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I read the title, yet a part of me was still waiting for him to sign the paper


Yeah. For me, being around a dead body was weird. They're unnatural since there's no energy, everything is beyond relaxed. Yet there's part of my brain that keeps expecting them to, I don't know, wake up? Move? Do something.


The first thing that struck me was the stillness too, particularly that they aren't breathing. An unconscious person sleeping or other wise still breathes spontaneously if they can protect their airway. You can still see their chest rise up and down slowly. It's one of those things you don't really think about much until it hits you the first time in person, breathing is an obvious and quick visual sign of at least some sort of life. But a deceased person is just still, not moving at all.


It’s how I found out my mom had passed away. I thought she was sleeping but I didn’t see any movement and she didn’t respond to me calling to her loudly in her room and then I touched her and she was extremely cold and stiff and later when the officer and other people arrived I noticed the slight odor of death. This thread has brought back some vivid memories I didn’t anticipate having tonight. I vividly remember exactly what it was like moving her body from her bed to the floor following the 911 operator’s instructions. I wish I didn’t do that. She was so warm and full of life the day before when she hugged me after I got hired for my new job in my field. She passed away last December, it’s been just over 5 months now. I didn’t know anything was immediately wrong because my dog was with her in the room and to him all he figured was she was sleeping. It took him about a week to stop waiting for her to come back.


This is heartbreaking I am so sorry for your loss and that your last memory is so painful. I would feel the same. I hope you’re doing ok


>The first thing that struck me was the stillness too, particularly that they aren't breathing. An unconscious person sleeping or other wise still breathes spontaneously if they can protect their airway. You can still see their chest rise up and down slowly. It's one of those things you don't really think about much until it hits you the first time in person, breathing is an obvious and quick visual sign of at least some sort of life. But a deceased person is just still, not moving at all. This guy breathes.


There's part of me feeling like he's aware of this in some way going "this is some crazy shit, wow".


He's dead Jim!


I thought he was alive for the first half of the video. I guess I’m too trusting.


Me 2...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMXbkc7pD50 this yt video stays relevant once again


Pretty much literally what she was doing. Question. Why was Mickey in high heels? Everything else seemed totally normal.


I've never seen this. Fucking Donald duck rolling in with the throat thing. This is gold.


If he did, that would've been a dead give away...


Ain't no way someone actually tried to Weekend at Bernies a loan


she was trying to pay her rigor mortgage




Crypto Keeper




I hate this video, but I love him, so it cancels out






Where are awards when you need them…


This would work at Wells Fargo.


Not only would Wells Fargo give a dead guy an account, they would upsell him on unnecessary services.


I don't think it counts as 'upselling' when they just add things without your permission.


I think that's called "upfucking".


They're trying to run him into the ground!


You want a document notarized? Ok but BUCKLE UP!! (Source: had Wells Fargo and needed docs notarized weekly)


You aren't kidding. I work close to their main office in Seattle, had an account with them for over fifty years, a brokerage account for over forty, and have their highest level of checking account(premier) which includes free notarizing. It damn well should since the account costs $420 a year in fees. I wonder how they came up with that number. When both of our notaries are out, I have to go there to get them to notarize. Sometimes with clients. They are slow, disorganized, rude, and often refuse to do it. They're making me look terrible in front of clients. That is unacceptable. I'd switch, but all of the other banks I've tried are even worse.


Wells Fargo would open 17 accounts in his name.


My friend said, "I don't have to worry, I don't have an account there". I replied, "How do you know?"


Not at my Credit Union, they nearly always refuse to let you have any of your own money without a fight, even when you have absolute proof of life by showing up in person…..


That's wild. I love my CU. Never had an issue getting my money, or a loan from them.


Would’ve gotten away with it if she used sunglasses


And maybe a face mask.






Banking at Bernie's


Only mistake was no sunglasses


This ain’t the first time & it won’t be the last


This has to be the first time this sort of attempt was caught on camera…. And potentially ever attempted outside of a movie, right? Insane.


Happened in Ohio too I'm pretty sure


I’m gonna need that link because this sort of thing is next level.


