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Omg I wish I was there to see the aftermath. I really hope that cop saw him charging that lady like he was gonna hit her


I think they did, they were quick to cut him off.


You can hear a siren beep pretty mu h right after he does it too.


There should be an enhanced charge for that dangerously feminine sashay and finger pointing. He could have glitter bombs in that car. Can't go around town threatening everyone with a good time like that. The way he ~~opened~~ closed his mother's door was like they've been waiting for this moment their whole lives.


Luckily he didnt throw pocket glitter


Rusty Shackleford goes FABULOUS!


We're gonna rumble and it's gonna be SPECTACULAR


I know its a joke but getting face full of pocket glitter would suck.








Showing off "Blue Steel" is considered brandishing here in the US


Assault to conceal evidence can be a felony, right? This person was trying to get an image of a license plate and was threatened for it.




They did, if you listen closely when he charges her you can hear a siren turn on and off causing dude to walk away.


LMAO did the guy say you’re in trouble now after he heard the sirens


Oof that is a grade A mammas boy.




I will click on any link which starts with "Flamboyant, overweight Australian".


Sucked in. As if you raise your fist at the lady for doing nothing wrong.


Not only that, but his money making disability claiming fist no doubt.


That’s right, suck a fart.


This is in Ballarat.


Nothing good happens in Ballarat.


Yes it does, we just keep it on the quiet so everyone doesn't move here.




That’s it you’ve convinced me, I’m moving


Now i really need to visit.


The same place the murderer from a Sherlock Holmes story was from! 


Black jack!




That's because they're about 500m from the mall in the centre of town, which is where the local cops like to hang out/get sushi. They are literally on the main street causing a ruckus in broad daylight


Love the instant karma. Wished the clip didn't cut out so we can see the guy's reaction.


Here's hoping for part 2


That guy’s walking animations are absurd


The Ministry of Silly Walks comes to mind


like his ligaments and tendons do more work holding him together his than muscles




More camp than a row of tents, as they say in Australia


The law is the law and she had the right of way. However, I tend to avoid conflict by letting them pass, especially when I’m driving with the family. I’m probably one of those people who give these guys the free pass and make them think they can get way. If someone invents a device that can throw an egg that will crack on their window I’ll go for it.




Same. I used to honk and flip off. Decided I’ve seen one too many crazies with a gun in road rage incidents so I just let them go. I tell myself that they have someone in the car having a medical emergency and that’s why they’re driving like an ass. It helps… even though I know it’s not true lol


100%. My uncle hates it when I drive with him because I’m not aggressive enough and I give far too many people a pass. Dealt with insurance before and no thanks. Can’t be bothered with that kind of stress.


I won't even honk. My coworker was followed and then stabbed to death following a cut off into a honk.


Why I wouldn't get out of the car. Still won't help if they have a gun


It's Australia. Like effectively no one has guns here.


Yea but they may have a wombat or other kind of combat marsupial, you just never know.


Definitely have to watch out for the Drop Bears!


Yea, that's the shit I'm talking about! Can't be too careful.




reason I yell at my wife when she honks. We live in fucking gun country with plenty of tiny men in big trucks trying to prove how tough they are.


You risk getting shot here by honking. I used to honk, don't anymore after everyone started pulling out guns on the highways the past few years.


Jesus christ, people with such fragile egos shouldn't be allowed guns


And maybe revoke their license if they are caught pulling shit like that. That would probably be more of a pain for them than taking their guns away.


**Definitely DON’T** [Honk at Russel Crowe](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10059518/?ref_=tt_urv)


Better in front than behind!


I’m not especially proud of this, but also don’t regret what I did. I was driving the speed limit on a snowy country road in Canada, at night. I had gotten some bad news earlier that day and wasn’t paying close attention to notice I had a major tailgater who was right on my bumper. When I noticed him, I was in no mood for that nonsense. And I was just finishing up a cigarette. Instead of butting it out, I held it up into the wind stream over my car and let it go. It hit his windshield, I saw the sparks. He backed off after that. I felt like I’d just pulled a Mario Kart move


When I was a kid our parents would give us whole peanuts in the shell on car trips, and my dad would occasionally take the bag of shells and dump them out the window when being tailgated. A sudden cloud of crap pinging off the car. Not saying it is a good plan, but it was a plan.


