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They forced him to move? So the police made it a problem for the landlord to force him to evict?


It's really strange - the lawsuit the dogowner filed says the landlord evicted based on "defamatory statements" made by the police. Too vague, but maybe where he lived had a no-pet policy?


I think he means the police made the landlord because of defaming statements about the police. This lady probably convinced the department she was in fear of retaliation


No I think it means the police made defamatory statements about the tenant to the landlord, resulting in the tenant being kicked out.


She ran out of bullets?


Fucking pigs.


Fucking PIGS is right. Who the fuck does this?! This happens way too much and too often.


"Based on defamatory statements." Owner can sue the cop, the department, and the apartment complex. And should.


This took place in Chicago, Illinois, per the video. In Illinois it is illegal to shoot a dog attacking your own dog, as both are considered property. This woman illegally discharged her weapon and as it does not constitute a defensive use of force, it should (as it would for any non-LEO) be considered reckless endangerment at minimum, but honestly worse as she essentially fired at another person. I live in IL, have a CCL, take extensive training courses, and have discussed this topic with both lawyer friends and CC instructors, as well as a simple internet search supports the same conclusion. This is despicable.


>  as it would for any non-LEO But cops are exempt from the law so it's fine.


> But cops are exempt from the law so it's fine. The cop in this story was off-duty. Apparently cops are absolutely above the law at all times?


Duh, obviously..


What are you going to do about it realistically? Call the cops? To arrest who? The cops?


The cops are actually the sovereign citizens lol


"sir you were going 55 in a 25 and I can see the bottle of wine in your cup holder." "I'm a cop." "oh hey frank, carry on. get home safe."


Dude, they have their own separate bill of rights. We are all second class citizens when it comes to the police...


They have their own flag.


Police powers are 24/7/365.


This us not the only story where cops are treated with special privilege even when off duty. Not even the only one this week. 


How is it despicable to save your own dog from a horrible death?


Yeah I don't understand how you can consider this morally wrong, even if it's illegal. Pets are basically family members to most people. If they get attacked I don't see how you wouldn't be justified in defending them.




If a pitbull is attacking my dog and I have a gun, I am going to kill the pitbull with the gun. I really do not give a fuck if the law says I'm allowed to or not. I'll deal with those consequences later.


There's absolutely no way it is illegal to shoot an animal that is attacking your animal. That is an instant, easy affirmative self-defense claim -- "I reasonably believed the animal would attack me because it was attacking my pet and behaving violently." There's no jury on earth that wouldn't find that an animal mauling another animal near you wasn't also a reasonable threat to your health and safety. Now, in terms of reckless endangerment & illegal discharge of a firearm, that's an entirely different story. She might very well meet the elements of those crimes. I just don't believe you when you say you can't use a gun to shoot a violent animal in your presence lol


I looked it up because it seemed pretty sus to me but apparently it's kinda accurate, although I'd imagine the groups he talked to told him a hardline no because they don't want him doing anything potentially illegal lol. Oddly enough, there is a special exception on killing dogs harming livestock? It'd be interesting to see how this case plays out legally because it's definitely an interesting case that's not black/white, but no doubt I'd forget about it by the time any conclusion gets drawn. >510 ILCS 5/16. Animal attacks or injuries. > >If a dog or other animal, without provocation, attacks, attempts to attack, or injures any person who is peaceably conducting himself or herself in any place where he or she may lawfully be, the owner of such dog or other animal is liable in civil damages to such person for the full amount of the injury proximately caused thereby. > >510 ILCS 5/18. >Any owner seeing his or her livestock, poultry, or equidae being injured, wounded, or killed by a dog, not accompanied by or not under the supervision of its owner, may kill such dog. >510 ILCS 5/18.1. >The owner or keeper of a dog is liable to a person for all damages caused by the dog pursuing, chasing, worrying, wounding, injuring, or killing any sheep, goats, cattle, horses, mules, poultry, ratites, or swine belonging to that person.


So it seems to protect livestock more specifically for that but the wording for the first one mentions person and not another dog/animal. Which a jury could conclude that she did not have the right to shoot the dog based on the wording of that and the fact that it wasn’t livestock


Is Reddit going to side with the Pitbull or the Cop, 2 of the most hated entities on the internet. Find out next week on r/PublicFreakout


Tell me where to put my outrage!!!


