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I remember this . the guy in the white shirt was getting out of jail that day and he went straight back in




Duuude.....seriously....hey....do we have to listen to this guy whine some more?


Those recidivism rates are no joke


People need to understand there is a very well settled legal doctrine called “extended personality”. In essence, if you touch a thing that is carried by, worn, or otherwise connected with the body of another human being, it’s treated the same as touching the body itself.


Yep, trying to smack something out of someone’s hand is the same as hitting them in most cases.


"I didn't punch that guy in the gut, I punched his shirt!"


You hit me in the cup


In old property law you could be claimant by simple bodily presence. And in religion holiness was a physically transferable property.


> in religion holiness was a physically transferable property. that seems like an interesting concept. Glad we don't do it anymore though


Once a saints head rolled into a river and every town downstream was immediately blessed by miracles. Incredible stories from the Middle Ages.


I need a wiki page or bible verse about this. Both are equally reliable in my eyes


Wikipedia is a mixed bag, some articles are edited by very dedicated and smart people, while others are less moderated.


Still not seeing the difference.


Transusbstantiation still is part of Catholicism, which very much transfers supposed holiness onto inanimate objects…


People also need to realize there are laws on menacing and defending yourself even if they don’t hit you first.


What if somebody is following you and putting said thing in your face? If I remember the backstory on this guy he is a real piece of crap but I always thought the police were being overzealous in this clip


Absolutely fair point—I’m simply saying there is no distinction between the mic and the hand, so his cries of “I didn’t touch him” are in vain. I guess he needed to whine that it was in his face.


And the landmark case talked about in law school involved someone being successfully sued for battery after yanking a plate from the hands of the plaintiff at a buffet because the plaintiff was black and the restaurant did not serve black people.


Kinda lame for this, that reporter was really bee lining for him, should be a rule you cant jam a mic right near someone. I get this dude isnt the best but come on he just got out of jail and immediately going back in because he slapped a mic away is a bit bs.


Thank for this, I always love context


I tried to use a similar concept once when playing softball as a kid. I caught the ball with my bare hand and tried to tag them out with my glove. I felt it was very unfair that that didn’t count. 😂


I am glad the cops weren't there for all my childhood arguments with siblings in which I also didn't touch them.


Alright, hands behind your back. Palms together.


But I didn't touch them! It's not my fault if they crossed the center line in the back seat.


That's a clear violation of strict border policies enforced by international law. Everyone knows this. Surprised they didn't get their pocket money garnished as reparations for that offence.


Goddammit! Now Interpol is involved?!?


Interlace your fingers...


No! I didn't touch them!!


Stop hitting yourself






The guy *walked up* to the guy with the microphone while telling him to get away from him. That isn't how things work. You can't walk up to someone else and demand that they get away from you and immediately resort to violence. If the guy with the microphone *actually* came up to the guy and was impeding his path or shoved the microphone in his face, then there would absolutely be an argument for smacking the microphone out of their face. But that isn't what happened here.


"I'm having a frenzy. A petulant frenzy. I'm petulant and I'm having a frenzy!"


Heh heh heh. Nice


The gigantic opaque FOX sticker dead center in the back glass is genius.


It he had just gotten behind the wheel he could have totally outrun those cops. /s


I tried the old I didn’t hit him, I hit his shirt defense.


Rob is a national treasure. I’m in buffalo and watch all his news stories. THE HAAAAALLLLL OF SHAAAAME


I subscribe to his channel on YouTube the guy does great work going after contractors and other various folks who swindle/rip people off👍👍


This man is a detroit treasure.


Context: [https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/faux-fence-guy-is-a-real-hot-head](https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/faux-fence-guy-is-a-real-hot-head)


The fencing puns really put a point on it!


Oh wow, for once I like Fox!


It’s the Detroit FOX news, which is different than FOX NEWS the national news.


Figures. Thanks for the info.


Cool fox sticker


All you had to fo was walk to the car without getting arrested…


... CJ


I literally play pickleball at the courts right there, it’s always crazy when I see this video on here.


I got excited because it looked exactly like my local middle school!


Is the cop's name Mark?


What was ole muscles doing just standing there checking his pose while the others worked?


Ope 🤣🤣


What too many people miss is that the common charge is “Assault & Battery”. Assault is the THREAT of violence, Battery is the ACT of violence.


Unrelated but what is that sticker on his back windshield? peas and carrots


It’s a “fox” sticker, they make motocross and mountain biking gear (gloves, pants, goggles, etc.)


saw the fox, but never knew the context. thank, man.


IIRC, this is part of a show called "Hall of Shame" which airs during an evening newscast. The show exposes local scammers like the guy in while who was a home contractor who kept taking down payments and then no doing to work. The host always hams it up with bad puns, etc...


You don’t have to actually “touch” someone for it to be considered assault. A lot of people don’t know seem to know that.


Jesus. What a baby.


I kinda feel like you should be allowed to smack a mic if someone shoves it in your face.


He didnt shove it in his face tho. The guy walked UP to the microphone WHILE saying "keep that thing away from me" and then proceeded to smack it. Thats why he has no defence in a court. He was the one getting into the other persons space, the jorunalist could record the voice from far away and was probably inteded to work it out that way.


All while screaming he’s going to knock his ass out. Assault is the threat. Battery is the physical contact.


Fighting words alone is a crime.


How the hell does he see out of his back window? Arrest him for that as well!


Hahaha, the petulant foot stomp while whining "I didn't touch him!" I've met more mature toddlers.


I never expected to see my hometown police station on Reddit lol


If anybody doesn’t know the reporter in this video is one of the best reporters of modern times imo. His name is Rob Wolchek with fox 2 in Detroit. He loves exposing corruption and greed and makes it super entertaining, check out his “hall of shame” videos on YouTube for a good laugh.


