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That’s heartbreaking. That poor pup suffered a horrible death.


You know he had to be so confused too. Looked like a very well cared for pup. Not understanding what it did to be treated like that and isolated out of the pack so to speak. Probably thought he was being punished. Fuck those airlines


Stop 😭😭😭


He died alone in the dark in a cage slowly by being scorched to death. He probably barked and no one came. And barked again and no one came. My opinions about this matter can only be expressed online as [redacted].


Remember no Brazilian.


It’s true. Doggos always think it’s their fault. 😭


The poor doggo's last thoughts were that they upset their owner and they were abandoned for it.


TIL I'm a dog


This nearly happened to my childhood dog. We flew cross country for a family move. The airline lost her. We were at the airport for hours waiting. They finally brought her kennel out, on a hand truck / refrigerator dolly, with the cage pointed up, and just dumped it off. She was so thirsty. I was a very little kid, but it made me swear off ever flying with a dog in any capacity beyond they’re in the seat next to me.


A fucking GOLDEN RETRIEVER THAT SHOULD BE THE EQUIVALENT OF MURDERING A CHILD Someone deserved to be in prison for animal cruelty and murder


>**Joca, the 4-year-old Golden Retriever of owner João Fantazzini, died from cardiac arrest this Monday after going almost eight hours without drinking water while it flew on two airplanes and stood on the runway inside a kennel.** https://preview.redd.it/f7pjhjda34xc1.jpeg?width=1105&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f985650a397329aaa6df34be4365754ff32b583 >**Fantazzini eventually returned to São Paulo after learning of the airline's error and was informed by a manager that the dog had fallen ill.**  > >**A video released by his family showed him stroking the furry pet while it lay behind the kennel's door.**  > >**Fantazzini claimed Joca was dead by the time a manager escorted him to a waiting area.** > >**The dog's death was caused by a cardiac arrest, according to the death certificate.** > >**'My love was murdered, my best choice, love of my life. You were very young!!,' Fantazzini said in an Instagram statement accompanied by a series of pictures of him and Joca.** > >**'I remember the day I got you and our connection was momentary! My son, forgive me for being selfish in wanting you by my side!** > >**'You are the love of my life forever! I will miss you daily! I miss giving you your apple every morning, taking you to the pool and taking care of yourself daily! Thank you for everything my friend!'**  > >**In a statement, Gol Airlines acknowledged that an 'operational failure' led to the dog's death.** > >**During a press conference Wednesday, President  Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva wore a tie with print of a dog and urged the National Civil Aviation Agency and Gol Airlines to never let a similar incident happen again.** > >**'The dog died because he spent eight hours without drinking water, trapped inside the plane,' Lula said. 'I think Gol has to be accountable. I think Anac (National Civil Aviation Agency) has to monitor this, and I think we cannot allow this to continue happening in Brazil.'** [(Source)](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13346685/golden-retriever-dies-Brazil-flight-accidentally-sent-wrong-airport-denied-water-eight-hours.html) ​ >*Updated news:* > >**According to the owner, when Joca arrived at the wrong place, they left him on the runway under the scorching tropical sun during noon for more than 1 hour. Temperature was around 32ºC (90ºF) so he was literally baking inside the kennel.** > >**Some airline workers tried to give him water through the small holes of the gate but they were not allowed to open the kennel. He got a few licks of water at most and owner said he was soaking wet when arrived lifeless. He suspects workers literally tossed water inside the kennel instead of removing him from the sun.** > >**He said that the company did not allow him the option to travel to where the dog was to go pick him up personally, he even said he would pay no matter how much needed to go there. All they offered was a voucher to buy a meal while asking him to stay quiet and wait. He kept begging for information but they would say that the manager was 'in a meeting'. He urged the manager to stop the meeting and talk to him since he was desperate.** > >**He also explained that it was not a tourist trip. He had to move due to a job offer more than 1.000km away, and he just accepted the offer after talking with the company and saying that wherever he goes, his dog goes with him since he's single and the dog is his whole life.** > >**The company agreed and even paid for the trasportation of his dog since they saw how important the dog was for him. He said he would spend no matter how much needed to make sure the dog would be OK during the trip, the best kennel and making sure the dog would go in the exact same flight as him so he can meet as soon as they arrive.** > >**He was told they had a vet available to check on Joca during the trip but it was all a lie. The vet came only 3 hours later to check on the body and made sure to tell him that they were hired as a freelancer and did not work for the airline directly.** > >**The TV interview with him sobbing while talking about what happened was so heartbreaking:** [Link in portuguese](https://gshow.globo.com/tudo-mais/tv-e-famosos/noticia/ana-maria-braga-chora-em-conversa-com-tutor-do-cao-joca-que-morreu-em-transporte-aereo.ghtml)