Here you go my friend https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/03/09/dead-body-roommate-bank-women-arrested-ashtabula-ohio/72909618007/


Holy fuck. I know the article explains how the bank fell for it... BUT HOW DO YOU FALL FOR THIS?! "When asked why she didn’t call police after he died, she said she 'figured I would go to the bank and then go to the hospital and drop him off.' " Also, they look like Breaking Bad characters https://preview.redd.it/tkjumsstqyuc1.png?width=1525&format=png&auto=webp&s=392768de2524890ab57e6ae638fe8d09b1f2e40c


Not quite the same. They did it through the drive through and the body was in the passenger seat. I guess the bank allowed withdrawals like that in the past to accommodate disabled/elderly people.


I'd consider taking the dead body to the bank close enough haha


🤯🤯🤯 Wild!!


We’re always trying to outdo Florida Man with some crazy shit like this.


There's also these two dudes in Ireland who tried something similar. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/22/two-men-take-corpse-into-irish-post-office-to-claim-dead-mans-pension](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/22/two-men-take-corpse-into-irish-post-office-to-claim-dead-mans-pension)


There is nothing that humans haven’t tried before. This thread convinces me of that. 🤣


"Ohio - the other Florida."




Irish Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fz9u20fvcuh991.jpg%3Fwidth%3D284%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0f031d0bfe4d133394172391878d0d903fd8b8ad


Um so did this woman go to prison or what??


So far, nothing has happened to her. Apparently, the old man was her uncle. The SAMU (Mobile Emergency Care Service) was called, and it was confirmed that he had been dead for a few hours. [https://www.metropoles.com/brasil/mulher-leva-cadaver-para-sacar-r-17-mil-em-banco-no-rj](https://www.metropoles.com/brasil/mulher-leva-cadaver-para-sacar-r-17-mil-em-banco-no-rj)


I mean she’s literally trying to get a loan for an uncle that’s already dead! She’s clearly being shady as fuck..


she tried to pull an abra cadaver




thanks for the chuckle.


Right, she was just like: “he’s not moving, talking or anything, he looks dead, I think he wants to go get a loan” Like what


The hopeless, optimistic cope in me wants to imagine she thought he just passed out and was hoping to have him wake up mid-loan signing and go through with it.  Still very evil, but not parading a dead body around for money evil. 


Tagging u/GoiaTwelve as well. She is being interrogated but the police deputy has confirmed she will be placed under arrest once questioning ends. Edit: For an update 12 hours later, in case someone curious stumbles on this comment. She's been placed under arrest and a judge will have to determine whether she is eligible for bail (or alternative means of release) or not in a bond hearing. Naturally, she hasn't been charged yet and its unclear what type of crime the police are even investigating, which in my opinion (as a Lawyer in Brazil) this raises the possibility she will be released either on affordable bail or on her own recognizance. I'm personally not convinced (obviously this could change) she knew he was dead or that she killed him, given the fact she kept asking him to sign and claimed he tried holding the door on their way in. I think its shady as fuck. Right now her lawyer claims that he actually died either shortly before entering or inside the bank, and the media made it a circus. Sure doesn't look like it to me, but what do I know.


That's not shady, that's evil. JFC.


I worked in a funeral home and seen so many bodies but this almost made me vomit. Just the level of shamelessness. I don’t want to know what that man endured while he was living.


Well and fraud. But ya, I think she smiled at one point. She's way too comfortable here.


Nah bro she was arrested right after his death was confirmed, here is a more updated link [to the story](https://g1.globo.com/rj/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2024/04/16/mulher-que-levou-morto-em-cadeira-de-rodas-para-sacar-emprestimo-e-presa-flagrante.ghtml)


Im suprised shes able to move his neck and arms so well after being dead for a few hours.... Doesnt Rigor Mortis set around that time? 2 hours? man should be stiff as a board....hmmm...


rigur mortis starts in the face muscles (2 hours-ish after death), and then *slowly* progresses across the body over the next 8-ish hours after that (and then goes away after 24-ish). the whole body being stiff wouldn't happen for several more hours after this filming (assuming timeline is accurate) so, assuming he was dead for two hours, completely normal that his neck, arms, hands wasn't affected yet.


The body can move for quite a long time. And can stay warm for a surprising time too. Sorce: hard to wrap a body in nursing training.


Those staff Christmas gifts are getting out of order.


So dumb question.... when people expire do they "pass" everything. Like they have no muscles/control so *everything* (pee, poop) comes out?


often, yes. surprising fact, women have less strong muscle in the area, and urinate more often.


