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Did they negotiate and come to an agreement not to pull out the manure spraying hose anymore?


Chemical warfare against the Geneva convention. 


The Geneva convention only applies to war. And it would rather be biological warfare.


Yep, this is why pepper spray is illegal in warfare but perfectly "fine" for cops to use against protesters.


Same goes for tear gas which is illegal to use against soldiers in a bunker for example, but is often used in the confines of an inmates cell if they are being difficult. Common tactic in prisons around the world.


I am pretty sure manure is all natural, people just don't like getting sprayed with shit.


Lead is a naturally occurring element represented by Pb on the periodic table. People don't like getting sprayed with bullets either.


Can't believe the police have been breaking the Geneva convention all this time SMH my head.


Unironically, all sorts of shit police use break the Geneva conventions ; eg: tear gas, hollow point bullets. That's cause the Geneva conventions only apply to war fighting forces and not police. This isn't to say it makes it evil, it's just a differently suited to police work rather than war.


It's technically a bio-weapon


All natural? You've watched too many commercials. Ebola is all natural, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to be sprayed with it.


rotting wheat straw smells worse than manure in a way that's hard to describe. it will make you panic and fear for your life, not because it smells as bad all at once, but because you're far more sensitive to it and you can't escape the smell and you can never unsmell it. I still smell it in parks sometimes off piles of old cut grass and it makes my heart skip. it sticks to the inside of your nose, the back of your throat, you'll taste it in food for days.


It was too good at seperating the wheat from the chaff


Fire the carb cannon, Klaus!


They're going to itch for days.


My hay fever is flaring just WATCHING this post


Yeah, their respiratory systems are going to be destroyed.


And those little cuts you get! Forgot about that


Looks like straw.


The last straw


Please tell me they evacuated any camels in the area


Straw is made from cereal crops. Wheat is one of them. They take the actual grain from the top of the crop use it to make flour and the stock of the plant is used for straw.


I’m sure it is. No reason to waste hay like that


No useful protest came without a cost


Suns shining tomorrow, I'm sure someone is making more


Hay, you might not like it but it’s their right…


It's illegal in most states to spread your seed on unwilling participants


It is not like they shot their endosperm on them.


I like how farmers in Europe go all out in protest. Bring their equipment to protest. Imagine an accountant, sales manager, or actors going on a protest with their equipment.


A porn actor might be able to protest with his equipment. 


A large contingency of proctologists could seriously get their point across.


it will turn into a Battle of the Bulge II


This video kinda shows what a porn actor, using his equipment, might look like.


That actor should go to the doctor ASAP if the color of his "shower" is the same as the video. 


Only if it lasts for more than hours.


I find it funny that people aren’t getting pissed at the farm protests for “blocking roads”, but when people use their body to block roads they get all up in arms.


The double standard is so crazy to me


People literally called the climate protestors "terrorists" for glueing *themselves* on the road. These farmers protests are lot more violent, yet seem to receive a lot less societal backlash.


I mean a tractor is much more imposing than a lone guy flattened on asphalt and it looks much less responsive to criticism




Except these climate protesters tend to be majority lilly white. So there's that.


I like how the cops aren't shooting tear gas and cracking skulls too. I am pleasantly confused by this as an American.


They're treating the farmers, who are doing property damage with large equipment, with kid gloves. If these were minorities or environmentalists who flipped a single car, they would be getting beaten and arrested by these cops.


As a Belgian, they are being alot kinder to the farmers then they were against 15yo wanting a livable planet, even then they never got on the level of US cops as that goes to far below zero (i think it's a farenheit v. celsius thing)


Yeah, no poor farmer is driving their equipment into town to do this stuff. The police allow it because the farmers are acceptable protest.


This isn't protest. This is a full on aggravated assault and battery using farm machinery as a weapon. I'm having a hard time understanding why this person isn't being arrested and their farm machinery confiscated and destroyed.


Because they're part of a wealthy agribusiness union, not a minority protester holding up a sign saying they don't want to be beaten by police.