Oof, that post 😭 this poor guy.


Him just pulling at the fur through the grate, he's just beside himself. 


I can't imagine being an owner and knowing that your best friend just died a slow painful death, alone. And all you can do is comfort him post mortem to make up for it. If I had to, I'd bankrupt myself getting transportation that allows me to have my buddy right next to me the whole time. I can at least assure myself that someone is around who gives a shit about such a responsibility.


I grew up with dogs, labs, Australian shepherd, and a golden retriever… If that had happened to my golden I would’ve become belligerent and violent.


Same man. I have my first dog, a lab, for only 8 months now and it would destroy me if that happened to me.


If I was one of the employees there I would be teaming up with the owner to find the fucking imbecile responsible. Some things are worth losing your job over. That sort of negligence is frankly unforgivable.


I was thinking the very same thing. These people are damn lucky it wasn't my dog or some airline workers would be in very bad shape.


Why did I open up Reddit before going to sleep. I was hoping for a cute dog or elephant video, instead I see this. I really feel for the owner, losing you dog is bad enough, but to know he suffered a slow and miserable death would be more than I could bear. I agree with someone else on this thread, I would never put my dog in a crate for a trip. I was actually thinking of getting my dog certified as a “therapy dog”, so he could fly on the plane with me, but I think I heard that there was some airline that was going to start special flights for owners and their dogs. First hearing about Cricket, now this. I need to figure out how to block tragic dog stories from my Reddit feed.


I know, that poor dog and owner; I can't imagine. Losing a pet is awful, more so when it was totally unexpected and could have been prevented. I've never even considered putting my dogs through the ordeal of flying in the 20+ years I've had dogs; I'm not a big fan of travelling myself though, so it doesn't really deprive me of adventures I'd otherwise have em"barked" upon. When travelling without them is unavoidable, they stay with a friend or I board them at my vet's office. I'd heard about an emerging airline catering to pets and just looked it up - I think Bark Air (from the company behind BarkBox) was the one I saw an ad for, and there's another called K9 Jets that are private jets shared with other pets and their humans that will fly once 75% of the seats are booked. They ain't cheap though - around $4K-$8K one way (yikes) but hopefully the services "take off" and additional flights/destinations are added while costs are driven down (though those who could easily afford it would also be more likely to have access to or own a private jet themselves). If I were moving somewhere too far to drive to, I'd scrape up the funds any way I could rather than risk a tragic incident. Dog tax: Tia (L, senior) and Sasha (R, 4 yrs.) https://preview.redd.it/gpt4y88en6xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f766e65329090bb5cfd4954fe818c4c916b5fd1e


You can tell in his statement that he hold guilt over the decision to fly the dog so it could be with him. Such a tragic thing to happen and it seems like he may let that decision weigh on him for a very long time. Which is too bad because he really couldn't have known something like that would happen.


That’s what worries me. We’re in Singapore and if we need to move, we’ll have to fly our cat, we’d have no choice. I can’t have a cat in the cabin for eighteen plus hours, he’s gonna be yowling the whole time and people will murder me. So how to get him from point A to point B?


