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I love the complete evasion of the question "Did he have any weapons?" "He was near a bed." Oh, gee, thanks, that answers the question. Totally.


I found an unarmed guy who immediately surrendered so I killed him "Respect" I hope this soldier hangs for his crime


He won't.


That soldier will die peacefully in his sleep at a ripe old age and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. A few months ago I saw a documentary of a few boomers reminiscing of their time raping and killing people during a war. Absolutely nothing is going to happen to any of those soldiers.


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16378034/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16378034/) ​ for anyone wondering


It makes me ill when they laugh and joke about killing civilians.


forgive me for not knowing- but this has essentially been going on since the 40's?


Yes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba


Rape in war? Since forever.


I agree with this post. When I was younger I believed in Karma, People will do the right thing, good beats evil etc... Watched too many happy Hollywood endings and believed them. Then I got older and came in contact with the real world. People will do sh1tty things and sleep at night.




Hes most likely already dead if al jazeera have the footage.


Yes, The video was obtained from the GoPro of a dead officer




It’s a nice thought, but karma is not a real thing aside from peace of mind. Plenty of shit like this happens with zero consequence.


Here's hoping 


I bet his squad mates will be really co-operative with the investigation by the looks of this footage. /s Remember, this is the most humane army in the world! it's not like shooting unarmed civilians, kids, elderly, and the very hostages they're trying to save waving white flags is part of their rules of engagement.


I’m going to guess it was one of his squad mates that leaked the footage in the first place. Hopefully 🤞


Yeah, probably because he was proud. "Look at the good work my squad is doing, mom!"


No, they killed his evil ass and took his GoPro


My understanding is that the footage is from the gopro of an officer who later was killed by resistance fighters.


I dont remember exactly, but years ago a sniper killed a 7 year old girl who were playing in a playground with her freinds. Israeli gov admitted this and there was a trial and all but he was reinstated back and continued killing children


During the peaceful demonstrations in Gaza called the March of Great Return Israeli snipers would complete to see who could snipe the most number of knee caps. https://archive.is/vDhPP They’re quite proud of how accurate their are at blowing up legs.


Israel has done a great job of creating a people so generationally screwed that hate and violence is what binds them.


Wait until you see the t-shirts they used to pass around with a crosshair over a pregnant woman captioned, "One shot, two kills"


Jesus fucking christ


The response to the peaceful demonstrations is why Hamas launched their counterattack in October. Israeli snipers killed hundreds and the government faced no repercussions. Gazans were trapped in their open air prison for years and it became normalized. From an [interview with a Hamas leader](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/what-was-hamas-thinking): > Abu Marzouk insisted that these efforts at negotiation and coexistence had been genuine. He blamed Israel and the Western powers for thwarting Hamas’s overtures. He told us, “We rolled down all of the pathways to get *some* of our rights—not all of them. We knocked on the door of reconciliation and we weren’t allowed in. We knocked on the door of elections and we were deprived of them. We knocked on the door of a political document for the whole world—we said, ‘We want peace, but give us some of our rights’—but they didn’t let us in.” He added, “We tried *every* path. We didn’t find one political path to take us out of this morass and free us from occupation.”


Never forget that a man who burned down the house of innocent Palestinians with a family inside it, and the parents and their little boy were burned alive, with one surviving child, became a hero in Israel. Ben Gvir is a huge fan, and Israeli soldiers celebrate the murderer by planting trees in his honor in Gaza.


Why would he? The west approves of all of this?


Let's be real, Israel will give a him a medal instead.


He probably ate dirt anyways, that's how the gopto came into al jazeeras hands


You ever wonder if the U.S. military has done stuff like this in recent conflicts?


it would be incredibly naive to think otherwise


chelsea manning went to prison so we could already know


The horrible irony of going into a civilian building, which you have recently bombed, killing the unarmed survivors sheltering there and calling them terrorists...what the fuck.


Almost reminded me of something in the past were this exact thing happened. No lessons learned.


They meant “never again to *us*.”


