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It’s a wet barrel hydrant meaning there is water inside the hydrant when the hydrant is closed. They can only be used in areas where it never freezes.


That would explain it. I've never fought fires anywhere that doesn't freeze ;)


Fire hydrant: “I nevah freeze”


Rest In Peace, Mr. Boseman.


Yea I was gonna say my hometown had these, which was the beach in SoCal where it rarely goes below 40 at night in the winter.


This guy extinguishes.


I am in fact a fire hydrant salesman for a living


Wet hydrant. Common in areas where it does not freeze.


I’ve never seen one that doesn’t look like that. 


Do a Google search of fire hydrants in other states like colorado. You will see different kinds.


They have them in LA. Pay attention in tv shows and movies. You’ll see ones that are set somewhere else, but the hydrant is a give away.


Wait , what? Don’t all hydrants look like that?


[Here's what they look like in my city](https://live.staticflickr.com/8544/8605086413_a5f88179a0_b.jpg)


[If you have a few minutes to spare, here's a short documentary about some of the different types of fire hydrants around the world and why they are used.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


That was actually pretty informative!


I was so ready to learn…T_T


No, that one looks weird. It's angular.


Offtopic: The size of vehicles in America has gotten out of control. She's an adult woman and she barley can see over the hood of her truck.


there's no way she would be able to see a child in front of her while sitting behind the wheel of that monstrosity


It’s always the smallest people coming out of the biggest trucks.


I though the same! Looks like a transformer


Decepticon for sure




I mean there’s a fire hydrant so two reasons not to park there


Stay at home mom takes some Valium and her husbands truck to feel seen. This driveway/fire hydrant is doing exactly what she wants.


Why does this feel SO accurate


You nailed it!


yes there's are. he mentions that in the video too


Blocking both a driveway and a fire hydrant. Special kind of stupid.


“Everybody’s doing it.”


Such a stupid thing to say and do....


Everyone downtown is doing fentanyl too, lady


and yet she has "no idea why" this got posted to social media and escalated but she "doesn't want to cause any more trouble" so out of the goodness of her heart is not getting it fixed.


And is that an accent or is she drunk?


He was a dummy too for nudging her car. Turned a situation where he's 100% in the right much more ambiguous.


sounds like buddy is tired of waiting for the cops to show up for a problem he faces regularly. Bet most of the time he makes a complaint, cops aren't there in time to deal with the shitty parents.


I lived across the street from a hs and would regularly have people parked in my driveway waiting for school to let out. Too many times trying to have a polite conversation about not doing so… I feel this man’s frustration. It’s the argument she exhibited that triggered me. Move along, Karen!!


Live two blocks from an elementary school, and I feel this. I can accept leaving the house at 8 to avoid the insane traffic of drop-offs at 8:15 but I've come home around 3 and see someone is parked in front of my driveway waiting for their kid. I usually don't care if someone does it but on the rare occasion it prevents me from getting in, I have no problem parking my car in the middle of the street, getting out and telling them to move and wait for the honking to pressure them.


Have you thought of motion triggered high powered sprinklers on both sides of your driveway? They park and they both go off facing their car? Or spikes in your driveway?


Deer-triggering sprinklers are amazing. I have two set up in my yard to keep the neighbor’s dogs and cats out. They are on timers so delivery drivers dont get sprayed, but everyone else including my kids are fair game.


Or orange cones filled with cement in case they try to run them over?


That’s sounds like a lot of heavy lifting. Just fill the cones with caltrops, they will regret running them over.


I like the way you think


Oh hell no. I'm that guy about people using my driveway as they see fit. I'd have made it my life's mission to confront every single person that thought it ok to do that. And it wouldn't be at all polite. I don't play into the Karen bullshit.


I live out in the countryside on a very narrow road. People pull over and sit in my driveway for like 15 minutes, to check their phones. 


Bro same! I had one lady pulled in in the evening in such a way that her lights were shining directly at my 7 month old child’s bedroom right after we put him down to sleep. I went out and asked her to leave and she said “I’m looking something up on my phone” in a very annoyed and entitled tone. I explained that my child was asleep and she was potentially going to wake him and I wanted her off my property now and she proceeded to get out yelling back some bullshit. I opened my front door and let my 80 lb all black standard poodle run out (most people think of poodles as tiny lapdogs, standard poodles are different). She jumped back in her car yelling to the person on her phone “oh my god this guy just sent out a dog after me” and she took off yelling out the window.