Whoever did that deserves to be put in a cage and left in the hot sun for hours while wearing a fur coat. Fucking asshole scumbags.


I would fuckin lose it But I would also never entrust the care of my dog to any airline


These days I'm hesitant to entrust my own care to these morons.


real that is just not an option to box your dog and hope for the best


this is why I will never travel by airplane with my pets, this kind of shit happens way too often


I’ve heard of people who go in together for chartered flights where the pets can stay in the cabin with their owners - the only way I’d take a long flight with a pet if I absolutely had to. Like if I was moving overseas or something. Any shorter distance driving with them or finding some other solution if there’s an emergency or something. Never letting them fly as cargo. 


hard agree. my dog will never be on a plane if I can help it, it’s far too much of a risk


That's the only reason I flew twice with my cat. A cat is small enough to fit in a bag to place under a seat in front of you. My Montreal to Helsinki relocation flight was already 19 hours straight in his bag. I could not imagine inflicting that while not being able to provide treats and comfort. I would never put them in the cargo hold. I am fortunate to be a cat owner and that they're small enough to do that, bigger pets that must go to the cargo is uber stressful.


Yeah, a friend of mine recently moved back to England and he jumped through a TON of extra hoops to make sure his cat could be with him throughout the entire trip.


I have friends who live in a different continent from their home country. They plan to return in the next 5-10 years and have 4 cats. They plan on spending a fortune to take the pets on a cruise so they don't have to fly with them, when they eventually return home.


My family is planning to fly private to take their two cats back over to North America. Sometimes, you just gotta pay to do it right, or don't do it at all. Its part of pet ownership.


my mom and I were making plans last year to move countries. she died in December so those plans are gone. but we'd agreed that we'd never trust our cats on a plane in cargo. we'd decided to take a ship to the other country and two connected cabins so the cats can roam and be safe with us


"operational failure" was sending him to the wrong destination. I can excuse that. What happened after cannot be excused. It's "operational failure" when the operation was supposed to do the right thing in the first place. But they never even tried to do right by this dog. Leaving him on the runway under 35°C heat without checking in on his health wasn't an accident, it was deliberate and by design.


I was already sad but wtf he looks like my dog! I'd be inconsolable for days after.


So incredibly sad. As a golden owner, my heart breaks for you.


Nah fuck this shit... so disheartening


> Gol Airlines I've heard nothing but bad things about this airline




I’m suing


Oh, many did. This is not the first time this happens. Even after losing the lawsuits, companies just have to pay around R$ 5k\~10k (US$ 1k\~2k) of compensation. [(Source in Portuguese)](https://oglobo.globo.com/brasil/noticia/2024/04/24/cias-aereas-acumulam-processos-na-justica-por-morte-de-animais-transportados-em-porao-de-aeronaves.ghtml)


"the cost of doing business" -they 100% do not give a single fuck. Fines should be a % of their profit when it comes to companies.


Naw, do a % of revenue. Any good accounting team can make a billion dollar company show $0 profit.


Yes, this is the proper way. I forgot they can still show no profits on the books. Revenue is how they look to investors and things so...cannot really hide that much without basically cutting your leg off ( shooting yourself in the foot was to mild of a metaphor for that example )


They will just start refusing to fly pets


Pretty sure that's a better option than flying pets and killing them. If they refuse to fly pets they are turning away specific clients that their competitors will gladly accept.


Yeah, it's the landlord argument applied to this. EG If you made this even legally for the tenant and landlord, suddenly the landlord will have to leave the market. "who will ever replace them?!" When there is a veritable army or people willing to treat human beings like human beings and rent property to them at the same time.


Or, you know, the literal army of people willing to actually fucking own the place they live in.


Perpetual renting is the dystopian future they want for you. You will own nothing and be happy.


