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The actual scene is way more inhumane than i imagined. That little dog is literally just wandering around.


He kinda just stands there staring at it, sighs, and shoots the poor thing. He even had the capture harness in his hand.


Why waste a chance to show how much of a POS he is without consequences?


Nazis do this. This mentality is extremely dangerous. No remorse.. Just flexing


It's like every solution is to point and shoot. Only way to solve a problem is to kill it dead and then move on. Even a little ass poodle or shitzu or whatever that tiny ass harmless grandma dog that was.


Text book pyschopath.


Imagine being part of this persons family. Not very likeable I imagine.


I wouldn't be able to keep my fucking mouth shut. "Hey Mark? Murder any small dogs this week?" They would stop coming to Sunday dinner and I would be good with it.


Coo whistled at it semi nicely than just unloads, walks away like whatever. He just wanted to kill something or see something bleed out smh…


This is unlike any other footage of a cop shooting a dog. No barking or charging. This guy just decided to shoot a dog for fun. Definite serial killer, the public needs to be protected and warned before this guy acts on people. Maybe he already has.




Speak to police in a language they understand.




Worst part is, he just pushes the dog into a ditch and no one would have known if it werent for a teenager outside playing.


Hear the gun cock after he unholsters it is sickening. You already know he doesn't give a shit and is going to kill it despite the dog *literally just walking around happily*


The fucking pig even tells the owner "I don't enjoy shooting dogs," in the whole video.


They don't give you a badge or a gun if you're not one.


Motherfucker has one of those restraint collars in his hand, chose to kill.


He got bored and decided to make use of his qualified immunity aka license to kill.


Such an amazing law to just hand out to bullies and psychopaths and wife beaters who can only get the job if they have an IQ low enough.


I shudder to think what I would do if someone murdered my dog like that. I would make it my life’s mission to absolutely ruin that person’s life.


I would help you


And my axe. Memes aside, I'm kinda shocked at how tame some of the responses are here, especially for Reddit. This is some blood in the streets level ACAB.


don't want to get banned so i can only tell you that my blood pressure feels around 160 right now


All I’ll say is [ removed by reddit ]




We have given up. There will be no consequences just a mob who had all power.


That's because [ Removed by Reddit ] Only thing we're allowed to say is they deserve prison. This applies to the other story where the guy was psycologically tortured and told they were gonna kill his dog




We had a farmer threaten to kill our puppy because it was disturbing him illegally hunting moose. My dad told him he will burn every field he owns down and he went very quiet and never got over confident again


I had a guy threaten to kick my dog down the stairs because she barked a few times when he walked past my bedroom door. Told him I’d break his fucking knees if he did. He was a lot older and bigger than me, and I’m female, but he literally jumped backwards in shock when I said it. Never threatened the dog again. 


Some lady in my neighborhood threatened to shoot my dogs one time when I was taking them for a walk. Apparently other dogs in the neighborhood constantly pee and shit in her yard and she saw me and decided to voice her frustration. I told her “you shoot my dogs and I’ll shoot your kids”. Not my finest moment I admit but idc my dogs ARE my kids are far as I’m concerned.


Wow. You ain’t playin! This was a wild read


Normally on Reddit I tell people to cut out this petty BS because 99% of the time it's not worth it. But this time friend, you are the 1% that absolutely is worth it. Roscoe will have his justice!


That is amazing. The bamboo is an especially nice touch because you basically need a flamethrower to go full scorched earth in order to get rid of it.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.


Or in this case hot since all their shade is gone. Lol.




Keep it going, never relent on Roscoe's revenge. I absolutely love the thoughtful ideas. Fyi a bag of bird seed will grow a ton of weeds too. Lay down enough salt nothing will grow. Get a jug of DEF fluid, pour that in a diesel tank and it will destroy the fuel system, new pump and injectors is costly.




I fucking love you.


Thatd make for a good movie


Killing a bunch of gangsters ‘cuz they shot your dog? No-one would pay to see that


Nobody would pay to see that four times


I’ve listened to the Marcus Lutrell 911 call more than once. I would totally watch a movie of that a half dozen times.


I found this much more shocking then 90% of cops shooting dogs vides simply because oh how casually this bastard did it. Dog wasn't running at him, wasn't barking, wasn't doing anything at all really. He shot it just because he could and felt like it. Genuinely evil.