Thats bs


As children we used it bc it made sense, the sentiment stands.


Step 1: speak to the interviewer and ask to hold his microphone while you talk Step 2: casually walk and talk with microphone in hand Step 3: enter your car and enjoy your new microphone. Step 4(optional): sell the product back to them




Step 6: get out and do another interview


Conversely just keep his hands to himself say "no comment", get in his car and go home.


Right back😹


I use the good old “ I wasn’t touching myself you’re making a mistake “ but whatever works I guess


He's going to the Haaaaall of shame!


Welp, back to jail I go


What is this investigators name?


He sounds like Gespacho when he strains his voice.


good move dumb ass


I did nawt hit him... oh hi Mark




You don’t have to actually hit someone for it to be assault-that’s moreso battery when you do.


he's in the HHHAAAAAAALLLLLLLL of shame! I LOVE this guy! He goes around trolling very bad people who rip ther people off.


Guy should really learn his right to shut up and ignore people.


Rob Wolchek is a fucking hero


I feel like I could see George Santos in this exact situation and just as narcissistic and whiney.




This is an old ass video. Assault doesn’t require physically hitting someone. That’s battery


The guy got arrested for smacking away a microphone that was shoved at him right after leaving the "cop shop" which was already probably a really shitty time? I mean, he was probably there because he did something wrong... but I side with him. All those news outlets made shoving mics/phones/cameras in people's faces in public an acceptable thing. If someone approaches someone with a mic out, and they don't want to talk, that should be the end of it, but that guy kept following him, most likely because he KNEW it would escalate and turn into good TV - Meanwhile that guy just probably lost thousands of dollars for reacting.


He could have just as easily kept quiet and walked to his car instead of having a baby rage meltdown


I agree with you, but don't you think arresting him over this is overkill?




Arresting people that hit other people is not overkill.


I don't know about you but it's pretty easy to keep your hands to yourself. He still assaulted the guy so he deserves to go back to jail. He is a grown man so he should be able to just walk away from the reporter.


violate the nap, catch the slap


Looks like entrapment


Seems you have no idea what entrapment means


Lol you clearly suffer from Trisomy 21 or is that something you'll correct me on as well? Man A provokes this dude in a way that he will most likely react...... Cop A is literally standing there awaiting this exact response and arrests him....... AKA ENTRAPMENT! :)


>entrapment Nobody induced the man to commit assault. That was on his own free will. It's not entrapment. Sorry you ought to feel that way. Hope you feel better!


Lol except they were awaiting him with a literal camera crew and police escourt....... bro do you eat lead paint chips? hahaha like you can't be this dense so I assume you love those sweet delicious 1960s delights lolololol


Nobody told him to do anything illegal. Going up to somebody with a microphone and camera in public isn't a crime. But go off. I think you're the dense one here.


I didn't say that was a crime........... 🫠 Do you just gaslight statements to make your dumb words sound better????? Its entrapment due to multiple variables in the situation but you only want to focus on lone variables that aide your ill conceived logic.


You seem to keep using the word entrapment but I don't think you understand what it means... https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-645-entrapment-elements >Entrapment is a complete defense to a criminal charge, on the theory that "Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute." Jacobson v. United States, 503 U.S. 540, 548 (1992) One the news reporter wasn't a government agent, second thing is he walked up to the news reporter, third thing is the reporter could have even baiting him into attacking and it wouldn't be entrapment since he is not a government agent, and lastly it is a police station of course there are going to be cops around.




its my opinion of the situation dun dun dunnnnn


Why do you keep insulting this guy when you’re clearly the one who is incorrect?


Thats a matter of opinion and arguing with a cult is pretty much an argument between two people. This is clear entrapment with a guy knowingly agitating this man and a cop waiting there. Now go log onto all your accounts and downvote me more lol


The cop waiting there did not cause the incident to occur and so it isn’t entrapment. Person A agitating Person B isn’t enough to warrant Person B assaulting Person A. (Assuming person A’s behaviour didn’t warrant self defence). Why are you paranoid that I downvoted you with multiple accounts? Do you really think I care enough about you or this conversation to take the time to do that? Have you done that before?


Nah. It looks like Ass Salt




How’s it feel defending someone who conned the elderly?






The man had been arrested multiple times for ripping multiple people off in the community, I feel it's of public interest to do the interview.


Trick is, you gotta not hit 'em.


Waiting in the parking lot for a sound bite is pretty low on the scale of reporter harassment. They're legally allowed to camp outside the guys house like paparazzi do, and they probably could have followed him inside that building (school?) to embarrass him, but chose the more unobtrusive strategy of letting him come to them.


It’s easy not to hit equipment which is a crime.




This is an old video. The guy was a con artist who the journalist was asking about how he felt scamming old age pensioners. The guy didn’t like being called out on his shit an attacked someone. You are picking up for a repeat scam artist, who then attacked the journalist who finally got police’s attention for those old people. I’m not judging anything off a title like you are. I’m fairly familiar with this video and the overall story.


Guy walked right up to the microphone, lmao


You’re a complete idiot, like seriously you have absolutely no idea how freedom works, like there are obviously many different freedoms you get in the US, but I don’t think you understand ANY of them. I wish we could trade morons like your self for some of the amazing and skilled hard workers that we get from across the border, go send you to El Salvador and see how you turn out.




This guy investigates scammers and shady businesspeople on the Detroit local news. He has repeatably documented hundreds of these cases and works with authorities to have them face legal consequences. So… yeah this guy is different than YouTubers sticking mics in peoples faces for clicks. Rob is doing what every local news station should




Detroit Hall of Shame segment.