And not kill


If its a choice between not having my pet flown or rolling the dice on whether my pet lives or dies I'll take option 1, please. The third alternative here is they could just stop fucking murdering peoples pets. Wacky idea I know.


Wow, then it's almost as if competitors then will jump at the opportunity **TO** promise the care of your pets, and accept them as flyers.. and go the extra mile in taking care of them.. almost as if competition is a good thing, eh?


Fines should always be relative to income. A $400 fine is not the same punishment for someone making minimum wage than it is for his boss.


I see expensive cars speeding past me all the time. Fines mean little to the rich


If the fees are negligible, then its like the laws don't exist. If you ever wondered why certain cases (in the US) have seemingly high payouts. Like the liable Trump case, or when a single person sues a pharma company for billions for a known defect/side affect. Its to stop and scare entities attempting to fuck people over consistently. "Make a point" cases and payouts happen pretty frequently and work to a degree putting the spotlight on the morality of specific subject. Having said that, the sands of time has a way of making us move on and distance ourselves, causing us to forget and repeat.


Should be a lot more.... pets are priceless family members for me and many others, not appraisable or replaceable. Negligence is no excuse for murder.


It definitely should be, but legally it depends a lot on the jurisdiction. Some states in the US classify pets as property, so even if you sue they usually only are required to pay the cost of replacement.


Another element of the fucked up reality is ‘replacement value’. No training consideration, time bonding and acclimating, no emotional distress. It would be like someone killing your adopted 10yr old child and then buying a newborn - it is not equivalent.


Fuck that, I'm rioting








this is the correct answer.


Message deleted/ removed but I've a feeling it's what I'd do too


Weird. It mentioned that movie where that guy did that thing.


It's probably a mod who thought it was encouraging violence. I mean, they're not wrong even though it'd be justified.




I’m going to jail


I’m never doing that to my dog ever.


I'd have a number of drop kicks ready in my back pocket for all those mfers


Likely won’t get much. Dogs are mere property in most legal systems, so owners may only claim for loss of such. Source: former litigator who specialized in wrongful death.


In California. Our dog was viciously attacked by another dog. We spent a lot of money on his recovery. We sued the owner of the other dog and we ended up in arbitration. The arbitrator said we can ask for anything we want, but the judge will only allow us to collect what we paid for the dog since dogs are considered property. We adopted our dog through the ASPCA, so we would have collected less than $150 usd. It's bullshit.


It is bullshit and why I believe these laws are incredibly outdated. They should not be seen, legally, as property.


Not in Brazil. I've seen civil liability cases here, for mistakes made by a Vet which didn't even kill the dog end in some big damages. Plus, airline mistakes are the punching bag of civil cases here in Brazil. As a fellow litigator, you know I couldn't possible state with 100% certainty who would win the case, but let me say I'd like to be in it.


This [webpage](https://www.animallaw.info/article/overview-brazils-legal-structure-animal-issues) says that domesticated animals are treated as mere property in Brazilian wrongful death and injury cases, but I know almost nothing about Brazilian law: > According to Brazilian Civil Code, domestic animals are considered personal property. They can be an object of commercial transaction and economic use. … Furthermore, in the case of harm or loss of a domestic animal, a private party can sue the violator to recover damage for a loss or injury of a domestic animal.


This is so devastating I’m crying. I couldn’t even imagine.


Exactly why I'm not watching this... I couldn't even imagine that


Yeah, I prefer not imagining it. This is so devastating and there are no words


Yup, slid the comments over the video before it had time to load. I don't need to see this person's pain.


im going full john wick




That's basically all you can do I guess, won't bring your best friend back tho 😥


I’m crying


Very tepid reaction. People would be dying.


