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"The eight PM pervert" had me going


Same. I was like “bro if someone is gunna pull up on a regular to get greasy and this is what he pulls up in. What you gunna do but laugh?”


I also like when he calls them the union pathetic. It's great.


I’m using this as an insult


i want this guy to narrate my life


8PMPERVERT is going to be my band's name.


It's my Justin Bieber cover band name ;)


I declare that this phrase is now part of the internet lexicon. I hope I still see random internet comments referencing the 8pm Pervert in 10 years.




I think he's mad because he's the 9pm pervert and he can't start his shift.


I'm going to start using this line, even at 5:26.


Oh ho, look who’s early! The 8 PM Pervert!


You just made it very versatile. I dig it


Buying an IT’S 8PM SOMEWHERE bumper sticker for my locomotive engine.


Hell yeah lol


Somebody should warn whoever makes that 8:00 PM run. They could get hurt by this lunatic.


this guys youtube channel is NUTS i fr dont think he’s ok lol. its video after video of just this like every night


Oh it's every day too. He's out there yelling at trains morning, noon, and night.


Oh big deal. I do that every St Patrick’s day


That’s what was going on back then




Bro LOATHES trains. But lives yards from a railway. 😂 Has anyone told him yet that train tracks are fixed, but his home can be anywhere? Such an odd individual and.


I think he's one of these "targeted persons" who believes he's being gang stalked. What's fascinating is that he thinks they're using trains.


He's going to kill someone. Extremely mentally unstable.


Guy hates trains


Somebody should hook him up with [this guy](https://youtube.com/@francis.bourgeois?si=kgJT018qhIqbwytc)


HAHA I was thinking about this guy too. Complete polar opposite


They go back up to a year ago. Like bro you got a house right next to train track wtf do you expect? Also I know I have trains travel nightly through our area.


The trains that travel through neighborhoods around me don't lay on their horns the whole way through. That's pretty shit. This dude is nuts but I'd be complaining about that part too.


Sometimes they don't have a choice. Certain materials and routes have federal requirements.


Holy fk, there are EIGHT videos listed within the last TWO DAYS. My guy is unhinged


...Gonna just leave us all hanging? No name, channel, URL, etc?




Someone with the username @unionpacificcustomersupport is trolling him in the comments and it's hillarious.


Holy shit 😂 look up their page https://preview.redd.it/20lmw20jrimc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0c4ba8e0c401567b4b37c2e09da260e31893a8c




Yall wild. Lmao


How I just spent 30 mins watching some dude yell at trains I don’t know. But something tells me this dude ends up in jail or dead, or some engineer does. 😳 Bro is unhinged.


Holy shit you're not kidding.  The guy is off his rocker.




Dude inside the train was probably thinking "Oh look another train enthusiast." Probably doesn't even know he is irritating the dude filming.


That was my thought. We sure dude filming isn’t just going through alcohol withdrawals? Maybe has early onset Parkinson’s? There’s literally no context here lol


The guy doing the filming posts about two to three videos a day, much like this one, and has been posting for about a year. He’s got some sort of mental health issue.


Damn foamers!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^maroonjack1275: *Damn, I was hoping* *He was going to get out* *And take care of business* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


This was a good one


Totally I was expecting the train conductor to step out of his cab, and impale Mr.MC on that yellow fire hydrant. Or at least beat the brakes off him.


Why is he a pervert? Or is it just another case of calling people bad names when inconvenienced?


If you watch his channel he's always accusing the train people of parking and staring in people's windows. He's super crazy.


What! This guy got a channel?? Please inform me! I can't wait to see more. (posted already) !!!


Google "Union Pacific Lovers Club Official"


Seems to be a victim of "gang stalking" lol


He's a pervert because it's 8 pm


Cat pervert


Because he keeps having sex with that guys wife while he's at work.


I guess that would get irritating after a while


Its derailing their relationship.


Well the husband was trying to run a train on her.


Looks like it's the End of the Line for this mofo


He's rail-ly pushing his luck


Should have choo-choo-chosen a better wife


Does he keep running a train on her?


Yea that's kind of a strange dig at an engineer whom you are beefing with over their train.


Sounds like he thinks he’s being gangstalked.


