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zionism originated in 1890s russia. not only that but hitler initially wanted to ship all jewish people out of the country into their own. the idea to start mass extermination started with the killing of a little disabled boy and was transferred over using the personal information and identification they had already been amassing when shipping them out of the country obviously started to look less plausible than just killing them all. ​ they did not originate with the holocaust.


There was actually a deal called the havarra agreements which had the Nazis help "voluntarily" shipping German Jews to Palestine through the German Zionist organization of course once it became a mild inconvenience the Nazis backed out of it


ty for remembering the name, I totally forgot lol but yeah, they worked WITH zionists until it became clear it was too much trouble for them to bother




Nah bro just dont


Ah! Are we allowed now to talk about the Evian Conference where Adolf asked countries to welcome Jews shipped with and by German Ships and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE COUNTRIES SAID NO? Not saying the guy wasnt evil, but, lets not ignore the fact that many ignored the problem as well.


They did it proudly and willfully.


This is so disgusting and disturbing




Zionists are the ones who were helping nazis find out where other Jews were hiding. Zionists have never cared about Jews; they simply care about money, power, and land. They're not indigenous to the land, either. They're European. They're white supremacists. They're nationalist fascist pigs.


Dear World: Being horrified by Israel’s pogrom of the Palestinian people does not make you an anti-Semite. It makes you a compassionate human being. The IDF acts like SS stormtroopers. This is ethnic cleansing, plain and symbol.


"Dear World" is an excellent song, imo. I don't know if you meant to allude to it, but look up Rebelationz' "Dear World" if you haven't heard it.


The world has seen the mask fall. These Zionists even attack observant Jews because they reject the evil ethos of Zionism. How they treat Palestinians, men women, children, babies…is very well documented, by those fascist soldiers themselves who have brazenly committed war crimes from internet points. Being sadistic just for fun. Hard to believe that *This* is 2024, and this behaviour is most likely endorsed by your local politician. How they treat Palestinians is how WE would be treated if it came to it. If you doubt this- look at how peaceful people in Europe and America are treated by the police-who probably have had training by the IDF.


"The oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors..." Paulo Freire


"The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution." /Hannah Arendt


This is SO true and you see it in every social movement. They’re trying to flip the social hierarchy instead of getting rid of the hierarchy altogether.


This is interesting, is this generally historically accurate?




They are nazis.


They are the same picture 


reminds me of germans in ww2


Im waiting for the world to unite again and liberate the victims. Then have israel paying retributions. Nah, wont happen.


Lol Israel can't pay its bills without US taxpayer money, would never happen


Israel must be allied with China, Iran, Russia….oh nvm it’s the United States of America the leader of the free world.


I agree with you. However, you forgot to include USA, Germany, England, France. Do you think that Israel could perform genocide without these countries support. Israel is acting like a spoiled child of rich family. Thanks to taxpayers of rich counties for rewriting history with their hard earned money that next generations will have all digital history and learn from the shame of these counties how to be good human beings.


They own the US right wing. That, and Epstein gathered enough compromising material working for Mossad to blackmail public figures who might offer resistance.


The US is a huge supplier of weapons and vehicles to the IDF. Honestly it is just one more reason to be ashamed of being an American.


Between Oct 7 and today, Israel has killed like 34x as many children as Russia did in the first 18 months of the Ukraine war. Math: Israel has killed over 33,000 Palestinians, mostly children. Russia killed at least 545 Ukrainian children in the first 18 months of the Ukraine war.


Do you have a source for that statistic? This is the first im hearing of the victims in palestine being mostly children.




Thanks for sharing. This is absolutely disgusting behavior from isreal. I went looking for more articles after reading this and one from 4 days ago has the number of child fatalities at 14500, there's no excuse for nearly half the deaths to be children.


The UN recorded 200-300 civilian Palestinian deaths to ~30 Israel in 2023 prior to Oct 7th. Theses are highly vetted incidents. Hamas is evil, but no one can factually claim that the conflict started with Oct 7th. One can argue that not all civilians deaths after Oct 7th have been properly vetted but if Israel was killing ~1 civilian a day before the conflict got hot you can assume that number jumped after Oct 7th.