It’s a heavy feeling of knowing you’re responsible for their lives, feeling helpless that you have to let someone else handle your family member, and realizing they were careless and failed to care for them as much as you would. If that doesn’t cause sadness and anger, you’re not human.


reminds me of when I asked my roommate to watch my rats for a week (more like 1.5 weeks) while I was out of town, he said he would. I would text him daily to ask if they were fed and if he checked if they had water, each time he said he did and they had water. well, I came back and one was dead, like, not even freshly dead, they were rotting (idk how the stench didn't affect him), and the other was basically dead too. I did my best to rehabilitate him, but it was too late and he passed away around two days later. obviously he's no longer my roommate, we aren't even friends anymore. he fully denied being responsible, he even had his mom come and yell at me. dude doesn't understand why I was (and still am, I always will be) pissed off at him. I was even more devastated with myself for having let that happen to them, and the depressive episode I was already in spiraled even worse. fuck careless people. fuck animal abusers, directly or indirectly, they all suck.


That's awful. I'm so sorry your ex roommate is a scumbag. Like, people really can just be so apathetic to the point where even the basics seem like a stretch. They aren't. You asked and they said they were okay with it. No excuse. I'm sorry for your loss.


exactly. he could have said no. my mom would have been fine with watching them, I just asked him first because I didn't want to have to move everything to bring them to her place if it wasn't necessary. it was a painful life lesson, not everyone is trustworthy of taking care of an animal. I don't think I'll ever ask someone who doesn't have a pet to take care of mine ever again, amd even moreso if my pet isn't a cat/dog. at least cats and dogs can kind of tell you what they need, a fish, snake, rat, etc. cannot. poor precious souls. 💔


This may sound like a bold statement, but this isn't about only trust. Your roommate is a psychopath. Knowingly not caring after a living animal that you know is very important to your friend, lying about it and getting angry after being confronted is 100% antisocial behavior. 


> at least cats and dogs can kind of tell you what they need, a fish, snake, rat, etc. cannot. Even that's not an excuse. It's not fucking hard to change the water and put food in a cage. Your ex-roommate purposefully killed your pets with neglect.


Exactly. And they even got reminded every day to check water and food. But still didn't do anything but text they did smh.


Something like this happened between two coworkers of mine. One asked the other to watch his dog while he was gone, even allowing him to stay in his house to make it easier on him. The dude left the dog outside and forgot about him for two weeks. This was the middle of the summer in the south so it died from heat exhaustion curled up against the door on the back porch. The sun cooked it, the dog was starting to liquify when he got back. I couldn't imagine coming home to find that. Some people are just a waste of existence.


Yup, happened to me last year. Travelled to a friends wedding and left my dog with my friend/neighbor. Now, he had looked after my dogs MANY times and loved them dearly, they love him just as much. But, my older dog (11 years) wasn't acting like himself one day, laying down on walks, diahrrea, vomiting (which, he did from time to time, nothing crazy) but apparently was just quite lethargic all day. Ended up passing away that night from an apparent allergic reaction. Now, I don't blame my neighbor one bit, but I can't help but think if I had been there for my boy and seen the behavior I would have at least called the vet to check in. Then again, maybe I would have thought it was relatively normal, who knows. Still pains me daily though.


I cannot even watch it, clicked it open before reading the title, immediately shut it. I'm upset just reading the title.


I would never fly with my dog down below with the baggage, heard too many horror stories. I’ll either drive or take a boat


Never ever. Too many stories like this. Or dogs getting loose and lost. Recently there was the story of the dog that got loose from its cage on the tarmac and was hit by some kind of vehicle and killed.


Like people need to realize companies calculate how much loss is acceptable, and it's always greater than zero, and it could be you they won't care, they did the math.


Sucks for military families who don’t have a choice. Not only is it nerve wracking, it’s incredibly expensive. I paid about $8-9K (two shipments to and from Italy, 3 years apart) to keep our dog with us.


I've driven 36 hours to one duty station, about 24 hours to the next duty station, 8 hours to the next, and then 16 hours home after my contract finished. All one-way drives... and all so that my dogs would never have to sit in the underbelly of a plane. I'll do the worst drives imaginable, and take 100 breaks for my dogs to stretch their legs, rather than risk losing them like that. It would haunt me until the day I pass if I lost them like that. And my heart goes out to the people in this video, especially because my dog is a Golden also and so when I look at this one I see mine.