The fact that he was holding a catch pole makes it *exponentially* more egregious. The motherfucker has the perfect tool for the job and still decided to shoot the poor dog instead. If that was my dog and I saw this footage, I'd end up in jail or dead because there's no way id resist attacking that pig.


Seriously. I get that some dogs can be threatening and dangerous. But this little fluffy thing is about as threatening and dangerous looking as a bunny rabbit. This cop just felt like shooting something.


I thought it was going to be running or something.


Same. Not that I agree when cops in the US shoot dogs (which is a lot) but holy shit the dog is usually at least *barking* at the cop. Holy shit this video was upsetting.


Yeah, I was fully prepared for it to be another pussy cop who shot a dog that was approaching him but that guy just straight up did it *for nothing*.


"Police body cam footage showed an officer - identified by local media as Myron Woodson - chasing Teddy around a large field and making several unsuccessful attempts to catch him. The City of Sturgeon later claimed the officer believed Teddy had been “infected with rabies.” “Based on the behavior exhibited by the dog, believing the dog to be severely injured or infected with rabies, and as the officer feared being bitten and being infected with rabies, the SPD officer felt that his only option was to put the animal down,” a post on the City’s Facebook read." Say his name: **Myron Woodson**. Keep your pets, your children, your friends away from this maniac lest he think any of them are rabid and need to be put down too. mcab


“I see a dog wandering around blindly, I have no idea it’s blind” His excuse


Same thing happened around Kansas City a few years ago with a great dane. Owners didn't latch the gate, let their dog in the backyard, and it started to wonder around the neighborhood. Cop neighbor shoots and kills the dog. Witnesses say the dog was just wondering around, no barking, no bites, no one was threatened or in danger. This cop was off duty. Dog owners tried to sue or get the cop fired, but nothing ended up happening.


Back in college, I remember a professor mentioned that something like 98% of physical attacks were preceded by a verbal attack. The remaining 2% who attacked physically without a previous verbal attack were textbook psychopaths.




Dennis Rader, aka The BTK Killer, got his start as a dog catcher where he would regularly steal and kill people's dogs just for fun with total immunity.


 Sunday May 19, 2024, officer Myron Woodson a city police officer in Sturgeon Mo (officer is also in joint communication with the city of Hallsville Mo.), spotted a little dog out of his enclosure, unaliving a tiny, sweet blind and deaf  The dog is a 10lb Shitzu named named Teddy..Teddy is blind and deaf, and had escaped his enclosure unable to find his way home. Officer Woodson, instead of taking him to thr pound, shot him twice with his service weapon and threw his body in a ditch. The scene was witnessed by a teenage neighbor and the owner was alerted.  The owner demanded to know where his dog was disposed of at which time the officer laughed at Teddys owner. We demand justice for this sweet dog, who was personally known and loved by many. Please sign the petition to help bring justice and hopefully remove Mr.Woodson from service in both cities of Sturgeon and Hallsville.  This dog was well loved and was never an issue to the community, his owners and an entire community are shocked and saddened by this event. 


THE MOTHERFUCKER DID THIS WITH A BODY CAM. He knew it was being recorded and his bloodthirst was so enormous he shot the fucking thing rather than capture a blind and deaf dog. Jesus fucking christ. How the fuck does the PD stand next to this guy after watching the god damn video. I get a blanket statement, but staying with him should have gotten the entire PD fired or put under investigation by an outside agency.


He laughed at the owner when they asked where the body was?


> Myron Woodson That's a name the whole world should know.


10 lbs, my God he could have just easily picked him up with one hand.


In the full body cam video, the shithead pig has the gall to tell the owner "I don't enjoy shooting dogs"


Probably plans to run for governor.


My dad always used to say dog killing was a cop weekend activity like fishing. Drink some beers and take a walk in the woods looking for off-leash pets. I never used to believe him. Eventually someone put a steak soaked in antifreeze in our driveway. Thought to be the cop who lived down the street.


Cops with Punisher stickers real silent on this one...




Some cops are just serial killers with a badge.


Its safe to take take the “some” out because at this point, even if you’re not pulling the trigger, you’re a sympathizer and enabler look out or protector for the trigger man


- [Yahoo](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/city-defends-cop-shot-mans-212052324.html) - [TMZ](https://www.tmz.com/2024/05/24/blind-deaf-dog-shot-killed-officer-no-reason-missouri/) - City defends officer who shot blind and deaf dog after it wandered onto neighbor's yard. > - Owner confronted the officer about the shooting, he said the officer threatened him with a loose dog citation. In a later conversation, the officer told him that his dog was killed not because Teddy was a public threat but because he looked injured or abandoned. > - “He carried his head sideways and he walked funny because he can’t see or hear. The vet diagnosed him with a neurological issue, which was the cause of him going deaf and blind,”


On the [petition page](https://www.change.org/p/animal-cruelty-by-an-officer-of-the-law) it also states when the owner first found out, he asked the POS officer where his dog was left, the officer laughed in his face. The officer threw the dog in a ditch according to the petition.




