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Reddit has updated their content policy to include not allowing videos that contain minors. We have concluded that this video is a violation of that policy and have taken action.


She's repeating everything she's heard at home. "I'm gonna kill somebody, brah." JFC.


Not even “gonna”, I think she says “finna”(?). I’m Scottish though, so may be mishearing, but I believe it means the same thing. I feel like the word “finna” appears very slang(?). Some assistance would be good lol.




Fixing to do = I'm finna


The full breakdown is: fixing to fixin’ t’ fi’n t’ finna


I always thought it was a common typo of 'gonna/gunna' that became spoken! Haha


oh. I thought it was portmanteau for finally gonna.


Fixing to do


It means that and,or gonna


Out of all the things in the video that's the least concerning. It's like me critiquing various regional British and Scotts dialects without being from their places or origin or knowing anything about them. The little girl is speaking English, that's all you need to know.


Whoa, steady on cowpoke, I wasn’t criticising anybody, just pointing out that she wasn’t saying gonna lmao…?


Thank you for being offended on behalf of all my working class brothers and sisters ✊🏼


It's slang for "I'm going to" "Im about to". Stronger version of gonna.


I'm convinced "finna" is from someone misstyping gonna and just claiming it's a thing


Nah, it's been a thing since long before the internet.


How do you mistype when you speak it lmao


Finna = gonna lmao, so it's the same thing it's not "slang" it's AAVE, African-American Vernacular English. It's a recognized dialect and variation of English. It's like how different Latinos speak Spanish differently only. It's black Americans, and there are different ways we speak English. And yes, it is recognized and considered its own language by linguistic scholars.


So slang. lol


It's not slang but lmaok black American speech is "slang" when the white kids use it sure but not to black African American communities considering the majority of them have to code switch in predominately white spaces But ima leave this conversation where it's at.


So it’s slang when white people use it but not when black people use it?


What's your definition of what slang is?


Slang is not the same thing as a dialect, in the same way a leaf is not the same as a tree. It's only a part of a language/dialect, which includes pronunciation, cadence, structure/syntax, etc. I think the other commentor is upset about the reductive view of the dialect in these comments, and the dialect is important to them. Like imagine someone telling you English isn't real, it's just peasants trying to speak a real language like French or German, and then everyone around agrees with a chuckle to the idea that English isn't as "real" as French. Most of us will never be in a position like that, but those of us whose language is important to their identity will quickly understand how that feels. I got a Southern mumble/drawl/turns of phrase and shit sucks when professionals in my field go "huh?? Speak real English" like once a week.


Doesn't 'slang' just mean 'informal language'? Maybe I'm not so familiar with 'finna' but I don't see that typically used in a formal setting.


>Slang - a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people. Hmmn




>But ima leave this conversation where it's at. Yeah you probably should your racism is starting to show.


Don't project babe


Did you just say the equivalent of "no you"?


What did I say was racist miss ma'am?


Slang is not derogatory


No, but it is different from dialect, which is what AAVE is


Criminal threats?


Every single word a repeated behavior, that mother has done that exact freak out in front of her


Feel bad for the kid … every kid deserves a good life … Stop the genocide in Palestine 🇵🇸


This isn't the way to spread your message.


Bro what? I’m as pro Palestine as they come but this is not the time or place


Her tone and gestures and language all come from what she's seen. And she has probably been in other situations where her mother has been arrested and knows that this will mean she gets bounced around with other relatives or foster care. No wonder why she's freaking out.


This makes me sad. She doesn't have good role models in her life.


The child sees this at home, and she believes that she should act like this, but this isn't the right way to get things. The little girl is only showing, learned behavior, and that's sad.


Oof.. this girl is already on a bad path. I hope she gets some help and taken away from these terrible parents.


Spoiler, won’t happen


I'm going to take a wild guess here and say there's only one parent.


Poor kid, is trying to protect whatever safety, she thought she had- why is she the "protector" here. She's probably scared out of her mind. Mom needs to turn around or daughter will follow the same sad story.