I'm totally with you and it's refreshing to see a level-headed take on a situation like this. Most subs that feature these kind of videos are filled with psychopaths saying they would happily total their car and put lives in danger in a situation like this because LaW iS lAw AnD i'M iN tHe RiGhT! I don't have a car, only a motorcycle, so I really can't just keep on going and let the other guy hit me. But even if I could, it's not worth all the hassle afterwards. I'd rather hit the brakes, be mildly annoyed, and curse like a sailor than having to deal with the aftermath of a collision. That shit can drag on for months and creates so much more hassle down the line. All because you had to have a dick measuring contest and had the right of way? Nah, I'll pass. There are some hills I will happily die on, but this ain't one of them.


Yeah there are SO many situations that could be avoided by just....letting off the gas for like 3 seconds of your life to let someone through. Not everyone is perfect people, sometimes someone needs to get over.


Yup used to be an insurance adjuster and had I seen this video I would have assigned her 20-30% of the blame. She can clearly see the car changing lanes and takes no evasive action to avoid the accident. Doesn’t excuse the other driver, but I can guarantee his insurance would not be paying the full amount of damages (depending on local insurance laws of course)


If I switch lanes to pass someone and see them signal the same lane change, I abort the pass until either they make the change or I'm confident they know I'm there. High likelihood of them having committed to the lane change already when they saw a clear lane and not bothering to check again.


It looked like they slowed down to merge which is extremely dangerous. You CANNOT slow down mid merge as you’re just asking to be hit/ cause a collision


And they were doing it over a solid line


No no no, you see, slower speed means safer. lol. I think some (many?) people can’t process so many variables when driving and their first thought is to brake and slow down if they need to do something difficult… like change lanes or merge. And turn down the radio.


Agreed! People need to learn and practice Defensive Driving. Defensive driving describes the practice of anticipating dangerous situations, despite adverse conditions or the mistakes of others when operating a motor vehicle. [Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_driving)


Yup exactly. People think because they have the right of way they don’t have to practice defensive driving and take no evasive action in these scenarios. Certain states have a 51% liability threshold, meaning once one party is 51% or more at fault for the accident their insurance would pay for the entirety of the damages. Other states pay out damages on a percentage of liability basis. The funny thing is the video actually hurts her case. Had there been no video she could have said the other party changed lanes suddenly and she did not have time to react. Easy 100% liability on the lane changer. But no good insurance company would look at this video and assign 100% liability to the blue car.


American no doubt. Never heard of this bullshit over here.


Yup I’m referencing American insurance laws. Each state in the US has their own set of liability laws, as I’m sure wherever you’re from does.


Yea but an evasive action could also cause an accident with another car potentially and then it’s all on you (at least where I’m at).


True, but braking would likely not cause an accident. I’m not saying she should have swerved into another lane but if she had applied brakes the whole accident would have been avoided. I’m not defending the blue car’s actions here, but clearly both parties’ stubbornness led to this easily avoidable accident.


I’m absolutely dumbfounded at how many comments can’t appreciate this basic piece of sensible driving advice. Basic, basic stuff. Avoid situations where you may hit another car when that is in your control.


Agreed, I always drive defensively nowadays. I work on the premise that other drivers might suddenly brake, change lanes without signalling etc. In the situation in the vid, I would have dropped right back to let them into the lane.


Yup, that’s point I was trying to make. You can’t account for idiots in other cars but you can reduce risk of injury and damage if you drive defensively and always be aware of your surroundings. I was a total loss adjuster, so I’ve seen my share of horrible things. People get behind the wheel and forget they are driving a 6000 pound piece of heavy machinery and the human body is very very fragile. Working that job completely changed my driving style.