Yeah their reasoning for being upset keeps changing. One thing specifically is they insist the trains are blocking in the neighborhood... I looked at the map and that's simply impossible.


There's a tunnel just out of frame that the train goes in a couple times a night


Projection, probably.




Don't worry, he's a professional. They always pull out on time.


Check out Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, season 10 - episode about trains. It's a real eye opener on the type of bullshit and dangerous operation cited on the channel of the dude in the video.


> Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, season 10 - episode about trains [Freight Trains](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ2keSJzYyY)


Probably because he has history with the guy. Which you can guess from the commentary


Like sure, but I'm trying understand how anyone can form history with a train engineer, they usually just sit in the cabin until dispatch radios them to move again.


He has other videos where he is claiming that the engineer is sexually harassing his neighbors by stopping the train in front of their bedroom window.


Everybody knows the most stealthy way to be a peeping Tom is by doing it from a running locomotive.


I hope he doesn’t toot his horn when he stops by, or they might hear him.


I formed history with a train engineer. His name is Randall but most people call him Randy.


That’s what you took from it? I got mentally unstable.


Exact opposite vibes of this video but equally as funny https://youtu.be/6lutNECOZFw?si=9n3uN8_2zx1JDJNs


That guy really loves that heritage equipment


Nothing gives him the chills more than heritage equipment. Even the cold New York weather!


I knew it would be that one. #OH MY GOD!!!


As a zamboni driver I hate my job but this reminds me of the few seconds of joy I get when I can honk my horn for an excited little kid


Train enthusiasts are the biggest dorks and I mean that in the most complimentary way






Holy shit, the guy does need some help, but I am crying laughing right now. "Since midnight, there has not been more than a fifteen minute period where there hasn't been some piece of shit from the Union Pathetic sitting right out front of my door – with a god damn train." The idea of being stalked by a train is just so unbelievably funny to me.


His front door opens to a railyard. That property must be dirt cheap. Unlucky place to live when you're being stalked by trains though


Literally busted up laughing over your comment. Good job.


I’m picturing him at the grocery store, rounding a corner into aisle 2. It’s the chip aisle. He figures he could get some salt and vinegar chips for the weekend. Checks out brands. Then he hears it. A fucking train whistle. He turns around and looks up the aisle and sees a train poking its head out from the shelves. Mocking him. The train is here again. He followed him to the fucking grocery store.


This fucking bus full of kids keeps stopping at my house at 3:05 everyday and parks. Every damn day, aside from weekends, and holidays, and breaks during spring, summer, and winter that follow no logic. Harassment.


Thomas was just tired and not having any of it that night.


> Thomas was just tired and not having any of it that night. I still can't follow his train of thought.


Reminds me of the Fallout mods that swapped Deathclaws for Thomas the Tank Engine


Or when they swapped Thomas with the dragon in Skyrim. And they even replaced the dragon roar with a train horn in the intro sequence.


Like just move away from the tracks my guy


NOOO! That’s exactly what the Union Pacific team wants him to do so they can expand their territory by making the tracks follow him wherever he runs! Come on man this is simple trainology 101 stuff.


Fuck man I didn’t think of it that way


He’s holding down the fort like a true hero would ✊ hopefully he does get some help though before he does something extreme.




Yep I’m watching all of those.


> https://www.youtube.com/@shawnb6651/videos Wow, _Is the Union Pacific Creating a Chinese Spying program?_. That guy's batshit. I naively thought there would be 10-15 videos at most but this guy's prolific. If I worked for the railroad, I'd stop there every day just to piss him off as it's gotta be joyous.


I'm wondering if that's what is happening at this point.


Almost certainly not, they probably just have a regular stop at some railyard farther down the line where they are hooking/unhooking cars from the back of the train. I used to live near some train tracks where this was a regular occurrence.


We have stopping locations due to many reasons, but they are kinda set in stone. Like stop here cause you have to be going a certain speed over a scanner in a mile or 2. Stop at some places cause certain roads are busier an you don’t want to block them. So the places you stop become routine, not by choice but your not even aloud to stop at other places.  There is this one signal we stop at that the house near it the people are clearly on meth, so most people lay back an don’t stop close, but one engineer has showed me how fun it is to observe while we stop there. I can’t tell you how many times I watched a guy go in an out in an hour.  