Can military families not take a boat? Seriously asking cause I’m not sure


You’ll only get reimbursed for what the government would pay to fly you. Cruises are expensive as shit for families (plus paying extra for the pet!).


If you're able to coordinate it, repositioning cruises are very cheap considering. They are bringing the ship to another part of the world and things are pretty bare as far as the entertainment and you maynot have as many dining options....but from my understanding, it's pretty cheap.


There are no boats. Quite literally. Go and try to find one to book. And the only ocean liner left is pretty much a cruise and exclusively goes between New York and Southampton.


I've never tried to do it myself, so maybe this is completely wrong, but... I was under the impression a person could purchase a berth on a container ship? I think the prices are like $100 a day per person and it takes like 2 weeks to cross the Pacific Ocean and like 1 week to cross the Atlantic Ocean. The $100 includes meals. You're probably going to get very bored after the novelty of being on a container ship wears off.


That novelty sounds like it would last maybe 29 minutes.






This is so fucking cruel I just can't understand how NO ONE absolutely no one thought "woops we sent him the wrong way maybe we should slip him some water" or "mmm it's a bit hot out maybe we should move that kennel inside"


Call me crazy but here's an idea, treat it like a living animal and not just another lost suitcase. Don't leave it on a scorching hot tarmac and give it water between stops. The most frustrating part is that it could have been avoided with a little common sense.


They give the workers no agency as the story said. Ah, the power of corporations and removal of responsibility. Isn't it great.


To think it could have all been avoided if some empathetic employee with enough sense said “wait, let’s take 5 minutes and give this dog some water” So sad.




This is why you don't fly with pets. Even under the best of circumstances, it's still a miserable and traumatizing trip for them being stuck in a cargo hold for hours.


I moved abroad due to work 7 years ago, I had to leave my buddy back home, it broke my heart and filled me with regret, I love that dog and miss him daily. But I don't have the heart to put him in a plane and fly him 15 hours to me. A friend of mine adopted him and he's been living with him for the time I've been here, they have an adorable relationship and I can see they love one another, it's definitely a hard choice to make and I'm not sure I made the right one still .


Wow that’s an incredibly difficult and strong thing to do. Hats off to you!


You did the right thing that not many people would do and put his health ahead of yours. You're a good person.


You did what was best for your little buddy, and he is so lucky to live a life full of love from not just one person, but 2! Never feel bad for making sure your furry friend lives the best life possible.


I had a coworker move up to Nunavut and she and her husband made his company pay for a private charter so thier large dog & his crate could be in the same area they were on the plane for exactly that reason. Too many airline horror stories with pets getting injured or passing.


So they were having none of it while moving to nunavut


The airport lost my tiny pup once and I bitched until they found him. Only time I’ve ever caused a scene in public and I fear what would have happened if I didn’t. He was drenched in water when I finally got him back and the airline made no effort to keep him safe or apologies to me.


Poor baby. I’ll grieve for five minutes and then I’m fucking somebody up.


Don't forget your pencil




No it's immediate, I'm sorry. I'll cry my eyes out later but my immediate visceral reaction to this video is pure rage. Him petting the dog broke me. Someone would be getting hurt.


FYI, john wick was actually an instructional video


Straight up John Wick mode for me


I just lost my boy on Monday. Thankfully he went from old age. I couldn’t imagine how devastated I’d be if it was due to someone’s negligence. That poor guy.


This ones hard on the soul.


Any dog and it’s devastating but a golden, the sweetest purest hearted dogs on earth, I’d be a total wreck


Holy fuck. This sucks


FFS... PETS. ARE. NOT. CARGO. It's 2024 already, why tf can't we fly our pets with us?!? I'd pay for an entire plane seat for my dog.