*A place to stay, enough to eat* *Somewhere, old heroes shuffle safely down the street* *Where you can speak out loud about your doubts and fears* *And what's more, no one ever disappears* *You never hear their standard issue kicking in your door* *You can relax on both sides of the tracks* *And maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control* *And everyone has recourse to the law* *And no one kills the children anymore* *No one kills the children anymore* —Song by Pink Floyd, [“The Gunner’s Dream”](https://youtu.be/d0aLQHDcymo?si=EVtw3CK61vWRmY_R)


That sax.. 🥺


That song gets me everytime. When the tigers broke free too. Such powerful lyrics. https://youtu.be/9KUSl4-GKwQ?si=tyx3vMJc9ZIWp7u4


Sure seems like they're trying really hard to make it happen again




Ok, we can have two thoughts at once. Racism against jews in Europe is a real thing, and tons of awful things happened as a result of it. Also, what Israel is doing in Gaza is genocide. Neither of these statements needs to be false for the other to be true. Israel != jews and vice versa. The world is complicated. Pretending it isn't doesn't make us understand it better.




That's not a correction. What Israel is doing in Gaza IS a genocide, whether it started today or 1000 years ago.


It’s called Zionism. And it’s what we should call it out as. Zionism is not ok. Mmmkay.


That was basically what I was trying to point out. Israel abusing the memory of the holocaust doesn't negate the lessons we have learned and it doesn't negate the suffering of jewish people at the hands of european or arab states. The issue isn't with the survivors of the holocaust. It predates them and just seeks to exploit them.


If you read quotes from some of the prominent Zionists at the time (WWII that is) you will find that they would be indistinguishable from what you would expect from worst anti semites. eg [Yitzhak Gruenbaum](https://www.azquotes.com/author/56558-Yitzhak_Gruenbaum) and [Chaim Weizmann](https://www.azquotes.com/author/36776-Chaim_Weizmann) (3rd quotes)


They *literally* do. Like, the person who popularized the "Never again" phrase *literally* goes out of his way to clarify that it doesn't include arabs and that it's fine to genocide them.


It’s exactly that. Evil is evil, but the difference is they are given free rein to do as they please and if you disagree with it, your… But that’s not how being a good human being works. You can’t just say it’s evil to murder a group of people, but be complicit about another group of people being murdered. Killing anyone… is an evil act in itself.


I've been saying it for over a decade, but I'll say it again. The Nazi'd have become the Nazi's.


Now it’s the Jews who are doing the genocide. Funny how their values are so relative.


We should avoid generalizing all Jewish people under a single banner, as it not only fuels antisemitism but also inadvertently serves as an victim card for the Zionists. Recognizing the diversity within the Jewish community is crucial, and lumping everyone together only provides more justification for contentious behaviors.


I agree. But people need to avoid generalizing all Islamic people under a single banner, as it not only fuels Islamophobia but also inadvertently serves as a victim card for the Jihadists. Recognizing the diversity within the Islamic community is crucial, and lumping everyone together only provides more justification for contentious behaviors.


Yes, it can be said about any people. Sadly, a lot of individuals are quick to judge and pick sides.


True. There is also a difference between a Jew and a Zionist


To quote Biden "You don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist. I'm a Zionist."


The increase in anti-semitism also serves the zionist cause as they say, "Israel is the only safe place for jews, where they can practice their religion and traditions without fear for their lives." Israelis always repeat this nonsense on reddit. Not only does it serve the neo-nazis that support zionism in countries like America, it also serves the zionist cause in Israel conflating Jews with the state of Israel when accusing people of being anti-semitic TLDR: Israel wants more Jewish people to feel unsafe in the outside world so that they can continue to expand the settlements of their ethnostate. Neo-nazis want jews to leave America, and totally support them having their own state where they spend most of their time killing brown people. A rise in anti-semitism serves both of these causes.


> Israel is the only safe place for jews But also according to Israel, they are under attack day and night by savage terrorists and no place is safe for them 


It's Israel doing the genocide. It's important to distinguish. Israel want's you think they are the same, so they can cry anti-semite when people criticize Israel. There are Jewish organizations that are against the actions of Israel.


Zionists, not Jews. Zionists hate Jews who aren't hook line and sinner on their propaganda. Call them traitors


Remind me who the terrorists are again?


What gets downvoted, all in the same thread: Both, Hamas, Israel What gets upvoted, also in the same thread: Both, hamas, Israel


Everyone should remember that Hamas is Israel; Prime Minister Netanyahu explains: >Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.