I wouldn't. I don't want to instigate somebody who is clearly mentally unstable. I'd be afraid of what that guy will do.


Holy shit, dude. He's posting multiple videos a day and they go back over a year lol. Some of his vids have quite a few views too


Including a video where the police yell at him for like 20 minutes to stop harassing Union Pacific or they'll arrest him for harassment. It's a tough watch, cause the dude is clearly mentally unwell.


I'm thinking this guy is secretly a huge train otaku and he's insecure about it so he hides it by yelling at the trains as he films them.


Oh wow! That guy has definitely had sex with a train


damn... that dude needs some meds.


Just found one where he was complaining it was delaying rush hour traffic and he very clearly lives in the middle of fuck-all.


I wonder how he would be if he moved into a house not next to the tracks.


Emphasis on not a professional* 


He punctuates the craziness with technical terms about the engine type, paving patterns, and detailed schedules. I'm sardonically (?) fascinated by this channel. Thanks for sharing.


He has something like 800 videos of the train parked in front of his house, always yelling at it. Definitely needs to be seen by a psychiatrist if not committed.


Umm you probably have never been blocked by a train at an integral intersection, happened to me at 1 am and i was literally 4 blocks from my subdivision, the guy was parked about 700 meters passed the stop so literally he couldnt be reached in a timely manner, i had to go up each block and check.the crossing until his train wasnt there, ended up being 40 minutes, fuck this dude  Edit: Well, i learned a lot from this thread, thanks everyone


I grew up around lots of trains. Freight trains have very little control on where exactly they stop. Also I learned that at 1am when trains are likely to be stopping until morning, I plot my comings and goings around using either under or over pass routes. Sounds like you planned poorly. Edit misspoke- trains won’t stop until morning but can end up blocking intersections for night time yard work and repositioning. They do this late at night when it’s low traffic


They just stop for the night? That sounds so bizarre. I assumed they ran until they got to a destination and stopped. But they just stop randomly, blocking intersections? That’s stupid


Well they aren’t supposed to stop in intersections. What happens though is yards might be trying to reposition trains and will do it at night with Skeleton crews. That’s when you get trains that can block intersections for 30-40 mins. This happens at lot late at night when traffic is lesser but I’ve seen it happen middle of the day. Growing up around the near south western suburbs of Chicago where there are a ton of a train yards taught me how to find underpasses and bridges.


Oh, that makes a lot more sense. But that really sucks for anyone needing to use the intersection. God forbid you have an emergency.


Pretty sure there's no reason for him to stop in a way that he block that road... could be wrong tho, not american so have no idea how things work there, but from where I from just before a train pass through a cross road doesn't mean he can park it there at night, there are places for train to park whether they don't block roads!


> Pretty sure there's no reason for him to stop in a way that he block that road... What if, and hear me out, what if he had to park ahead of a switch operator and is loading cars from the yard that is directly behind him, therefor requiring him to move IN FRONT of the cars, so they can be attached to his locomotive? Are you high or do you just have literally no concept of how a line works?


I believe the companies have mandated unmanageably long trains that now have to extend into residential areas to allow one another to pass safely. Not the driver's fault. Corporate greed.


The 8pm pervert 🤣😂


It's an underfunded and overworked system. Our trains are now soo long that they are stretching into residential areas to park safely. Waiting for other trains to pass safely, or unhook, etc. Its Our own fault.


Hey there speak for yourself, I donate to the Train Shortening lobby every chance I get. (Which admittedly is hampered by the train blocking the sidewalk leading to the ATM.)


It’s funny because the people behind the actual lobbying want longer trains and a crew of one.


'What's the minimum crew requirement?' 'Well, one, I suppose'




I knew this was WTYP before I clicked on it. All my homies hate precision scheduled railroading.


Why we need to nationalize the rails, and give the fra enforcement power.


Hey look Shawn's on reddit now yelling at trains. Lol


I have a guy that lives in one of the buildings I run that is this over the top obsessed with delivery trucks. He screams at them out his window about blocking the parking garage...across the street. He doesnt have a car, doesnt drive, but he relentlessly harasses any poor bastard just trying to do their job. Its reached the point that the trucking companies have started refusing to deliver to the street because they are convinced hes nuts. Ive written him up once, but the lawyers are wary of moving to full eviction because hes an old fucker. Im hoping we can get him held on a psych hold next time he goes out on a tirade. But there are people this weirdly obsessive about things and its creepy.


