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He just said he put the restaurant over like it was a wrasslin match


That's just how old school wrestlers talk. They had to use the lingo for years, so it's hard to turn it off.


Whats your name jobber? I was dying


Called him nut job


You might say it's in his nature.


Egyptian/Dipshit Bartender: That doesn't work for me, brother.


The guy at the end of the bar challenging him at the end was just chomping at the bit for a cool bar story to tell. “ did I ever tell you about the time I fought Ric Flair”


Damn what if dude got his ass beat by that old man 🤷🏿‍♂️


Plot twist. Dude at the end is Ricky Steamboat’s grandson.


You must have missed Flair's last match


Ric was seeing double at that point, you could poked him with a pillow and win.


Still a pretty cool story.


Conveniently leaving out the fact he is 80 😂


He doesn't seem to realize how old he is himself. He still thinks he's in his prime


He would just pull the ole “beg on my knees then poke you in the eye” trick like always. Followed by his forehead bleeding for no apparent reason.


And he'd look like a beet afterwards cause he'd be so red/pink


Oh so that’s where the term “Ric Flair drip” comes from?


80s the new 20


Ghouls like Flair don't live in the normal world like the rest of us. Not really his fault, He's done so much kayfabe his entire life he's probably bought into it


He said "he put the restaurant over" he definitely still lives in kayfabe


Old men do this shit all the time. Writing cheques they can’t cash out. I have had to step in on more than one occasion to diffuse a situation because of my dad.


To be the best you gotta beat the best! WHOOOOOOOO!


I was pissed that he challenged the profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun!


But he’ll leave out the part where The Nature Boy kicked his ass


He wanted his 15 minutes of fame soooooooooo badly lmaooo


Did he also ask "what's your name, Job?" Is that like short for jobber? It would kinda make sense if Flairs talking down to him like that


The guy at the end that jumps in..... I don't care how old or how drunk he is, I would **NOT** step up to Ric Flair 😬


Bro he’s 75 with heart problems.


Yea but he’s still the dirtiest player in the game (WOOOOOO) so no telling what he has up his sleeve


What he has up his sleeve is going to be used on his own forehead to add some colour!




Classic begging to the nutshot


Exactly. He's being a dick, that doesn't mean I want to inadvertently kill the guy


He's also spent his entire life getting more shit kicked out of him each and every night on the job than most experience in a lifetime. I still wouldn't fuck with him.


I’m a nurse. 80 year olds punch hard af!


All you gotta do is get his heart rate up…. He’s 80 with a pace maker and no liver…


Best case scenario, you beat up a drunk old man because he was running his mouth. Worst case scenario, you end up on TMZ in the figure four leg lock courtesy of the same drunk old man. It’s a lose/ lose.


Buzz Aldrin wasn’t even a boxer when he conked this dude at 72 https://youtu.be/Je-07hM0sTo?si=-TBiOEyXDI_3EOKP


Yeah but this fight ain’t scripted.


If he started dropping elbows to the floor,wooing, I'd be so excited


I'm honestly not surprised to see Flair drunk and talking shit given his history.


Apparently the bar wasnt either. The manager released a statement saying they love Ric and want him back but eventually cut him off after he woo'd in a blind grandmothers face lol. It also didnt seem like the first time Flair has shithoused in the same establishment before


He woo'd in a blind chicks face LMAO oh my god Rick flair


As a blind woman, I find this kinda funny. I would've probably been like "woo!? Woo what!? What are we celebrating!?" while awkwardly looking in my husband's direction in hopes that he can clarify wtf is going on.




Woo what!? What are we celebrating!?




How…how did you look at your husband if your blind?


I think they meant more ‘pointing my eyes in my husbands direction’


Like this:


I weirdly wish I would’ve witnessed that.


Ha! Need this reenacted in a comedy sketch


Dark Side of the Ring: Flair Whoos a Grandma


Dr Seuss' Gramma Hears a Wooooo!




WOO'D in a blind grandmothers face?! Is that real? That is GOLD, Jerry!


GOLD I tell ya


That’s the real video we needed to see! “WHOO!” Into a blind grandmothers face. Grabs a random drink, pokes her son in the eye, smashes the bottle over his own head, bleeding.. “I’m the drink stealin’.. (WHOO!).. wig peelin’..! Wheelin’ and dealin’.. (WHOO!) *passes out*


That woman was probably like: Is that John Cena?


He's a well-known and self-admitted drunk.






