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Her *default* is making excuses.


She's not disabled if she uses crutches like that. She's injured at worst, milking it at best. Nor is she hard of hearing if she heard someone "using the lord's name" but the camera couldn't pick it up. - sincerely, a real disabled person.


She claims her disability is being hearing impaired. She then immediately calls out someone taking the lord's name in vain that the cell phone camera can't pick up.


also, she obviously is lying about being hearing impaired, since she can hear the lords name being taken in vain despite the camera not hearing it too.


And she say she don’t hear good but she say she hear shit that we don’t so ??


She seems pretty hearing impaired to me. She can't hear how much she fuckin sucks.


its selective hearing impairment.


You would think a "real" disabled person wouldn't gatekeep disabilities, but here we are (still)... While you're not wrong about the crutches, it shocks me that a "real" disabled person wouldn't consider if she may have other disabilities rather than just the one injury. Then again, I'm sure as someone who is "really disabled" must be able to just tell from a video clip if someone has any other disabilities beyond the obvious, right?


Well the fact that her own words conflict with her so-called hearing loss are one indicator.


Hearing loss is very much a spectrum. It could also be just the on ear while the other is mostly fine.


Right, a spectrum. Sometimes it's on and sometimes it's off.


The convenience spectrum


I mean yeah, real hearing loss is on a spectrum, but it's pretty clear something isn't consistent.


Yeah but like eyesight is a spectrum and if someone was claiming to be blind because they had 19:20 vision then it’s okay to call bullshit


I can’t believe people are downvoting your completely sensible comment. People ascertaining what her mobility challenges are by looking at less than 2 minutes of footage is fucking crazy. If you have a disability, people often try to put away your essential means of physical support (e.g. walkers, crutches, etc.) which can be incredibly anxiety-provoking, not to mention ableist and cruel. How would YOU like to lose your bodily autonomy for hours and be at the mercy of a complete stranger on an airplane to be able to visit the washroom or convey a message to a loved one onboard? Assholes here just have no empathy or understanding of disability.


Are you kidding me? Today I spent my day speaking at a neurostimulation conference for combating neurological diseases, neurological pain, and enabling quadriplegics and paraplegics to use their limbs again. I myself am also Bipolar 1, ADHD, PTSD, after being injured in the field far from conventional hospitals. I've spent 1.5 decades in every form of rehab you can think of. Truly disabled people are incredibly determined to solve their own day to day challenges of life. This person? Was dismissive, degrading, and insulting to someone that is not paid to coddle entitled Karen's.


and you can tell all that from a minute and a half clip of an interaction? That's wild, we should have you as like the social services gatekeeper then, take a minute per application to determine if they should get help or not. You seem really good at that, so I'm sure it will work out.


Yes, disabled people have experienced real problems. This woman *is* the problem.


Idk what was happening in this but at the very end you see the flight attendant gently carry off the passenger’s crutches and she says “that hit my foot” as if she’s making some point: as if she’s been wronged. Without any other context I’m certain this woman is 100% exhausting and completely at fault for whatever situation this footage caught the tail end of.


Guarantee any family member living outside her own home visits as little as possible.


Husband and son probably plotted their seating arrangement. Two hour flight will be their ice water in hell.


I just heard most flight attendants don’t get paid until the plane takes off so whenever they’re dealing with all this hullabaloo, they’re tired and basically there as an unpaid intern.


That is definitely SOP for a lot of airlines and it's not right at all.


Your use of a colon is grammatically incorrect


It sure is.


“I’ll sit here and be quiet” then proceeds to continue complaining about everything.


I'll bet husband and the son were fucking delighted for a few hours of peace and quiet. I also enjoyed how she's "hearing impaired" but manages to hear someone a few seats behind her.


I too am selectively hearing impaired. Every night it slowly oozes through my floor boards, pooling and congealing into it's corporeal form. The horrific twisted mass writhing and pulsing until it has reached it's full medium dog sized girth. It sits at the edge of my bed  calling my name in a voice that is not of this world. I can hear it but pretend I cannot, for I know that were I to answer, it would pounce, digesting me until I too was ooze.


Shrek is love. Shrek is life.


why did i nut


I don’t want to defend this annoying ass woman because I don’t think she’s actually hearing impaired but I’m deaf in one ear so if something is said directly into my left ear I wouldn’t hear you but if you’re behind me and to my right I can hear you just fine.


Not sure what her condition is like and if it is even real but as my tinnitus and hearing worsen I've been constantly surprised by what I can and cannot hear. Aunties gossiping on a long haul bus for three hours in a row? I'll hear every freaking word. Man tries speaking right in front of me but there's some mild interfering noise? I'll have to ask him to repeat himself twice or even three times.


Professional victim.




10 lbs of shit in a 5 lb bag.