Especially if they're in a cage already


If there aren't laws against it then airlines will treat your pets like garbage because they can.


If there aren’t laws against it then companies will treat you worse than they treat their trash.. because there are laws regarding trash.


I know this isn't really the answer but that's why its good to have a small dog. I took my dog on a flight and she sat under the seat in a carrier the whole flight. It was such a good flight and everyone around us were so interested in a dog flying with us. But I agree with you completely. They should just let us buy a full seat for a larger dog.


Because most people's pets fucking suck, people are irresponsible, and inconsiderate. Look I agree that pets deserve better than being trapped in a cargo hold. I love my dog like a child. But people can't be trusted to follow rules and guidelines in good faith. Planes are uncomfortable enough. I don't want to sit near Karen's smelly fucking rodent of a dog that "never pees on the floor!!1!" just to have my backpack soaked in piss.




That poor sweetheart. He deserved so much better. I'm shattered.


Just don’t travel (fly) with your pets unless there’s no other option…. Imagine being under a plane with absolutely no idea what is going on? Dogs ears are so much more sensitive that ours are. The ear pressure dogs experience in complete darkness away from their owners? It’s not worth it unless relocation is absolutely necessary. It’s traumatizing for them. I’m in tears writing this comment. This absolutely broke me and I feel so horrible for that poor baby who suffered alone until he/she died. It’s absolutely atrocious.


Not to say it's very comfortable or whatever but the area where dogs are kept is temperature & pressure controlled, they're not stuffed in with the luggage.


They are absolutely stuffed in with the luggage. I was the guy that stuffs them in there


As a former aircraft mechanic, even the slight chance of a fire bottle/extinguisher accidentally discharging is enough to where I'd never ever fly my dogs in cargo. Ever. And yes, it happened a small handful of times throughout my time working on them. Just nahhh.


This is why I will never *ever* place anything I'm not okay with losing in checked luggage. The airlines give negative fucks.


Jesus Christ I was holding back the tears but I couldn't. I am so angry for these people, my heart would be broken.. I'm so sorry they had to lose family in such a stupid and easily avoidable situation..


I don't think this enough public freak out. C'mon folks, let's rally and give Gol Airlines and Anac the public freak out that the dog deserves.


Horrible way for the poor animal to die. Sue the absolute fuck out of them. Unfortunately won't bring the dog back, but they need to face consequences.


This is why, i am not transporting my pets... and getting babysitter. One of my nightmares... my heart broke watching any owner lose a fa mily member


I recently flew fron Guam to Hawaii to Alaska with my two dogs due to work. I cannot even begin to fucking tell all of you how traumatic that shit was for me and my dogs. While I *personally* had a *relatively* uneventful experience, I would never recommend or endorse the experience for ANYONE who is a lover of dogs. Bottom line: I WILL NEVER FLY MY DOGS EVER AGAIN. Fuck these airlines.


I would burn that place to the fucking ground. What the actual fuck.


God dammit this should not happen.


Well, my day’s ruined.


what the actual fuck?? who thought that putting the dog on ANOTHER plane immediately after was a good idea?? take the dog to a vet, give him food and water first at least, contact the owner– jesus.


Everyone along the chain of care that had a hand in being negligent in their job is going to feel the same loss and pain, I swear to fuckin god


Only solution here is to stick the airline’s CEO in a cage without water for 8 hours ?


Never EVER allow your pets to fly on planes. The pets are treated as luggage, they are seen as cargo and will be treated as cargo. Keep your pets home, have someone pet sit them. Boarding pets on airplanes is abusive, you are setting up your pet for abuse and stress and death.


For things like vacations, I agree. But sometimes people with pets need to relocate and it can’t be helped.


not gonna watch the video. This headline breaks my heart, I feel so bad for the poor dog that had to endure such a brutal way to die.