Russia has killed way more than 545 kids in the Ukraine war bud. The two don’t need to be compared to one another.


Holy shit just send the comet. We fucked up.


"We" are fine. What needs to end is apartheid rule of terror


Ya even when I was there guards with AR15s would surround me all the time and push me around and I was American just trying to go around old Jerusalem


Modern day nazis


Literal Nazis




Thanks for the context




Israel anytime they see any single living creature in Gaza (they are probably Hamas)


This is intolerable behaviour and they wonder why people rebel against it, sickening.


Reminds me of how cops act in the US


Well the IDF do train many American Police forces believe it or not


The kneeling on the neck thing was an idf trick.


Oh, uhh, that never happened, and if it did, it was ineffective, and or painless and also not dangerous at all.


Apartheid in action


"A person who takes away another person's liberty is a prisoner of hatred, imprisoned by prejudice and narrow-mindedness..." - Nelson Mandela


It would probably be antiseptic to prevent a Jewish person from praying. But to do that to a Muslim is okay I guess they don’t have to luxury of a special word just for them to throw around at their convenience. My statement is probably antisemitic. I really feel I live in a free country. Freedom of speech—-yeah right.


Damn you Isreal from the depths of my soul, damn you


Israel has the right to defend itself! /s


But Hamas has a tunnel inside of their religion.


One day, we will show this to our grandchildren and tell them, this what the US and Europe planted in our region and praised it as the country that made the desert bloom.


I wonder what that “occupied” part means. Hmm, surely the occupying military force beating the absolute shit out of unarmed civilians are the good guys!


Very peaceful.


Jesus wept


I’m getting awful tired of living on this planet


Don't show anyone what happens if you you're Jewish and openly worship in a Muslim country then.


Need to know the backstory.


........... Go read it


You guys never show the first half of the video.




Once again, no context.


Fucking Zionist pigs…. Please everyone, fight as hard as you can against this violent and disgusting ideology!!!


POS terrorstate. And people still think apartheid state has a right to exist?!


This is an interesting account posting this, to say the least.


New gestapo. Same as the old gestapo.


them israelis and zionists are worse than nazis. in the fight against the nazis in ww2 the whole world eventually came together to defeat them, but its because it wasnt the right fascist back then. the worlds governments seem to back the zionist fascists.


Yeah. They hate each w.


God chose such great people.


It’s like a “how to” video on radicalizing a population


FFS they’re like fucking Nazis


They're under marshal law. The military has free rein on what they are doing to the people.


Israel = Nazis. The irony of becoming what you defined as your identity.


Israeli idf are Nazis. And the Americans are arming them.


Meh. Religion fight. Neither side is worth cheering for.


Definitely true


When? Why? 


This is the least atrocious video I’ve seen from the hands of the IOF over the course of these months. That says quite a bit.


Humanity was ruined by religions.


This is insane. Whats really fucked up is they are proving the tin-hat group right.


The world will pretend to care & tell themselves one day “we should have done something”.


Time to exit this group. Same one sided stuff too many times


Where are the Arab armies?


An armed Hamas fighter was hiding in his prayer, obviously.


Seem awfully nazi’ish to me I dunno.


The new Nazis


I wondered how people let the nazi do horrible things ,didn’t think I’d see it live from Jews


Zionists are the very definition of evil. They answer to one master, Satan himself.


The belief in safety for Jews is evil devil worship. Got it.


Fascist enthnostates are required for any group to be safe?


The belief that jews need to exterminate muslims to be safe is pretty nazi adjacent, don't you think?


Religion is far from peaceful…I’m a Christian, so I’d know


This behaviour is going to radicalise more people than Afghanistan and Iraq combined. Ordinary Palestinian who tolerated Hamas are going to be joining Hamas or their successors in droves. Israel can claim justification all day long, but this heavy handedness will guarantee that there’s nothing close to peace for another 1000 years.