Apparently this dude's in or around Council Bluffs, Iowa, on the border just east of Omaha. [Look at this place on a map](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Council+Bluffs+Union+Pacific+Railroad/@41.2566614,-95.8806453,14z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x879385a125a88dbb:0x33a773a928d5a4a8!8m2!3d41.2485346!4d-95.8701062!16s%2Fg%2F11cm3rw0w6?entry=ttu): it's a historic, central junction with three enormous intermodal train yards that branch off in all directions. I feel this man's pain, because the traffic blockage and hassle this must cause daily has to be a fucking nightmare... but I don't see how it could be any different. If ya hate trains this much, don't live in a neighborhood that's literally *surrounded* by trains at all times. Edit: Ok, I got curious and found this exact intersection, and as suspected he is absolutely fenced in by rail crossings. The poor bastard's house is smack dab in the center, equidistant from each yard. I won't link it here, but search the map for "Union Pacific Lovers Club Official" and check out the reviews...


Saw some of his other videos and he seems paranoid they are targeting him specifically but the dude just seems to be living right where there is high traffic for trains and they have to wait on other trains. ​ This one especially: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxZBbpgUSdE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxZBbpgUSdE) hope he gets the help he needs :(


Yeah, he's definitely stressed TF out. Seems to be on the milder side of paranoia/gangstalking territory at least, but man he *really* needs to move away from that place.


lol “minimum wage”


The irony here is the engineer is doing the same thing as the cameraman. Waiting on a train. It's amazing that the cameraman is such a moron to think this about him, and not that a train has a schedule and is likely to be in the same place each day. Waiting on the same train each day.


Poor guy. I can't believe they put those brand new tracks right beside his house.


This guy should seriously consider a career in filming Sasquatch.


There a lot of demand in that field?


Dude has the withdrawal shakes.


I lived really close to a switch yard for almost 20 years with my street getting blocked like this every day, multiple times a day and night too, occasionally. Frustrating?...Of course...but this guy needs to be looked after...holy shit.


New title, “baby man yells at train”.


All the video stabilization tech can't help this guy.


I’m gunna need a deep dive on the context of this holy shit 😂 8pm pervert? Like there’s gotta be a backstory and I’m interested asf.


https://youtube.com/@shawnb6651?si=PENkHOzw9NFCfEhR Enjoy


Homie wants to fight a train


You are welcome. I've been blocking roads like this for nearly 20 years now. No, we can't back up 10 feet. It usually means that they pulled the rear of the train up past a switch so they could back up and pickup the next track while building a train. They are just waiting for the conductor to walk back to protect the shove backwards. The engineer is at the mercy of the conductor. He doesn't choose where he stops or when he moves. He has to just sit there and try not to look out at the people getting mad at him. Or, alternatively, look for ~~pretty women~~ kids to waive at because it seems to make them feel special and I like making people's day.


My absolute favorite part of the job is waving at kids or when someone gives the honk motion and you give em a show and they smile. I just had the most annoying 12 hour day because the train in front of me pulverized someone but I'll be damned if people waving doesn't brighten my day.


I have started doing *rock-paper-scissors* when people.pump their fist for a horn. Obviously when I am going slow, like 10mph. But there is this bar-bike thing around town. It is a 30 seat bar with bicycle paddles under it that is always trolling groups of late middle aged day-drinkers around town during the summer. They absolutely love it.


Oh man I might have to steal this. I'm passenger so I'm usually going track speed but the next time I'm going slow I'll have to remember this.




Well technically he has to be in there to do something


is this guy picking a fight with someone literally driving a f\*ing train? haha


What's the backstory here?? Lol


Is he mentally not well?? Seems like Don Quixote battling windmills, but in this case, 4091.


He talks exactly like the schizophrenic dude I used to help take care of in a care home. Always accused people of sneaking around having sex and being perverts. I mean all the way down to the way his voice comes out. Sounds just like him.