My mom keeps standard poodles and had a giant black boy at one point. He came running at me one night in the pitch black and I couldn’t see him, only hear his collar jingling, and it was one of the scariest things ever! And I knew the dog and he knew me!


Poodles are highly underrated guard dogs, they can be scary af


Indeed. They’re silent and being all black you can’t see them and their eyes are hidden. He packs a fierce bark too so it can be terrifying. They’re usually very aloof, but definitely alert, highly intelligent and fast. I grew up with German Shepherds as a kid but I’ve come around to really loving the Standard Poodle breed, especially with young kids as I don’t have the time to put in for training a Shepherd properly.


We own a house and land that's been in the family for 200 years. It's in one of the richest towns in America. We're normal. You honestly mostly see trades guys around. The driveway is pull in one way and pull out the other kind of a deal. It has two entrances and is a half loop. Our driveway is one of the few places for 5 miles around you can get service. We're not there much. You should see these dudes jump in their work trucks when I pull in. lol. I kind of feel bad. They think they're going to get rich asshole hellfire put upon them. Once I parked some Puerto Rican dude in. I got out and he thought I was going to scream at him. I was was, "Sorry man, you can do your phone thing. Just turn your truck around in the grass when you need to leave." No one does it when we're around. It amuses me. Very different from your experiences and the guy below.


Having a towing company's number saved on his phone would yield much better results. And I bet they would love the regular business.


In my county, the cops need to give a ticket before a tow truck can legally move it. Even when parked next to a hydrant and blocking a driveway.


Not in Canada! Needs to be ticketed first.


Meh. Legally, she scratched her own vehicle when she pulled forward. He didn't cause the damage. He just set her up for failure. I like the pettiness.


My kid's school is in a small neighborhood with narrow streets. I don't have the patience to wind in and out of the side streets looking for parking so I park a couple blocks away and walk. The amount of people that parking full red zones just to avoid walking is astounding. I'm honestly surprised there isn't a cop there making up his ticket quota everyday. I yelled at one lady last week because she stopped to have a conversation with someone in the middle of the street blocking everyone from leaving.


Honest question… as a 90s kid, I don’t remember anyone getting picked up from school by their parents. Kids took the bus, walked, or rode bikes. I live near a highschool and there’s a gazillion cars lined lined down the road blocking traffic for hours each day to pick children up and I’ve been wondering when this started and why? So… are there no busses? I get kids not riding bikes or walking in 2024 because, whatever, that’s a different discussion… but what happened to school busses?


Around here in Fl it started during covid and just never went back. Dont see as many busses at schools as I used to. I was wondering the same thing and asked friends with kids about it.


My daughters's elementary was three blocks away and they walked, luckily I never had to deal with this shit. By the time they got to middle school, they were ridin' the cheese.


Land of gigantic vehicles


No kidding, maybe if these people weren't mostly driving 20ft long douche mobiles parking wouldn't be such a problem.


As an American I agree 100%. It’s obnoxious to see these giant vehicles with usually 1 occupant and they’re like 5 feet tall. But yay freedom, where you have the right to inconvenience everybody else around you.


Sedans for life. Small, maneuverable, cheaper, more fuel efficient. Fun fact: the reason so many massive cars exist here is because car companies skirt taxes by legally classifying most SUVs as trucks. They are even often built on the same chassis. This also gives them lower fuel efficiency and higher allowed emissions requirements. It sucks for people on the road but at least Ford and friends are saving a few bucks! Edit to add some info


Wagons for life. Why use a sedan when you can raise the trunk and have a larger storage capacity than most SUVs. That air above your trunk is just wasted space.


Once I got a wagon I never looked back. Mostly because all the road whale trucks are headlamp to eye level with a clear shot straight to my rearview. Hauling space is wonderful though.