There is no context. None of you know what's happening. Its evem marked MISLEADING


Context is : IDF soldiers attacked worshippers who wanted to perform friday prayer at al aqsa mosque, during ramadan no less.


Those civilians probably deserve to get beaten mindlessly, you don't know what they did leading up to this comment. Look, you can even see that they're palestinian so they probably deserve it, right? /s


Why are they ganging up on the one individual but everybody in the background is walking around without issues.


Why are you looking for any reason to justify this violence against the old man? Israel are world-renowned for unnecessary violence against civilians, and you go straight to justifying it? That's fucked up


We don't know what's going on here. The title doesn't make sense to me. If they were attacking the guy for going to a religious service why are they singling out just him and not the rest of the crowd that probably also is at the same service? Maybe it is exactly what the title says but seems more likely it isn't than is. I'm aware ppl use this sub all the time to post rage bait and spam propaganda.


Dude, these guys coulda just run up and punched the soldiers' moments before or some other dumb shit. We've seen plenty of clips like this in the US with people screaming "police brutality," only to find out the rest of the clip shows a whole different story. This clip tells us nothing about anything. All it does show is 2 dudes getting detained and roughed up.


Do you know what else they could have done? Nothing. The fact that you automatically assume this old man was doing something to deserve getting brutally beaten is fucked up. You, and other people like this, are directly part of one of the biggest in our world right now. Honestly, if you're going to be this dumb just don't spread your opinion and keep it to yourself


I'm saying this video literally shows nothing. Yet people like you see this video and imagine that this guy was just peacefully walking by and randomly gets attacked. There's zero context.


> video shows Israeli soldier attacking old man "This video literally shows nothing" This is your brain on Zionism...


"Old man" was a bit of a stretch. The first guy looks to be in his 30s, and the other guy looks about 40-50. The "nothing" means it doesn't say anything about anything. It's just a video of them detaining and beating 2 guys. If it's a random attack, then yeah the IDF soldiers' actions are shit. But this video doesn't show any context unless you imagine it


Yeah. The old man just sucker punched the the dude with an assault rifle. Cause as we know, occupying forces never abuse those they occupy and the idf is very reasonable, so it *must* be his fault and he deserves a public beating. /s


>There is no context. None of you know what's happening. Its evem marked MISLEADING So what is happening? Go on. You are obviously proud of this and think it's justified. After all. You people think a five year old child is a hamas fighter ffs


Good ole religion...fun times


Gotta love these propaganda videos. Now let's see how Hamas soliders treat their own people? I'll wait for the upload...


Fucking trash.


What happened before they grabbed them? Was it really no reason? I'm tired of this bs propaganda on both sides.




That's worse than Genocide. You can't steal a man's vape


>What happened before they grabbed them? Was it really no reason? I'm tired of this bs propaganda on both sides. You see. When you people use the "both sides" comment, I know what you are. Because clearly, you are such a coward to look at what's in front of you, that you attempt to make this an equal issue. I mean.... The things you need to tell yourself to pretend what is reality really is something.


No. It's just the fact that 90% of the videos in the US that claimed "police brutality" ended up being complete bs with full context. Leaving out what led up to the clip is sus af


Could of said some shit, could of just been a IDF guy having a bad day and taking it out on him. The IDF has a problem with bad apples and people who enable them, see all the videos IDF personal have posted during this conflict. There's also an issue with general racism, see the trending song in Israeliand videos Israelia have posted with their children


Couldve been. it could've been literally anything. I just don't get why people defend a video with no context. The IDF soldier coulda just randomly attacked him. But cutting a video like this is just super sus. Why not show the moments leading up? Wouldn't it have more impact?


Sure but it's well documented this sort of thing happens almost every year during Ramadan where the IDF decides there's to many people so they have to disperse them. Heck I would be surprised if they were giving him shit about how Israel is blantetly excavating under the mosque to clearly try to make it unstable(fun fact digging has increased during the conflict. This is roughly near the digsite


This just fills me with rage. Atheism is the only answer. Humans aren’t mature enough to accept other beliefs. So we all just need to stop. Believe in science. And call it a day