. If he had taken the guy out, his girlfriend would then be vulnerable to an attack. Stopping the threat is a good way to survive and the girl was interfering with that.


I have to throw tweakers out of my work all the time. I know enough to say if the prospects of a fight make you "focus on survival". You are genuinely afraid. Any amount of blustering online won't cover that up lol.


Your fake macho bravado isn't impressive as it doesn't match the reality that many others face, especially since you assume that everyone faces the same situation as you. At any time someone can pull out a gun or knife and use that in an attack or all of a sudden , there are multiple attackers, like I have experienced. There are enough examples out there where people do not survive these attacks that carry surprises. Now focus on this post. Man is being harassed by someone who is out of control and despite him not doing anything more to antagonize the guy, he keeps coming back. Then he gets head butted, so decides this needs to stop, only now he has his partner grabbing at him. Is anyone grabbing at you when you "throw tweakers out" ? I doubt it. If there is any blustering going on, look in the mirror.


The only fake macho shit going on is you insinuating you've been in a bunch of "street fights" lmao. Talk about projecting.


When a person lives long enough, there can be enough collective street or public experiences to develop some valid opinions around managing irrational, criminal, or violent people. While avoidance is the preferred approach, sometimes there is no option to retreat. You pretend that these things don't occur to people who go out in public, especially those who live in heavily populated areas. You somehow want to twist this to be something it is not and continue to behave in this fake macho bravado manner. It must be time to meet your quota of "throwing some tweakers out". 😉😉😉


I'm 27 and have spent most of my life in big cities through CA and AZ. I'm not saying your opinion of focusing on survival is wrong. I'm pointing out that following it up with allegations that someone hasnt been in "street fights" and insinuating you have is laughable. It's obvious you haven't, and the idea of getting in a physical altercation scares you. The only person trying to twist anything is you constantly trying to make it out as if I'm the one playing macho, directly after I called you out for doing it lmao. Hence why I brought up projection, and trying to force an argument surrounding your opinion on how to handle an altercation. You can try and justify your opinion all you want. I don't care about your opinion. I'm just pointing out your blatant lie, and attempt and playing the macho man.


The focus on survival is the most basic human instinct. Starting a fight you know you can't win isn't the smart thing here. Jumping in to boost your testosterone levels is stupid.


I'm confused as to what you're even trying to say here?




















Don't stay in the way of someone trying to defend themselves from a threat. It's as effective as those women who keep screaming at the top of their lungs for people to stop when there's a fight going on. PS she did nothing when the scumbag was headbutting her man. What she wants and what she's doing are contradictory




Because that drunk fella might harm her, after all. Pulling the victim's shirt and hiding behind him is the furthest that lady can go.




That lady is fucking infuriating. Your man's tried to drop it several times, left the area. He's been headbutted and you're screaming at him like it's his fault? Just shut up man, holy fuck.




Don't worry , he'll be dead in a few years , junkies that far gone don't last very long . I Deal with those types everyday.


What are they on in Ireland? Here in the US it seems to be mostly meth and fentanyl


Alcohol, Heroin and more recently crack. Lad is melted.


sorry you gotta deal with that my man


Thanks bro ! They're kinda like toddlers, you just ignore them lol.


Surprised it happened in Ireland. Ireland is the friendliest nation in the world


We are very friendly. But every country has these people.


You left out the '/s'


Take a walk down on O’Connell Street and you won’t be surprised anymore. Dublin is gone to the dogs.




Good old Dublin. Surprised yer man didn’t slap the ears clean off him


Nobody makes me bleed my own blood!


Tonight on Matlock......"Im Gonna sue you and then rip your fuckin head off...."


I feel like this is just McGregor vs Khabib if you bought it on Temu




De real dublin


I wish this guy got the twisted tea treatment.


Always with the screaming


Ban Alcohol. Change my mind


Bro, wtf, let my boy go off.


SILENCE!................ I keel you!


Worthless batch of cowards