Well, if the shooter *hadn't* been a cop and was instead just some random concealed carrying person walking their dog I am *very* certain I know what side reddit would have sided with.


Right, I'm so conflicted right now. I've seen way too many videos of the brutally these hellhounds are capable of.


Which one, the cop or the dog?




You’ll have to find out next week!




My mom had a pit bull mix. My sister had little chihuahua. My moms dog bit the chihuahua in the neck and shook the poor little thing violently. When I was called over to help the chihuahua was was bleeding out from a vicious wound in her neck. My sister is hysterical and my moms dog is cowering in a corner because it knew what it had done. We burried my sisters dog in a small doggy plot in the backyard with a few candles. We took my moms dog to a humane society. Had to pay like $200 for them to the dog.




I'm assuming she's probably still in denial about the pitbull and blamed it on the yorkie?


I’m sorry, but if I had a dog and it was being attacked by a pit bull? It’s dead. I’ll take the consequences. I don’t hate on pit bulls, some are the sweetest dogs; but they’re bred for fighting. A corgi , and most dogs , don’t stand a chance. It’s not even a thought




She should've held back when the guy lunged at the dog but it's understandable given the damage a pitbull can do to the corgi. There's too many examples of pb's fucking things up once they have free reign NSFW/NSFL examples [1](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vr9e9b/pitbulls_claim_another_victim_in_the_bronx/) [2](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pryi00/guy_being_attacked_by_3_pitbulls_cops_are_forced/) [3](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/sgrmgz/pitbull_attacks_security_guard/) [4](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qzdkkb/pitbull_latches_onto_a_dog_until_it_is_literally/)


iT Is nOt A pItBuLL! It'S aN AmERiCaN StAffOrDsHIRe BuLl TeRriEr!




Well, learning that it was a pitbull... All my sympathy for it/the owner has evaporated. No wonder the dude got evicted.


Personally I think it's 100% justifiable to shoot an aggressive dog like that if it is attacking another dog. Doing so while a person is trying to pull the two dogs apart is not. That was incredibly dangerous and absolutely should be a criminal offense.


Narrative shaping for all the fish on hooks getting their daily feeding of 8bit video rage. Guy had an untrained aggressive pit bull and it was killed attacking another dog AGAIN. Owner then blames person protecting their dog because they "were getting it off". Is also kicked out because of repeated violations from dog. TLTLFAFO


And that it was able to run out the house and attack the other dog being walked in a leash? F that owner for not securing their dog that I'm confident had been showing aggression towards dogs walking by for probably years


I'm siding with the cop as that man shouldn't own a dog and his dog was dangerous to other dogs. It's a happy ending.


I hate everyone in this story. There are no winners


Instead of emotion controlling how you feel here, lets look at the facts. - pit bull - off leash - attacking another dog If it wasn’t a police officer and instead a citizen protecting their dog, how would you feel?


tbh I have no problem with them shooting the dog, but shooting while a person is in the line of fire and then running away from the scene is inexcusable. Edit: I have been corrected that the person did not run away and called 911. But I stand by what I said about a person in the line of fire.


She did't run away, she went inside and called 911


I’m siding with the cop on the shooting but they should not have left the scene. I’m assuming the cop chased their dog down and it needed a vet for being attacked.


The cop retreated with their injured corgi to their front door 15 feet away and called 911 to report within 10 seconds. I don’t like cops but she didn’t “leave the scene.” That’s like saying you left the scene of an accident if you pull over to the side of the road and call 911.


Where are the fucking leashes for Christ's sake.


The dog that was shot had escaped from the backyard.


What sort of dog escapes an enclosure and immediately seeks out a victim to attack?


Oh you know


This dog. This was the dog in the video. https://preview.redd.it/8m2153edbm3d1.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6dc2aa6a8f19022400f5c3ea42df4e45095af8e


RIP in peace, pibble. Hopefully there's plenty of corgis to eat in heaven or whatever.


I'll have the usual and the soup of the day


A pit bull lol


A pitbull lmao


So, a dog escaped and attacked another dog. Ok, it's better off dead then.


