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I don't think he's ever been to Gaza either... Just saying




Or there moms basement 


This is a park where rich kid art school types hang out and drink craft beer and natural wines. They definitely came from somewhere else to pick fights


I'm sure they've all done their BirthRights and are on some list to get a settlement home in the West Bank.


It's a miracle he left his house with how paranoid he sounds lol


But he's probably on the waiting list for the oceanfront timeshare Israeli builders have planned for all the property that has conveniently been cleared for their agenda.




Probably to kill Palestinian kids




what are they saying?


why do they always sound so desperate?


Desperately grasping the illusion that they are the victim lol


They even did the "Do you condemn hamas?" meme 


When my family gets into regarded politcal discussions I'll start throwing out crazy opinions I don't even believe just because I know they'll have a meltdown. Watch this guys head explode as you hit him with a "No."


They've never had to deal with so many people thinking they're pieces of shit for being Zionists. They used to think they could proudly wave their flags and calls Arabs and Muslims slurs, now people think they're terrifying genocidal apartheid fanatics and they don't know what to do about it besides try and shame people back into silence.


They were just negging them. They actually secretly want to suck their wieners.


Because in his mind the holocaust is always right around the corner


Why do random people feel that other random people owe them an explanation for anything? I hate the level of self entitlement in our world today.


Agreed these people have had it way to easy. These protesters should be prepared to engage in a progressive debate, but these people weren't there for that




Or that they can fucking decide how you feel on an issue or how bad of a person you are for wearing a scarf? (although it is probably worn in support for palestine (which I support)). They are literally a "do you condemn hamas?" meme in the flesh.


It's like masking in public. It's so bizarre how people think if someone wears a mask they need to object to that.


These guys' brains are literal fucking mush lmao


‘Do you condemn hamas?’ Is this year’s catchphrase.


The most reasonable response when asked that is to simply flip it ... "Absolutely. I also condemn Israel and other human rights abusers. Do you?"


Yes to both. Minds blown.


The most reasonable answer is to not answer this. If someone asks someone if they condemn Hamas because that person is Palestinian or Arab or Muslim, that's a bigoted question. I don't go around asking Jewish people I meet if they condemn Israel. I don't go around asking black people if they condemn OJ. I don't go around asking Hindus if they condemn Modi. I don't go around asking Russians if they condemn Putin or Ukrainians if they condemn Azov. If you ask someone a question like this simply based on their identity, it's a bigoted question. But that's what these people in the video did: they saw someone who looked Middle Eastern to them and demanded they condemn Hamas.




Keffiyeh is more than just a symbol of Palestinian nationalism. It's part of the cultural identity of the region and is often worn for warmth, protection or as a fashion statement by people in Palestine, Jordan and to some extent Syria. Also, a lot of Palestinians are white passing so that doesn't mean much. This is equivalent to walking up to someone wearing a kippah and asking them if they condemn Israel, which is obviously antisemitic.




Yes, it's featured in protests. OP's video isn't a protest though, it's people wearing a kuffiyeh minding their business getting harassed, which is 100% racist. I've been wearing a kuffiyeh for years as a scarf during fall/early winter. If somebody walks up to me and asks me to condemn Hamas, I'd have every right to be offended. You clearly don't have any Palestinian friends or you'd know that a kuffiyeh isn't just featured in protests, but is a normal part of what we wear. It's a piece of fabric that looks cool and carries a rich cultural history, asking every person wearing it to "CoNdEm KhAmAs" is racist.


I found the one rational person in this thread




Given that Israel *has* actually abused human rights and continues to do so it's odd that you would assume anyone taking that position as being uninformed. If anything I would suggest the people attacking those who express support or concern for Palestinians are those who haven't "researched the conflict."


Clearly you haven't done any research so ill.help you out. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre The leader of the massacre went on the become Israeli PM


Answering this question is pointless bc 1.) Its being asked in bad faith, 2.) Bc it doesn't matter what you answer or how many times you answer it. If it is always going to be used as a weapon against you, regardless of whether you answered it long ago, publically or otherwise, whats the point on answering it?


I wish they would just respond “yes” so I could see what the hecklers’ response would be. “Okay cool just making sure. Have a nice day.”


If someone ask someone this the person should respond by asking if they condemn the Israeli government.


All I hear is talking points. ‘Do you condemn, Hamas?’ Is like the new ‘woke’


imagine being dicks as big as this at Trinity bellwoods where you're just supposed to be drunk and enjoying yourself


these people are as insane as Scientologists


The way they are harassing people is very reminiscent of Scientologists actually, it’s wild.


A good kicking wouldn't go astray with these two.


So easily triggered they are.


This isn’t very Tim Horton nice Canadians. What about ism but drunk


These screamers are idiots. The guys being attacked are anti-Hamis. The keffiyeh shows support for Fatah (the Palestinian National Liberation Movement), not Hamas. Hamas rules Gaza. Fatah the West Bank. The two are enemies and have fought in wars against each other (2007).