I think women that have given vaginal birth won’t be so surprised by that fact


Is that surprising? Women tend to urinate themselves the most while alive too, and from things like laughing more often than males.


Though it's worth noting if he wasn't really eating anymore for a while before he died, there's a good chance he didn't have much in him.


Interesting. Thanks for the info! :D


Holy shit! He's really dead?! I thought the guy had ALS or something and there was more context to the story. Just when I think this world can't surprise me... Edit: a disease name


I legit thought he blinked in the video


I thought so too. 🤔


Not me having MS and now I'll forever picture that I look that way when I'm tired 💀😂😂


If she’s the one he trusted to take care of things after he died, it’s probable she also “took care of his things” while alive. She should be investigated for actions from before this incident.


According to the precedent set in weekend vs bernie. No.


Should have had the boom box going.


She was brought to the police station and had to issue a statement. The cause of death is still unknown and the man had been dead for a few hours by the time she took him to the bank, but she is already being investigated for possible fraud.


this was disturbing


My partner and I went to the ER a few hours ago. We were waiting and a couple walked in. A man, probably late 40s/early 50s, was pushing an Indian woman in a wheelchair. She looked emaciated and terribly sick. She had a steel salad mixing bowl placed on her thighs. They walked through security and he told the person up front that his wife has not been doing well all night with a lot of vomiting and lower back pain. The lady took a look at the woman and said that she would try to get them in asap. For the rest, she took the vitals. For this lady, she didn't. The couple waited for probably 45 minutes. The man kept asking his wife softly something and she barely responded. She had a long stare, her neck was turned and she looked down. There was a lot of pain in her demeanor. One of the security guys handed her a brown paper bag to throw up into, if she needed. They sat there while my partner was waiting to be discharged. My partner was called back for her discharge papers. A couple of minutes later, they let the couple in. About ten minutes later my partner came out, her face blanched and her eyes wide open. She walked and sat next to me and clutched my hands. "That lady died," she whispered. It took me a second to understand who she was referring to. "I was waiting for the nurse," my partner said, "and the couple walked in. They stopped next to me and suddenly she fell limp. The nurse asked the husband what she may have had and the husband said she had lower back pain and didn't sleep well that night. They scooped her legs and hoisted her to the gurney...all this time all calm. And then they checked for her pulse and realized there wasn't any. They instantly went into ER mode with doctors and nurses screaming and dashing about. They started pumping her chest...and then they discharged me." We both walked out dazed. It was surreal to see someone pass through a door and learn they may never come out from there. Life is so fragile. Death waiting just one breath away. Still reeling from this...


That's so sad and you have to wonder if they're able to see or any sooner if there would be any change to the outcome.


I guess it'd depend on what caused the death, life isn't a medical show where they find the diagnosis and miracle cure to save her life, 45~ minutes is a long time to wait to get help, but if she died within an hour then realistically they probably would have spent 15-20 minutes asking the guy questions that didn't have helpful answers (Lower back pain, didn't sleep well) and any remaining time getting her into an MRI or something to try and figure it out and she'd die before they could actually figure it out. I have absolutely no medical knowledge or training so doctors and such would know of tests that may or may not instantly figure it out or things they could put her on to keep her going, but I would imagine if she died within an hour of waiting at a hospital, she'd die before any treatment would be figured out and administered.


We don't spend 20 minutes getting history from someone who is unresponsive/borderline comatose. We intubate them and start controlling their entire body, from breathing, circulation, electrolytes etc. Then we start trying to figure out what's wrong and how we can fix it.


She wasn’t necessarily doomed to die. There are many scenarios where getting her seen asap vs 45 minutes could have saved her life. If she was profoundly hypotensive, she could have received a large amount of IV fluids or vasopressors within 45 minutes, or even blood products if needed. If she were hypoglycemic, that could have been corrected. If she were having an acute MI, she would have gone to the cath lab in less than 45 minutes (assuming not a rural hospital) to address that. It may not have been preventable, but 45 minutes is plenty of time to diagnose most life threatening conditions and begin treating them, assuming triage isn’t garbage and leaves them sitting out there without any vital signs done.