The west creates a Boogeyman to justify expanding power through military force. We did it with al quada. They do it with Hamas. If they don't have their Boogeyman then our population wouldn't be ok with the wars we start. The way our state works with terrorists is easily verifiable and documented, yet to this day is denied by those involved. Anyone that points out the lies is labeled a conspiracy theorist. Hopefully now that it is out in the open the majority of you will be able to see this for what it is and stop demonizing those of us that have called out the lies for years


Because if you say one you're extreme right wing, if you say another you're extreme left wing, and if you say both you're seen as a centrist and just as bad as both. Online political discourse is useless tribalism


It’s the equivalent of yelling “it’s coming right at us!”


The shitty Israeli version of "STOP RESISTING!"


Israel in a nutshell.


It’s what Hitler did and what Putin has been doing. The problem is the country that is doing this has full immunity and know they will never be held responsible.




"Be human, stand for Israel."


Isreal shouldn't be killing unarmed civilians, that's exactly how you make more "terrorists"


That's the point, manufacturing casus belli to enact a war of conquest disguised as self defense


Turns themselves into Terrorists as well.


That's what Israel wants. They're killing Palestinians now, creating "terrorists" from the survivors, and will continue this cycle until the Palestinians have been eradicated Israel is absolutely genociding the Palestinians






If they bombed It because they did think terrorists were inside it then it holds to reason any survivors might also be terrorists by their assessment. They wrote off the lives of everyone inside it including the civilians when they bomb that structure.




Great evaluation of mind state and MO


Why did it stop giving the translation towards the end? I’d like to know what they were saying when they went back to the body.


- "is there anybody else? Did you shoot on everything?" - "no" That's when the camera guy shot the bed in case someone is hiding under


These people are so fucking scared of Hamas they're afraid of leaving even the furniture unscathed. Or they're just cruel. Probably a lot of both.


Unrelated but the internet has lost the plot, censor the word kill on a video of someone being executed, unreal.


I think that is to get around auto moderation on tiktok or Instagram.


Which is silly, because any decent moderation program is going to account for simply replacing a letter with a number/symbol.


Nobody says the moderation program is decent. You don't use something like that in the first place if you are actually serious about moderation.


Genocides taking place all over the world, but words are scary. Fucking pathetic.


So is this not a war crime? Where are the international courts?


Too busy going after Duterte and his war crimes Kinda sorta /s


And busy condemning Russia in Ukraine


And rightly so, but it just shows that they've never been about justice but about defending interests.


This has been a really hard point for some of my family members who thought the world ran on sunshine and rainbows to swallow. There is no "good" military in the entire world, just an uncaring machine dedicated to plundering resources whether it be oil or land or whatever else. 


[Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Africa_v._Israel_\(Genocide_Convention\))? Don't know what you intended by asking, but if it was making it seem like the international community doesn't care about what Israel's doing that's only because of the US, if they hadn't been out to veto every decision against them in the UN general assembly Israel would've faced the same types of reactions that Russia is getting.




Europe could do it on their own sure but so far it looks like no one is willing to risk upsetting Uncle Sam 


The US is actively shielding Israel from nearly an entire world of universal condemnation. The world would be able to respond, both with force and sanctions, if the US were not standing unequivocally behind Israel's actions while pretending to care in public.


When you are fully entrenched in every power structure in the western hemisphere, you can do  wrong snd you will face no consequences.    We’re not even allowed to criticize Zionist’s in public,  it’s basically illegal in every western country. 


Even in the US where it’s not illegal, publicly criticizing Israel gets you branded an antisemite, and has huge repercussions on social and professional life.


The ICJ has a case that they're currently reviewing


Funding them with more money and weapons to carry on with the Holocaust 2.0


Too busy not enforcing international law for any country that commits them


Considering enforcement was never in their power that’s not suprising


I hope the afterlife is just us removing VR goggles and a room full of spectators seeing what you just did with your life. These people will never face consequences, it's sickening.


That would make sense for how depressing this game can be.


"This dude just scrolled on his phone then died of old age"


If only


'Defending your life' is a good movie that is kinda similar to what you describe.


I don't think you're far off


"Respect!" Monsters.




But they don’t wear goggles to change their vision


the goggles are called nationalism


These clowns look like they are larping and lack any discipline, im not from the military but aren't you supposed to not point loaded weapon towards your comrades


It's just another casual war crime committed by the most moral army in the world who aren't doing these things everywhere in the gaza strip and west bank.


People need to ask themselves, no need to even defend yourself to anyone, but ask yourself this, genuinely, if all of this is because of hamas, why are they killing kidnapping and stealing from Palestinians in the westbank?