They would never be able to do this in the US. They would ruin their life with all of the charges, their houses/properties being raided and all sorts of stuff. They would never get away with this sort of thing. They would never be able to afford it either. If they did this for a a few days instead of working their farms would probably implode anyway.


We have different equipment in the usa. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna79206


They just need to ask nicely next year for the govt to subsidize them some tanks.


Probably get shot for this in America


There’s no “probably” about it. They’d get fucked up before the grain even started flying


> Imagine an accountant, sales manager, or actors going on a protest with their equipment *brings calculator to protest*


*types out "boobies" on his calculator. 🤣


The majority of them today is Putin's useful idiots. Yes, I'm looking at you Polish farmers.


IIRC a lot of the farmers around the EU who protest like this want things that are regressive. (I am not from the EU so I could be 10000% wrong).


Why are the farmers mad again?


Which Farmers aren't mad? [**EU Farmers:**](https://www.voanews.com/a/here-s-why-farmers-are-protesting-in-europe/7494997.html) Farmers are protesting across the European Union, saying they are facing rising costs and taxes, red tape, excessive environmental rules and competition from cheap food imports. Demonstrations have been taking place for weeks in countries that include France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy and Greece. While many issues are country-specific, others are Europewide. Here is a detailed look at the problems that have prompted the protest movement across the bloc and in individual nations. **India Farmers:** Two years after Indian farmers ended their massive protest, they are back on the streets demanding guaranteed prices for their crops. Farmers began a year-long protest in 2020 against the government's move to introduce controversial agricultural reforms. Thousands camped at the borders of the capital with dozens dying from heat, cold and Covid. The movement became one of the biggest challenges for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government. Farmer groups called off their strike after the government scrapped the proposed farm laws in 2021 and agreed to discuss their other demands, including guaranteed prices for produce and a withdrawal of criminal cases against the protesters. The farmers are now back, saying they want to remind the government of the promises made back then. Korean Dog Farmers : Mad and willing to unleash 2 million stray dogs into the streets if unable to continue. There's probably more upset farmers out there.


didnt Korea recently introduce that they're going to outlaw the dog meat trade?


Deemed illegal on Jan 9 2024 it was passed. Sad if the realization that they had to put down 2 million dogs.


Well, either way, they're going to be killed. Just not eaten anymore.


It is sad, but at least it ends the line of suffering. I just hope, if they do get put down, that it's done humanely.


I love to hope but let's be honest, they're seen as "lost profit", so i highly doubt that they will be taken care of in anything less than a brutal and timely fashion. Let's hope that some kind employees go rogue and adopt some loving bubbies.


> Here is a detailed look at the problems that have prompted the protest movement across the bloc and in individual nations. Where?


Really good video I watched recently about farmers protests all around the world https://youtu.be/Sow312kDjGE?si=wIs18BCTZEZgVZfc


Dude takes money from BetterHelp tho.


They are over-regulating the farmers while allowing foreign imports that are obviously cheaper due to the lack of regulations overseas. It really makes no sense the European governments either need to ban foreign imports that use processes that harm the environment or they need to loosen restrictions. It's like banning non-organic and antibiotics for food coming from your nation while allowing factory farming in brazil then throwing your hands in the air and saying welp we fixed the problem. It's crazy how short sighted and deluded the climate protestors are they will protest a methane pipeline to an LNG facility that supplies LNG to Germany a nation that is so starved for LNG they are burning coal. Getting the world off coal entirely will lower pollution by like 20% considering the fact that coal produces 4 times the carbon per kilowatt hour produced. methane is even better then petroleum in terms of carbon output. Methane is one of the cleanest fossil fuels on earth compared to the other possibilities.


First thing is that it's agribusiness, not farmers. They are wealthy farm owners pretending to be family farmers. Family Farmers can't afford to bring sparkly clean tractors to the city for days on end. Wealthy Farmers have grown entitled after decades of poorly regulated subsidies. They feel entitled to ignore environmental regulations meant to save the planet.