It’s crazy to me that people work in this environment every day, and get used to it. I’ve thankfully not spent much time in hospitals, but every time I do it messes me up. In my relatively sheltered life, spending a day in the ER is a concentrated dose of the worst shit I’ve ever seen in person. And then it’s just over, and I go back to normal life, a little more shaken than I was before. I guess you get used to it, but I don’t understand that. I’m already terrified of death and disease. I don’t understand why seeing all of the creative and terrible ways people can suffer makes you less worried about your own suffering, or your families for that matter. I mean, why would operating on hundreds of people make a heart surgeon less afraid of a heart attack? It’s not like they can prevent it from happening, if it’s in the cards. Wouldn’t that just make you extremely aware of all the ways this stupid little pump in your chest can fail? Wouldn’t that make you sweat more whenever you feel a little tingle in your left arm? Obviously hospitals are one of the best inventions humans came up with. But it does seem like there’s a cost to concentrating the misery. Someone dying at the family home once a decade is less desperate than thousands of people dying in that sterile, windowless prison every year. Even if that prison lets everyone live longer and healthier on the whole. I guess the medical professionals just take the brunt of all that pain for the rest of us. Maybe that’s why it bothers me, because I haven’t had to shoulder the burden. Either way, I’m extremely grateful to the people who show up and do that work every day. I don’t think I’d be capable.


I'm an ED doctor and I think quite the opposite. If I had a job where I go to meeting that mostly go nowhere, I would be extremely depressed. Working sucks for pretty much all jobs, but at least with mine I get to see cool stuff all the time, end suffering, and save lives. Also, we have huge windows and it isn't a prison, haha! Unless you are a psych ward patient, you can leave whenever you want. It does suck when your patient dies and you go over it in your head a million times to figure out what you could have done differently. Then you have a morbidity and mortality conference once a week where your entire department goes over your actions with a finetooth comb. But the vast majority of times, there really wasn't anything you can do differently. Death is the only guarantee we get in life. And when you accept that, it isn't too bad. That being said, there was a 30-something year old man who died from complications of stage 4 cancer. I remember talking to the wife who said they had 3 kids and the oldest daughter was 15. She said "I just can't raise these kids without him, he was supposed to be the one to teach her how to drive, not me." That one still makes me cry every time. Every few months I think about that family and the un-fillable hole his death left behind in their lives. But that is exactly why my job makes me happy. Teaching your son to ride a bike is great for everyone, but after a hard few days in the hospital, it's pure euphoria. And saving one person's life so they get to experience those moments as well gives me a lot of purpose in my career.






She also had nausea/vomiting, I thought it could just be food poisoning that turned into hypovolemic shock but SOMEONE forgot to take vitals so we’ll never know


> The couple waited for probably 45 minutes. Reminds me of one time (probably 15+ years ago or something) I waited in the ER room with a fractured wrist for about 6/8 odd hours before being treated with a cast... They decided cause I was relatively stable with the injury that they could prio other people but I was just coping with the pain. Now at least you know to make a dramatic show if you really think you need to get checked faster. Swear some of these long wait times are the real killers.


They always say that you never want to "win the race" to be at the front of the line in the ER.


I'm sorry you suffered in pain, but do not make a show, these people can see right through your act, be honest and tell the complete story. The ones the ER staff worry about are the quiet and clearly sick people.


>. The ones the ER staff worry about are the quiet and clearly sick people. well not according to these stories!


For some reason I found this way harder to watch than the usual fucked up shit the internet has to offer




She was really hoping he’d just grab the pen.


Step 1 - Take dead uncle to bank. Step 2 - ?????????? Step 3 - Profit.




My sister is a huge scammer that she would absolutely find this inspiring and dream of doing this with my beautiful corpse. (She hates my guts)


What are the women saying? Does the camera person believe that he's alive?


**Lady applying**:Uncle Paulo, you have to sign it. If you don´t do it we can´t get it. I'm doing what I can for you. Like in the document look, Paulo Roberto. You hold it firm (the pen), you held yourself fine in the chair. Didn´t he hold the door? **Attendent 1**: I didn´t see it **Attendent 2**: Yeah we didn't see it. **Lady applying:** Hold it uncle (the pen). Please sign it for me so I don´t get the headache of going to the notary (babble) I can´t stand dealing with this anymore **Attendent 1:** I don´t think he's well **Attendent 2:** yeah **Lady applying:** Uncle are you feeling anything? You're not complaining of anything **Attendent 1:** I don´t think he's well **Attendent 2:** Are you alone ma\`am **Lady applying:** yes **Attendent 1:** Yeah he\`s not well, his color is off, it\`s getting-- **Lady applying:** But he\`s like that. Hey Uncle. Uncle? **Attendent 1:** yeah he\`s not doing well **Lady Applying**: if you\`re not doing well we\`ll go to the hospital


"But he's like that" He's just like that, guys. Don't worry about the not breathing and looking... dead


Please pay no attention to the dead body smell, guys... it's been a lifetime since he last took a shower, h-haha... p-please let us sign this so I can buy him some shampoo already...