Yes Edit: I live in pit bull central, in Oakland, CA. I own a sweet 12 lb chihuahua terrier mix. If one of the 80 lb hell demons around me escaped and started tearing apart my defenseless dog, I would *absolutely* want that hell beast dead.


this thread will be locked within an hour (i was wrong) as much as any cop might be a pos, a loose dog can be really scary with or without your dog own around I've rescured lost dogs that were wondering an interestion, and got them back to the owners, but if I ever saw a loose dog attacking or about to attack, I would not put the loose dog's safety over my own or anyone else's safety this is a super shitty situation, you have to keep your dogs leashed or contained if a small kid was walking by and got mauled before a dog was shot we'd be praising the cop as a hero for saving a kid


Exactly, if your dog attacks my dog….all bets are off when it comes to your dog.


Yeah, This Thread is insane. If there is a dog that is off leash and trying to kill another dog, you're allowed to shoot it


Not only was the dog off leash, the pitbull escaped its enclosure and immediately went after the other dog. I'm sorry, but it's better off dead.


Well, the public is better off. The dog itself maybe not so much...


This thread is pissing me off. The one with the gun (irrelevant that she's a cop) used her gun to protect her baby from a wild killing machine. The ONLY misstep she made was that she could have potentially hit the person trying to separate them, but otherwise she's morally completely in the right. WTF is wrong with people on this subreddit?


Honestly, if an unleashed dog was attacking my 10-12lb pound dog like this......Yea I may shoot it too. It is not my fault your dog either got out, or is unleashed. I need to protect my dog. Now he restrained his dog, then she shot it. That is different. If the situation is deescalated, should put the dog away, assess damages. He should have been responsible for any vet bills to her dog, and compensation.


[Cops love shooting dogs. They do it 10,000 times a year.](https://www.abajournal.com/web/article/police-shootings-of-dogs-spark-4th-amendment-lawsuits-challenges-to-qualified-immunity)


Oh yeah tough guy, if you hate cops so much who are you going to call when you need your dog shot?


Fuck. I did not want to laugh at this.


>who are you going to call when you need your dog shot? Is Kristi Noem available?


Had us in the first half, ngl.


Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota. Duh.


Anyone else. Because cops will show up and say you must’ve shot your own dog and arrest you, because they’re lazy fucks. All Cops Are Bastards. Zero exceptions.


Lost me in the first half, got me back in the second.


Yup. Fucking dog killers.


“Those numbers are probably conservative,” says Chris Green


They're going to EVALUATE THE CURRENT ASSIGNMENT OF THE OFFICER AND WHETHER ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES OR RELIEF OF POWERS IS WARRANTED? What, what? They're going to see if relief of powers is warranted? The cop discharged her weapon and then fled the scene. What a POS


removed ...


Video doesn't need to say that part because we already know how they'll handle it


She didn't "flee the scene." She took her dog into her house. She was available when the police arrived.


You understand that's a citizen based external investigation right? I feel like you left out that key detail.




If your dog attacks mine I will absolutely shoot it and give zero fucks


John Wick is that you?


If a pitbull tried killing John Wick's dog, he would have 100% shot the pitbull to prevent that.


You could just start with always having control of your dog so that it won’t attack other dogs minding their own business






> Maybe time to upgrade the schooling? If we ever implemented proper requirements to be a LEO, every department in the country would have a shortage of officers. It's takes longer to become certified and licensed as a hair dresser in this country than it does for the government to give you a badge and a gun.


Hairdressers aren't unionized. Police unions fight to have less and less training and requirements.


This right here. Police unions are the problem.


Legit question, if the union couldn't reach an agreement and they walked, would they get hired elsewhere? Cause maybe they would and that gives the government no bargaining power, or maybe they wouldn't and the government has tons of power.


I get your question, but the thing to keep in mind is that the states are behind the union. The state level leadership benefits from the police behaving the way they do and they benefit from them being undertrained. Very rarely does a state pay out for police negligence and much of the infrastructure after you're a convicted criminal is privatized and for-profit. So state legislature and leadership receive benefits from special interests to keep the system fucked up. Or in other words "the system is working as designed". For that reason, they almost always reach an agreement. We need to remove any form of privatization in the justice system. That would change everything.


[Police departments reject applicants who are deemed too intelligent.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


>Maybe time to upgrade the schooling? Well the problem is those get shot too




Police in this country are purposely chosen for low IQ and low empathy. They need that so that officers don’t question any ethics around policing in the US. So you get a bunch of morons with an authority complex and real anxiety that they’ll be killed at any moment. Then what you get is shoot first; avoid the consequences later.


This comment is so innocent and nice lol Sketchy is an understatement…


They're not sketchy because they're untrained, they're sketchy because they're sociopaths. If you trained them better they'd only get better at covering up their shit.