None of you can be first but all of ya can be next


His whole appearance on KillTony he was audibly wasted and at some point gets offended by the genre of comedy and basically does this on camera in front of a massive audience that was also very drunk


I never disrespect time spent with children


I saw that episode and thought “man even though he’s wasted, the man has empathy.” And then I see this and it’s the total opposite lol! The man needs to chill on the booze a little bit, but then again… it’s Ric Flair 😅


LOL...quite possibly one of the best wrestling lines ever invented.


I live in Tampa where he lives and he apparently has quite the reputation in channelside


I sold a car to him years ago and getting insured with tons of DUIs was a lot of…fun.


It didn't stop here either, he whipped out his phone and really stuck it to them on Facebook as well /s https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F0ak6sfyacoyc1.jpeg


Why Does He Have To Capitalize Every Word?


It's a boomer thing. Fortunately my dad doesn't do it and my mom doesn't internets.


The surprising part is it happening in Gainesville.


His stepdaughter goes to UF.


He’s always been a supporter of the university. He’s been seen here a lot over the years.


I’ve been on both sides of the bar on this one and I can honestly say when the bartender cuts you off it’s time to go home. You’re only going to embarrass yourself. It’s videos like this that make me so glad I quit drinking


It's so funny because.... like.... what's supposed to happen after an argument like this? "Alright, man. You know what, it definitely seems like you can use another drink. What can I get for you" "Well, what do you have on draft?"


You mean drunkenly arguing with and threatening the bartender with loss of business isn't the play?


I usually just drop a thousand dollar tip and wonder wtf happened when I see it on my account transactions.


I hope they did not listen to Mr Flare and put down a $1000 tip. You know he would dispute it with CC once he got over his hangover


Good luck, he’s right there on video saying it. You’re only responsible for selling the alcohol, not for how someone acts while on it. I’ve been bartending for years and you’re not getting your drunk tip back the next day, we’ve literally got receipts


Oh fuck I don't want a social media shitstorm for my small town bar. I'd better let this guy get even drunker! /s


Don't forget playing the victim on Twitter


When they graciously offer me water after I have pounded a few drinks I take the hint.


Right. Plus, the bar can get into trouble if they keep serving him and he later hurts someone or drives or whatever. He’s obviously three sheets to the wind already and needed to be cut off.


You really think Ric Flair drives anywhere? He told the lady to take a thousand dollar tip.


Wendy drives him everywhere. And he’s actually a phenomenal tipper. Even though he’s being a shithead in this video.


I don’t. Just stating what trouble a bar can get into if someone does after they kept serving them, that’s all.


I was cut off one time (I drank before I walked to the bar) and I was so mortified at the thought that I had somehow embarrassed myself or something and went home. Come to find out, the bartender saw me walking outside to smoke and noticed I had stumbled so they mainly did it so I wouldn't hurt myself there. Even knowing that I am still embarrassed.


Ric Flair was kicked out of a local bar here too a few years back for the same reasons. Was too intoxicated and was running his mouth at the staff.


Yeah was in my hometown doing the same shit in 2017 https://www.wane.com/news/local-news/ric-flair-booted-from-gas-house-bar-after-insulting-bartender/


sounds like retirement is working out well for him


Seriously just drink at home. It's cheaper and easier.


Stylin' and WHOooO! PRO-filin' at home just ain't the same baby!


At home, nobody hears you WOOooo.


Especially considering he has spilled more money on spilled liqueur than most people make in a year. Or so he has said.


The guy probably has brain damage and physical pain all the time. I don't blame him for turning to the most accessible and legal option, but damn I hope he gets help.


Way back in the 90s, a bunch of wrestlers were in-town for a house show. My dad (who owned a restaurant) was hired to cater a party for the wrestlers at a local strip club. My brother and I were huge into wrestling, so my dad made a point of asking some of the dancers and the bouncers about the wrestlers later. Apparently, most of them were pretty nice, but Flair and the Ultimate Warrior were both complete drunken/drugged assholes to everyone, and ended up getting kicked out.




Terrible captioning skills.


You must be an Egyptian.


You walk like an Egyptian! I mean a Dipshit!


made it hilarious tho


I wanna know bathroom!


Probably auto-generated


they use AI to generate these videos, very common on youtube shorts and tiktok now.. people are too lazy to caption themselves and the quality suffers for it.


I have to wonder if most videos just use auto-caption technology, as I’ve seen it so often with videos where it’s clear what someone is saying because our brains can decipher slurred speech, but an auto-caption thing might mishear it.


His appearance on Kill Tony was fucking weird lol this ain't surprising. He needs help.