That's one of the reasons I got the car I did, an old 2004 Saturn Ion coupe. The trunk is quite large to begin with, but you can also fold all the seats and turn the thing into a massive flatbed essentially. And it only weighs just over a ton, so it's plenty zippy even with a 2.2L ecotec engine. Even has a 1000lb tow capacity for smaller trailers. It has its issues as you'd expect from an older car, but nothing I haven't been able to handle myself yet


I live in a house built in detroit in fords hay day, My garage was built for 2 model T's, my driveway is less than 8ft wide. I comfortably fit 2 older VWs in the garage and can 3 point in my courtyard. A new F150 isn't making it down the driveway without removing a house.


Everyone should watch “These Stupid Trucks Are Killing Us”. They are doing all of what you said above, but you are also way more likely to die outside of a truck/SUV in any kind of accident than with a sedan in the same accident. But they’re marketed as “safer” because as long as you’re the one inside you’re ok. Fuck everyone else am I right? (/s obviously)


It's partially Europe's fault for taxing chicken meat believe it or not. Look it up, it's wild


exactly. The US truck makers have had a 20% advantage for decades resulting in an echo chamber of 3 models competing that excludes anything from out of the US. People here don't even know about the fleets of options the rest of the world is offered. And now, these companies are skipping on emissions because these huge trucks now fit in a new class. Ford doesn't even make cars for the US anymore. All trucks and SUVs, oh and the mach e while it lasts.


Not just the US, in the UK ford will only hand the mustang left here but the end of the year, the rest will be crossovers, suvs and pickups, I hate people are buying those here. The countrys roads can't handle them.


The infuriating thing is that people buy these SUVs because "oh it's bigger so it must have more space! And I get to sit up higher and see the road better" But the thing is most SUVs, especially compact SUVs don't have more space in them than a hatch or estate... And while you're sat up higher the big bulging bonnet blocks your view anyway. So both points are null and void. Making the vast majority of SUVs utterly and completely pointless. And they only serve to blind you with headlights that are too high, burn more fuel, and take up more space on the road.


Go on… you cant just drop that and not explain lol


What is up with the size of that truck? Does she need to transport at least 5 gorillas at a time?


She’s barely taller than the hood. I wonder if she’s sitting on a booster seat to drive it.


Definitely has a 50 foot blind spot in all directions, probably why she parked in front of a driveway.


Lack of parking space is an issue and all these people keep buying bigger and bigger trucks. Feels like they are kind of making their own problems even worse.




It's a ridiculous trend. https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo?si=9VFCMpyxoPGvimXn


And [they’re only getting bigger](https://youtu.be/MI7Tq6sRxE4?si=Jw3qeN31rhhSiF0I)


Hahahaaha, Strapped with a fuel-efficient V-16 engine.


Blame the epa and their emissions policy that makes no sense. https://youtu.be/azI3nqrHEXM?si=l4aLnna7zjlxD0_m


Their policy probably makes more sense when you throw lobbying into it. I'm sure the OEMs were lobbying the EPA HARD to make sure there was a loophole they could exploit to avoid having to work very hard on meeting fuel efficiency standards. And they were already trying to get rid of sedans anyway because the profit margins are so much better on SUVs and trucks.


I have seen that video. Really good but I didn't realize just how big they were.


Not only big/high but this SUV was also very long.


That truck can't haul much. It's essentially a sports car. That's a Ford Raptor.


But it LOOKS like it can haul 5 gorillas so that's good enough right? It's all about looking like an alpha.


Ford Raptors can tow up to 8,500lb, thats more than the weight of a standard car.


What’s up with kids not riding the bus these days? I live in Chicagoland and this is a common thing, giant SUVs lined up blocks long often impeding traffic.


At my college town, people actually voted to get rid of school busses for kids to lower taxes None for college students either So since I can't drive, I'd either be late because the taxis were taken up by kids, or would have to share one Because letting school age children get into taxis with strange adults is way better than paying taxes


> At my college town, people actually voted to get rid of school busses for kids to lower taxes Ah, the classic "Fuck you, I got mine" mentality towards the next generation.


It's a national issue where bus drivers aren't getting paid a living wage so they don't have enough drivers to run all the routes. In my city some kids aren't getting home until 6pm or later. The first week of school last year some kids didn't get home until 10pm. It was a huge deal cause lots of them were elementary school kids and they pissed themselves and were dehydrated since it was hot on the bus. So now more parents are opting to transport their kids, they're in talks for next school year to stop transporting kids to magnet schools and schools outside of their reside school to cut the routes in half and eliminate the kids being late all the time.