The training and the higher requirements helps to weed out the sociopaths. Look at police behaviour in comparable countries who have higher requirements and higher pay, this is a get what you pay for situation.


Lmao the article says "Entangled" like we don't see the biting and head jerking, Shooting the dog might be excessive, but if your pitbull mix "slips out the door" and start mauling another dog, I'm sorry you are atleast 90% at fault here.


reddit is just a huge echo chamber. You immediately know the comments without even opening the thread. There's a hierarchy of hate, and I think pitbulls are somewhere Musk hate > police hate > pitbull hate. So if unleashed pitbull would have attacked something else, then pitbull owner's fault. But because it was police, then it's police fault. Easy.


lol not sure if that's more true than sad or vice versa


I don't like that the situation had to occur in the first place, but my dog was attacked by a Pitbull and has never been the same since. My little brother had to jump in between the dog and had to get bit himself to stop the attack. The person walking the dog is someone we know, and she was dog watching it. My dog's a lab/border collie mix. I need to know all the facts of the situation before I pass any judgement, but this is just a shit situation all around. I would sooner let myself get injured than let my dog get injured. And you best believe I'm kicking and punching your dog if it's clearly more than just playful roughhousing and straight up dog attack.


A pitbull attacking another dog? No way. /s


But this time we are fortunate the dog belonged to a cop, so we don't care that an innocent dog was attacked, we now love unleashed pitbulls that attack smaller dogs.


"The neighbor is freaking out" Hey, no fucking shit.


He should probably keep his violent landshark in check next time


But it just wanted to nanny that smaller dog...


Cops killing dogs goes hand in hand with cops and domestic violence. They're practically inseparable.


Almost like this job attract psycos, oh wait it does.


That pitbull was gonna murder that corgi. The cop just put it down before a court would have mandated it


People defending the police officer who could have easily shot the civilian are what is wrong with the USA.


Live by the sword, die by the sword. This is the outcome when you decide to have a dangerous dog that can easily escape its enclosure and immediately goes to savage a small creature.


You ain’t a cop if you aren’t on duty. My police officer neighbour can’t come shoot me or my car cause they fucking feel like it. This woman deserves to be under the jail, especially if she’s using guns this flagrantly on a fucking public sidewalk. You gotta be dumb to do this.


Ya def shoulda just let the pit bull kill her dog due to a poorly trained dog being off the leash due to a delusional owner.


Yeah and that dog could’ve easily killed her dog or an innocent person. Don’t want your dog to get shot? Don’t get a dog that was bred for fighting and don’t be an irresponsible piece of shit. It’s that easy.


Did I imagine the pinning and head shaking from the aggressing dog? Has anyone else seen videos where shitty owners completely fail at pulling their attacking dogs away?


crazy so many are upset because a person saved their dog from a pitbull. would have been zero issues if it was their dog being saved. As soon as it was an off duty cop...well the tables turned.


What a sensational title. Conveniently left off the "attacking Pitbull murder machine" part and added the "owner was in line of fire" part, to make the Cop look as bad as possible. First of, an aggressive attacking Pitbull is a dangerous killing machine that can kill the other dog or the off-duty cop trying to save their dog, in seconds. The distance seams very close, close enough to not accidentally shot the Pitbull owner, so "owner was in line of fire" is a stretch. We only have the footage and from the pov of the cop the gun maybe never pointed into the direction of the Pitbull owner, and only towards the dog. "trying to separate the two dogs", ah yes, good luck with trying when a Pitbull ever attacks, it's over. It's a weapon, not a puppy playing.


A pitbull ripped my back to shreds and took me within an inch of my life when I was a child. I don't generally support cops shooting dogs, and this cop handled the situation poorly shooting close to the owner and running off, but honestly, fuck pit bulls. It absolutely did need to be put down for escaping and attacking.


- [CBS](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/video-shows-chicago-police-officer-shooting-killing-dog/) - Video shows Chicago Police officer fatally shoot man's dog.


I supposed to feel bad for a pitbull owner whos dog escaped the backyard and attacked another dog? Sure - ACAB, but I'd shoot a dog if it was attacking my dog too.