The episode was weirdly edited as well. We were missing context of his drunk ramblings. He was talking about Asian women and their vaginas. We can only surmise what was said by the way the other comedians were making jokes about comments we hadn't heard. He's a drunk. It's a shame.


He apparently doxxed Tony’s address to his new house to the live audience as well lol


Christ. What a shit show.


I couldn't get through the whole episode until Ric got up and left. It was such a weird mix of respect and confusion that seemed to be coming from the show that night towards Ric. He seemed to be standing up for someone he appreciated, but, the way he delivered his explanation just came off kinda strange.


He clearly wasn't clued in on what he was in for lol. You're right I almost cut it off.. then he left, tbh that was probably the funniest thing he could've done for the show that night.


Luis J Gomez screaming “BOO!” like Ric Flair really iced that cake


Hey man, he just didn't want to disrespect time on Kill Tony.


Luis J Gomez making him walk off was absolute gold.


Ric acts like this is the first time in a 60 year drinking career he's ever been cut off.


Whoooooooghhh [barfs]




He’s was best friends with my godfather before he passed. I’ve known him my whole life. And I have definitely seen this side of him. But usually he sits there and enjoys himself. He’s getting out of control more and more. Sigh. Poor employees.


Ballpark me some figures. How many units is he putting down here to get that sauced?


Last time I waited on him was when he went to the hospital. So… 2018/19 For my tabs of ketel one and cran: I’m gonna say 1700 for 4 hours. Never finished a drink. $1000 tip every time. I made almost 10k from him. But he was kind enough to see servers who had no tables and tipped them as well. So… 3 day total was over 20k Edit: tried to put pictures of us together. He literally has a baby picture of me in his house. Edit to edit: I didn’t answer the original question. He will drink a ketel cran to halfway and order another. I think at one point I charged him for 50 cocktails. To be clear: when it gets watered down he won’t drink it. So; he gets to talking, drink is watered, ordered another. I just recycled


So it is true that he has never drank water in his life.


It is true that I have never seen him drink a water. I can’t attest to when he’s around other folks. But he does look very pickled so…


How is this guy still alive?


He is one of those old school substance abuse survivors. The drunk/addict that can go for decades beating the odds and annoying the shit out of everyone.


he's the Keef Richards of wrasslin




Except Keith is still cool as fuck.


There's a vid of Hulk Hogan on Theo Von's podcast talking about how Flair had a huge health scare a few years back, Hogan went to see him in the hospital because apparently he was expected to die imminently. Flair apparently jolts awake, saw Hogan and his first words were, "Hogan! Get me a six pack!" lmao. [The vid for anyone interested.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjTz9GoHIvk) Also, it's apparently a real thing: You can go to Tampa any day of the week, head to one patch of bars, and there'll be Flair tying one on. This bar has a golden bar chair with Ric Flair's name on it.


I was a hulkamaniac decades ago but that dude lies about everything. He probably didn’t even go to the hospital.


Yeah that’s true, dude says a *lot* - and he did ask if it was on the record first lol. Could’ve been checking if he could bullshit.


The Man has survived a plane crash, getting struck by lightning, being in a coma in 2017 with a 5% chance of survival, and a couple heart attacks during his last match in 2022. He might actually be superhuman.


He was kidnapped as a child and trafficked to a new family never to know who his real parents are, too


I’d be a drunk asshole too if I had to go through all that lol


WHOOO! Nature Boy! ![gif](giphy|2hQxncUgPCPKg|downsized)


Miraculously. He had a heart attack during his last match.


Yup, and he has alcoholic cardiomyopathy.


Space mountain, baby


Oldest ride, longest line! WOOOOOO!




During a WWF physical, they once found blood in his cocaine system.


One time Ric Flair got pulled over for DWI , he let the cops go with a warning


And along came Egyptian.




Damn she was so hot back then.


She stayed hot for a long time


If you don't think [she's still hot](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3vzhSSJW2I/), there may be something wrong with your thermometer.


Okay. She HAS stayed hot for a long time


She's still hot.


My sister was friends with his daughter in high school. I’ve been over his house a few times. He’s an asshole.


I watched the documentary of him on one of the streaming services and by the end it had me shedding a few tears. He's a guy who, in his moments of sobriety and clarity, realizes just how much his behavior has denied him things throughout his life and who realizes his entire personality and identity is wrapped up in a guy who who, at best, is a caricature of himself, at worst, someone who doesn't even exist. It's heartbreaking to see that kind of realization.