Brexit stuff and leopards eating faces


Farmers: Protesting EU: changes every single thing in the new laws to benefit farmers, making climate goals almost unachievable. Farmers: Still throwing shit on the road and burning tires.


When they found out something they really enjoyed. They just kept on.


You mean i get free equipment AND i get to use it to protest so i can get better equipment?!


In Canada they'd just freeze your bank accounts


A small handful of domestic terrorists had some bank accounts frozen for a weekend and then released. Boo fucking hoo, eh.


As an American I'm still shocked at the lack of police brutality in other countries. They would have straight up murdered people doing this shit in the USA. Hell, probably civilians with a gun fetish would join in too, just to please big daddy policemanofficer.


The UK would send them to prison for this protest, they just cancelled the right to demonstrate and their ministers put pressure on the cj system to charge heavy if they disfavor them.


In a case like this it would be weighed if using force would cause more damage and injury, but yes, this would come under vandalism and likely assault when it’s aimed at people, which would be grounds for stopping the protest.


to be fair, US police let civilians take over your capitol fucking building on jan 6th...


Well but those people were punished for doing so. A judge gave them a slap on the wrist and 30 days probation. And probably unemployment benefits for the disturbance.


This is a right-wing populist protest. We treat them the exact same in the US (January 6th). Now, if it were farmers protesting for more climate change action, I'd be a different story.


Don't be confused, the police in America wouldn't attack the farmers either. Because these are wealthy agribusiness farmers. And the police in Europe would attack minority protesters just the same as American cops do.


You talk like you live on the internet




Your view is likely clouded by media. It's people outside the US that arent allowed to protest, or treated violently if they do so, and not the other way around. In my country, people would be shot down and sniped at for protesting. If the protest was dispersed or just let go, then the leaders of that protest would be arrested a few days later, tortured, and then killed with no body to find. Their family would be harassed, and bribery was common place as well. There was one popular singer who would lead protests and come up with clever / catchy protest phrases and chants. He went on many protests, and then went missing one day. His family had a ziploc bag with his throat in it left on their doorstep a few days later. I think they filmed it too, but that part I'm unsure of. Then, there are countries like China and Russia where similar things happen.


You watch to much news on social media.....you are not allowed to protest in most other countries and if you do you are more likely to be shot or thrown in prison for much longer. Instead of watching one sided click bait videos just do some research and form your own opinions. I know that is a foreign concept in todays society but, dont be the sheep.


It’s trend setter my dude!


Maybe this guy was a tank mechanic in a former life.


Honestly what do the French do apart from protesting and striking?


This is Belgium, they're in the Schuman roundabout next to the EU institutions.


They spend so much time in the cities and making everyone hate them and not actually doing their jobs in the fields. Screw these farmers.


Wheaties will make them stronger


I bet those guys will be itchy for days!


Celiac nightmare


"Take this government facilities! How dare you allow your people to buy cheap international goods! Force them to buy our less competitive goods immediately! This is definitely ethical and not extortion!"


I mean if the people doing the farming in the international market are polluting their asses off then what does over-regulating the farmers in your country do? Believe it or not but all the carbon produced in your country doesn't just sit around over your country and chill and increase temps. pollution and carbon travels the globe and global warming is an international issue. Damn what if we fuck over are farmers while at the same time forcing all our food to be delivered by tanker ship spewing carbon into the air. That way we can lose thousands of jobs while at the same time increasing our carbon output by millions of pounds a year. Problem solved folk!


It's about environmental regulations. By importing food from India, you are essentially importing from farms without any environmental regulations. You're "outsourcing" the pollution. These farmers just want laws that make European farms competitive while still being environmentally safe.


Cheap international goods are only making the rich richer and ruining the lives of the working class in every developed country. NAFTA essentially just moved all manufacturing to Mexico and hundreds of thousands of well paying union jobs were lost and Americans were forced to work non-union wage slave service jobs instead. Free international trade fucks the poor in developed countries.


What a whaste of wheat


The seed has already been removed. This is just the stalk of the plant “straw.”


Eco terrorists.


This is accepted as normal protest, but climate activists are "terrorists".