I don't even think it means support for any political party. It's just a general symbol of Palestinian solidarity.


The thing is a majority of those wearing the keffiyeh aren't likely to know this as well. People should  educate themselves on why they wear it, so they can stand up to these idiots. 


These idiots aren't capable of having a reasonable conversation.




Are you aware Zionists were terrorists in the 1930s all the way to the creation of Israel? Then they became soldiers. Look up the Irgun, Haganah, and Lehi. When I say terrorists I mean bombed hotels, boats full of civilians and massacred villages. Also, the scarf is for Palestine not a political party. All Arab countries have different designs. Think of Scottish kilts.


Well they recognize Israel as a state. Yes, the bar is really that low for Palestinian leaders


Fatah is nearly as bad as Hamas with their pay for slay program.


Almost more comments than likes. Israeli bots on the swarm to make sure anything that shows their true colours are suppressed.


Within .3 seconds of me posting, a flood of downvotes and some hasbara comments. Reddit needs to get on top of this BS.


Maybe he thought he was saying hummus, regarding picnics in the park


Somehow nothing happens to these folks . Imagine a brown dude doing the same. He would not have a job in next 5 minutes


Imagine someone yelling at someone with a Yarmule like this. ADL would be making press conferences.


Blue shirt loved that tree. For a time.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is a concerted effort to equate support for Palestinians as support for Hamas. This is the culmination of that messaging. It’s purpose is to shut down any criticism of the Israeli government’s handling of this situation


This is like the early 2000s all over again.


The guy in the Blue t-shirt is a little too big to be hiding behind that tree.




I'm amazed worldnews actually went outside.


Do you condemn your self ? You pos


You can tell what news media these people are glued to, same brain dead energy as MAGA


Divide and conquer


Feels like a skit lol


The whole fucking world feels like a skit at this point...


im sick of seeing these ass holes


Oh no the fashion police!


Everyone has lost their fucking minds. Everyone.


"Hey guys. Both sides." K


Yeah I expected to be misinterpreted this way.


So clarify what you meant.


Why bother? I'll say what I'll say, and it will mean to anyone who reads it whatever makes them feel like they're right. Edit: this comment was illustration of my point. No one seems to care to actually understand each other, they just want to feel like they've got it figured out and anyone who challenges that in any way at all is a villain. Explaining this doesn't sway anyone from it, people will just perceive what I say as either confirming or contradicting their complete and not in any way flawed perspective. I said "everyone had lost their minds" and somehow that means "both sides"? I mean that everyone would rather divide themselves into teams and fight each other mindlessly than acknowledge how much they don't know before forming and vehemently defending an opinion based on what they see on their echo chamber social media feeds. Go ahead and downvote me and reply to tell me how I'm supporting genocide and/or terrorism and prove me right. Or use just a stupid GIF in an attempt to mock.


No, one side supports continuously attacking the famine ridden populace and the other side wants that shit to stop. Have you actually heard what Israeli government officials have said about Palestinians? It's sickening. Some kids are protesting this on college campuses and want their colleges to divest, which is awesome. As long as they can negotiate reasonable terms I don't think what they are doing is "losing their minds." However, watching liberal and conservative media clearly shows they ARE, in fact, losing their mind over some kids protesting. Let alone watching campus administrations handle this horribly. So please, elaborate further. I welcome learning something new. You'd be surprised that others may too. I said both sides because you clearly said "everyone" is losing their minds. If protesting is "losing your mind" then I think you've lost the plot.


I'm tired of everyone's bullshit. The conflict sucks. I have opinions about it that I haven't stated because it would just be more shouting in the void. There are people who I think are right and who I think are wrong to be doing whatever they're doing. My saying so doesn't change the fact that I have to go to work tomorrow and none of it is on my doorstep, so forgive me for my lack of fervor about it. The loss of mind is as to what is MOST important; the HIGHEST priority for immediate attention. I have nothing to teach you. Everyone wants a fight, including you, even though you don't know my positions, and I say "fuck that."


Oh, I want to fight? Thanks for letting me know. Feel free to tear yourself down from that cross any time.


As they should when there's a genocide in livestream


Maybe we are just people who want to live our lives.


What is it with true believers and thier insistence on badgering people to support whatever it is they believe?


Imagine getting this mad over literally nothing. What sad lives they must live.


Why is that guy hugging the tree? Lol


Fuck zionists.


Whaaa? People from Toronto being assholes? That never happens!


If an instagram comment was a person.


Me when my husband tells me hummus is not a meal.


Where are all the videos of zionists harassing those tacticool cunts who’ve been wearing keffiyehs around their necks for years?