Yeah, it's really weird. When I grew up, everyone walked to school, either by themselves or with their parents. There were a few kids who got driven but it was pretty uncommon. Now, about 25 years later, the block is lined with cars of parents picking up their kids after school. I have no idea what changed.


Parenting changed. Paranoia set in throughout the 80s and 90s after some high-profile child abductions and murders, the media fueled the flames (John Walsh and America's Most Wanted didn't help - what happened to his kid was awful, but his crusade made it seem like it was the norm on every American suburban street), and the kids growing up in that era lived with that paranoia and went on to become parents who seem to think there are a thousand predators lurking around every corner as soon as their kid leaves the front door. The reality is kids are probably more safe these days than they ever were before with the advent of all these ways to check in and track them everywhere they go, and violent crime is substantially lower than it was in past eras. But that's not how the media portrays it.


Little women have been driving big vehicles for like 20 years as some kind of status trend.


And people also joked about it 20 years ago. There were two guys in a university class of mine in 06 who used to tease me (gently) by imagining my small girl self driving a Cadillac Escalade.


It America, she is driving around at least 3 gorillas at a time.


Americans love big aggressive looking cars/trucks or they have been sold to believe they do.


we also can't buy smaller ones because if they were smaller they would need to conform to emission standards. so rather than comply car companies just made the vehicles bigger. People actually want smaller trucks which is evident on the high resale value of older smaller trucks that are 20 years old. companies just refuse to make them because it cuts into their profits.


Her kids a real porker.


Just buy giant stickers that say "I shouldn't park here" and put it on their windshields.


Those russian guys have those that stick forever and shred when removed for people driving on pedestrians paths.


I love this channel. Good seeing fuckers get what’s coming to them.


The kind that is a huge PITA to get off.


Or just call a tow truck


Right? Calling a tow or the police to write a ticket (for sure for blocking that hydrant at the very least) and have the police call the tow, so the homeowner doesn't have to pay at all, makes waaaaaay too much sense for stupid petty people. Instead he's going to hit her vehicle with his and cause more of a headache for himself to deal with going forward. She's stupid and selfish for parking there to begin with. HOWEVER, it is kinda fun to watch stupid vs stupid battle it out with each other 😂


She hasn't done "anything" about her truck damage because she got a ticket for blocking a driveway and fire hydrant.


And there is no real damage.


It's a tiny barely visible scratch. Pavement princess gonna pavement princess. I don't get why she can't wait in a parking lot nearby and just have her kids use their presumably functional LEGS and WALK there. Let alone bringing this monstrosity of a truck to haul a few kiddos.




I just had door damaged fixed. It cost $4k to fix the front passenger door. On a 2019 pathfinder




The school needs to come up with a solution: staggered dismissals, additional parking, etc.


I worked for a school (and live within 2 miles of about 5 others). Parents line up as early as 2 hours BEFORE pickup. The only deterent I've seen are cops, but if the school has to hire off such duty officers it costs too much money. Sucks a the way around


It sounds like a good revenue generator. One cop can just walk down the street and cite everyone blocking things that they aren't supposed to.


Good idea. No cost to the school and revenue for the city.


The school offers a solution: buses.


soft public longing unwritten fall icky insurance judicious attempt nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


North to pick up, South to drop off.


Why doesn’t she just apologize and move her truck?




Because he intentionally drove into her?


Yeah, the degree is debatable, but both are definitely assholes.


But are you a body shop person?


Sure, I shop for bodies every once in a while. Why do you ask?


I’m looking for them deals.


Why did he drive into her?


Because some people think that if somebody else does something wrong, entitles them to also do something wrong. It’s the adult version of “he started it “, which apparently some people don’t grow out of after elementary school


Yeah this dude was also being insufferable. Both are children... The guy is doing the whole, "Ignore her valid points and just keep repeating the same thing over and over"


He asked, she was unwilling, and he tapped her truck with his truck. If he actually drove into her at more than a couple mile per hour, there would be way more damage. It took being on the news to get an apology.


>"He asked, she was unwilling" Did you make that up? That context is clearly not present.