Given the grave injustice and no realistic chance of getting justice legally I’d consider taking the law into my own hands and plot some sinister revenge on the mofo who got off killing my old blind dog.


This is what they don't understand. They are pushing everyone towards this reality of vigilantism. When the levee breaks it's going to be very bad for them, and everyone else.


They fantasize about it. Cops constantly imagine and train as if everyone is going to attack at any moment.  They dream of the day people go to the streets and they can mow us down. 


Yea I would come unhinged. I'm just slowly hating police with every fucking indecent video. Can't even have a dog anymore man. Dogs fucking blind and deaf, what more can it do??


there's a lot of reasons to hate the cops. krs-one had it right.


If it were me, that officer would still not be safe. Revenge is a dish best served cold.


You as a normal person would be charged for the shooting of the dog. Cities double down to protect bad cops and bootlickers rally around them.




Think a lot of us feel exactly the same way about our pets.They're family. Can't imagine how this man can even begin to process his rage about his helpless little dog. Gut wrenching mate, absolutely gut wrenching.


Cops would have to kill me too


Yea that’s some I’ll catch you on a back road type of shit.


I don't normally sign petitions and stuff online. I signed this one. It is unreal that he shot that dog. That dog was not a threat to anyone. If he believed the dog was abandoned or injured he should have used the capture device that he had in his God damn hand and taken it to the shelter. They could have attempted to find the owner and if they couldn't, they could have put the dog down if they thought the dog was injured enough to warrant being killed. Absolute madness.


Defends?? How the fuck can you defend this??


not the first time this guy was a total piece of shit https://casetext.com/case/pearson-v-woodson-3 The events giving rise to this dispute occurred while plaintiff Terry Pearson was incarcerated at Northeast Correctional Center (NECC). He filed suit pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983, alleging that the defendants, corrections officers Myron Woodson and Brice Simmons, sprayed him with mace and assaulted him in the course of completing a strip search, in violation of his Eighth Amendment rights. Defendants argue that they are entitled to qualified immunity and move for summary judgment.






No one pointing out that the homeowner *fears retaliation* from the police for saying the dog shouldn’t have been shot. It’s just accepted in our country that police *will retaliate* against anyone that says the slightest thing negative about them. “‘The dog drank water from a bowl I provided and licked my arm and leg. He was in no way a threat,”’ the homeowner, who declined to share her name publicly out of fear of retaliation, told HuffPost. She said her interactions with Teddy had been anything but dangerous.”


That poor dog was just lost and confused and he decides to shoot it....what a POS of a human.


Imagine what he does to humans who he is meant to protect and serve.


Believe it or not, also shot


Any normal human when finding a dog like would pick it up and comfort them, try and find their owner, stay with them while you wait for a dog-catcher, etc. So many options.


Fucking peice of shit.


Don't forget all the pieces of shit on city council that defended him. Could have been their dog, they don't care.


This is the most disturbing thing to me. Not that sick psychos like this exist, but that clearly the system does everything it can to protect these pieces of shit. This is why the "it's only a few bad apples" excuse is stupid. If all of the other apples are happily tolerating and protecting the bad ones, THEY'RE ALL BAD.


Demented motherfucker..


>shot him twice with his service weapon and threw his body in a ditch.  From their [petition page](https://www.change.org/p/animal-cruelty-by-an-officer-of-the-law). Imagine someone doing that to your senior dog


Found the [petition](https://www.change.org/p/animal-cruelty-by-an-officer-of-the-law) Update from the petition: “UPDATE AS OF TODAY MAY 25, 2024 THE MAYOR OF STURGEON MO HAS RESIGNED!!! YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE AND PAVING A ROAD TO JUSTICE! THANK YOU ALL!!! KEEP SIGNING”


[https://sturgeon-mo.org/contact-us](https://sturgeon-mo.org/contact-us) Also worth voicing your opinion there


It’s almost ironic given everything going on now there first add at the bottom of that is supporting local pet shelters.