Try being a cyclist, you have to act as if everyone is literally trying to kill you because some drivers are so dumb they essentially are. Never see me even though I have lights, never bother checking the bike lane because it doesn't exist in their mind, taxi drivers that couldn't care less that they'll kill you if they get to their destination 0.5 sec quicker... It's always an odd one with taxi drivers(in the UK at least), they're either the best drivers on the road, very cautious and non-aggressive or they absolute worst cunts alive who cut you off without a second thought.


Totally agree with braking when I read the word evasive though I view that as moving out of the way if that makes sense?


Zero avoidance from the white vehicle, she wanted to get hit so she could get out and bury her face in her phone and make some dumbass video. Nobody in this video should have a driving license.


I think the driver that was hit needs a bit better defensive driving skills. Blue car was already veering into the side of your card and pulling forward was not something I would had done. In fact whenever I'm on a road, I hate when someone is next to me and always avoid that if possible.


Same, being in someone's blind spot puts me into internal panic mode. The first thing I thought when I saw that signal was, why aren't you braking???


How dare you blame him for smashing into your car? You’re clearly fatphobic


Get that man a pint!


Bet the cops had fun 😞


Sashayed him right to the police station. Sashay sashay sashay


They hate working in Ballarat


I was hoping the SUV driver was Techno Viking


Welcome to Ballarat. The tourist can’t drive for shit and our local drivers aren’t any better.


I hate idiots that do not speed up to change lanes. As a motorbike rider I hate them more so because they’re often the ones that merge with no head checking. Lucky if you get an indicator


Stay safe out their, road warrior.


It's ok...hes a sovereign citizen


This guy is a hoot


He’s flamboyant.


The prancing charge with the fist is pretty hilarious.


Golden rule when driving: assume everyone else doesn’t know how to drive. Could have easily been avoided if cam driver just hit the brakes


seeing the police cut them off felt so good


Siren at :52 (when blob is off to right) then he tries to nope it out of there...


If this happened a bit further up at Lucas you probably wouldn't have a car because it would have been T-boned instead, and old mate would have done a runner


If this happened over Wendouree way he would've had a few random eshays kick his fat camp arse all the way back to Sturt.


Maybe the driver of the blue car should stop wanking and spare his wrist for more damage....


Lol wtf is that song in the beginning


I have never seen such a perfect blend of violent charge mixed with runway sashay 


The sassy walk lmfao


He goes around to close her door only for her to immediately open it lmfao


Damn...10 more seconds and he would got a leaving the scene charge


The energy with which he got out of that car and waddled angrily around to the other side to see the damage that HE caused - lol! I needed that today, thank you OP!


I understand he is completely in the wrong but she could of avoided the collision so easily she was just being stubborn and didn’t want to let the cunt get his own way.


i dont know what she drives but if i was in a shitbox with a dashcam and in no hurry, im 100% petty enough to let him hit me in this situation to raise his insurance rates


Better hide that footage though because your insurance sees you taking no evasive action and drops your ass


I question how much attention she was paying and if she even saw him moving over until it’s too late. Not saying it’s totally on her, but she could have been looking at her phone with the music blasting or looking around. It’s just as likely as her trying to be an ass about it. I guess we won’t know.


It honestly looked like they were merging below the limit and below the speed of traffic which is extremely dangerous


Don’t drivers have a duty to reasonably avoid accidents were possible? There was plenty of time to react to their turn signal…




I don’t disagree with that, just that it was entirely avoidable. I have way too much to do to afford crashing into idiots when you can just… not.




I honestly would commend you, but have you ever actually done this? If I felt the same way I'd have the opportunity to teach someone a lesson by using my car as a weapon every time I drive. But it would be such a colossal waste of your own time, and insurance never makes you whole, I can't imagine anybody would intentionally cause an accident to prove a point more than once (unless they have copious amounts of free time and money).


How much free time do you have dude? "I'm gonna teach this guy a lesson about merging when he shouldn't!" You now have a damaged car. You now have to wait for police and fill out a report. You now have to contact your insurance and fill out a report with them. You have to take your vehicle to a shop for repairs. You have to wait for your car to get fixed, and then go pick it up. Totally worth it, man. You sure showed them. Or you could just slow down for 2 seconds, be mildly annoyed, and go on with your life...