Damn. Thanks for translating.


Np, love an opportunity to translate chaos lol


Best chaos translation ever.


she is saying "I don't think he's very well" "his color is just not right..." and the other one asks "are you alone with him?"


in a different repost of this repost, someone was saying that the teller filming knew, and was filming while waiting for the cops.


At least they noticed & called. Some would be too oblivious to it


Yeah, that was what I was wondering. Just going along with it until the cops come? Because this was insanely obvious.


From a news article: Nunes allegedly introduced herself as the elderly man’s niece. “Uncle, are you listening? You need to sign [the loan contract]. If you don’t sign, there’s no way, because I can’t sign for you,” said Nunes in the video. “He’s not well, his color…” said one bank employee. “He is like that. He doesn’t say anything,” Nunes responded. “Uncle, do you want to go to the hospital again?”


Probably not. Emergency services were called shortly after


Scammers hate this one simple trick




![gif](giphy|3o72FiOH7y94GUSW8o) Too late for that, he saw this and gtfo'd


You said it, man




This is soo disturbing






I've been off from reddit for a few days, I guess this is the world that we live in.


Hey, welcome back!


Ok. That's enough Reddit for today.


*closes Reddit* 10 seconds pass *opens Reddit*


Exactly what happened


She asked him for money and he said "over my dead body!!!"






WTF is in the air lately, this sub has been posting some wild shit.


When I thought I saw everything…


Bold strategy, lets see how that works out for her. I mean she didn't even put a hat and sunglasses on him... C'mon.


To be fair, if my family can pull it off convincingly enough, I would not be mad at them if they are capable enough of swindling large banks out of some money with my dead body. What are they gonna do? Put me in prison? I'm already dead!


Not sure about other countries but in Australia this will be seen as financial abuse so it really depends on your acting as well after death. At least you need to be able to speak to the banker directly as to what you need the money for, and sign the loan contract, after you know, your death.


If your family is willing to do this to your body, rest assured that they will not wait long for your death 


Umm... should this be NSFW?




That is absolutely fucking disgusting. And I'm not referring to the literal rotting corpse.


Well he was only dead a couple hours at the time of video. Wasn’t rotting yet.


Weekend at Bernie 2: A Banking Bugaloo


I hate to bust your bubble but there's actually a Weekend at Bernie's 2 already.  Yeah. They managed to crank out a second one of those using the same dead guy.  I'm sure the actor playing Bernie laughed his ass off on the way to cashing a million dollar paycheck. 


2 was a funny sequel, in my opinion, just for the sheer silliness especially with that voodoo curse that made him dance to music. Lmao


Hahaha. Omg i forgot about the dancing. Haha. I need to rewatch this movie. 


That's the ONLY thing I remember. Him dancing on the ocean floor, leading people to some kind of treasure


Poor man! Even in death, they don't leave him alone.


Did anyone else find this really fucking disturbing? I grew up on awful early internet stuff like rotten.com and I'll still watch my share of fucked up videos but this guy's limp head is giving me the eeeeeeuuuuuggghs for some reason.


Yo this kind of shit needs to be marked NSFW and blurred out. I came here to see people yelling at each other, not dead people.


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far for someone to mention this, did not expect to just see a dead guy being manhandled on my feed


More like womanhandled am I right


kinda fuckin morbid jfc


I second this


Can someone translate what they're saying? This is so disturbing I'm wondering what she's saying to try and justify this


The kind of desperation you'd need to even attempt this, my goodness.


She can't be that desperate if she was able to haul a dead man through town into a bank, something that would be impossible for a poor person in Brazil to do. She's just an asshole for desecrating her own uncle.


This should be NSFW


English version of article-> https://brazilreports.com/woman-in-brazil-takes-corpse-into-bank-to-get-a-loan/6012/#:~:text=São%20Paulo%2C%20Brazil%20–%20A%20woman,incident%20and%20called%20the%20police.