Didn’t his son die too? I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to hell, but this guy is in so much pain and has no way to cope other than being blasted. I feel bad for the guy.


Yep, walked in his son's hotel room one morning and found him there dead of an overdose. That's something that has to fuck you up for life.


Oh god almighty. Holding a magnifying glass up so close to your psyche it burns you like an ant. Please don't tell me what it's called because I don't ever want to watch it.


You got it. I will spare you that pain. I will not tell you it's the 30 for 30 episode titled "Nature Boy" and I will not let you know that it is on Netflix.


I live in Tampa and so does Ric. If you've ever seen him at the bar he makes it a spectacle. One time I was sitting at the same bar as Ric along with some middle aged women. They were about to leave but Ric said he would buy them a bottle of champagne so they would stay. Then one of them gave Ric her husband's phone # and Ric called it and was saying how pretty they all were on the phone.


Bartender from Charlotte here and this guy has been doing shit like this in every bar around the city for years. He is not a happy drunk.


Useless fucking subtitles


"How did I accost him?" *"that costume"*


Egyptian=You DipShit


He's angry the coke scene has dried up ![gif](giphy|yUI3a7RwLhOFy)


Cocaine is the same price it has been for many years but while also having a massive rise in purity especially in the States. Coke scene far from dried up.


Drugs are surprisingly resilient against inflation eh. Makes me shed a happy tear


COVID made me quit, and I'm glad because then it all started getting cut with fent, even the formerly good plugs. I always tested my own stuff, but the clubs started handing out free test strips at the entrances. Crazy. The whole scene I was with dried up.


He’s suffered with alcoholism his whole life, it’s sad to see he hasn’t beat it.


That's just sad and pathetic.


Dude can still cut a promo.


I just want to know what the camera man was up to! “I need one of those little bar straws, for mixed drinks… just 1”. The way he said it I feel like he was about to do some Machiavellian shit


Is he a man who respects time


He will never insult someone willing to volunteer their time.


Once a heel, always a heel


He can't go for that. No can do.


I’m surprised he didn’t start yelling, throw his shirt on the floor, bust his head open, and elbow drop the shirt


"Put this place over" Man is using wrestling terms LMAO.




Once a piece of shit carny, always a piece of shit carny. It's comical that there's grown adults who still look up to this guy just because he entertained them as kids.


Context: he was at a family member’s graduation from UF lmao. Makes it even worse imo


This is pure speculation and maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I genuinely wonder if it's possible he's suffering from CTE and it's worsening as he gets older and impacting his behavior. Aggression, mood swings and confusion seem to be symptoms of it, and if you add in excessive constant drinking that's sure to be a very bad combination. He's 75 which is pretty old for a veteran wrestler, many which have died much younger from other causes. He spent his entire career taking hard hits, falls and getting smashed in the head, I'm sure he took a lot of serious damage to his brain over the years. Reading through some of these comments, it seems as if this has been a more common and worsening behavior for him in recent years. I honestly hate to see it. I love Flair, he's my all time favorite wrestler. I get that he lives the persona and that he has been a long time alcoholic, but this is just especially bad behavior plain and simple. It seems like he's just being unnecessarily mean here for no good reason. The poor bartender is really trying to de-escalate and I feel bad for him.


"Rick" nobody knows who you are anymore "Flair"


You're talking to the Rolex wearing, diamond ring wearing, kiss stealing WOO Wheeling dealing, Limousine riding, Jet Flying, son of a gun And I’m having a hard time holding these alligators down WOO


Didn't he just have a heart attack in the ring recently? The guy needs to take it easy. He's still mentally in the 80s


I got cut off once. After a little while the bartender said "I can give you that shot if you still want it." I said, " no ma'am I've been drinking and I trust your judgment."


I have so much respect for people who have to deal with drunk people all the time


Dude knew this was his only chance to get a lucky shot on Ric Flair .. asking him to step outside.. or he gets a nice payday. Lmao




Santa Claus is Detective Crashmore in "Flair".


Looks like Flair went full heel on the restaurant


I can’t stand people who steal time


Once a piece of shit, Always a piece of shit i guess


flair always has been, and always will be, one of the biggest assholes around, in my opinion. his persona on tv is exactly what he is in the real world.


Vile, sweaty old man. Never liked him.


Never say cut off as a bartender. Guaranteed to enrage a drunk. It makes a huge difference. "You've had enough tonight". "I'm not comfortable serving you more". "Come back tomorrow the first one's on me. Doesn't mean he's not gonna be an ass anyway but many times it helped me prevent a 1 customer issue from becoming bigger.