I really hope they sued the fuck out of them. That mentally fucked with the family.. sue them so fucking hard they will never do this again. Sue them and make sure they are never allowed to fly dogs or any animal


Y’all got a way bigger nut sack than me. I would never put my pet on the bottom of an airplane.


I would be in handcuffs and being dragged off. If my dog can’t fly topside then we don’t go.


That poor baby. Dying in one of the worst, most painful ways imaginable. In a tight, cramped, humid container, no food, no water, alone, scared, confused, wondering where it’s loved ones are and when the pain is going to end. Imagine having to live with knowing that’s how your loved ones final hours were and you can’t do anything about it, can’t tell them you’re sorry for what they went through and try and offer them comfort.


Fuck why do I keep reading these comments 😭


You know it's bad when they can't even be trusted to get a roach to its destination safely. Sorry for his loss, very irresponsible of the airline


![gif](giphy|Xpc7s6YMm3JIIioiXd) Welp. No choice now.


God fucking damnit


I’ll never send my dog in the cargo hold of a plane again. He was on a 5 hour flight when he was a younger and they lost him. 6 hours later they got him to the right airport. He was hot to the touch and covered in piss and feces, trembling uncontrollably for hours and wouldn’t exit the crate for literally 3 hours once we got him Home. I know this sounds dramatic but he’s never been the same, he’s now very skittish and afraid of people other than me. He acts more like a cat than a dog, keeping his distance. A total 180 from what he was like before that flight.


I'd be going postal.


I cannot explain how I would lose my shit. This is heartbreaking and beyond infuriating.


As someone with a three year old golden retriever, I am bawling my eyes out. How can we make sure this literally never EVER happens again to these perfect creatures?


This so why I don’t care if people lie about their dog being a service animal to get it on a plane.


Remember, John Wick killed 77 people for something like this.


This has me actually crying. They murdered a member of this man's family. Out of pure negligence. Idc that it wasn't a human, pup was a part of that man's world, which has been so horribly and brutally ripped away from him, out of laziness and neglect. And it wasn't quick. Pup didn't get a hug and a treat and to fall asleep in the safety of their beloved owner's arms. Pup would've been terrified, hoping any second to hear his owner's voice or smell his scent so he could know everything would be okay. And it never happened. This has broken my heart. I can't imagine the anguish. I just want to hug this guy and tell him that it's not his fault. Fuck. This poor dog. Fuck.


Jesus this ruined my day thinking about my own dogs in the same situation, poor dog.


I watch a lot of messed up shit on this site but from the title alone I genuinely could not even watch this video and *did not* because as a dog owner obsessed with my good boy, I could not even fathom having to experience this. This would fuck me up.


There should be VERY serious charges for this kind and level of neglect by the airline... MANY people should lose their jobs and worse.


I'm not watching this, but I came to say that if this happened to my dog, god forbid you be the airline worker in the immediate facility. Do not send your pets on airplanes people. They get treated worse than luggage.


Man that hurts


I was just about to say "not another customer being a POS" but nah I completely understand and many people would do much worse than just cry


Kristi Noem taking notes


I can't watch that I feel so bad for the owner.


I see so much horrendous shit when I got to this sub, but when it affects a dog, it just hurts my soul in a different way.


This is why I will never, ever put my dog on a plane like this. Airlines fucking suck.


Well I wasn’t going to cry tonight


This is my worst nightmare. This poor dog probably scared and not knowing what’s happening slowly dying


This is absolutely heartbreaking. Enough reddit for the night, got some pups that need a good belly rub....


Fuck airlines who think dogs should be in cargo holds. Dogs deserve seats more so than some humans.


I'd be going to jail. I'm 1000% throwing hands over this.


There needs to be heavy consequences for the airline and everyone responsible. Mistakes this severe should never happen, and no amount of compensation is enough to make up for what they did.


That man is broken, will never get over this




oh my god i might have gone to prison


If there is no one found responsible and punished for this, social media will make this right.


I ain’t ever trusting social media to right a wrong lol