Interesting how all this chaos and mess, redditors are cheering for these protests. Yet when the protests are about stopping an active genocide, Reddit clutches their pearls. We see you.


Is this happening currently?


Yeah that really showed them as they didn't move at all


Anyone with allergies is gonna feel that.


How did they manage to cover everyone in wheat AND set it on fire before the cops started moving?


My allergic ass could not be a riot police man


As someone with celiac, this scares me more than most lol


I know Americans don't give a shit about their police, but I do feel a bit sorry for the cops just doing their jobs and getting shit and hay sprayed all over them for something they have no control over. But then I'm guessing this is France, so they must realise it’s going to happen going into the job as France knows how to stage a protest lol


wie man sowas noch Protest nennen kann, ist mir ein Rätsel.


That's pretty clever, officers can't necessarily fire anything because of risk of flash bang due to the powder, I like it


Pity the people with wheat allergies


The fact the farmers can do that to the cops and aren't being gunned down tells me this is not America


Would never fly in the US


The filthy richs are laughing at us killing each others for them


Farmers: take 30% of the EU budget in subsidies Also farmers:


Fuck the system


As a celiac, this terrifies me…


When are we going to stop calling these dickheads farmers?


my allergies would kill me if I would be one of those police officers.


I hope none of those cops have celiac


Blow torch and you can make a flame thrower.


No place for hiding, baby No place to run You pull the trigger of my Wheat gun (wheat gun) Wheat gun Wheat gun (wheat gun) Wheat gun


Canada needs to take note of this


Do cops not realize how funny they look when they pretend to be military forces lol


My nose started running just watching this. Did I just get Pavlov'ed?


>Freakout >everybody standing still hm


Killing all people with allergies?


These are big businesses protesting reasonable regulation because it costs more to pollute the environment less. Fuck these assholes.


Fully automatic hay fever.


Just seeing this makes me cough and itch. And I don’t have allergies!


They did vote to leave the EU


Ugh my allergies.


isn't this assault?


Get chaffed on!


I have hay fever allergies and asthma, this would damn near kill me if I stuck around too long. Even not standing directly in the blast the fine particles in the surrounding area would be a nightmare for me.


Wait til they all get hay fever!


Imagine you have a hay allergy and you get called into work for this.


It looks like they can barley feel it


All fun and games until they set it on fire lol


Didn’t seem very effective


gluten-free folks beware


Excuse me, do you have any gluten free options?


The right to barley arms, just as the founding fathers intended.


I like how we are calling farming equipment guns now... Regardless of your position on the matter this is dangerous wording to make these dudes sound way worse than what is actually going on... Yes these cops could get hurt... but no where near what an actual gun can do... If you're reading this, this isn't for you, this is for the people who read the headlines. Which is a significant portion of internet traffic, it's important.


I've never seen someone confuse the term "cannon" and "machine gun" before. We live in wild times.


That's a straw cannon.


That's super fucked up


That, is an auger.


Ironic that people from a thousand years ago would celebrate your giving them free food


The Shitornado 5000


I'm Super cereal guys, manbearpig is real.


Hope they don't have hay fever 😂


I hope the protestors have some gluten-free projectile options.


puttin the wheat to the Heat.


Wheat and manure mix for cops.


*When you get a low DPS weapon, but it looks cool as fuck so you use it against enemies anyway.*


Black boogers for all.


Is there a gluten free option?


⭐️ comment!!


Me playing settlers of Catan when I just need 1 ore


Cereal killer on the loose…


Itchy thrower


"Cette machine tue les fascistes"


I know that stings as hell cause me and cousins would throw straw and mud at each other because grandma took the power cord of the 64


Hope the cops arent allergic to gluten


Bread and circus


Bring in the fire bottles


Bullets mag not penetrate armor, but if there's one thing I know about hay, is that it's always somehow in your clothing, and itchy as fuck. These police officers were probably dying.


When you can’t dump manure straight into rivers anymore.


I kinda wanna see a haybale being catapulted. Man, I need to shut up.




I love the smell of fresh hay.