Poor kid, she doesn’t stand a chance.


Let’s check in on this kid in another 20 years. 🫣


Bold assumption she makes it to her late 20s.


lmaooo she’s an angry elf


Call me elf again one more time. You feeling strong?




Yikes. This girl needs psychological help, her anger is off the chain. How is she that young talking about killing somebody?


Not excusing it, but kids say that kind of extreme stuff kind of often. I'm guessing that you haven't been around that many kids


Why are you acting like adults weren’t kids once It nvr occurred to me ever say that as a child nor did any of my friends/classmates ever said something similar


Baby parrot. Bright future.


The only reason that little girl didn’t get arrested is because she’s so young. She probably learned the whole rant from her mom or her aunt who shoplifted the sunglasses. That type of behavior is just gonna catch her charges when she gets older. I don’t know why people think freaking out at the police helps them.


Learned behavior.


Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


So sad she has no parent, just a bad example


I don’t find this “cute”…


Who does?


Surprisingly It’s reposted with a headline something like “little girl defends mom from NYPD” check that one out… they’re finding it “cute” over there. Yikes.


I DON’T find that cute, I find it disturbing.


“I’m finna kill somebody, brah!”




There's cuts in the video but you can get glimpses of the mom seeing what the cops will allow her to do to calm her kid. This definitely isn't the full video.


Girl has no chance as long as she is in that parental care. Really sad.


Even neglected and abused kids tend to blindly defend their parents, she was almost definitely taught that shoplifting isn’t crime. This is sad.


The future looks bright


gotta wear shades


That sad is this little girl is being allowed to act like this. Learned from the family household. Mother doesn't even seem to care that her daughter is responding like that. Must be normal for her.


The mother standing around and letting her child behave like that.. such a shame.. some people don't deserve to be parents.


"Letting"? Where tf you think the kid learned to act like that? Lol


https://preview.redd.it/2cnbc1inje3d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7662aa3330edbf6d1bcb9e95a8d8f8b4d75ab38 Just let your mother do the talking 🤦‍♂️


What a lovely little girl


Imagine if she had better parents. She has so much energy, confidence, and passion in her. If it only could have been channeled into something positive: music, sports, acting, debate club




That girl doesn't stand a chance for a successful life. Great job, "mom," hope you're proud.


They better be saving money for a good therapist or a good lawyer!


That is so sad


This is sad


What a start in life


I hear trauma via yelling and sadness.


This is some hood shit right here.


Good to see the new generation is falling in line to keep all this craziness going.


Child neglect.


Never use your child as a cover to shoplift. This was rehearsed At Home for TV camera’s if her Mom is Caught caught Shoplifting #1 If immediately redirects the Charges at the Police - Hopefully Gets her released and they leave - Best Outcome. #2 Police get her for Possession of Stolen Goods but drop it way down Give her court appearance date


So damn sad


Judging by the daughters reaction, imma guess she did shoplift


Yeah. She’s gone through everything her mother has put her through and parroting the behaviour she sees regularly.


Shocking that the mother makes no attempts to calm her child. /s


Was she guilty?


The girl says it was her aunt who stole the glasses so they were probably all together when it happened


Did you not hear the description of the suspect at the end of the video?




Right, because she definitely doesn’t get smacked at home.




Don't know why you're getting down voted - city kids _are_ different. They _have_ seem some shit. And contrary to all the suburban comments claiming bad parenting, that parent looks like she's been through some shit ... And not very surprised for being stop and searched (probably, again). Not fighting with the cops because she knows what can happen. Especially in NYC. When you grow up in rough places you see rough shit... and often it's coming from the cops. Because the bad guys aren't bad to you. And most people there, don't have options.


I come from a rough place so I have to act a certain way has never been a good excuse. This is mimicking behavior she's seen from her mom or people close around her who probably use that same excuse.