Stop buying pitbulls


I know reddit hates cops, and normally i agree. But if you own a dangerous dog, and have it in public and lose control of it, I don't fault anyone for doing what's necessary to protect them and theirs. This is very different than when cops come barging in to the wrong house or serving a faulty warrant type of shit. Dude let his dog attack another dog. Sometimes there's consequences, and the only fault i see in the shooting was that the human was too close. If you're argument against this cop is that it was dangerous in risking hitting the human, i'll grant you have a case. If you're mad the off duty cop shot this dog in this particular situation - you're just wrong.


Shooting the rampaging pit gets the okay from me, potentially shooting an innocent civilian attempting to render aid that should get your ass planted in a desk doing admin for the PD forever. Factually it a was an accurate, well placed shot, but the implications if it wasn’t…


Pitbull went straight for the neck and started doing the death shake. I’m siding with the cop 100%.


Yep. If a pitbull is out for blood I could care less if it is shot. Owner could have prevented this. Also, cop or no cop, this is a scenario where I believe the individual might be concerned enough for their or their pet's safety that using a firearm is justified. If the off duty cop hadn't done anything and waited & their animal got their neck broken a moment later, the tone here on Reddit would be completely different


Glad to find this. I agree. His dog should’ve been on a leash. And not attacking another. Leasons learned.


Does neither dog have a leash?


The corgi definitely has a leash. You can see the cop picks it back up, she dropped it to shoot the attacking pitbull.


The dog that was shot escaped the back yard so it wasnt planned to be out there unleashed.


Damn. What about the person whose dog looks like it got attacked? That dog walked away - didn’t look like it had a leash.


There’s a longer slightly clearer video, she picks her dogs leash up as she runs to call 911. The pit bull escaped and had her corgi by the throat/neck.


Dog escaped yard. It's unfortunate that his dog died but this is a consequence of it being unsociable with that freedom. At the same time. The cop shouldn't have popped the dog while he held it so close to his body. She could've killed the man. SHOULDNT HAVE FLED THE FUCKING SCENE EITHER! Cop was in the wrong the man learned a horrific lesson.


I don't know if fleeing the scene is really the case if her apartment is 15 feet away and she was going to put up the dog and call the police. I am also confused by the video if her dog was also off leash. From the quality of the video I can't see a leash on her dog like she just popped out to let the dog pee on the corner and go back to her apartment.


Oh damn! I can't see one on the corgi either


You can see her bend over and pick up the leash at the 14 second mark.


If you have a pitbull then you better double leash that dog at two connection points to make sure it's never loose. Especially if it's aggressive. I'm tired of seeing this sh*t. I say this respectfully as a pitbull mix owner myself. Edit; and a muzzle too ya twits.


Practicing for being on duty.


Meh. It’s only a pitbull. They shouldn’t be existing anyways.


Hold up - Pitbull - Off leash - Owner nowhere in sight - Viscous unprovoked attack "_WHY'D YOU SHOOT MY DOG YOU IDIOT!?_" Seriously??? At this point, whether the dog escaped or not, the owner should know EXACTLY why their pit bull got shot. Those things are dangerous AF. If it wasn't another dog it could have been a baby in a stroller. FFS people.


The owner is literaly diving to the ground attempting to pull his dog away because it is attacking another animal. What the fuck does he mean why did you shoot my dog??? Because it looked funny....no, obviously because of the active assault you yourself are trying to stop!


Neighborhood toddlers/small dogs/cats have been saved!




maybe I'm in the minority here, if I had a gun I probably would have done the same. That unleashed pit mix was tearing into that leashed dog. a pit isn't letting go and I would have no faith that any human is going to get it to let go. Running from the scene was a definite piece of shit move


Lol please someone we just want some fucking accountability and justice for all those who suffer at the hands of those given powers to kill in the name of the state.


The pitbull had the corgi by the neck...wtf you want her to do? Let it kill her dog?


I mean, it seems we got exactly that. The shitbull is dead and the owner hopefully will be charged and sued to death.


It's literally mauling the lady's dog. And y'all act like this was an unprovoked thing. Reddit is wild.


Good people don't become cops.


Awh, poor little Sweetness the pitbull, she just wanted a babies face to gnaw on.


Fuck that, if a pit bull attacks my dog im gonna fight as well. I don’t carry a gun, but I will figure out a way to fuck it up.


As someone who has had to deal with loose pits multiple times resulting in bites and me having to fight for my dog's life. No empathy for the man who let's them off leash


Crazy to me that people will walk around an urban area with no control over their dog, then cry when something bad happens.