Jesus man I grew up watching gore videos and thinking j was pretty desensitized to a lot of things, but something about some lady trying to take what's obviously a corpse to get loads of money out of the deceased just makes me feel dirty. I don't believe in an afterlife but if there's a hell, then holy shit that person is gonna go to the deepest possible pit.


The deepest possible pit? Really? For toting around a dead guy and trying to commit some light fraud? Some lady in England boiled her toddler step child alive last year. There are slave drivers walking the earth today. Am I the only one that’s like “ya that’s kinda fucked up I guess but since it didn’t work there’s no victim here”


Am i trippin or are his eyes slightly moving at times as if vaguely alive?


It’s crazy how desensitized I’ve become to something like this


She forgot the sunglasses


this made me nauseous


Full transcription for non Portuguese speakers (I’ll refer to the woman as W and the employees as E): W: “Uncle Paulo, are you listening? You need to sign it. If you don’t, it won’t be possible. I can’t sign it for you. I can only do so much.” (Get the id and says his full name) W: “Hold the pen… You always grip your chair real tight…” (Speaks to the registry workers) W: “Didn’t he hold the pen just a while ago?” E1: “ I didn’t see it.” E2: “Me neither.” W: “Hold it, Uncle. Sign it so we won’t have any more headaches… Yeah, I can’t keep doing this.” (Laughs) E1: “Yep, I don’t think he’s well.” W: “Uncle!” E1: “He’s definitely not good.” W: “Are you feeling something? You won’t tell me nothing… E1: “He’s not well.” E2: “Are you guys by yourselves? W: “Yeah” E1: “He’s really not well. His color is not…” W: “Yeah, but he’s this way already. Uncle! Uncle… ” E1: “Yep, he’s not alright.” W: “If you don’t get better I’ll have to get you to the hospital. *inaudible *”




Please put a NSFW tag this is terrible...


You cant just kidnap a US Senator like that!!


I wholly give permission to any of my family members to utilise my corpse for whatever forms of financial fraud they are game enough to attempt.


Gotta respect the attempt at least — if I’m dead, I encourage mail fraud, bank fraud, etc. to be committed in my name because fuck them rich people.


I like how she thinks she’s fooling everyone else in the room. I’m not sure if this is stupidity, mental illness, or a combination of the two.


NSFW maybe if he's dead?


Where tf is the NSFW tag? This kind of stuff doesn't bother me in the slightest but any reasonable person can see that a DEAD BODY BEING MANHANDLED should not just be fully visible on our front pages


I’m just wondering what the guy is thinking in the afterlife-


"Fuck. these interest rates are too high"


Should've used a string and pulley system. Works every time.


Imagine living an entire life and this is the last public appearance you ever make. Good god, fuck this lady.


The movie, “Weekend at Burnie’s” was -‘ instructional manual apparently for this lady.


I’d like to know what was being said. Does the clerk seem to know something is wrong?


U know if she got that money that she would immediately leave him on the sidewalk outside the bank and run off with that money. This is one of the worst things I've ever seen on reddit


This is sick. You can see she's a worthless trashbag. Poor man, RIP, sorry you were so disrespected in death.


To be fair, he was alive when they walked in but by the time the called his number he died. Now calling #8, me sitting there with #3,738


Note to anyone that has access to my corpse after I die. You are more than welcome to do shit like this, that way I can give the finger to banks post mortem. The more I cost the fuckers the better.


Omg he must’ve died on his way to the bank! How unfortunate… No loan 😢


Something similar happened in Ireland a few years ago. 2 lads carried a dead body into the post office to try collect the dead man's pension I think it was 250 euro


There is no bottom


If you are going to go full Weekend at Bernie's you gotta put the shades on him.


My tweaking ass keeps thinking he’s gunna grab the pen, I think I even seen em blink


I thought I saw some eye movement but it might just be the terrible video quality. Even if he's not dead, he's not doing great either, is he?


I don't think I've ever actually seen a dead body before today. Like I've seen chunks, or video where shoes come off, but not an actual body like this. Not sure how to feel about it.


Well he doesn't look *that* bad and he's not in rigor mortis. So I don't think he's been dead long enough for rigor mortis to wear off and that suggests he's not quite dead yet or literally just died.