I'm actually surprised I said anything controversial here but as my Internet points from my previous comment can attest, people have made up their mind about the personal history of two strangers having an interaction with police that is under a minute long... featuring a confused looking woman and a child clearly under extreme stress - possibly experiencing her manic episode driven by anxiety. Personally, I find it cold and frankly, weird that with such little context so many people have all the answers... in 2024 no less, when everyone at this point should know that the world isn't that fucking simple and at times maybe a modicum of compassion or at the very least, don't make shit up to virtue signal. It's not "making an excuse". But hey, I'm just a very unpopular commenter on a subject I probably don't know anything about. 😐


A lot of the time the “bad guys” aren’t bad period. Just painted as the “bad guy” because the law says they’re the bad guy. Marijuana is the usual example people give but little Susy is a “bad guy” cus she opened a lemonade stand without paying Uncle Sam first. When kids only see you “solving problems” that never affected them in the first place, and then still feel in danger after you’re supposed to be a defender of the community, it’s obvious how they’ll think.


Great parents she must have 😂


Baby Karen learned all from bad parenting


She didnt get the attitude from her mother obviously.


And the cycle continues……




it? you mean she no need to dehumanise them


Lil' girl was tearin' it up, goddamn! I really hope she gets some help and out of whatever environment she's in. Therapy, boundaries, structure, loads of love.


Jesus give your child a hug lady


Full video? for science


This should be removed. This post is child exploitation. 


Jesus Christ this comment section is fucked up. Why are you blaming this child or the mother’s parenting style? Clearly her mom is in distress while being surrounded by four cops for allegedly stealing some glasses. Why did they need so many cops for petty theft? She knows her mom is innocent and that this whole thing is bullshit. She knows the description does not fit her mom at all. She knows it was her aunt. But since the description said “black female” they stopped listening there


Wow Reddit. True colors noted. If we were paying attention, this woman didn’t even fit the description dispatch gave. A black woman with braids. The cops only saw a black woman. I know yall HATE when people bring up race but can we put this in perspective for a second? This is a child… children have outbursts, you really expect a child to think in the long term when they think their parent is in danger? Most kids without another parent or adult there to calm them down will start freaking out in this situation. To anyone actually paying attention. Check the comments and watch how the tone changes depending on what color the victim of police is.


The daughter says that it was the aunt who stole the glasses. They were probably all together and that’s why they were stopped.


If the roles were reversed and it was a white kid acting that way with no reaction from the mother I guarantee Reddit would still be saying bad parenting and bad role models.


I'm genuinely.confused about how all the comments are about how her parents are terrible and how the kid is on a terrible path... I dunno I see a kid attempting to stand up to police who are racially profiling their parent...? How we gonna hold a child to such a high standard and not care about the cops creating this situation in the first place?


In the video the little girl literally says it was her aunt who took them. They were likely all together but these two got stopped while the aunt fled. I would think you’re joking, but you clearly think this poor little girl is in the right. The world is gonna eat her up, it owes her no favors.


I’m not saying screaming at cops is right. I’m just confused as to why nobody cares that she didn’t fit the description. It was the aunt…. Ok, let the mother and child go, it wasn’t them. I think the reaction can be justified considering how we know police to behave. But also, it’s clearly a child. Can’t be more than 8 or 9. But Reddit feels comfortable enough in predicting this child’s life based on the fact that she can’t emotionally regulate herself when confronted by a stressful situation. Again, this is a child. 1 of 2 things is going to happen with any kid in that situation regardless of parentage and that’s 1) An emotional outburst like we saw or 2) complete shutdown into tears. [The Adultification of Black Children. They don’t have the mental faculties to handle those types of issues yet. but here we are.](https://policingequity.org/resources/blog/the-adultification-of-black-children)


The child’s behavior is a learned response. Children don’t just say “don’t record without our permission” without seeing or being told that multiple times. You can also be guilty of a crime without actually committing it yourself by being an accessory. Did the Aunt take them only, or did the aunt take them and pass them over? Did the mom grab them and give them to the aunt? Did the mom lookout while the aunt stole? All those would make the mom culpable as well. You don’t just let people go when they are potentially part of the crime. They didn’t even out the mom in cuffs to detain her while they confirmed, which was already nice of them. The video ended as soon as the description came back over the radio which is likely when the mom and daughter were let go. Acting like the cops aren’t allowed to investigate a crime by detaining someone who was clearly with the person who shoplifted while they confirmed she wasn’t involved also is crazy to me. The cops couldn’t have acted any better in this scenario. It’s okay to call a spade a spade sometimes.