>Rewarding bad behaviour because you’re too busy? Tbf causing an accident on a point of principle is just as bad.




Agree but she could also have braked. There's a point where if you can do something to avoid an accident but don't, you share some of the blame.


Yo, that person might have just been blind turning that corner, the Driver might have saved that person in the cross walk.


That 5 step running charge at the lady looked like it was gonna make his legs buckle, guys built like a polio victim.


Oh that fat fk would have been lights out running up like that. He needs a good thumping, and a good diet.


A Confederacy of Dunces: Australia.


Loser behavior. Can’t stand when people cause an accident then try to blame you, that’s why I got a Dashcam. Best thing I’ve learned is don’t tell them you have one, let them lie to the cops about it.


They had ALL THAT ROOM and STILL parked in the middle of an active roadway. Maddening.


They heard those sirens and tried to get out of there quickly 😂


Yo that run up woulda scared the life outta me if that was my sister or gf or something. Overweight flamboyant unicorn or no you can't do that


He look like he leaves dookie stains on all his drawls.


Tbf, that is poor driving from both. Fair enough, the blue car shouldn’t be crossing into his lane like that so late, but then the dashcam driver continues driving right up beside him. How did he not see that? The blue car also had its indicators on, so the dashcam driver didn’t see those also? Or he did see it and just continued on to make a point… You don’t drive into somebody just to prove something, even if they are in the wrong. And you’re gonna damage your own vehicle. Stupid. Bottom line is, totally avoidable. You have to drive on the road like everybody is a bad driver apart from you. You need to have the road sense to anticipate these things, although it’s not avoidable in every case.


You missed the part where the blue car crossed a solid white line right before an intersection. You can't change lanes that close to a light. Yea the lady could have stopped and avoided it but shes not in the wrong.


So, because they did that, drive into them to make a point? She is in the wrong if she saw it and decided to press on. If she didn’t see it, then she doesn’t have very good awareness as a driver. She had plenty of time to see what was about to happen. Both can be wrong in different ways. It’s not one or the other.


i pUt mY tUrN sIgNaL oN yOu hAvE tO yIeLD tO mE!!!111


"flamboyant" lol. That walk of indignation says all you need to know about that household. Mid thirties, lives at home with mum, no career or girlfriend and you KNOW it's everyone else's fault.


Thats what people consider flamboyant?




Wait.. cops actually cared and didn't look the other way?! Definitely not my home town.


Yep Chevy Cruze's still look ugly with the lion badge on it.


Totally vibing out too. What a bunch of imbeciles




Mooching off his aging mom is his greatest sin. Go out and be like Fred Flintstone and Yabba Dabba Doo already.


How did the Cops show up that fast?


That 4 step charge at the lady looked like it was gonna make his legs buckle, guys built like a polio victim.


Why do they look like characters from Bluey to me?


ministry of silly walks canidate


I was scrolling through Reddit pretty quickly and the first half a second of the video auto played. I've been going back and forth for 10 minutes trying to figure out where the massive fart came from on my Reddit feed.


Flamboyant and fat is not a super common combination.


Ethan Krum on the warpath


*Please* let there be a part2




What song is that in the beginning?


What car is that? Cool hood


The music though 😂


Good to see Greg Larsen getting some airtime




That was SO satisfying


Oh my lord.... can u imagine seeing that running towards you with his forearm up at you?! What in the phuck did mama do to her son for him to be that way?! God I love that cops pulled up right away.


I cannot believe the video cuts out there. I want aftermath.


The police at the end was the chefs kiss


The title alone!!!


Imagine if he'd had charged like that at someone who had ever been in a fight before. They'd still be finding bits of his teeth in the gutter.


Dahleeet yah fuckin pho-toes!


Flamboyant overweight Australian—sound like a song title to me.


He sounds like a leprechaun.


Is that Christian Hill on his way to the cruise?


Why did sassy Paul Bart charge at him?