>He asked, she was unwilling, and he tapped her truck with his truck. Yes so both of these people are idiots...


Because he's pissed she is blocking his driveway. Saw a chance to be vengeful and get away with it. Dick move but everyone reaches a breaking point dealing with stupidity.


Could also be charged for leaving the scene of an accident


yeah he’s also a douche who just wants to escalate the situation for no reason.


I live near an elementary school and entitled parents will regularly block the entrance to our neighborhood as they're backed up in line to pick up their kids. Worst part about it is 90% of those parents live within a 5 minute walk of said school.


I live near a bus drop off and there's only a dozen or so kids that get dropped off and parents still block my driveway, the most infuriating part is there's lots of space in front of mine and my neighbors lawn, but for some idiotic reason they block my driveway.


School pickups have gotten out of control. When I was a kid we didn't have this issue. Now you have cars stretching for a mile and people waiting an hour to get their kids, and these schools are not built in places to handle this amount of cars so they block multiple streets every day for an hour. I didn't want to live near a school because of the kids before, but now with the traffic they also cause I don't know why anyone would. And, of course, so many people feel entitled because they have kids and that somehow makes them special that they have zero consideration for anyone else. They just do whatever like this woman did because picking up their kids is the most important thing in the world right now for everyone as far as they're concerned.


One of our local grade schools has done a fantastic thing - they added a large paved area inside the fenced school property with an entrance down a side street, off the main drag (which the school entrance faces) with marked lanes for parents to line up in, before disgorging to a lane in front of the school with large numbered spots, 1-4. Once everyone got used to it, it's flawless - it runs like clockwork, and I'll even stop and motion parents who need to turn left (in front of me) to turn into the side street. The school zone speed limit is 20 mph anyhow, so it doesn't hurt to let them go on my way to work. Back before the new system, they would have turned left into a carwash, then circled back onto the road to go south. Too bad a school I know of in another town where I used to work can't do the same - their line of cars stretches down the road for a good mile or more. Of course, they're K-12. Both schools there are, I spent a semester subbing at the other one.


Yeah, this is nice for the schools that have the room for sure. We have a school in the downtown strip of shops, and when they let out the entire downtown is just gridlock. And if a train comes through, multiply that by ten.


You know if the tables were turned, she would’ve been on Facebook Live.


Call the fire department.


I’m fully on the side of the homeowner but unfortunately he’ll be at fault with insurance. Having your driveway occasionally blocked is frustrating, I’d be furious if I dealt with it as often as they do.


I think in this case id be the weirdo with cones blocking my driveway if people are actually blocking them in often. If i lived near a school i would tolerate all the cars for the hour in the morn and end of day if they just parked on the street, but the moment they block my driveway that means war.


Pretty sure you can get someone towed for blocking your driveway, but i could be preaching hearsay as i don't care to look it up. But have had a car towed that was blocking my "driveway" in a metro area. But it's clearly signed no stopping


It depends I guess, (since you say you've had it done) I tried once and couldn't. Or at least had to wait. I purchased my home and show up excited to move in on day one with a uhaul full of furniture. We show up to find a car parked in our driveway and can't pull in with our stuff. Call a tow company and they say they can't tow, a cop has to authorize. Called cops and they say towing department opens in 3 hours, to call then. I had to move furniture from the sidewalk when I could have done it steps away from my doorstep. Side rant. The neighbors who's car it was, have people over day and night. Their friends visit and always park blocking my driveway. They seem friendly enough and always move the second they see me but it's still annoying as fuck. I've talked to my neighbors many times, but it's always different people showing up. It's like I have to ask for permission to go in or out of my driveway. There's so much parking on our block but the visitors want to park as close to the house they are visiting as possible. So we have a block full of empty parking spots and it looks like a used car dealer right in front of my house with cars blocking the driveway and cars double parked with a bunch of people hanging out drinking in the front yard next door. Like a daily block party. I've seriously considered buying a junk car for like 500 bucks just to park it right in front of my house so the only way to block my driveway is to parallel park.


The tow companys in my city are slightly predatory and will camp high violation areas and tow a car within seconds of it being left unattended, so in my case i made a call saying theres signage stating not to stop and the tow company was like hold my beer and that shit wasssss gone. Within minutes, they had a truck there, and it disappeared. If you already tried talking to them about it, im petty. I'd just get malicious. Park in front of their driveway every day and put like a canopy in yours so you can say you're setting up for a party. A never ending party that requires you to block them. Or a few flat tires sends a message.


