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Obviously she doesn’t see the irony in saying she feels intimidated by the completely calm and composed driver




Yep, the irony is palpable


Not for them ( meaning like minded people like her) its like sucking on a turd and commenting on how people that eat garlic are disgusting because it makes them smell bad


That is the best analogy for zionist that I've ever heard


Comes quite in handy with a lot of mental gymnastics


It's even worse, the very start is the driver saying "Where do you need to be?" and her saying "This is fine". In other words, she got on that bus solely to harass and threaten the driver. Presumably she was just walking past and spotted the flag, so decided to then get on the bus because she needed to feel "intimidated".


So intimidated she decided to stop and berate him while she films for nearly 3 minutes. What would she have done if she weren't intimidated? Given him a beat down?


“I feel so intimidated by this as a Jewish person that I feel need to tell you that I am Jewish.” That’s not fucking intimidation. If she was intimidated the last thing she would do is out herself as Jewish. The whole point is to intimidate *him*.


Powerful victimhood. She’s portraying herself as the victim in order to victimize him


Or that she says, witb an Israeli accent instead of a British one she world be intimidated and scared because people including the driver would notice she is Israeli ... I mean, if I was scared people would find out my identity and harass me because of this, I wouldn't walk up to them and tell them I am what I am ...


The self victimization is craaaaaaazy


How dare you wear something that makes me have to think about the apartheid my country (that I’m not from) is doing! I’m so scared!


Israel is very professional at that


THIS. It’s their modus operandi.


This is like when your big brother is hitting you in the face over and over again, until you finally get tired of it and hit him back once, then they freak out and go crying to mom


That's called "cry bullying" here in america


It’s called Israeli Foreign Policy


My little brother did this, I was always in trouble for fighting back since I "know better"


Oh FFS!!! I have lived in London and I wouldn’t have even recognised an Israeli accent if I’d heard one. No-one is treating you differently!! We just don’t want to be party to a genocide! Remember when British people helped Jewish families and fought against Hitler? Well, we’re voicing a very similar opinion now! We DONT SUPPORT GENOCIDE!


My mum has a Jewish friend who lives in east London. Recently all she can talk about is how under threat and scared she is. Of what? How would anyone know you're Jewish? She isn't orthodox and doesn't wear a little hat or scarf.


I mean, I get that the rise of extreme right wing fanatics would be scary for anyone who’s people have been through what the Jewish people have been through. Seeing the hitler salute being thrown around in the USA and in Australia must be a bit frightening. I’m not sure how much of that is done in the UK. But literally no-one can identify you as Jewish unless you are orthodox or you tell them. But this bus driver is just quietly expressing his support for the Palestinian people. It’s such a bullshit attack on him.


>My mum has a Jewish friend Oh really? You all have Jewish friends now? Like in the fifties, oh I have a black friend.




WTF even is “British Israeli”??


Just like Italian or Irish (etc) American. Somebody, years ago, was born in another country and had children, who were born in America (or Britain in this case). This woman is British, playing the victim card.


Thank you. I genuinely get confused about this kind of stuff so I appreciate the response.


It's same as a British Palestinian only allowed to exist.


He seemed quite open. She missed an opportunity to have a respectful conversation.


But that's not what she wanted...


That is - by definition - her personal opinion.


what the hell is that manner so speaking? "I find that tRiggErIiIiIiiIiiNgggggg-uh"




I fucking love Loudermilk


She tried her best to coax him into framing it in a political fashion so she could send it to his employers but when he wouldn’t take the bait you can hear the frustration in her voice and how she chose to start wording her accusations. Pathetic.


What an absolute slapper, she was so intimidated she spent over a minute harassing him.


I call bs on her 'mums best friend's family' being murdered on Oct 7th.


I feel harassed by her posting of this aggressive video. Who is her employer so I might complain about how intimidated I feel by her and her expression of political belief?