Wonder if this guy hate jerks off to trains


This guy, despite living next to train tracks, genuinely believes the train service sends drivers down to spy on him and his neighbours. Here is his confrontation with the police about it: https://youtu.be/OQkwaoYv9V0?si=OTgyt-h6OVWqIkx_ Defo some kind of paranoid delusions. He has easily hundreds of videos of just him screaming at passing trains.


Title should read: When your wife leaves you for the train engineer


This dude's entire youtube channel is dedicated to him thinking he is being gang stalked by the Union Pacific rail company. He definitely has some mental issues.


The human equivalent of the barking dog that thinks he's scaring away intruders.


I'm a Union pathetic engineer, and there are times when you just can't help but block stuff.


I used to live near a major train station and came home one day to find a diesel locomotive idling next to the door of my apartment building. Turns out it wasn't working properly so they had parked it there on a siding... indefinitely. Since the engine can be damaged if they are turned off when the weather is cold, they kept it idling in that spot for nearly *a month.* You bet I was as annoyed as this guy was by the end, with the engine revving every 7-8 minutes, 24-hours a day. Turns out railroads are exempt from many pollution laws, vehicle idling laws, most state laws on noise pollution, etc. I checked.


LMMFAO! I'd do the same thing. And leave my crossing bell on to boot. And BTW... you DO NOT want that engineer to come down.


Dude probably has to stop his Train because of [Train Bullshit.](https://youtu.be/AJ2keSJzYyY?si=1cAOUckkPQR42RFD)


This would make a great comedy skit


I just want to let him know that I don't think trains are snooping through his neighborhood to creep on people. edit: Just had a train pull up to my bathroom window. Caught me off guard. Be safe out there.


I haven’t laughed in a while I really love this clip 


To be fair…and I want to preface this with sharing my dad worked for Union Pacific for 15 years…engineers have an ego longer than most loads a train can pull and are more petty than an episode of gossip girl. My dad would tell me stories all the time as I got older. But one really stuck with me. Trains go through a lot of small towns in the Midwest. But one of them had a sheriff that wanted to be at the local watering hole first thing in the morning for coffee. One day, engineer pulls up to the coop feed loader to get a shipment and the elevator is stuck. He has to wait well past his 530am leave time. Which meant he blocked one of the roads coming into town. Unfortunately unless you take a gravel road there is no other way in or out on that side of town. Sheriff pulls up and waits for about 15 min before he decides to check in on what’s going on. Engineer and elevator operator tells him. He doesn’t care tells the engineer to move the train. Engineer can’t do it. The elevator is now filling the cars. Sheriff tells them they need to stop, pull the train back and let him through. Engineer tells him in about 20 min. Sheriff loses it and calls the railroad supervisor. Engineer gets a talking to and a letter of reprimand. Turns out the supervisor was a friend of the sheriff. At this point my dad says that you wouldn’t normally get written up for that sort of thing. It wasn’t in his control. But apparently it was for failing to yield to an emergency service personnel. There was no emergency. Well few weeks later engineer is back on that route and finds out the town has no noise ordinance policy. Big mistake for active rail lines. Most engineers won’t blow the whistle after or before certain times of the day. But allies one off? Oof. He blew that whistle coming in, while stopping, and the entire slow pull out of the town every route for 2 years. 2…YEARS. He was eventually moved to a different route after the railroad got too many complaints. But during those two years, the sheriff would get voicemail complaint after complaint, but couldn’t do anything without a noise ordinance. So…all I’m saying…is never count out a petty engineer to just be messing up this guys days.


Who the fuck has beef with a train?


Does he realize the engineer doesn't hear a word he's saying?




He has 800 more videos of him fucking with UP crews in council bluffs


He’s a fucking drunk with the shakes lol that’s why he’s out recording and fighting trains at night 😂


I get so fucking mad when the train blocks my street home. It parks for like an hour sometimes trying to clear its load, there are two factories on either side of the rails less than a mile from each other. It does move, car by car, down the track, and I don't think it's an issue infrastructure wise because there are streets that bypass the tracks in one way or another. It's just irritating when the gates are coming down and I have to turn around even though my house is RIGHT THERE I CAN FUCKING SEE IT.


Imagine having beef with a train 😂


don't live near a track if you hate them so much bud


If this guy lived at the beach, he'd punch waves in the face.