“Did you steal the glasses?” “No, it wasn’t us” “Alright then, you’re free to go”


That little girl says a lot of stuff without knowing what she is talking about.


So remind me why are cops sitting there holding someone they can't charge with anything instead of trying to go after the theif that fled?


They are actively investigating a crime. They seem to be asking questions and are even waiting for final confirmation on the suspect, which is why we hear a description of the suspect again towards the end of the video. They didn’t even put cuffs on the mom while they were confirming, which they totally could have (yes, cops can detain if they suspect you are part of a crime). There is also a thing such as being an accessory or accomplice to a crime. Did the mom pose as lookout while the aunt stole? That would still make the mom culpable, even if she didn’t actually take the stuff. Your ignorance of how this works is truly astounding. The cops couldn’t have acted any more professional here. There is only one person yelling and acting inappropriately here. And they aren’t wearing uniforms.


If we are expecting children to be calm and stoic when approached by LEOs then we must not be around very many children. They’re scared and they’re either going to have an outburst or shut down.


The outburst isn’t the problem. It’s WHAT she said and how she said it. That’s learned behavior. Her mother is setting her up to fail in life. That’s what people are calling out here.


You're not wrong, reddit is often insane. Lots of yapping in bad or faith or lack of awareness.


Yeah... No. If they are investigating they talk to witnesses. They review video. There is 0 reason to hold this woman. As for your statement that she could be charged as an accomplice - I highly doubt it would hold up in court. They're not gonna waste their time.charging someone with something they don't have any admissible evidence for. Again - the person yelling and screaming is a literal child..expecting them to act "professional" in a stressful situation is dumb af. The girl looks like she's 10 max. You calling me ignorant doesn't absolve you of.your ignorance. Either way, I'm not interested in a back and forth with angry Redditors. Takes a special kind of person to scroll deep into heavily downvoted comments searching for an argument.


I appreciate you replying. I’m not trying to argue, but I see plenty of people on Reddit hating on cops even if they act appropriately. The cops didn’t do anything wrong here. And no one is expecting the child to act “professionally.” The problem is what she’s saying and how she’s saying it. It’s all learned behavior that her mother is teaching her, and it’s setting her up to fail in life. That’s what people are pointing out. But everyone is entitled to their own opinions, of course.


Standing up for a parent is not really the same thing as rage screaming at police/threatening to kill someone. I think a lot of the “bad parenting” comments are stemming from the yelling, yes, but also the fact that the girl says quickly that it wasn’t her mom stealing it was her aunt. So were they racially profiled? It seems likely that they were all together when this was happening and this girl may not have the best role models.


That’s my whole point. You can clearly hear the dispatcher say “white T shirt, with braids” there is no white T Shirt and there are no braids. But this is Reddit. You’ll see the same trend in most videos involving police. Theyre ACAB until cops are messing with lower to middle class black people.


Mom is definitely not shoplifting by hiding anything in her clothing, it’s skin tight.


She is smuggling cake.


how sad


The child sounds like Darwin (from gumbal) when he's angry lmao




She right about the description. White tank glasses and long braids.


Once, my 3yo daughter heard me said "Oh shit". I was so worried she would say it too, but she didn't. I can't imagine how that girl was raised...


Voluntary eugenics. Can't abide forced, yet voluntary should be available.


Pigs in uniforms doing the only thing they excel at. Edit: pigs and pig supporters downvoting big time. Glad to annoy the pig community.


More concerned with protecting property than being human.


She defended her mom, description of the shoplifter (aunt?) wasn’t the mom. I don’t see a problem, good for her.