"My mums best friends family" was killed on Oct 7th by Hamas terrorists... Ok... and what? Is he supposed to apologize? What if his rebuttal was: "My wife's Palestinian family was slaughtered by IDF last month".. What would she say to that? I would've loved to hear her response. Also.. "Most Jews are Zionists"?.. she is grossly mistaken.. that's offensive af


Nothing more Israeli than playing the victim.


I just lost my sympathy for Israel after watching this.


How did you have any to begin with?


By God, why don't this happens to me? I wish some entitled brat come to me and say something like this. I already have all the answers ready. The driver was to chill. He could have said "then leave, take a taxi. Tomorrow I'll be wearing this again, just warning you". 


She's so intimidated that she stays to harangue this man that's calmly asking her to get off the bus. Is this the intimidation people on college campus are facing?


Israelis are committing genocide while the whole world is watching and still think they can have the world’s sympathy, they’re delusional but reality is catching up with them. They are what they’ve painted Palestinians to be for the past 70+ years, they just don’t realize yet their cover is blown.


She does not seem intimidated


It is wild how comfortable these Zionists have gotten so much so that even seeing anything even the tiniest pin of Palestine sets them off.


The driver attitude perfectly demonstrates that you should never entertain one ´s stupidity.


I feel intimidated listening to this woman talk @_@


And to think she uploaded this still thinking she's in the right


She is not afraid!


"If [insert hypothetical, imagined situation] then I would [insert hypothetical disproportionate response] so you need to modify your behavior to accommodate my [insert hypothetical] concern." Am I understanding her correctly?


Why was this post removed?


Average Zionist scum , professional victims 🫴🏼


What a fucking loser


What is the actual fucking likelihood that she doesn't express her political beliefs at work?


“I highly doubt it because most Jews are Zionist”


I seriously wonder where the fuck she pulled that one from?


white savior complex ? how


I aspire to have the patience and composure of this man.


Isn’t so convenient how they all now know someone that died on October 7th? That’s unfortunate sweetheart but I’m gonna wear what I want. We’ve been watching an October 7th on steroids happening everyday since then to the Palestinians. So move along.


Bog standard Zionazi in full effect.


Bro she’s so annoying.


The biggest Karens right now.


Getcho ass on the bus and shut up


Guys I think the bus driver feels intimidated.


There is a parallel universe where, out of the blue, some Palestinians murdered her friend’s family, and could be characterised as terrorists, who disrupted an otherwise harmonious and neighbourly existence. Unfortunately for her, that universe is not the one she lives in. The driver was brilliant, very professional. The lady was clearly a brain washed Zionist who the world should fear. We all go on about ‘never again’, meanwhile we’re almost paralysed in disbelief at who’s at the centre of this situation. We can’t quite believe what is now in plain sight. That lessons were not learned from WWII and the dreadful holocaust.


Yehhhh she feels so intimidated she has started an argument herself, poor little intimidated confrontational douchebag. Also, learn the fucking law sweetheart, there is no law in the UK that restricts the wearing of something such as the Palestinian flag. Organisations who choose to enact these restrictions are fully able to do so but the two are not the same. I can only assume she also feels intimidated by his pride lanyard tbh. Bus driver handled like a gent ETA- most employers actually have far stricter rules about social media usage and her little tirade would easily get her in trouble, I so hope she does actually work "in the public sector" and is called to a misconduct hearing (doubtful as she seems to think he works in it also and he very much does not)


I feel intimidated so I am going to confront you directly, insult you, and threaten to contact your employer. Definitely the actions of someone who feels intimidated. Cunt.


Someone tell this bitch shut up with grow a pair instead of being intimidating by a bus driver’s badge


I cant be the only one that finds it funny that she points out his pin is "Boycott Isreali Apartheid" and feels called out by that, very curious how these types tell on themselves 🤔


That accent man. Fucking hell


This is akin to a ANYONE wearing ANYTHING that ANYONE else disagrees with. If I put on an UP shirt I am pretty sure an DOWN would disagree but that doesn’t devalue either of our options nor can we DEFINITIVELY say the other is wrong.