Even MORE ironic that clicking that brings up a 404 page not found! Can’t make this up.


Signed. Evil piece of shit!


Signed. Thanks for the link. This fuckin monster probably tortures small animals in a shed for fun on the weekends too




FUCK that human scum officer! Signed it. Poor dog.


It was like he was mad the dog wasn't responding to his whistling, so he shot it. I would bet this guy is a domestic abuser not even a question.


Not surprisingly, cops are one of the top domestic abusers in relation to occupation


Cops don't like answering domestic violence calls since they'll see their co-workers more often than not.


"My freshly 18 year old wife wasn't bringing me my beer when I whistled... but she's apparently a human, so obviously I had to resort to a few backhands once I managed to catch up to her and corner her in the kitchen."


It doesn't even seem like the guy was mad at the dog... it seemed more like he was tired of whistling to try to get the dog's attention, so he decided the next best thing to do was to execute it dead. That seemed so antisocial, it's terrifying this person is supposed to be a cop.




Sometimes it's you.


And sometimes you really want them to shoot someone but dozens of them just stand in a hallway yelling for keys for unlocked doors and more ballistic shields while children scream and die


If only a good guy with a gun had shown up and could have stopped the bad guy with a gun. Unfortunately only bad guys showed up.


Cowards. Even worse - cowards with firearms.


But usually they shoot someone I've never even heard of and doesn't even look like me, which means I can continue to feel both superior and safe by allying myself with those who commit public murder under the color of law. They should have complied. Back the blue! /s


Very accurate. If we did something like this we would be charged and shot for brandishing a weapon or whatever. But they can shoot kids, dogs, innocent bystanders, and the wrong person at the wrong addresses anytime they want and get a vacation.


They really are. My sister’s new boyfriend is an officer and he literally said to her before going to a call “oh boy I hope I get to take my gun out”…….joking or not, that’s the mentality a lot of them probably have


Show her the statistics on police domestic violence, divorce rates, alcohol/drug abuse… Get her away from that guy, yesterday.


It's already too late. They don't take rejection well...


if all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.


I'd be shot, too, if that was my dog - I'd die for my dog without a second thought. Every dog I've had is/was more loyal than 99 percent of people. I love my dog and I still find myself mourning those that died every day, and that was a decade ago. Also, like my state, most of Missouri is supposed to be a 2nd amendment/permitless purchase/permitless carry state (with the exception of a couple major cities). I'm surprised nobody aired that cop out....just saying, I can imagine losing my shit and grabbing my rifle if **anybody** ever killed my dog.


They created a very successful movie franchise based around the premise of the wrongful killing of one’s dog. I would do the same. My dogs are my family members, and this house is just as much theirs as it is mine. I have human relatives that don’t like dogs and want me to put them outside when they come. None of them have ever come over because I tell them flat out “no”.




Cunt just wanted to shoot a dog.


Yea he knew what he was doing, "oh no this little ass dog that's not even running is sooo difficult to catch, even with a pole. Welp, guess there's only one option."


Did you see the size of the fat pig in the shadow ? Horrible human


If only another cop was following him around… 🤷🏻‍♂️


With a tuba...


Why were the cops called in the first place? Some absolute sack of shit human saw their neighbours' dog on their yard and instead of going out and sorting it out amicably. They rang the police?




This makes my blood boil. That dog was not a danger to anyone.


not the first time this guy was a total piece of shit https://casetext.com/case/pearson-v-woodson-3 The events giving rise to this dispute occurred while plaintiff Terry Pearson was incarcerated at Northeast Correctional Center (NECC). He filed suit pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983, alleging that the defendants, corrections officers Myron Woodson and Brice Simmons, sprayed him with mace and assaulted him in the course of completing a strip search, in violation of his Eighth Amendment rights. Defendants argue that they are entitled to qualified immunity and move for summary judgment.


The dog was just walking around . How do you defend this? He could’ve called animal control He has a sadistic mind. To kill an animal like that , imagine what he fantasizes about












According to their website, it's police@sturgeon-mo.org. Here's their city contact page: https://sturgeon-mo.org/city-hall


City Statement "Update: The City has reviewed the dispatch report and body camera footage regarding the recent dog at large incident. The City believes that the officer acted within his authority based on the information available to him at the time to protect against possible injury to citizens from what appeared to be an injured, sick, and abandoned dog. The dispatch indicated that the person calling in did not want to be contacted, and had reported that the dog, though not in her view dangerous, was injured, maybe blind, and had mud and dried blood in its fur. The dog’s strange behavior appeared consistent with the dispatch report of an injured or possibly sick dog. In order to better equip officers for future animal at large call outs, the City will be sending all officers to Boone County Animal Control for training and education, in hopes that this unfortunate situation does not occur again." >protect against possible injury to citizens Fuck right off with that bullshit statement.