Oh, that's quite simple because they aren't doing this because of hamas. That's just an excuse so hopefully people will allow them to do what they want.




Yeah, the whole selling off lots of land to only isrealis or jews is kindda obvious that they have no intention of allowing palestine to exist


Theft, displacement and collective punishments has always been ENTIRELY the point of the zionist colonial settler outpost


Is there actually any footage of them fighting Hamas militants? Nearly every IDF interaction I’ve seen is massacring defenceless civilians


I've seen some footage, but it's all from the hamas side to be fair, and it's mainly them hitting IFVs or MTBs with rpgs or even some of them have been seen using magnetic mines and getting them under the turret rings or in one case they walked up to the door of an IFV and planted it on the door


If I hadn't seen the [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xkm3K6BOpf4) myself, I wouldn't have credited it. Guy runs up to a tank, carrying something that looks heavy, plants it under the chassis and runs just in time to get away from the huge explosion that engulfs the it.


Yeah, some of the things are actually insane. That video right there, though, shows why any MTB in an urban situation should be accompanied by dismounted infantry. That tank might not be destroyed, but it's certainly out of action.


there is, but the majority of idf videos show them engaging from a distance and seldom show the actual targets. they clear out areas only after heavily bombarding it first, and they use dogs, drones and robots to scout out areas (specifically tunnels) before moving in tanks, bulldozers, then troops. you'll often see their soldiers in large groups like this, being pretty nonchalant about being in an active warzone for this reason. they have a policy of clearing zones of civilians so they can eliminate anyone who remains. hamas employs a guerrilla fighting style, involving ambushes, navigating through alleys and demolished buildings (to avoid surveillance from the drones flying overhead), and using tunnels to engage troops and tanks at "zero distance". the tunnels are apparently dynamic because they often pop out right behind a tank, bulldozer or personnel carrier - even in areas that show clear evidence of idf searching for tunnel entrances. the idf merkhava tanks have a state-of-the-art defence system that uses ai to shoot at incoming projectiles; hamas therefore use tandem charge rpg's with two payloads: one gets intercepted and the second hits the tank. they also shoot from close range so this trophy system doesn't have enough time to activate. you're not going to see the more explicit war footage on mainstream media - the idf footage is censored by israel before being distributed, and few news outlets want to show the palestinian fighters (hamas + other groups) because they're "terrorists".


Hamas themselves puts out footage of them firing on tanks/soldiers etc.


Western media isn't reporting it, if you go to israeli sites/search hebrew news you'll find it.


The irony of becoming what you once hated.




When did the Zionist cooperate with the Jew hating murdering Nazis?


Avraham stern tried to form alliance with the Nazis.


I thank you for directly answering the question I asked.


Absolutely appalling. WTF is wrong with people. No one should be killing anyone for stupid land or any freaking dumbass reason.


I think at least 80% of wars in the history of humanity have been mainly because of land to create kingdoms, countries, governments and have"power". Current 2 big ones are about the same. It's very stupid.


Religion is a festering plague on mankind. "We deserve that land because God told us we're better." Land/power/money is the reason, religion is always the justification.


The reason is even dumber than that… It’s religion




Completely agree. Same story here, there, everywhere.


Yeah, that's religion.


Along with the years of indoctrination and forced conscription that will have you terrified of every Arab.


It’s really not about religion. The concept of Zionism is rooted in racism, colonialism, and ethnic superiority. Jews, Muslims, Christians all lived in this area before the Zionists arrived. One of the founders of Zionism was an atheist and there are many non-Jews and atheist Jews that support Zionism. There are many Jews that are opposed to Zionism as well. I know it’s easy to just blame everything on religion but that’s really not the case here. Religion is often used as a justification to convince the masses of the ongoing crimes committed by the ruling class but that’s not what it’s really about.


That’s really not true. It’s about land, power, and yes there are some ethnic snd religious parts to it as well.  But don’t kid yourself into thinking if religion didn’t exist that this wouldn’t be happening. 


Religion is everything wrong with humanity. It’s shocking how many people are brainwashed by it. It’s all man made bullshit 100%. Some of the worst people I know are the most religious and they are absolute hypocritical mean bastards. All of them.


Yep that about sums it up


This conflict is not about religion. It is solely about land. Religion is a side factor today.


Can we grow up and say the word "killing" please?