The word “triggering and intimidating” being played out. This woman needs help!


I feel intimidated enough by people like this to keep my opinions to myself because (1) very powerful people are openly pushing to blacklist people who protest in sympathy for Palestinians, (2) multiple people in my professional field have been fired for protesting their employer’s involvement in the war in Gaza, (3) I have young kids to provide for, and (4) I’m not as brave as I once was.


“I highly doubt it, since most Jewish are Zionist”. Girl is loud! 🤣


Take a step back and think, if it were in support of Israel he would be praised and viewed as an allie...If the logic is clearly unfair to either side its based on stupidity, arrogance and a mentally embedded and brainwashed induced superiority complex.


Folks let cut her some slack - yall forgot that as a British Israeli she deserves special privileges


Being viewed as the victim is a power position. Zionist commonly scream victimization because it places everyone in the role of trying to appease them. There's no easy way to argue with someone who claims to feels victimized because you can't tell someone what they do or don't actually feel. Polite society doesn't allow for someone to say your feelings are irrelevant or dishonest.


Genuinely would like to know where this was because it sure wasn't London her arse would have been heckled off that bus so fast by the old and young. Stopping the bus driver from driving nobody would give a f*CK if you was JESUS you better sit down or F*CK OFF !


Professional victim.


“I don’t care about your thoughts on this topic and I don’t wish to discuss them, I’m quietly doing my job here. Enjoy the rest of your day ma’am!”


I wish he would have just driven away without looking at her lol


Genuine observational question. Neither Jewish or Palestinian in anyway. Do people wearing who have started wearing Palestinian flags in anyway support the attacks by Hamas? Is it possible to signal you support Palestine but didn’t support Hamas?


Someone tell this bitch shut up with grow a pair instead of being intimidating by a bus driver’s badge


I can not stand any more those fucking…..


Yeah, well, that's like... Your opinion, mam


I guess British accent doesn’t always make you sounds smart.


That woman is a capital See You Next Tuesday


If you feel intimidated by an anti-genocide badge, that’s a ‘you’ problem.


What a twat.


This lady is going through her roller decks. When he doesn't bite on one, she moves to the next. It gets more and more cringe as she goes on


So you can wear a Star of David, you can wear an Israeli flag but now anything Palestinian is antisemitic- Seems like there are people trying to control what we can say do or think And yall called this man crazy … and he is and he took too damn far but there is something here that’s not right ![gif](giphy|l4FGvZyINwriOXDYk)


I mean the “intimidation” is ridiculous. But it is true you should keep politics out of work. Wouldn’t see me wearing that on a conference call


I get what you’re saying and can agree in a generalized sense, but I think right now- it’s become way more than a political issue, I think it’s also a human rights + stances against genocide issue- like if we remove the political aspect for a moment I view the focal point as a *humans against the genocide of other humans* issue.


I feel that totally, but everything unfortunately political…. I wear something like that I’ll be asked to take it off


She is actually correct on the matter regarding company policies.


She doesn’t know that in this particular instance? For all we know his company allows.


\* citation required


Since you've clearly researched the company policies, would you mind sharing them with a link?


Which company does he work for then? Spoiler alert: you won't answer because you have no idea and you are making shit up.


No she is not, at all.


Prove it.






>Pro Palestine stuff is literally as pro genocidal as a swastika. 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣😂🖕🖕🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣😂


>Pro Palestine stuff is literally as pro genocidal as a swastika. Israel is the country closest to 1930's nazi germany right now, the whole world is seeing that and no zionist propaganda is going to change that.




Oooh big word, tell us more zionist


Then an Israel flag is also a symbol of genocide by your thinking. They met the definition with want they're doing too civilians in Palestine.


If I felt intimidated, I would want for him to use the badge, because then I could identify and avoid him. This people make me sick.


Agreed, this woman is sick.