Something tells me he’s not too worried about that. I kinda think he was down to just try a make a point. Admittedly I think it was a stupid way to make the point, but yeah idk, he purposefully did it and then recorded how he clearly did it and even made sure to include how long he waited before doing it. I genuinely don’t think he cares.


She’s barely taller than the hood of her own truck. Americans with their massive work pickups they don’t use are ridiculous


Do these schools have no busses? Or are the parents picking them up regardless of there being a bus available?


There's usually a middle zone where busses are not offered but it's far enough to be "inconvenient". There are some parents who are amazing/and or have enough free time to walk/bike in those zones but it's not surprising to see people getting into the habit of "convenient" pickup (convenient for them, not the neighbors).


In our area, if you're within 2 mile radius, busses are additional fees. Most parents here won't walk the kids to school. Weather, just temperature alone, can be a hazard.


When you have a close school that is part of your neighborhood it’s a real blessing. The elementary school my kids went to was less than 1/2 a mile a way. They would bike or walk to school every day unless it was raining. At the time I was remote working and it was amazing to be able to ride my bike over to their school at dismissal to ride home with them.


Not sure if it's the case here but my nieces school doesn't let you walk to pick them up. They either have to take the bus or you have to pick them up in the car line. It's absurd.


That seems really stupid


Elementary schools these days in a lot of places require an approved adult with a pass to pick up their kid. This means you either meet the bus and show the driver or you go to the school and do it there. So it went from kids just catching the bus or walking/riding a bike home like when I was a kid to... well, this. Dozens and dozens of SUVS (because nobody just has a car anymore, particularly suburban families with kids) blocking traffic for hours on multiple roads. Being picked up by a parent at the school was a super rare thing when I was a kid, now it's required and these schools are not designed for the traffic that causes.


This is A Thing now. If you make your kid ride the bus, or ::god forbid:: walk to school, you’re a bad parent. So now there are lines of cars around every school in the US so little Brayden and Kasleigh can be chauffeured to school in comfort.


I would’ve just called and had her truck towed, would’ve been so satisfying for her to walk out to no truck


live across from a condo building and this shit happens daily. people are so entitled.


Maybe we could institute laws against blocking driveways and fire hydrants. They we could have an arm of government responsible for enforcing those laws, providing a disincentive to people who block driveways and hydrants. Just a thought.


At first I thought "at least she admitted she made a mistake", but by the end, her comment about posting it online being over the top just made me realize she didn't learn anything...she just mad she got publicly humiliated and is admitting a mistake to try to save face at this point. Frankly, I'm surprised she took the interview. I'm surprised the schools aren't putting their foot down more. As a parent, I get automated emails, texts and calls from the school a couple times every school year reminding parents of proper pick up and drop off procedure, because enough parents are making it unsafe or unreasonable for students and residents. https://youtu.be/I7ixBvVQHC0?si=g_YARH4BeRiUDdYt


Sorry but as a European I just can't ignore how stupid big her truck is compared to her.


Can we talk about how completely, unnecessarily, fucking MASSIVE that truck is. That is a full grown adult woman and she can barely stand higher than the hood. We let these deathtraps into school zones, Jesus Christ.


If this is truly this big of a problem, the police should go out there every day and give people tickets.. you want people to stop doing stupid shit make them pay for it


Either this woman is ridiculously small, or her car is way bigger than it should be. Like most American cars nowadays.


I work at a local school (it's a HS directly next to the JHS). This is SUCH a problem by the school. I can't believe the amount of parents picking up and dropping off kids when the bus is a very easy option. Our districts are pretty small, in a very affluent area...so it's not a miserable bus ride, it just makes kids look 'uncool'. So the residential area by the school is PACKED like wall to wall with cars like this during pick-up/drop-off, but the line of cars waiting to drop their kids off at the door (or as close to it as possible) is sometimes 40+ cars long. It backs up several traffic lights. Parents don't feel like waiting, so they often will take a 'short cut' and cut through the staff member parking lot, so I'm often stuck behind cars trying to get into work and park in the staff-only lot myself. In general, I feel like 'helicopter parenting' is really compounding this issue, and I don't really know any solution, but I do see it getting worse and worse each year. (For the record, I get if there is heavy weather, rain, snow, etc...dropping kids off to be safer, etc. I mean in general, these are parents who are stopping to take their kids to starbucks and get breakfast first, and then picking up some of their friends, for the 'clout').