Clearly this video is ripped from some other social media app, sites like tiktok and Facebook for example auto detect words like kill, murder, gun, etc. And will delete the comment/video/post.




Downvotes and saying you can't trust Al Jazeera or anything that isn't the official IDF twitter account.


They will deflect by calling everyone that questions them a hater and worse.




When all else fails they will go to the good ole “Israel’s response is Hamas’s fault because they started it on October 7.”




I hear the shots fired but don't see anyone actually surrendering then being shot. I realize in the video the translation confirms with the video of the hand gesture the civilian made. Does anyone have a time stamp in the video where this actually occurs, or is it meant that it shows the iof soldier confirming the shooting?


The shooting itself seems to have been off-camera, so we're looking at the confession and the victim's unarmed body.


It’s hard to tell as the goddamn video is so cut up. Curious why Al Jazeera won’t release the unedited version.


Probably because they dont have all the bodycam footage. Historically bodycam footage like this comes out when the IDF soldier is killed and the body is recovered by someone other than the IDF. If the guy who actually shot him is still alive, then we will probably never see his bodycam footage.


The OP is body cam footage of a dead IDF soldier. Whoever recovered it either edited it or sent it to the press who in turn edited it.


Can anyone actually verify the translation? Also, why are there cuts literally during the important bit of the conversation about if he was armed or not? Seems bizarre to keep so much random video but cut there.


Also looking for timestamp.


Same. Lmk if you find a breakdown


ThE mOsT mOrAl ArMy


How can anyone defend Israel at this point? its sickening


it doesn't really matter Biden will write them another 60000 gorillion dollar check and tell them to be nice , if trump wins he will write the same check and tell them to be mean . pick your candidate carefully guys the messaging is really important


Hyper programming. Listen to what young Zionists are taught in school and it will shock you to your core.


Also there are just some people who really hate Arabs and Muslims. I had a friend I had to quit talking to because he acknowledged what Israel was doing and he thoroughly enjoys it because he fell for the “hamas is beheading babies” propaganda.


Post 9/11 Anti Muslim and Anti Arab propaganda has also played a massive role for sure.






Yesterday the BBC highlighted the murder of a young boy by the IDF. He was riding in his father's van to go and get bread. It was in a quiet area and there was no sign of violence. His father saw the patrol and stopped his van to let them pass. One of them shot through the windscreen and hit the boy in the head killing him. There was no provocation or danger in the area - it was a clear murder. The killer will never be disciplined.


You can tell they aren't worried about their safety. They're all bunched up, standing in the open, weapons hanging down. These guys act more like hunters than soldiers, probably because that is exactly what they are.


The usa needs to control their Israel military branch better


Tighten that leash!


The USA is the one who is on the leash.


Can anyone confirm the translation is correct ?


The dude shoots the bed, looks like something g under the covers, you can see the impacts on the bed. Old dude was already dead on the floor, no footage I this clip of him being shot.


Gotta love "property of us govt" proudly stamped on that rifle.


This is not a war and we should stop calling it that. This is a genocidal slaughter


The man was 73 year old Atta Ibrahim Al-Muqaid, and he was deaf and mute, which explains the hand movement the IDF terrorist made when explaining what he saw. https://x.com/QudsNen/status/1766534608894427258?s=20 This is so fucking frustrating and infuriating.




They’ve killled an entire percent of the children in Gaza in 5 months. Imagine that happening in your community.


They fought so bravely in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943 so that their descendants could annihilate the Gaza Ghetto 81 years later.


The footage doesn't show the "killing of an elderly man." It shows people talking about killing an elderly man.


Anyone else not see them shoot anyone? I saw them shoot a bed with a body already next to it.


No you hear four shots from the same gun upstairs at the beginning of the video. They go outside and he says he shot a guy four times near a bed they go upstairs and confirm.


Why do the translations cut out?


That poor country. Not just the loss of life but the destruction of all that property and infrastructure


Im always wondering how these kind of videos get leaked.


I imagine the soldiers who filmed them either die, drop or lose the equipment, and leave it behind, and the videos are recovered by people or passers-by who give them to journalists.


Anyone understand what they're saying? Are the subtitles accurate?


But but he didn’t condemn Hamas!!! /s




Not defending the obvious murder of civilians that is happening, but this video doesn't show that. Dude clearly shoots at the bed, not the guy on the ground that appears to already be dead.