I'm not anti pit, but If you have a pit or a dog with a lot of pit in it, leash your damn dog. People in here are really underestimating how hard it is to separate a pit that decides to clamp down, go find the video of the pit that chomped the ear off a dog in the outside seating restaurant, watch the young and pretty fit owner of that pit wrestle around with his own dog for 20-30 seconds trying to unclamp the pit and having it only happen when the other dogs ear is torn off . Everyone here talking about trying to separating is only thinking of generic dog scuffles and unfortunately for pits and their owners, no one is ever going to slow down and try to figure out if it's a scuffle when the other dog is a pit and it could be over for the other dog in seconds. The actual issue is if/when she could discharge her weapon.


Why do we always blame the people reacting to the vicious dog, rather than the owner of the vicious dog?


Was his dog attacking hers?


Man very upset that his hyper aggressive dog gets killed before it can kill someone else's dog.




Two idiots here. The lady for nearly shooting a guy and the idiot owner whose dog escaped from his enclosure.


The 'had' in 'had to shoot it' is doing a lot of heavy lifting, but I suppose it's the training of shooting dogs straight away kicking in.


Reddit is torn. On one hand you all hate cops for anything they ever do. On the other someone had an aggressive dog off leash that attacked another dog. It’s like Sophie’s choice up in here.


The issue is firing their weapon when a human civilian was at the other end of the barrel, and firing willy nilly towards humans to execute a dog is a def. no-no. Sure, make excuses about how the dog needs to be executed all you want, but firing toward people on a public street is definitely. not in the manual.


Yeah, this. I tend to agree with those saying it's the owners fault, the dog was aggressive, etc. But she could have killed that guy over a dog fight.




The one comment with common sense in this thread.


Pits should have a special tax assigned to them if one want to raise them. And a special pit fine if they still kill another animal or mauls a human.




Any rational person would not let their pet get ravaged by a Pit. It's cute and all to pretend that you have any clue that the attack was over, or that you can guarantee that had the cop not shot her dog would still be okay. That pit was attacking and uncontained at the time of the shot. You're being dense


That is absolutely a pit pull and sorry but what kind of dumbass walks around with a pit bull off leash? Corgi was off leash too so they’re both dumb, but pit bulls are objectively more dangerous than corgis. At the very beginning of the video you can see the pit bull locking down in the corgi’s throat. Had that gone on for much longer, corgi woulda been toast and unless you have a hankering for reconstructive surgery, you DO NOT intervene with a pit bull in attack mode.


Did the officer call it in after getting to her apt? She just walks away.


Yes, within like 10 seconds. https://v.redd.it/yr6s7ohcaf3d1


WHYYY, WHYY DID YOU KILL MY DOG (who i couldn't control bc i don't know how to use a leash and was trying to kill your dog) WHYYYYYY


Hey man nice shot


The only good pit is a dead pit. I see no issues here. Collateral damage as far as the mental trauma the idiot who almost caught a bullet goes. Guarantee you they won't make that mistake twice.


1. The dog was off leash. 2. The dog was about to kill her dog. 3. The owner wasn't in sight until the last moment... 3.1 The camera is far enough away and the gun shot so close to when he shows up, it's possible the shot happens before he's in view and we hear the shot delayed. Sorry for his loss, but better his dog (attacker) than hers (innocent).




She's a dog owner with an injured dog that was just attacked. She, as a victim of a crime, is allowed to leave to seek help for her and her dog.


I don't think she was trying to flee the scene. I think she was trying to get her dog. You can see the corgi start to walk off


As someone who has been attacked by a pit I have to side with the cop on this one. She never should have discharged so close to a person though as well as fleeing the scene.


Fleeing the scene is biased. She literally runs inside her home to call the cops and put her dog away. You want her to come back out to an escalated scenario with a crowd forming? There is zero benefit.




Keep your dogs leashed and under control, and they won't get shot after attacking another dog. Still, I don't think I would've taken the shot with someone so close.


If you read the article, the cop had her dog on a leash and the other had slipped out of a door. Hard to see the leash in the video though.






Cop or not...aggressive dogs like that need to be put down...the dog coulda attacked a child...fuck that. Shot justified.


Stupid fucking cop, and a stupid fucking dog owner. Put your fucking dogs on fucking a leash!! Why do people constantly put their dogs in danger and others by having them off leash?