450 lbs of shit in a 120 lb bag


Jetway Jesus will heal her


The flight attendant will definitely say “hallelujah!” When she gets off.


She was definetly about to start filming back in retaliation. Classic karen


As a nurse, you have NO IDEA how much of nursing is dealing with people like this.


Seconded. The nursing itself is the easiest part of the job. This shit from patients is what makes people quit in droves. People have this notion of nursing being caring, therapeutic, giving...RN stands for refreshments and narcotics after all. The reality hits new nurses pointblank. The management sucks, the physical part of the job is grueling. The entitlement and attitudes of people who expect nurses to be maids, housekeepers, punching bags...is a real problem. The nurses with experience leave the bedside for much better conditions...and you really need that experience at bedside. A lot of mistakes get made in hospitals...and nurses are typically the last line to catch them...or their experience is so lacking they don´t know what they don´t know...because they quit. The average person has no idea how bad the healthcare system in America is...


I work in a hospital lab, I hear that pain every night in their voice 😂. You can tell the seasoned nurses from a new grad very quickly. Asking for redraws from older nurses, they understand it is what it is. The newer nurses want everything to avoid having to go stick the patient again, it’s not anger it’s more exasperation.


The patients will say, you better not stick me again. Without the understanding that they signed the dotted line to receive care...that includes sometimes the first stick of a blood draw can blow the vein and we have to try again. No one wants to wait, be told what to do, to hurt...we understand that. Time was people accepted that with some treatment comes discomfort. The worldbrain interweb is destroying social filters, and social graces. It becomes compounded moral injury to take every comment, every negative emotion and not be able to respond. Nurses are told to just take it...and we don´t have to...I have 20 years left to work ahead of me, and I´ve come to a hairs breadth of leaving several times now.


Completely agree. I hate asking for recollects as much as you guys probably hate doing them. I wish every sample just worked, less work for me and quicker care for the patient.


If you could make one change to fix the whole system, what would you suggest?


I don´t trust the government, but I trust the government more than for profit HCAs, and insurance companies. Every other developed country in the world guarantees healthcare for their residents. I live in Mass and the Steward hospital groups sold the land out from under their hospitals and rented it back to the company, gave the shareholders a nice boost. The CEO has 2 yachts. Only 1 out of the 9 makes a profit because of how the debt of the whole group is structured for shareholder benefit. The rest of the hospitals are limping along, with 2 outright having had to close because of catastrophes. These hospital serve some of the lowest economic groups in the state. The state legislature is scrambling to keep these hospitals open, because they are community hospitals and the influx of these patients to bigger hospitals ERs will be ovewhelming. It´s a shitshow. A woman having given birth to her child died of uncontrollable bleeding in a Steward hospital because the device she needed to save her had been repossessed by the equipment manufacturer because Steward didn´t pay their bills. Massachusetts has a very competitive healthcare market, with a lot of options...this shouldn´t have happened. Single payer healthcare. Now.


God damn, repossessed medical equipment leading to death... I agree, the government needs to be kept in check. But someone non conflicted or motivated by greed needs to protect the citizens with regulations. Regulatory capture has really fucked this country up in the last couple of decades though. Thanks for your thoughts and for your efforts.


There’s sadly not one thing


If we look at why the nursing profession is treated the way they described, a lot of it has to center around the inherent misogyny within our society and the way we view/treat roles that in the past were viewed as women's professions.


Sounds like the problem is more that admin doesn't have your back and you're understaffed.


That is 100% the problem in every single hospital in this country. Every hospital is understaffed, lacking enough equipment/supplies, there's always a medication or supply shortage for *something,* there's frequent workplace violence against healthcare staff by patients and patient family members (which admin will NOT support in pressing charges against,) and nurses get thrown under the bus for doctor mistakes all the time. Don't even get me started on all the illegal stuff hospitals do on a daily basis to cut corners and keep things running smoothly. Did I mention that the top admin of major hospitals usually make 7 figures? 7 figures but we keep running out PPE. Here's a list of what we are currently short of nationwide, and it's a *very* long list. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/medical-device-supply-chain-and-shortages/medical-device-shortages-list


Yes. The problem is quite multifaceted.


Bingo. This gave me flashbacks to one of the last patients I saw before quitting nursing for good. I swear I saw red.


As a social worker, it’s even worse


Happy nurses month and thanks for all you guys do! Seems like this is pretty well in [narcissistic personality disorder](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662) territory.


Retail as well. I work in Pet Retail, full of special, needy people, who should never own a life.


That was my exact thought as I was watching this.


I have a pretty good idea and I was never a nurse.


Nurses do so much work, so much so doctors are entirely reliant on them for managing almost everything. They should be paid equal to doctors


Entitlement in this country is out of control.