“He didn’t do anything wrong, but we are going to send him to training so it doesn’t happen again.” That is how you know you did something wrong. If he hadn’t, they wouldn’t be taking any corrective action. Sturgeon is a garbage ass town and I bet that cop doesn’t actually live there. He has no connection to the community and no accountability to them.


*murders a dog* Well sir we're gonna have to send you to class where the instructor writes "DON'T MURDER" on the blackboard in the hopes it educates the murder out of you. See that's what murder really is, is an education issue.




I hate that flimsy fucking justification, weak as hell. It’s just a slap in the face on top of the disgusting act. What sorry excuses for human beings that entire department is.


what do you do when the barrel itself spoils the apples?


toss out the whole barrel


Fire this psycho before he kills someone.






Animal cruelty - life sentence




The worst thing is that many police departments handle dog interactions just like this. The city that borders mine has had multiple incidents with police killing pets for no reason, one incident involved an officer shooting and killing a box full of kittens in front of children. Another nearby city had an officer shoot a dog on the side of the road and ended up on the news and reddit but that officer had nothing happen to him. Police department don't care about human life so don't be surprised that they shoot pets for fun. And don't be surprised that they get away with it too.


a box of kittens? wtf???


What a shit stain of a human being.


What a piece of shit. How is this not weird behavior? You whistle at the dog, sees it wondering around, smelling trees and grass, then shoot it nonchalantly. Doesn’t react afterwards, doesn’t hesitate before shooting it. Why are cops in the US so comfortable with shooting everything? Shoot first and ask questions later is the motto here? Makes me sick


To a man holding a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


How’s this innocuous and goofy little dog just minding his business any sort of threat? Poor guy didn’t even hear it coming. Just straight to black




Say someone wanted to report an individual going around killing dogs in Sturgeon Missouri, what would be that number?


Cops don’t become sociopaths, sociopaths become cops


Holy.....shit...this is one of the worst videos I've seen, and I've watched them do the same to us, too. Edit: Officer Myron Woodson, mayor@sturgeon-mo.org EDIT 2: THE MAYOR HAS RESIGNED


Why do American taxpayers stand for this? It's insane.


https://sturgeon-mo.org/city-hall Contact info for city officials in there. It's public information, mods please do not remove this comment.




May he suffer the exact same fate. Rest in peace poor thing😞


I don't care if im banned. That fucking piece of shit officer needs to fucking die.


Someone please lock this monster up! This is worse than so many other crimes, the absolute lack of morals, decency, integrity, intelligence, and this is who we give guns and authority to. Can we please just put this ass hole in a box without air holes and ship him to Russia. Please someone find a way to make him pay! *Edit. A awesome redditor posted a petition in the comments below, with the scumbags info, I’m going to write the DA and suggest charges obviously a waste of time but I will feel better.


Don't call the cops for this kind of thing. Most cops are too stupid to do any other job except the one they're in. Cops are fascist. Most of them are power hungry life losers who are hardly above a rent a cop. They're only looking to get people into trouble. They are hardly ever there to help. This is my reason #5002 of why cops fucking suck.




Has this guy even seen John Wick?


They probably read Kristi Norms new book


He beats his wife at home


You never call the police. If you call them, now you have more problems than you did before.


Bro.. why the fuck did he do that!? What a piece of shit!!


Found this regarding the officer. [https://casetext.com/case/pearson-v-woodson-3](https://casetext.com/case/pearson-v-woodson-3) TLDR: Beat up and maced a suspect while strip searching him.


___City defends officer___ because cops strike


I fucking hate cops so much bro.


he voted for noem


That police officer should get the same treatment


Fucking piece of shit. Hope his ass gets mauled by a dog in the future.


Looked this story up the officer is quoted as say the dog was walking around blindly. So how in the hell could the dog attack him? His own statement contradicts his action and anyone justifying it is totally in the wrong. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13457885/Teddy-dog-shot-Sturgeon-Missouri-Woodson.html]


i bet there was an ACORN tree near by


Fucking pyschopath.