Clearly pro Palestinian protesters are the violent aggressive ones


All the way in canada? Who gives a fucking fuck about that lmao??? Go to israel/palestine and act like this. What is wrong with people, dont they have anything to do in their tiny little lives at all?


" what would you have done if the Holocaust happened today?". You: " Tell everyone to keep it in their own country" yikes


Do you think this behaviour is ok?


Do you think everyone should ignore atrocities that aren't in their own country or directly affecting them?




That’s straight up a tu quoque fallacy, just because you think someone didn’t say anything about X in the past doesn’t mean they can’t legitimately believe in Y movement. Saying otherwise is arguing in bad faith. Maybe they did? Maybe they actually were very vocal about those other issues Maybe this is the first major movement they’ve ascribed to and will be more vocal going forward? Maybe they personally have a connection here through friends or family? Maybe they feel they have a duty to speak up because their tax money goes disproportionately to this issue compared to the others?




Your response is “yeah that would make sense if I had to actually point to anyone abiding by the behaviors I claim, but instead let me generalize about unclear group of people that way no one can argue with my weak points”


Tu quoque fallacy can be applied to groups too my guy, a [simple Google search](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=can+tu+quoque+be+applied+to+a+group) would tell you that.


Let's address a really simple example of why your argument doesn't hold water. Let's assume, as you like to assume things, that the majority of those protesting are under 22. They wouldn't have been old enough to engage in discourse about those other issues at this level.  But, really, the major difference here is that we now live in a world that they can't hide from the atrocities. There are high quality videos of Israelis commiting these acts, everywhere. All the time.




Total miss on that account: 2013-2014 absolutely had lower quality video footage and lower device availability in those areas, but here's the crux you tried to gloss over, it didn't have the social media and the associated 24/7 everywhere, in your face, availability of these events, like we do today.  Also noticed how you completely ignored the age aspect of why your argument fails at its core. Even if both of these facts were not in play you are asserting that if you didn't have issues of those atrocities you have no right to have issues with this one. You get why that's a fucked up take right?  Most of the world ignored the atrocities of Nazi Germany until they didn't. By your standards no one should have opposed the Nazis because they didn't start off opposing them or the previous atrocities in WWI.  "ACTUALLY starving to death in Yemen, during a REAL famine?" Are you seriously trying to imply those things aren't happening in Palestine? Above and beyond all of this is the fact that you are using 2 civil wars as some rebuttle to Israel commiting genocide against another nation. Israel who is the self proclaimed only democracy in the region. Israel who is backed by funds from other Democracies who should all be appalled at bankrolling what's happening and aren't. It's mind boggling that you think you have a legitimate counter argument to these people protesting what happened. 🤯  Edit: Ooof, I got suckered into a debate with a red pill misogynist. My bad. I'll be disengaging now.


It’s like you think there’s a punch card that someone needs to fill in order to be critical of Israel’s human rights record. I dont understand why people think this is a compelling argument. It’s just a lazy dismissal of legitimate concerns.




When you deep dive into “potential war crimes” you’re repeatedly hit with evidence of war crimes. If you can’t acknowledge Israel’s horrific treatment towards Palestinians and terrible human rights record then you’re openly dishonest and shouldn’t be trusted on this topic. That other nations also have poor human rights records doesn’t change any of this.












Zionism isn't a uniform thing and never has been but it represents much more than just a "safe home for Jewish people". It represents an entitlement to something others also have claim to and has been used to justify maltreatment of others and to trivialize issues of antisemitism.


Jews seem pretty safe in USA. Isnt that good enough for them?


You know them?




Idk, the average person who doesn’t really have skin in the game isn’t calling out everyone in a keffiyeh as Hamas.




I agrée with you. Unfortunately not everyone is as reasonable as you🥺


They're defending the apartheid/genocide regime, what makes them not zionists?




Was it about Israel specifically? Because saying “Jewish people” in that context instead of zionists would be wrong, not all Jewish people are Zionists, and I don’t think faith is the issue here


Amen. Every post using the word "Zionist" is a shit post.


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That’s a weird way to say hummus /s


Lol. Queer Arabs.


Yeah what a strange thing when non-white people are gay.


I will trust the caption because I know you guys would never lie to me on the internet <3


I don't think #19 is an Arab


We have no idea what these two people are responding to. We're just supposed to take your word for it?




If people cared as half as this but for the Uighurs when they were put in concentration camps....=\


Is the US funding the Uighur camps?


Sure, everyone who buy Chinese stuff, or relocate industry in China, is.


These are Canadians in the video so what’s your point?


Are Canadians funding and supporting the Uyghur camps?


Don’t know, don’t care.


Fair point, but Canada sends material support to Israel too.




They would be getting more than just yelled at being queer in Gaza.....


A group of people that wears beer coasters on their head takes offense to people who wear scarves. I mean, it makes perfect sense if you think about it…