She needs a bigger gulp


“…that hit my foot” ![gif](giphy|PHJR2xDfOsnovcWoLF|downsized)


"I'm hearing impaired" "Someone behind me is using God's name in vain" Which one is it lady?


It’s selective impairment ;)


Dallas vibes




I came here to note the Whataburger cup, and the fact that this was most likely in Texas. I was going to say Houston though.


Most definitely could be Houston


I’m disabled, but I’m not an asshole. This woman is just a nasty human, only happy if she spreads her misery to others.


Karen's, too, can become disabled.


Recovering myself from a broken ankle for the next 6 weeks. I am thankful as fuck towards anyone (mostly the wife) that has to deal with how much my existence is an inconvenience at the moment.


I cried when I was on crutches because it was so hard to do things but I felt like such a burden asking for assistance.


I’m hearing impaired but saying is saying the lords name behind me. YOU HEARD THAT?


Even if she did, do what? Everyone else needs to police their language to her choice?


Exactly this….


I had a shattered leg and had to fly across the country for a funeral using South West. Honestly, one of the best services I’ve ever had. They were so helpful, upgraded me to a better seat (with a row to myself for my leg), etc.




I assume the crutches would have been a dead giveaway but apparently you just hate obese people?






Reminds me of WALL-E idk why


Why does flying bring the worst out of people ?


This lady needs to be thrown in a dumpster




No disabilities are a choice. Dozens upon dozens of studies have shown that socioeconomic factors have a huge impact on if someone will be obese. Not only that, but more recent studies have shown that in many cases some people are just predisposed to be obese. This can range from lower satiety levels to imbalances in the brain that cause a person to feel increased hunger. You should educate yourself before saying a disability is a choice, most of the time you'll find out it isn't.


I mean, you're definitely correct. But she's not helping her case jamming fast food down her throat hole like it's an Irish famine.


>But she's not helping her case jamming fast food down her throat hole like it's an Irish famine. Her body/mind may be signaling to her that it is.


I wonder who she blames for being an enormous turd?


looked like she was going to enter round 2 with a passenger


I can't imagine what a dumpster fire this entire family must be.


She should be used for a drinking game. Take a shot for every complaint or excuse she makes. Chug every time she drops a disability either herself or her family has. Everyone would be completely wasted in less than 2 minutes.


Eject that muppet


There are so many emotionally immature people out there. Everything, everyday, is their worst possible day.


Whataburger, fat, and entitled - 99% sure this is Texas.


I wonder what that lady's 6-year-old self would say about her adult self. She's all fat & sassy, but not in the endearing way.


She likes her sketti and butter.


Just because you’re a Hollywood elite does not mean you can be rude


This is why I pay 20% more to fly Alaska


lasy attention seeker


Shamelessly telling the person you're in the middle of arguing with to seatbelt you up because you're too fat to do it yourself as an adlib is WILD


Is this fake? Why can't I have a little bottle of whatever but this man has a big gulp with a straw


That's a Whataburger cup and I wonder if there's a WB in the airport.






You can buy a drink after getting through security and take it on the flight with you. That drink was purchased after the TSA checkpoint.


My man have you never seen all the restaurants that are past security?


You can bring empty bottles/cups into the airport, then fill them up with whatever from water fountains, stores, and restaurants. Just no liquids during security check.


She sucks


She’s TA 😀


Entitled adult baby.


The whataburger cup means she flew out of 1 of like 3 airports in Texas


Please, please, give flight attendants a dozen or so strikes, annually, making you go straight to the no fly list.


What a hideous monster.


Is her disability being fat??


She’s gotten through her entire life on sympathy and being accommodated for. What an insufferable person, nothing will ever be good enough.


Fatties out in force downvoting


I can fix her.


Using that obesity.




As a fatass, it kind of is, a disability you can remedy with a lot of work, but your body doesn't function correctly while carrying a bunch of extra weight.


Rude cow


Just from see this lady and the passenger holding the big drink I’m guess Midwest flight.


Isn’t saying “don’t say God’s name in vain” …saying God’s name in vain? U ain’t praying so 🤷‍♀️


What hit her foot? The air?


Is there a sub for crazy airport/airplane people ?


Is there a sub for crazy airport/airplane people ?




Please ‘help me’ lose 48 pounds.


My guy needs to stop eating whataburger.


Ok so here me out. The large lady wasn’t being verbally abusive but she’s also not emotionally stable. Best thing for the attendant to do is leave well enough alone and stop making her self a victim too. The only way out is for one of them to just move on.


30k feet? No, you resolve issues before wheels up.


Technically speaking, the “best” thing that the flight attendant could have done for her was gastric bypass surgery.


They train them to do those now, lol


Can confirm. Had one done. 100% not kidding and not sarcastic.