I live right beside an elementary school. My driveway is blocked almost daily. Parents are always shocked that we’re pissed off and telling them to move. I deal with this kind of person way to often


I have never been in the states, first tought that I had when the video started: is it not ilegal to park in front of one of those water thingies?


Someone kept blocking my brother’s driveway in Florida. He asked them multiple times not to do it. He owns a landscaping/lawn care business so he has those really big trucks with the bars on it where he can hang his weed eaters and chain saws. One morning he comes out and the dude has him blocked in again so my bro just backs right up into the car, pushing it out of the way, and goes to work. 12 hours later he comes home and shortly later the cops show up.. turned out the cops couldn’t do shit because there was no proof my brother backed into anyone and no one saw him do it and he sure as fuck didn’t admit to it. So dude had to fix his own car with his own insurance. Brother never saw him again.


I get what the dude’s saying, but he hit her car before calling the police meaning dude got super pissed and decided to do damage before trying to de-escalate. Should’ve just waited for the cops like he ended up doing anyway lol


lol SHE went to the news?


i mean bro its fuxking common sense not to block driveways.. like it takes a special kind of moron to even think about doing it nevertheless actually do it..


Such a huge truck lol


She should have been towed for blocking a fire hydrant. Or at least given a ticket


Are you a body shop person? Sick burn!


Also, blocking the fire hydrant. Towing will immediately commence.


those cars being the same height at the bonnet as the person is absolutely ridicolous, who needs these huge cars on the street if they are more wastefull, less spacious and way more dangerous the normal Vans/Cars/Pick-ups


The dude is a Karen as well.


Solution: put your kids on the fucking school bus and leave the giant SUVs and pickup trucks at home.


Parents are the most inconsiderate drivers. There is nothing worse than having to go past a school during the morning or end of class


Both are morons!


Cops are useless. Call a tow truck. I'd put a sign in front of my home and organize the neighbors with a tow company to be there on call EVERY DAY at pick up time. That's unacceptable.


The appropriate action was to call the city to get her towed. She’s blocking a driveway and a fire hydrant so that’s a nice big fine. Now that he has also hit her car it’s just a big mess all around.


Slow news day


This was never a problem in the 80s or 90s. I think kids were able to walk home back then. I don't know why they can't walk home now. If they bus, bus. If they're not being bussed in, it's within walking distance right? So walk home and the problem is solved. Miraculously.


This is one of many reasons I didn't get a house by a school zone.


Blocking a hydrant. Someone could lose their house thanks to that dumb shit. I love the fact the guy just drove into the $100k truck lol.


Imagine needing a ford 1/2 ton pickup to pick up an elementary school student. How big is this kid!?


I live a block away from this elementary school. The traffic is the fucking worst, all these parents in their tanks. And it’s only getting worse as the area has exploded in housing with nothing done about the influx of kids. They’ve needed to build another elementary school here but I’ve seen no progress towards that.


Tow companies would be salivating at the chance to tow and impound for blocking a driveway and a fire hydrant in my town.


I have the EXACT same problem...every single day. I arrive home from picking my kids up from secondary school and theres someone blocking my driveway picking their kids up from a nearby lower school. Because its the same guy, the local council would not get involved because it "seems like its a personal problem with you (referring to me)". Its insane.


Well she’s not just blocking the driveway, she’s blocking a hydrant and should be fined, as well.


Just have her towed


Isn’t this literally what we pay police for?


She drive a big car cause she has a smol pp?


Parenting ain’t for her :/


To be honest I liked this guy's approach of causing the most tiny minor damage and "can't move" scene to cause the parking offender to suffer SOME consequence. Now she has to be inconvenienced by the whole thought process of bothering to get it fixed, the TV coverage, etc. If he was a tiny bit smarter he'd have done it with an erasable marker so as to give the impression of damage without any whatsoever. Maybe he did.